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Journal of Engineering Education Transformations ,

Volume 32 , No. 2, October 2018, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

Flipped Classroom Using ICT Tools to Improve Outcome

for the Course 'Soft Computing' - A Case Study

D. Kavitha1, D. Anitha2
Dept. of Electrical and Electrical Engineering,
Dept. of Computer Applications
Thiagarajar College of EngineeringMadurai, India
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract: Flipped Classroom (FC) or Inverted Key Words: Soft computing, active teaching and
Classroom is now an important area of focus in learning strategies, ICT tools, Flipped Classroom.
educational studies which is supposed to promote
critical thinking inside classroom providing time for 1. Introduction
learner-centered activities such as active and
problem-based learning. There is a lack of skills and In India, more concerns such as lack of capability
awareness in implementing FC in Engineering of graduates to cater industry need, unaccredited
Education. This paper illustrates an effort in programmes, poor implementation of outcome-based
implementing FC based teaching - learning process education (OBE) etc in accredited programmes in
and assessment methodologies using Information and higher education are reported severely. Among these,
Communications Technology (ICT) tools to achieve opinion concerning the implementation of OBE
the course outcomes for an elective course 'Soft paradigm is recently seriously argued among the
Computing'. The outcomes are obtained for two higher education institution.
different set of students, where one set undergoes FC
with ICT tools, second set undergoes traditional The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India
classroom. The student outcomes are discussed in was initially established by AICTE (All India Council
terms of their exam and assignment marks and their of Technical Education) for periodic evaluations of
satisfactory index towards the course. It is obvious technical institutions & programmes according to
from the case study that satisfactory index is high for specified norms and standards as recommended by
the students who were taught based on FC where there AICTE council. NBA has introduced a new process,
is proper planning which is implemented using ICT parameters and criteria for accreditation. These are in
tools. line with the best international practices and oriented
to assess the outcomes of the programme. To achieve
the outcomes effectively, the technical institutions are
moving towards student centric education from
teacher centric education.

To obtain the real outcome, it becomes necessary

to implement learner centric education ideas which
include implementing active learning strategies. One
D. Kavitha
Dept. of Electrical and Electrical Engineering,
promising approach is to deliver the course content
Thiagarajar College of EngineeringMadurai, India using Flipped Classroom (FC) and thus freeing class
[email protected] time for active learning and improving higher order
40 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 32 , No. 2, October 2018, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

thinking skills. The use of ICT tools facilitates the

active learning more. The effectiveness of flipped tangible user interfaces (TUIs) than traditional “tell-
classroom is explored among undergraduate students and-practice” approaches [10].
and reported that it is more beneficial for students. [1].
This paper illustrates the improvement in learning
It is suggested that students' academic success, and by implementing FC with proper planning and
their engagement and interest in engineering, can be implementation using ICT tools. It is done as a case
enhanced by refinement of an integrated instructional study in the elective course 'Soft Computing' at
design framework. [2] The authors also believe that Thiagarajar College of Engineering, an autonomous
this positive outcome is a result of alignment of online institution affiliated toAnna University at India.
preview of lectures, face-to-face student/instructor
and peer interactions, discussions, hands-on Initially for a batch of students, teacher centric
activities, combined with several active learning learning is attempted for a course outcome in the
strategies infused into the class. course “Soft Computing”. Here the role of lecturer is a
leader or authority. Knowledge required in the course
It is proved that the inverted classroom allowed the is transmitted to students from instruction from a
instructor to cover more material, students teacher. The emphasis is given on learning correct
participating in the inverted classroom performed as answers. For another set of students, the same course
well or better on comparable quiz and exam questions outcome, the content delivery method is implemented
and on open ended design problems and while with student centric learning implementing FC and
students initially struggled with the new format, they active learning strategies with ICT tools. The
adapted quickly and found the inverted classroom outcomes are accessed and compared for both the set
format to be satisfactory and effective [3] . It is of students.
believed that it was the alignment of online lectures,
face-to-face student/teacher and peer/peer 2. About The Course
interactions, combined with the active learning
component of the flipped classroom that led to these The course taken for case study is '14EEPS0- Soft
improvements [4]. The flipped classroom is proved to Computing' which is an elective course for B.E
be an extremely effective paradigm for teaching Electrical and Electronics students at Thiagarajar
signal processing [5]. College of Engineering, an autonomous institution
affiliated toAnna University at India.
Also, the learners today make use of digital aids
such as desktops, laptops, mobiles along with high
speed internet. Google, Twitter, facebook, Youtube
and Whatsapp have become a part of student life in
sharing and getting ideas. They are more active in
creating and participating in blogs and wikis. It is
evident that ICT tools are now a part of education [6].
Hence, these ICT tools can be used better in the better
implementation of FCs and active learning
methodologies. ICTs, collaborative learning and
social networks are not only the basic tools for an
effective learning but also act as a basic platform for
enhancing a scaffolding learning. [7]. A new
opportunity for learning by enhancing students'
Fig. 1 - Part of the Concept map of the course
learning process through interactive digital media is “Soft Computing”
also studied [8].
The syllabus of the course under study covers three
Learning Management Systems (LMS), social soft computing techniques including fuzzy logic,
networks and blogs are indispensable for the efficient neural networks and genetic algorithm and the
application of innovative learning methodologies [9]. concept map illustrating the Fuzzy logic part of the
Discovery-learning approaches are better suited to syllabus is given in Figure 1.
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 32 , No. 2, October 2018, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 41

