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the DeKalb FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2019 • VOL. 24, NO.

40• FREE


Sisters’ meal is
Thanksgiving gift
to community
‘Remember we are
our brothers’ keeper’

Septus Spain wants those who are homeless or

struggling to make ends meet in South DeKalb to have
someplace to go to for a meal and an encouraging word on
Thanksgiving Day.
She and her sister Jonatha Dennis plan to hold a
community dinner under a tent on a vacant lot at Ember
Drive and Candler Road across from the Gallery at South
DeKalb mall on Nov. 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Their plans
call for tables with white linens and fixings such as fried
and baked turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, dressing, During the past several years, Septus Spain, left, and Jonatha Dennis have prepared and given out bagged meals to homeless and
rolls and dessert to feed 300 people—for free. in-need persons in metro Atlanta. Photo provided
“I just feel compelled to do it,” said Spain.
The effort has no corporate sponsors. Spain said she
and her sister with support from co-workers are funding the
endeavor. They also plan to give away clothing and shoes,
wellness kits and toiletries.
While this is Spain’s first time hosting the organized
Thanksgiving meal, she said she has routinely given away
bagged meals to the homeless and those in need in Decatur
and Atlanta.
“I feel like I am not doing enough. With what is going
on in the world now, I want to do more,” she said.
South DeKalb is a community that needs people to care
more and do what they can to help others, she said.
“That particular area [Candler Road] is almost all the
working poor,” said Spain. “There’s a great need in that
Spain, originally from New York, credits her late
mother Gloria Wilson, a pastor, with instilling the spirit of
charity and compassion in her. The family would often give
away clothing and her mother would make home visits and
counsel families on the importance of staying connected
and supporting one another.
“You give, you do, you serve” is what she said had been
ingrained in her while growing up.
Spain, who grew up in a family with seven siblings,
said one of her brothers was homeless for 19 years and,
at times, estranged from the family. She gained firsthand

See COMMUNITY on page 9

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CDC urges flu vaccination, especially for those at high risk

BY KATHY MITCHELL however, are more likely to most seasons, people 65 be harmful for a pregnant
FREELANCE REPORTER get flu complications that years and older bear the woman’s developing baby,”
can result in hospitalization greatest burden of severe the CDC warns. “A common
While the Centers and sometimes death. flu disease,” states a CDC flu symptom is fever, which
for Disease Control and Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus report, which added that may be associated with
Prevention (CDC) reports infections and ear infections between 70 percent and neural tube defects and
that it’s to o early in the are examples of flu-related 85 percent of seasonal flu- other adverse outcomes for
current flu season to complications. Flu also related deaths have occurred a developing baby. Getting
characterize the timing of can make chronic health in people 65 years and older vaccinated also can help
the season, what viruses problems worse,” according and between 50 percent and protect a baby after birth
will predominate, or how to CDC’s website. 70 percent of seasonal flu- from flu.”
severe the season will be, the Vaccination, the website related hospitalizations have Young children
Atlanta-based federal public states, can reduce flu - “It has been recognized occurred among people in - Children also are
health institute is urging illnesses, doctors’ visits, and for many years that people this age group. particularly at risk, states
everyone 6 months of age missed work and school due 65 years and older are at Pregnant women - the CDC, which reports
and older to be vaccinated to flu, as well as prevent flu- high risk of developing “Changes in the immune that since 2010, flu-related
against influenza every related hospitalizations. For serious complications system, heart, and lungs hospitalizations among
season with rare exceptions. some it can be lifesaving. from flu compared with during pregnancy make children younger than 5
“Most people who get The CDC identified young, healthy adults. This pregnant women—and years old have ranged from
sick with flu will have mild groups of people who are is in part because human women up to two weeks 7,000 to 26,000 in the United
illness, will not need medical particularly at high risk of immune defenses become postpartum—more prone States. “Flu illness is more
care or antiviral drugs and serious complications from weaker with increasing to severe illness from flu, dangerous than the common
will recover in less than influenza. Among them are: age. While flu seasons can including illness resulting in
two weeks. Some people, Adults older than 65 vary in severity, during hospitalization. Flu also may

The flu hits fast and furious

Speaking from personal experience, When the nurse called me back, exactly where I had been sitting while
I advise all to take every possible another familiar face was coming waiting to be called back. He proceeded
precaution to avoid exposure to this toward me in the hallway but quickly toward the chair with more cleaning
year’s strains of the influenza virus. ducked into the nearest open office products and began thoroughly wiping
The first symptom was a light door, crossed her arms and said with every inch of it. It hit me then, that this
cough on a Monday morning after John Hewitt a wink and a smile, “stay back,” but it is not an illness to be taken lightly.
spending two nights gathered around was obvious that she did not want to I can’t emphasize enough [that
[email protected]
a roaring campfire, which I assumed risk contamination. all] take every known precaution to
was the source of the irritating cough. Once inside the examination room, avoid the possibility of contracting the
By mid-afternoon on that Monday, the the nurse took a throat culture and then virus; it is brutal. I would never give
coughing had become more intense and a nostril culture. She explained that unsolicited medical advice but strongly
Wednesday did not bring the hoped-for
my throat felt like I had swallowed hot strep test only takes a few minutes and recommend that the public make
improvement, but rather came in like an
embers; by Monday evening I was in that the flu test can take as long as 30 informed decisions about protecting
unexpected tidal wave of aches, pains,
the fetal position trying to relieve my minutes depending on the severity of themselves and others in whichever
sniffles and congestion that were clearly
body of the onslaught of deep-rooted the infection. way they see fit.
stronger and more resilient than my
muscular pain. By Tuesday morning, I In less that five minutes the nurse Some people are avid supporters
self-diagnosed medication regiment.
felt as if I had been suckered punched, returned to tell me that the strep test of the flu shot and some are adamantly
I called my doctor early Wednesday
could not breathe through either was negative and to just sit tight for the opposed to it. That is a personal
morning telling him that I had a slight
nostril and had zero appetite. I knew flu results. She was back in the exam decision that each individual must make
fever, could not breath very well
something had hit me hard. room in less than a minute with the for themselves.
and was overall just miserable. He

