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Note : The Rule number mentioned under “AUTHORITY” column refer to sections in Railway Servants
(Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules, 2005. In the case of Loco Running Staff and Guards, the leave reserves may
provided at the maximum of --------- and ---------- respectively.
Choice A: 30%, 25%
Choice B: 40%, 35%
Choice C: 35%, 25%
Choice D: 30%, 20%
Answer: A What is the maximum and minimum percentage of leave reserve permissible?
Choice A: 12.5 and 10
Choice B: 16 2/3,12.5
Choice C: 25,10
Choice D: 30,12.5
Answer: D
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR Which among the following statements about leave reserve are correct?
The sanctioned strength of Group 'C' and 'D' staff includes a leave reserve
provision, which varies according to the essentiality of providing relief to the
Railway servants who
1) avail leave
2) are absent on various counts i.e., joining time on transfer, vision tests, training
courses, court attendance, attendance at enquiries, PNM meetings, selections etc.

Choice A: 1 only
Choice B: 2 only
Choice C: 1 or 2
Choice D: None of the above
Answer: C: 124 Which among the following statements about leave reserve are true?
1) The provision of leave reserves as per percentages will apply to the permanent
2) Leave reserves with reference to the temporary posts should be provided at 7/8th
of the percentages prescribed in respect of permanent posts.
3) In the case of Loco Running Staff and Guards, the leave reserves may be
provided at the maximum of 30% and 25% respectively.

A: 3 only B: 1 and 3 only

C: 1 and 2 only D: 1,2 and 3

Answer: D Which among the following statements about Leave reserve are correct?
1) Ordinarily, the leave reserves should be provided in the lowest category in each
normal promotion group.
2) Categories where the leave reserves have been permitted to be provided in
intermediate grades have been specified.
3) Leave reserve should not be provided in the categories of staff of Railway
Schools who get holidays during the vacation and who have been excluded from
the scope of Hours of Employment Regulations

A: 1 only B: 1 and 2 only

C: 1 and 3 only D: 1,2 and 3

Answer: D 126 As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'long-on'
means a period of duty over ----------- hours in the case of 'intensive' workers,
over ----------------hours in the case of 'continuous' workers and over -----------
hours in the case of 'essentially intermittent' workers.

Choice A: eight,nine,twelve
Choice B: six, eight, ten
Choice C: eight, nine, ten
Choice D: eight,ten,twelve
Answer: D
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005
"Railway servants employed in confidential capacity" includes-
1) Stenographers working either in a separate confidential cell or attached
to the officers in Administrative offices
2) Cypher operators
3) Confidential Assistants and Personal Assistants
4) Any other Railway servant who may be so specified

Choice A: 2 and 3
Choice B: 1,2 and 3
Choice C: 3 only
Choice D: 1,2,3 and 4
Answer: D As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005
'Roadside station' means a station other than-
1) an important junction station
2) a station with marshalling yard
3) an important terminal station
4) a station where a separate goods office under a supervisory Goods
Clerk, in the grade of Head Goods clerk or a higher rank has been Provided

Choice A: 1
Choice B: 1,2
Choice C: 1,2,3
Choice D: 1,2,3,4
Answer: D 129 As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short off'
means a period of rest which in the case of intensive workers is less than ----------
hours in a roster of six hours duty.
Choice A: 10
Choice B: 12
Choice C: 14
Choice D: 16
Answer: B 130 Where the time assessed for doing preparatory or complementary work is under
----- minutes per day, the same shall not be treated as duty and shall not be
exhibited in the roster.
Choice A: 5
Choice B: 15
Choice C: 20
Choice D: 30
Answer: B
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR The work of an employee is to be regarded a 'essentially intermittent ' if his daily
duty hours include one period of inaction of not less than one hour, or two such
periods of not less than half an hour each and various periods of inaction
aggregating ------- percent or more.

Choice A: 50
Choice B: 60
Choice C: 40
Choice D: 30
Answer: A 132 The work of an employee is to be regarded a 'essentially intermittent ' if his daily
duty hours include one period of inaction of not less than --- hour/s, or two such
periods of not less than -------------- hour each and various periods of inaction
aggregating 50 percent or more.

Choice A: two,one
Choice B: one,half an
Choice C: two,half an
Choice D: half,half an
Answer: B The standard hours of duty for Intensive class of employment of Railway
servants shall be --------------------- .
Choice A: 40 hours a week
Choice B: 42 hours a week
Choice C: 45 hours a week
Choice D: 48 hours a week
Answer: B The standard hours of duty for Continuous class of employment of Railway
servants shall be -------- hours a week .
Choice A: 40
Choice B: 42
Choice C: 45
Choice D: 48
Answer: D The standard hours of duty for Essentially intermittent class of employment of
Railway servants shall be -------- hours a week .
Choice A: 40
Choice B: 45
Choice C: 48
Choice D: 60
Answer: C
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR The maximum time required to do preparatory or complementary work or both,

when the employment is intensive is ----------------------- .
Choice A: 3 hours a week
Choice B: 4.5 hours a week
Choice C: 6 hours a week
Choice D: 3 hours a day
Answer: A The time required for preparatory or complementary work by the running staff
shall be deemed to be----------hours a week.
Choice A: 0
Choice B: 2
Choice C: 4
Choice D: 6
Answer: C In the case of employment of a 'continuous' nature , the time assessed for doing
'preparatory or complementary work between ---------- and one hour per day
should be treated as one hour's work.

