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Magic English Learning School

10th Class
Base word Bangla Meaning New Word Bangla Meaning
agree m¤§Z nIqv disagree Am¤§Z nIqv
allow gÄyi Kiv disallow bvgÄyi Kiv
honest mr dishonest Amr
like cQ›` Kiv dislike AcQ›` Kiv
obey gvb¨ Kiv disobey Agvb¨ Kiv
legal ‰ea illegal A‰ea
legible mn‡R cvV¨ illegible hv mn‡R cov hvq bv
liberal D`vi illiberal Aby`vi
literate A¶i Ávb m¤úbœ illiterate wbi¶i
use e¨envi misuse Ace¨envi
take ‡bIqv mistake fyj
lead Pvjbv Kiv mislead fyjfv‡e Pvjbv Kiv
fortune fvM¨ misfortune `yf©vM¨
fire ¸wj †Qvov misfire ¸wj bv †QvUv
conduct e¨envi misconduct `ye©¨envi
responsible `vwqZ¡evb irresponsible `vwqZ¡nxb
resistible cÖwZ‡iv× irresistible AcÖwZ‡iv×
relevant cÖvmw½K irrelevant AcÖvmw½K
regular wbqwgZ irregular AwbqwgZ
rational hyw³wm× irrational hv hyw³wm× bq
visible `„k¨gvb invisible A`„k¨gvb
justice b¨vqwePvi injustice AwePvi
discipline k„•Ljv indiscipline wek„•Ljv
definite wbw`©ó indefinite Awbw`©ó
capable ‡hvM¨ incapable A‡hvM¨
active mwµq inactive wbw®Œq
ability ¶gZv inability A¶gZv
mortal giYkxj,bk¦i immortal Agi, Awebk¦i, A¶q
personal e¨w³MZ impersonal e¨w³MZ bq Ggb
patient axi, ‰ah©kxj impatient Aaxi, A‰ah©kxj
polite we‡ePK impolite Awe‡ePK
partial AvswkK, Am¤ú~Y© impartial wbi‡c¶,c¶cvZnxb
balance fvimvg¨ imbalance fvimvg¨nxb
sense KvÛÁvb nonsense KvÛÁvbnxb
stop weivg nonstop Aweivg
violence wnsmªZv nonviolence AwnsmªZv
able m¶g unable A¶g
common mvaviY uncommon AmvaviY
fit Dchy³ unfit Abychy³
necessary cÖ‡qvRbxq unnecessary AcÖ‡qvRbxq
usual ¯^vfvweK unusual A¯^vfvweK
wise Ávbx unwise AbweÁ
measurable cwi‡gq immeasurable Acwi‡gq
mobile MwZkxj immobile wbðj, MwZnxb
moderate cwiwgZ,gvSvwi immoderate AcwiwgZ
modest webqx immodest Awebqx
moral ‰bwZK immoral A‰bwZK
movable cwieZ©bkxj, A¯’vqx immovable ¯’vei, AwePj
possible m¤¢e impossible Am¤¢e
potent ‡Rviv‡jv, kw³kvjx,Kvh©Kix impotent A¶g, Amg_©
st nd rd
1 . 2 . 3 . 4th. 5th.
Future Tense- Table no-9 (Passive Voice)
Sentence Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect
A.S. Wh I will be called. Wh I will be being called. Wh I will have been called.
N.S. Wh I won’t be called. Wh I won’t be being called. Wh I won’t have been called.
I.S. Wh Will I be called? Wh Will I be being called? Wh Will I have been called?
I.N.S Wh Won’t I be called? Wh Won’t I be being called? Wh Won’t I have been called?
Avgv‡K WvKv n‡e| Avgv‡K WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e| Avgv‡K WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e|
Avgv‡K WvKv n‡e bv| Avgv‡K WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e bv| Avgv‡K WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e bv|
Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡e? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e?
Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡e bv? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e bv? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e bv?
Shall not = shan’t, (kv›U),
Will not = Won’t (I›U),

N.B: (GLb Standard English- G Shall Gi cwie‡Z© me †¶‡Î Will e¨eüZ n‡”Q)
(Will is being used everywhere against shall in a Standard English now)

Bangladesh will be called. evsjv‡`k‡K ejv n‡e ev WvKv n‡e|

Bangladesh will be made free. evsjv‡`k‡K ¯^vaxb Kiv n‡e |
Water will be called life. cvwb‡K Rxeb ejv n‡e |
The matter will be discussed. welqwU Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡e |
Jamuna bridge will be built. hgybv †mZz wbg©vY Kiv n‡e |
Computer will be invented. Kw¤úDUvi Avwe®‹vi Kiv n‡e |
The present world will be considered. eZ©gvb wek¦‡K we‡ePbv Kiv n‡e |
They will be called politician. Zv‡`i‡K ivRbxwZwe` ejv n‡e |
Present era will be called scientific era. eZ©gvb hyM‡K weÁv‡bi hyM ejv n‡e |
It will be called beautiful. Bnv‡K my›`i ejv n‡e |
It will be made of gold. Bnv ¯^Y© Øviv ‰Zwi Kiv n‡e |
st nd
1 . 2 . 3rd.