It truly came on that quickly and dreaded confirmation of “John, you I had the flu shot 10 days prior to
suggested that I come in for a throat
with no warning. have the flu.” the appearance of my first symptoms.
swab to determine if I possibly had
I suffered through Tuesday hoping The doctor, who is a close friend, Unfortunately, it can take up to two
contracted strep throat and that he
that I only had a severe, and short-lived, then came in fully protected with weeks for the shot to provide the
would also test for the flu virus.
cold and began taking over-the-counter disposable gloves and a mask to tell optimum protection for which it is
The doctor, as a precautionary
medications advertised to lessen the me that he had called in Tamiflu for me designed. I missed the window of

Tax Sales/Ads for Bids

measure, suggested that when I entered
severity of a cold if taken early. I still and for my wife in hopes of curbing the protection by a matter of three to four
his office that I use the provided hand
had hope that by Wednesday morning I spread of the virus. days and regret that I did not get the
sanitizer and protective masks available
would realize a dramatic improvement By the time I was back in the lobby vaccination earlier as my dear wife
in the lobby. As I approached the
and could be back at work feeling to check out, two maintenance men suggested.
check-in desk, the familiar and usually
almost normal again. had appeared. One was spraying what
smiling faces gazed at me in horror
Ah, but Influenza B had other plans I assume was a Lysol-like disinfectant
and extended their hopes for a positive
for my old body and was determined throughout the entire waiting room
outcome to the tests.

Trade Name Registrations

to make its presence known. while the other asked me to show him

Public Notices/Public meetings

Congratulations to new DeKalb State Court judges
Sheriff Sales/Local Legislation
To the Editor: in the court’s Jury Division, brings
10 years of experience in the legal
Judge Alexander, who will
serve in the court’s Traffic Division,
serving the public and the justice
system. Their fellow members of

Notices of Incorporation
The State Bar of Georgia profession to her new position, has 15 years of legal experience, the State Bar of Georgia wish them
congratulates attorneys Kimberly including the past nine years in serving as an assistant county well in this new capacity of judicial
K. Anderson of Dunwoody and private practice with Robbins Ross attorney for Fulton County since leadership.
Kimberly A. Alexander of Decatur Alloy Belinfante Littlefield LLC 2015.
on their appointments by Gov. in Atlanta after starting her career By accepting these Sincerely,
Brian Kemp to serve as judges for as legislative counsel for the U.S. appointments, Judge Anderson Darrell Sutton
the DeKalb County State Court. Senate Judiciary Committee. and Judge Alexander continue to President, State Bar of Georgia
Judge Anderson, who will serve demonstrate their commitment to

To subscribe, visit

or call 404-373-7779, X 0


No urge to purge
Georgia currently has more than adding voters to Georgia voter rolls.  removed, disenfranchised or
7 million registered voters, a record
number. Minority voter registration
‘One Man’s Georgia also set records in
2018 for early voting and absentee
somehow disabled from voting?
 I will admit though, I still have
and turnout also hit record highs Opinion’ voting. Another fun fact is that my doubts about Jeffrey Epstein
during the 2018 election cycle the absentee ballot application committing suicide, and I’m not
and governor’s race. Democratic Bill Crane has no space to indicate race or clear if as a convicted sex offender
gubernatorial nominee, former State [email protected] political party preference. The only in Florida, he still had voting
House Minority Leader Stacey opportunity to even draw such a privileges in New York, but he did
Abrams received more General conclusion is to select a ballot in complete the requirements of his
have closed. 
Election votes than any Democrat a Democratic Primary or run-off plea agreement, so he may have
 Much is being made of the
for governor in Georgia history. All or for the election employee to had his voting rights restored. I
potential removal and purge of
facts. conduct a manual/electronic cross still would expect him to be on the
more than 330,000 voter names
 We all have a right to our own reference search of their voter Democratic Secretary of State’s
from current voter rolls across our
opinion, life priorities and the registration data base. That action voter registration purge list for the
state. Georgia has nearly 10 million
conclusions which we draw, but leaves an electronic trail. As some 2020 election cycle. As we all know
residents and more than 7 million
we don’t have the option of draw have pointed out, a disproportionate he was already on Hillary’s list,
registered voters. 
simply hypothesizing from different number of minority voters are on right?
Purging every two years, as
facts. the proposed purge list; several
required by state and federal law,
Minority voter registration demographers also acknowledge Bill Crane also serves as a
typically removes the dead, those
not only spiked, but now exceeds that minority populations tend to be political analyst and commentator
who have left a particular county,
its percentage of the state’s more transient and more likely to for Channel 2’s Action News, WSB-
duplicates, non-citizens as well
population. Voter registration does move, changing residences as well AM News/Talk 750 and now 95.5
as those who choose for whatever
not always translate into turnout as voting jurisdictions. FM, as well as a columnist for The
reason to simply not vote for a
though.  Yet with this proposed purge Champion, DeKalb Free Press and
full four year period, and then
In metro Atlanta suburbs and list up and available for several Georgia Trend. Crane is a DeKalb
not respond for an additional two
several of Georgia’s secondary weeks now, there is only a trickle of native and business owner, living
year period when local election
population centers, though there is activity being reported by Georgia’s in Scottdale. You can reach him
officials attempt to confirm their
no party registration in Georgia, the election superintendents or from or comment on a column at bill.
residency and interest in remaining
Democratic Party and its nominees the Georgia SOS My Voter Page [email protected]
a registered voter. Ten percent of
won numerous counties, precincts via voter address updates. Where
registered voters would be well in
and local as well as state elected are the masses being intentionally
excess of 700,000. Five percent
offices. Again, facts.  exceeds 350,000. The prospective
Though I look forward to a day purge list is public and available
when race is not a major driving for searching, as well as updating
force in Georgia or national politics, online. 
we remain a far cry away from there Consider your own circle, and
as yet. With all that stage setting, how many family and friends you
and my revulsion of conspiracy have lost or who have moved from
theories generally clear, I’d like your community within any six-year
to challenge one more. There is period of time. Voter registration
no ongoing orchastrated effort is tied to one’s legal residence and
to reduce voter participation, domicile and is not automatic when
registration or voting by minority or one’s address changes, however
Democratic voters in Georgia.  any Georgia voter can now go to
It is county and municipal the Secretary of State’s My Voter
election superintendents across Page and update their registration
Georgia, and their oversight boards and address information online
of election, who determine precinct and for free. That website, created
boundaries, polling locations by then Secretary of State Brian
and hours of operation as well as Kemp (now Georgia’s Governor) is
oversee the tabulation of absentee, second only to the automatic motor
early/advance votes and all ballots voter process when one receives or
cast on election day, after all polls renews a Georgia driver’s license in