Choice A: 15 minutes
Choice B: 30 minutes
Choice C: 20 minutes
Choice D: 45 minutes
Answer: A The maximum time required to do preparatory or complementary work or both,
when the employment of a railway servant is continuous, is ----------------------- .
Choice A: 3 hours a week
Choice B: 5 hours a week
Choice C: 4.5 hours a week
Choice D: 6 hours a week
Answer: D As per the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005
continuous application to work with little or no periods of relaxation should be
considered to have been satisfied where the periods of rest, inaction or relaxation
do not aggregate ----- hours or more in a cycle of 24 hours or one hour or
more in a shift of ------ hours.
Choice A: 4,8
Choice B: 6,8
Choice C: 6,6
Choice D: 8,8
Answer: B
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR In the case of an employment of 'continuous' nature, the railway servant whose
place of residence is beyond 1.6 kilometers from the place of duty, ----------
hours of split-duty shall be treated as equivalent to eight hours of normal duty.
A: six B: seven C: nine D: ten
Answer: B As per the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest)
Rules,2005,---------------may specify any category of railway staff to be treated as
'Excluded' on the consideration that such staff are available on call.

Choice A: the Ministry of Railways

Choice B: the Ministry of Labour
Choice C: the Chief Labour Commissioner
Choice D: the Regional Labour Commissioner
Answer: A Principle of averaging for payment of overtime allowance shall apply to which
among the following?
1) running staff
2) operating staff
3) shift workers
4) railway servants whose work is connected with the work of any of the
above categories

Choice A: 1 and 2
Choice B: 2
Choice C: 1,2,3
Choice D: 1,2,3 and 4
Answer: D As per the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005,
---------------------- shall specify the railway servants or classes of who shall be
treated as supervisory staff .
Choice A: the General Manager
Choice B: the Railway Board
Choice C: the Regional Labour Commissioner
Choice D: the Ministry of Labour, Government of India
Answer: D As per the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005,
any railway servant aggrieved by the declaration of his employment as 'intensive' or 'essentially
intermittent' may, within ninety days from the date of such declaration--------------- , prefer an
appeal to the

A: General Manager B: Railway Board

C: Regional Labour commissioner D: Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India
Answer: C
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 the
power to declare the employment of railway servants as 'intensive' or
'essentially intermittent' shall vest in the --------------------- .

Choice A: head of the Railway administration

Choice B: head of the Department
Choice C: head of the Divisional administration
Choice D: Railway Board
Answer: A As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short
off' means a period of rest which in the case of essentially intermittent workers is
less than ------- hours.
Choice A: 8
Choice B: 9
Choice C: 10
Choice D: 11
Answer: A As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short
off' means a period of rest which in the case of continuous worker is less than
----- hours.

Choice A: 9
Choice B: 10
Choice C: 11
Choice D: 12
Answer: B As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short
off' means a period of rest which in the case of intensive workers is less than
----- hours in a mixed roster of 6 and 8 hours duty.
Choice A: 10
Choice B: 12
Choice C: 14
Choice D: 16
Answer: C As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'full-
night' means the period between ----------------------- .
Choice A: 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m.
Choice B: 8.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m.
Choice C: 6.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m.
Choice D: 10.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m.
Answer: A
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR All employments of Railway servants except those excluded from the purview of
the Hours of Employment Regulations are assumed to be ------.
Choice A: 'Excluded'
Choice B: 'Continuous'
Choice C: 'Supervisory'
Choice D: 'Essentially Intermittent"
Answer: B Locomotive or traffic running staff shall be granted, each month, a rest of at least
------ periods of not less than twenty two consecutive hours of each, or a
rest of at least ------ periods of not less than thirty consecutive hours of each
including a full night.
Choice A: 4,3
Choice B: 6,4
Choice C: 5,3
Choice D: 5,4
Answer: D 153 Railway servant whose employment is Intensive or Continuous shall be granted,
every week commencing on a Sunday, rest of not less than --------
consecutive hours.
A: 24 B: 28 C: 30 D: 36
Answer: C Railway servant whose employment is essentially Intermittent, shall be granted
rest of not less than ------------- consecutive hours including a full night
Choice A: 22
Choice B: 24
Choice C: 28
Choice D: 30
Answer: B No Railway servant classified as Intensive shall be called on duty unless one has
had a rest of not less than -------- consecutive hours after completion of the
previous tour of duty.
Choice A: 8
Choice B: 10
Choice C: 12
Choice D: 16
Answer: C No Railway servant classified as Continuous shall be called on duty unless one
has had a rest of not less than ----consecutive hours after completion of the
previous tour of duty.

