Lesotho Haeso: Tourism News

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Tourism News Page 1

Tourism News
Newsletter of The Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation - LTDC

Lesotho Haeso
Lesotho Tourism De- tourism Month which started in September.
velopment Corporation These events included sponsoring schools’
(LTDC), the Ministry of poetry competition at this year’s Morija
Tourism Environment Cultural Competitions, and a welcome cam-
and Culture (MTEC), paign for tourists at key border posts on
and strategic partners in the form of Heads of September 27th, which is the official World
Border Agencies (HOBA), Maloti Route, and Tourism Day. The border post welcome Above: Minister of Tourism, Environment and Culture ‘Me’
tourism private sector commemorated the saw lucky travelers receiving a Lesotho gift Lebohang Nts`inyi making a speech at the Lesotho Haeso
World Tourism Day on Friday 12th October pack with information brochure, tourism as poverty reduction, job creation and in-
2007. The theme for this year’s World Tourism branded pens, chocolates and miniature come generation for the purpose of improv-
Day was a fitting “Tourism Opens Doors for Basotho souvenirs. ing the lives of Basotho.
Women”. The day’s celebrations were a culmi-
nation of a series of activities lined up for the The celebrations on 12th October, com-
prised of regional stakeholders in a float
(walk), mini-exhibition displaying local arts
& crafts, the official launch of the Lesotho
Haeso, a domestic tourism awareness
campaign, and the National Performing
Troupe, by the Hon. Minister Tourism, Am-
bassador Lebohang Nts`inyi. This was
important as a measure to continue to
raise awareness about tourism as a means
Above: LTDC CEO Mr. Mthwalo Mthwalo making a speech at the
to contribute to current national goals such
Lesotho Haeso Launch Above: Cultural performance at the Lesotho Haeso Launch

World Tourism Month and Day

Inside this issue:
In line with the current trend to empower
Minister Attends UNWTO Conference 2 women, the theme for this year’s World Tourism
Corporate Social Responsibility 3 Day was a fitting “Tourism Opens Doors for
1st Annual Tourism Conference 3 Women”. The day’s celebrations were a culmina-
Focus on LTDC 4 tion of a series of activities that were lined up
LTDC and Missions Abroad 4
for the tourism Month which started in Septem-
ber 2007. The border post welcome for tourists Above: Float celebrating World Tourism Day
LTDC Websites 5
on September 27th saw the lucky travelers re-
Private Sector Training 6
Above: A Tourist receiving branded pens, chocolates and a
tokens of appreciation at ceiving a gift pack of information brochure, LTDC
Upcoming Events 6
Mafeteng Border Post miniature Basotho souvenir.
Tourism News Page 2

The Corpo-
ration has
been con-
templating the
launch of a Tourism
Newsletter for a
while now, but has
hitherto been unable
to do so due to pres-
sure that this would
place on the Corpo-
ration’s resources.
However, the Corpo-
ration has recently
been strengthened
with the appointment
of a Public Relations
Officer, and this has THO
made it possible to
produce this first Is-
sue. The Newsletter
shall act as the
mouth piece of the From left to right: Director of Tourism, Mrs Mpho Moeketsi and the Hon. Minister of Tourism,
Environment & Culture, Ambassador Lebohang Nt’sinyi, at the General Assembly of UNWTO
Corporation, cover-
ing diverse areas of
its tourism develop- In her address to the United Na- Focusing on governance issues of to councils or committees must
ment and promo- tions World Tourism Organisa- the organization she said. be done strictly in accordance
tional activities. tion, UNWTO, held in Cartagena, with rules and procedures of the
Whenever it is pos- Columbia at the end of November “It is a source of concern to my organization. There should be
sible, it will also give this year, The Honourable Minis- government that 84% of UNWTO no exceptions to the rule.
platform to its coop- ter of Tourism, Environment & budget goes toward personnel
erating partners. It Culture, Ambassador Lebohang emoluments and administration Membership must be seen to have
shall come out quar- Nts’inyi, departing from the tradi- and only 16% toward programmes. been adequately consulted on
terly for distribution tional approach of using the occa- This is more worrying in the light important issues. We require that
to tourism stake- sion as a platform to show case of the proposed 2% increase in the General Assembly should also
holders and other ones’ country and showering membership dues. I strongly rec- be given an opportunity to make
relevant target praises to the management of the ommend that the organizational inputs.
groups. The nature,
organization, instead focused on structure of the organization be
style and format of
the Newsletter will governance issues of the organi- reviewed by the Executive Council. Concerning the 2010 World Cup
evolve according zation. event, UNWTO is expected to in-
feedback from read- My governments’ position is that terface with FIFA on behalf of its
ership and best prac- She appreciated the efforts made the filling of the Deputy Secretary membership on specific issues,
tices. Stakeholders by the organization in the promo- General position must be the man- and report to members accord-
are therefore encour- tion of sustainable tourism. How- date of the General Assembly, and ingly.
aged to give feed ever, she decried of continued all other positions should always
back. Contacts are inequities in the tourism benefits be sensitive to the language and or Meetings during the General As-
provided at the back between North and South despite region that the incumbents origi- sembly should be arranged and
of this Letter. the latter recording the highest nate. timed in such a way that it allows
growth in arrivals, especially the members an opportunity to con-
CHIEF EXECUTIVE Sub-Saharan Africa. Appointments of member countries (Continued on page 6)
Tourism News Page 3

