J C College of Law, 1st Natiional Moot Court Competition

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(Sponsored by Nagarjuna Education Society)







J C College of Law
Moot Society
Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Law is named after Sri Jagarlamudi Chandramouli,
Advocate, former Member of Rajya Sabha, former Member of AP State Legislative Assembly,
Educationalist and Philanthropist. . The College is sponsored by Nagarjuna Education Society,
Guntur (Regd. No. 56 of 1967) and was inaugurated on 22-06-1991 by Hon'ble Justice (Retd.)
S. Parvatha Rao the then Judge of High Court of A.P. and is affiliated to the Acharya Nagarjuna
University, having permission of Andhra Pradesh State Government and approval of affiliation
of Bar Council of India (BCI).

Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Law constantly endeavours to provide the best possible
facilities towards attaining its desired objectives of providing quality education and selflessly
strives for the betterment of the students.


The College gives top priority to the class room teaching. Apart from this the programmes with
student participation like debates, internal moot court competition etc. are conducted. Sports
and Cultural activities are also encouraged and given preference. In this back ground the
Management this year is very happy to add up one more to the list – The 1st National Moot
Court Competition on 1st and 2nd of February, 2020.

Moot Court is going to be developed into a key extracurricular activity in Jagarlamudi

Chandramouli College of Law, as the College feels that mooting helps the law students the
best. The College deems it as a right path to reach out to the future needs of legal aspirants and
to recognise their talent and help them improve their skills of drafting and mooting. Therefore,
here stands the J.C. College of Law conducting, its first ever National Moot Court Competition.
Moot Case
The Amaravati police have charged Deepchand, aged 35 for the offences under Sections 4 and
5 of the Explosive Substances Act, 1908 and Deepchand and his family members, wife aged
32 , two brothers, aged 30 and 25 years and mother aged 55 years, for the offences under
Sections 120B, 143 and 144 IPC. The prosecution case is that:

On 18-7-2015, communal riots broke out in the city and continued unabated for 2 days. During
these two days 14 persons including old people, women and children were killed. Hundreds
of people suffered knife, burn and other injuries. Property worth crores of rupees was gutted
and looted. The rioters used knives, swords, dangerous acids and petrol bombs
indiscriminately. Curfew was imposed for 2 days, on 18th and 19th. A few hundred policemen
were deployed to control the situation and on the night of 18th and again on the night of 19th
Deepchand made phone calls to police informing to them that his shop was attacked and gutted
by the rioters and property worth nearly rupees ten lakh in total was looted. In the early hours
of 22nd July, a police search party that was combing the area for weapons and rioters, entered
into the house and shop of the accused. They found six spears, a sword, three half litter
containers of Sulphuric Acid and ten petrol bombs. Police arrested the accused and charged
them for the offences under the above stated Sections.

The defence case is that Deepchand is the owner of a two storied building and has the shop in
the ground floor and is residing in the first floor with his family members. During the
communal riots twice his shop was attacked by the rioters and property worth rupees ten lakh
was looted and the shop was gutted. He informed the police immediately but he could not get
any help from them. Property worth another rupees ten lakh is in the stock room, which is
adjacent to the shop. In fear of further attacks on his property and family members he equipped
himself with the spears, sword, acid and petrol bombs and had his shop protected by fire
resistant paint and bought 10 fire extinguishers. He intended to use the weapons only when he
and his property were on attack and never intended to injure any one or use them otherwise.

The following matters are in evidence:

1. That the shop was attacked twice, property worth rupees ten lakh was looted and the shop
was gutted;

2. That the accused made phone calls to police but they have not responded;

3. That property worth another rupees ten lakh was in the stock room;
4. That the first younger brother of the accused was in an earlier case prosecuted for attacking
the other community in a communal riot and was acquitted on benefit of doubt;

5. That isolated acts of rioting and looting continued till 25th July; and

6. That fire resistant paint was applied and fire extinguishers were kept.

The Sessions Court at Amaravati convicted Deepchand with 10 years’ imprisonment each for
the offences under Sections 4 and 5 of Explosive Substances Act to run concurrently and
Deepchand and his family members each with six months’ imprisonment under Section 143
IPC and two years’ imprisonment under Section 144 IPC to run concurrently. High Court of
Andhra Pradesh has acquitted all the accused. The State preferred the appeal to Supreme
Court. The appeal is posted for arguments.

1. The Competition shall be held for two days on 1st and 2nd February, 2020 (Saturday and
2. The Competition shall be open to bona fide students pursuing 3 Year LL.B. Course or
integrated 5 year LL.B. Course offered by a Law School/Affiliated Law College/University
Department/Centre of Legal Education recognized by Bar Council of India.
3. The language of the Competition shall be English.
4. Only 32 teams shall be registered for the Competition on ‘first come first serve’ basis. The
Organizing College shall reserve the right of registration. It may invite to the competition a
School/College/Department/Centre that is not registered.
5. Each participating team shall consist of three members i.e. Two Mooters and One Researcher.
Due to an exigency the Organizing College may allow a two member team to participate in
the Competition.
6. One team only is permitted to participate from a School / College / Department / Centre.
7. The participating teams shall bear the travelling and all other incidental expenses.
8. The Organizing College shall provide free board and lodging to the participating teams.
Depending upon the travel plan of the participating teams accommodation shall be provided
from afternoon of 31st January to afternoon of 3rd February, 2020.
No accommodation shall be provided to the teams from nearby places.
9. The dress to the participants shall be the dress prescribed to Advocates under Advocates Act.
10. The team of the Organizing College shall participate in the Competition.
11. The members of the participating teams shall maintain, during the Competition, decency and
decorum of the Court and conduct themselves in the manner befitting of the legal profession.
12. The Organizing College shall have an inherent power to make Rules on any situation not
covered in the Rules.
13. The decision of the Principal of the Organizing College shall be final with regard to the
interpretation of the Rules and on any other matter or matters relating to the Competition.
14. The brochure can be downloaded from www.jccollegeoflaw.in and www.lawctopus.com
15. Postal address of the Organizing College:
The Principal,
J.C. College of Law,
JKC Nagar, Guntur,
Andhra Pradesh Pin: 522006.
Soft copies may be sent to: [email protected]

