Phase in TQM Implementation ASSESMENT-this Process Requires A

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CHAPTER 6  ASSESMENT- this process requires a

PHASE IN TQM IMPLEMENTATION through self. Assessment both from

management and customer of clients.
 Jablonski- offers a five-phase instruction for implementing - The assessment will be on the qualities and
total quality management namely preparation, planning, characteristics of members of the company
assessment, implementation, and diversification. as well as the company itself.
 Jablonski’s approach is one of many that have been applied 3 METHODS THAT CAN BE USED MAKING
to reach TQM, but contains the key elements commonly
connected with other accepted with other accepted total
o Discussion Group Method- can yield some
quality system.
useful insights and facilitate effective
 PREPARATION- It is during preparation when management improvement activities.
decides whether or not to pursue a TQM program. o Survey Method- is excellent for measuring
employee perceptions of TQM in an
- They undergo initial training, identify needs for outside
consultants, develop a specific vision and goals, draft a
corporate policy, commit the necessary resources, and o Award Type- self-assessment is the most
communicate the goals throughout the organization. effective form.
- PLANNING- In the planning stage, a detailed plan of  IMPLEMENTATION- at this point, the
implementation is drafted (including budget and schedule),
organization can already begin to
the infrastructure that will support the program is
established, and the resources necessary to begin the plan determine its return on its investment
are earmarked and secured. in TQM.
- Planning for quality starts with setting quantifiable and -
measurable targets.
- A ranking chart should be developed to finalize the most
important aspect of quality planning and more focus
should be given to that aspect.


1. The ‘5 Whys’- asking ‘Why?’- at least five times to unearth
the core cause of a problem.
2. Benchmarking- is a technique that measures a company’s
performance against the best in industry.
a) Internal Benchmarking- is a comparison between
operations or parts of operations which are within the
same total organization.
b) External Benchmarking- is a comparison between an
operation and other operations which are part of a
different organization.
c) Non-competitive Benchmarking- is benchmarking
against external organizations which do not compete
directly in the same markets.
d) Competitive Benchmarking- is a comparison directly
between competitors in the same, or similar, markets.
e) Performance Benchmarking- is a comparison between
the levels of achieved performance in different
f) Practice Benchmarking- is a comparison between an
organizations operations practices, or way of doing
things, and those adopted by another operation.
3. Brainstorming- is a technique in which a group of
people share ideas and thoughts in a relaxed
atmosphere on various problems in order to
stimulate unrestrained collective thinking.

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