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NAME: _________________________________

SECTION: ______________________________


Setup: Head to the website and download

the simulation.

Systematically learn about changing angles in refraction and answer the following questions.
 Which beam is best suited for measuring angles, the ray or wave?
 Which tool should you select for measuring angles, the protractor or intensity meter?

Set the top material to be air, and the bottom one to be water.
Using this setup and tool, investigate, discover, and answer the following questions:
 How does the angle of refraction compare to the angle of incidence, measured from
the normal, when going from air to water?
 How does changing the index of refraction of the bottom material changes the angle of
 How does changing the index of refractions of both materials change the angle of
 What conditions produce no refraction? What conditions produce maximum refraction?

Investigate the materials further: set the top material to be water, and the bottom one to be
Systematically investigate, discover and answer the following questions:
 How does the angle of refraction compare to the angle of incidence, measured from the
normal, when going from water to air?
 At what angle of incidence does something different happen that did not occur in the first
investigations? Describe what happens to the refracted beam at this critical angle?
 How does changing the index of refraction of the bottom material changes the angle of
 How does changing the index of refraction of the bottom material changes when the
critical angle appears?
 How does changing the index of refractions of both materials change the angle of
 What conditions produce no refraction?
 What conditions produce maximum refraction?

Investigate the beam itself. Click on the More Tools tab, and change your beam to a wave.
 Using the speed tool, investigate the connection between the index of refraction of the
bottom material and the speeds of the beams in air and in the bottom material.
o What do you observe? What is the relationship between index of refraction and
speeds of the beam?
o What equation connects the above two variables?

 Using the time tool, investigate the connection between the index of refraction of the
bottom material and the frequency of the beam in that material compared to the
beam in air. Observe the wavelength of the beam in the material compared to its
wavelength in air (you may slow down or pause the sim for this). Write down your

 Using the equation you found for the index of refraction, find the index of refraction of
mystery materials A & B. Search online and theorize what these materials might be.
 Investigate and report what effect changing the color (wavelength) of the beam has on
any of the refraction behaviors you already recorded.

 What happens to the speed of light as it goes from air to water?

 What happens to the frequency of light as it goes from air to water?
 What happens to the wavelength of light as it goes from air to water?

Summarize what conditions are necessary for refraction to occur, and how changing those
conditions change the amount of refraction. What conditions cause exceptional behavior?

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