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31 March 2016

Check Point Security Management


Administration Guide
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Revision History
Date Description
31 March 2016 First release of this document
Important Information................................................................................................... 3
Terms ............................................................................................................................ 9
Welcome ..................................................................................................................... 11
Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 12
Understanding SmartConsole ................................................................................. 12
Tour of SmartConsole....................................................................................................12
SmartConsole Toolbars .................................................................................................12
Search Engine ...............................................................................................................15
Access and Threat Tools ................................................................................................15
Shared Policies..............................................................................................................16
Command Line Interface ...............................................................................................17
Connecting to the Security Management Server through SmartConsole ............... 17
Setting Up for Security Management ...................................................................... 18
Setting up for Team Work ....................................................................................... 18
Managing Security through API and CLI.................................................................. 19
Configuring the API Server ............................................................................................19
Management API Settings .............................................................................................19
Planning Security Management .............................................................................. 20
Managing Administrator Accounts .............................................................................. 21
Creating and Changing Administrator Accounts ..................................................... 21
Configuring Default Expiration for Administrators ........................................................22
Deleting an Administrator ....................................................................................... 23
Revoking Administrator Certificate......................................................................... 23
Assigning Permission Profiles to Administrators ................................................... 23
Creating and Changing Permission Profiles ..................................................................23
Configuring Customized Permissions............................................................................24
Permissions for Access Control and Threat Prevention ................................................25
Permissions for Monitoring, Logging, Events, and Reports ...........................................25
Defining Trusted Clients ......................................................................................... 26
Configuring Trusted Clients...........................................................................................26
Administrator Collaboration ................................................................................... 27
Publishing .....................................................................................................................27
Working with Sessions ..................................................................................................28
Working with Database Revisions ..................................................................................28
Configuring Authentication Methods for Administrators ........................................ 29
Configuring Check Point Password Authentication for Administrators .........................29
Configuring OS Password Authentication for Administrators ........................................30
Configuring a RADIUS Server for Administrators ..........................................................30
Configuring a SecurID Server for Administrators ..........................................................31
Configuring a TACACS Server for Administrators..........................................................31
Managing Gateways .................................................................................................... 33
Creating a New Security Gateway ........................................................................... 33
Updating the Gateway Topology .............................................................................. 34
Secure Internal Communication (SIC) ..................................................................... 34
Initializing Trust ............................................................................................................34
SIC Status ......................................................................................................................35
Trust State .....................................................................................................................35
Troubleshooting SIC ......................................................................................................36
Understanding the Check Point Internal Certificate Authority (ICA) ..............................36
ICA Clients .....................................................................................................................37
SIC Certificate Management ..........................................................................................37
Check Point Hosts ................................................................................................... 37
Managing Objects ........................................................................................................ 38
Object Categories .................................................................................................... 38
Adding, Editing, Cloning, Deleting, and Replacing Objects ..................................... 39
Object Tags .............................................................................................................. 39
Network Object Types ............................................................................................. 40
Networks .......................................................................................................................40
Network Groups ............................................................................................................40
Managing Software Blade Licenses ...............................................................................40
Gateway Cluster ............................................................................................................43
More Network Object Types...........................................................................................43
Policy Management ..................................................................................................... 47
Working with Policy Packages ................................................................................ 47
Creating a New Policy Package .....................................................................................49
Adding a Policy Type to an Existing Policy Package .......................................................49
Installing a Policy Package ............................................................................................50
Uninstalling a Policy Package ........................................................................................51
Viewing Rule Logs ................................................................................................... 51
Installing and Publishing ........................................................................................ 51
Validation Errors ...........................................................................................................51
Policy Installation History ....................................................................................... 52
Introducing Policy Layers........................................................................................ 52
Managing Policy Layers .......................................................................................... 53
Introducing the Access Control Policy ........................................................................ 54
Unified Policy .......................................................................................................... 54
The Columns of the Access Control Rule Base ....................................................... 55
Types of Rules in the Rule Base .............................................................................. 55
Configuring the Implied Rules .......................................................................................56
Visual Division of the Rule Base with Sections ........................................................ 56
Managing Pre-R80 Security Gateways .................................................................... 57
Order of Rule Enforcement ..................................................................................... 57
Managing Network Access Control ......................................................................... 58
Ensuring a Secure Network Access ...............................................................................58
Preventing IP Spoofing ..................................................................................................59
Managing URL Filtering and Application Control .................................................... 61
The Check Point Solution for Internet Browsing ............................................................62
UserCheck .....................................................................................................................62
Enabling URL Filtering and Application Control ............................................................63
Special URL Filtering and Application Control Fields ....................................................63
Sample URL Filtering and Application Control Rules ....................................................66
Analyzing the Rule Base (Hit Count)........................................................................ 66
Enabling or Disabling Hit Count .....................................................................................67
Configuring the Hit Count Display ..................................................................................68
Inspection Settings.................................................................................................. 69
Configuring Inspection Settings.....................................................................................69
Creating a Threat Prevention Policy ........................................................................... 71
Threat Prevention Components .............................................................................. 71
ThreatSpect Engine and ThreatCloud Repository ................................................... 72
Learning about Malware ......................................................................................... 72
IPS ........................................................................................................................... 72
Overview of IPS ..............................................................................................................72
Choosing the Level of Protection ...................................................................................73
Customizing IPS Protections for Your Network .............................................................73
Browsing IPS Protections ..............................................................................................75
Activating Protections for a Profile ................................................................................76
Removing Activation Overrides ......................................................................................76
Adding Network Exceptions ...........................................................................................76
Anti-Bot ................................................................................................................... 77
Protecting Networks from Bots .....................................................................................77
Identifying Bot Infected Computers ...............................................................................77
Enabling the Anti-Bot Software Blade ...........................................................................78
Anti-Virus ................................................................................................................ 78
Protecting Networks from Viruses ................................................................................78
Examining Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Protections .............................................................78
Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base .......................................................................... 79
Managing the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base ..........................................................79
Sample Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base ....................................................................80
Threat Emulation .................................................................................................... 80
The Need for Threat Emulation .....................................................................................80
ThreatCloud Emulation..................................................................................................81
Using Cloud Emulation ..................................................................................................82
Creating a Threat Prevention Policy ....................................................................... 82
Overview of Creating a Threat Prevention Policy ...........................................................83
Optimized Protection Profile Settings............................................................................83
IPS and Threat Prevention Policy Use Cases .................................................................84
Threat Prevention Profiles ............................................................................................86
Creating Rules ........................................................................................................ 86
Predefined Rule.............................................................................................................87
Creating Rules ...............................................................................................................87
Creating Anti-Virus Rules ..............................................................................................90
Installing the Threat Prevention Policy ................................................................... 91
Updating the IPS and Malware Databases .............................................................. 91
Updating IPS Protections ...............................................................................................91
Scheduling Updates .......................................................................................................92
Anti-Spam ............................................................................................................... 92
Enabling Anti-Spam .......................................................................................................93
Sample Configuration ....................................................................................................93
Managing User Accounts ............................................................................................. 94
Authentication Methods for Users and Administrators........................................... 94
Check Point Password ...................................................................................................94
Operating System Password ..........................................................................................94
RADIUS ..........................................................................................................................94
TACACS .........................................................................................................................95
Configuring Authentication Methods for Users ....................................................... 95
Granting User Access Using RADIUS Server Groups .....................................................95
Configuring a Security Gateway to use SecurID Authentication .....................................96
Configuring a Security Gateway to use TACACS+ Authentication ...................................97
User Database ......................................................................................................... 99
Creating, Modifying, Removing User Accounts ..............................................................99
Managing Certificates ..................................................................................................100
Configuring Encryption ................................................................................................101
Configuring Default Expiration Settings for Users .......................................................101
Delete a User ...............................................................................................................102
Managing User Groups .......................................................................................... 102
Adding User Groups.....................................................................................................102
LDAP and User Directory ...................................................................................... 103
User Directory and Identity Awareness .......................................................................103
User Directory Considerations ....................................................................................103
The User Directory Schema .........................................................................................104
Check Point Schema for LDAP .....................................................................................104
User Directory Profiles ................................................................................................112
Microsoft Active Directory ...........................................................................................124
Retrieving Information from a User Directory Server ..................................................126
Deploying User Directory.............................................................................................128
Enabling User Directory ..............................................................................................128
Account Units ..............................................................................................................129
Managing Users on a User Directory Server ................................................................134
Access Roles ......................................................................................................... 136
Adding Access Roles....................................................................................................136
Authentication Rules ............................................................................................. 137
Client Certificates for Smartphones and Tablets ...................................................... 138
Managing Client Certificates ................................................................................. 138
Creating Client Certificates ................................................................................... 139
Revoking Certificates ............................................................................................ 140
Creating Templates for Certificate Distribution .................................................... 140
Cloning a Template ............................................................................................... 141
Giving Permissions for Client Certificates ............................................................ 141
Preferences and Management Settings .................................................................... 142
Setting IP Address Versions of the Environment .................................................. 142
Restoring Window Defaults ................................................................................... 142
Setting SmartConsole Timeout ............................................................................. 142
Configuring the Login Window .............................................................................. 143
Management High Availability ................................................................................... 144
The High Availability Environment ........................................................................ 144
Planning for Management High Availability .......................................................... 145
Configuring a Secondary Server in SmartConsole ................................................ 145
Monitoring High Availability .................................................................................. 145
Synchronizing Active and Standby Servers ........................................................... 146
How Synchronization Works ........................................................................................146
Synchronization Status ................................................................................................147
High Availability Troubleshooting ................................................................................148
Failover Between Active and Standby ................................................................... 149
Changing a Server to Active or Standby ................................................................ 149
High Availability Disaster Recovery ...................................................................... 149
Recovery By Creating a New Primary Server...............................................................149
Promoting a Secondary Server to Primary ..................................................................150
The Security Management Server CLI ....................................................................... 151
The ICA Management Tool ........................................................................................ 156
CRL Management .................................................................................................. 156
Using the ICA Management Tool ........................................................................... 157
Enabling and Connecting to the ICA Management Tool......................................... 157
The ICA Management Tool GUI .............................................................................. 158
User Certificate Management ............................................................................... 158
Modifying the Key Size for User Certificates ................................................................159
Performing Multiple Simultaneous Operations .................................................... 159
ICA Administrators with Reduced Privileges ........................................................ 160
Management of SIC Certificates ............................................................................ 160
Management of Gateway VPN Certificates ............................................................ 160
Management of User Certificates in SmartConsole .............................................. 160
Notifying Users about Certificate Initialization ..................................................... 160
Retrieving the ICA Certificate ................................................................................ 160
Searching for a Certificate .................................................................................... 161
Basic Search Parameters ............................................................................................161
Advanced Search Attributes ........................................................................................161
The Search Results......................................................................................................162
Viewing and Saving Certificate Details.........................................................................162
Removing and Revoking Certificates and Sending Email Notifications ................. 162
Submitting a Certificate Request to the CA ........................................................... 163
Initializing Multiple Certificates Simultaneously .................................................. 164
CRL Operations ..................................................................................................... 165
CA Cleanup ............................................................................................................ 165
Configuring the CA ................................................................................................ 165
CA Data Types and Attributes................................................................................ 165
Certificate Longevity and Statuses ........................................................................ 169
Index.......................................................................................................................... 171
Management Server

A Security Management Server or
Multi-Domain Server that manages one or
more Security Gateways and security
Administrator policies.

A SmartConsole user with permissions to Package

manage Check Point security products and
Group of files, and data about those files,
the network environment.
delivered as one software archive (usually
Administrator Groups TGZ or RPM), for distribution and installation.

Named groups of administrators with Permissions Profile

permissions to install policies on specified
A set of access, and feature-based roles for
SmartConsole administrators.
The Check Point database includes all
A collection of rules that control network
objects, including network objects, users,
traffic and enforce organization guidelines
services, servers, and protection profiles. It
for data protection and access to resources
does not include the Rule Bases. When you
with packet inspection.
modify an object, install the database on the
Security Management Server and the Log
Rule Base
The database that contains the rules in a
External Users security policy and defines the sequence in
which they are enforced.
Users defined on external servers. External
users are not defined in the Security
Security Gateway
Management Server database or on an LDAP
server. External user profiles tell the system A computer or appliance that inspects traffic
how to identify and authenticate externally and enforces Security Policies for connected
defined users. network resources.

Identity Awareness Security Management Server

Lets you enforce network access and audit The application that manages, stores, and
data based on network location, the identity distributes the security policy to Security
of the user, and the identity of the computer. Gateways.

LDAP Security Policy

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. An A collection of rules that control network
open industry standard for user and device traffic and enforce organization guidelines
data storage and directory-access. for data protection and access to resources
with packet inspection.
LDAP Groups
Groups of users defined on an LDAP account
unit. Secure Internal Communication. The process
by which networking components
Log Server authenticate over SSL between themselves
and the Security Management Server, as the
Physical server that hosts Check Point
Internal Certificate Authority (ICA), for secure
product log files.
communication. The Security Management
Server issues a certificate, which
components use to validate the identity of

A Check Point GUI application used to
manage security policies, monitor products
and events, install updates, provision new
devices and appliances, and manage a
multi-domain environment.

A legacy Check Point client used to create
and manage the security policy.

Software Blade
A software blade is a security solution based
on specific business needs.
Each blade is independent, modular and
centrally managed. To extend security,
additional blades can be quickly added.

User Database
Check Point internal database that contains
all users and administrators defined and
managed in SmartConsole.

User Groups
Named groups of users with related

User Template
Property set that defines a type of user on
which a security policy will be enforced.

Personnel authorized to use network
resources and applications.

Check Point offers effective Security Management solutions to help you keep up with constantly
growing needs and challenges of your organizational network. This Administration Guide focuses
on the basic Security Management Server deployment.
If you are interested in deployments for organizations with multiple sites, refer to the R80
Multi-Domain Server Administration Guide
These are the basic components of Check Point security architecture.

Item Description
1 Your environment to protect.

2 Security Management Server - Manages Security Gateways with defined security policies
and monitors security events on the network.

3 SmartConsole - Check Point Graphical User Interface for connection to and management
of Security Management Servers.

4 Security Gateway - Placed at the perimeter of the network topology, to protect your
environment through enforcement of the security policies.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 11


Getting Started
In This Section:
Understanding SmartConsole .....................................................................................12
Connecting to the Security Management Server through SmartConsole .................17
Setting Up for Security Management ..........................................................................18
Setting up for Team Work ............................................................................................18
Managing Security through API and CLI .....................................................................19
Planning Security Management ...................................................................................20

Before you begin deploying a Check Point security solution, familiarize yourself with:
• Check Point SmartConsole
• Basic setup of a Check Point Security Management Server
• Basic setup of Check Point Security Gateways
• Administrative task delegation
• Security management in a non-GUI environment

Understanding SmartConsole
Check Point SmartConsole makes it easy to manage security for complex networks. Before you
start to configure your network security environment and policies, become familiar with Check
Point SmartConsole.

Tour of SmartConsole
For a guided tour of SmartConsole, click the What's New button at the bottom left of the
window. Click the < and > icons to scroll between the different What's New screens.

SmartConsole Toolbars
Global Toolbar (top of SmartConsole)
The main SmartConsole Menu:
• Open Object Explorer
• Manage Policies
• Install Database
• Manage High Availability State
• Change Global Properties
• Manage Licenses and Packages
• Enter Session Details
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 12
Getting Started

Open the Object Explorer

Install policy on managed gateways

Identify areas of the SmartConsole

Session Management Toolbar (top of SmartConsole)

Discard changes made during the session

Enter session details

Commit policy changes to the database and make them visible to other
Note - The changes are saved on the gateways and enforced after the next
policy install

Navigation Toolbar (left side of SmartConsole)

Keyboard Description
Cntrl+1 Gateway configuration view:
• Manage Security Gateways
• Activate Software Blades
• Add, edit, or delete gateways and clusters (including virtual
• Run scripts
• Backup and restore gateways
• Open a command line interface on the gateway
• View gateway status

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 13

Getting Started

Keyboard Description
Cntrl+2 Security Policies Access Control view:
• Manage the Access Control Software Blades: DLP, VPN,
Application Control and URL Filtering, and Mobile Access
• Edit multiple policies at the same time
• Add, edit, or delete NAT rules
Security Policies Threat Prevention view:
• Manage the Threat Prevention Software Blades: IPS, Anti-Bot,
Anti-Virus, Threat Emulation
• Edit the unified threat Rule Base
• Configure threat profiles for all Software Blades
• Add, edit, or delete exceptions and exception groups
Both views:
• Install policies
• See logs and details
Cntrl+3 Logs & Monitor view:
• See high level graphs and plots
• Search through logs
• Schedule customized reports
• Monitor gateways
• See compliance information
Cntrl+4 Manage & Settings view - review and configure the Security
Management Server settings:
• Administrators - connected and disconnected
• Permissions profiles
• Trusted clients
• Sessions
• Blades
• Revisions
• Network management preferences
• Idle timeout
• Login message

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 14

Getting Started

Command Line Interface Button (left bottom corner of SmartConsole)

Keyboard Description
F9 Open a command line interface for management scripting and API

Object Management Tab (right side of SmartConsole)

Objects Manage security and network objects

Errors Tab (right side of SmartConsole)

Errors See validation warnings and errors

System Information Area (bottom of SmartConsole)

Task List See management activities, such as policy installation tasks

Server Details See the IP address of the Security Management Server

Connected See connected users


Search Engine
You can search the Security Management Server database for:
• Gateway, by name or IP address
• Access Control rule
• NAT rule
• Threat Prevention profile
• Specific threat or a threat category
• Object tags

Access and Threat Tools

The Access Tools section in the Security Policies Access Control view and the Threat Tools
section in the Security Policies Threat Prevention view give you more management and data
collection tools.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 15

Getting Started

Access Tools in the Security Policies Access Control view:

Tool Description
VPN Communities Create, edit, or delete VPNs.

Updates Configure updates to the Application Control and URL Filtering


UserCheck Create, edit, or delete UserCheck interaction objects for Access

Control policy actions.

Client Certificates Allow users to access resources using their handheld devices by
creating and distributing client certificates. This allows them to
authenticate to the Gateway.

Application Wiki Link to the Check Point AppWiki. Search and filter the Web 2.0
Applications Database, to use Check Point security research in your
policy rules for actions on applications, apps, and widgets.

Installation History See the Policy installation history for each Gateway, and who made the
changes. See the revisions that were made during each installation,
and who made them. Revert to a specific version of the Policy.

Threat Tools in the Security Policies Threat Prevention view:

Tool Description
Profiles Create, edit, or delete profiles.

IPS Protections Edit IPS protections and configure exceptions.

Protections See statistics on different detected threats

Whitelist Files Configure Whitelist Files list

Updates Configure updates to the Malware database, Threat Emulation engine

and images, and the IPS database.

UserCheck Create, edit, or delete UserCheck interaction objects for Threat

Prevention policy actions.

Threat Wiki Link to the Check Point ThreatWiki. Search and filter Check Point's
Malware Database, to use Check Point security research to block
malware before it enters your environment, and to best respond if it
does get in.

Shared Policies
The Shared Policies section in the Security Policies view gives access to granular Software
Shared policies are installed with the Access Control Policy.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 16

Getting Started

Software Blade Description

Mobile Access Launch Mobile Access policy in a SmartConsole. Configure how your
remote users access internal resources, such as their email accounts,
when they are mobile.

DLP Launch Data Loss Prevention policy in a SmartConsole. Configure

advanced tools to automatically identify data that must not go outside
the network, to block the leak, and to educate users.

Geo Policy Create a policy for traffic to or from specific geographical or political

HTTPS Policy The HTTPS Policy allows the Security Gateway to inspect HTTPS traffic
to prevent security risks related to the SSL protocol. To launch the
HTTPS Policy, click Manage & Settings > Blades > HTTPS Inspection >
Configure in SmartDashboard

Command Line Interface

You can also configure objects and rules through the command line interface, which you can
access from SmartConsole.

Click to open the command line interface.

Open the Command Line Reference to learn about Session management commands,
Host commands, Network commands, and Rule commands.

In addition to the command line interface, you can create and run API scripts to manage
configuration and operations on the Security Management Server. See Managing Security with the
API and CLI ("Managing Security through API and CLI" on page 19).

Connecting to the Security Management Server through

To log in to a Security Management Server through Check Point SmartConsole, you must have an
administrator account configured on the Security Management Server. You can create an
administrator account with cpconfig or with the Check Point First Time Configuration Wizard.

To log in to the Security Management Server through SmartConsole:

1. Launch the SmartConsole application.
2. Enter your administrator authentication credentials.
3. Enter the name or the IP address of the Security Management Server.
4. Click Login.
The SmartConsole authenticates the Security Management Server and shows the fingerprint.
5. Confirm the fingerprint.
The fingerprint and the IP address of the Security Management Server are saved to the Windows
registry and are available for future Security Management Server authentications.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 17
Getting Started

Setting Up for Security Management

To start setting up your security environment, configure the Security Management Server and the
Security Gateways. The Security Gateways enforce the security policy that you define on the
Security Management Server.

To configure the Security Management Server in SmartConsole:

1. Find the Security Management Server object.
You can search for it by name or IP address in the Search box at the top of the pane.
When you select the Security Management Server object, the Summary tab at the bottom of
the pane shows the Software Blades that are enabled on it.
2. Open the object properties window, and enable the Management Software Blades, as
• Network Policy Management - Manage a comprehensive security policy, unified for all
security functionalities.
• Endpoint Policy Management - Manage security and data on end-user computers and
hand-held devices. Enable this Software Blade if you have or will install an Endpoint
Security Management Server.
• Logging & Status - Monitor security events and status of gateways, VPNs, users, and more,
with advanced visuals and data management features.
• Identity Awareness - Add user identities, and data of their computers and devices, from
Active Directory domains, to log entries.
• Monitoring - See a complete picture of network and security performance, for rapid
response to security events and traffic pattern changes.
• User Directory - Populate your security scope with user accounts from the LDAP servers in
your environment.
• SmartEvent - Manage and correlate security events in real-time.

To configure the Security Gateways:

1. From the navigation toolbar, select Gateways & Servers.
2. Click New, and select Gateway.
3. In the Check Point Security Gateway Creation window that opens, select a configuration
• Wizard Mode - run the configuration wizard
• Classic Mode - configure the gateway in classic mode ("Creating a New Security Gateway"
on page 33)

Setting up for Team Work

As an administrator, you can delegate tasks, such as defining objects and users, to other
administrators. Make sure to create administrator accounts ("Managing Administrator Accounts"
on page 21) with the privileges that are required to accomplish those tasks.
If you are the only administrator, we recommend that you create a second administrator account
with Read Only permissions, which is useful for troubleshooting, consultation, or auditing.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 18

Getting Started

Managing Security through API and CLI

You can configure and control the Security Management Server with the new command line tools
and through web services. You must first configure the API server.
The API server runs scripts that automate daily tasks and integrate the Check Point solutions with
third party systems such as virtualization servers, ticketing systems, and change management
You can use these tools to run API scripts on the Security Management Server:
• Standalone management tool, included with SmartConsole. You can copy this tool to Windows
or Gaia computers.
• mgmt_cli.exe (Windows)
• mgmt_cli (Gaia)
• Web Services API that allows communication and data exchange between the clients and the
Security Management Server through the HTTP protocol. It also lets other Check Point
processes communicate with the management server through the HTTPS protocol. The API
commands are stored in XML format.
All API clients use the same port as the Gaia portal.
To learn more about the management APIs, to see code samples, and to take advantage of user
forums, see the Developers Network section of the Exchange Point Portal

Configuring the API Server

To configure the API Server:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades.
2. In the Management API section, click Advanced Settings.
The Management API Settings window opens.
3. Configure the Startup Settings and the Access Settings.

Management API Settings

• Startup Settings
Select Automatic start to automatically start the API server when the Security Management
Server starts. By default this option is not selected.
We recommend to select this option for:
• Distributed Security Management Servers (without gateway functionality) with at least 4GB
of RAM
• Standalone Security Management Servers (with gateway functionality) with at least 8GB of
Note – To avoid performance degradation, do not select Automatic start on a distributed
Security Management Server with less than 4GB of RAM or on a standalone Security
Management Server with less than 8GB of RAM.
• Access Settings
Configure IP addresses from which the API server accepts requests:

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 19

Getting Started

• Management server only (default) - API server will accept scripts and web service
requests only from the Security Management Server. You must open a command line
interface on the server and use the mgmt_cli utility to send API requests.
• All IP addresses that can be used for GUI clients - API server will accept scripts and web
service requests from the same devices that are allowed access to the Security
Management Server.
• All IP addresses - API server will accept scripts and web-service requests from any device.
To apply changes, you must publish the session, and run the api restart command on the
Security Management Server.

Planning Security Management

After installing the Security Management Server and the Security Gateways, you can continue with
network security configuration for your environment.

Define your organization's topology

Network topology consists of network components, both physical and logical, such as physical and
virtual Security Gateways, hosts, hand-held devices, CA servers, third-party servers, services,
resources, networks, address ranges, and groups. Each of these components corresponds to an
object in your Check Point security management configuration. Configure those objects ("Network
Object Types" on page 40) in SmartConsole.

Define users and user groups that your security environment protects
You can add users ("Creating, Modifying, Removing User Accounts" on page 99) and groups
("Managing User Groups" on page 102) to the database manually, through LDAP and User
Directory (on page 103), or with the help of Active Directory ("Microsoft Active Directory" on page

Define access rules for protection of your organization's resources

Configure access rules and group them in policies that are enforced on the Security Gateways. You
can define access policies ("Policy Management" on page 47) based on traffic, applications, Web
sites, and data. Set up preventative actions against known threats with Check Point Anti-Virus and
Anti-Malware. Educate users about the validity and security of the operations they attempt with
the help of UserCheck. Track network traffic and events through logging and monitoring.

Enforce access policies

Configure the Security Gateways. Make sure to activate the appropriate Software Blades. Then,
install your policies on the Security Gateways.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 20


Managing Administrator Accounts

In This Section:
Creating and Changing Administrator Accounts ........................................................21
Deleting an Administrator ............................................................................................23
Revoking Administrator Certificate .............................................................................23
Assigning Permission Profiles to Administrators ......................................................23
Defining Trusted Clients...............................................................................................26
Administrator Collaboration ........................................................................................27
Configuring Authentication Methods for Administrators ...........................................29

To successfully manage security for a large network, we recommend that you first set up your
administrative team, and delegate tasks.

Creating and Changing Administrator Accounts

Create an administrator for SmartConsole or one of the SmartConsole clients.
If you create an administrator account through the Check Point Configuration Tool or the First
Time Configuration Wizard, the authentication credentials are a username and a password. If you
create it through the SmartConsole, you can choose one of these authentication methods:
• Check Point Password - For each user defined on the Security Management Server, a
password is stored on the Security Gateway
• OS Password - User's credentials for logging in to the operating system of the gateway
• SecurID - A challenge response method that uses a token device or a software token
• RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service - External server stores user
credentials and manages authentication of users to network devices
• TACACS - Terminal Access Controller Access Control System - External server stores user
credentials and manages authentication of users to network devices

To create an administrator account using SmartConsole:

1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.
The Administrators pane shows by default.
2. Click New Administrator.
The New Administrators window opens.
3. Enter a unique name for the administrator account.
Note - This parameter is case-sensitive.
4. Set the Authentication Method, or create a certificate, or the two of them.
Note - If you do not do this, the administrator will not be able to log in to SmartConsole or
other SmartConsole clients, such as SmartEvent.
To define an Authentication Method:
Select one of the methods and follow the instructions in Configuring Authentication Methods
for Administrators (on page 29).
• Check Point Password
• OS Password
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 21
Managing Administrator Accounts

• SecurID
To create a Certificate:
In the Certificate Information section, click Create, enter a password, and save the certificate
to a secure location.
5. Select a Permissions profile for this administrator, or create a new one ("Creating and
Changing Permission Profiles" on page 23).
6. Set the account Expiration date:
• For a permanent administrator - select Never
• For a temporary administrator - select an Expire At date from the calendar
The default expiration date shows, as defined in the Default Expiration Settings ("Configuring
Default Expiration Settings for Users" on page 101). After the expiration date, the account is no
longer authorized to access network resources and applications.
7. Optional: Configure Additional Info - Contact Details, Email and Phone Number of the
8. Click OK.

To change an existing administrator account:

1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.
2. Double-click an administrator account.
The Administrators properties window opens.

Configuring Default Expiration for Administrators

If you want to use the same expiration settings for multiple accounts, you can set the default
expiration for administrator accounts. You can also choose to show notifications about the
approaching expiration date at the time when an administrator logs into SmartConsole or one of
the SmartConsole clients. The remaining number of days, during which the account will be alive,
shows in the status bar.

To configure the default expiration settings:

1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Advanced.
2. Click Advanced.
3. In the Default Expiration Date section, select a setting:
• Never expires
• Expire at - Select the expiration date from the calendar control
• Expire after - Enter the number of days, months, or years (from the day the account is
made) before administrator accounts expire
4. In the Expiration notifications section, select Show 'about to expire' indication in
administrators view and select the number of days in advance to show the message about the
approaching expiration date.
5. Click Publish.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 22

Managing Administrator Accounts

Deleting an Administrator
To make sure your environment is secure, it is best practice to delete administrator accounts
when personnel leave or transfer.

To remove an administrator account:

1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.
The Administrators pane shows by default.
2. Select an administrator account and click Delete.
3. Click Yes in the confirmation window that opens.

Revoking Administrator Certificate

If an administrator that authenticates through a certificate is temporarily unable to fulfill
administrator duties, you can revoke the certificate for the account. The administrator account
remains, but no one can authenticate to the Security Management Server with this account's
credentials, until you renew the certificate.

To revoke an administrator certificate:

1. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators.
2. Select an administrator account and click Edit.
3. In General > Authentication, click Revoke.

Assigning Permission Profiles to Administrators

A permission profile is a predefined set of Security Management Server and SmartConsole
administrative permissions that you can assign to administrators. You can assign a permission
profile to more than one administrator. Only administrators with applicable permissions can
create and manage permission profiles.

Creating and Changing Permission Profiles

Administrators with Super User permissions can create, edit, or delete permission profiles.

To create a new permission profile:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Permission
2. Click New Profile.
The New Profile window opens.
3. Enter a unique name for the profile.
4. Select a profile type:
• Read/Write All - Administrators can change the configuration
• Auditor (Read Only All) - Administrators can see the configuration, but cannot change it
• Customized - Configure custom settings ("Configuring Customized Permissions" on page
5. Click OK.

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Managing Administrator Accounts

To change a permission profile:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Permission
2. Double-click the profile to change.
3. In the Profile configuration window that opens, change the settings as needed.
4. Click Close.

To delete a permission profile:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Permission
2. Select a profile and click Delete.
You cannot delete a profile that is assigned to an administrator. To see which administrators
use a profile, in the error message, click Where Used.
If the profile is not assigned to administrators, a confirmation window opens.
3. Click Yes to confirm.

Configuring Customized Permissions

Configure administrator permissions for Access Control, Threat Prevention, Monitoring and
Logging, Events and Reports, Management, and other permissions. For each resource, define if
administrators that are configured with this profile can configure the feature or only see it.

• Not selected - The administrator cannot see the feature.
Note - If you cannot clear a feature selection, the administrator access to it is mandatory and
you cannot make it invisible
• Selected - The administrator can see the feature.
• Read - The administrator can see the feature but cannot change its configuration.
• Write - The administrator can see and change the configuration of the feature.
Some resources do not have the Read or Write option. You can only select (for full permissions) or
clear (for no permissions) these resources.

