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Ectomorph Fitness Plan


 To promote an active and healthy lifestyle

 To devise a fitness plan that even students or people with busy schedules can follow
 To achieve the goal of having core stability and building muscle



Warm- Up Neck Stretch 1-2 reps Low

Arm Stretch 1-2 reps Low
Knee Hug 1-2 reps Low
Quad Stretch 1-2 reps Low
Standing Knee Crunch 3-4 reps Moderate
Jumping Jack 3-10 reps Moderate
Modified Oblique Stretch 3-6 reps Moderate
Lunges 3-2 reps Low-Moderate

Peak Workout Push Up 3 sets (4-6 reps) Low-High

1st set 4 reps Low
2nd set 6 reps High
3rd set 4 reps Moderate

Punches 3 sets (12-18

1st set 12 reps Low
2nd set 18 reps Moderate
3rd set 18 reps High

Squat 3 – 6-16 reps Low-Moderate

1st set 6 reps Low
2nd set 8 reps Moderate
3rd set 8 reps High

Reverse Crunch 3 – 8-12 reps Low

1st set 8 reps Low
2nd set 8 reps Moderate
3rd set 12 reps High

Dynamic Plank 3 – 8-9 reps Moderate

1st set 8 reps Low
2nd set 8 reps Moderate
3rd set 12 reps High

Cool Down Inhale/Exhale 1-5reps Low

Arm Stretch 1-2 reps Low
Knee Hug 1-4 reps Low
Hand Shake 1-2 reps Low
Foot Shake 1-2 reps Low
Standing Chest Stretch 1-2 reps Low

Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT)

In order for the fitness plan to be executed successfully, the following FITT program stated
below will be applied:


Frequency Once a week, every Friday

Intensity Progression (Low-High)
Time 2 hours (1PM-3PM)
Type Warm-Up
 Stretching
 Crunching
 Jumping
 Lunges
 Squats
 Crunches
 Planks
 Push up
 Punch
Cool Down
 Breathing Exercises
 Stretching
 Hand rolls
Long-term Goal:

The long-term goals of the proposed fitness plan concern the physical and mental
development. Physical development goals include strengthening the core as well as building
muscles and to have a healthy lifestyle. Likewise, this will also help us in making better decisions
when it comes to our lifestyle, this may also include discipline in other related areas.
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija

Food Log:
body type
Sunday to thursday

Submitted by:

Flores, Angelique Nicole

BSAC 1-2

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