Corporate Social Responsibility

For several years now, the Lesotho Tourism Development Corpora-
tion, LTDC, has been a sponsor for the Morija Arts & Cultural Festi-
val. In the category of Poetry and Film, this year, The Corporation
provided four trophies for presentation to two winning primary
schools and two high schools in the Poetry category at the Morija
Cultural Competitions during October 6th – 7th, 2007. The trophies
will be floating from year to year, presented to the winning

In addition, the Corporation will have certificates presented to the

schools that emerge as first, second, and third winners in the Po-
etry category. In subsequent years, the number of trophies shall
be increased, while the certificates will also be awarded to individ- Teachers and Students of St Louis Primary celebrating victory
ual students as a means to encourage them to participate in the and the award from LTDC
sessions, and build up local poetry as an art form.
The prize-giving campaign began on Monday October 15th at St
It was jointly decided, by a representative of the LTDC and the Louis Primary School in Matsieng. It is here that Ms Mpolai Khoali
Morija Cultural Festival Organizing Committee through its Chairman who is the member of the festival organizing team responsible
Mr. Gill, that the intended hand over of the prizes should occur at for Theatre Arts awarded a certificate of competence to Lieket-
the premises of the respective schools as a means to increase the seng Setipe, a class six scholar, for having won first place in the
popularity of the Arts among the students of the respective Lithothokiso category. This young lady also received a huge tro-
schools. phy on behalf of her school.

Inaugural of National Tourism Conference

The purpose of the National Tourism He went t on further to highlight that cluded from current economic growth
Conference is to bring all the stake- “The topics that are to be discussed initiatives shall be investigated under the
holders together to do soul searching, were carefully selected from a myriad topic Community Based Tourism. Destina-
and to discuss the burning issues in the of current issues of interest, based on tion Branding is currently unexplored in
industry, mostly based on content from the problems that Lesotho has with re- Lesotho, and will therefore be the subject
previous workshops. spect to tourism development.” of the fourth topic, which shall serve as a
basis of deciding our position in world
As tourism is a relatively new and un- The first discussion aims to highlight tourism, and help us to position ourselves
derdeveloped business sector in Leso- the possibilities of Collaboration in as a unique brand. The final discussion
tho, it is important for the LTDC to help Cross Border Tourism between Lesotho shall explore business and other opportu-
local organizations to stay abreast with and South Africa in the spirit of the nities that World Cup 2010 may bring for
international trends, practices, and Joint Bilateral Commission for Co- the nation at large.
standards. The Head of Investment Pro- operation (JBCC). Second on the agenda
motion at LTDC Mr. Tatia Jasina said is the exploration of competitive advan- It is envisioned that this type of sympo-
“This much needed global perspective tage and the key success factors that sium shall be convened on an annual basis
on tourism shall be divulged to the local shall allow Basotho to make informed with the aim of gradually improving the
industry players by a panel of highly decisions with respect to Tourism Busi- tourism sector in Lesotho.
knowledgeable international tourism ness . The ability of tourism to reach
experts.” rural communities that have been ex- The Conference is scheduled for 23 and
24th January 2008.
Tourism News Page 4

LTDC Focus—The Organization

Established by the Tourism Act of Par- Officer has the follow-
liament in 2002, as amended in 2006, ing divisions: Corpo-
Lesotho Tourism Development Corpo- rate Secretariat, Hu-
ration, LTDC, is working within the man Resources, Re-
government Poverty Reduction Strat- search and Develop-
egy, hand-in-hand with the Ministry of ment, Investment Pro-
Tourism, Environment & Culture, MTEC, motion, Strategic Mar-
toward a long term goal of making keting, and Public Re-
tourism sector a major employer and lations. There are also
a key economic player in Lesotho. two Information Of-
MTEC has produced an Update of the fices with one in the
1994 National Tourism Masterplan with city centre near the
the assistance of the UNWTO and the Basotho Hat and the
UNDP. The National Tourism Strategy other at Thaba Bosiu. Above: The LTDC head office on the corner of Parliament and
has now been produced following in- Linare Roads in Maseru.
teractive stakeholder workshops using
of the visitor. As adjunct to the key objective
the Masterplan as a guide. LTDC is
Working in the context of the Tourism Pol- of reducing poverty levels through employ-
planning on developing its own plan
icy of 2001, Tourism Act of 2002 as ment and income generating projects, the
during in the last quarter of this finan-
amended in 2006, the LTDC is making LTDC is targeting inter-alia, hospitality, arts
cial year, especially as its current plan
every effort to diversify the tourism prod- and culture, tour operation transport and
ends in March 2008. The Corporation,
uct by developing two tourism routes handicrafts sub-sectors.
which is managed by a Chief Executive
meant to enhance the overall experience (Continued on page 5)