To configure customized permissions:

1. In the Profile object, in the Overview > Permissions section, select Customized.
2. Configure permissions in these pages of the Profile object:
• Gateways - configure the Provisioning and the Scripts permissions.
• Access Control - configure Access Control Policy permissions ("Permissions for Access
Control and Threat Prevention" on page 25).
• Threat Prevention - configure Threat Prevention Policy permissions ("Permissions for
Access Control and Threat Prevention" on page 25).
• Monitoring and Logging - configure permissions to generate and see logs and to use
monitoring features ("Permissions for Monitoring, Logging, Events, and Reports" on page

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 24

Managing Administrator Accounts

• Events and Reports - configure permissions for SmartEvent features ("Permissions for
Monitoring, Logging, Events, and Reports" on page 25).
• Others - configure permissions for Common Objects, user databases, HTTPS Inspection
features, and Client Certificates.
3. If this profile is for administrators with permissions to manage other administrator accounts,
in the Management section, select Manage Administrators.
4. If this profile is for administrators with permissions to manage sessions, in the Management
section, select Manage Sessions.
5. Click OK.

Permissions for Access Control and Threat Prevention

In the Profile object, select the features and the Read or Write administrator permissions for
Access Control
If you clear a Software Blade (to remove permissions over it from the profile), administrators
configured with this permission profile will not be able to edit a layer that has a rule with this
blade. If you choose to customize permissions by Software Blade, make sure that the policy does
not have layers with different types of Software Blades in them.
• Actions
• Install Policy - Install the Access Control Policy on Security Gateways.
• Application Control and URL Filtering Update - Update the database for applications and
Web sites, to use in access rules.
Threat Prevention
• Actions
• Install Policy - Install the Threat Prevention Policy on Security Gateways.
• IPS Update - Update the database for IPS protections.

Permissions for Monitoring, Logging, Events, and Reports

In the Profile object, select the features and the Read or Write administrator permissions for

Monitoring and Logging Features

These are some of the available features:
• Monitoring
• Management Logs
• Track Logs
• Application and URL Filtering Logs

Events and Reports Features

These are the permissions for the SmartEvent GUI:
• SmartEvent
• Events - The Events tab
• Policy - Events correlation on the Policy tab
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 25
Managing Administrator Accounts

• Reports - Reports tab

• SmartEvent Application Control and URL Filtering reports only

Defining Trusted Clients

By default, any authenticated administrator can connect to the Security Management Server from
any computer. To limit the access to a specified list of hosts, can configure Trusted Clients. You
can configure Trusted Clients in these ways:
• Any - All hosts (default)
• IPv4 Address - A single host with specified IPv4 address
• IPv4 Address Range - Hosts with IPv4 addresses in the specified range
• IPv4 Netmask - Hosts with IPv4 addresses in the subnet defined by the specified IPv4 address
and netmask
• IPv6 Address - A single host with specified IPv6 address
• IPv6 Address Range - Hosts with IPv6 addresses in the specified range
• IPv6 Netmask - Hosts with IPv6 addresses in the subnet defined by the specified IPv6 address
and netmask
• Name - A host with the specified name
• Wild cards (IP only) - Hosts with IP addresses described by the specified regular expression

Configuring Trusted Clients

Administrators with Super User permissions can add, edit, or delete trusted clients.

To add a new trusted client:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Trusted
2. Click New.
The New Trusted Client window opens.
3. Enter a unique name for the client.
4. Select a client type and configure corresponding values:
• Any - No values to configure
• IPv4 Address - Enter an IPv4 address of a host
• IPv4 Address Range - Enter the first and the last address of an IPv4 address range
• IPv4 Netmask - Enter the IPv4 address and the netmask
• IPv6 Address - Enter an IPv6 address of a host
• IPv6 Address Range - Enter the first and the last address of an IPv6 address range
• IPv6 Netmask - Enter the IPv6 address and the netmask
• Name - Enter a host name
• Wild cards (IP only) - Enter a regular expression that describes a set of IP addresses
5. Click OK.

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Managing Administrator Accounts

To change trusted client settings:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Trusted
2. Double-click the client you want to edit.
3. In the Trusted Client configuration window that opens, change the settings as needed.
4. Click OK.

To delete a permission profile:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Trusted
2. Select a trusted client and click Delete.
The confirmation window opens.
3. Click Yes to confirm.

Administrator Collaboration
More than one administrator can connect to the Security Management Server at the same time.
Every administrator has their own username, and works in a session that is independent of the
other administrators.
When an administrator logs in to the Security Management Server through SmartConsole, a new
editing session starts. The changes that the administrator makes during the session are only
available to that administrator. Other administrators see a lock icon on object and rules that are
being edited.
To make changes available to all administrators, and to unlock the objects and rules that are
being edited, the administrator must publish the session.

To make your changes available to other administrators, and to save the database before
installing a policy, you must publish the session. When you publish a session, a new database
version is created.
When you install a Policy, the changes you made in the session are published automatically.
Before you publish the session, you can add some informative attributes to it.
You can save your changes without publishing them to other administrators. You will see the
changes next time you log into SmartConsole.

To publish a session:
In the SmartConsole toolbar, click Publish.
When a session is published, a new database version is created and shows in the list of database
Note - Before you upgrade the Security Management Server, you must save the database.

To add a name, description, or tag attribute to a session:

1. Before you publish, in the SmartConsole toolbar, click Session.
The Session Details window opens.
2. Enter a name for the database version.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 27
Managing Administrator Accounts

3. Enter a description.
4. Add a tag.
5. Click OK.

To save changes without publishing:

1. From the SmartConsole Menu, select Exit.
2. Click Exit.

Working with Sessions

To see session information:
Click Manage & Settings > Sessions > View Sessions.
When an administrator changes objects, they are saved and locked. To unlock the changed
objects, the administrator must do one of these:
• Publish the session - to make the changes available to all the administrators
• Discard the session - to discard the changes
When an administrator that made changes and did not publish the session, is unavailable, and
some important objects are locked, you can unlock that session, to continue working with those

To unlock a session that was locked by another administrator:

• To apply session changes and disconnect the administrator's SmartConsole session:
right-click the session and select Publish & Disconnect.
• To discard the session changes and disconnect the administrator's SmartConsole session:
right-click the session and select Discard & Disconnect.

Working with Database Revisions

After you make changes, you must publish the session, to save changes to the database.
When you publish a session, a new database version is created and shows in the list of database
Before you publish the session, you can add some informative attributes to it.

To publish a session:
In the SmartConsole toolbar, click Publish.
When you publish a session, a new database version is created and shows in the list of database
Note - Before you upgrade the Security Management Server, you must save the database.

To add a name, description, or tag attribute to a session:

1. Before you publish, in the SmartConsole toolbar, click Session.
The Session Details window opens.
2. Enter a name for the database version.
3. Enter a description.

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Managing Administrator Accounts

4. Add a tag.
5. Click OK.

To see saved database versions:

In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Revisions.

To see the changes made during a specific session:

1. In the Manage & Settings > Revisions window, select a session.
2. Click View.
A separate read-only SmartConsole session opens.

To delete all versions of the database that are older than the selected version:
1. In the Manage & Settings > Revisions window, select a session.
2. Click Purge.
3. In the confirmation window that opens, click Yes.
Important - Deletion is irreversible. Older revisions are deleted permanently.

Configuring Authentication Methods for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure authentication methods for administrators. For users,
see Configuring Authentication Methods for Users (on page 95).
For background information about the authentication methods, see Authentication Methods for
Users and Administrators (on page 94).

Configuring Check Point Password Authentication for

These instructions show how to configure Check Point Password (on page 94) authentication for

To configure a Check Point password for a SmartConsole administrator:

1. Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
2. Click New.
3. The New Administrator window opens.
4. Give the administrator a name.
5. In Authentication method, select Check Point Password.
6. Click Set New Password, type the Password, and Confirm it.
7. Assign a Permission Profile.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Publish.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 29

Managing Administrator Accounts

Configuring OS Password Authentication for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure OS Password Authentication ("Operating System
Password" on page 94) for administrators.

To configure an OS password for a SmartConsole administrator:

1. Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
2. Click New.
3. The New Administrator window opens.
4. Give the administrator a name.
5. In Authentication method, select OS Password.
6. Assign a Permission Profile.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Publish.

Configuring a RADIUS Server for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure a RADIUS (on page 94) server for SmartConsole
administrators. To learn how to configure a RADIUS server, refer to the vendor documentation.

To configure a RADIUS Server for a SmartConsole administrator:

1. In SmartConsole, click Objects > More Object Types > Server > More > New RADIUS.
2. Configure the RADIUS Server Properties:
a) Give the server a Name. It can be any name.
b) Click New and create a New Host with the IP address of the RADIUS server.
c) Click OK.
d) Make sure that this host shows in the Host field of the Radius Server Properties window.
e) In the Shared Secret field, type the secret key that you defined previously on the RADIUS
f) Click OK.
3. Add a new administrator:
a) Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
b) Click New.
The New Administrator window opens.
c) Give the administrator the name that is defined on the RADIUS server.
d) Assign a Permission Profile.
e) In Authentication method, select RADIUS.
f) Select the RADIUS Server defined earlier.
g) Click OK.
4. Click Publish.

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Managing Administrator Accounts

Configuring a SecurID Server for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure a SecurID (on page 95) server for SmartConsole
administrators. To learn how to configure a SecurID server, refer to the vendor documentation.

To configure the Security Management Server for SecureID:

1. Connect to the Security Management Server.
2. Copy the sdconf.rec file to the /var/ace/ folder
If the folder does not exist, create the folder.
3. Give the sdconf.rec file full permissions. Run:
chmod 777 sdconf.rec

To configure a SecurID Server for a SmartConsole administrator:

1. In SmartConsole, click Objects > More Object Types > Server > More > New SecurID.
2. Configure the SecureID Properties:
a) Give the server a Name. It can be any name.
b) Click Browse and select the sdconf.rec file. This must be a copy of the file that is on the
Security Management Server.
c) Click OK.
3. Add a new administrator:
a) Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
b) Click New.
The New Administrator window opens.
c) Give the administrator a name.
d) Assign a Permission Profile.
e) In Authentication method, select SecurID.
4. In the SmartConsole Menu, click Install Database.

Configuring a TACACS Server for Administrators

These instructions show how to configure a TACACS (on page 95) server for SmartConsole
administrators. To learn how to configure a TACACS server, refer to the vendor documentation.

To configure a TACACS Server for a SmartConsole administrator:

1. In SmartConsole, click Objects > More Object Types > Server > More > New TACACS.
2. Configure the TACACS Server Properties:
a) Give the server a Name. It can be any name.
b) Click New and create a New Host with the IP address of the TACACS server.
c) Click OK.
d) Make sure that this host shows in the Host field of the TACACS Server Properties window.

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Managing Administrator Accounts

e) In the Shared Secret field, type the secret key that you defined previously on the TACACS
f) Click OK.
3. Add a new administrator:
a) Go to Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators.
b) Click New.
The New Administrator window opens.
c) Give the administrator the name that is defined on the TACACS server.
d) Assign a Permission Profile.
e) In Authentication method, select TACACS.
f) Select the TACACS Server defined earlier.
g) Click OK.
4. Click Publish.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 32


Managing Gateways
In This Section:
Creating a New Security Gateway................................................................................33
Updating the Gateway Topology ...................................................................................34
Secure Internal Communication (SIC) .........................................................................34
Check Point Hosts ........................................................................................................37

A Security Gateway enforces security policies configured on the Security Management Server.

Creating a New Security Gateway

To install security policies on the Security Gateways, configure the gateway objects in

To define a new Security Gateway object:

1. From the navigation toolbar, select Gateways & Servers.
2. Click New, and select Gateway.
The Check Point Security Gateway Creation window opens.
3. Click Classic Mode.
The Check Point Gateway properties window opens and shows the General Properties screen.
4. Enter the host Name and the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address.
5. Click Communication.
The Trusted Communication window opens.
6. Select a Platform.
7. In the Authentication section, enter and confirm the One-time password.
If you selected Small Office Appliance platform, make sure Initiate trusted communication
automatically when the Gateway connects to the Security Management Server for the first
time is selected.
8. Click Initialize to establish trusted communication with the gateway ("Secure Internal
Communication (SIC)" on page 34).
If trust fails to establish, click OK to continue configuring the gateway.
9. Click OK.
10. The Get Topology Results window that opens, shows interfaces successfully configured on the
11. Click Close.
12. In the Platform section, select the Hardware, the Version, and the OS.
If trust is established between the server and the gateway, click Get to automatically retrieve
the information from the gateway.
13. Select the Software Blades to enable on the Security Gateway.
For some of the Software Blades a first-time setup wizard will open. You can run the wizard
now or later. For more on the setup wizards, see the relevant Administration Guide.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 33

Managing Gateways

Updating the Gateway Topology

As the network changes, you must update the gateway topology.

To update the gateway topology:

1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers.
2. Double-click the gateway object.
The gateway property window opens.
3. Click Network Management.
4. Double-click an interface.
5. In the window that opens, under Topology, click Modify.
A warning window asks if you want to overwrite the existing Topology and Anti-spoofing
6. Click Yes.
The Get Topology Results window opens.
7. Click Accept.
8. Click OK.

Secure Internal Communication (SIC)

Check Point platforms and products authenticate each other through one of these Secure Internal
Communication (SIC) methods:
• Certificates
• Standards-based SSL for the creation of secure channels
• 3DES or AES128 for encryption
Gateways above R71 use AES128 for SIC. If one of the gateways is below R71, the gateways use
SIC creates trusted connections between gateways, management servers and other Check Point
components. Trust is required to install polices on gateways and to send logs between gateways
and management servers.

Initializing Trust
To establish the initial trust, a gateway and a Security Management Server use a one-time
password. After the initial trust is established, further communication is based on security
Note - Make sure the clocks of the gateway and Security Management Server are synchronized,
before you initialize trust between them. You can control the Time and Date settings of Check
Point gateways and servers with cpconfig.

To initialize Trust:
1. In SmartConsole, open the gateway network object.
2. In the General Properties page of the gateway, click Communication.
3. In the Communication window, enter the Activation Key given during installation.

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Managing Gateways

This one-time activation password must be on both the gateway and the Security Management
4. Click Initialize.
The ICA signs and issues a certificate to the gateway.
Trust state is Initialized but not trusted. The Internal Certificate Authority (ICA) issues a
certificate for the gateway, but does not yet deliver it.
The two communicating peers authenticate over SSL with the shared Activation Key. The
certificate is downloaded securely and stored on the gateway. The Activation Key is deleted.
The gateway can communicate with Check Point nodes that have a security certificate signed
by the same ICA.

SIC Status
After the gateway receives the certificate issued by the ICA, the SIC status shows if the Security
Management Server can communicate securely with this gateway:
• Communicating - The secure communication is established.
• Unknown - There is no connection between the gateway and Security Management Server.
• Not Communicating - The Security Management Server can contact the gateway, but cannot
establish SIC. A message shows more information.

Trust State
If the Trust State is compromised (keys were leaked, certificates were lost) or objects changed
(user leaves, open server upgraded to appliance), reset the Trust State. When you reset Trust, the
SIC certificate is revoked.
The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is updated for the serial number of the revoked certificate.
The ICA signs the updated CRL and issues it to all gateways during the next SIC connection. If two
gateways have different CRLs, they cannot authenticate.

To reset the trust state:

1. In SmartConsole, open the General Properties window of the gateway.
2. Click Communication.
3. In the Trusted Communication window that opens, click Reset.
4. Install Policy on the gateways.
This deploys the updated CRL to all gateways. If you do not have a Rule Base (and therefore
cannot install a policy), you can reset Trust on the gateways.
Important - Before a new trust can be established, make sure one-time activation password is
configured on the gateway and on the Security Management Server.

To establish a new trust state for a gateway:

1. Open the command line interface on the gateway.
2. Enter: cpconfig
3. Enter the number for Secure Internal Communication and press Enter.
4. Enter y to confirm.
5. Enter and confirm the activation key.
6. When done, enter the number for Exit.
7. Wait for Check Point processes to stop and automatically restart.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 35
Managing Gateways

In SmartConsole:
1. In the General Properties window of the gateway, click Communication.
2. In the Trusted Communication window, enter the one-time password (activation key) that you
entered on the Security Management Server.
3. Click Initialize.
4. Wait for the Certificate State field to show Trust established.
5. Click OK.

Troubleshooting SIC
If SIC fails to Initialize:
1. Make sure there is connectivity between the gateway and Security Management Server.
2. Make sure that the Security Management Server and the gateway use the same SIC activation
key (one-time password).
3. If the Security Management Server is behind a gateway, make sure there are rules that allow
connections between the Security Management Server and the remote gateway. Make sure
Anti-spoofing settings are correct.
4. Make sure the name and the IP address of the Security Management Server are in the
/etc/hosts file on the gateway.
If the IP address of the Security Management Server mapped through static NAT by its local
gateway, add the public IP address of the Security Management Server to the /etc/hosts file
on the remote gateway. Make sure the IP address resolves to the server's hostname.
5. Make sure the date and the time settings of the operating systems are correct. If the Security
Management Server and remote the gateway reside in different time zones, the remote
gateway may have to wait for the certificate to become valid.
6. Remove the security policy on the gateway to let all the traffic through: In the command line
interface of the gateway, type: fw unloadlocal
7. Try to establish SIC again.

Remote User access to resources and Mobile Access

If you install a certificate on a gateway that has the Mobile Access Software Blade already
enabled, you must install the policy again. Otherwise, remote users will not be able to reach
network resources.

Understanding the Check Point Internal Certificate Authority (ICA)

The ICA (Internal Certificate Authority) is created on the Security Management Server when you
configure it for the first time. The ICA issues certificates for authentication:
• Secure Internal Communication (SIC) - Authenticates communication between gateways, and
between gateways and Security Management Servers.
• VPN certificates for gateways - Authentication between members of the VPN community, to
create the VPN tunnel.
• Users - For strong methods to authenticate user access according to authorization and

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 36

Managing Gateways

ICA Clients
In most cases, certificates are handled as part of the object configuration. To control the ICA and
certificates in a more granular manner, you can use one of these ICA clients:
• The Check Point configuration utility - This is the cpconfig CLI utility. One of the options
creates the ICA, which issues a SIC certificate for the Security Management Server.
• SmartConsole - SIC certificates for Security Gateways and administrators, VPN certificates,
and user certificates.
• ICA Management tool - VPN certificates for users and advanced ICA operations ("The ICA
Management Tool" on page 156).
See audit logs of the ICA in SmartConsole Logs & Monitor > New Tab > Open Audit Logs View.

SIC Certificate Management

Manage SIC certificates in the
• Communication tab of the gateway properties window.
• ICA Management Tool ("User Certificate Management" on page 158).
Certificates have these configurable attributes:

Attributes Default Comments

validity 5 years

key size 2048 bits

KeyUsage 5 Digital Signature and Key encipherment

ExtendedKeyUsage 0 (no KeyUsage) VPN certificates only

To learn more about key size values, see RSA key lengths

Check Point Hosts

A Check Point Host can have multiple interfaces but no routing takes place. It is an endpoint that
receives traffic for itself through its interfaces. (In comparison, a Security Gateway routes traffic
between its multiple interfaces.) For example, if you have two unconnected networks that share a
common Security Management Server and Log Server, configure the common server as a Check
Point Host object.
A Check Point Host has one or more Software Blades installed. But if the Firewall blade is
installed on the Check Point Host, it cannot function as a firewall. The Host requires SIC and other
features provided by the actual firewall.
A Check Point Host has no routing mechanism, is not capable of IP forwarding, and cannot be
used to implement Anti-spoofing. If the host must do any of these, convert it to be a Security
Note - When you upgrade to R80 from R77.30 or earlier versions, Node objects are converted to
Host objects.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 37

Managing Objects

Managing Objects
In This Section:
Object Categories .........................................................................................................38
Adding, Editing, Cloning, Deleting, and Replacing Objects ........................................39
Object Tags ....................................................................................................................39
Network Object Types...................................................................................................40

Network Objects, defined in SmartConsole and stored in the proprietary Check Point object
database, represent physical and virtual network components (such as gateways, servers, and
users), and logical components (such as IP address ranges and Dynamic Objects). Before you
create Network Objects, analyze the needs of your organization:
• What are the physical components of your network: devices, hosts, gateways and their active
Software Blades?
• What are the logical components: services, resources, applications, ranges?
• Who are the users? How should you group them, and with what permissions?

Object Categories
Objects in SmartConsole represent networks, devices, protocols and resources. SmartConsole
divides objects into these categories:

Icon Object Type Examples

Network Objects Gateways, hosts, networks, address ranges, dynamic
objects, security zones

Services Protocols, protocol groups

Custom Applications/Sites Applications, user categories, URL categorizations

VPN Communities Site to Site or Remote Access virtual private networks

Users Users, user groups, and user templates

Servers and OPSEC Trusted Certificate Authorities, RADIUS, TACACS


Time Objects Time, Time group, bandwidth limit on upload and

download rates

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 38

Managing Objects

Icon Object Type Examples

UserCheck Interactions Message windows: Ask, Cancel, Certificate Template,
Inform, and Drop

Limit Download and upload bandwidth

Adding, Editing, Cloning, Deleting, and Replacing

You can add, edit, delete, and clone objects. A clone is a copy of the original object, with a different
name. You can also replace one object in the Policy with another object.
To work with objects, right-click the object in the object tree or in the Object Explorer, and select
the action.
You can delete objects that are not used, and you can find out where an object is used.

To clone an object:
1. In the object tree or in the Object Explorer, right-click the object and select Clone.
The Clone Object window opens.
2. Enter a name for the clone object.
3. Click OK.

To find out where an object is used:

In the object tree or in the Object Explorer, right-click the object and select Where Used.

To replace an object with another object:

1. In the object tree or in the Object Explorer, right-click the object and select Where Used.
2. Select Replace with.

Object Tags
Object tags are keywords or labels that you can assign to network objects or groups of objects for
search purposes.
IPS protections have pre-defined tags. Use the tags
• When configuring a Threat Prevention Profile, to determine which protections are activated.
• As search filters, when searching the list of IPS protections.
You cannot add, change or remove tags on IPS protections.

To add a tag to an object:

1. Open the network object for editing.
2. In the Add Tag field, enter the label to associate with this object.
3. Press Enter.
The new tag shows to the right of the Add Tag field.
4. Click OK.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 39
Managing Objects

Network Object Types

In This Section:
Networks .......................................................................................................................40
Network Groups ............................................................................................................40
Managing Software Blade Licenses ............................................................................40
Gateway Cluster ............................................................................................................43
More Network Object Types .........................................................................................43

A Network is a group of IP addresses defined by a network address and a net mask. The net mask
indicates the size of the network.
A Broadcast IP address is an IP address which is destined for all hosts on the specified network. If
this address is included, the Broadcast IP address will be considered as part of the network.

Network Groups
A network group is a collection of hosts, gateways, networks or other groups.
Groups are used where you cannot work with single objects, e.g. when working with VPN domains
or with topology definitions.
Groups facilitate and simplify network management. Modifications are applied to the group
instead of each member of the group.

To create a group of network objects:

1. In the Objects tree, click New > Network Group.
The New Network Group window opens.
2. Enter a name for the group
3. Set optional parameters:
• Object comment
• Color
• Tag (as custom search criteria)
4. For each network object or a group of network objects, click the [+] sign and select it from the
list that shows.
5. Click OK.

Managing Software Blade Licenses

After an administrator runs the First Time Configuration Wizard on an R80 Security Management
Server, and the Security Management Server connects to the Internet, it automatically activates its
license and synchronizes with the Check Point User Center. If the Security Management Server
loses Internet connectivity before the license is activated, it tries again, on an interval.
If the administrator makes changes to Management Software Blade licenses of an R80 Security
Management Server in the Check Point User Center, these changes are automatically
synchronized with that Security Management Server.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 40
Managing Objects

Note -
• Automatic activation is supported on Check Point appliances only.
• Automatic synchronization is supported on all R80 servers.
To make sure that your environment is synchronized with the User Center, even when the Security
Management Server is not connected to the Internet, we recommend that you configure an R80
Check Point server with Internet connectivity as a proxy.
In SmartConsole, you can see this information for most Software Blade licenses:
• License status
• Alerts
• Check Point User Center details
See the R80 Release Notes for a list of supported Software Blades

Configuring a Proxy gateway

To configure a proxy on an R80 Check Point server:
1. On the Security Management Server, add these lines to $CPDIR/tmp/
• _cpprof_add HTTP_CLIENT_PROXY_SICNAME "<proxy server sic name>" 0 0
• _cpprof_add HTTP_CLIENT_PROXY_IP "<proxy server IP>" 0 0
2. Reboot the Security Management Server.

Viewing Licenses
To view license information:
In SmartConsole, go to the Gateways & Servers view, and from the Columns drop-down list,
select Licenses.
You can see this information:
• License Status - The general state of the Software Blade licenses:
• OK - All the blade licenses are valid.
• Not Activated - Blade licenses are not installed. This is only possible in the first 15 days
after the establishment of the SIC with the Security Management Server. After the initial 15
days, the absence of licenses will result in the blade error message.
• Error with <number> blade(s) - The specified number of blade licenses are not installed or
not valid.
• Warning with <number> blade(s) - The specified number of blade licenses have warnings.
• N/A - No available information.
• CK (Certificate Key) - Unique key of the license instance.
• SKU - Catalog ID from the Check Point User Center.
• Account ID - User's account ID.
• Support Level - Check Point level of support.
• Support Expiration - Date when the Check Point support contract expires.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 41

Managing Objects

To view license information per Software Blade:

1. Select a Security Gateway or a Security Management Server.
2. In the Summary tab below, click the object's license status (for example: OK).
The Device & License window opens. It shows basic object information and License Status,
license Expiration Date, and important quota information (in the Additional Info column) for
each Software Blade.
Notes -
• Quota information, quota-dependent license statuses, and blade information messages are
only supported for R80
• The tooltip of the SKU is the product name
These are the possible values for the Software Blade License Status:
• Active - The Software Blade is active and the license is valid.
• Available - The Software Blade is not active, but the license is valid.
• No License - The Software Blade is active but the license is not valid.
• Expired - The Software Blade is active, but the license expired.
• About to Expire - The Software Blade is active, but the license will expire in thirty days
(default) or less (7 days or less for an evaluation license).
• Quota Exceeded - The Software Blade is active, and the license is valid, but the quota of
related objects (gateways, files, virtual systems, and so on, depending on the blade) is
• Quota Warning - The Software Blade is active, and the license is valid, but the number of
objects of this blade is 90% (default) or more of the licensed quota.
• N/A - The license information is not available.

Monitoring Licenses
To keep track of license issues, you can use:
• License Inventory Report - Shows the status of each Software Blade, gateway, and server
license, including warnings and critical issues. You can filter the list of devices and export the
report to a file.
• License Status View - Shows the license status for all gateways and servers with the option to
click and see more details for each device.
In the License Inventory Report and License Status View, you can also see the Next Expiration
Date, which is the closest expiration date of one or more of the Software Blades.
The SmartEvent blade allows you to customize the License Status View and License Inventory
Report from the Logs & Monitor view of SmartConsole. It is also possible to view license
information from the Gateways & Servers view of SmartConsole without the SmartEvent blade.

To see the License Inventory report from the Logs & Monitor view:
1. In the Logs & Monitor view of SmartConsole, open a new tab.
2. Select Reports.
3. Double-click License Inventory.
The License Inventory report opens.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 42

Managing Objects

To see the License Inventory report from the Gateways & Servers view:
From the Gateways & Servers view, click Actions > License Report.

To filter the list of devices in the License Status report:

1. In the License Status view, click to expand the Options menu on the right.
2. Select View Filter.
The Edit View Filter window opens.
3. Select a Field to filter results.
4. Select the operation - Equals, Not Equals, or Contains.
5. Enter a filter value.
6. Optional: Click the plus sign to add a filter.
7. Click OK.
The filtered list of devices shows.

To export the License Status report:

1. In the License Status view, click to expand the Options menu on the right.
2. Select a type of export:
• Save as PDF
• Save as Excel - Can convert to csv file also
• Export - Creates a .cpr file
3. Click Download.

To see the License Status view from Logs & Monitor:

1. In the Logs & Monitor view of SmartConsole, open a new tab.
2. Select Views.
3. Double-click License Status.
The License Status view opens.

To see a summary of Licenses from Gateways & Servers:

From the Gateways & Servers view, from the Columns menu, click Licenses.

Gateway Cluster
A gateway cluster is a group of Security Gateways with Cluster software installed: ClusterXL, or
another Clustering solution. Clustered gateways add redundancy through High Availability or Load

More Network Object Types

Address Ranges
An address range is a range of IP addresses on the network, defined by the lowest and the highest
IP addresses. Use an Address Range object when you cannot define a range of IP addresses by a
network IP and a net mask. The Address Range objects are also necessary for the implementation
of NAT and VPN.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 43

Managing Objects

A Domain object lets you define a host or DNS domain by its name only. You do not need the IP
address of the site.
• The format of the name is x.y. For example or
• A period separates each section of the name.
• For successful resolution to an IP address, the specified domain name must be an actual
domain name.
• Name resolution takes place on the Security Gateway, and the result is cached for reuse.
You can also configure the domain object to represent a pattern that will watch all sub-domains.
For example: * This partial domain name will match all sub-domains of
Note - The gateway resolves partial names using DNS reverse lookups, which can be inaccurate
and take some time.
After defining a domain object, you can use it in the source and destination columns of an access

Dynamic Objects
A dynamic object is a "logical" object where the IP address will be resolved differently per Security
Gateway using the dynamic_objects command.
Dynamic Objects are predefined for:
• LocalMachine-all-interfaces – The DAIP machine interfaces (static and dynamic) are resolved
into this object.
• LocalMachine – The external interface (dynamic) of the SmartLSM Security Gateway (as
declared in cpconfig when configuring the gateway).
• InternalNet – The internal interface of the SmartLSM Security Gateway (as declared in
cpconfig when configuring the gateway).
• AuxiliaryNet – The auxiliary interface of the SmartLSM Security Gateway (as declared in
cpconfig when configuring the gateway).
• DMZNet – The DMZ interface of the SmartLSM Security Gateway (as declared in cpconfig
when configuring the gateway).
For more information see the Command Line Interface Reference Guide

Externally Managed Gateways/Hosts

An Externally Managed Security Gateway or a Host is a gateway or a Host which has Check Point
software installed on it. This Externally Managed gateway is managed by an external Security
Management Server. While it does not receive the Check Point Security Policy, it can participate in
Check Point VPN communities and solutions.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 44

Managing Objects

Interoperable Devices
An Interoperable Device is a device that has no Check Point Software Blades installed. The
Interoperable Device:
• Cannot have a policy installed on it
• Can participate in Check Point VPN communities and solutions.