Choice A: 12
Choice B: 10
Choice C: 8
Choice D: 14
Answer: B
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR No Railway servant classified as Essentially intermittent shall be called on duty
unless one has had a rest of not less than -------------consecutive hours after
completion of the previous tour of duty.
Choice A: 12
Choice B: 10
Choice C: 8
Choice D: 6
Answer: C Every Railway Administration shall send each financial year a return in Form 'B'
appended to the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest)
Rules,2005 , so as to reach the Regional Labour commissioner not later than
the ----------- following the end of the financial year to which relates.

Choice A: 30th day of April

Choice B: 15th day of May
Choice C: 31st day of May
Choice D: 15th day of June
Answer: B Where railway servants are required to perform split-duty, such duty shall be
subject to the condition that the spells of duty shall not exceed ------------------
and the number of breaks shall be limited to --------- .

Choice A: three, two

Choice B: two, one
Choice C: four, three
Choice D: five, three
Answer: A Railway Servants (Hours of Work & Period of Rest) Rules, 2005 have been made
under the powers conferred by ------------------------------------ .
Choice A: Article 309 of the constitution
Choice B: proviso to Article 309 of the constitution
Choice C: Rule 125 of the Indian railway Establishment Code
Choice D: section 136 of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989)
Answer: D The employment of staff specified as "supervisory " is classified as --------------

contained in the Railways Act.
Choice A: Supervisory
Choice B: Excluded
Choice C: Continuous
Choice D: Essentially Intermittent
Answer: B A railway servant whose employment is essentially intermittent shall not be
employed for more than ------------------------ hours in any week.
Choice A: 60
Choice B: 72
Choice C: 75
Choice D: 80
Answer: C 163 A railway servant whose employment is continuous shall not be employed for more
than --------------- hours a week on an average in a two- weekly period of
fourteen days.

Choice A: 48
Choice B: 54
Choice C: 60
Choice D: 72
Answer: B The employment of a railway servant is said to be "---------------------" when it has

been declared to be so by the prescribed authority on the ground that the
daily hours of duty of the railway servant normally include periods of inaction
aggregating to fifty per cent. or more (including at least one such period of
not less than one hour or two such periods of not less than half an hour
each) in a tour of twelve hours duty (on the average over seventy-two
consecutive hours), during which the railway servant may be on duty, but is
not called upon to display either physical activity or sustained attention
Choice A: Continuous
Choice B: Intensive
Choice C: Essentially Intermittent
Choice D: Excluded
Answer: C The employment of a railway servant is said to be "---------------", if he is

employed in a managerial or confidential capacity
Choice A: Continuous
Choice B: Essentially Intermittent
Choice C: Excluded
Choice D: Intensive
Answer: C The employment of a railway servant is said to be "-----------", if he belongs to

the category of armed guards or other personnel subject to discipline similar to
that of any of the armed police forces.
Choice A: Excluded

Choice B: Intensive
Choice C: Continuous
Choice D: Essentially Intermittent
Answer: A
PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE, JODHPUR A railway servant whose employment is intensive shall not be employed for more
than --- ------------ hours a week on an average in a two- weekly period of
fourteen days.

Choice A: 45
Choice B: 48
Choice C: 52
Choice D: 54
Answer: A Staff of the railway schools imparting technical training or academic education are
classified as -------------------------- staff under REGULATION OF HOURS OF
WORK AND PERIOD OF REST contained in the Railways Act.

Choice A: Continuous
Choice B: Excluded
Choice C: Essentially Intermittent
Choice D: Intensive
Answer: B The employment of a railway servant is said to be "-------------" when it has been
declared to be so by the prescribed authority on the ground that it is of a
strenuous nature involving continued concentration or hard manual labour with
little or no period of relaxation.

Choice A: Excluded
Choice B: Continuous
Choice C: Essentially Intermittent
Choice D: Intensive
Answer: D The provisions of the Railways Act on REGULATION OF HOURS OF WORK

AND PERIOD OF REST shall not apply to any railway servant to whom
--------------------------- applies.
1) the Factories Act
2) the Mines Act
3) the Railway Protection Force Act
4) the Merchant Shipping Act
5) the Minimum Wages Act

Choice A: 2 and 5
Choice B: 1,2 and 5
Choice C: 12,3
Choice D: 1,2,3,4
Choice E: 1,2,3,4,5
Answer: D
OF REST is contained in ----------------------- .
Choice A: The Indian Railway Establishment Code
Choice B: The Indian Railway Establishment Manual
Choice C: The Railways Act
Choice D: the Railway Services(Conduct )Rules
Answer: C


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