The Table 1 defines the course outcome addressed to attain the course outcome. In the normal classroom
in this paper, its Bloom's level, Proficiency expected session, these higher order skills are developed by
and expected attainment of the course outcome. giving assignments. The disadvantage is this idea is
Proficiency expected is the percentage marks to be more time is required for evaluating the assignments
obtained in that particular CO by each student to be and suggesting better ideas for every student. If this
counted towards the attainment of CO. Expected activity is held within the class, some common
attainment explains the percentage of students suggestions may be given across the class and it
expected to attain the expected proficiency. reduces the efforts of facilitator. This motivated to the
introduction of Flipped classroom. The idea can be
Table 1. Outcome Addressed better handled with the use of ICT tools.
CO Course Bloom’s Expect Expected
No. outcomes Level ed attainme The Teaching/Learning resources that are
Profici nt of available easily for access are Black board,
ency course computerized lecture hall with smart board which can
(%) outcome be used for audio, video and multimedia
(%) presentations, clickers, Laboratory hardware,
CO Apply fuzzy Apply 90 75 Simulation software, free wifi within the college
3 logic control campus.
techniques for
the given
Hence, it becomes comfortable for the faculty in-
engineering charge handling the course to get out the advantage of
problem Wiki space, web contents, Social media, Mobile
learning. Institutional software CAMU also supports
various teaching learning activities and planning. The
3. Motivation To ICT Based Flipped Classroom software is used to submit the assignments online.

The course is initially handled for the sixth While introducing a new course, it is an important
semester under graduate students of the batch 2014- thing to develop a passion and interest towards the
2018 and the content delivery methods includes learning of the course.As students found fond of using
lecture with discussions, lecture with software their mobile phones, a social group is created through
demonstrations including simple active learning mobile and video lectures are circulated among the
techniques like brainstorm, main map, one minute students. Discussion forum is created in wikispace for
paper, Think – Pair –Share etc. One minute paper is open discussions including the muddiest point and
done usually at the mid of one hour class when the clarifications. It addresses solutions to the concepts
students seems to be tired in grasping the concepts which the learners feel difficult with.
continuously. There are many effective ways for
students to create brainstorms of ideas. Working with It also gives pavement to peer instructions and peer
pairs or in small groups tends to be effective because review effectively. Using these ICT tools, active
students stimulate each other's thought processes. strategies are implemented in an organized fashion
Encouraging students to think out of the box and to and it helped the students to get clarified quickly and
delve into a topic using this technique often has learning happens fast.
unexpectedly positive results. Think – Pair –Share –
which got more positive feedbacks as really true 4. Implementation of Flipped Classroom Using
learning takes place when they started thinking , then ICT Tools
discussing with peers and share with others as well as
facilitator. Though the students of the batch passed the Planning of Flipped classroom strategy is as
course, they feel hard to design a control based on soft follows. As a pre-requisite, basics of Fuzzy logic are
computing methods since they lack hands on training taught. Development. A video is created under
experience. creative common licence and uploaded in youtube
“Solving a problem using Fuzzy logic in a MATLAB
For better understanding, it is required that the environment” where the development of Fuzzy
students themselves should apply the concepts they Inference System (FIS) for a specific application is
understand from the demonstrations of the facilitator
42 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 32 , No. 2, October 2018, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