VoIP Domains
There are five types of VoIP Domain objects:
• VoIP Domain SIP Proxy
• VoIP Domain H.323 Gatekeeper
• VoIP Domain H.323 Gateway
• VoIP Domain MGCP Call Agent
• VoIP Domain SCCP CallManager
In many VoIP networks, the control signals follow a different route through the network than the
media. This is the case when the call is managed by a signal routing device. Signal routing is done
in SIP by the Redirect Server, Registrar, and/or Proxy. In SIP, signal routing is done by the
Gatekeeper and/or gateway.
Enforcing signal routing locations is an important aspect of VoIP security. It is possible to specify
the endpoints that the signal routing device is allowed to manage. This set of locations is called a
VoIP Domain. For more information refer to Command Line Interface Reference Guide

Logical Servers
A Logical Server is a group of machines that provides the same services. The workload of this
group is distributed between all its members.
When a Server group is stipulated in the Servers group field, the client is bound to this physical
server. In Persistent server mode the client and the physical server are bound for the duration of
the session.
• Persistency by Service — once a client is connected to a physical server for a specified service,
subsequent connection to the same Logical Server and the same service will be redirected to
the same physical server for the duration of the session.
• Persistency by Server — once a client is connected to a physical server, subsequent
connections to the same Logical Server (for any service) will be redirected to the same
physical server for the duration of the session.
Balance Method
The load balancing algorithm stipulates how the traffic is balanced between the servers. There are
several types of balancing methods:
• Server Load — The Security Gateway determines which Security Management Server is best
equipped to handle the new connection.
• Round Trip Time — On the basis of the shortest round trip time between Security Gateway and
the servers, executed by a simple ping, the Security Gateway determines which Security
Management Server is best equipped to handle the new connection.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 45

Managing Objects

• Round Robin — the new connection is assigned to the first available server.
• Random — the new connection is assigned to a server at random.
• Domain — the new connection is assigned to a server based on domain names.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 46


Policy Management
In This Section:
Working with Policy Packages .....................................................................................47
Viewing Rule Logs.........................................................................................................51
Installing and Publishing ..............................................................................................51
Policy Installation History ............................................................................................52
Introducing Policy Layers .............................................................................................52
Managing Policy Layers................................................................................................53

SmartConsole offers a number of tools that address policy management tasks, both at the
definition stage and for maintenance.
At the definition stage:
• Policy Packages let you group different types of policies, to be installed together on the same
installation targets.
• Predefined Installation Targets let you associate each package with a set of gateways. You do
not have to repeat the gateway selection process each time you install a Policy Package.
At the maintenance level:
• Search gives versatile search capabilities for network objects and the rules in the Rule Base.
• Database version control lets you track past changes to the database.

Working with Policy Packages

A policy package is a collection of different types of policies. After installation, the Security
Gateway enforces all the policies in the package. A policy package can have one or more of these
policy types:
• Access Control - consists of these types of rules:
• Firewall
• Application Control and URL Filtering
• Data Awareness
• QoS
• Desktop Security - the Firewall policy for endpoint computers that have the Endpoint Security
VPN remote access client installed as a standalone client.
• Threat Prevention - consists of:
• IPS - IPS protections continually updated by IPS Services
• Anti-Bot - Detects bot-infected machines, prevents bot damage by blocking bot commands
and Control (C&C) communications
• Anti-Virus - Includes heuristic analysis, stops viruses, worms, and other malware at the
• Threat Emulation - detects zero-day and advanced polymorphic attacks by opening
suspicious files in a sandbox

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 47

Policy Management

The installation process:

• Runs a heuristic verification on rules to make sure they are consistent and that there are no
redundant rules.
If there are verification errors, the policy is not installed. If there are verification warnings (for
example, if anti-spoofing is not enabled for a Security Gateway with multiple interfaces), the
policy package is installed with a warning.
• Makes sure that each of the Security Gateways enforces at least one of the rules. If none of the
rules are enforced, the default drop rule is enforced.
• Distributes the user database and object database to the selected installation targets.
You can create different policy packages for different types of sites in an organization.

An organization has four sites, each with its own requirements. Each site has a different set of
Software Blades installed on the Security Gateways:

Item Security Gateway Installed Software Blades

1 Sales California Firewall, VPN

2 Sales Alaska Firewall, VPN, IPS, DLP

3 Executive management Firewall, VPN, QoS, and Mobile Access

4 Server farm Firewall

5 Internet

To manage these different types of sites efficiently, you need to create three different Policy
Packages. Each Package includes a combination of policy types that correspond to the Software
Blades installed on the site's gateway. For example:
• A policy package that includes the Access Control policy type. The Access Control policy type
controls the firewall, NAT, Application Control and URL Filtering, and Data Awareness blades.
This package also determines the VPN configuration.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 48

Policy Management

Install the Access Control policy package on all Security Gateways.

• A policy package that includes the QoS policy type for the QoS blade on gateway that manages
Install this policy package on the executive management Gateway.
• A policy package that includes the Desktop Security Policy type for the gateway that handles
Mobile Access.
Install this policy package on the executive management Gateway.

Creating a New Policy Package

1. From the Menu, select Manage Policies.
The Manage Policies window opens.
2. Click New.
The Policy window opens.
3. Enter a name for the policy package.
4. In the General page > Policy types section, select one or more of these policy types:
• Access Control
• QoS, select Recommended or Express
• Desktop Security
• Threat Prevention
5. On the Installation targets page, select the gateways the policy will be installed on:
• All gateways
• Specific gateways - For each gateway, click the [+] sign and select it from the list.
To install Policy Packages correctly and eliminate errors, each Policy Package is associated
with a set of appropriate installation targets.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
The new policy shows on the Security Policies page.

Adding a Policy Type to an Existing Policy Package

1. From the Menu, select Manage Policies.
The Manage Policies window opens.
2. Click New.
The Policy window opens.
3. Select a policy package and click the Edit button.
4. The Policy package window opens.
5. On the General > Policy types page, select the policy type to add:
• Access Control
• QoS, select Recommended or Express
• Desktop Security
• Threat Prevention
6. Click OK.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 49

Policy Management

Installing a Policy Package

1. On the Global Toolbar, click Install Policy.
The Install Policy window opens showing the installation targets (Security Gateways).
2. From the Select a policy menu, select a policy package.
3. Select one or more policy types that are available in the package.
4. Select the Install Mode:
• Install on each selected gateway independently - Install the policy on each target gateway
independently of others, so that if the installation fails on one of them, it doesn't affect the
installation on the rest of the target gateways.
Note - If you select For Gateway Clusters install on all the members, if fails do not install
at all, the Security Management Server makes sure that it can install the policy on all
cluster members before it begins the installation. If the policy cannot be installed on one of
the members, policy installation fails for all of them.
• Install on all selected gateways, if it fails do not install on gateways of the same version -
Install the policy on all the target gateways. If the policy fails to install on one of the
gateways, the policy is not installed on other target gateways.
5. Click Install.

Installing the User Database

When you make changes to user or administrator definitions through SmartConsole , they are
saved to the user database on the Security Management Server. User authentication methods and
encryption keys are also saved in this database. The user database does not contain information
about users defined externally to the Security Gateway (such as users in external User Directory
groups), but it does contain information about the external groups themselves (for example, on
which Account Unit the external group is defined). Changes to external groups take effect only
after the policy is installed, or the user database is downloaded from the Security Management
You must choose to install the policy or the user database, based on the changes you made:
• Install the policy ("Installing a Policy Package" on page 50), if you modified additional
components of the Policy Package (for example, added new Security Policy rules) that are used
by the installation targets
• Install the user database, if you only changed the user definitions or the administrator
definitions - From the Menu, select Install Database
The user database is installed on:
• Security Gateways - during policy installation
• Check Point hosts with one or more Management Software Blades enabled - during database
You can also install the user database on Security Gateways and on a remote server, such as a Log
Server, from the command line interface on the Security Management Server.

To install user database from the command line interface:

On the Security Management Server, run: fwm dbload <host name>
Note: Check Point hosts that do not have active Management Software Blades do not get the user
database installed on them.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 50
Policy Management

Uninstalling a Policy Package

You can uninstall a policy package through a command line interface on the gateway.

To uninstall a policy package:

1. Open a command prompt on the Security Gateway.
2. Run: fw unloadlocal.

Viewing Rule Logs

To see logs generated by a specified rule:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies view.
2. In the Access Control Policy or Threat Prevention Policy, select a rule.
3. In the bottom pane, click one of these tabs to see:
• Summary - Rule name, rule action, rule creation information, and the hit count. Add
custom information about the rule.
• Details - Details per column. Select columns as necessary.
• Logs - Log entries according to specific filter criteria - Source, Destination, Blade, Action,
Service, Port, Source Port, Rule (Current rule is the default), Origin, User, or Other
• History - List of rule operations in chronological order, including the information about the
rule type and the administrator that made the change.

Installing and Publishing

It is important to understand the differences between publishing and installing.

You must do this: After you did this:

Publish Opened a session in SmartConsole and made changes.
The Publish operation sends all SmartConsole modifications to other
administrators, and makes the changes you made in a private session

Install the database Modified network objects, such as servers, users, services, or IPS
profiles, but not the Rule Base.
Updates are installed on management servers and log servers.

Install a policy Changed the Rule Base.

The Security Management Server installs the updated policy and the
entire database on Security Gateways (even if you did not modify any
network objects).

Validation Errors
The validations pane in SmartConsole shows configuration error messages. Examples of errors
are object names that are not unique, and the use of objects that are not valid in the Rule Base.
To publish, you must fix the errors.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 51
Policy Management

Policy Installation History

In the Installation History you can choose a Gateway, a date and time when the Policy was
installed, and:
• See the revisions that were installed on the Gateway and who installed the Policy.
• See the changes that were installed and who made the changes.
• Revert to a specific version, and install the last "good" Policy.

To work with the Policy installation history:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Security Policies.
2. Select Installation History:
• For Access Control Policy, in the Access Tools section
• For Threat Prevention Policy, in the Threat Prevention Tools section
3. In the Gateways section, select a Gateway.
4. In the Policy Installation History section, select an installation date.
5. To see the revisions that were installed and who made them:
Click View installed changes.
To see the changes that were installed and who made them :
Click View.
To revert to a specific version of the Policy:
Click Install specific version.

Introducing Policy Layers

To simplify Policy management, R80 organizes the policy into Policy Layers. A layer is a set of
rules, or a Rule Base.
For example, when you upgrade to R80 from earlier versions:
• Gateways that have the Firewall and the Application Control Software Blades enabled will have
their Access Control Policy split into two ordered layers: Network and Applications.
When the gateway matches a rule in a layer, it starts to evaluate the rules in the next layer.
• Gateways that have the IPS and Threat Emulation Software Blades enabled will have their
Threat Prevention policies split into two parallel layers: IPS and Threat Prevention.
All layers are evaluated in parallel
For Pre-R80 Gateways, the enforcement is the same as with earlier management versions, but it
looks different in the SmartConsole.
The layers concept opens more options for policy management. These include:
• Setting different view and edit permissions per layer for different administrator roles.
• Re-using a layer in different places: For example, use the same Application Control layer in
different policy packages.
• Using additional benefits for Multi-Domain Security Management environments. See the
Multi-Domain Security Management Administration Guide for details.
Future versions will include more options with layers, including Actions for Inline Layers.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 52
Policy Management

Managing Policy Layers

You can use the Manage Layers window to work with Policy Layers. To open the Manage Layers
window, select Menu > Manage Layers in SmartConsole. The Manage Layers shows:
• Layer - Layer name
• Number of Rules - Number of rules in the Layer
• Policy Package - Policy packages that use the Layer
• Mode:
• Ordered - A Policy Layer that includes global rules and a placeholder for local, Domain
• Not in use - A Policy Layer that is not used in a Policy package
• Administrator - The administrator who last changed the Layer configuration
• Created By - The administrator who created the Layer
• Date Created - Date the Layer was created
• Rule Grid - Shows the rules in the selected Layer

To create a new Policy Layer:

1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Manage Layers.
2. Click the New icon in the upper toolbar.
3. Configure the settings in the Layer Editor window.
4. Optional: It is a best practice to share Policy Layers with other Policy packages when possible.
To enable this select Multiple policies can use this layer.
5. Close the window and publish the session.
This Policy package is not yet assigned to a Policy Package.
To change an existing Policy Layer configuration, right-click it in the Layer Editor, and then select
Edit layer.

To export Layer rules to a .csv file:

1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Manage Layers.
The Manage Layers window opens.
2. Select a Layer, and then click Actions > Export.
3. Enter a path and file name.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 53


Introducing the Access Control Policy

In This Section:
Unified Policy ................................................................................................................54
The Columns of the Access Control Rule Base ..........................................................55
Types of Rules in the Rule Base ..................................................................................55
Visual Division of the Rule Base with Sections ...........................................................56
Managing Pre-R80 Security Gateways ........................................................................57
Order of Rule Enforcement ..........................................................................................57
Managing Network Access Control .............................................................................58
Managing URL Filtering and Application Control .......................................................61
Analyzing the Rule Base (Hit Count) ............................................................................66
Inspection Settings .......................................................................................................69

An Access Control Policy Rule Base consists of these types of rules:

• Firewall - Control access to the internal network through different access points (gateways)
• Application Control and URL Filtering - Prevent malicious applications from compromising any
internal company data and the internal network resources

Unified Policy
In R80 the Access Control policy unifies the policies of these pre-R80 Software Blades:
• Firewall and VPN
• Application Control and URL Filtering
• Identity Awareness
• Data Awareness
• Mobile Access
• Security Zones
You can create Access Control policy rules that are based on:
• Services
• Protocols
• Applications
• URLs
• File types
• Data types
The information on connections is collected in one log file from all the Software Blades.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 54

Introducing the Access Control Policy

The Columns of the Access Control Rule Base

These are the fields of the rules in the Access Control policy. Not all of these are shown by default.
To select a field that does not show, right-click on the Rule Base table header, and select it.

Field Description
No. Rule number in the Rule Base Layer.

Hits Number of connections that match this rule.

Name Name that the system administrator gives this rule.

Source Network object that defines where the traffic starts.

Destination Network object that defines the destination of the traffic.

Services & Services, Applications, Categories, and Sites.

Applications If Application Control and URL Filtering is not enabled, only Services show.

Action Action that is done when traffic matches the rule. Options include: Accept,
Drop, Ask, Inform (UserCheck message), and Reject.

Track Tracking and logging action that is done when traffic matches the rule.

Install On Network objects that will get the rule(s) of the policy.

Time Time period that this rule is enforced.

Comment An optional field that lets you summarize the rule.

Types of Rules in the Rule Base

There are three types of rules in the Rule Base - explicit, implied and implicit.

Explicit rules
The rules that the administrator configures explicitly, to allow or to block traffic based on
specified criteria.

Important - The Cleanup rule is a default explicit rule and is added with every new layer.
You can change or delete the default Cleanup rule. We recommend that you have an
explicit cleanup rule as the last rule in each layer.

Implied rules
The default rules that are available as part of the Global properties configuration and cannot be
edited. You can only select the implied rules and configure their position in the Rule Base:
• First - Applied first, before all other rules in the Rule Base - explicit or implied
• Last - Applied last, after all other rules in the Rule Base - explicit or implied, but before the
Implicit Cleanup Rule
• Before Last - Applied before the last explicit rule in the Rule Base
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Introducing the Access Control Policy

Implied rules are configured to allow connections for different services that the Security Gateway
uses. For example, the Accept Control Connections rules allow packets that control these
• Installation of the security policy on a Security Gateway
• Sending logs from a Security Gateway to the Security Management Server
• Connecting to third party application servers, such as RADIUS and TACACS authentication

Implicit cleanup rule

The default "catch-all" rule that deals with traffic that does not match any explicit or implied rules
in the Policy Layers. For R77.30 or earlier versions Security Gateways, the action of the implicit
rule depends on the Policy Layer:
• Drop - for the Network Layer
• Accept - for the Application Control Layer
Note - If you change the default values, the policy installation will fail.
The implicit rules do not show in the Rule Base.

Configuring the Implied Rules

Some of the implied rules are enabled by default. You can change the default configuration as

To configure the implied rules:

1. In SmartConsole, from the Menu, select Global Properties.
The Global Properties window opens.
2. Select a rule to enable it, or clear a rule to disable it.
3. For the enabled rules, select the position of the rules in the Rule Base ("Order of Rule
Enforcement" on page 57):
• First - The rule is applied before any other rule in the Rule Base
• Last - The rule is applied if all other rules in the Rule Base were applied and none of them
• Before Last - The rule is applied before the last explicit rule, if none of the other rules in
the Rule Base matched
4. Click OK and install the policy.

Visual Division of the Rule Base with Sections

To better manage a policy with a large number of rules, you can use Sections to divide the Rule
Base into smaller, logical components. The division is only visual and does not make it possible to
delegate administration of different Sections to different administrators.

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

Managing Pre-R80 Security Gateways

When you upgrade a pre-R80 Security Management Server that manages pre-R80 Security
Gateways to R80, the existing Access Control policies are converted in this way:
• The pre-R80 Firewall policy is converted into the Network Policy Layer of the R80 Access
Control Policy. The implicit cleanup rule for it is set to Drop all traffic that is not matched by
any rule in this Layer.
• The pre-R80 Application & URL Filtering policy is converted into the Application Policy Layer,
which is the second Layer of the R80 Access Control Policy. The implicit cleanup rule for it is
set to Accept all traffic that is not matched by any rule in this Layer.
Important – After upgrade, do not change the Action of the implicit cleanup rules, or the order of
the Policy Layers. If you do, the policy installation will fail.

New Access Control Policy for pre-R80 Security Gateways on an R80 Security
Management Server must have this structure:
1. The first Policy Layer is the Network Layer (with the Firewall blade enabled on it).
2. The second Policy Layer is the Application Control and URL Filtering Layer (with the
Application & URL Filtering blade enabled on it).
3. There are no other Policy Layers.
If the Access Control Policy has a different structure, the policy will fail to install.
You can change the names of the Layers, for example, to make them more descriptive.
Each new Policy Layer will have the explicit default rule, added automatically and set to Drop all
the traffic that does not match any rule in that Policy Layer. We recommend that the Action is set
to Drop for the Network Policy Layer and Accept for the Application Control Policy Layer.
If you remove the default rule, the Implicit Cleanup Rule will be enforced. The Implicit Cleanup
Rule is configured in the Policy configuration window and is not visible in the Rule Base table.
Make sure the Implicit Cleanup Rule is configured to Drop the unmatched traffic for the Network
Policy Layer and to Accept the unmatched traffic for the Application Control Policy Layer.

Order of Rule Enforcement

When a packet arrives at the gateway, the gateway checks it against the rules in the top Policy
Layer, sequentially from top to bottom, and enforces the first rule that matches a packet.
If the Action of the matching rule is Drop, the gateway stops matching against later rules in the
Policy Rule Base and drops the packet. If the Action is Accept, the gateway continues to check
rules in the next Policy Layer down.
If none of the rules in the Policy Layer match the packet, the explicit Default Cleanup Rule is
applied. If this rule is missing, the Implicit Cleanup Rule is applied.

Important - Always add an explicit Default Cleanup Rule at the end of each Policy Layer,
and make sure that its Action is the same as the Action of the Implicit Cleanup Rule.

Order in which the rules in each Access Control Policy Layer are applied:
1. First Implied Rule - No explicit rules can be placed before it.
2. Explicit Rules - These are the rules that you create.
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Introducing the Access Control Policy

3. Before Last Implied Rules - Applied before the last explicit rule.
4. Last Explicit Rule - We recommend that you use a Cleanup rule as the last explicit rule.
Note - If you use the Cleanup rule as the last explicit rule, the Last Implied Rule and the
Implicit Cleanup Rule are not enforced.
5. Last Implied Rule - Remember that although this rule is applied after all other explicit and
implied rules, the Implicit Cleanup Rule is still applied last.
6. Implicit Cleanup Rule - The default rule that is applied if none of the rules in the Policy Layer

Best practices for performance-efficient Access Control Policy

• Add all rules that are based only on source and destination IP addresses and ports in a
Firewall/Network Policy Layer at the top of the Rule Base
• Create Firewall/Network rules to explicitly accept safe traffic, and add the Explicit Cleanup
Rule at the bottom of the Policy Layer to drop everything else
• Create Application Control rules to explicitly drop unwanted or unsafe traffic, and add the
Explicit Cleanup Rule at the bottom of the Policy Layer to accept everything else
• Turn XFF inspection off, unless the gateway is behind a proxy server. For more, see: sk92839

Managing Network Access Control

A firewall controls access to computers, clients, servers, and applications through a set of rules
that comprise an Access Control Rule Base. You need to configure a Rule Base that not only
provides highly secure Access Control, but optimizes network performance. A strong Access
Control Rule Base:
• Only allows authorized connections and prevents vulnerabilities in a network
• Gives authorized users access to the correct internal resources
• Efficiently inspects connections and uses network resources efficiently

Ensuring a Secure Network Access

A robust security policy must have some basic rules in its Rule Base.

Basic Rules
These are basic Access Control rules we recommend for all Rule Bases:
• Stealth rule that prevents direct access to the Security Gateway
• Cleanup rule that drops all traffic that is not allowed by the earlier rules in the policy
Note - There is also the implicit drop rule that drops all traffic that did not match all
other rules. This rule does not create log entries. If you want to log the traffic, create an
explicit cleanup rule.

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

Sample Firewall Rule Base

This table shows a sample Firewall Rule Base for a typical security policy. (The Hits and VPN
columns are not shown.)

No Name Source Destination Service Action Track Install On

1 Stealth NOT internal GW-group Any Drop Alert Policy Targets

2 Critical subnet Internal Finance Any Accept Log CorpGW

3 Tech support TechSupport Remote1-web HTTP Accept Alert Remote1GW

4 DNS server Any DNS Domain UDP Accept None Policy Targets

5 Mail and Web Any DMZ HTTP Accept Log Policy Targets
servers HTTPS
6 SMTP Mail NOT Internal SMTP Accept Log Policy Targets
net group

7 DMZ & Internet IntGroup Any Any Accept Log Policy Targets

8 Clean up rule Any Any Any Drop Log Policy Targets

1. Stealth - All traffic that is NOT from the internal company network to one of the Security
Gateways is dropped. When a connection matches the Stealth rule, an alert window opens in
SmartView Monitor.
2. Critical subnet - Traffic from the internal network to the specified resources is logged. This
rule defines three subnets as critical resources: Finance, HR, and R&D.
3. Tech support - Allows the Technical Support server to access the Remote-1 web server which
is behind the Remote-1 Security Gateway. Only HTTP traffic is allowed. When a packet
matches the Tech support rule, the Alert action is done.
4. DNS server - Allows UDP traffic to the external DNS server. This traffic is not logged.
5. Mail and Web servers - Allows incoming traffic to the mail and web servers that are located in
the DMZ. HTTP, HTTPS, and SMTP traffic is allowed.
6. SMTP - Allows outgoing SMTP connections to the mail server. Does not allow SMTP
connections to the internal network, to protect against a compromised mail server.
7. DMZ and Internet - Allows traffic from the internal network to the DMZ and Internet.
8. Clean up rule - Drops all traffic. All traffic that is allowed matched one of the earlier rules.

Preventing IP Spoofing
IP spoofing replaces the untrusted source IP address with a fake, trusted one, to hijack
connections to your network. Attackers use IP spoofing to send malware and bots to your
protected network, to execute DoS attacks, or to gain unauthorized access.
Anti-Spoofing detects if a packet with an IP address that is behind a certain interface, arrives from
a different interface. For example, if a packet from an external network has an internal IP
address, Anti-Spoofing blocks that packet.

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

The diagram shows a Gateway with interfaces A and B, and C, and some example networks behind
the interfaces.

For the Gateway, anti-spoofing makes sure that

• All incoming packets to A come from
• All incoming packets to B come from or
• All incoming packets to C come from the Internet
If an incoming packet to B has a source IP address in network, the packet is blocked,
because the source address is spoofed.
When you configure Anti-Spoofing on a Check Point Security Gateway, specify the type of networks
that each interface faces - External (Internet) or Internal.

Configuring Anti-Spoofing
Make sure to configure Anti-Spoofing protection on all the interfaces of the Security Gateway,
including internal interfaces.

To configure Anti-Spoofing for an interface:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window of the gateway opens.
2. From the navigation tree, select Network Management.
3. Click Get Interfaces.
4. Click Accept.
The gateway network topology shows. If SmartConsole fails to automatically retrieve the
topology, make sure that the details in the General Properties section are correct and the
Security Gateway, the Security Management Server, and the SmartConsole can communicate
with each other.
5. Select an interface and click Edit.
The Interface properties window opens.
6. From the navigation tree, select General.
7. In the Topology section of the page, click Modify.
The Topology Settings window opens.
8. Select the type of network the interface leads to:
• External - All external/Internet addresses
• Internal -

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

 Not Defined - All IP addresses behind this interface are considered a part of the
internal network that connects to this interface
 Network defined by the interface IP and Net Mask - Only the network that directly
connects to this internal interface
 Specific - A specific network object (a network, a host, an address range, or a network
group) behind this internal interface
 Interface leads to DMZ - The DMZ that directly connects to this internal interface
9. In the Anti-Spoofing section, make sure that Perform Anti-Spoofing based on interface
topology is selected.
10. Select an Anti-Spoofing action:
• Prevent - Drops spoofed packets
• Detect - Allows spoofed packets. To monitor traffic and to learn about the network topology
without dropping packets, select this option together with the Spoof Tracking Log option.
11. Configure Anti-Spoofing exceptions (optional) - addresses, from which packets are not
inspected by Anti-Spoofing ("Excluding Specific Internal Addresses" on page 61):
a) Select Don't check packets from.
b) Select an object from the drop-down list, or click New to create a new object.
12. Configure Spoof Tracking - select the tracking action that is done when spoofed packets are
• Log - Create a log entry (default)
• Alert - Show an alert
• None - Do not log or alert
13. Click OK twice to save Anti-Spoofing settings for the interface.
For each interface, repeat the configuration steps. When finished, install the policy.

Excluding Specific Internal Addresses

In some configurations, the Firewall must allow connections with an internal IP address from an
external source. For example, an external application can assign internal IP addresses to external
clients. You can configure the Anti-Spoofing protection on the external interfaces to ignore
connections from these IP addresses. The Firewall allows these connections and does not inspect

Managing URL Filtering and Application Control

Today there are many challenges for businesses to keep up with security requirements of social
media and Web 2.0 applications. It is necessary for system administrators to use the security
policy to overcome these challenges. For example:
• Malware threats - Popular applications like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube can cause users
to download viruses unintentionally. When users download files and use torrents, they can also
let malware into your network.
• Bandwidth hogging - Applications that use a lot of bandwidth can reduce the performance for
important business applications.
• Loss of productivity - Employees can spend time on social networking and other applications
that can decrease business productivity.
• Content control - Prevent Internet access to websites with inappropriate content, such as sex
and violence.
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Introducing the Access Control Policy

The Check Point Solution for Internet Browsing

The Check Point URL Filtering and Application Control Software Blades can help organizations of
all sizes monitor and control the use of Internet by their employees. You can easily create policies
which identify or block thousands of applications and Internet sites.
Use the URL Filtering and Application Control Software Blades to:
• Create a Granular Policy - Make rules to allow or block applications and Internet sites for
individual applications, categories, and risk levels. You can also create an HTTPS policy that
enables Security Gateways to inspect HTTPS traffic and prevent security risks related to the
SSL protocol.
• Manage Bandwidth Consumption - Configure rules to limit the available network bandwidth
for specified users or groups. You can define separate limits for uploading and downloading.
• Keep Your Policies Updated - The Application Database is updated regularly, which helps you
makes sure that your Internet security policy has the newest applications and website
categories. Security Gateways connect to the Check Point Online Web Service to identify new
social networking widgets and website categories.
• Communicate with Users - UserCheck objects add flexibility to URL Filtering and Application
Control and let the Security Gateways communicate with users. UserCheck helps users
understand that certain websites are against the company's security policy. It also tells users
about the changes in Internet policy related to websites and applications.
• Create Custom Objects - In addition to the hundreds of default objects, you can create custom
objects, to better manage the use of Internet by your users. Create objects for applications,
websites, categories and groups, and use them in your security policy rules.

UserCheck works with the URL Filtering and Application Control Software Blades and lets the
Security Gateways send messages to users about possible non-compliant or dangerous Internet
browsing. Create UserCheck objects and use them in the Application Control and URL Filtering
rules, to communicate with the users. These actions use UserCheck objects:
• Inform
• Ask
• Drop

UserCheck on a Security Gateway

You can enable UserCheck on Security Gateways that use URL Filtering and Application Control
Software Blades. When UserCheck is enabled, the user's Internet browser shows the UserCheck
messages in a new window.

UserCheck on a computer
The UserCheck client is installed on endpoint computers. This client:
• Sends messages for applications that are not based on Internet browsers, such as Skype and
iTunes, and Internet browser add-ons and plug-ins.
• Shows a message on the computer when it cannot be shown in the Internet browser.

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

Enabling URL Filtering and Application Control

To enable R80 Application Control and URL Filtering for pre-R80 gateways, enable the Application
Control and URL Filtering Software Blades on each gateway. Then, if necessary, create a second
Layer for the Application Control and URL Filtering rules. Configure this second Layer for the
Access Control Policy.

To enable URL Filtering and Application Control Software Blades on a Security

1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window of the gateway opens.
2. From the navigation tree, click General Properties.
3. In the Network Security tab, select URL Filtering, or Application Control, or both.
4. Click OK.

To create a second Layer for URL Filtering and Application Control:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Security Policies.
2. Right-click a Layer in the Access Control Policy section and select Edit Policy.
The Policy window opens and shows the General view.
3. In the Access Control section, click the plus sign.
4. Click New Layer.
The Layer Editor window opens and shows the General view.
5. Enable Application Control and URL Filtering on the Layer.
a) In the Blades section, enter a name for the Layer.
We recommend the name Application.
b) Click Application Control and URL Filtering.
c) Click OK and the Layer Editor window closes.
d) Click OK and the Policy window closes.
6. Install the policy.

Special URL Filtering and Application Control Fields

Internet browsing is not easily defined into allowed and prohibited categories. Many websites and
applications can be used for legitimate business reasons. The rules that control Internet access
must be flexible and granular. The Access Control Policy Rule Base uses these fields to create a
strong and flexible URL Filtering and Application Control security policy:
• Services & Applications
• Action

Services & Applications

In the Services & Applications column, define the Web applications, sites, services and protocols
that are included in the rule. A rule can contain one or more:
• Applications
• Web sites
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Introducing the Access Control Policy

• Services
• Default categories of Internet traffic
• Custom groups or categories that you create, that are not included in the Check Point
Application Database.
Notes -
It is not supported to configure a service and application in the same rule.
Applications are matched on their Recommended services, where each service runs on a specific
port. The recommended services for Facebook, for example, are the default Application Control
Web browsing services: http, https, HTTP_proxy, and HTTPS_proxy. To change this see
Changing Services for Applications and Categories.

To add an application or site to a rule:

1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Select the Application Control Layer.
3. Right-click the Services & Applications cell for the rule and select Add New Items.
The Application viewer window opens.
4. Search for the applications or categories.
5. Click the + next to the ones you want to add.

To create a new application or site:

1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Select the Application Control Layer.
3. Right-click the Services & Applications cell for the rule and select Add New Items.
The Application viewer window opens.
4. Click New > Custom Applications/Site > User Application.
5. Enter a name for the object.
6. Enter one or more URLs.
If you used a regular expression in the URL, click URLs are defined as Regular Expressions.
Note - If the application or site URL is defined as a regular expression you must use the
correct syntax.
7. Click OK.

To create a custom category:

1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
2. Select the Application Control Layer.
3. Right-click the Services & Applications cell for the rule and select Add New Items.
The Application viewer window opens.
4. Click New > Custom Applications/Site > User Category.
5. Enter a name for the object.
6. Enter a description for the object.
7. Click OK.

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

In the Action field, define what occurs to traffic that matches the URL Filtering and Application
Control rule. These are the Action options:

Action Description
Accept Allows the traffic.

Drop Blocks the traffic.

Optionally, shows a UserCheck Block message.

Limit Limits the bandwidth that is permitted for a rule. Add a Limit object to configure
a maximum throughput for uploads and downloads.

Enable Identity Redirects HTTP traffic to an authentication (captive) portal. After the user is
Captive Portal authenticated, new connections from this source are inspected without
requiring authentication.

UserCheck Actions
These are the Action options that work with UserCheck:

Action Description
Drop Blocks the traffic.
Optionally, shows a UserCheck Block message.