Facebook Profile: Ansarul Haque Rana

Facebook Page: Magic English Learning School
Facebook Group: Magic English & Creative Invention
Youtube: Magic English Learning School
Sentence Making
evsjv evK¨ English Sentence

1. ax‡i ax‡i Bs‡iRx wkLv‡bv nB‡Z _vwK‡e|

2. fvj e³v I Dc¯’vcK nIqvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i †K ESE †Z fwZ© Kiv‡bv n‡e|

3. ESE wK Bs‡iRx wk¶vi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx Kiv n‡e?

4. n¨v, ESE Bs‡iRx wk¶vi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx Kiv n‡e|

5. Zv‡`i †Kb fvj QvÎ ejv n‡e?

6. Bs‡iRx‡Z Zviv Lye fvj ZvB Zv‡`i‡K fvj QvÎ ejv n‡e|

7. wKQzw`b ci ESE ‡K Bs‡iRx wk¶vi GKgvÎ c×wZ wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv


8. Bnv‡K Amg¤¢e ejv n‡e|

9. Caretaker govt. wK †`‡ki Rb¨ DcKvix wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv n‡e bv?

10. ivRbxwZwe`‡`i †Kb mv_©ci wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv n‡e bv?

11. GwU wK Øviv ‰Zwi Kiv n‡e?

12. Wv³vi‡`i‡K Av‡iv m‡PZb Kiv n‡e|

13. ivRbxwZwe`‡`i‡K KLb MY gvby‡li eÜy evbv‡bv n‡e?