the DeKalb Publisher: Staff Reporters:
John Hewitt Taylor Robins STATEMENT FROM THE
Chief Financial Officer: We sincerely appreciate the
Dr. Earl D. Glenn Social Media Manager: discussion surrounding this and any
Let Us Know What You Think! Donna Seay issue of interest to DeKalb County.
THE DEKALB FREE PRESS encourages opinions from SEND LETTERS TO EDITOR, Production Manager: The Champion was founded in 1991
expressly to provide a forum for
The DeKalb Free Press, Kemesha Wadley discourse for all community residents
its readers. Please write to us and express your views. P. O. Box 1347, Decatur, GA 30031-1347; on all sides of an issue. We have no
Letters should be brief, typewritten and contain the Send email to [email protected] desire to make the news only to
FAX To: (404) 370-3903; Phone: (404) 373-7779. The DeKalb Free Press is published each Friday report news and opinions to effect
writer’s name, address and telephone number for verifi- Deadline for news releases and advertising: by ACE III Communications, Inc., a more educated citizenry that will
cation. All letters will be considered for publication. Thursday, one week prior to publication date. 114 New Street, Suite E, Decatur, GA. 30030 ultimately move our community
forward. We are happy to present
Phone (404) 373-7779. ideas for discussion; however,
EDITOR’S NOTE: The opinions written by columnists and contributing editors do not necessarily reflect the opinions we make every effort to avoid
of the editor or publishers. The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. The printing information submitted to
us that is known to be false and/or
Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. DISPLAY ADVERTISING (404) 373-7779 x 110 assumptions penned as fact.

Mail theft being investigated by police

Elementary school playground burned
[email protected]
Chamblee officials reported Nov. 13 that mail was stolen [email protected]
from a residential leasing office Nov. 6.
At approximately 4:30 a.m. three unidentified suspects
allegedly broke into The Lofts at 5300's leasing office and Toney Elementary
stole mail from three separate cluster mailboxes, according to School’s playground that
Chamblee officials. The suspects stole mail from The Loft’s was recently updated has
more than 200 residents and loaded the mail into a large been burned.
duffle bag, according to Chamblee officials. According to DeKalb
The suspects were captured on video surveillance leaving County School District,
in a dark colored sedan, according to Chamblee officials. DeKalb County Fire
Chamblee police are working to identify two males and Department responded
one female suspect. The investigation is ongoing. to the Toney Elementary
playground fire Nov .3. The
fire was extinguished and
the playground was left with
Stone Mountain woman convicted “extensive damage.”
In July, Toney
in murder-for-hire of husband Elementary, located in
Decatur, was “crashed”
by volunteers, students,
DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston has parents, and stakeholders
announced a conviction by jury trial in a murder-for-hire as Georgia United Credit
case against a Stone Mountain woman. Jurors returned a Union (GUCU) and Georgia
guilty verdict Nov. 13 against 50-year-old Kecia Leann United Foundation’s 2019
Wright on charges of criminal attempt to commit murder School Crashers program
and aggravated assault for orchestrating the attempted made an estimated $100,000 Remains of the recently built Toney Elementary School playground in Decatur. Photo
murder of her husband, Kentrick Lindo, 46. in repairs and renovations to by Taylor Robins.
The charges against Wright stem from a May 25, 2011, the school.
shooting incident at the intersection of Rock Meadow Drive Students of the school
and Rockbridge Road in Stone Mountain when bullets struck teacher who has been are going to be so excited.”
started the 2019-2020 with the school for 19 Volunteers and Toney
Lindo in his left shoulder. According to the district attorney’s school year with new
office, after being shot, Lindo drove to his home and was years, applied to GUCU’s Elementary employees
carpet, flexible tables and program after taking a spent the summer of 2019
taken to a hospital after police were called to the home to chairs for the media center,
investigate a person shot call. Lindo survived his injuries, but student for an outside walk renovating the school and
paint on the interior and and realizing the property finished by the first day of
the shooter was not identified. exterior walls, a seating
Wright and Lindo separated in 2013. In late 2014, needed beautification. school Aug. 5.
area for visitors in the front Dukes submitted the school “Toney Elementary
Lindo’s son and stepdaughter began disclosing details of office, computer lab tables,
several attempts on Lindo’s life in an effort for Wright to into the program to receive just put this beautiful
new classroom signage for an outdoor classroom playground in, now it’s
collect a million-dollar life insurance policy. the hallways, an outdoor
The investigation revealed that prior to the 2011 courtyard. However, after burnt to cinders,” a DeKalb
classroom courtyard, and GUCU officials visited County resident posted Nov.
shooting, Wright asked her daughter’s friend to kill Lindo for a playground and garden
a fee. Lindo’s son told school officials that Wright had also the school’s grounds, 10 to the Nextdoor website.
area─that includes picnic Dukes was notified that the “This is just wrong.”
asked him to stab and shoot his father. Both children stated tables, benches, an outdoor
that Wright had also attempted to give Lindo poison and school had won the School Nextdoor is a private
whiteboard, a shade canopy, Crashers grand prize of the social network for more
drugged food and had additional schemes to kill Lindo. raised planter beds, outdoor
Lindo died prior to trial in 2016 of unrelated causes. outdoor classroom courtyard than 205,000 neighborhoods
murals, a bird sanctuary and a school makeover. in the United States.
Following her conviction, Wright was sentenced to a area, a pollinator garden,
maximum term of 30 years in prison by DeKalb County Dukes said when she The fire is currently
and landscaping, including was notified that the school under investigation by
Superior Court Judge LaTisha Dear Jackson. The alleged a walking patio.
accomplice, who was accused of firing the shots into the had won the grand prize, she the DeKalb County Fire
Karen Dukes, a was overwhelmed with tears Department.
victim’s vehicle during the murder attempt, was indicted as a Toney Elementary School
co-defendant but acquitted at trial. of joy. She said, “The kids