Ask Shows a UserCheck Ask message. The message asks users to confirm that it is
necessary that they go to the application or site.

Inform Sends a message to the user attempting to access the application

UserCheck Defines how often users see the UserCheck message for Ask, Inform, or Block
Frequency actions.

Confirm Select the action that triggers a UserCheck message:

• Per rule - UserCheck message shows only once when traffic matches a rule.
• Per category - UserCheck message shows for each matching category in a rule.
• Per application/Site - UserCheck message shows for each matching application in a rule.
• Per Data type - UserCheck message shows for each matching data type.

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

Sample URL Filtering and Application Control Rules

This table shows some examples of URL Filtering and Application Control rules for a typical policy
that monitors and controls Internet browsing. (The Hits and Install On columns are not shown.)

No. Name Source Destination Applications/ Action Track Time

1 Liability sites Any Internet Potential Blocked Message Log Any

2 High risk Any Internet High Risk High Risk Block Log Any
applications iTunes Message

3 Allow IT IT Any Radmin Allow Log Work-

department Hours
Remote Admin
4 Allow Facebook HR Internet Facebook Allow Log Any
for HR Download_1Gbps
Down: 1 Gbps
5 Block these Any Internet Streaming Media Blocked Message Log Any
categories Social
P2P File Sharing
6 Log all Any Internet Any Recognized Allow Log Any

1. Liability sites- Blocks traffic to sites and applications in the Potential_liability

category. The UserCheck Blocked Message is shown to users and explains why their traffic
is blocked.
2. High risk applications - Blocks traffic to sites and applications in the High Risk category and
blocks the iTunes application. The UserCheck High Risk Block Message is shown to
users and explains why their traffic is blocked.
3. Allow IT department Remote Admin - Allows the computers in the IT department network to
use the Radmin application. Traffic that uses Radmin is allowed only during the Work-Hours
(set to 8:00 through 18:30, for example).
4. Allow Facebook for HR - Allows computers in the HR network to use Facebook. The total
traffic downloaded from Facebook is limited to 1 Gbps, there is no upload limit.
5. Block these categories - Blocks traffic to these categories: Streaming Media, Social
Networking, P2P File Sharing, and Remote Administration. The UserCheck
Blocked Message is shown to users and explains why their traffic is blocked.
Note - The Remote Administration category blocks traffic that uses the Radmin
application. If this rule is placed before rule 3, then this rule can also block Radmin for the IT
6. Log all applications- Logs all traffic that matches any of the URL Filtering and Application
Control categories.

Analyzing the Rule Base (Hit Count)

Use the Hit Count feature to track the number of connections that each rule matches. You can
show Hit Count for the rules in these options:
• The percentage of the rule hits from total hits
• The indicator level (very high, high, medium, low, or zero)

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

These options are configured in the Access Control Policy Rule Base and also changes how Hit
Count is shown in other supported Software Blades.
When you enable Hit Count, the Security Management Server collects the data from supported
Security Gateways (from version R75.40 and up). Hit Count works independently from logging and
tracks the hits even if the Track option is None.
You can use the Hit Count data to:
• Analyze a Rule Base - You can delete rules that have no matching connections
Note - If you see a rule with a zero hit count it only means that in the Security Gateways
enabled with Hit Count there were no matching connections. There can be matching
connections on other Security Gateways.

• Improve Firewall performance - You can move a rule that has a high hit count to a higher
position in the Rule Base
• Better understand the behavior of the Access Control Policy

Enabling or Disabling Hit Count

By default, Hit Count is globally enabled for all supported Security Gateways (from R75.40). The
timeframe setting that defines the data collection time range is configured globally. If necessary,
you can disable Hit Count for one or more Security Gateways.
After you enable or disable Hit Count you must install the Policy for the Security Gateway to start
or stop collecting data.

To enable or disable Hit Count globally:

1. In SmartConsole, click Menu > Global properties.
2. Select Hit Count from the tree.
3. Select the options:
• Enable Hit Count - Select to enable or clear to disable all Security Gateways to monitor the
number of connections each rule matches.
• Keep Hit Count data up to - Select one of the time range options. The default is 6 months.
Data is kept in the Security Management Server database for this period and is shown in
the Hits column.
4. Click OK.
5. Install the Policy.

To enable or disable Hit Count on each Security Gateway:

1. From the Gateway Properties for the Security Gateway, select Hit Count from the navigation
2. Select Enable Hit Count to enable the feature or clear it to disable Hit Count.
3. Click OK.
4. Install the Policy.

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Configuring the Hit Count Display

These are the options you can configure for how matched connection data is shown in the Hits
• Value - Shows the number of matched hits for the rule from supported Security Gateways.
Connection hits are not accumulated in the total hit count for:
• Security Gateways that are not supported
• Security Gateways that have disabled the hit count feature
The values are shown with these letter abbreviations:
• K = 1,000
• M = 1,000,000
• G = 1,000,000,000
• T = 1,000,000,000,000
For example, 259K represents 259 thousand connections and 2M represents 2 million
• Percentage - Shows the percentage of the number of matched hits for the rule from the total
number of matched connections. The percentage is rounded to a tenth of a percent.
• Level - The hit count level is a label for the range of hits according to the table.
The hit count range = Maximum hit value - Minimum hit value (does not include zero hits)
Hit Count Level Icon Range
Zero 0 hits

Low Less than 10 percent of the hit count range

Medium Between 10 - 70 percent of the hit count range

High Between 70 - 90 percent of the hit count range

Very High Above 90 percent of the hit count range

To show the Hit Count in the Rule Base:

Right-click the heading row of the Rule Base and select Hits.

To configure the Hit Count in a rule:

1. Right-click the rule number of the rule.
2. Select Hit Count and one of these options (you can repeat this action to configure more
• Timeframe - Select All, 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or 3 months
• Display. - Select Percentage, Value, or Level

To update the Hit Count in a rule:

1. Right-click the rule number of the rule.
2. Select Hit Count > Refresh.

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Introducing the Access Control Policy

Inspection Settings
You can configure inspection settings for the Firewall:
• Deep packet inspection settings
• Protocol parsing inspection settings
• VoIP packet inspection settings
Security Management Server comes with two preconfigured inspection profiles:
• Default Inspections
• Recommended Inspections
When a Security Gateway is configured, the Default Inspections profile is enabled for it. You can
also assign the Recommended Inspections profile the Security Gateway, or to create a custom
profile and assign it to the Security Gateway.
To activate the Inspection Settings, install the Access Control Policy.
Note - In pre-R80 SmartConsole, Inspection Settings are configured as IPS Protections.

Configuring Inspection Settings

To configure Inspection Settings:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Manage & Settings > Blades view.
2. In the General section, click Inspection Settings.
The Inspection Settings window opens.
Here, you can:
• Edit protection properties
• Edit user-defined Inspection Settings profiles. You cannot change the Default Inspection
profile and the Recommended Inspection profile.
• Assign Inspection Settings profiles to Security Gateways
• Configure exceptions to protections

To edit properties of a protection:

1. In the General view, select a protection.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the window that opens, select a profile, and click Edit.
The protection properties window opens.
4. Select the Main Action -
• Default Action - preconfigured action
• Override with Action - from the drop-down menu, select an action with which to override
the default - Accept, Drop, Inactive (the protection is not activated)
5. Configure the Logging Settings
Select Capture Packets, if you want to be able to examine packets that were blocked in Drop
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
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To view protections for a certain profile:

1. In the General view, click View > Show Profiles.
2. In the window that opens, select Specific Inspection settings profiles.
3. Select profiles.
4. Click OK.
Only protections for selection profiles are shown.
You can add, edit, clone, or delete custom Inspection Settings profiles.

To edit a custom Inspection Settings profile:

1. In the Profiles view, select a profile.
2. Click Delete, to remove it, or click Edit to change the profile name, associated color, or tag.
3. If you edited the profile attributes, click OK to save the changes.

To clone an Inspection Settings profile:

1. In the Profiles view, select the profile, and click Clone.
2. In the New Profile window that opens, edit the profile attributes:
3. Click OK.

To add a new Inspection Settings profile:

1. In the Profiles view, click New.
2. In the New Profile window that opens, edit the profile attributes:
3. Click OK.

To assign an Inspection Settings profile to a Security Gateway:

1. In the Gateways view, select a gateway, and click Edit.
2. In the window that opens, select an Inspection Settings profile.
3. Click OK.

To configure exceptions to protections:

1. In the Exceptions view, click New to add a new exception, or select an exception and click Edit
to modify an existing one.
The Exception Rule window opens.
2. Configure the exception settings:
• Apply To - select the Profile to which to apply the exception
• Protection - select the Protection
• Source - select the source Network Object, or select IP Address and enter a source IP
• Destination - select the destination Service Object, or select Port/Range, TCP or UDP, and
enter a destination port number or a range of port numbers
• Install On - select a gateway on which to install the exception
3. Click OK.
To enforce the changes, publish the session and install the Access Control Policy.

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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

In This Section:
Threat Prevention Components ...................................................................................71
ThreatSpect Engine and ThreatCloud Repository ......................................................72
Learning about Malware ..............................................................................................72
IPS .................................................................................................................................72
Anti-Bot .........................................................................................................................77
Anti-Virus ......................................................................................................................78
Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base ..............................................................................79
Threat Emulation ..........................................................................................................80
Creating a Threat Prevention Policy ............................................................................82
Creating Rules ..............................................................................................................86
Installing the Threat Prevention Policy .......................................................................91
Updating the IPS and Malware Databases ..................................................................91
Anti-Spam .....................................................................................................................92

Threat Prevention Components

To challenge today's malware landscape, Check Point's comprehensive Threat Prevention
solution offers a multi-layered, pre- and post-infection defense approach and a consolidated
platform that enables enterprise security to detect and block modern malware. These Threat
Prevention Software Blades are available:
• IPS - A complete IPS network security solution, for comprehensive protection against
malicious and unwanted network traffic, focusing on application and server vulnerabilities.
• Anti-Bot - Post-infection detection of bots on hosts. Prevents bot damages by blocking bot
C&C (Command and Control) communications. The Anti-Bot Software Blade is continuously
updated from ThreatCloud, a collaborative network to fight cybercrime. Anti-Bot discovers
infections by correlating multiple detection methods.
• Anti-Virus - Pre-infection detection and blocking of malware at the gateway. The Anti-Virus
Software Blade is continuously updated from ThreatCloud. It detects and blocks malware by
correlating multiple detection engines before users are affected.
• Threat Emulation - Protection against infections from undiscovered exploits, zero-day and
targeted attacks. This innovative solution quickly inspects files and runs them in a virtual
sandbox to discover malicious behavior. Discovered malware is prevented from entering the
network. The ThreatCloud Emulation service reports to the ThreatCloud and automatically
shares the newly identified threat information with other Check Point customers.
Each Software Blade gives unique network protections. When combined, they supply a strong
Threat Prevention solution. Data from malicious attacks are shared between the Threat
Prevention Software Blades and help to keep your network safe. For example, the signatures from
threats that Threat Emulation identifies are added to the Anti-Virus database.

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ThreatSpect Engine and ThreatCloud Repository

The ThreatSpect engine is a unique multi-tiered engine that analyzes network traffic and
correlates information across multiple layers to find bots and other malware. It combines
information on remote operators, unique botnet traffic patterns and behavior to identify thousands
of different botnet families and outbreak types.
The ThreatCloud repository contains more than 250 million addresses that were analyzed for bot
discovery and more than 2,000 different botnet communication patterns. The ThreatSpect engine
uses this information to classify bots and viruses.
The Security Gateway gets automatic binary signature and reputation updates from the
ThreatCloud repository. It can query the cloud for new, unclassified IP/URL/DNS resources that it
The layers of the ThreatSpect engine:
• Reputation - Analyzes the reputation of URLs, IP addresses and external domains that
computers in the organization access. The engine searches for known or suspicious activity,
such as a C&C.
• Signatures - Detects threats by identifying unique patterns in files or in the network.
• Suspicious Mail Outbreaks - Detects infected machines in the organization based on analysis
of outgoing mail traffic.
• Behavioral Patterns - Detects unique patterns that indicate the presence of a bot. For
example, how a C&C communicates with a bot-infected machine.

Learning about Malware

The Threat Wiki is an easy-to-use tool that lets you search and filter the ThreatCloud repository to
find more information about identified malware. You can filter by category, tag, malware family,
and search for malware.

To show the Threat Wiki:

1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies page, and select Threat Prevention.
2. In the Related Tools section, click Threat Wiki.
The Threat Wiki web page opens.

Overview of IPS
The Check Point IPS Software Blade analyzes traffic for possible risks, to enhance the network
security of your organization. The IPS detection engine has multiple defense layers, detects and
prevents against known threats, and often protects against future ones.
For example IPS protects against drive-by downloads, where a user can go to a legitimate web site
and unknowingly download malware. The malware can exploit a browser vulnerability that lets it
create a special HTTP response that sends the malware to the client. The firewall allows the HTTP
traffic from the web site and the computer is at risk for this malware. IPS protects the computer,
because it identifies and then blocks the drive-by download connection.

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Enabling the IPS Software Blade

To enable the IPS Software Blade on a Security Gateway:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window opens.
2. In the General Properties > Network Security section, click IPS.
3. Click OK.
4. Follow the steps in the wizard that opens.
5. Install the Access Control policy.

Choosing the Level of Protection

Check Point IPS provides instant protection based on pre-defined Threat Prevention Profiles. You
can also configure a custom Threat Prevention profile (see "Threat Prevention Profiles" on page
86) to give the exact level of protection for your organization.
When you install an Access Control policy on the Security Gateways, they immediately begin to
enforce IPS protection on network traffic.

Default IPS Protection Profiles

SmartConsole includes these default Threat Prevention profiles:
• Optimized - Provides excellent protection for common network products and protocols against
recent or popular attacks
• Strict - Provides a wide coverage for all products and protocols, with impact on network
• Basic - Provides reliable protection on a range of non-HTTP protocols for servers, with
minimal impact on network performance

Using the Optimized Profile

The Optimized profile is activated by default, because it gives excellent security with good gateway
performance. These are the goals of the Optimized profile:
• Apply settings to all the Threat Prevention Software Blades
• Avoid impact on the gateway performance
• Protect against important threats
• Reduces false-positives
Newly downloaded IPS protections are set to Detect the intrusion attempts. They are activated
according to the IPS Updates Policy.

Customizing IPS Protections for Your Network

For additional granularity, in the Additional Activation section of the Profile configuration window,
you can select IPS protections to activate and to deactivate. The IPS protections are arranged into
categories such as Product, Vendor, Threat Year, and others, for the ease of search. Activated
protections are enforced by gateways, and the deactivated protections are not enforced,
regardless of the general profile protection settings.

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Configuring IPS Profile Settings

To configure the IPS settings for a Threat Prevention profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
3. Right-click the profile, and click Edit.
4. From the navigation tree, click IPS > Additional Activation.
5. Configure the customized protections for the profile.
6. From the navigation tree, click IPS > Updates.
7. Configure the settings for newly downloaded IPS protections.
8. If you are importing IPS profiles from a pre-R80 deployment:
a) From the navigation tree, click IPS > Pre-R80 Settings.
b) Activate the applicable Client and Server protections.
c) Configure the IPS protection categories to exclude from this profile.
Note - These categories are different from the protections in the Additional Activation page.
9. Click OK.
10. Install the Access Control policy.

Additional Activation Fields

• Activate IPS protections according to the following additional properties - When selected, the
categories configured on this page modify the profile’s IPS protections.
• Protections to activate - The IPS protection categories in this section are enabled on the
Security Gateways that use this Threat Prevention profile.
• Protections to deactivate - The IPS protection categories in this section are NOT enabled
on the Security Gateways that use this Threat Prevention profile.
These categories will only filter out or add protections that comply with the activation mode
thresholds (Confidence, Severity, Performance).
For example, if a protection is inactive because of its Performance rating, it will not be enabled
even if its category is in Protections to activate.

Changing the Assigned Profile

To assign an IPS profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention > Policy > IPS.
2. In the rule, right-click the Action cell.
3. Select the Threat Prevention profile with the applicable IPS settings.
4. Install the Access Control policy.

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Browsing IPS Protections

The IPS Protections summary lets you quickly browse all IPS protections and their settings. The
IPS Protections window lets you use the specified categories and tags to easily filter for IPS
protections. For example, the Vendor category contains the Oracle tag with the IPS protections for
Oracle products. You can also:
• Find IPS protections using the Filters:
• Default filters: Activations, Severity, Confidence Level, Performance Impact, and Type
• Predefined filters: Click the Add filter button
• Change the Action for selected profiles (overrides the profile setting) ("Activating Protections
for a Profile" on page 76)

Filtering IPS Protections

To show the IPS protections:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies page and select Threat Prevention.
2. In the Related Tools section, click IPS Protections.

To filter the protections:

1. From the IPS Protections window, click the Filter icon.
The Filters pane opens and shows IPS protections categories.
2. To add more categories:
a) Click the Add filter button.
A window opens and shows the IPS protections categories.
b) Click the category.
The category is added to the Filters pane.
3. Click one or more filters to apply to the IPS protections.
4. To show all the IPS protections in a category, click View All.

IPS Protections Columns

These are some of the default columns in the IPS protections summary table.

Column Description
Protection Name of the protection.

Industry Reference International CVE or CVE candidate name for attack.

Performance Impact How this protection affects the performance of a Security Gateway.

Severity Probable severity of a successful attack on your environment.

Confidence Level How confident IPS is in recognizing the attack.

profile_name The Activation setting for the protection for each IPS profile.

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Activating Protections for a Profile

To manually activate a protection for a profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click IPS Protections.
The IPS Protections page opens.
3. For the specified protection, find the column for the profile.
Note - The default IPS profiles are not shown.
4. Right-click the cell for the protection and profile and select Edit.
The Protection Details window opens.
5. From the Main Action section, click Override with.
6. Select the action to apply.
7. Click OK.
8. Install the Access Control policy.

Removing Activation Overrides

You can remove the manually activated IPS protections and restore them to the settings in the
Threat Prevention profile.

To remove IPS protection overrides:

1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click IPS Protections.
The IPS Protections page opens.
3. Click the cell for the profile column.
Press CTRL to select more than one protection.
4. Right-click a highlighted cell and select Restore to profile settings.
A warning message opens.
5. Click Yes.
6. Install the Access Control policy.

Adding Network Exceptions

You can configure exceptions for a protection with the Prevent action. IPS does not identify the
traffic. We recommend that you use IPS exceptions to allow traffic that is legitimate for some
computers or services can match the protection criteria for malware. You can also create an
exception for a server that does not comply with RFC standards.

Adding an IPS Exception

To add a new exception:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies page and select Threat Prevention.
2. In the Related Tools section of the Threat Prevention Policy, click Profiles.
3. Right-click the profile and select Edit.
The Profile window opens.
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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

4. From the navigation tree, select IPS > Pre R80 Settings.
5. In the Excluded Protections Categories section, make sure that Do not activate protections of
the following categories is selected.
6. Click the plus sign and select a protection category.
7. Repeat the previous step for each protection category.
8. Click OK.
9. Install the Access Control policy.

Protecting Networks from Bots
A bot is malicious software that can infect your computer. It is possible to infect a computer when
you open attachments that exploit a vulnerability, or go to a web site that results in a malicious
When a bot infects a computer, it:
• Takes control of the computer and neutralizes its Anti-Virus defenses. It is not easy to find bots
on your computer, they hide and change how they look to Anti-Virus software.
• Connects to a C&C (Command and Control center) for instructions from cyber criminals. The
cyber criminals, or bot herders, can remotely control it and instruct it to do illegal activities
without your knowledge. Your computer can do one or more of these activities:
• Steal data (personal, financial, intellectual property, organizational)
• Send spam
• Attack resources (Denial of Service Attacks)
• Consume network bandwidth and reduce productivity
One bot can often create multiple threats. Bots are frequently used as part of Advanced
Persistent Threats (APTs) where cyber criminals try to damage individuals or organizations.
The Anti-Bot Software Blade detects and prevents these bot and botnet threats. A botnet is a
collection of compromised and infected computers.

Identifying Bot Infected Computers

The Anti-Bot Software Blade uses these procedures to identify bot infected computers:
• Identify the C&C addresses used by criminals to control bots
These web sites are constantly changing and new sites are added on an hourly basis. Bots can
attempt to connect to thousands of potentially dangerous sites. It is a challenge to know which
sites are legitimate and which are not.
• Identify the communication patterns used by each botnet family
These communication fingerprints are different for each family and can be used to identify a
botnet family. Research is done for each botnet family to identify the unique language that it
uses. There are thousands of existing different botnet families and new ones are constantly
• Identify bot behavior
Identify specified actions for a bot such as, when the computer sends spam or participates in
DoS attacks.
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Enabling the Anti-Bot Software Blade

To enable the Anti-Bot Software Blade on a Security Gateway:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the gateway object.
The General Properties window of the gateway opens.
2. From the Network Security tab, click Anti-Bot.
The Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus First Time Activation window opens.
3. Select an activation mode option:
• According to the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy - Enable the Anti-Bot Software Blade and
use the Anti-Bot settings of the Threat Prevention profile in the Threat Prevention policy.
• Detect only - Packets are allowed, but the traffic is logged according to the settings in the
Threat Prevention Rule Base.
4. Click OK.
5. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

Protecting Networks from Viruses
The Anti-Virus Software Blade inspects connections to the Internet and scans file transfers and
downloads to the internal network to find and prevent malware attacks. It also gives pre-infection
protection from external malware and malicious servers.

Examining Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Protections

The Protections browser shows information about the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus protections.

To show the Protections browser:

1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies page, and select Threat Prevention.
2. In the Related Tools section, click Protections.
A detailed summary of the protections is shown in the table.
The table of protections has these fields:

Column Description
Protection Name of the protection type.

Blade The Software Blade, by which the protection is used - Anti-Bot or


Engine Layer of the ThreatSpect engine that is protecting the network.

Known Today Number of known protections.

Last Update The date when the most recent update.

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When you select a protection in the table, the summary and the activation information are shown
in the bottom part of the screen. The Summary tab is shown by default. To see the activation
information, click the Activations tab.
The table in the Activations tab view shows information in the table with these fields:

Column Description
Profile The profile name.

Action The action that is configured in the profile for the selected protection:
• Ask - Asks user to select an action
• Prevent - Blocks traffic that matches the protection
• Detect - Allows all traffic and logs traffic that matches the protection
• Inactive - Disables the protection
Protections can have more than one action. The Action column shows the
percentage of protections set to each action.

Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base

There is a different Rule Base for Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus. The Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus rules use
the Malware database and network objects. Security Gateways that have Identity Awareness
enabled can also use Access Role objects as the Protected Scope in a rule. The Access Role
objects let you easily make rules for individuals or different groups of users.
The first Anti-Bot or Anti-Virus rule that matches the traffic is applied. There are no implied rules
in this Rule Base, all traffic is allowed unless it is explicitly blocked. A rule that is set to the
Prevent action, blocks activity and communication for that malware.
When necessary, you can add an exception directly to a rule. The object in the Protected Scope,
can have a different Action from the specified Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus rule. Here are some
examples of exception rules:
• A profile that only detects protections. You can set one or more of the protections for a user to
• The Research and Development (R&D) network is included in a profile with the Prevent action.
You can set that network to Detect.

Managing the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base

These are the fields that manage the rules for the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus threat prevention policy.

Field Description
No. Rule number in the Rule Base. An exception rule contains the letter E and a
digit that represents the exception number. For example, E-2.2 is the second
exception for the second rule.

Name Name that the system administrator gives this rule.

Protected Objects that are protected against bots and viruses. Traffic to and from these
Scope objects is inspected even if the objects did not open the connection.

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Field Description
Protection For rules, the value for this field is always N/A. The protections are set
according the profile in the Action field.
For exceptions, set this field to one or more specified protections.

Action For rules, the value for this field is an Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus profile.
For exceptions, set this field to Prevent or Detect.

Track Tracking and logging action that is done when traffic matches the rule.

Install On Network objects that get this rule. The default setting is All and installs the
policy on all Security Gateways that have Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus enabled.

Sample Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base

This table shows a sample Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base. (The Install On column is not shown
and is set to All.)

No. Name Protected Protection Action Track

1 High Security Finance_ - n/a High_Security_ Log
server Profile Packet Capture
2 Malware Rule Any - n/a Optimized Log
E-2.1 R&D Server Server_1 Backdoor.Win32.Shark.A Detect Log
E-2.2 Users_3 Users_3 Adware.Win32.CashFiesta.A Detect Log

Rule number 1, High Security - Traffic for the Finance server and two corporate networks are
inspected for bots and viruses according to the settings in the High_Security profile. The traffic is
logged and the packets are captured for analysis in the Logs & Monitor > Logs view.
Rule number 2, Malware Rule - All traffic in the network is inspected for bots and viruses
according to the settings in the Optimized profile.
Exception 2.1 to rule 2, R&D Server - A global exception rule for the Server_1 object, that only
detects the Backdoor.Win32.Shark.A protection.
Exception 2.2 to rule 2, Users_3 - An exception rule for the Users_3 Access Role, that sets some
protections to Detect instead of Prevent.

Threat Emulation
The Need for Threat Emulation
Cyber-threats continue to multiply and now it is easier than ever for criminals to create new
malware that can easily bypass existing protections. On a daily basis, these criminals can change
the malware signature and make it virtually impossible for signature based products to protect
networks against infection. Threat Emulation can protect your network against new malware,

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zero-day vulnerabilities and targeted attacks
Threat Emulation gives networks the necessary protection against unknown threats in files that
are downloaded from the Internet or attached to emails. When emulation is done on a file:
• The file is opened on more than one virtual computer with different operating system
• The virtual computers are closely monitored for unusual and malicious behavior, such as an
attempt to change registry keys or run an unauthorized process
• Any malicious behavior is immediately logged and you can use Prevent mode to block the file
from the internal network
• The cryptographic hash of a new malicious file is saved to a database and the internal network
is protected from that malware
• Information about malicious files and malware is shared with Check Point ThreatCloud and
helps to protect all ThreatCloud users

ThreatCloud Emulation
You can securely send files to the Check Point ThreatCloud for emulation. The ThreatCloud is
always up-to-date with the latest Threat Emulation releases.

Sample ThreatCloud Emulation Workflow

1. The Security Gateway gets a file from the Internet or an external network.
2. The Security Gateway compares the cryptographic hash of the file with the database.
• If the file is already in the database, no additional emulation is necessary
• If the file is not in the database, it is necessary to run full emulation on the file
3. The file is sent over an SSL connection to the ThreatCloud.
4. The virtual computers in the ThreatCloud run emulation on the file.
5. The emulation results are sent securely to the Security Gateway for the applicable action.

Sample ThreatCloud Deployment

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Item Description
1 Internet and external networks

2 Perimeter Security Gateway

3 Computers and servers in the internal network

4 Check Point ThreatCloud servers

Using Cloud Emulation

Files are sent to the Check Point ThreatCloud over a secure SSL connection for emulation. The
emulation in the ThreatCloud is identical to emulation in the internal network, but it uses only a
small amount of CPU, RAM, and disk space of the Security Gateway. The ThreatCloud is always
up-to-date with all available operating system environments.

Note - For ThreatCloud emulation, it is necessary that the Security Gateway can connect
to the Internet. We recommend that you make sure that the DNS and proxy settings are
configured correctly in Global Properties.

To enable ThreatCloud emulation:

1. In SmartConsole, go to Gateways & Servers and double-click the perimeter Security Gateway.
The Gateway Properties window opens.
2. From the Network Security tab, select Threat Emulation.
The Threat Emulation First Time Configuration Wizard opens and shows the Emulation
Location page.
3. Select ThreatCloud Emulation Service.
4. Click Next.
The Summary page opens.
5. Click Finish to enable Threat Emulation and close the First Time Configuration Wizard.
6. Click OK.
The Gateway Properties window closes.
7. Install the Threat Prevention policy on the Security Gateway.

Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

The Threat Prevention profile applies to these Software Blades:
• IPS - There is a dedicated layer for the IPS Rule Base for pre-R80 gateways. After you make
changes to IPS, install the Access Control policy.
• Anti-Bot, Anti-Virus, Threat Emulation - These Software Blades are configured in the Threat
Prevention Rule Base and policy. After you make changes to one of them, install the Threat
Prevention policy.
Note - If you make changes to IPS and one of the other Threat Prevention Software Blades, you
must install both the Access Control and Threat Prevention policy.

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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Overview of Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

After you enable the IPS and Threat Prevention Software Blades on the Security Gateways,
configure the Threat Prevention policy.
This is the high-level workflow create and deploy a Threat Prevention policy:
1. Update the IPS database and Malware database with the latest protections.
2. Configure an IPS and Threat Prevention Rule Base with the Threat Prevention profile as the
Action of the rule.
3. Install the Access Control and Threat Prevention policy.

Optimized Protection Profile Settings

Check Point defined the Optimized profile to give excellent security with good performance for the
These are the goals of the Optimized profile, and the settings that achieve those goals:

Goal Parameter Setting

Apply settings to the IPS and Blades Activation Activate the profile for IPS, Anti-Bot,
Threat Prevention Software Anti-Virus, and Threat Emulation.

Do not have a critical effect on Performance impact Activate protections that have a Medium
performance or lower effect on performance.

Protect against important Severity Protect against threats with a severity of

threats Medium or above.

Reduces false-positives Confidence Set to Prevent the protections with an

attack confidence of Medium or High.
Set to Detect the protections with a
confidence of Low.

Newly downloaded IPS protections are set to Detect. They are activated according to the IPS
Newly Updated Protections.

To get quickly up and running with a Threat Prevention policy:

To get quickly up and running with IPS without making changes to the IPS profile, install this
Threat Prevention Rule Base with the Optimized profile:

Name Protected Action Track Install On

Out-of-the-box Any Optimized Log Policy Targets

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IPS and Threat Prevention Policy Use Cases

This section shows some sample IPS and Threat Prevention policies for different scenarios.

Getting up and Running with IPS and Threat Prevention

Scenario: I want to quickly protect my organization against intrusions
IPS Policy

Name Source Destination Services Action Install

Out-of-the- Any Any Any Optimized profile with these One or
box IPS settings: more
policy Security
• Activated for Threat
Prevention Software Blades:
with IPS
• Performance impact:
Medium or lower
• Severity: Medium or above
• Confidence
Note - Install the Access Control and Threat Prevention policies.
Threat Prevention Policy

Name Protected Action Track Install

Scope On
Out-of-the-box Any Optimized profile with these settings: Log Policy
Threat Targets
• Activated for Threat Prevention Packet
Software Blades: All Capture
• Performance impact: Medium or
• Severity: Medium or above
• Confidence (Low\Medium\High):
This scenario used the Optimized Threat Prevention profile ("Optimized Protection Profile
Settings" on page 83).
Note - The Protection/Site column is used only for protection exceptions ("Disabling a
Protection on a Specified Server" on page 89).

Monitoring bot activity without blocking traffic

Scenario: I want to monitor bot activity in my organization without blocking traffic at all. How can I
do this?
Add this rule above the Out-of-the-box Threat Prevention policy to monitor bot activity
("Monitoring Bot Activity" on page 88):

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Name Protected Action Track Install

Scope On
Monitor Any A profile, with these changes relative to the Log Policy
bot Recommended_Profile: Targets
Confidence (Low\Medium\High): Capture

Blocking bots
Scenario: I want to block bots in my organization. How can I do this?
You can block bots ("Blocking Bots" on page 87) using the out-of-the-box Threat Prevention policy
rule, with the Optimized profile:

Name Protected Action Track Install

Scope On
Out-of-the-box Any Optimized profile Log Policy
Threat Targets

Blocking viruses and malware

Scenario: I want to block viruses and malware in my organization. How can I do this?
You can block viruses ("Blocking Viruses" on page 90) using the out-of-the-box Threat Prevention
policy rule, with the Optimized profile:

Name Protected Action Track Install

Scope On
Out-of-the-box Any Optimized profile Log Policy
Threat Targets

Disabling some protections for one server

Scenario: The protection Backdoor.Win32.Agent.AH detects malware on a server (Server_1). How
can I disable this protection for this server only?
Add an exception to the specified Anti-Bot rule. This policy monitors bots activity in the
organization without blocking traffic, but disables the Backdoor.Win32.Agent.AH protection on
Server_1 ("Disabling a Protection on a Specified Server" on page 89).