explained. Though there are numerous tutorials III Development of FIS in MATLAB: 35
available online, students show more involvement if Matlab simulation file is created and
their own teacher explains them in their regional the parameter effects are analyzed
using Laptop with the assisting of
language. A 8:50 minutes video is created which instructor. Results of parameter
demonstrate the creation of FIS file for an application analysis are also recorded.
in MATLAB IV Preparation of report and upload in 25
wiki space virtual classroom:
Tools used to create and distribute the video Problem statement, input and output
material are MS Power point – To present the decisions, rule base for FIS
concepts, MATLAB – to show the simulation of formation is clearly defined along
with the screenshots of FIS
Fuzzy logic inference system for a practical
development. Results and
application, Screen cast- o- matic – To screen cast and discussions are stated.
to develop a video, Whatsapp and youtube to V Peer As sessment (Sample process ): 17
disseminate the video, Google forms for peer Peer assessment is done using
assessment and conducting quiz. Students are mobile device. Rubrics for
instructed to view the video file uploaded in youtube evaluation are defined and one
before the in-class activity and to answer the questions sample assessment is made.
given in Google feedback form. URL is provided VI One minute paper: Students are 5
instructed to provide open feedback
through Whatsapp and Wikispace virtual class group. on flipped classroom activity in online
Oral information is also provided four days before the discussion forum .
in -class activity. The students are also instructed to Total 120
bring at least one MATLAB installed laptop per team
at the day of in-class activity.
supported by two teaching assistants in this activity.
The students view the video with the provided
URL. Questions are generated in a multiple choice To complete activity V, assessment strategy is
pattern in google form which can be answered by given in table III and the rubrics for assessment is
seeing the video and the students are instructed to provided in table 4.
attend the same before coming to in-class activity
session of a flipped class. This is to ensure that they Table 3. Peer Assessment Strategys
have seen the video and able to interpret it. Twenty Group ID Group Name Groups to assess
teams are identified in prior. 1 EEEians 2,3,4
2 Smarties 3,4,5
The description of the in-class activity planned for 3 ………. 4,5,6
two hours is provided in table 2. The instructor is 4 ………… 5,6,7
Table 2. In-class Activity .. ………… ---------
Activity Activity Time 19 ………… 20, 1 , 2
No. (Mins) 20 ………… 1, 2, 3
I Students are grouped with three 5
members per team. Thus 20 teams In this strategy, one group will assess three peer
are formed. Each team generates
groups and as a whole, each team will be assessed
team name.
II Think – Share – Finalize – Report :
three times by peer and one time by instructor.
Think : Students should individually 7
think of an electrical problem for Team work (involvement in team) is assessed by
which Fuzzy logic can be applied instructor in the basis of interaction of group members
Share : Students share their thought 10 (as observed in the entire session).
process with their team mates
Finalize: Students select one of the 3 Thus, In-class assessment of the learning outcome
best problems is done through Peer assessment and Facilitator
Report: Each batch reports the 15
instructor with the finalized problem
and instructor helps them to fine
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 32 , No. 2, October 2018, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 43