 The Winning Team shall be awarded Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Law
President’s Trophy, Cash Prize of Rs. 25,000/- and Certificate of Appreciation of Merit.
 The Runner-Up Team shall be awarded Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Law
Secretary’s Trophy, Cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- and Certificate of Appreciation of Merit.
 The Best Memorial shall be awarded with Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Law
Principal’s Trophy, Cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- and Certificate of Appreciation of Merit.
 The Best Speaker shall get Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Law Staff Trophy,
Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000 and Certificate of Appreciation of Merit. Best Speaker shall
be evaluated on the bases of performance in preliminary rounds.
 All the members of the teams that entered into Quarter Final and Semi Final shall be
awarded Certificates of Appreciation of Merit.
 All the members of the other participating teams shall be awarded Certificates of

17. Teams from each participating institution are required to fill in the registration form at :

18. The Registration fee of Rs.1,500 can be paid only through Online Payment (NEFT)
Name:- Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College of Law, Guntur
Account No:- 110810011001014,
IFSC Code:- ANDB 0001108
Bank Address:- Andhra Bank, JKC College Branch, Guntur.

19. Each team shall submit Memorials for both Appellant and Respondent.
20. The text of the Memorial shall not exceed 25 pages. The Memorials shall be typed on A4
size paper with standard margins on both sides in Times New Roman with font size 12 with
double line spacing.
21. Each team shall submit 06 copies of Memorials for each side. The name of the institution or
the names of the student participants shall not appear at any place in the Memorial. The Team
Code allotted shall be typed at the top right corner of the cover page of the Memorial.
22. The cover page of the Memorial for the Appellant shall be in blue colour and for the
Respondent in red colour. Prefer chart paper or white paper to plastic sheet for cover page.
Also prefer staples or cotton thread stitches to spiral binding.
23. Soft copy of Memorials (in M.S Word doc. & PDF format) shall be emailed to
[email protected] latest by 4th January, 2020 (23:59 hours IST) with subject
“Memorial for Team code__”

Conduction of the Competition

24. The competition shall be conducted in four rounds – Preliminary, Quarter, Semi and Final
25. In the Preliminary rounds each team shall argue for both sides. Eight teams that achieve the
highest marks in the Preliminary rounds shall become eligible to enter into the Quarter finals.
26. Quarter, Semi and Final rounds shall be held on a Knock-Out basis.
27. In the preliminary rounds each team shall get 30 minutes time. The two Mooters can adjust
the time between them. But, no Mooter shall argue for more than 20 minutes.
In Quarter and Semi Final rounds also each team shall get 30minutes time. In all these rounds
each team shall get 2 minutes time for rebuttals.
In the Final round each team shall get 40 minutes time and 5 minutes for rebuttals.
28. Memorials are valued separately. Both Memorials put together are valued for 50 marks.
Basis of Evaluation Marks

Cause Title and Form 05

Framing of Issues 05

Analysis of Facts and Law and 30

drawing of Inferences

Reference of related Cases 05

Reliefs claimed in Prayer 05

Total 50

29. Oral arguments shall generally confine to the Memorials.

30. Oral arguments for each side (i.e., for Appellant and Respondent) shall carry 100 marks.
Argument of each Mooter shall be valued for 50 marks.

Basis of Evaluation Marks

Addressing the Court, Articulation 05

and Mannerism
Presentation of fact, law and 30
Clarity, brevity and ingenuity of 05
Making of rebuttals 05

Answer to Court Queries 05

Total 50

31. For any query or clarification please contact: [email protected]

Faculty Coordinator:
Ms. A. Bhanu Priya - [email protected]

Student Coordinators:
Ms. Maimuna Mubashira - 8790476537
Ms. M. Thanmai Krishna - 8897313144

Event Date
Release of Moot Proposition 06/11/2019
Commencement of Registration 11/11/2019

Closure of Registration 15/12/2019

Last date for clarifications to Moot Case 20/12/2019

Allotment of Team Codes 02/01/2020

Last date for submission of Soft Copy 04/01/2020
of Memorials
Last date for filing of Hard Copies of 12/01/2020
Exchange of Memorials for Preliminary 27/01/2020
Preliminary Rounds and Quarter Finals 01/02/2020

Semi Finals and Final Rounds 02/02/2020

Valedictory Ceremony and Prize 02/02/2020

NOTE: Furnishing of information required herein is mandatory. A bona fide certificate

(Authority Letter) issued by an appropriate authority of the Institution/ College/ University
must be sent along with Memorials.

Institution/College/University Information:


Date: (Seal and Signature of Head of the Institution)


 Name of Institution……………………………………………………………….……...…
 Address………………………………………………………………….…………………

S.No Name of Participant Date & Time of Mode of Train No. / Other details /
Arrival Arrival Flight No. / Bus Remarks, if any

S.No Name of Participant Date & Time of Mode of Train No. / Other details /
Departure Departure Flight No. / Bus Remarks, if any

 Accommodation and hospitality Details

Accommodation and hospitality facility required: YES/NO
If Yes, then:

1. Number of Male Members :

2. Number of Female Members :

Date: (Seal and Signature of Head of the Institution)

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