VACCINE Continued From Page 2

cold for children. Each year, conditions - People with asthma are the condition is well-managed, states. “Flu vaccination works much
millions of children get sick with at high risk of developing serious flu the public health institute states, better for people living with HIV
seasonal flu; thousands of children complications, even if their asthma are at high risk of serious flu who are receiving antiretroviral
are hospitalized, and some children is mild or their symptoms are well- complications, which can result in therapy (ART). Because flu vaccine
die from flu. Children commonly controlled by medication. This is hospitalization and sometimes even effectiveness is not 100 percent,
need medical care because of flu, because people with asthma have death. In recent seasons, about 30 people living with HIV who get flu
especially children younger than 5 swollen and sensitive airways, and percent of adult flu hospitalizations symptoms, especially those with
years old.” Complications among flu can cause further inflammation reported to CDC have had diabetes. low CD4 cell counts not receiving
children may include pneumonia, of the airways and lungs. It also can “Because they are at high risk ART should be treated with influenza
dehydration and worsening of long- lead to pneumonia and other acute of serious flu-related complications antiviral drugs right away.”
term medical problems like heart respiratory diseases, according to the it is especially important that
disease or asthma. CDC. people living with HIV get a flu
People with special health People with diabetes, even when shot annually,” the CDC website


Church promotes minority- No referrals

owned, small businesses
during Kwanzaa Plaza event Cheryl, 65
community picnics
New Birth Missionary

Baptist Church is
redefining “Black
Friday” with its inaugural
Kwanzaa Plaza event
beginning Nov. 29, at the
church’s family life center
located at 6400 Woodrow
Road in Stonecrest. We know you’re more than just a number. That’s why
The Kwanzaa
Plaza will feature Cigna Medicare Advantage treats you like a whole
approximately 100 person — body & mind — so you can keep doing what
minority-owned and
small businesses during you love. Choose Cigna today to get one affordable
a three-day event plan for your medical, dental, vision and prescriptions.
meant to highlight local
entrepreneurs and foster You’ll also enjoy:
commerce within the Pastor Jamal Bryant
African-American community. • $0 monthly premium
Kwanzaa is an annual celebration of the African-
American culture that is marked by a weeklong • $0 primary care physician visits
acknowledgment of heritage, unity, creativity, faith and • $0 copay for many prescription drugs
cooperative economics. While Kwanzaa is observed Dec.
26 to Jan. 1, New Birth’s Kwanzaa Plaza was established to • No referrals required
take a new approach to the commercialized “Black Friday”
shopping frenzy and redirect support toward minority- • Fitness program
owned businesses.
Although this is the first year New Birth is hosting the
• Dental allowance and go to the dentist
Kwanzaa Plaza, Senior Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant initiated of your choice
similar efforts in Baltimore, Md.
“Our Kwanzaa Plaza is a direct and unapologetic effort • Hearing and vision services
for New Birth and the community to come together and
support our brothers and sisters who are creating, designing Get your free Medicare Advantage Guide.
and cultivating incredible goods and services,” said Bryant.
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commitment to keeping those dollars circulating among our
people and set a new precedent for fueling small businesses
and promoting minority-owned ventures.”
This year’s Kwanzaa Plaza will feature fashion
designers, art, cultural products, hand-crafted items,
skincare/personal care products, food vendors and more.
Interested vendors are encouraged to register. All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna
“The response has been amazing from both local Corporation. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc.
minority businesses as well as the community,” said event Cigna complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
organizer Pamela Booker, who has worked on similar national origin, age, disability or sex. Cigna cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables
ventures including the We Buy Black Convention. “New y no dicrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. English: ATTENTION: If
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WEEK in PICTURES... As seen on DCTV

DCTV Director Diamond Lewis lands exclusive interview with the first-ever woman to serve as DeKalb DeKalb 25 Manager, AvivA Hoffmann, points to the drop off box in Decatur for public access TV content.
County Sheriff.

The 119th DeKalb County Police Academy Graduation. Congratulations to the 10 officers who took the oath to protect and serve.