14. hviv igRvb gv‡m †ivRv iv‡L Zv‡`i‡K Avjøvni wcÖq ev›`v ejv n‡e|

15. KLb evsjv‡`k‡K GKwU ga¨g Av‡qi †`‡k cwibZ Kiv n‡e?

16. 2021 mv‡j evsjv‡`k‡K GKwU ga¨g Av‡qi †`‡k cwibZ Kiv n‡e|

17. †Kb Zv‡`i †K ivRbxwZwe` ejv n‡e|

18. Zv‡`i Øviv †`k‡K fvjevmv n‡e bv|

19. AvMvgx ïµevi GKwU wW‡fU K¬v‡mi Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡e|

20. Biv myB‡Uej Bswjk †Kvm©wU Bs‡iRx wkLvi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx Kiv n‡e|
1 Assembly House msm` feb
2 Assembly Secretariat msm` mwPevjq
3 Atomic Energy Centre cigvYy kw³ †K›`ª
4 Anticorruption Commission `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb
5 Bangladesh Military Academy evsjv‡`k mvgwiK GKv‡Wgx
6 Bangladesh Navy evsjv‡`k ‡bŠevwnbx
7 Bangladesh Air Force evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx
8 Bangladesh Army evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbx
9 Board of Investment wewb‡qvM †evW©
10 Bureau of Statistics cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv
11 Bangladesh Public Service Commission evsjv‡`k miKvwi Kg©Kwgkb
12 Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Aciva AbymÜvb wefvM
13 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research weÁvb I wkí M‡elYv cwil`
14 Civil Aviation Authority ‡emvgwiK wegvb PjvPj KZ©„c¶
15 Cultural Organization ( UNESCO) RvwZmsN wk¶v,weÁvb I ms¯‹…wZ ms¯’v (BD‡b‡¯‹v)
16 Department of Narcotics Control gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿K wefvM
17 Directorate of Census Av`gïgvwi cwi`ßi
18 Directorate of Planning cwiKíbv cwi`ßi
19 Directorate of Prison Kviv cwi`ßi
20 Directorate of Technical Education KvwiMwi wk¶v cwi`ßi
21 Environment pollution control office cwi‡ek we`~lY wbqš¿b `ßi
22 Export Processing Zone (EPZ) ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY AÂj
23 Export Promotion Bureau ißvwb Dbœqb ey¨‡iv
24 External Finance Division ‰e‡`wkK A_© ms¯’vb wefvM
25 Election Commission wbe©vPb Kwgkb
26 Emergency Fund (UNICEF) RvwZmsN AvšÍR©vwZK Riæix wkï Znwej (BDwb‡md)
27 Home Department ¯^ivóª wefvM
28 Horticulture Development Board D`¨vb Dbœqb †evW©
29 Housing Directorate Avevmb cwi`ßi
30 High Court D”P Av`vjZ
31 Inland Water Transport Authority (JWTA) Af¨všÍixY †bŠcwienb KZ…©c¶
32 Manpower and Employment Wing kªgkw³ I Kg©ms¯’vb kvLv
33 Meteorological Department AvenvIqv wefvM
34 Ministry of Cultural Affairs ms¯‹…wZ welqK gš¿bvjq
35 Ministry of Women and Children Affairs gwnjv I wkï welqK gš¿Yvjq
36 Ministry of Relief and Rehabilitation ÎvY I cybe©vmb gš¿Yvjq
37 Office of the Commissioner of Taxes Ki Kwgkbv‡ii `ßi
38 Press and forms Department gy`ªY I dig wefvM
39 Press Information Department (PID) msev` Z_¨ wefvM
40 Publication Department cÖKvmb wefvM
41 Public Health Engineering Department Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj wefvM
42 Prime Minister’s Office cªavbgš¿xi `ßi
43 President’s Office ivóªcwZi `ßi
44 Registration of Trademark cY¨wPý wbe›`K
45 Registration Directorate wbe›`b cwi`ßi
46 Roads Highways Department moK I gnvmoK wefvM
47 Secretariat mwPevjq
48 Supreme Court m‡e©v”P Av`vjZ
49 Small Industries Corporation ¶z`ª wkí ms¯’v
50 Tourist Bureau ch©Ub ey¨‡iv
51 Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) cvwb I kw³ Dbœqb KZ©„c¶
52 Department of Fire Service and Civil Defence AwMœwbe©vcK I AmvgwiK cÖwZi¶v wefvM
1st 2nd 3rd
Advance AwMÖg Adviser Dc‡`óv
Adviser Dc‡`óv Auditor wbix¶K
Bacteria RxevYy Attorney General iv‡óªI cÖavb AvBb Kg©KZv
Biography Rxebx Associate mn‡hvMx
Cabinet gwš¿cwil` Additional Secretary AwZwi³ mwPe
Capital g~jab Assistant Commissioner mnKvix Kwgkbvi
Deed `wjj Assistant mnKvix
Additional Deputy
Delegation cÖwZwbwa AwZwi³ †Rjv cÖkvmK
Editor m¤úv`K Administrator cÖkvmK
Expert we‡klÁ Administrative officer cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v
Fiscal A_©eQi Accountant wnmvei¶K
Faculty Abyl` Accountant General gnvwnmvei¶K
Goods cY¨ Ambassador ivóª`~Z
Gymnasium e¨vqvgvMvi Admiral †bŠ-‡mbvcwZ ,GWwgivj
Handicraft n¯—wkí Chief Adviser cÖavb Dc‡`óv
Habit Af¨vm Chief Justice cÖavb wePvicwZ
Invest wewb‡qvM Kiv Cabinet Secretary gyL¨mwPe/gš¿xcwil`mwPe
Inquiry AbymÜvb Chairman ‡Pqvig¨vb /mfvcwZ
Joining ‡hvM`vb Clerk KiwYK
Joint family GKvbœ cwievi Chancellor AvPvh©
Keeper i¶K Chief gyL¨,cÖavb
Labour kªg Chief Engineer cÖavb cÖ‡KŠkjx
Legal ‰ea Chief Inspector gyL¨ cwi`l©K
Memorandum ¯§viKwjwc Collector Kv‡j±i
Manuscript cvÛywjwc Commander AwabvqK
Note gš—e¨ Commander-in-chief me©vwabvqK
Nutrition cywó Commanding Officer AwabvqK Awdmvi
Pay †eZb Commissioner Kwgkbvi ,gnva¨¶
Proposal cÖ¯—ve Commissioner of police cywjk Kwgkbvi
Removal AcmviY Comptroller of Accounts wnmve wbqvgK
Rank c`gh©v`v Conservator of Forests eb msi¶K
Sale weµq Consul evwYR¨ `~Z,Kbmvj
Skill `¶Zv Development Officer Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v
Tax Ki District and Sessions Judge ‡Rjv I `vqiv RR
Trade evwYR¨ Divisional Commissioner wefvMxq Kwgkbvi
Urban ‡cŠi Director cwiPvjK
Uniform Dw`© Director General gnvcwiPvjK
Vacancy Lvwj Deputy Commissioner ‡Rjv cÖkvmK
Valid ‰ea Deputy Secretary Dc mwPe
Weekly mvßvwnK Demonstrator cÖ`k©K
Will B”QvcÎ Editor m¤úv`K
X-ray iÄb iwk¥ Executive wbe©vnx
Year book el© cwÄ Election Commissioner wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi
Zone AÂj Estate Officer m¤úwË Kg©KZ©v
Occupation ‡ckv Executive Engineer wbe©vnx cÖ‡KŠkjx
Well-wisher ïfvKv•Lx Field Supervisor gvV ZË¡veavqK
Well –up cvi`k©x High Commissioner nvB Kwgkbvi
Well-to-do weËevb;¯^”Pj Inspector General gnvcwi`k©K
Well-timed mg‡qvc‡hvMx Instructor cÖwk¶K
Well- regulated mywbqwbš¿Z Jailor Kviva¨¶
Well-proportioned myMwVZ Lecturer cÖfvlK
Well-off m”Pj; fvM¨evb Librarian MÖš’vMvwiK
Well-nigh cÖvq; KvQvKvwQ Minister gš¿x
Well-meaning mr D‡Ï¨k¨c~Y©;mw`”QvcÖm~Z Manager e¨e¯’vcK
Well-mannered mf¨:f`ª Magistrate g¨vwR‡÷ªU
Well-known mycwiwPZ Managing Director e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK
Well-knit myVvg; `~ofv‡e mshy³ Member m`m¨
Well-informed IqvwKenvj; mywew`Z Mayor ‡gqi
Well-grounded/founded mycÖwZwôZ;`„i wfwËi Dci cÖwZwôZ Officer Kg©KZ©v
Well-favoured mykªx; wcÖq`k©b President ivóªcwZ
Well-enough ‡ek fvjfv‡e Prime Minister cÖavbgš¿x
Well-educated mywkw¶Z Professor Aa¨vcK
Well-earned mrfv‡e AwR©Z; h‡_vchy³ Principal Aa¨¶
Well-doer mr †jvK; DcKvix e¨w³ Principal Officer gyL¨ Kg©KZ©v
Well-disposed AbyK~j;cÖmbœ;m`q g‡bvfvevcbœ Register wbeÜK,†iwR÷ªvi
Well-born myRvZ Research Officer M‡elYv Kg©KZ©v
Well-bred mywkw¶Z ev myywk¶vcÖvß;f`ª Speaker ¯úxKvi
Well-appointed Dchy³;mywbev©wPZ Secretary mwPe
Vice Chancellor DcvPvh© Secretary General gnvmwPe
Vice Principal Dcva¨¶ Sub Editor Dc-m¤úv`K
Supervisor ZZ¡veavqK Superintendent Aax¶K