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Name Protected Protection Action Track Install

Scope On
Monitor Any - N/A A profile based on the Log Policy
Bot Optimized profile, with Targets
these changes:

Exclude Server_1 Backdoor.Win32. Detect Log Server_1

Server_1 Agent.AH

Threat Prevention Profiles

A Threat Prevention profile determines which protections are activated, and which Software
Blades are enabled for the specified rule or policy. The protections that the profile activates
depend on the:
• Performance impact of the protection.
• Severity of the threat.
• Confidence that a protection can correctly identify an attack.
• Settings that are specific to the Software Blade.
A Threat Prevention profile applies to one or more of these Software Blades: IPS, Anti-Bot,
Anti-Virus, and Threat Emulation.

Editing Profiles
You can change the settings of the IPS and Threat Prevention profile according to your

To edit a profile:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
3. Right-click the profile and select Edit.

Creating Rules
The Threat Prevention policy determines how the system inspects connections for bots and
viruses. The primary component of the policy is the Rule Base. The rules use the Malware
database and network objects.
If you enable Identity Awareness on your gateways, you can also use Access Role objects as the
scope in a rule. This lets you easily make rules for individuals or different groups of users.
There are no implied rules in the Rule Base. All traffic is allowed unless it is explicitly blocked.

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Predefined Rule
When you enable the IPS or one of the Threat Prevention Software Blades, a predefined rule is
added to the Rule Base. The rule defines that all traffic for all network objects, regardless of who
opened the connection, (the protected scope value equals any) is inspected for all protections
according to the recommended profile. By default, logs are generated and the rule is installed on
all Security Gateways that use a Threat Prevention Software Blade.
Note - You cannot edit the settings of the predefined rule for the IPS Security Gateway.
The result of this rule (according to the Optimized profile) is that:
• All protections that can identify an attack with a high or medium confidence level and have a
medium or lower performance impact are set to Prevent mode.
• All protections that can identify an attack with a low confidence level and have a medium or
lower performance impact are set to Detect mode.
Use the Logs & Monitor page to show logs related to IPS and Threat Prevention traffic. Use the
data there to better understand the use of these Software Blades in your environment and create
an effective Rule Base. You can also directly update the Rule Base from this page.
You can add more rules that prevent or detect specified protections or have different tracking

Creating Rules
Here are examples of how to create different types of Anti-Bot rules.

Creating an Anti-Bot Policy

Create and manage the policy for the Anti-Bot Software Blade as part of the Threat Prevention
Policy ("Creating Rules" on page 86).
• The Threat Prevention page shows the rules and exceptions for the Anti-Bot policy. The rules
specify the Threat profiles set for network objects or locations defined as a protected scope.
Click the Add Rule button to get started.
• To learn about bots and protections, look through the Threat Wiki.

Blocking Bots
Scenario: I want to block bots in my organization. How can I do this?
In this example you will install this default Threat Policy rule that uses the recommended policy,
or create a new rule.

Protected Scope Action Track Install On

Any Optimized Log Policy Targets
Packet Capture

To block bots in your organization:

1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers.
2. Enable the Anti-Bot Software Blade on the Gateways that protect your organization. For each
a) Double-click the Gateway object.

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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

b) In the Gateway Properties page, select the Anti-Bot Software Blade.

The First Time Activation window opens.
c) Select According to the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy
d) Click OK.
3. Click Access Control > Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Prevention.
You can block bots using the out-of-the-box Threat Prevention policy rule, with the default
Optimized Profile and the previous rule.
Alternatively, add a new Threat Prevention rule:
a) Click Add Rule.
A new rule is added to the Threat Prevention policy. The Software Blade applies the first
rule that matches the traffic.
b) Make a rule that includes these components:
 Name - Give the rule a name such as Block Bot Activity.
 Protected Scope - The list of network objects you want to protect. By default, the Any
network object is used.
 Action - The Profile that contains the protection settings you want. The default profile is
 Track - The type of log you want to get when detecting malware on this scope.
 Install On - Keep it as Policy Targets or choose Gateways to install the rule on.
4. Install the Threat Prevention policy (see "Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 91).

Monitoring Bot Activity

Scenario: I want to monitor bot activity in my organization without blocking traffic at all. How can I
do this?
In this example, you will create this Threat Prevention rule, and install the Threat Prevention

Name Protected Action Track Install On

Monitor Any A profile that has these changes Log Policy
bot activity relative to the Optimized profile: Targets
Confidence (High\Medium\Low):

To monitor all bot activity:

1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. Create a new profile:
a) From the Threat Tools section, click Profiles.
The Profiles page opens.
b) Right-click a profile and select Clone.
c) Give the profile a name such as Monitoring_Profile.

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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

d) Edit the profile, and under Activation Mode, configure all confidence level settings to
e) Select the Performance Impact - for example, Medium or lower.
This profile detects protections that are identified as an attack with low, medium or high
confidence and have a medium or lower performance impact.
3. Create a new rule:
a) Click Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Prevention.
b) Add a rule to the Rule Base.
The first rule that matches is applied.
c) Make a rule that includes these components:
 Name - Give the rule a name such as Monitor Bot Activity.
 Protected Scope - Keep Any so the rule applies to all traffic in the organization.
 Action - Right-click in this cell and select Monitoring_Profile.
 Track - Keep Log.
 Install On - Keep it as Policy Targets or choose Gateways to install the rule on.
4. Install the Threat Prevention policy (see "Installing the Threat Prevention Policy" on page 91).

Disabling a Protection on a Specified Server

Scenario: The protection Backdoor.Win32.Agent.AH detects malware on a server (Server_1). How
can I disable this protection for this server only?
In this example, create this Threat Prevention rule, and install the Threat Prevention policy:

Name Protected Protection/Site Action Track Install

Scope On
Monitor Any - N/A Optimized Profile Log Policy
Bot Activity Targets

Exclude Server_1 Backdoor.Win32.Agent.AH Detect Log Policy


To add an exception to a rule:

1. In SmartConsole, click Access Control > Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Prevention.
2. Click the rule that contains the scope of Server_1.
3. Click the Add Exception toolbar button to add the exception under the rule. The first exception
matched is applied.
4. Right-click the rule and select New Exception.
5. Configure these settings:
• Name - Give the exception a name such as Exclude.
• Protected Scope - Change it to Server_1 so that it applies to all detections on the server.
• Protection/Site - Click + in the cell. From the drop-down menu, click the category and
select one or more of the items to exclude
Note - To add EICAR files as exceptions, you must add them as Whitelist Files. Adding
EICAR files through Exceptions in Policy rules will still get them blocked.

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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

• Action - Keep it as Detect.

• Track - Keep it as Log.
• Install On - Keep it as Policy Targets or choose specified gateways to install the rule on.
6. Install the Threat Prevention policy.

Creating Anti-Virus Rules

Here are examples of how to create different types of Anti-Virus rules.
You can also use Anti-Virus rules to disable a specified malware protection ("Disabling a
Protection on a Specified Server" on page 89).

Creating an Anti-Virus Policy

Create and manage the policy for the Anti-Virus Software Blade as part of the Threat Prevention
• The Threat Prevention page shows the rules and exceptions for the Anti-Virus policy. The
rules specify the Threat profiles set for network objects or locations defined as a protected
Add a new rule to the Threat Prevention policy.
• You can configure the Anti-Virus settings in the Threat Prevention profile for the specified rule.
• To learn about bots and protections, look through the Threat Wiki.

Blocking Viruses
Scenario: I want to block viruses and malware in my organization. How can I do this?

To block viruses in your organization:

1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.
2. In the General Properties page, select the Anti-Virus Software Blade.
The First Time Activation window opens.
3. Select According to the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy and click OK.
4. Close the gateway Properties window and publish the changes.
5. Click Access Control > Threat Prevention > Policy > Threat Prevention.
6. Click Add Rule.
A new rule is added to the Threat Prevention policy. The Software Blade applies the first rule
that matches the traffic.
7. Make a rule that includes these components:
• Name - Give the rule a name such as Block Virus Activity.
• Protected Scope - The list of network objects you want to protect. In this example, the Any
network object is used.
• Action - The Profile that contains the protection settings you want. The default profile is
• Track - The type of log you want to get when detecting malware on this scope. In this
example, keep Log and also select Packet Capture to capture the packets of malicious
activity. In SmartView Tracker, you will then be able to view the actual packets.
• Install On - Keep it as All or choose specified gateways to install the rule on.
8. Install the Threat Prevention policy.
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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Installing the Threat Prevention Policy

The Anti-Bot, Anti-Virus and Threat Emulation Software Blades have a dedicated Threat
Prevention policy. You can install this policy separately from the policy installation of the Access
Control Software Blades. Install only the Threat Prevention policy to minimize the performance
impact on the Security Gateways.
Settings for the IPS Software Blade are installed with the Access Control policy.
You can update the IPS, Anti-Bot, Anti-Virus and Threat Emulation Rule Base to give immediate
coverage for new malware threats.

To install the Threat Prevention and Access Control policies:

1. From the Global toolbar, click Install Policy.
The Install Policy window opens showing the installation targets (Security Gateways).
2. Select Access Control and Threat Prevention.
3. Expand the Install Mode options, and click the applicable settings:
• Install on each selected gateway independently - Install the policy on the selected
Security Gateways without reference to the other targets. A failure to install on one
Security Gateway does not affect policy installation on other gateways.
If the gateway is a member of a cluster, install the policy on all the members. The Security
Management Server makes sure that it can install the policy on all the members before it
installs the policy on one of them. If the policy cannot be installed on one of the members,
policy installation fails for all of them.
• Install on all selected gateways, if it fails do not install on gateways of the same version -
Install the policy on all installation targets. If the policy fails to install on one of the Security
Gateways, the policy is not installed on other targets of the same version.
4. Click OK.

Updating the IPS and Malware Databases

The IPS protection database and the Malware database automatically download updates at regular
intervals. This ensures that you have the latest IPS protections, and the most current data and
newly added signatures and URL reputations in your Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus policy.
The Malware database only updates if you have a valid Anti-Bot, Threat Emulation and/or
Anti-Virus contract.
By default, updates for Anti-Virus and Anti-Bot run on the Security Gateway every two hours. For
IPS and Threat Emulation you must configure an update schedule. You can change the update
schedule or choose to manually update the Security Gateway. The updates are stored in a few files
on each Security Gateway.

Updating IPS Protections

Check Point constantly develops and improves its protections against the latest threats. You can
manually update the database with latest IPS protections.
Note - The Security Gateways with IPS enabled only get the updates after you install the Policy.

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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

For troubleshooting or for performance tuning, you can revert to an earlier IPS protection

To manually update the IPS protections:

1. In SmartConsole, click Security Policies > Threat Prevention.
2. In the Threat Tools section, click Updates.
3. In the IPS section, click Update Now.
4. Install the Access Control policy.

To revert to an earlier protection package:

1. In the IPS section of the Threat Prevention Updates page, click Switch to version.
2. In the window that opens, select an IPS Package Version, and click OK.
3. Install the Access Control policy

Scheduling Updates
You can change the default automatic schedule for when updates are automatically downloaded
and installed. If you have Security Gateways in different time zones, they are not synchronized
when one updates and the other did not yet update.

To configure Threat Prevention scheduled updates:

1. In SmartConsole, go to the Security Policies page and select Threat Prevention.
2. In the Threat Tools section of the Threat Prevention Policy, click Updates.
3. In the section for the applicable Software Blade, click Schedule Update.
The Scheduled Update window opens.
4. Make sure Enable <feature> scheduled update is selected.
5. Click Configure.
6. In the window that opens, set the Update at time and the frequency:
• Daily - Every day
• Days in week - Select days of the week
• Days in month - Select dates of the month
7. Click OK.
8. Click Close.
9. Install the policy for the applicable Software Blade:
• IPS updates, install the Access Control policy
• Anti-Bot, Anti-Virus, and Threat Emulation updates, install the Threat Prevention policy

Employees waste more and more time to sort through bulk emails commonly known as spam. The
amount of resources (disk space, network bandwidth, CPU) devoted to handling spam also
increases from year to year. In addition, unwanted emails continue to grow and can be an
unexpected security threat to networks. Cyber-criminals can use emails to let viruses and
malware into your network. The Anti-Spam and Mail Software Blade gives system administrators
an easy and central tool to eliminate most of the spam that reaches their networks.

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Creating a Threat Prevention Policy

Enabling Anti-Spam
Use the Overview page in the Anti-Spam & Mail tab of the SmartDashboard to enable Anti-Spam
on a Security Gateway.

To enable Anti-Spam:
1. In SmartConsole, go to Manage & Settings > Blades.
2. In the Anti-Spam & Mail section, click Configure in SmartDashboard.
SmartDashboard opens and shows the Overview page in the Anti-Spam & Mail tab.
3. Click Anti-Spam.
The Anti-Spam Enforcing Gateways window opens.
4. Select one or more Security Gateways.
5. Click OK.

Sample Configuration
Feature Setting Description
Content based Anti-Spam High protection Identifies spam based on email content

IP Reputation Anti-Spam High protection Identifies spam based on IP address

database of known spammers

Block List Anti-Spam Block Identifies spam based on domains or IP

addresses that you define

Mail Anti-Virus Block Scans and filters emails for viruses and
other malware

Zero hour malware protection Off Does not scan the Internet to identify and
filter new virus email attacks

The Zero hour malware protection feature is set to Off because enabling the feature has a
negative effect on network performance.

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Managing User Accounts

In This Section:
Authentication Methods for Users and Administrators .............................................94
Configuring Authentication Methods for Users ..........................................................95
User Database ..............................................................................................................99
Managing User Groups ...............................................................................................102
LDAP and User Directory ...........................................................................................103
Access Roles ...............................................................................................................136
Authentication Rules ..................................................................................................137

Authentication Methods for Users and Administrators

Check Point supports different methods of authenticating end users and administrators.
Security Gateways authenticate individual users. The Security Management Server authenticates
Users and Administrators authenticate using credentials. All the methods required a username
and password.
Users and administrators can be stored in the Check Point User Database (on page 99) or on an
LDAP server.
The following sections describe the supported authentication methods.

Check Point Password

Check Point password is a static password that is configured in SmartConsole. For
administrators, the password is stored in the local database on the Security Management Server.
For users, it is stored on the local database on the Security Gateway. No additional software is

Operating System Password

OS Password is stored on the operating system of the computer on which the Security Gateway
(for users) or Security Management Server (for administrators) is installed. You can also use
passwords that are stored in a Windows domain. No additional software is required.

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is an external authentication method that
provides security and scalability by separating the authentication function from the access server.
Using RADIUS, the Security Gateway forwards authentication requests by remote users to the
RADIUS server. For administrators, the Security Management Server forwards the authentication
requests. The RADIUS server, which stores user account information, does the authentication.
The RADIUS protocol uses UDP to communicate with the gateway or the Security Management
RADIUS servers and RADIUS server group objects are defined in SmartConsole.
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Managing User Accounts

SecurID requires users to both possess a token authenticator and to supply a PIN or password.
Token authenticators generate one-time passwords that are synchronized to an RSA ACE/server
and may come in the form of hardware or software. Hardware tokens are key-ring or credit
card-sized devices, while software tokens reside on the PC or device from which the user wants to
authenticate. All tokens generate a random, one-time use access code that changes
approximately every minute. When a user attempts to authenticate to a protected resource, the
one-time use code must be validated by the ACE/server.
Using SecurID, the Security Gateway forwards authentication requests by remote users to the
ACE/server. For administrators, it is the Security Management Server that forwards the requests.
ACE manages the database of RSA users and their assigned hard or soft tokens. The gateway or
the Security Management Server act as an ACE/Agent 5.0 and direct all access requests to the
RSA ACE/server for authentication. For additional information on agent configuration, refer to
ACE/server documentation.
There are no specific parameters required for the SecurID authentication method.

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) provides access control for routers,
network access servers and other networked devices through one or more centralized servers.
TACACS is an external authentication method that provides verification services. Using TACACS,
the Security Gateway forwards authentication requests by remote users to the TACACS server. For
administrators, it is the Security Management Server that forwards the requests. The TACACS
server, which stores user account information, authenticates users. The system supports physical
card key devices or token cards and Kerberos secret key authentication. TACACS encrypts the
user name, password, authentication services and accounting information of all authentication
requests to ensure secure communication.

Configuring Authentication Methods for Users

These instructions show how to configure authentication methods for users. For administrators,
see Configuring Authentication Methods for Administrators (on page 29).
For background information about the authentication methods, see Authentication Methods for
Users and Administrators (on page 94).

Granting User Access Using RADIUS Server Groups

The Security Gateway lets you control access privileges for authenticated RADIUS (on page 94)
users, based on the administrator's assignment of users to RADIUS groups. These groups are
used in the Security Rule Base to restrict or give users access to specified resources. Users are
unaware of the groups to which they belong.
To use RADIUS groups, you must define a return attribute in the RADIUS user profile of the
RADIUS server. This attribute is returned to the Security Gateway and contains the group name
(for example, RAD_<group to which the RADIUS users belong>) to which the users belong.

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Managing User Accounts

Use these RADIUS attributes (refer to RFC 2865):

• For SecurePlatform - attribute "Class" (25)
• For other operating systems, including Gaia, Windows, and IPSO- attribute "Vendor-Specific"

Sample workflow for RADIUS authentication configuration:

1. Create a RADIUS host object.
2. Configure the RADIUS server object settings.
3. Configure gateways to use RADIUS authentication.
4. Define user groups.
5. Configure RADIUS authentication settings for user.
6. Complete the RADIUS authentication configuration.

Configuring a Security Gateway to use SecurID Authentication

Sample workflow for SecurID (on page 95) authentication configuration:
1. Configure gateways for SecurID authentication.
2. Define user groups.
3. Configure SecurID authentication settings for users.
4. Complete the SecurID authentication configuration.

To configure a Security Gateway to use SecurID:

1. Generate the sdconf.rec file on the ACE/Server and copy it to:
• /var/ace/sdconf.rec on UNIX, Linux or IPSO
• %SystemRoot%\System32\sdconf.rec on 32-bit Windows
• %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\sdconf.rec on 64-bit Windows
2. In SmartConsole, go to the Gateways & Servers view, right-click a Security Gateway object
and select Edit.
3. In the gateway property window that opens, select Other > Legacy Authentication.
4. In the Enabled Authentication Schemes section, select SecurID.
5. Click OK.

To define a user group:

1. In SmartConsole, the Object Management tab, click New > More > Users > User Group.
The New User Group window opens.
2. Enter the name of the group, for example SecurID_Users.
Make sure the group is empty.
3. Click OK.
4. Publish the changes and install the policy.

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Managing User Accounts

To configure SecurID authentication settings for users:

1. Create new user profiles -
• For users with Security Gateway user accounts - in SmartConsole, go to the Objects tab
and click New > More > Users > User.
• For users without Security Gateway user accounts - go to the Objects tab and click New >
More > Users > External User Profile > Match all users (or Match by domain). If you
support more than one external authentication scheme, set up External User Profiles with
the Match By Domain setting.
The User Properties window opens.
2. In the General Properties tab, configure these settings:
• Enter a User Name for the ACE/Server. (When configuring Match all users as an External
User Profile, the name "generic*" is automatically assigned)
• Set the Expiration Date.
3. In the Authentication tab, select SecurID from the Authentication Scheme drop-down list
4. Click OK.

To complete the SecurID authentication configuration:

1. Make sure that connections between the gateway and the ACE/Server are not NATed in the
Address Translation Rule Base.
2. Save, verify, and install the policy.
When a Security Gateway has multiple interfaces, the SecurID agent on the Security Gateway
sometimes uses the wrong interface IP to decrypt the reply from the ACE/Server, and
authentication fails.
To overcome this problem, place a new text file, named sdopts.rec in the same directory as
sdconf.rec. The file should contain the CLIENT_IP=<ip> line, where <ip> is the primary IP
address of the Security Gateway, as defined on the ACE/Server. This is the IP address of the
interface to which the server is routed.

Configuring a Security Gateway to use TACACS+ Authentication

Sample workflow for TACACS (on page 95) authentication configuration:
1. Create a TACACS host object.
2. Configure the TACACS server object settings.
3. Configure gateways to use TACACS authentication.
4. Define user groups.
5. Configure TACACS authentication settings for user.
6. Complete the TACACS authentication configuration.

To create a new TACACS host object:

1. In SmartConsole, the Object Management tab, click New > Host.
The New Host window opens.
2. Enter the Object Name and the IP Address of the new TACACS host object, and click OK.
3. Publish the changes.

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Managing User Accounts

To configure the TACACS server object settings:

1. In the Object Management tab, click New > More > Server > More > TACACS.
The TACACS Server Properties window opens.
2. Configure new server properties:
• Enter the Name of the TACACS server object
• Select the TACACS Host object with which to associate the TACACS server object
This is the host object you created previously.
• Select the TACACS Type (he default is TACACS, but TACACS+ is recommended)
• Select the Service - match the TACACS service (UDP or TCP) to the Type selected above
3. Click OK.
4. Publish the changes.
To configure a Security Gateway to use TACACS authentication:
1. In SmartConsole, go to the Gateways & Servers view, right-click a Security Gateway object
and select Edit.
2. In the gateway property window that opens, select Other > Legacy Authentication.
3. In the Enabled Authentication Schemes section, select TACACS.
4. Click OK.
To define a TACACS user group:
1. In SmartConsole, the Objects tab, click New > More > Users > User Group.
The New User Group window opens.
2. Enter the name of the group.
Make sure the group is empty.
3. Click OK.
4. Publish the changes and install the policy.

To configure TACACS authentication settings for users:

1. Create new user profiles -
• For users with Security Gateway user accounts - in SmartConsole, go to the Objects tab
and click New > More > Users > User.
• For users without Security Gateway user accounts - go to the Objects tab and click New >
More > Users > External User Profile > Match all users (or Match by domain). If you
support more than one external authentication scheme, set up External User Profiles with
the Match By Domain setting.
The User Properties window opens.
2. In the General Properties tab, configure these settings:
• Enter a User Name for the TACACS server. (When configuring Match all users as an
External User Profile, the name "generic*" is automatically assigned)
• Set the Expiration Date.
3. In the Authentication tab, configure these settings:
• Select TACACS from the Authentication Scheme drop-down list
• From the Select a TACACS Server drop-down menu, select the TACACS object that you
configured earlier
4. Click OK.
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Managing User Accounts

To complete the TACACS authentication configuration:

1. Verify that communication between the firewall and the TACACS server is not NATed in the
Address Translation Rule Base.
2. Save, verify, and install the policy.

User Database
Users defined in SmartConsole are saved to the User Database on the Security Management
Server, together with the user authentication schemes and encryption keys. Then, the user
database is installed on Security Gateways and Check Point hosts:
• On Security Gateways - When the policy is installed (Install Policy)
• On Check Point hosts with an active Management blade (such as Log Server) - When the
database is installed (Install Database)
The user database does not contain information about users defined elsewhere than on the
Security Management Server (such as users in external User Directory groups), but it does contain
information about the external groups themselves (for example, on which Account Unit the
external group is defined). Changes to external groups take effect only after the policy is installed,
or the user database is downloaded from the management server.

Creating, Modifying, Removing User Accounts

To create a new user:
1. In the object tree, click New > More > Users > User.
The Users Properties window opens.
2. Configure required and optional settings in General Properties ("User > General Properties"
on page 100).
3. Select and configure Authentication ("User > Authentication" on page 100).
Important! If you do not select an authentication method, the user cannot log in or use
network resources.
4. In Location ("User > Authentication" on page 100), select objects from which this user can
access or send data and traffic.
5. If the user has specified working days or hours, configure when ("User > Time" on page 100)
the user can be authenticated for access.
6. Click OK.

To change an existing user:

1. In the object tree, click Users > Users.
2. Double-click a user.
The User Properties window opens.
3. Change the properties as necessary.
4. Click OK.

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Managing User Accounts

User > General Properties

Required settings:
• User Name - A unique, case sensitive character string.
If you generate a user certificate with a non-Check Point Certificate Authority, enter the
Common Name (CN) component of the Distinguished Name (DN). For example, if the DN is:
[CN = James, O = My Organization, C = My Country],
enter James as the user name. If you use Common Names as user names, they must contain
exactly one string with no spaces.
• Expiration Date - The date, after which the user is no longer authorized to access network
resources and applications. By default, the date defined in the Default Expiration Settings
("Configuring Default Expiration Settings for Users" on page 101) shows as the expiration date.
Optional settings:
• Comment
• Email Address
• Mobile Phone Number

User > Authentication

Select an Authentication Scheme:
• SecurID
• Check Point Password - Enter the password string (between 4 and 8 characters) and confirm it
• OS Password
• RADIUS - Select a RADIUS server or a group of servers
• TACACS - Select a TACACS server

User > Authentication

Network Objects - List of defined objects in the environment.
Source - Click Add, to add selected objects to this user's permitted resources. The user can get
data and traffic from these objects.
Destination - Click Add, to add selected objects to this user's permitted destinations. The user can
send data and traffic to these objects.

User > Time

Days in week - Select the days that the user can authenticate and access resources. This user will
not be authenticated if a login attempt is made on an unselected day.
Time of day (hh:mm) - Enter start time and end time of an expected workday. This user will not be
authenticated if a login attempt is made on a time outside the given range.

Managing Certificates
Generate and register SIC certificates for user accounts. This authenticates the user in the Check
Point system. Use certificates with required authentication for added access control.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 100

Managing User Accounts

To create a new certificate:

1. Open the User Properties window > Certificates page.
2. Click New.
3. Select key or p12 file:
• Registration key for certificate enrollment - Select to send a registration key that
activates the certificate. When prompted, select the number of days the user has to activate
the certificate, before the registration key expires.
• Certificate file (p12) - Select to create a .p12 certificate file with a private password for
the user. When prompted, enter and confirm the certificate password.
4. Click OK.
If a user will not be in the system for some time (for example, going on an extended leave), you can
revoke the certificate. This leaves the user account in the system, but it cannot be accessed until
you renew the certificate.
To revoke a certificate, select the certificate and click Revoke.

Configuring Encryption
If the user will access resources from a remote location, traffic between the remote user and
internal resources will be encrypted. Configure encryption settings for remote access users.

To configure encryption:
1. Open the User Properties window > Encryption page.
2. Select an encryption method for the user.
3. Click Edit.
The encryption Properties window opens.
The next steps are for IKE Phase 2. The options can be different for different methods.
4. Open the Authentication tab.
5. Select the authentication schemes:
a) Password - The user authenticates with a pre-shared secret password. Enter and confirm
the password.
b) Public Key - The user authenticates with a public key contained in a certificate file.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK.

Configuring Default Expiration Settings for Users

If a user account is about to expire, notifications show at the time when the owner of that account
logs into SmartConsole or one of the SmartConsole clients.

To configure the default expiration settings:

1. From the Menu, select Global Properties.
The Global Properties window opens.
2. Click User and Administrator Accounts.
3. Click User Accounts.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 101

Managing User Accounts

4. Select Expire at or Expire after.

• Expire at - Select the expiration date from the calendar control.
• Expire after - Enter the number of days (from the day the account is made) before user
accounts expire.
5. Select Show accounts expiration indication, and enter the number of days.
Expiration warnings in the Expired Accounts window will show this number of days before an
account expires. During this time, if the user account is to be active for longer, you can edit the
user account expiration configuration. This will avoid loss of working time.

Delete a User
To delete a user:
1. In the object tree, click Users > Users.
2. Right-click the account and select Delete.
The confirmation window opens.
3. Click Yes.

Managing User Groups

User groups are collections of user accounts. Add the user group to the Source or Destination of a
rule. You cannot add individual users to a rule.
You can also edit user groups, and delete user groups that are not used in the Rule Base.

Adding User Groups

To create a new user group:
1. In the object tree, click New> More > Users > User Group.
The New User Group window opens.
2. Enter a name for the new group.
3. For each user or a group of users, click the [+] sign and select the object from the list.
4. Configure the optional settings:
• Mailing List Address
• Comment
• Tag
• Color
5. Click OK.

To add new users or other user groups to a group:

1. In the object tree, select Users >User Groups
2. Select the User group and click Edit.
The Group Properties window opens.
3. In the Group Properties window, select users or user groups in the Available Members list.
4. Click Add.

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Managing User Accounts

If you are adding a group to the list, a message window opens:

• Click Yes to add each member of the group instead of the group or
• Click No to add only the group.

LDAP and User Directory

Check Point User Directory integrates LDAP, and other external user management technologies,
with the Check Point solution. If you have a large user count, we recommend that you use an
external user management database such as LDAP for enhanced Security Management Server
• Users can be managed externally by an LDAP server.
• The gateways can retrieve CRLs.
• The Security Management Server can use the LDAP data to authenticate users.
• User data from other applications gathered in the LDAP users database can be shared by
different applications.
You can choose to manage Domains on the Check Point users database, or to implement an
external LDAP server.
Note: User Directory requires a special license. If you have the Mobile Access Software Blade, you
have the User Directory license.
User Directory lets you configure:
• High Availability, to duplicate user data across multiple servers for backup (see "Account Units
and High Availability" on page 133).
• Multiple Account Units, for distributed databases.
• Define LDAP Account Units, for encrypted User Directory connections (see "Modifying the
LDAP Server" on page 132).
• Profiles, to support multiple LDAP vendors (see "User Directory Profiles" on page 112).

User Directory and Identity Awareness

Identity Awareness uses User Directory.
Identity Awareness lets you enforce network access and audit data, based on network location, the
identity of the user, and the identity of the computer. You can use Identity Awareness in the Access
Control, Threat Prevention and DLP Rule Bases.

User Directory Considerations

Before you begin, plan your use of User Directory.
• Decide whether you will use the User Directory servers for user management, CRL retrieval,
user authentication ("Working with LDAP Account Units" on page 129), or all of those.
• Decide how many Account Units you will need. You can have one for each User Directory
server, or you can divide branches of one User Directory server among different Account Units
(on page 129).
• Decide whether you will use High Availability ("Account Units and High Availability" on page
133) setup.

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• Determine the order of priority ("Setting High Availability Priority" on page 133) among the
User Directory servers for High Availability and querying purposes.
• Assign users ("Managing Users on a User Directory Server" on page 134) to different Account
Units, branches, and sub-branches, so that users with common attributes (such as their role in
the organization, permissions, etc.) are grouped together.

The User Directory Schema

The User Directory default schema is a description of the structure of the data in a user directory.
It has user definitions defined for an LDAP server. This schema does not have Security
Management Server or Security Gateway specific data, such as IKE-related attributes,
authentication methods, or values for remote users.
You can use the default User Directory schema, if all users have the same authentication method
and are defined according to a default template. But if users in the database have different
definitions, it is better to apply a Check Point schema to the LDAP server (see "Check Point
Schema for LDAP" on page 104).
In This Section
Schema Checking .......................................................................................................104
OID Proprietary Attributes .........................................................................................104
User Directory Schema Attributes.............................................................................105
Netscape LDAP Schema ............................................................................................112

Check Point Schema for LDAP

The Check Point Schema adds Security Management server and Security Gateway specific data to
the structure in the LDAP server. Use the Check Point Schema to extend the definition of objects
with user authentication functionality.
For example, an Object Class entitled fw1Person is part of the Check Point schema. This Object
Class has mandatory and optional attributes to add to the definition of the Person attribute.
Another example is fw1Template. This is a standalone attribute that defines a template of user

Schema Checking
When schema checking is enabled, User Directory requires that every Check Point object class
and its associated attributes be defined in the directory schema.
Before you work with User Directory, make sure that schema checking is disabled. Otherwise the
integration will fail. After the Check Point object classes and attributes are applied to the User
Directory server's schema, you must enable schema checking again.