Bright Futures Leadership Development Program Graduation took place on Nov. 13 at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center. It is a 10-month program designed to develop and prepare employees with leadership potential for higher
level opportunities in county government.

Get your front row seat to all
@DCTVCHANNEL23 things DeKalb County through your
DEKALB COUNTY GOV EMMY Award-winning station.


DeKalb County School District students played games with classmates A student plays a game of Hot Spot with an adult. Photo by Taylor Students and an adult play a board game Nov. 6. Photo by Taylor
and parents during a Families Matter event. Photo by Taylor Robins. Robins. Robins.

District spotlights family participation and learning

BY TAYLOR ROBINS Boulevard in Stone activities. Coward. “We expect parents Most of the parents
[email protected] Mountain. “I can align any of those to know the content in the who attended the event also
The event’s main focus games with standards the classroom. It is important to participate in the DCSD GED
DeKalb County School is the promotion of at-home students are learning in the teach parents other strategies program.
District (DCSD) hosted a learning. classroom,” said Coward. to help their children learn “When the parents are
game night Nov. 6 that not “Families Matter is DCSD’s family at home. I live for parents in tune with what’s going on
only served a recreational important because we want engagement department is coming out and getting in school, they can support
purpose, but an academic and to connect parents and family hoping to make the annual involved in their children’s in the home more and won’t
parent participation purpose members as the first teachers event a bimonthly event. education. The students have to totally depend on the
as well. of their children,” said DCSD According to Coward, the automatically do better.” teacher in the classroom,”
DCSD’s Families Matter Family Engagement Manager feedback the district has According to Coward, said Coward.
Game Night is an annual Marcia Coward. “While the received from parents is both parents and students The family engagement
event, in its third year, in kids and parents are learning that they would like more have fun during the event. department, along with
which families can play through gaming tonight, it is Families Matter events. “This event is something the GED program and the
games and explore active about the family connecting “This has been one of that could change a future,” Families Matter event,
ways of learning math, with each other.” those events that we have had said Angelia Matreveli, also partner with outside
reading and critical thinking During the event, families great success with because DCSD parent. “I want to organizations such as the
strategies. The event takes are able to play board games, parents come out and they show my children what is board of health and United
place at the Robert R. video games, as well as really learn because we are good for their future, what Way for “wrap around”
Freeman Administrative participate in science projects still playing games in the four will help them and my services for DCSD families.
and Instructional Complex, and other volunteer-led content learning areas,” said children are having fun.”
1701 Mountain Industrial

Student detained after another gun found

BY TAYLOR ROBINS incident.” The student was 19. One week later, another gun and charged Sept. 25. A possession of a weapon Sept.
then detained. The identity of Columbia High School Cedar Grove High School 25.
[email protected]
the student or the reason for student was found with a student was also charged of
DeKalb County School bringing the gun to school
District (DCSD) has was not released by DCSD
confirmed that another gun officials. City of Chamblee Public Notice
has been found on school Within the first two
grounds Nov. 14. months of the 2019-2020 A copy of the proposed 2020 Operating Budget for the City of Chamblee will be
According to DCSD school year, DCSD had available for review at City Hall, 5468 Peachtree Road, on Thursday, November 21,
officials, a Stone Mountain 2019.
five incidents of students
High School administrator bringing guns to school. A public hearing on the proposed budget will be held on Wednesday, December 4,
reported that a student was A 14-year-old 2019 at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. in the Chamblee
“possibly” in possession of Stephenson High School Civic Center, 3540 Broad Street. Any persons wishing to be heard on the budget may
a gun. student was arrested for appear and be heard.
The information was bringing a gun to school
reported to the school’s The City Council will vote on the budget on Tuesday, December 17, 2019. The meeting
in August; another student will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will be held in the Civic Center.
police officer and the reported the incident to
officer initiated the DCSD’s DCSD administration. Do you have 1 minute a month to help make Chamblee better? The City of Chamblee
emergency protocol to A Lithonia High School wants to hear from you! From budgets to road paving, resident input is essential to the
ensure the safety of students student was arrested at decision-making process. FlashVote surveys are easy one-minute surveys sent once
and staff, according to every couple of months. Once each survey closes after 48 hours, FlashVote sends the
school Sept. 10 after pointing anonymized results to everyone who participated, and your government gets valuable
DCSD officials. a gun at another student. feedback.
School officials located Two Columbia High School
and removed the gun students were charged with 1. Sign up at
from the student “without possession of a weapon Sept. 2. Fill out a survey
3. See the results

