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Appointment Letter- Contract



<Name of the Employee>

<Residential Address>

Subject: JOB OFFERED(Title of Designation)

Dear <first name>,

This has reference to your application and subsequent interviews you have had with us. We are
pleased to offer you a Job (Title) in our APTMA based at <site name>, with effect from
<MM/DD/YYYY>, on the following terms and conditions.

The Company undertakes <describe nature of projects / assignments> at various locations and
you are being engaged for the <name of customer and project>, based at <location>, on the
following terms & conditions:

Scope of Work

You will be responsible for:

<Key Responsibility Area 1, Area 2 etc>
Management reserves the right of changing the scope of your work or your posting based on
business exigencies.
A. Terms
1. This contract will be valid for <define tenure> with effect from <DD/MM/YYYY> or on
completion of <describe site duration>, whichever is earlier.

2. You would be paid monthly consultancy fees of Rs. _______/- (Rupees in words) per month
subject to TDS.

3. Inland Travel: You will be entitled for <define travel fare limit> or <upper limit of travel
fare> or equivalent for Business travels. You would stay at company transit houses wherever
available. You would be paid a daily boarding allowance of Rs. ___/- from which expenses
towards meals would be deducted. If you stay with relatives or friends you would be paid an
additional amount of Rs. ___/- per day. If required to stay in hotel the daily limit for
reimbursement would be Rs. _____/-

4. You would be reimbursed the cost of any official long distance calls made by you upon
submission of bills.

5. You are expected to work for ______ days in a year and you should inform your non
availability in advance.
6. During the course of your employment with APTMA, you will be required to abide by APTAMA
norms and ethics, code of conduct as detailed out in Annexure A. Non-compliance to the
code of conduct will lead to termination without notice and the management may (depending
on the nature of violation) proceed with legal lawsuit.

The contract may be terminated with one month’s notice from either side or on payment of one
months salary. < The period will be 3 months for senior personnel like sales Head,
Operations Head, Factory Manager>
B. Confidentiality of Information
1. You will not divulge information about the company, customer, and progress of the project to
any outsider without prior approval from your supervising manager.

2. You will not undertake similar assignments from competitors of the APTMA, during the course
of this contract.

You will take utmost care during the course of this contract in handling business information of
sensitive nature to maintain its secrecy.

C. Reporting
You are required to inform the progress of your work to <Name & Designation of reporting

Kindly communicate your acceptance of this contract by signing a copy of this letter and
returning it to us.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely

Executive Director

CC: Chief Financial Officer

Accepted by : <name of candidate>

Signature of the Candidate : <signature>



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