Tourism Promotion with GoL Missions Abroad

An agreement between LTDC and GoL tion, and engagement in agreed promo- partnership with the high commission in Ireland un-
through it’s foreign missions has been tional activities for specific markets. It dertook a familiarization trip for the trade/tourism
reached regarding the promotion of is required that the involved staff be attaché around Lesotho to enable her to promote
tourism. The rationale for pursuing this highly informed regarding Lesotho Lesotho more effectively. The result is that packages
collaboration is based on cost effective tourism attractions and that they be of Tour Operators Association of Lesotho (TOAL)
use of financial resources as embas- able to promote them to the right audi- members have been included in Slattery
sies are resident in the target markets, Travel's 2007/08 catalogue.
making it cheaper for them to make
sales calls, run workshops, road shows Slattery Travel is one of the bigger tour operators
and attend fairs. This also provides from Ireland who run chartered flights to Cape Town,
better insight about the target markets from where tourists need to connect to Lesotho. A
and therefore it is easier to pick up the similar arrangement with the embassy in Tokyo, Ja-
latest trends regarding the needs of pan is in the pipeline. The trade/tourism attaché Mr.
international travelers. Naoto Kanamori was hosted by LTDC and other part-
ners during the 12th-20th November 2007. He met
One of the main requirements for this Sponky of LTDC and Ms. Corcoran from Ireland
sharing some the joys of Lesotho that are available
with the Strategic Marketing Department of LTDC to
program is staff appointment that fo- to tourists. chart ways for effective promotion of Lesotho to
cuses on trade and tourism issues, Japanese travelers and traveled to some tourist at-
with the main purposes of research, ences. tractions.
liaison with LTDC for strategic direc- It is for this reason that in May, LTDC in
Tourism News Page 5

LTDC Focus—The Organization

(Continued from page 4)
Following this review, the website was reconstructed into a
Community awareness campaigns will highlight these categories, as more attractive and functional website that passes the right mes-
well as assisting community-based initiatives in improving their sages to the target user. The reconstructed website is intended
skills and the quality of their products. A new grading system will to support user interactivity with the LTDC information requisition
enable even the least endowed areas to play a part in these develop- and feedback, online surveys, marketing of investment opportuni-
ments by providing over-night accommodation in their villages. This ties, information on tourism products, products search facility,
will be linked to hiking, 4x4 and pony trekking routes that have been and direct links. The home page is designed to visually capture
mapped out and promoted by LTDC in tandem with private lodges and excite the user’s imagination about LTDC as a major point of
and development authorities. reference in the tourism industry of Lesotho and compel the user
to explore more about the corporation. The search facility has a
Although appropriate tourism programmes are already in place in user friendly design that allows easy access to information such
various established institutions and privately run organisations, as survey results, questionnaires, and an online web reporter.
further development and expansion needs urgent attention. This website has links to short video clips, downloadable bro-
chures and pictures, downloadable full length videos, current and
Opportunities for investment in tourism include everything from archived research reports, also to other tourism websites. A
tour operations, hot air ballooning facilities and cultural entertain- feedback mechanism that is used to gather information from visi-
ment to accommodation facilities such as ski resorts. These are tors to the site is included.
being progressively promoted and packaged for potential foreign
The Corporation is also in the process of creating a new, com-
WEBSITES UPGRADE & pletely separate website, VISITLESOTHO. Travel, to specifically
DEVELOPMENT market Lesotho tourism products. This website is planned to
market Lesotho tourism online to recreational and business trav-
and local investors through efforts by the LTDC and its cooperating ellers, and to provide comprehensive and detailed visibility online
partners. for all local tourism service and product providers. The website
shall consist of two micro sites, one aimed at promoting tourism
Earlier this year the management of LTDC decided that there was a and the other aimed at promoting Lesotho tourism investment .
need to review the effectiveness and usability of its www.ltdc.org.ls Both micro sites will share a common look and feel, design, layout
website. and a common content database.