Continued From Page 1

experience about aspects of

Spain is a complaint
manager with MV Transit,
a MARTA subcontractor
that handles small
bus transportation for
seniors and persons with
disabilities. Her sister also
works at MV Transit and
is her supervisor. Spain
and Dennis also operate
a catering business called
The Lady’s Confectionery
Spain, 52, said she
lived in metro Atlanta
Cox volunteer Shawan Allen, KaBoom! project manager Kayla Harris, DeKalb County for a number of years but
School District interim superintendent Ramona Tyson and Redan Elementary principal returned to the Northeast to
Cathy K. Goolsby at the ribbon cutting for Redan’s new playground. Photo by Gale care for her mother. After
Horton Gay
Wilson died in 2014, Spain
returned to the South and
said she was surprised by
New playground built at Redan Elementary in one day changes she noticed in many
“When I came back,
BY GALE HORTON GAY said students at the school helped in labor for their efforts. I couldn’t believe what I
FREELANCE REPORTER the planning of the new play space. She emphasized that Redan saw,” she said, pointing out
“I like how it has different colors Elementary’s playground is one of a the number of homeless and
and it expresses how we feel,” said kind since its design came about after in need people she observed
Redan Elementary School Nadia. meeting with students and gathering in areas such as Five Points
principal Cathy K. Goolsby is Goolsby said she applied for and their ideas. in Atlanta, Wesley Chapel
bursting with pride over the school’s received a KaBoom! grant to partially “There’s no other playground like Road in Decatur and
improvement in test scores and fund the project. While the school this in America,” said Harris. elsewhere.
treated her 590 students to an October was responsible for paying for $8,500 “This was not a one-week “It breaks my heart,”
celebration. in materials, KaBoom! selected a project,” said Harris. “I’ve been said Spain. “I drive into
However, Goolsby said while corporate sponsor to pair with the working on this for the last six work and see people
academics are important, there are school. Cox Enterprises sent 150 weeks.” laying out on the street on
also other elements that are vital for volunteers to help with the manual Volunteer and mother of a Redan a mattress with all their
the development of young people. labor—one coming from as far as fourth-grader Chasma Greenidge of wares….It makes me cringe.
That’s why Goolsby said she’s South Carolina. Lithonia said she is pleased with the It just shouldn’t be.”
excited about what’s taken place “Children need to play, to move,” outcome. Dennis said everyone
outside the school’s doors—the said Goolsby. “Academics are our “I want to see our community and has a responsibility to serve
renovation and upgrade of the number one but exercise, being our kids have something new,” said others.
school’s playground. physically fit helps the brain as well. Greenidge. “We want them to feel we “I think we are on the
On Nov. 15, despite a steady You need both. I want my students to are not left behind.” Earth to give back,” Dennis
rain and temperatures in the 30s and be balanced.” “This is the highlight of my said. “I do it not only for
40s, scores of volunteers spent the Play also helps children with week,” said Ramona Tyson, interim myself but to honor my
day transforming the playground social skills, according to the superintendent for DeKalb County mother. Whatever she had,
by working with representatives principal. School District, at the ribbon cutting. she gave her last.”
of KaBOOM!, a national nonprofit Goolsby noted that the old She was in her fourth day in her new Spain said she hopes
dedicated to ensuring children have playground was 50 years old and in position heading the school district. their Thanksgiving gift to
“great, safe places to play.” dire need of replacement. She thanked the volunteers for the community delivers an
The brightly colored new Just before the Nov. 15 ribbon “remembering our children.” important message: Don’t
playground, which was completed cutting, volunteers scurried about “A playground is an engaging, forget one another.
in approximately six hours, includes spreading mulch, hammering in colorful, stimulating opportunity “Remember we are
two slides, two ziplines as well as spikes and putting other final touches to get outside, an excuse to play, our brothers' keeper,” said
interactive and social elements with on the equipment fellowship,” said Tyson. Spain. “I am hoping people
plenty of mulch underfoot. Kayla Harris, project manager School board member Diijon remember we are all human
Trinity Wheeler, 9, a fourth- with KaBoom!, traveled to Lithonia DaCosta encouraged students to and need to look out for
grader at Redan, said she likes the from Washington, D.C., to oversee the respect and take care of their new each other.”
new playground because it’s big and project. playground.
new. Despite the construction site “Make sure we take care of it,” he
The old playground “wasn’t really being flooded when she arrived at 6 told the students. “Make sure no one
that exciting,” said Trinity. a.m., she said the work went well and messes with our playground.”
Fourth-grader Nadia Sheriff, 9, credited the volunteers who put in the




A rendition of Dunwoody’s refugee island to be placed on two busy streets in November. Photo provided by the New sidewalks are designed to improve pedestrian safety. Photo provided by the city of Dunwoody.
city of Dunwoody.

Dunwoody begins to enhance pedestrian safety

BY TAYLOR ROBINS Vernon Road at North Peachtree The location of Tilly Mill and refuge islands. Construction of the
[email protected] Road and Tilly Mill Road and Andover Drive’s refuge island refuge islands began in November
Andover Drive. will improve safety at an existing and will cost $450,000. The
Dunwoody Public Works is Mount Vernon Road at North crosswalk, according to Dunwoody pedestrian refuge islands are being
adding two pedestrian refuge Peachtree Road will get a new officials. Georgia Power will funded by the Special Purpose
islands and additional sidewalks to crosswalk, and a pedestrian refuge relocate two utility poles before Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).
the city. island will be added to connect the construction begins. Installation of “We’re targeting two locations
Refuge islands allow pedestrians Kingsley neighborhood with the new drainage pipes and curb work where the high vehicular traffic
to cross travel lanes one at a time shopping center across the street. are expected to begin in December. volume makes it more difficult for
and provide increased visibility of Paving crews will resurface Mount According to Dunwoody pedestrians to find gaps for crossing
the crossing. They also reduce the Vernon Road between Jett Ferry officials, the city is enhancing its the roadway,” said Dunwoody
perceived roadway width, which Road and Dunwoody Club Drive in pedestrian safety network with Public Works Director Michael
can help lower speeds. preparation for the refuge island and a sidewalk extension and two Smith.
The two locations are Mount lane striping. crosswalks with new pedestrian

In the article titled “Dekalb municipal and special election results” printed in the Nov. 14-20, 2019 edition of The Champion, it was reposted that the city of Stone Mountain’s Post 1 and 2 city council seats are
headed to a runoff. The seats are not headed to a runoff. Gina Stroud Cox has been elected to the Post 1 seat and Clint Monroe has been elected to the Post seat. We apologize for the error.