Table 4. Rubrics For Assessment

Table 6 gives the details of the weightage given for
S. Parameter Good (5) Average (3) Below feedback in the rating of five point scale.
N average (1)
1 Selection Practical Electrical Non Table 6: Weightage Given For Feedback
of problem real time problem but electrical
electrical not so problem
problem practical J Strong Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
2 Selection Well Parameter Parameters ly (A) (N) (D) Disagree
of input defined ranges ranges are Agree (SD)
and output parameter specified wrong. (SA)
parameters ranges w ith without Wj 5 4 3 1 0
justification justification
3 Selection Proper Proper Improper
of methods selection selection selection The feedback questions and the equation for
with without satisfaction index are as follows :
justification explanation
4 Results Perfect Results No proper Q1. I can explain the concepts of Fuzzy logic to others
presentation interpretation without results
of results interpretation
Q2. Out of class activities contributed to my learning
5. Discussions on Results
Q3. I can apply the Fuzzy concepts in future
The case study is performed on the students of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering during the Q4. I am able to design Fuzzy logic controller for an
even semester of 2016-17.The number of students in electrical problem
the class dealt with the above subject is 60 (Batch I).
This FC using ICT tools usage are practiced and tested Q5. I am able to work with Fuzzy logic based complex
with these students. The same subject was also studied systems
by another section of students (Batch II) of the same
batch as a teacher oriented learning where most of the Figure 2 provides the data of the number of
syllabus was covered by lectures and demonstrations students who have given feedback in different scale
using MATLAB tools. Table 5 specifies the details of points for the selected five questions. Using these
the content delivery methods adopted and the role of feedback data Satisfaction index is calculated using
both teacher and students. Equation 1

Table 5. Content Delivery Methods Adopted

What teacher does? What student does?
Activity Batch -II Batch - I Batch -II Batch - I
1. In-class activity: Out of class activity: Listens and takes Go through the out of
(Day 1) Lecture with Creates video Lecture notes, write class material.
demonstrations using with demonstrations procedures on note Attend a feedback test to
MATLAB software using MATLAB book ensure the learning from
and Power point software and Power the material.
presentations. point presentations and
Validate the provides out of the class
understanding of the material. Valuate the
students using tests. students understanding .
Provides out of the All these tasks are done
class assignments out of the class.
2 Out of class activity: In-class activity: Submit the Develop the Fuzzy logic
(Day 4) Evaluate and Provides In class assignment on Fuzzy controller using
comments on the assignment, Evaluate logic controller using MATLAB software and
assignment work done and comments on the MATLAB software executes and finds the
by the students. work done by students and submitted the result and justify the
report. results
44 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 32 , No. 2, October 2018, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707


Where NQ-Number of questions (5 here)

NS- Number of scale chosen (5 here)
Wj - Weight for jth point scale

The resultant SI is calculated from the survey taken

by all the students and it is represented in figure 3. It is
seen that SI for FC batch is 0.686 and conventional
batch is 0.546, where ideal satisfaction index is 1. The
index 1, 2, 3 in figure 3 represents ideal SI, SI of batch-
I and SI of batch-II respectively.

Another set of students (Batch -II) are not provided

with the out of the class activity, Instead the out of the Fig. 3 Satisfaction index Case 1: Ideal;
class activity is done inside the class. Students are Case 2: Batch -I; Case 2: Batch -II;
taught conventionally how to develop Fuzzy logic FIS
using a demonstration within the class. The in class Table 7 Results Of Rubrics Based Assessment
activity performed in FC is given as an assignment S.No Parameters Batch - I Batch – II
activity for these students. The Same four days are (Total (Total
given to submit their assignment. The results of marks of 20 marks of 20
Rubrics based assessment is presented in table VII. batches) batches)
The results represent the total marks obtained by all 1. Selection of 80 74
the teams in both the batches for each parameter of the problem
developed rubrics. It is evident that the marks 2. Selection of input 94 82
obtained by batch - I is more than the marks obtained and output
by batch -II due to the active participation of students
3. Selection of 94 80
in FC. methods
4. Results 80 80

6. Conclusion

Perhaps teacher centric sort of teaching, results in

competitive and individualistic mentality of students.
The students who undergone Flipped Classroom are
very active in the class room, enjoyed with the
strategies used and felt okay with the assessment
methods. FC can be made effective with effective use
of ICT tools. The assessment of group activity and the
satisfactory index obtained from the feedback of
students for the selected course outcome justified the
Fig. 2 - Number of students who have given feedback
requirement of active strategies using ICT tools in
in different scale points for the selected five questions
learning a course. It is evident that FC with the use of
ICT tools enhances the understanding and
When students are tested with HOTS inside performance of the students.
classroom, they found comfortable when a facilitator
assists them. When they are doing so outside the References
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