Media Familiarization—Getaway Magazine

Two journalists, Alison Westwood and Jazz Rural Income Enhancement Project (HNRRIEP),
Kushcke from Getaway Magazine based in Media Familiarisation.
Cape Town traveled to Lesotho to write fea-
ture articles on the country for the maga- Glenn of Malealea Lodge offered to take Alison on
zine. a tour of the South, leaving for Semonkong on the
Tuesday and spending time in the South at Letsie’s
During their stay from 9th-16th November Lake, Ha Liphaphang, Mphaki, and Mount Moorosi.
Jazz was assigned to cover the Northern Mr. Mashapha Nkuebe of Khotso Travel did the tour
route of the country, while his counterpart guiding for the entire Northern trip with Jazz. Mr.
Allison was in the South. Allison was being Ts'iu Shale, PRO of LTDC accompanied them.
fully catered for by Malealea Lodge and
Moorosi Chalets and Jazz's trip was under Left: Thaba-Bosiu Tour Guide Mr. Ran-
taoleng and Journalist Jazz Kushcke of Get-
the LTDC and Highlands Natural Resources &
away Magazine at Mokhorong oa Khotla on
the plateau.
Tourism News Page 6

Upcoming Events

sources & Rural Income Enhancement Project (HNRRIEP) area con-

Month Event Date Host Contacts
sisting of Botso, Lejone, Mahlabatheng, Mahloane, Mphosong, Nko-
December Lesotho High Early December Bothata Tsikoane +266 58078164 kana, Nqabeni, Papae, Papoeea, Phahameng, Phelandaba, and Se-
Altitude Summer
Marathon shote villages.
Annual African Early December Standard Lesotho +266 22315737
Melodies Festival Bank
Out of the twelve participants seven qualified as trainers. The roll
out of the beadwork training was later conducted in seven villages
Tourism Jazz 22nd December Montoeli ‘Moleli +266 58731243
Festival and Tour from the 5th to the 23rd of March 2007. Each of the qualified train-
January Mini Roof Enduro– 18 th – 19 th Jan LTDC supported by
+266 22312238 ers received the opportunity to impart their production skills to
Off road motorcy- Ministry of Tour-
cles. ism, Environment different groups within their areas.
& Culture
23rd—24th Jan
Semonkong Tradi- Monthly, every last Jonathan Halse (Continued from page 2)
+266 27006037
tional Horse Race Saturday tribute meaningfully and effectively to the development of the
February Peach Festival Mid February Lesotho Tourism 26622312238 organization.
(Maiden event)
Semonkong Tradi- Monthly, every last Jonathan Halse +266 27006037 Supervision of Regional Offices should be intensified to ensure
tional Horse Race Saturday
regular reporting to their constituencies, and that they also en-
March Moshoeshoe's Day 11 th March Lesotho Tourism +266 22312238
Celebrations, Thaba
sure regional and language balance, as well as that they follow
Bosiu rules and procedures of the organization appropriately.”
Mosali oa Seshoe- 22 nd March Lineo Sephelane +266 22311669
shoe Competition The Honourable Minister’s delegation comprised of Deputy Princi-
Katse Expo March LHDA +266 223111280 pal Secretary, Mr. Jobo Molapo, Director Tourism, Mrs Mpho
Semonkong Tradi- Monthly, every last Jonathan Halse +266 27006037 Moeketsi and Chief Executive, Lesotho Tourism Development Cor-
tional Horse Race Saturday
poration, Mr. Mthwalo Mthwalo.
In Maseru, Accommoda-
Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation
tion Establishment Owners were Corner Linare and Parliament Roads
divided into two groups and the Maseru
first was trained in Accommoda-
tion Management and Front Office POSTAL ADDRESS

Skills from the 25th to the 29th of P.O. Box 1378.

Maseru 100. Lesotho
June 2007 while the second group
Southern Africa
was trained from the 2nd to the
6th of July 2007. The two groups E-MAIL ADDRESS

were further trained on Food and [email protected]

Beverage Management during the
9th to the 13th of July 2007. WEBSITE

www ltdc.org.ls
The Community Training program
Photo: Students, Instructors and some LTDC staff
of the LTDC began with a course CONTACT NUMBERS

During the 2006/2007 financial year, Private Sector Train- on production of beadwork from Head Office: Tel. +266 22312238
ing for Caterers occurred in the country offered by South the 10th of October to the 3rd of
Fax. +266 22310189
African College of Tourism in partnership with the Free November 2006. This program
Information Office: Tel. +266 22312427
State Central University of Technology under the auspices of was offered to twelve members
Fax. +266 22313674
the LTDC. within the Highlands Natural Re-

"Promoting Responsible and Sustainable Economic Development through Tourism"

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