OID Proprietary Attributes

Each of the proprietary object classes and attributes (all of which begin with "fw1") has a
proprietary Object Identifier (OID), listed below.
Object Class OIDs

object class OID



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Managing User Accounts

The OIDs for the proprietary attributes begin with the same prefix (""). Only the
value of "X" is different for each attribute. See Attributes (see "User Directory Schema Attributes"
on page 105) for the value of "X".

User Directory Schema Attributes

cn .................................................................................................................................105
uid ................................................................................................................................106
description ..................................................................................................................106
mail ..............................................................................................................................106
member .......................................................................................................................106
userPassword .............................................................................................................106
fw1authmethod ...........................................................................................................106
fw1authserver .............................................................................................................107
fw1pwdLastMod ..........................................................................................................107
fw1hour-range-from ..................................................................................................107
fw1hour-range-to .......................................................................................................108
fw1day .........................................................................................................................108
fw1allowed-src ...........................................................................................................108
fw1allowed-dst ...........................................................................................................108
fw1allowed-vlan ..........................................................................................................108
fw1SR-keym ................................................................................................................109
fw1SR-datam ..............................................................................................................109
fw1SR-mdm ................................................................................................................109
fw1sr-auth-track ........................................................................................................109
fw1ISAKMP-EncMethod .............................................................................................110
fw1ISAKMP-AuthMethods ..........................................................................................110
fw1ISAKMP-HashMethods .........................................................................................110
fw1ISAKMP-Transform ..............................................................................................110
fw1ISAKMP-DataIntegrityMethod ..............................................................................110
fw1ISAKMP-SharedSecret .........................................................................................110
fw1ISAKMP-DataEncMethod .....................................................................................111
fw1enc-Methods .........................................................................................................111
fw1userPwdPolicy ......................................................................................................111
fw1badPwdCount ........................................................................................................111
fw1lastLoginFailure ....................................................................................................111
memberof template ....................................................................................................111

The entry's name. This is also referred to as "Common Name". For users this can be different
from the uid attribute, the name used to login to the Security Gateway. This attribute is also used
to build the User Directory entry's distinguished name, that is, it is the RDN of the DN.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 105
Managing User Accounts

The user's login name, that is, the name used to login to the Security Gateway. This attribute is
passed to the external authentication system in all authentication methods except for "Internal
Password", and must be defined for all these authentication methods.
The login name is used by the Security Management Server to search the User Directory server(s).
For this reason, each user entry should have its own unique uid value.
It is also possible to login to the Security Gateway using the full DN. The DN can be used when
there is an ambiguity with this attribute or in "Internal Password" when this attribute may be
missing. The DN can also be used when the same user (with the same uid) is defined in more than
one Account Unit on different User Directory servers.

Descriptive text about the user.

"no value"

User's email address.

"no value"

An entry can have zero or more values for this attribute.
• In a template: The DN of user entries using this template. DNs that are not users (object
classes that are not one of: "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson" or
"fw1person") are ignored.
• In a group: The DN of user.
Must be given if the authentication method (fw1auth-method) is "Internal Password". The value
can be hashed using "crypt". In this case the syntax of this attribute is:
where "xx" is the "salt" and "yyyyyyyyyyy" is the hashed password.
It is possible (but not recommended) to store the password without hashing. However, if hashing
is specified in the User Directory server, you should not specify hashing here, in order to prevent
the password from being hashed twice. You should also use SSL in this case, to prevent sending
an unencrypted password.
The Security Gateway never reads this attribute, though it does write it. Instead, the User Directory
bind operation is used to verify a password.

One of the following:
RADIUS, TACACS, SecurID, OS Password, Defender

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This default value for this attribute is overridden by Default Scheme in the Authentication tab of
the Account Unit window in SmartDashboard. For example: a User Directory server can contain
User Directory entries that are all of the object-class "person" even though the proprietary
object-class "fw1person" was not added to the server's schema. If Default Scheme in
SmartConsole is "Internal Password", all the users will be authenticated using the password
stored in the "userPassword" attribute.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default
1 y y "undefined"

The name of the server that will perform the authentication. This field must be given if
fw1auth-method is "RADIUS" or "TACACS". For all other values of fw1auth-method, it is ignored.
Its meaning is given below:

method meaning
RADIUS name of a RADIUS server, a group of RADIUS servers, or "Any"

TACACS name of a TACACS server

"X" in OID fw1template

2 y

The date on which the password was last modified. The format is yyyymmdd (for example, 20
August 1998 is 19980820). A password can be modified through the Security Gateway as a part of
the authentication process.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

3 y y If no value is given, then the password has
never been modified.

The last date on which the user can login to a Security Gateway, or "no value" if there is no
expiration date. The format is yyyymmdd (for example, 20 August 1998 is 19980820). The default is
"no value".

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

8 y y "no value"

The time from which the user can login to a Security Gateway. The format is hh:mm (for example,
8:15 AM is 08:15).

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Managing User Accounts

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

9 y y "00:00"

The time until which the user can login to a Security Gateway. The format is hh:mm (for example,
8:15 AM is 08:15).

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

10 y y "23:59"

The days on which the user can login to a Security Gateway. Can have the values "SUN","MON",
and so on.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

11 y y all days of the week

The names of one or more network objects from which the user can run a client, or "Any" to
remove this limitation, or "no value" if there is no such client. The names should match the name
of network objects defined in Security Management server.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

12 y y "no value"

The names of one or more network objects which the user can access, or "Any" to remove this
limitation, or "no value" if there is no such network object. The names should match the name of
network objects defined on the Security Management server.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

13 y y "no value"

Not currently used.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

14 y y "no value"

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Managing User Accounts

The algorithm used to encrypt the session key in SecuRemote. Can be "CLEAR", "FWZ1", "DES" or

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

15 y y "Any"

The algorithm used to encrypt the data in SecuRemote. Can be "CLEAR", "FWZ1", "DES" or "Any".

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

16 y y "Any"

The algorithm used to sign the data in SecuRemote. Can be "none" or "MD5".

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

17 y y "none"

The number of minutes after which a SecuRemote user must re-authenticate himself or herself to
the Security Gateway.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template

18 y y

The exception to generate on successful authentication via SecuRemote. Can be "none", "cryptlog"
or "cryptalert".

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

19 y y "none"

This flag is used to resolve a problem related to group membership.
The group membership of a user is stored in the group entries to which it belongs, in the user
entry itself, or in both entries. Therefore there is no clear indication in the user entry if information
from the template about group relationship should be used.
If this flag is "TRUE", then the user is taken to be a member of all the groups to which the
template is a member. This is in addition to all the groups in which the user is directly a member.

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Managing User Accounts

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

20 y y "False"

The key encryption methods for SecuRemote users using IKE. This can be one or more of: "DES",
"3DES". A user using IKE (formerly known as ISAMP) may have both methods defined.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

21 y y "DES", "3DES"

The allowed authentication methods for SecuRemote users using IKE, (formerly known as ISAMP).
This can be one or more of: "preshared", "signatures".

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

22 y y "signatures"

The data integrity method for SecuRemote users using IKE, (formerly known as ISAMP). This can
be one or more of: "MD5", "SHA1". A user using IKE must have both methods defined.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

23 y y "MD5", "SHA1"

The IPSec Transform method for SecuRemote users using IKE, (formerly known as ISAMP). This
can be one of: "AH", "ESP".

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

24 y y "ESP"

The data integrity method for SecuRemote users using IKE, (formerly known as ISAMP). This can
be one of: "MD5", "SHA1".

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

25 y y "SHA1"

The pre-shared secret for SecuRemote users using IKE, (formerly known as ISAMP).

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The value can be calculated using the fw ikecrypt command line.

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template

26 y y

The data encryption method for SecuRemote users using IKE, (formerly known as ISAMP).

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

27 y y "DES"

The encryption method allowed for SecuRemote users. This can be one or more of: "FWZ",
"ISAKMP" (meaning IKE).

"X" in OID fw1person fw1template default

28 y y "FWZ"

Defines when and by whom the password should and can be changed.

"X" in OID fw1person

29 y

Number of allowed wrong passwords entered sequentially.

"X" in OID fw1person

30 y

Time of the last login failure.

"X" in OID fw1person

31 4

memberof template
DN of the template that the user is a member of.

"X" in OID fw1person

33 4

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Netscape LDAP Schema

To add the propriety schema to your Netscape directory server, use the file schema.ldif in the
$FWDIR/lib/ldap directory.

Important - This deletes the objectclass definition from the schema and adds the
updated one in its place.

We recommend that you back up the User Directory server before you run the command.
The ldif file:
• Adds the new attributes to the schema
• Deletes old definitions of fw1person and fw1template
• Adds new definitions of fw1person and fw1template
To change the Netscape LDAP schema, run the ldapmodify command with the schema.ldif file.
On some server versions, the delete objectclass operation can return an error, even if it was
successful. Use ldapmodify with the -c (continuous) option.

User Directory Profiles

The User Directory profile is a configurable LDAP policy that lets you define more exact User
Directory requests and enhances communication with the server. Profiles control most of the
LDAP server-specific knowledge. You can manage diverse technical solutions, to integrate LDAP
servers from different vendors.
Use User Directory profiles to make sure that the user management attributes of a Security
Management Server are correct for its associated LDAP server. For example, if you have a
certified OPSEC User Directory server, apply the OPSEC_DS profile to get enhanced
OPSEC-specific attributes.
LDAP servers have difference object repositories, schemas, and object relations.
• The organization's user database may have unconventional object types and relations because
of a specific application.
• Some applications use the cn attribute in the User object's Relatively Distinguished Name
(RDN) while others use uid.
• In Microsoft Active Directory, the user attribute memberOf describes which group the user
belongs to, while standard LDAP methods define the member attribute in the group object
• Different servers implement different storage formats for passwords.
• Some servers are considered v3 but do not implement all v3 specifications. These servers
cannot extend the schema.
• Some LDAP servers already have built in support for certain user data, while others require a
Check Point schema extended attribute. For example, Microsoft Active Directory has the
accountExpires user attribute, but other servers require the Check Point attribute
fw1expirationdate, which is part of the Check Point defined fw1person objectclass.
• Some servers allow queries with non-defined types, while others do not.

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Managing User Accounts

Default User Directory Profiles

These profiles are defined by default:
• OPSEC_DS - the default profile for a standard OPSEC certified User Directory.
• Netscape_DS - the profile for a Netscape Directory Server.
• Novell_DS - the profile for a Novell Directory Server.
• Microsoft_AD - the profile for Microsoft Active Directory.

Modifying User Directory Profiles

Profiles have these major categories:
• Common - Profile settings for reading and writing to the User Directory.
• Read - Profile settings only for reading from the User Directory.
• Write - Profile settings only for writing to the User Directory.
Some of these categories list the same entry with different values, to let the server behave
according to type of operation. You can change certain parameters of the default profiles for finer
granularity and performance tuning.

To apply a profile:
1. Open the Account Unit.
2. Select the profile.

To change a profile:
1. Create a new profile.
2. Copy the settings of a User Directory profile into the new profile.
3. Change the values.

Fetch User Information Effectively

User Directory servers organize groups and members through different means and relations.
User Directory operations are performed by Check Point on users, groups of users, and user
templates where the template is defined as a group entry and users are its members. The mode in
which groups/templates and users are defined has a profound effect on the performance of some
of the Check Point functionality when fetching user information. There are three different modes:
• Defining a "Member" attribute per member, or "Member" user-to-group membership mode. In
this case, each member of a specific group gets the 'Member" attribute, where the value of
this attribute is the DN of that member.
• Defining a "Memberof" attribute per group, or "MemberOf" user-to-group membership mode.
In this case, each group gets the "Memberof" attribute per group, where the value of this
attribute is the DN of a group entry. This is referred to as "MemberOf" user-to-group
membership mode.
• Defining a "Memberof" attribute per member and group, or "Both" user-to-group membership
mode. In this case both members and groups are given the "Memberof" attribute.
The most effective mode is the "MemberOf" and "Both" modes where user's groups membership
information is available on the user itself and no additional User Directory queries are necessary.

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Managing User Accounts

Setting User-to-Group Membership Mode

Set the user-to-group membership mode in the profile objects for each User Directory server in
• To specify the user-to-group and template-to-group membership mode set the
GroupMembership attribute to one of the following values: Member, MemberOf, Both
• To specify the user-to-template membership mode set the TemplateMembership attribute
to one of the following values: Member, MemberOf accordingly.
After successfully converting the database, set the User Directory server profile in
objects_5_0.C to the proper membership setting and start the Security Management server.
Make sure to install policy/user database on all gateways to enable the new configuration.

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Profile Attributes
UserLoginAttr .............................................................................................................115
UserPasswordAttr ......................................................................................................116
TemplateObjectClass .................................................................................................116
ExpirationDateAttr ......................................................................................................116
ExpirationDateFormat ................................................................................................116
PsswdDateFormat ......................................................................................................116
PsswdDateAttr ............................................................................................................117
BadPwdCountAttr .......................................................................................................117
ClientSideCrypt ...........................................................................................................117
DefaultCryptAlgorith ..................................................................................................117
PhoneNumberAttr ......................................................................................................118
AttributesTranslationMap ..........................................................................................118
ListOfAttrsToAvoid ......................................................................................................118
BranchObjectClass .....................................................................................................118
BranchOCOperator .....................................................................................................118
OrganizationObjectClass ............................................................................................119
OrgUnitObjectClass ....................................................................................................119
DomainObjectClass ....................................................................................................119
UserObjectClass .........................................................................................................119
UserOCOperator .........................................................................................................120
GroupObjectClass .......................................................................................................120
GroupOCOperator .......................................................................................................120
TemplateMembership ................................................................................................121
TemplateMembershipAttr ..........................................................................................121
UserTemplateMembershipAttr ..................................................................................121
OrganizationRDN ........................................................................................................121
OrgUnitRDN ................................................................................................................121
UserRDN .....................................................................................................................122
GroupRDN ...................................................................................................................122
DomainRDN ................................................................................................................122
AutomaticAttrs ............................................................................................................122
GroupObjectClass .......................................................................................................122
OrgUnitObjectClass ....................................................................................................123
OrganizationObjectClass ............................................................................................123
UserObjectClass .........................................................................................................123
DomainObjectClass ....................................................................................................123

The unique username User Directory attribute (uid). In addition, when fetching users by the
username, this attribute is used for query.

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default Other
• uid (most servers) One value allowed
• SamAccountName (in Microsoft_AD)

This user password User Directory attribute.

default Other
• userPassword (most servers) One value allowed
• unicodePwd (in Microsoft_AD)

The object class for Check Point User Directory templates. If you change the default value with
another objectclass, make sure to extend that objectclass schema definition with relevant
attributes from fw1template.

default Other
fw1template Multiple values allowed

The account expiration date User Directory attribute. This could be a Check Point extended
attribute or an existing attribute.

default Other
• fw1expiration-date (most servers) One value allowed
• accountExpires (in Microsoft_AD)

Expiration date format. This format will be applied to the value defined at ExpirationDateAttr.

default Other
CP format is yyyymmdd One value allowed

The format of the password modified date User Directory attribute. This formation will be applied
to the value defined at PsswdDateAttr.

default Other
• CP (most servers) format is yyyymmdd One value allowed
• MS (in Microsoft_AD)

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Managing User Accounts

The password last modified date User Directory attribute.

default Other
• fw1pwdLastMod (most servers) One value allowed
• pwdLastSet (in Microsoft_AD)

User Directory attribute to store and read bad password authentication count.

default Other
fw1BadPwdCount One value allowed

If 0, the sent password will not be encrypted. If 1, the sent password will be encrypted with the
algorithm specified in the DefaultCryptAlgorithm.

default Other
• 0 for most servers One value allowed
• 1 for Netscape_DS
if not using encrypted password, SSL is recommended

The algorithm used to encrypt a password before updating the User Directory server with a new

default Other
• Plain (for most servers) One value allowed
• Crypt (for Netscape_DS)

The text to prefix to the encrypted password when updating the User Directory server with a
modified password.

default Other
{Crypt} (for Netscape_DS) One value allowed

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User Directory attribute to store and read the user phone number.

default Other
internationalisednumber One value allowed

General purpose attribute translation map, to resolve problems related to peculiarities of different
server types. For example, an X.500 server does not allow the "-" character in an attribute name.
To enable the Check Point attributes containing "-", specify a translation entry: (e.g.,
"fw1-expiration =fw1expiration").

default Other
none Multiple values allowed

All attribute names listed here will be removed from the default list of attributes included in
read/write operations. This is most useful in cases where these attributes are not supported by
the User Directory server schema, which might fail the entire operation. This is especially relevant
when the User Directory server schema is not extended with the Check Point schema extension.

Default Other
There are no values by default. In case the User Multiple values allowed
Directory server was not extended by the Check
Point schema, the best thing to do is to list here all
the new Check Point schema attributes.

Use this attribute to define which type of objects (objectclass) is queried when the object tree
branches are displayed after the Account Unit is opened in SmartDashboard.

Default Other
• Organization OrganizationalUnit Domain (most Multiple values allowed
• Container (extra for Microsoft_AD)

If One is set, an ORed query will be sent and every object that matches the criteria will be
displayed as a branch. If All, an ANDed query will be sent and only objects of all types will be

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Managing User Accounts

Default Other
One One value allowed

This attribute defines what objects should be displayed with an organization object icon. A new
object type specified here should also be in BranchObjectClass.

Default Other
organization Multiple values allowed

This attribute defines what objects should be displayed with an organization object icon. A new
object type specified here should also be in BranchObjectClass.

Default Other
• organizationalUnit (most servers) Multiple values allowed
• Contained (added to Microsoft_AD)

This attribute defines what objects should be displayed with a Domain object icon. A new object
type specified here should also be in BranchObjectClass.

Default Other
Domain Multiple values allowed

This attribute defines what objects should be read as user objects. The user icon will be displayed
on the tree for object types specified here.

Default Other
• User (in Microsoft_AD) Multiple values allowed
• Person
FW1 Person (most servers)

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Managing User Accounts

If 'one' is set, an ORed query will be sent and every object that matches one of the types will be
displayed as a user. If 'all' and ANDed query will be sent and only objects of all types will be

Default Other
One One value allowed

This attribute defines what objects should be read as groups. The group icon will be displayed on
the tree for objects of types specified here.

Default Other
Groupofnames Multiple values allowed
Groupofuniquenames (most servers)
Groupofnames (in Microsoft_AD)

If 'one' is set an ORed query will be sent and every object that matches one of the types will be
displayed as a user. If 'all' an ANDed query will be sent and only objects of all types will be

Default Other
One One value allowed

Defines the relationship Mode between the group and its members (user or template objects)
when reading group membership.

Default Other
• Member mode defines the member DN in the Group object (most servers) One value
• MemberOf mode defines the group DN in the member object (in
• Modes define member DN in Group object and group DN in Member object.

Defines what User Directory attribute to use when reading group membership from the user or
template object if GroupMembership mode is 'MemberOf' or 'Both' you may be required to extend
the user/template object schema in order to use this attribute.

Default Other
MemberOf One value allowed
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 120
Managing User Accounts

Defines the user to template membership mode when reading user template membership

Default Other
• Member mode defines the member DN in the Group object (most One value allowed
• MemberOf mode defines the group DN in the member object (in

Defines which attribute to use when reading the User members from the template object, as User
DNs, if the TemplateMembership mode is Member.

Default Other
member Multiple values allowed

Defines which attribute to use when reading from the User object the template DN associated with
the user, if the TemplateMembership mode is MemberOf.

Default Other
member Multiple values allowed

This value will be used as the attribute name in the Relatively Distinguished Name (RDN) when
creating a new organization via SmartDashboard.

Default Other
o One value allowed

This value will be used as the attribute name in the Relatively Distinguished Name (RDN) when
creating a new organizationalUnit via SmartDashboard.

Default Other
ou One value allowed

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Managing User Accounts

This value will be used as the attribute name in the Relatively Distinguished Name (RDN) when
creating a new User object via SmartDashboard.

Default Other
cn One value allowed

This value will be used as the attribute name for the RDN when creating a new Group object via

Default Other
cn One value allowed

This value will be used as the attribute name for the RDN when creating a new Domain object via

Default Other
dc One value allowed

This field is relevant when creating objects in SmartDashboard. The format of this field is
Objectclass:name:value meaning that if the object being created is of type ObjectClass
then additional attributes will be included in the created object with name 'name' and value

Default Other
user:userAccountControl:66048 Multiple values
For Microsoft_AD This means that when a user object is created an extra
attribute is included automatically: userAccountControl with the value

This field is used when modifying an existing group in SmartDashboard. The format of this field is
ObjectClass:memberattr meaning that for each group objectclass there is a group membership
attribute mapping. List here all the possible mappings for this User Directory server profile. When
a group is modified, based on the group's objectclass the right group membership mapping will be

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Managing User Accounts

Default Other
groupOfNames:member Multiple values allowed
(All other servers)

This determines which ObjectClass to use when creating/modifying an OrganizationalUnit object.
These values can be different from the read counterpart.

Default Other
OrganizationalUnit Multiple values allowed

This determines which ObjectClass to use when creating and/or modifying an Organization object.
These values can be different from the read counterpart.

Default Other
Organization Multiple values allowed

This determines which ObjectClass to use when creating and/or modifying a user object. These
values can be different from the read counterpart.

Default Other
User (in Microsoft_AD) Multiple values allowed
(All other servers)

Determines which ObjectClass to use when creating and/or modifying a domain context object.
These values can be different from the read counterpart.

Default Other
Domain Multiple values allowed

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Managing User Accounts

Microsoft Active Directory

The Microsoft Windows 2000 advanced server (or later) includes a sophisticated User Directory
server that can be adjusted to work as a user database for the Security Management server.
By default, the Active Directory services are disabled. In order to enable the directory services:
• run the dcpromo command from the Start > Run menu, or
• run the Active Directory setup wizard using the System Configuration window.
The Active Directory has the following structure:
DC=qa, DC=checkpoint,DC=com
OU=Domain Controllers,DCROOT

Most of the user objects and group objects created by Windows 2000 tools are stored under the
CN=Users, DCROOT branch, others under CN=Builtin, DCROOT branch, but these objects can
be created under other branches as well.
The branch CN=Schema, CN=Configuration, DCROOT contains all schema definitions.
Check Point can take advantage of an existing Active Directory object as well as add new types.
For users, the existing user can be used "as is" or be extended with fw1person as an auxiliary of
"User" for full feature granularity. The existing Active Directory "Group" type is supported "as is".
A User Directory template can be created by adding the fw1template objectclass. This information
is downloaded to the directory using the schema_microsoft_ad.ldif file (see Adding New
Attributes to the Active Directory (on page 125)).

The number of queries performed on the directory server is significantly low with Active Directory.
This is achieved by having a different object relations model. The Active Directory group-related
information is stored inside the user object. Therefore, when fetching the user object no additional
query is necessary to assign the user with the group. The same is true for users and templates.

SmartConsole allows the creation and management of existing and new objects. However, some
specific Active Directory fields are not enabled via SmartConsole.

It is possible to work with the existing Active Directory objects without extending the schema. This
is made possible by defining an Internal Template object and assigning it with the User Directory
Account Unit defined on the Active Directory server.
For example, if you wish to enable all users with IKE+Hybrid based on the Active Directory
passwords, create a new template with the IKE properties enabled and "Check Point password" as
the authentication method.

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Managing User Accounts

Updating the Registry Settings

To modify the Active Directory schema, add a new registry DWORD key named Schema Update
Allowed with the value different from zero under

Delegating Control
Delegating control over the directory to a specific user or group is important since by default the
Administrator is not allowed to modify the schema or even manage directory objects through User
Directory protocol.

To delegate control over the directory:

1. Display the Users and Computers Control console.
2. Right-click on the domain name displayed in the left pane and choose Delegate control from
the right-click menu.
The Delegation of Control wizard window is displayed.
3. Add an Administrator or another user from the System Administrators group to the list of
users who can control the directory.
4. Reboot the machine.

Extending the Active Directory Schema

Modify the file with the Active Directory schema, to use SmartConsole to configure the Active
Directory users.

To extend the Active Directory schema:

1. From the Security Gateway, go to the directory of the schema file: $FWDIR/lib/ldap.
2. Copy schmea_microsoft_ad.ldif to the C:\ drive in the Active Directory server.
3. From Active Directory server, with a text editor open the schema file.
4. Find the value DOMAINNAME, and replace it with the name of your domain in LDIF format.
For example, the domain in LDIF format is:
5. Make sure that there is a dash character - at the end of the modify section.
This is an example of the modify section.
dn: CN=User,CN-Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=sample,DC=checkpoint,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: auxiliaryClass
6. Run ldifde -i -f c:/schema_microsoft_ad.ldif

Adding New Attributes to the Active Directory

Below is the example in LDAP Data Interchange (LDIF) format that adds one attribute to the
Microsoft Active Directory:

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 125
Managing User Accounts

changetype: add
adminDisplayName: fw1auth-method
cn: fw1auth-method
instanceType: 4
isSingleValued: FALSE
LDAPDisplayName: fw1auth-method
name: fw1auth-method
ObjectClass: attributeSchema
oMSyntax: 20
rangeLower: 1
rangeUpper: 256
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE

All Check Point attributes can be added in the same way.

The definitions of all attributes in LDIF format are contained in the
schema_microsoft_ad.ldif file located in the $FWDIR/lib/ldap directory.
Before attempting to run the ldapmodify command, edit schema_microsoft_ad.ldif and
replace all instances of DCROOT with the domain root of your organization. For example if your
domain is, replace DCROOT with
After modifying the file, run the ldapmodify command to load the file into the directory. For
example if you use the Administrator account of the dc=support,dc=checkpoint,dc=com
domain the command syntax will be as follows:
ldapmodify -c -h -D
cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=support,dc=checkpoint,dc=com" -w SeCrEt
-f $FWDIR/lib/ldap/schema_microsoft_ad.ldif

Note - A shell script is available for UNIX gateways. The script is at:

Retrieving Information from a User Directory Server

When a gateway requires user information for authentication, it goes through this process:
1. The gateway searches for the user in the internal users database.
2. If the specified user is not defined in the internal users database, the gateway queries the
LDAP server defined in the Account Unit with the highest priority.
3. If the query against an LDAP server with the highest priority fails (for example, the connection
is lost), the gateway queries the server with the next highest priority.
If there is more than one Account Unit, the Account Units are queried concurrently. The results
of the query are taken from the first Account Unit to meet the conditions, or from all the
Account Units which meet the conditions.
4. If the query against all LDAP servers fails, the gateway matches the user against the generic
external user profile.

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Managing User Accounts

Running User Directory Queries

Use queries to get User Directory user or group data. For best performance, query Account Units
when there are open connections. Some connections are kept open by the gateways, to make sure
the user belongs to a group that is permitted to do a specified operation.

To query User Directory:

1. Open Objects Tree > Users and Administrators.
2. Double-click the Account Unit to open a connection to the LDAP server.
3. Right-click the Account Unit and select Query Users/Group.
The LDAP Query Search window opens.
Click Advanced to select specified objects types, such as Users, groups, or templates.
4. Define the query.
5. To add more conditions, select or enter the values and click Add.
Query conditions:
• Attributes - Select a user attribute from the drop-down list, or enter an attribute.
• Operators - Select an operator from the drop-down list.
• Value - Enter a value to compare to the entry's attribute. Use the same type and format as the
actual user attribute. For example, if Attribute is fw1expiration-date, then Value must be in
the yyyymmdd syntax.
• Free Form - Enter your own query expression. See RFC 1558 for information about the syntax
of User Directory (LDAP) query expressions.
• Add - Appends the condition to the query (in the text box to the right of Search Method).

Example of a Query
If you create a query where:
• Attributes = mail
• Contains
• Value = Andy
The server queries the User Directory with this filter:

Querying Multiple LDAP Servers

The Security Management server and the gateways can work with multiple LDAP servers
concurrently. For example, if a gateway needs to find user information, and it does not know
where the specified user is defined, it queries all the LDAP servers in the system. (Sometimes a
gateway can find the location of a user by looking at the user DN, when working with certificates.)

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Managing User Accounts

Deploying User Directory

User Directory integrates the Security Management Server and an LDAP server and lets the
Security Gateways use the LDAP information.

Item Description
1 Security Gateway - Retrieves LDAP user information and CRLs

2 Security Gateway - Queries LDAP user information, retrieves CRLs, and does bind
operations for authentication

3 Security Management Server - Uses User Directory to manage user information

4 LDAP server - Server that holds one or more Account Units

Enabling User Directory

In SmartConsole, enable the Security Management Server to manage users in the Account Unit
("Working with LDAP Account Units" on page 129).
Note: You cannot use the SmartConsole User Database when the User Directory LDAP server is

To enable User Directory on the Security Management Server:

1. From the Menu, select Global Properties > User Directory.
The User Directory page opens.
2. Select Use User Directory for Security Gateways.
3. Configure login and password settings.
4. Click OK.
5. In Object Categories > Network Objects > Check Point Host, open the Security Management
Server object for editing
6. On General Properties page, Management tab, select Network Policy Management and
User Directory.

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Managing User Accounts

7. Click OK.
8. Install the policy.

Account Units
An Account Unit represents branches of user information on one or more LDAP servers. The
Account Unit is the interface between the LDAP servers and the Security Management Server and
Security Gateways.
You can have a number of Account Units representing one or more LDAP servers. Users are
divided among the branches of one Account Unit, or between different Account Units.
Note: When you enable the Identity Awareness and Mobile Access Software Blades, SmartConsole
opens a First Time Configuration Wizard. The Active Directory Integration window of this wizard
lets you create a new AD Account Unit. After you complete the wizard, SmartConsole creates the
AD object and Account Unit.

Working with LDAP Account Units

Use the LDAP Account Unit Properties window in SmartConsole to edit an existing Account Unit
or to create a new one manually.

To edit an existing LDAP Account Unit:

1. In SmartConsole, open the Object Explorer (Ctrl+E).
2. Select Servers > LDAP Account Units.
3. Right-click the LDAP Account Unit and select Edit.
The LDAP Account Unit Properties window opens.
4. Edit the settings in these tabs:
• General ("General Tab" on page 130) - Configure how the Security Management Server
uses the Account Unit
• Servers ("Configuring an LDAP Server" on page 130) - Manage LDAP servers that are used
by this Account Unit
• Objects Management ("Objects Management Tab" on page 131) - Configure the LDAP
server for the Security Management Server to query and the branches to use
• Authentication ("Authentication Tab" on page 131) - Configure the authentication scheme
for the Account Unit
5. Click OK.
6. Install the policy.

To create a new LDAP Account Unit:

1. In the Objects tab, click New > More > Server > LDAP Account unit.
The LDAP Account Unit Properties window opens.
2. Configure the settings on these tabs:
• General ("General Tab" on page 130) - Configure how the Security Management Server
uses the Account Unit
• Servers ("Configuring an LDAP Server" on page 130) - Manage LDAP servers that are used
by this Account Unit

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Managing User Accounts

• Objects Management ("Objects Management Tab" on page 131) - Configure the LDAP
server for the Security Management Server to query and the branches to use
• Authentication ("Authentication Tab" on page 131) - Configure the authentication scheme
for the Account Unit
3. Click OK.
4. Install the policy.