1st. 2nd. 3rd.

Learn Correct Spelling.
wewkó, cv_©K¨ AvU‡K ivLv cÖkvmK m¤úK© we‡kvab Kiv
distinguish confined administrators affairs concentrate

‡fŠ‡MvwjK A™¢y`, wewPÎ AZ¥Z¨vM i¶vKeP `~b©xwZ

geography peculiar sacrifice safeguard corruption

Reading Practice with Correct Pronunciation.

Reading book is a good habit. Books give man knowledge. Books teach a man how to distinguish between good and evil. Books bring peace
of mind. So, it is necessary to cultivate the habit of reading books. Bangladesh is a developing country of the third world. Many people of
this country live below the poverty line. Illiteracy is our national problem. Still our national development is impossible without education.
Nowadays, women are playing an important role in every sphere of life. They are not confined to the four walls of their parents and
husband’s houses. Receiving higher education, they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators and so on. They are not
lagging behind even in politics and ruining state affairs. They top the list in the politics of Bangladesh. To get up early in the morning is
good for health. At that time the air remains pure, the mind remains fresh and there is no high sound. One can concentrate on any kind of
work. The person, who rises early, gets ample time as well. She/he can take a rest and can finish the tasks in time. So to rise early in the
morning is a good habit. Traveling is an integral part of our education. The knowledge we acquire from the textbooks at schools is not the
first hand knowledge. We read stories of different countries in geography sitting at ease at home. How peculiar the countries are and how
peculiar their social customs and life styles are! Our motherland is Bangladesh. We have achieved independence at the expense of a lot of
sacrifices. A true patriot loves his country. He works to make the country free from corruption. He is ready even t sacrifice his life to
safeguard the independence of the country.

Facebook Profile: Ansarul Haque Rana

Facebook Page: Magic English Learning School
Facebook Group: Magic English & Creative Invention
Youtube: Magic English Learning School

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