COUNTYWIDE answered Nov. 25 at Clarkston
Library from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at 3123 Klondike Road. For more
information, call (770) 482-3828. TUCKER
Questions about email, smartphone,
Donate toys for Christmas tablet, finding something on the web, Church to host Christmas concert
a Microsoft Word document or other
The Dunwoody Police
Department is collecting new and
library resources will be answered
by the library staff. The library is
STONE MOUNTAIN Chorale II will present its holiday
concert, “Songs in the Air,” Dec. 7 at
unwrapped toys and gifts for children located at 951 N. Indian Creek Drive. 4 p.m. at First Baptist Church Tucker,
for its annual Christmas for Kids City to host Christmas parade 5073 Lavista Road. Selections run
For more information, call (404)
drive. 508-7175. the gamut from the early English
Toy donations can be made to Stone Mountain will host its annual Sussex Carol to the modern favorites.
the Dunwoody Police Station─4800 Christmas parade, festival and Admission is free, and donations are
Ashford Dunwoody Road in STONECREST fireworks Dec. 7, from 4 to 7 p.m.
For more information, call Kim
welcome. For more information, call
Dunwoody from Nov. 24 to Dec. 25. Karen Bates at (770) 938-0148
Library to host movie screening Cumbie at (770) 630-1727.

CLARKSTON “Toy Story 4,” starring Tom Hanks

and Tim Allen will be screened Nov.
Technology coaching at library 29 at Stonecrest Library from 1:30
to 3:30 p.m. The library is located
Basic computer questions will be


Tucker bank first to open in Georgia in 11 years

Tandem because we work in
BY KATHY MITCHELL painlessly as possible.”
nimble partnership with our
FREELANCE REPORTER With more than 30 years
customers, catering to each
in the banking industry,
one’s requirements—we’re
DeWitt said he had no
The primary difference doing it together.”
trouble pulling together a
between a community bank DeWitt said he enjoys
leadership team with years of
and a national or regional the close relationship with
experience in banking who
bank is relationships, each business client. “I get
share his vision of providing
according to Charles to learn a lot about different
excellent customer service.
DeWitt, founder and CEO businesses. Each one has its
He described Tandem’s
of Tandem Bank, which own challenges and its own
staff as having “extensive
recently opened in Tucker. triumphs. It’s fascinating to
experience as entrepreneurs
It is that difference that learn what it takes to build
helping small business
prompted him after working success in different types
leaders navigate their
more than 17 years at a of businesses and to learn
banking needs.” “We want
regional found about the details, large and
to provide an extraordinary
and operate a community small, that lead to success or
customer experience,
bank in the Northlake area. failure. That appeals to my
whether customers choose
After operating that bank intellectual curiosity.”
to bank traditionally or
for approximately 10 years, After DeWitt decided he
take care of all transactions
DeWitt has now started wanted to start a local bank
online. We want our clients
another community bank— with a community identity CEO Charles DeWitt says Tandem Bank’s mission is to help people achieve their
to be able to bank the way goals.
Tandem—a short distance in Tucker, he contacted 13
they prefer. When clients
away. DeWitt noted that business and community don’t want to look or feel best of both worlds. Clients
walk into the bank, we give
Tandem is the first new–not leaders most of whom institutional.” get the personalized service
them a friendly greeting
a branch, but an original have a tie to the Tucker He noted that behind they expect in a local bank,
and we are soon able to call
institution–bank to open in and Decatur area, inviting the old-fashioned personal yet we leverage the latest
them by name,” DeWitt
Georgia in 11 years. them to become part of the service is cutting-edge technology to make banking
said. Pointing to the bright,
After a soft opening in venture. “Almost everyone technology. “It’s really the fast, secure and efficient.”
homey décor, he added, “We
September, Tandem held its said ‘yes’ immediately. They
grand opening Nov. 14. loved the idea. We quickly
“It’s exciting to be part of raised more than $21 million
the life of a community, its from approximately 300 Masonry work
shareholders. We were very Stone
businesses and its families,
encouraged by that.” Brick
to watch them grow, see Block
their dreams come true and Starting a bank requires Concrete repairs This issue may include $500 million
know that you’re playing a putting together a lot of
small part in their success. regulatory pieces, according Martinez I am a Community Activist in DeKalb. I am looking for a
Our mission is to help people to DeWitt. “The state and Masonry lawyer, law firm, legal team or persons to help me with a
achieve their goals,” DeWitt federal agencies were great 404.408.4170 1983 Civil Rights action.
[email protected]
said. partners. They helped us Call Joe at (678)-754-2424
DeWitt, who is from get through the process as P. O. Box 1647, Pine Lake, GA 30072
the Tucker area, said he is
delighted by the growth
he has seen since Tucker NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS
became a city. “There are CITY OF CHAMBLEE
more than 1,799 small
businesses in this area. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Chamblee, Georgia will hold a public hearing on Thursday December
That’s a lot of opportunity 12, 2019 at the Chamblee Civic Center, 3540 Broad Street, Chamblee, GA 30341 at 6:00 p.m. to receive public
and we’re sitting in the comments regarding the following matters:
catbird seat. We’re right on • PZ2019-558: Applicant: Chuck Ptacek, GDE Renovations, and Owner: SABRA Property Management,
Main Street in Tucker and request approval of a Development of Community Impact, from the City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances,
that’s just where we want to Appendix A, Unified Development Ordinance, to construct a one-story leasing office. The property is located at
be,” he said. 2729 Shallowford Rd, being Dekalb County tax parcel 18 246 01 001 and zoned Village Residential district.
“As a local bank we have
a lot of flexibility. We know • PZ2019-560: Applicant: Kenneth J. Wood, Planners & Engineers Collaborative, Inc; Owner: Copperleaf
that every new business is Partners, LLC, request an approval of a Development of Community Impact to develop a residential townhome
unique; that’s why we don’t subdivision and related variances, to not provide the required 5 ft-wide landscape zone along interior private
offer cookie cutter service. streets; place required street trees and pedestrian lights behind the 5-ft -wide sidewalk along private streets; not
provide covered 8 ft x 6 ft front porches on all units; not provide 200sf of private outdoor space for every unit;
We know what it is to be reduce minimum lot size from 1,600sf to 1,200sf; allow retaining walls to exceed the maximum 8 ft height limit to
an entrepreneur because varying heights up to 22 ft in the rear and side of the property; from the City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances,
we’re entrepreneurs. We Appendix A, Unified Development Ordinance. The property is located at 4011 & 4147 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd,
understand and identify with being Dekalb County tax parcels 18 325 06 001 and 18 332 03 020 and zoned Neighborhood Residential 2 district.
a small business’ growing
pains,” DeWitt continued. • PZ2019-567: Applicant: Kenneth J. Wood, Planners & Engineers Collaborative, Inc; Owner: Copperleaf
“We named the bank Partners, LLC, request the following amendments to the official zoning map: Rezone 4011 & 4147 Chamblee
Dunwoody Rd, being Dekalb County tax parcels 18 325 06 001 and 18 332 03 020, from Neighborhood
Residential-2 and Neighborhood Residential-1 respectively, to Neighborhood Residential-3.