General Tab
These are the configuration fields in the General tab:
• Name - Name for the Account Unit
• Comment - Optional comment
• Color - Optional color associated with the Account Unit
• Profile - LDAP vendor
• Domain - Domain of the Active Directory servers, when the same user name is used in
multiple Account Units (this value is also necessary for AD Query and SSO)
• Prefix - Prefix for non-Active Directory servers, when the same user name is used in multiple
Account Units
• Account Unit usage - Select applicable options:
• CRL retrieval - The Security Management Server manages how the CA sends information
about revoked licenses to the Security Gateways
• User Management - The Security Management Server uses the user information from this
LDAP server (User Directory must be enabled on the Security Management Server)
Note - LDAP SSO (Single Sign On) is only supported for Account Unit objects that use User
• Active Directory Query - This Active Directory server is used as an Identity Awareness
Note - This option is only available if the Profile is set to Microsoft_AD.
• Enable Unicode support - Encoding for LDAP user information in non-English languages
• Active Directory SSO configuration - Click to configure Kerberos SSO for Active Directory -
Domain Name, Account Name, Password, and Ticket encryption method
Configuring an LDAP Server
You can add, edit, or delete LDAP server objects.

To configure an LDAP server for the Account Unit:

1. To add a new server, click Add. To edit an existing one, select it from the table and click Edit.
The LDAP Server Properties window opens.
2. From the Host drop-down menu, select the server object.
If necessary, create a new SmartConsole server object:
a) Click New.
b) In the New Host window opens, enter the settings for the LDAP server.
c) Click OK.
3. Enter the login credentials and the Default priority.
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Managing User Accounts

4. Select access permissions for the Check Point Gateways:

• Read data from this server
• Write data to this server
5. In the Encryption tab, configure the optional SSL encryption settings.
6. Click OK.

To remove an LDAP server from the Account Unit:

1. Select a server from the table.
2. Click Remove.
If all the configured servers use the same login credentials, you can modify those simultaneously.

To configure the login credentials for all the servers simultaneously:

1. Click Update Account Credentials.
The Update Account to All Servers window opens.
2. Enter the login credentials.
3. Click OK.

Objects Management Tab

Configure the LDAP server for the Security Management Server to query and the branches to

Note - Make sure there is LDAP connectivity between the Security Management Server
and the LDAP Server that holds the management directory.

To configure LDAP query parameters:

1. From the Manage objects on drop-down menu, select the LDAP server object.
2. Click Fetch branches.
The Security Management Server queries and shows the LDAP branches.
3. Configure Branches in use:
• To add a branch, click Add and in the LDAP Branch Definition window that opens, enter a
new Branch Path
• To edit a branch, click Edit and in the LDAP Branch Definition window that opens, modify
the Branch Path
• To delete a branch, select it and click Delete
4. Select Prompt for password when opening this Account Unit, if necessary (optional).
5. Configure the number of Return entries that are stored in the LDAP database (the default is

Authentication Tab
These are the configuration fields in the Authentication tab:
• Use common group path for queries - Select to use one path for all the LDAP group objects
(only one query is necessary for the group objects)
• Allowed authentication schemes - Select one or more authentication schemes allowed to
authenticate users in this Account Unit - Check Point Password, SecurID, RADIUS, OS
Password, or TACACS

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Managing User Accounts

• Users' default values - The default settings for new LDAP users:
• User template - Template that you created
• Default authentication scheme - one of the authentication schemes selected in the
Allowed authentication schemes section
• Limit login failures (optional):
• Lock user's account after - Number of login failures, after which the account gets locked
• Unlock user's account after - Number of seconds, after which the locked account becomes
• IKE pre-shared secret encryption key - Pre-shared secret key for IKE users in this Account

Modifying the LDAP Server

1. On the LDAP Account Unit Properties > Servers tab, double-click a server.
The LDAP Server Properties window opens.
2. On the General tab, you can change:
• Port of the LDAP server
• Login DN
• Password
• Priority of the LDAP server, if there are multiple servers
• Security Gateway permissions on the LDAP server
3. On the Encryption tab, you can change the encryption settings between Security Management
Server / Security Gateways and LDAP server.
If the connections are encrypted, enter the encryption port and strength settings.

Note - User Directory connections can be authenticated by client certificates from a

Certificate Authority (CA) ("Authenticating with Certificates" on page 134). To use
certificates, the LDAP server must be configured with SSL strong authentication.

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Managing User Accounts

Account Units and High Availability

With User Directory replications for High Availability, one Account Unit represents all the
replicated User Directory servers. For example, two User Directory server replications can be
defined on one Account Unit, and two Security Gateways can use the same Account unit.

Item Description
1 Security Management Server. Manages user data in User Directory. It has an
Account Unit object, where the two servers are defined.

2 User Directory server replication.

3 Security Gateway. Queries user data and retrieves CRLs from nearest User Directory
server replication (2).

4 Internet

5 Security Gateway. Queries user data and retrieves CRLs from nearest User Directory
server replication (6).

6 User Directory server replication.

Setting High Availability Priority

With multiple replications, define the priority of each LDAP server in the Account Unit. Then you
can define a server list on the Security Gateways.
Select one LDAP server for the Security Management server to connect to. The Security
Management server can work with one LDAP server replication. All other replications must be
synchronized for standby.

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Managing User Accounts

To set priority on the Account Unit:

1. Open the LDAP Account Unit Properties window.
2. Open the Servers tab.
3. Add the LDAP servers of this Account Unit in the order of the priority that you want.

Authenticating with Certificates

The Security Management Server and Security Gateways can use certificates to secure
communication with LDAP servers. If you do not configure certificates, the management server,
Security Gateways, and LDAP servers communicate without authentication.

To configure User Directory to use certificates:

1. Open GuiDBedit.
2. Search for the ldap_use_cert_auth attribute.
3. For each entry in the field Name column, set the ldap_use_cert_auth attribute to true .
4. Save and close GuiDBedit.
5. Log in to SmartConsole.
6. Add a CA object:
a) Click Manage > Servers and OPSEC Applications > New > Certificate Authority > Trusted.
The Certificate Authority Properties window opens.
b) In Certificate Authority Type, select External Check Point CA.
c) Set the other options of the CA.
7. For all necessary network objects (such as Security Management Server, Security Gateway,
Policy Server) that require certificate-based User Directory connections:
a) On the IPSec VPN page of the network object properties, click Add in the Repository of
Certificates Available list.
Note: a management-only server does not have an IPSec VPN page. The User Directory on
a management-only server cannot be configured to authenticate to an LDAP server using
b) In the Certificate Properties window, select the defined CA.
8. In the Users and Administrators tab of the Objects tree, make sure the new configuration
Open a connection on one of the Account Units configured to use certificate authentication.

Managing Users on a User Directory Server

In R80 SmartDashboard, users and user groups in the Account Unit show in the same tree
structure as on the LDAP server.
• To see User Directory users, open Users and Administrators. The LDAP Groups folder holds
the structure and accounts of the server.
• You can change the User Directory templates. Users associated with this template get the
changes immediately. If you change user definitions manually in SmartDashboard, the
changes are immediate on the server.

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Managing User Accounts

Distributing Users in Multiple Servers

The users of an organization can be distributed across several LDAP servers. Each LDAP server
must be represented by a separate Account Unit.

Managing LDAP Information

User Directory lets you use R80 SmartDashboard to manage information about users and OUs
(Organizational Units) that are stored on the LDAP server.

To manage LDAP information from SmartDashboard:

1. From the object tree, select Users and Administrators.
2. Double-click the Account Unit.
The LDAP domain is shown.
3. Double-click the LDAP branch.
The Security Management Server queries the LDAP server and SmartConsole shows the LDAP
4. Expand the Objects List pane.
5. Double-click the LDAP object.
The Objects List pane shows the user information.
6. Right-click a user and select Edit.
The LDAP User Properties window opens.
7. Edit the user information and settings and then click OK.

LDAP Groups for the User Directory

Create LDAP groups for the User Directory. These groups classify users according to type and can
be used in Policy rules. You can add users to groups, or you can create dynamic filters.

To create LDAP groups for User Directory:

1. In SmartConsole, open Object Categories > New > More > Users > LDAP group.
2. In the New LDAP Group window that opens, select the Account Unit for the User Directory
3. Define Group's Scope - select one of these:
• All Account-Unit's Users - All users in the group
• Only Sub Tree - Users in the specified branch
• Only Group in branch - Users in the branch with the specified DN prefix
4. Apply an advanced LDAP filter:
a) Click Apply filter for dynamic group.
b) Enter the filter criteria.
5. Click OK.
• If the User objects for managers in your organization have the object class "myOrgManager",
define the Managers group with the filter: objectclass=myOrgManagers

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Managing User Accounts

• If users in your organization have an e-mail address ending with, you can define
the US group with the filter: mail=*

Access Roles
Access role objects let you configure network access according to:
• Networks
• Users and user groups
• Computers and computer groups
• Remote access clients - will be supported with R80.x gateways
After you activate the Identity Awareness Software Blade, you can create access role objects and
use them in the Source and Destination columns of Access Control Policy rules.

Adding Access Roles

Important: Before you add Active Directory users, machines, or groups to an access role, make
sure there is LDAP connectivity between the Security Management Server and the AD Server that
holds the management directory. The management directory is defined on the Objects
Management tab in the Properties window of the LDAP Account Unit.

To create an access role:

1. In the object tree, click New> More > Users > Access Role.
The New Access Role window opens.
2. Enter a Name for the access role.
3. Enter a Comment (optional).
4. Select a Color for the object (optional).
5. In the Networks pane, select one of these:
• Any network
• Specific networks - For each network, click and select the network from the list
6. In the Users pane, select one of these:
• Any user
• All identified users - includes any user identified by a supported authentication method
(internal users, Active Directory users, or LDAP users).
• Specific users/groups - For each user or user group, click and select the user or the
group from the list
7. In the Machines pane, select one of these:
• Any machine
• All identified machines - includes machines identified by a supported authentication
method (Active Directory).
• Specific machines - For each machine, click and select the machine from the list
8. In the Remote Access Clients pane, select the clients for remote access.
9. Click OK.

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Managing User Accounts

Identity Awareness engine automatically recognizes changes to LDAP group membership and
updates identity information, including access roles. For more, see the R80 Identity Awareness
Administration Guide

Authentication Rules
To make an authentication rule:
1. Add users to user groups.
2. Define an access role ("Access Roles" on page 136) for networks, users and user groups, and
computers and computer groups.
3. Make the authentication rules with the access roles in the Source.

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Client Certificates for Smartphones and

In This Section:
Managing Client Certificates ......................................................................................138
Creating Client Certificates........................................................................................139
Revoking Certificates .................................................................................................140
Creating Templates for Certificate Distribution .......................................................140
Cloning a Template .....................................................................................................141
Giving Permissions for Client Certificates ................................................................141

To allow your users to access their resources using their handheld devices, make sure they can
authenticate to the Gateway with client certificates.
In many organizations, the daily task of assigning and maintaining client certificates is done by a
different department than the one that maintains the Security Gateways. The computer help desk,
for example. You can create an administrator that is allowed to use SmartConsole to create client
certificates, while restricting other permissions ("Giving Permissions for Client Certificates" on
page 141).
To configure client certificates, open SmartConsole and go to Security Policies > Access Control >
Access Tools > Client Certificates.
To configure the Mobile Access policy, go to Security Policies > Shared Policy > Mobile Access.
This opens SmartDashboard. The Client Certificates page in SmartConsole is a shortcut to the
SmartDashboard Mobile Access tab, Client Certificates page.

Managing Client Certificates

Check Point Mobile Apps for mobile devices can use certificate-only authentication or two-factor
authentication with client certificates and username/password. The certificate is signed by the
internal CA of the Security Management Server that manages the Mobile Access Security Gateway.
Manage client certificates in Security Policies > Access Control > Access Tools > Client
The page has two panes.
• In the Client Certificates pane:
• Create, edit, and revoke client certificates.
• See all certificates, their status, expiration date and enrollment key. By default, only the
first 50 results show in the certificate list. Click Show more to see more results.
• Search for specified certificates.
• Send certificate information to users.
• In the Email Templates for Certificate Distribution pane:
• Create and edit email templates for client certificate distribution.
• Preview email templates.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 138

Client Certificates for Smartphones and Tablets

Creating Client Certificates

Note - If you use LDAP or AD, creation of client certificates does not change the LDAP or
AD server. If you get an error message regarding LDAP/AD write access, ignore it and
close the window to continue.

To create and distribute certificates with the client certificate wizard:

1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Access Control > Access Tools > Client
2. In the Client Certificates pane, click New.
The Certificate Creation and Distribution wizard opens.
3. In the Certificate Distribution page, select how to distribute the enrollment keys to users. You
can select one or both options.
a) Send an email containing the enrollment keys using the selected email template - Each
user gets an email, based on the template you choose, that contains an enrollment key.
 Template - Select the email template that is used.
 Site - Select the gateway that users connect to.
 Mail Server - Select the mail server that sends the emails.
You can click Edit to view and change its details.
b) Generate a file that contains all of the enrollment keys - Generate a file for your records
that contains a list of all users and their enrollment keys.
4. Optional: To change the expiration date of the enrollment key, edit the number of days in
Users must enroll within x days.
5. Optional: Add a comment that will show next to the certificate in the certificate list on the
Client Certificates page.
6. Click Next.
The Users page opens.
7. Click Add to add the users or groups that require certificates.
• Type text in the search field to search for a user or group.
• Select a type of group to narrow your search.
8. When all included users or groups show in the list, click Generate to create the certificates
and send the emails.
9. If more than 10 certificates are being generated, click Yes to confirm that you want to
A progress window shows. If errors occur, an error report opens.
10. Click Finish.
11. Click Save.
12. From SmartConsole, install the Policy.

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Client Certificates for Smartphones and Tablets

Revoking Certificates
If the status of a certificate is Pending Enrollment, after you revoke it, the certificate does not
show in the Client Certificate list.

To revoke one or more certificates:

1. Select the certificate or certificates from the Client Certificate list.
2. Click Revoke.
3. Click OK.
After you revoke a certificate, it does not show in the Client Certificate list.

Creating Templates for Certificate Distribution

To create or edit an email template:
1. In SmartConsole, select Security Policies > Access Control > Access Tools > Client
2. To create a new template: In the Email Templates for Certificate Distribution pane, select
To edit a template: In the Email Templates for Certificate Distribution pane, double-click a
The Email Template opens.
3. Enter a Name for the template.
4. Optional: Enter a Comment. Comments show in the Mail Template list on the Client
Certificates page.
5. Optional: Click Languages to change the language of the email.
6. Enter a Subject for the email. Click Insert Field to add a predefined field, such as a Username.
7. In the message body add and format text. Click Insert Field to add a predefined field, such as
Username, Registration Key, or Expiration Date.
8. Click Insert Link to add a link or QR code and select the type of link to add.
For each link type, you select which elements will be added to the mail template:
• QR Code - Users scan the code with their mobile devices.
• HTML Link - Users tap the link on their mobile devices.
You can select both QR Code and HTML link to include both in the email.
The text in Display Text is the text that shows on the link.
a. Certificate and Site Creation - For users who already have a Check Point app installed.
When users scan the CR code or go to the link, it creates the site and registers the certificate.
• Select the client type that will connect to the site- Select one client type that users will have
 Capsule Workspace - An app that creates a secure container on the mobile device to
give users access to internal websites, file shares, and Exchange servers.
 Capsule Connect/VPN - A full L3 tunnel app that gives users network access to all
mobile applications.
b. Download Application - Direct users to download a Check Point App for their mobile
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 140
Client Certificates for Smartphones and Tablets

• Select the client device operating system:

 iOS
 Android
• Select the client type to download:
 Capsule Workspace - An app that creates a secure container on the mobile device to
give users access to internal websites, file shares, and Exchange servers.
 Capsule Connect/VPN - A full L3 tunnel app that gives users network access to all
mobile applications.
• Select which elements will be added to the mail template:
 QR Code - Users scan the code with their mobile devices
 HTML Link - Users tap the link on their mobile devices.
 Display Text - Enter the text to show on the HTML link.
9. Click OK.
10. Optional: Click Preview in Browser to see a preview of how the email will look.
11. Click OK.
12. Publish the changes

Cloning a Template
Clone an email template to create a template that is similar to one that already exists.

To create a clone of an email template:

1. Select a template from the template list in the Client Certificates page.
2. Click Clone.
3. A new copy of the selected template opens for you to edit.

Giving Permissions for Client Certificates

You can create an administrator that is allowed to use SmartConsole to create client certificates,
and restrict other permissions.

To make an administrator for client certificates:

1. Define an administrator ("Creating and Changing Administrator Accounts" on page 21).
2. Create a customized profile for the administrator ("Assigning Permission Profiles to
Administrators" on page 23), with permission to handle client certificates. Configure this in the
Others page of the Administrator Profile. Restrict other permissions.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 141


Preferences and Management Settings

In This Section:
Setting IP Address Versions of the Environment ......................................................142
Restoring Window Defaults ........................................................................................142
Setting SmartConsole Timeout ..................................................................................142
Configuring the Login Window ...................................................................................143

Setting IP Address Versions of the Environment

Many objects and rules use IP addresses. Configure the version that your environment uses to see
only relevant options.

To set IP address version:

1. Click Manage & Settings.
2. Click Preferences.
3. Select the IP address version that your environment uses: IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4 and IPv6.
4. Select how you want to see subnets: Mask Length or Subnet Mask.

Restoring Window Defaults

Some windows in the SmartConsole offer administrators the option to not see the window again.
You can undo this selection, and restore all windows to show again.
This option is available only if administrators selected do not show in a window.

To restore windows from "do not show":

1. Click Manage & Settings.
2. Click Preferences.
3. Click Bring Back.

Setting SmartConsole Timeout

Use the SmartConsole in a secure manner, and enforce secure usage for all administrators.
Setting a SmartConsole timeout is a basic requirement for secure usage. When an administrator
is not using the SmartConsole, it logs out.

To set the SmartConsole timeout:

1. Click Manage & Settings.
2. Open Additional Settings > Idle Timeout.
3. Click Perform logout after being idle.
4. Enter a number of minutes.
When a SmartConsole is idle after this number of minutes, the SmartConsole automatically
logs out the connected administrator.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 142
Preferences and Management Settings

Configuring the Login Window

Administrators in your environment use SmartConsole daily. Customize the Login window, to set
the environment to comply with your organization's culture.

To customize the Login window:

1. Click Manage & Settings.
2. Open Additional Settings > Login Message.
3. Click Show custom message during login.
4. In Customize Message, enter a title and message for administrators to see.
The default suggestion is:
This system is for authorized use only
5. If you want the message to have a warning icon, in Customize Layout, click Add warning sign.
6. If you want the Login window to show your organization's logo, in Customize Layout, click Add
logo and then browse to an image file.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 143


Management High Availability

In This Section:
The High Availability Environment .............................................................................144
Planning for Management High Availability ..............................................................145
Configuring a Secondary Server in SmartConsole ...................................................145
Monitoring High Availability .......................................................................................145
Synchronizing Active and Standby Servers ...............................................................146
Failover Between Active and Standby .......................................................................149
Changing a Server to Active or Standby ....................................................................149
High Availability Disaster Recovery ...........................................................................149

High Availability is redundancy and database backup for management servers. Synchronized
servers have the same policies, rules, user definitions, network objects, and system configuration
settings. The first management server installed is the primary. If the primary Security
Management Server fails, or is off line for maintenance, the secondary server takes over.
Note: High Availability for Security Gateways is covered the Security Gateway Technical Reference
Guide and the ClusterXL Administration Guide.

The High Availability Environment

A Management High Availability environment includes:
• One Active Security Management Server
• One or more Standby Security Management Server
For full redundancy, the primary management server periodically synchronizes its database with
the secondary server or servers.

Active vs. Standby

The active server lets you manage gateways, network objects and system configuration. The
synchronized standby server gives backup and redundancy. Only one Security Management Server
can be Active at a time. If the Active server fails, you can manually change the Active server to
Standby, or the Standby server to Active. The standby server always opens in Read Only mode.

Primary Server vs. Secondary Server

The order in which you install management servers defines them as Primary or Secondary. The
first management server installed becomes the Primary active server. When you install more
Security Management Servers, you define them as Secondary. Secondary servers are Standby

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 144

Management High Availability

Planning for Management High Availability

When you plan your High Availability deployment, think about:
• Remote versus Local Installation of the Standby Security Management Server
Connectivity issues on the LAN will not affect a standby server installed remotely.
• Different physical locations
As a best practice for successful disaster recovery, install at least one standby Security
Management Server in a physical location different from that of the active server.

Configuring a Secondary Server in SmartConsole

In the SmartConsole connected to the Primary server, create a network object to represent the
Secondary Security Management Server. Then synchronize the Primary with the Secondary.

To configure the secondary server in SmartConsole:

1. Open SmartConsole.
2. In Object Categories, click New > More > Network Object > Gateways and Servers > Check
Point Host.
3. On the General Properties page, enter a unique name and IP address for the server.
Note: Do not initialize SIC at this time.
4. In the Software Blades, section, select the Management tab.
5. Select Network Policy Management.
This automatically selects the Secondary Server, Logging and Status, and Provisioning.
6. Create SIC trust between the Secondary Security Management Server and the Primary:
a) Click Communication.
b) Enter the SIC Activation Key of the secondary server.
c) Click Initialize.
d) Click Close.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Publish to save these session changes to the database.
On publish, the databases of the primary and secondary server synchronize and continue to
synchronize every three minutes.
9. Wait for the Task List in the System Information Area to show that a full sync has completed.
10. Open the High Availability Status window and make sure there is one active server and one

Monitoring High Availability

The High Availability Status window shows the status of each Security Management Server in the
High Availability configuration.

To see the status of the servers in your High Availability environment:

1. Open SmartConsole and connect to a primary or secondary server.
2. On the Menu, click High Availability.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 145
Management High Availability

The High Availability Status window opens.

For the management server and its peer or peers in the High Availability configuration, the
window shows:
Field Description
Server Name The name of the Security Management Server.

Mode If the server is Active or Standby.

Status The synchronization status between the Security Management Servers:

• Last sync
• There is an HA conflict in the system
• Some servers could not be synchronized
• Synchronized
See Synchronization Status (on page 147) for a complete description.

Synchronizing Active and Standby Servers

The Active server periodically sends the latest changes to the standby server or servers. Active
and Standby servers also synchronize when you publish a session.

How Synchronization Works

Synchronization can run automatically or you can start it manually. When synchronizing, the
system does these steps without user intervention:
1. Locks the policy and object databases on the Active Security Management Server.
2. Takes a snapshot of the databases and save it to local disk.
3. Unlocks policy and object databases.
4. Compresses snapshot data and copies the snapshot from Active Security Management Server
to all standby Security Management Servers.
5. The Standby Security Management Servers overwrite their databases with the snapshot.
6. Standby Security Management Servers send a Restore status notification to the Active Security
Management Server.
7. The Active and Standby servers delete the snapshots.

While the Active Security Management Server is taking a snapshot (step 2 above), the databases
are locked and you cannot add, change or delete these system objects:
• Security Gateways, Security Management Servers and other network objects
• VPN Communities
• Services, resources and OPSEC applications
• Policies and rules
• Deployment rules and packages
• Reports and queries
This is necessary to prevent database corruption and other errors.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 146
Management High Availability

If the environment includes Endpoint Security, the Active Security Management Server and clients
continue to dynamically update these database objects even while the Security Management
Server takes a snapshot:
• Full Disk Encryption recovery data
• Media Encryption & Port Protection recovery data
• Endpoint monitoring data
• Endpoint heartbeat data

Synchronization Status
The High Availability status window shows this information about synchronization between the
active and standby servers:
• Name, status, and actions of the connected server
• Names, statuses, and actions of peers
Status messages can be general, or apply to a specified active or standby server. General
messages show in the yellow overview banner.

General Status messages in Description

overview banner
Synchronized The database of the primary Security Management Server
is identical with the database of the secondary.

Some servers could not be A communication issue prevents synchronization, or some

synchronized other synchronization issue exists.

No HA The active and standby servers are not communicating.

Communication Problem The fwm service is down or cannot be reached.

Collision or HA conflict More than one management server configured as active.

Two active servers cannot sync with each other.

When connected to a specified active management server:

Status window area: Specified Status Description

Connected to: Active SmartConsole is connected to the active
management server.

Peers Standby The peer is in standby. The message can also

• Sync problem, last time sync
• Ok, last sync time: <time>
• Last sync failed: <date>
• Error, partial error
• No SIC

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 147

Management High Availability

Status window area: Specified Status Description

Not communicating,
last sync time

Active A state of collision exists between two servers

both defined as active.

When connected to a specified standby management server:

Status window area: Specified Status Description

Connected to: Standby The message also shows: last sync time.

Peers Active The peer is in standby. The message can also

• No communication, last sync time
• OK, last sync time: <time>
• Sync problem, last sync time (in any
Standby/Master The message can also show: no
unknown communication.

High Availability Troubleshooting

These error messages show in the High Availability Status window when synchronization fails:

1. Open the Properties window of the Security Management Server.
2. On the General Properties page, click Test SIC Status.
3. Follow the instructions in the SIC Status window.

Not communicating
1. Open Manage & Settings > High Availability.
The High Availability Status window opens.
2. For the active server, click Actions > Sync now.

Collision or HA Conflict
More than one management server is configured as active. Solution:
1. Open Manage & Settings > High Availability.
The High Availability Status window opens.
2. Use the Actions button to set one of the active servers to standby.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 148

Management High Availability

Failover Between Active and Standby

Failover between the primary (active) and secondary (standby) management server is not
automatic. If the Active fails or it is necessary to change the Active to a Standby, you must do so
manually. The two servers synchronize before failover to the new active server. After the failover,
you cannot use the former active server to make changes.

If the Active Security Management Server is responsive:

In the High Availability status window, change the active server to standby or the standby to

Changing a Server to Active or Standby

To change the status of a server:
1. Open SmartConsole.
2. Connect to the Active server.
3. On the Menu button, select High Availability.
The High Availability Status window opens.
4. Using the Action buttons, Change the Active server to standby, or one of the standby servers to
The servers synchronize before a failover occurs to the new active server.

High Availability Disaster Recovery

If the primary management server becomes permanently unavailable:
• Create a new Primary server with the IP address of the original Primary server ("Recovery By
Creating a New Primary Server" on page 149)
Note: This is not supported for environments with Endpoint Security.
• Promote the Secondary server to Primary and create new licenses.
IMPORTANT: Check Point product licenses are linked to IP addresses. At the end of the
disaster recovery you must make sure that licenses are correctly assigned to your servers.

Recovery By Creating a New Primary Server

1. Change the Secondary management server from Standby to Active.
2. Install a new Primary server with the same IP address and hostname as the original Primary
3. Synchronize the new Primary server with your Active server.
(Create the active server as an object in the new primary, establish SIC and synchronize the
4. Change the new Primary server to Active server
The original Secondary server returns to Standby.
5. Reassign licenses.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 149

Management High Availability

Promoting a Secondary Server to Primary

The first management server installed is the Primary Server and all servers installed afterwards
are Secondary servers. The Primary server acts as the synchronization master. When the Primary
server is down, secondary servers cannot synchronize their databases until a Secondary is
promoted to Primary and the initial syncs completes.

To promote a Secondary server to become the Primary server:

1. On the Secondary Server that you will promote, run:
2. Remove the $FWDIR/conf/mgha* files. They contain information about the current
Secondary settings. These files will be recreated when you start the Check Point services.
3. Make sure you have a mgmtha license on the newly promoted server.
Note - All licenses must have the IP address of the promoted Security Management Server.
4. Run cpstart on the promoted server.
5. Open SmartConsole, and:
a) Make the secondary server active.
b) Remove all instances of the old Primary Management object. To see all of the instances,
right-click the object and select Where Used.
Note - When you remove the old Primary server, all previous licenses are revoked.
c) Install database.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 150


The Security Management Server CLI

This is a brief list of Check Point CLI commands. See the Command Line Interface Reference
Command Description
Run ICA operations.
cpca_client create_cert
Issue a SIC certificate for the Security Management Server.
cpca_client revoke_cert
Revoke a certificate issued by the ICA.
cpca_client set_mgmt_tools
Invoke or terminate the ICA Management Tool.
Check Point Configuration Tool
Configure Check Point product installations and basic
Run Check Point license management commands.
cplic check
Test if a deployment has the required licenses for a
cplic db_add
Add licenses to the license repository on Security
Management Server.
cplic db_print
See details of Check Point licenses stored in the license
cplic db_rm
Remove a license from the license repository.
cplic del
Delete a Check Point license from a host.
cplic del <object name>
Detach a central license from a Security Gateway.
cplic get
Copy all licenses from Security Gateways to the license
cplic put
Install local licenses on a Security Management Server.
cplic put <object name>
Attach central or local license remotely and updated the
license repository.
cplic print
See details of Check Point licenses on the local machine.
cplic upgrade
Upgrade the license repository with User Center licenses.
Export and import policy packages, and merge objects
from an exported database file in to the Security
Management Server database.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 151

The Security Management Server CLI

Command Description
cp_merge delete_policy
Delete a policy package.
cp_merge export_policy
Export policy with explicit keep or delete of the original.
cp_merge import_policy
cp_merge restore_policy Overwrite a policy package.
cp_merge list_policy
See available policy packages.
Manage the package repository.
cppkg add
Add a package to the package repository.
cppkg delete
Delete a package from the package repository.
cppkg get
Synchronize the package repository database with the
package repository under $SUROOT.
cppkg getroot
Get the package repository path.
cppkg print
See the contents of the package repository.
cppkg setroot
Create a new repository root directory.
Restart the Check Point remote installation daemon
(cprid), for product upgrade and installation.
Start the Check Point remote installation daemon (cprid).
Stops the Check Point remote installation daemon (cprid).
Install packages, remotely.
cprinstall boot
Boot a remote computer.
cprinstall cprestart
Restart Check Point services, remotely.
cprinstall cpstart
Start Check Point services, remotely.
cprinstall cpstop
Stop Check Point services, remotely.
cprinstall get
Get details of the packages and the Operating System
installed on a Security Gateway, and update the database.
cprinstall install
Install Check Point packages on remote Security Gateways.
cprinstall uninstall
Uninstall Check Point packages from remote Security
cprinstall verify
See if Check Point packages can be installed.
Start Check Point services.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 152

The Security Management Server CLI

Command Description
See status of Check Point services.
Stop Check Point services.
Start and monitor critical services (Check Point
cpwd_admin config
Configure cpwd parameters.
cpwd_admin exist
Test if cpwd is alive.
cpwd_admin kill
Stop cpwd.
cpwd_admin list
See status of processes being monitored by cpwd.
cpwd_admin monitor_list
See processes actively being monitored.
cpwd_admin start
Starts a new process by cpwd.
cpwd_admin start_monitor
Starts continuous monitoring on this server
cpwd_admin stop
Stops a process which is being monitored by cpwd.
cpwd_admin stop_monitor
Stops continuous monitoring on this server
Change objects on the Security Management Server.
See summary of logs.
Export and import revisions of the database.
dbver create
Create a database revision from the current state of
dbver export
Archive a database revision.
dbver import
Add an exported database revision to a repository.
dbver print
See the properties of a database revision.
dbver print_all
See the properties of all revisions.
Specify an IP address to which a dynamic object will be
Manage Firewall on a Security Gateway.
fw ctl
Control the Security Gateway kernel.
fw expdate
Change the expiration date of all users and administrators.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 153

The Security Management Server CLI

Command Description
fw fetch
Get the Inspection Code from a host and install it in the
fw fetchlogs
Get logs from a remote computer.
fw hastat
See High Availability servers and their states.
fw kill
Stop all Firewall daemons on a Security Gateway.
fw lea_notify
Send a LEA_COL_LOGS event to connected lea clients (see
the LEA Specification documentation).
fw lichosts
See hosts protected by the Security Gateways.
fw log
See the content of Log files.
fw logswitch
Create a new active Log File.
fw mergefiles
Merge Log Files into one Log File.
fw lslogs
See Log Files on a remote or local machine.
fw putkey
Install an authentication password on a host.
fw repairlog
Rebuild a Log file's pointer files.
fw sam
Manage the Suspicious Activity Monitoring (SAM) server, to
block connections to and from IP addresses, for rapid
Manage Security Management Server daemons.
fwm dbimport
Import users to the User Database from an external file.
fwm dbexport
Export the User Database to a file.
fwm dbload
Download the User Database and network objects to
selected targets.
fwm ikecrypt
Encrypt the password of a SecuRemote user.
fwm load
Compile and install a Security Policy on VPN Security
fwm lock_admin
See and unlock locked administrators.
fwm logexport
Export the Log file to an ASCII file.
fwm unload <targets>
Uninstall the loaded Inspection Code from selected
fwm ver
See the build number of Check Point products.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 154

The Security Management Server CLI

Command Description
fwm verify <policy-name>
Test a Policy Package without installing it.
Send an alert to your Internet Service Provider when under
Manage LDAP processes.
Compare queries that print a message.
Port from Member mode to MemberOf mode.
Import users to an LDAP server.
Query an LDAP directory.
Transfers Log data to an external database.
Query the object database.
Manage DAIP Modules in a DAIP database.
Run Suspicious Activity Monitoring with the Check Point
User Defined alerts mechanism.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 155


The ICA Management Tool

The ICA Management Tool lets you:
• Manage certificates
• Run searches
• Recreate CRLs
• Configure the ICA
• Remove expired certificates
Note: The ICA management tool supports TLS.
Check Point ICA is fully compliant with X.509 standards for both certificates and CRLs. See the
related X.509 and PKI documentation, and RFC 2459 for more information.