Eugene Brown III, center, signs his scholarship to Ohio State University.

GHSA announces
classification placements
for 2020-2022
[email protected]

Several DeKalb County high schools will play sports

in new classifications for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022
school years.
The Reclassification Committee of the Georgia High
School Association (GHSA) met Nov. 12 in Thomaston to
Southwest DeKalb’s Jayla Kimbrough is heading to Austin Peay State University next Fall. hear appeals about classification placements. According to
the meeting minutes, three DeKalb schools appealed to be
moved down one classification.
Two SWD athletes sign basketball scholarship offers Chamblee’s appeal to move from Class AAAAAA
back to Class AAAAA was approved with a 10-5 vote,
Druid Hills’ appeal to move from Class AAAAA back to
BY CARLA PARKER competitive player. after by some of the nation’s Class AAAA was approved with a 15-1 vote and St. Pius
[email protected] “[Austin Peay is getting top basketball programs. X’s appeal to move down to Class AAAAA from Class
a player] who doesn’t He committed to Ohio State AAAAAA was approved by an unanimous vote.
Southwest DeKalb High want to lose, someone in September, picking the Chamblee and St. Pius X will be in Region 5-AAAAA
School had back-to-back who is really competitive,” Buckeyes over Georgia, along with Clarkston, Cross Keys, Decatur, Lithonia and
celebrations for two of its she said. “[I’ll bring] Georgia Tech, Mississippi M.L. King, Southwest DeKalb and Stone Mountain. M.L.
basketball players who will my driving game, [I can State and Texas A&M. King moved down to Class AAAAA from Class AAAAAA,
play on the next level. get] to the basket when Brown said the chance and Stone Mountain was previously in Class AAA.
Jayla Kimbrough I need to. Getting my to come in and play right According to DeKalb County School District’s
signed a scholarship teammates involved and away for Ohio State is part Athletics Department, Lithonia, Southwest DeKalb and
with Austin Peay State my competitiveness—that’s of what attracted him to the Stone Mountain appealed to be moved up to Class AAAAA
University women’s what I’ll bring to the team.” program. after being placed in Class AAAA during the realignment
basketball program Nov. For Brown, signing his “The coaching staff, the process.
14, and Eugene Brown scholarship to Ohio State feel, everything is amazing Druid Hills moved down to Region 6-AAAA, joining
III signed a four-year was a surreal moment. there,” he said. “The players several DeKalb schools which also were moved down
basketball scholarship “It still hasn’t hit me are like-minded; they want to Class AAAA. Stephenson was moved down two
with Ohio State University yet. I still don’t believe to work hard, and they want classifications from Class AAAAAA to Region 6-AAAA,
Nov. 15. Kimbrough, who it sometimes, but I keep to be great. So, I felt like I while Arabia Mountain and Miller Grove were moved from
averaged 10.1 points per working and keep my head could fit in there.” Class AAAAA to Region 6-AAAA. Marist also will be in
game last season, said she on straight,” he said. The 6-foot-6 shooting Region 6-AAAA.
signed with Austin Peay Brown missed a guard was a standout on the Dunwoody jumped from Class AAAAAA to Class
because the school felt like majority of the 2018-19 court during his sophomore AAAAAAA, while Lakeside moved down from Class
home. season after suffering a leg season, finishing in the top AAAAAAA to Class AAAAAA, joining Tucker in Region
“It’s close to home and I injury in the fourth game of 25 in rebounds (6.7 per 4-AAAAAA. Cedar Grove and Redan are remaining in
love the coaching staff and the season. He rehabbed and game) in DeKalb County Region 5-AAA, while Towers and Columbia were moved
the players,” she said. worked his way back to the School District. Brown down to Region 6-AA with McNair. Columbia dropped to
Kimbrough scored a court March 2 in Southwest said Ohio State is getting a Class AA from Class AAAAA.
season-high of 26 points DeKalb’s Final Four natural born leader. Private schools Greenforest Christian, Paideia and W.
against Chamblee last matchup against Buford and “I’m bringing my ability D. Mohammed were placed in the non-football A-Private
season and helped lead scored five points and added to score, to defend and my classification. Schools wishing to change regions were
her team to a Final Four two rebounds. will to want to be great to heard at the Reclassification Committee’s Nov. 19 meeting.
appearance. She said Despite missing most of Ohio State,” he said. Results of those appeals and which schools appealed were
Austin Peay is getting a his junior season, the four- not available at press time.
star recruit was still sought

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