In This Appendix
CRL Management .......................................................................................................156
Using the ICA Management Tool ...............................................................................157
Enabling and Connecting to the ICA Management Tool ...........................................157
The ICA Management Tool GUI ..................................................................................158
User Certificate Management ....................................................................................158
Performing Multiple Simultaneous Operations ........................................................159
ICA Administrators with Reduced Privileges ............................................................160
Management of SIC Certificates ................................................................................160
Management of Gateway VPN Certificates ...............................................................160
Management of User Certificates in SmartConsole .................................................160
Notifying Users about Certificate Initialization .........................................................160
Retrieving the ICA Certificate.....................................................................................160
Searching for a Certificate .........................................................................................161
Removing and Revoking Certificates and Sending Email Notifications ..................162
Submitting a Certificate Request to the CA ..............................................................163
Initializing Multiple Certificates Simultaneously ......................................................164
CRL Operations ...........................................................................................................165
CA Cleanup ..................................................................................................................165
Configuring the CA......................................................................................................165
CA Data Types and Attributes ....................................................................................165
Certificate Longevity and Statuses ............................................................................169

CRL Management
By default, the CRL is valid for one week. This value can be configured. New CRLs are issued:
• When approximately 60% of the CRL validity period has passed
• Immediately following the revocation of a certificate

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 156

The ICA Management Tool

It is possible to recreate a specified CRL using the ICA Management Tool. The utility acts as a
recovery mechanism in the event that the CRL is deleted or corrupted. An administrator can
download a DER encoded version of the CRL using the ICA Management Tool.

CRL Modes
The ICA can issue multiple CRLs. Multiple CRLs prevent one CRL from becoming larger than 10K.
If the CRL exceeds 10K, IKE negotiations can fail when trying to open VPN tunnels.
Multiple CRLs are created by attributing each certificate issued to a specified CRL. If revoked, the
serial number of the certificate shows in the specified CRL.
The CRL Distribution Point (CRLDP) extension of the certificate contains the URL of the specified
CRL. This ensures that the correct CRL is retrieved when the certificate is validated.

Using the ICA Management Tool

Use the ICA management tool for user certificate operations only, such as certificate creation. Do
not use the ICA management tool to change SIC certificates or VPN certificates. Change SIC and
VPN certificates in SmartConsole.
To use the ICA management tool, you must first enable it on the Security Management Server.

Enabling and Connecting to the ICA Management Tool

The ICA Management Tool is disabled by default.

To enable the ICA Management tool

Run this command on the Security Management Server:
cpca_client [-d] set_mgmt_tool on|off [-p <ca_port>] [-a|-u
"administrator|user DN" ... ]
The command options are:

Option Description
on Starts the ICA Management Tool (by opening port 18265)

off Stops the ICA Management Tool (by closing port 18265)

-p Changes the port used to connect to the CA (if the default

port is not being used)

-a "administrator DN" ... Sets the DNs of the administrators that will be allowed to
use the ICA Management Tool

-u "user DN" ... Sets the DNs of users allowed to use the ICA Management
Tool. An option intended for administrators with limited

Note: If cpca_client is run without -a or -u parameters, the list of the allowed users and
administrators remains unchanged.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 157

The ICA Management Tool

To Connect to the ICA Management Tool

1. Add the administrator's certificate to the browser's certificate repository.
2. Open the ICA Management tool from the browser using this address:
Authenticate when requested.

The ICA Management Tool GUI

Item Description
1 Menu Pane
Shows a list of operations

2 Operations Pane
Manage certificates. The window divides into Search attributes configuration and Bulk
operation configuration.
Create Certificates.
Configure the CA. Contains configuration parameters You can also view the CA's time,
name, and the version and build number of the Security Management Server.
Manage CRLs. Download, publish, and recreate CRLs.

3 Search Results Pane. The results of the applied operation show in this pane. This
window consists of a table with a list of certificates and certificate attributes.

Connect to the ICA Management tool using a browser and HTTPS connection.
Important: Before connecting, make sure to add an administrator certificate to the browser's

User Certificate Management

Internally managed User Certificates can be initialized, revoked or have their registrations
removed using the ICA Management Tool. User Certificates of users managed on an LDAP server
can only be managed using the ICA Management Tool.
This table shows User Certificate attributes that can be configured using the ICA Management

Attributes Default Configurable Comments

validity 2 years yes

key size 1024 bits yes Can be set to 2048 or 4096


DN of User certificates CN=user name, no This DN is appended to the

managed by the internal OU=users DN of the ICA

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 158

The ICA Management Tool

Attributes Default Configurable Comments

DN of User certificates yes Depends on LDAP branch
managed on an LDAP

KeyUsage 5 yes Digital signature and Key


ExtendedKeyUsage 0 (no KeyUsage) yes

Modifying the Key Size for User Certificates

If the user completes the registration from the Remote Access machine, the key size can be
configured in the Advanced Configuration page in SmartConsole.

To configure the key size:

1. From the Menu, select Global Properties.
2. Open the SmartConsole Customization page.
3. In the Advanced Configuration section, click configure.
The Advanced Configuration window opens.
4. Go to the Certificates and PKI properties page.
5. Set the new key size for this property: user_certs_key_size.
6. Click OK.
You can also change the key size using the GuiDBedit utility. Change the key size as it is listed in
users_certs_key_size Global Property. The new value is downloaded when you update
the site.

Performing Multiple Simultaneous Operations

The ICA Management Tool can do multiple operations at the same time. For example:
• Run an LDAP query for the details of all the organization's employees
• Create a file out of this data, and then use this file to:
• Start (initialize) the creation of certificates for all employees
• Send a notification about the new certificates to each of those employees
These operations can be done simultaneously:
• Start (initialize) user certificates
• Revoke user certificates
• Send mail to users
• Remove expired certificates
• Remove certificates for which the registration procedure was not completed

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 159

The ICA Management Tool

ICA Administrators with Reduced Privileges

The ICA Management Tool supports administrators with limited privileges. These administrators
cannot execute multiple concurrent operations, and their privileges include only these:
• Basic searches
• Initialization of certificates for new users

Management of SIC Certificates

SIC certificates are managed using SmartConsole.

Management of Gateway VPN Certificates

VPN certificates are managed in the VPN page of the corresponding network object. These
certificates are issued automatically when the IPSec VPN blade is defined for the Check Point
gateway or host. This definition is specified in the General Properties window of the
corresponding network object.
If a VPN certificate is revoked, a new one is issued automatically.

Management of User Certificates in SmartConsole

The user certificates of users that are managed on the internal database are managed using
SmartConsole. For more information, see User Certificates in the R80 VPN Administration Guide.

Notifying Users about Certificate Initialization

The ICA Management Tool can be configured to send a notification to users about certificate
initialization. To send mail notifications
1. In the Menu pane, click Configure the CA.
2. In the Management Tool Mail Attributes area, configure:
• The mail server
• The mail "From" address
• An optional 'To' address, which can be used if the users' address is not known
The administrator can use this address to get the certificates on the user's behalf and
forward them later.
3. Click Apply.

Retrieving the ICA Certificate

For trust purposes, some gateways and remote clients, such as peer gateways that are not
managed by the Security Management Server or clients using Clientless VPN, must retrieve the
ICA certificate.

To retrieve the ICA Certificate:

1. Open a browser and enter the applicable URL.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 160
The ICA Management Tool

Use this format:

The Certificate Services window opens.
2. Use the links to download the CA certificate to your computer or (in Windows) install the CA
certification path.

Searching for a Certificate

There are two search options:
• A basic search that includes only the user name, type, status and the serial number
• An advanced search that includes all the search fields (can only be performed by
administrators with unlimited privileges)

To do a certificate search:
In the Manage Certificates page, enter the search parameters, and click Search.

Basic Search Parameters

• User Name - Username string (by default, this field is empty)
• Type - a drop-down list with these options:
• Any (default)
• Gateway
• Internal User or LDAP user
• Status - Drop-down list with these options:
• Any (default)
• Pending
• Valid
• Revoked
• Expired
• Renewed (superseded)
• Serial Number - Serial number of the requested certificate (by default, this field is empty)

Advanced Search Attributes

In addition to the parameters of the basic search, specify these parameters:
• Sub DN - DN substring (by default, this field is empty)
• Valid From - Date, from which the certificate is valid, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy [hh:mm:ss]
(for example 15-Jan-2003) (by default, this field is empty)
• Valid To - Date until which the certificate is valid, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy [hh:mm:ss] (for
example 14-Jan-2003 15:39:26) (by default, this field is empty)
• CRL Distribution Point - Drop-down list with these options:
• Any (default)

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 161

The ICA Management Tool

• No CRL Distribution Point (for certificates issued before the management upgrade - old
CRL mode certificates)
The list also shows all available CRL numbers.

The Search Results

The results of a search show in the Search Results pane. This pane consists of a table with a list
of searched certificate attributes such as:
• (SN) Serial Number - The SN of the certificate
• User Name (CN) - The string between the first equals sign ("=") and the next comma (",")
• DN
• Status - One of these: Pending, Valid, Revoked, Expired, Renewed (superseded)
• The date from which certificates are valid until the date they expire
Note: The status bar shows search statistics after each search.

Viewing and Saving Certificate Details

You can view or save the certificate details that show in the search results.

To view and save certificate details:

Click on the DN link in the Search Results pane.
• If the status is pending, the certificate information together with the registration key shows,
and a log entry is created and shows in SmartView Tracker
• If the certificate was already created, you can save it on a disk or open directly (if the operating
system recognizes the file extension)

Removing and Revoking Certificates and Sending Email

1. In the Menu pane, click Manage Certificates.
2. Search for certificates ("Searching for a Certificate" on page 161) with set attributes.
The results show in the Search Results pane.
3. Select the certificates, as needed, and click one of these options:
• Revoke Selected - revokes the selected certificates and removes pending certificates from
the CA's database
• Remove Selected - removes the selected certificates from the CA's database and from the
Note - You can only remove expired or pending certificates.
• Mail to Selected - sends mail for all selected pending certificates
The mail includes the authorization codes. Messages to users that do not have an email
defined are sent to a default address. For more, see Notifying Users about Certificate
Initialization (on page 160).

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 162

The ICA Management Tool

Submitting a Certificate Request to the CA

There are three ways to submit certificate requests to the CA:
• Initiate - A registration key is created on the CA and used once by a user to create a certificate
• Generate - A certificate file is created and associated with a password which must be entered
when the certificate is accessed
• PKCS#10 - When the CA receives a PKCS#10 request, the certificate is created and delivered
to the requester

To initiate a certificate:
1. In the Menu pane, select Create Certificates > Initiate.
2. Enter a User Name or Full DN, or click Advanced and fill in the form:
• Certificate Expiration Date - Select a date or enter the date in the format dd-mmm-yyyy
[hh:mm:ss] (the default value is two years from the date of creation)
• Registration Key Expiration Date - Select a date or enter the date in the format
dd-mmm-yyyy [hh:mm:ss] (the default value is two weeks from the date of creation)
3. Click Go.
A registration key is created and show in the Results pane.
If necessary, click Send mail to user to email the registration key. The number of characters in
the email is limited to 1900.
4. The certificate becomes usable after entering the correct registration key.

To generate a certificate:
1. In the Menu pane, select Create Certificates > Generate.
2. Enter a User Name or Full DN, or click Advanced and fill in the form:
• Certificate Expiration Date - Select a date or enter the date in the format dd-mm-yyyy
[hh:mm:ss] (the default value is two years from the date of creation)
• Registration Key Expiration Date - Select a date or enter the date in the format
dd-mm-yyyy [hh:mm:ss] (the default value is two weeks from the date of creation)
3. Enter a password.
4. Click Go.
5. Save the P12 file, and supply it to the user.

To create a PKCS#10 certificate:

1. In the Menu pane, select Create Certificates > PKCS#10.
2. Paste into the space the encrypted base-64 buffer text provided.
You can also click on Browse for a file to insert (IE only) to import the request file.
3. Click Create and save the created certificate.
4. Supply the certificate to the requester.

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The ICA Management Tool

Initializing Multiple Certificates Simultaneously

You can initialize a batch of certificates at the same time.

To initialize several certificates simultaneously:

1. Create a file with the list of DNs to initialize.
Note - There are two ways to create this file - through an LDAP query or a non-LDAP query.
2. In the Menu pain, go to Create Certificates > Advanced.
3. Browse to the file you created.
• To send registration keys to the users, select Send registration keys via email
• To receive a file that lists the initialized DNs with their registration keys, select Save
results to file
This file can later be used in a script.
4. Click Initiate from file.

Files created through LDAP Queries

The file initiated by the LDAP search has this format:
• Each line after a blank line or the first line in the file represents one DN to be initialized
• If the line starts with "mail=", the string continues with the mail of the user
If no email is given, the email address will be taken from the ICA's "Management Tool Mail To
Address" attribute.
• If there is a line with the not_after attribute, then the value at the next line is the Certificate
Expiration Date
The date is given in seconds from now.
• If there is a line with the is otp_validity attribute, then the value at the next line is the
Registration Key Expiration Date.
The date is given in seconds from now.
Here is an example of an LDAP Search output:
[email protected]


For more information, see User Directory ("LDAP and User Directory" on page 103).
Files created through a Simple Non-LDAP Query
It is possible to create a simple (non-LDAP) query by configuring the DN + email in a file using this
<email address> space <DN>
… blank line as a separator …
<email address> space <DN>
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 164
The ICA Management Tool

CRL Operations
You can download, update, or recreate CRLs through the ICA management tool.

To do operations with CRLs:

1. In the Menu pane, select Manage CRLs.
2. From the drop-down box, select one or more CRLS.
3. Select an action to perform:
• Click Download to download the CRL.
• Click Publish to renew the CRL after changes have been made to the CRL database.
This operation is done at an interval set by the CRL Duration attribute.
• Click Recreate to recreate the CRL.

CA Cleanup
To clean up the CA, you must remove the expired certificates. Before you do that, make sure that
the time set on the Security Management Server is correct.

To remove the expired certificates:

In the Menu pane, select Manage CRLs > Clean the CA's Database and CRLs from expired

Configuring the CA
To configure the CA:
1. In the Menu pane, select Configure the CA.
2. Edit the CA data values ("CA Data Types and Attributes" on page 165) as necessary.
3. In the Operations pane, select an operation:
• Apply - Save and enter the CA configuration settings.
If the values are valid, the configured settings become immediately effective. All non-valid
strings are changed to the default values.
• Cancel - Reset all values to the values in the last saved configuration.
• Restore Default - Revert the CA to its default configuration settings.
Entering the string Default in one of the attributes will also reset it to the default after
you click Configure. Values that are valid will be changed as requested, and others will
change to default values.

CA Data Types and Attributes

The CA data types are:
• Time - displayed in the format: <number> days <number> seconds, for example: CRL
Duration: 7 days 0 seconds
You can enter the values in the format in which they are displayed (<number> days
<number> seconds) or as a number of seconds.
Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 165
The ICA Management Tool

• Integer - a regular integer, for example: SIC Key Size: 1024

• Boolean - the values can be true or false (not case sensitive), for example: Enable renewal:
• String - an alphanumeric string, for example: Management Tool DN prefix: cn=tests
These are the CA attributes, in alphabetical order:

Attribute Comment Values Default

Authorization Code The number of characters min-6 6
Length of the authorization codes.

CRL Duration The period of time for min-5 minutes 1 week

which the CRL is valid.
max-1 year

Enable Renewal For User certificates. This true or false true

is a Boolean value setting
which stipulates whether to
enable renewal or not.

Grace Period Before The amount of time the old min-0 1 week
Revocation certificate will remain in
max-5 years
Renewed (superseded)

Grace Period Check The amount of time min-10 minutes 1 day

Period between sequential checks
max-1 week
of the Renewed
(superseded) list in order
to revoke those whose
duration has passed.

IKE Certificate Validity The amount of time an IKE min-10 minutes 5 years
Period certificate will be valid.
max-20 years

IKE Certificate Certificate purposes for means no KeyUsage

Extended Key Usage describing the type of the
extended key usage for IKE
certificates. Refer to RFC

IKE Certificate Key Certificate purposes for Digital signature and

usage describing the certificate Key encipherment
operations. Refer to RFC

Management Tool DN Determines the DN prefix possible values CN=

prefix of a DN that will be created
when entering a user
name. UID=

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 166

The ICA Management Tool

Attribute Comment Values Default

Management Tool DN Determines the DN suffix ou=users
suffix of a DN that will be created
when entering a user

Management Tool Hide For security reasons the true or false false
Mail Button mail sending button after
displaying a single
certificate can be hidden.

Management Tool Mail The SMTP server that will -

Server be used in order to send
registration code mails. It
has no default and must be
configured in order for the
mail sending option to

Management Tool The amount of time a min-10 minutes 2 weeks

Registration Key registration code is valid
max-2 months
Validity Period when initiated using the
Management Tool.

Management Tool User The amount of time that a min-one week 2 years
Certificate Validity user certificate is valid
max-20 years
Period when initiated using the
Management Tool.

Management Tool Mail When sending mails this is -

From Address the email address that will
appear in the from field. A
report of the mail delivery
status will be sent to this

Management Tool Mail The email subject field. -


Management Tool Mail The text that appears in the Registration Key:
Text Format body of the message. 3 $REG_KEY
variables can be used in Expiration:
addition to the text: $EXPIRE
$REG_KEY (user's
registration key);
$EXPIRE (expiration time);
$USER (user's DN).

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 167

The ICA Management Tool

Attribute Comment Values Default

Management Tool Mail When the send mail option -
To address is used, the emails to users
that have no email address
defined will be sent to this

Max Certificates Per The maximum capacity of a min-3 400

Distribution Point CRL in the new CRL mode.

New CRL Mode A Boolean value describing 0 for old CRL true
the CRL mode. mode
1 for new mode

Number of certificates The number of certificates min-1 approx 700

per search page that will be displayed in
max-approx 700
each page of the search

Number of Digits for The number of digits of min-5 5

Serial Number certificate serial numbers.

Revoke renewed This flag determines true or false true

certificates whether to revoke an old
certificate after it has been
renewed. The reason for
not revoking this is to
prevent the CRL from
growing each time a
certificate is renewed.
If the certificate is not
revoked the user may have
two valid certificates.

SIC Key Size The key size in bits of keys possible values: 1024
used in SIC.

SIC Certificate Key Certificate purposes for Digital signature and

usage describing the certificate Key encipherment
operations. Refer to RFC

SIC Certificate Validity The amount of time a SIC min-10 minutes 5 years
Period certificate will be valid.
max-20 years

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 168

The ICA Management Tool

Attribute Comment Values Default

User Certificate Certificate purposes for means no KeyUsage
Extended Key Usage describing the type of the
extended key usage for
User certificates. Refer to
RFC 2459.

User Certificate Key The key size in bits of the Possible values 1024
Size user's certificates. are 1024

User Certificate Key Certificate purposes for Digital signature and

usage describing the certificate Key encipherment
operations. Refer to RFC

Certificate Longevity and Statuses

Certificates issued by the ICA have a defined validity period. When period ends, the certificate
SIC certificates, VPN certificates for Security Gateways and User certificates can be created in one
step in SmartConsole. User certificates can also be created in two steps using SmartConsole or
the ICA Management Tool. The two steps are:
• Initialization – during this step a registration code is created for the user. When this is done,
the certificate status is pending
• Registration – when the user completes the registration procedure in the remote client. After
entering the registration code the certificate becomes valid.
The advantages are:
Enhanced security
• The private key is created and stored on the user's machine
• The certificate issued by the ICA is downloaded securely to the client.
Pre-issuance automatic and administrator-initiated certificate removal
If a user does not complete the registration procedure in a given period (two weeks by default), the
registration code is automatically removed. An administrator can remove the registration key
before the user completes the registration procedure. After that, the administrator can revoke the
user certificate.
Explicit or Automatic Renewal of User certificates ensuring continuous User connectivity
A user certificate of type PKCS12 can be renewed explicitly by the user. A PKCS12 certificate can
also be set to renew automatically when it is about to expire. This renewal operation ensures that
the user can continuously connect to the organization's network. The administrator can choose
when to set the automatic revoke old user certificates.

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The ICA Management Tool

One more advantage is:

Automatic renewal of SIC certificates ensuring continuous SIC connectivity
SIC certificates are renewed automatically after 75% of the validity time of the certificate has
passed. If, for example, the SIC certificate is valid for five years. After 3.75 years, a new certificate
is created and downloaded automatically to the SIC entity. This automatic renewal ensures that
the SIC connectivity of the gateway is continuous. The administrator can revoke the old certificate
automatically or after a set period of time. By default, the old certificate is revoked one week after
certificate renewal.

Check Point Security Management Administration Guide R80 | 170

Changing a Server to Active or Standby • 149
Changing the Assigned Profile • 74

Index Check Point Hosts • 37

Check Point Password • 94
Check Point Schema for LDAP • 104
A Choosing the Level of Protection • 73
Client Certificates for Smartphones and Tablets
Access and Threat Tools • 15 • 138
Access Roles • 136 ClientSideCrypt • 117
Account Units • 129 Cloning a Template • 141
Account Units and High Availability • 133 cn • 105
Action • 65 Command Line Interface • 17
Activating Protections for a Profile • 76 Configuring a Proxy gateway • 41
Adding a Policy Type to an Existing Policy Configuring a RADIUS Server for Administrators
Package • 49 • 30
Adding Access Roles • 136 Configuring a Secondary Server in
Adding an IPS Exception • 76 SmartConsole • 145
Adding Network Exceptions • 76 Configuring a SecurID Server for
Adding New Attributes to the Active Directory • Administrators • 31
125 Configuring a Security Gateway to use SecurID
Adding User Groups • 102 Authentication • 96
Adding, Editing, Cloning, Deleting, and Configuring a Security Gateway to use TACACS+
Replacing Objects • 39 Authentication • 97
Additional Activation Fields • 74 Configuring a TACACS Server for
Address Ranges • 43 Administrators • 31
Administrator • 9 Configuring an LDAP Server • 130
Administrator Collaboration • 27 Configuring Anti-Spoofing • 60
Administrator Groups • 9 Configuring Authentication Methods for
Advanced Search Attributes • 161 Administrators • 29
Analyzing the Rule Base (Hit Count) • 66 Configuring Authentication Methods for Users •
Anti-Bot • 77 95
Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base • 79 Configuring Check Point Password
Anti-Spam • 92 Authentication for Administrators • 29
Anti-Virus • 78 Configuring Customized Permissions • 24
Assigning Permission Profiles to Configuring Default Expiration for
Administrators • 23 Administrators • 22
AttributesTranslationMap • 118 Configuring Default Expiration Settings for
Authenticating with Certificates • 134 Users • 101
Authentication Methods for Users and Configuring Encryption • 101
Administrators • 94 Configuring Inspection Settings • 69
Authentication Rules • 137 Configuring IPS Profile Settings • 74
Authentication Tab • 131 Configuring OS Password Authentication for
AutomaticAttrs • 122 Administrators • 30
Configuring the API Server • 19
Configuring the CA • 165
BadPwdCountAttr • 117 Configuring the Hit Count Display • 68
Balance Method • 45 Configuring the Implied Rules • 56
Basic Rules • 58 Configuring the Login Window • 143
Basic Search Parameters • 161 Configuring Trusted Clients • 26
Blocking Bots • 87 Connecting to the Security Management Server
Blocking Viruses • 90 through SmartConsole • 17
BranchObjectClass • 118 Creating a New Policy Package • 49
BranchOCOperator • 118 Creating a New Security Gateway • 33
Browsing IPS Protections • 75 Creating a Threat Prevention Policy • 71, 82
Creating an Anti-Bot Policy • 87
C Creating an Anti-Virus Policy • 90
CA Cleanup • 165 Creating and Changing Administrator Accounts
CA Data Types and Attributes • 165 • 21
Certificate Longevity and Statuses • 169 Creating and Changing Permission Profiles • 23
Creating Anti-Virus Rules • 90 Filtering IPS Protections • 75
Creating Client Certificates • 139 fw1allowed-dst • 108
Creating Rules • 86, 87 fw1allowed-src • 108
Creating Templates for Certificate Distribution fw1allowed-vlan • 108
• 140 fw1authmethod • 106
Creating, Modifying, Removing User Accounts • fw1authserver • 107
99 fw1badPwdCount • 111
CRL Management • 156 fw1day • 108
CRL Operations • 165 fw1enc-fwz-expiration • 109
CryptedPasswordPrefix • 117 fw1enc-Methods • 111
Customizing IPS Protections for Your Network • fw1expiration-date • 107
73 fw1groupTemplate • 109
fw1hour-range-from • 107
D fw1hour-range-to • 108
Database • 9 fw1ISAKMP-AuthMethods • 110
Default IPS Protection Profiles • 73 fw1ISAKMP-DataEncMethod • 111
Default User Directory Profiles • 113 fw1ISAKMP-DataIntegrityMethod • 110
DefaultCryptAlgorith • 117 fw1ISAKMP-EncMethod • 110
Defining Trusted Clients • 26 fw1ISAKMP-HashMethods • 110
Delegating Control • 125 fw1ISAKMP-SharedSecret • 110
Delete a User • 102 fw1ISAKMP-Transform • 110
Deleting an Administrator • 23 fw1lastLoginFailure • 111
Deploying User Directory • 128 fw1pwdLastMod • 107
description • 106 fw1sr-auth-track • 109
Disabling a Protection on a Specified Server • fw1SR-datam • 109
89 fw1SR-keym • 109
Distributing Users in Multiple Servers • 135 fw1SR-mdm • 109
DomainObjectClass • 119, 123 fw1userPwdPolicy • 111
DomainRDN • 122
Domains • 44
Dynamic Objects • 44 Gateway Cluster • 43
General Tab • 130
E Getting Started • 12
Editing Profiles • 86 Giving Permissions for Client Certificates • 141
Enabling and Connecting to the ICA Granting User Access Using RADIUS Server
Management Tool • 157 Groups • 95
Enabling Anti-Spam • 93 GroupObjectClass • 120, 122
Enabling or Disabling Hit Count • 67 GroupOCOperator • 120
Enabling the Anti-Bot Software Blade • 78 GroupRDN • 122
Enabling the IPS Software Blade • 73
Enabling URL Filtering and Application Control
• 63 High Availability Disaster Recovery • 149
Enabling User Directory • 128 High Availability Troubleshooting • 148
Ensuring a Secure Network Access • 58 How Synchronization Works • 146
Examining Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Protections
• 78 I
Example of a Query • 127 ICA Administrators with Reduced Privileges •
Excluding Specific Internal Addresses • 61 160
ExpirationDateAttr • 116 ICA Clients • 37
ExpirationDateFormat • 116 Identifying Bot Infected Computers • 77
Extending the Active Directory Schema • 125 Identity Awareness • 9
External Users • 9 Important Information • 3
Externally Managed Gateways/Hosts • 44 Initializing Multiple Certificates Simultaneously
• 164
Initializing Trust • 34
Failover Between Active and Standby • 149 Inspection Settings • 69
Fetch User Information Effectively • 113 Installing a Policy Package • 50

Page 172
Installing and Publishing • 51 Monitoring Licenses • 42
Installing the Threat Prevention Policy • 91 More Network Object Types • 43
Installing the User Database • 50
Interoperable Devices • 45 N
Introducing Policy Layers • 52 Netscape LDAP Schema • 112
Introducing the Access Control Policy • 54 Network Groups • 40
IPS • 72 Network Object Types • 40
IPS and Threat Prevention Policy Use Cases • Networks • 40
84 Notifying Users about Certificate Initialization •
IPS Protections Columns • 75 160
LDAP • 9 Object Categories • 38
LDAP and User Directory • 103 Object Tags • 39
LDAP Groups • 9 Objects Management Tab • 131
LDAP Groups for the User Directory • 135 OID Proprietary Attributes • 104
Learning about Malware • 72 Operating System Password • 94
ListOfAttrsToAvoid • 118 Optimized Protection Profile Settings • 83
Log Server • 9 Order of Rule Enforcement • 57
Logical Servers • 45 OrganizationObjectClass • 119, 123
OrganizationRDN • 121
OrgUnitObjectClass • 119, 123
mail • 106 OrgUnitRDN • 121
Management API Settings • 19 Overview of Creating a Threat Prevention Policy
Management High Availability • 144 • 83
Management of Gateway VPN Certificates • 160 Overview of IPS • 72
Management of SIC Certificates • 160
Management of User Certificates in P
SmartConsole • 160 Package • 9
Management Server • 9 Performing Multiple Simultaneous Operations •
Managing Administrator Accounts • 21 159
Managing Certificates • 100 Permissions for Access Control and Threat
Managing Client Certificates • 138 Prevention • 25
Managing Gateways • 33 Permissions for Monitoring, Logging, Events,
Managing LDAP Information • 135 and Reports • 25
Managing Network Access Control • 58 Permissions Profile • 9
Managing Objects • 38 PhoneNumberAttr • 118
Managing Policy Layers • 53 Planning for Management High Availability •
Managing Pre-R80 Security Gateways • 57 145
Managing Security through API and CLI • 19 Planning Security Management • 20
Managing Software Blade Licenses • 40 Policy • 9
Managing the Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Policy Installation History • 52
Base • 79 Policy Management • 47
Managing URL Filtering and Application Control Predefined Rule • 87
• 61 Preferences and Management Settings • 142
Managing User Accounts • 94 Preventing IP Spoofing • 59
Managing User Groups • 102 Profile Attributes • 115
Managing Users on a User Directory Server • Promoting a Secondary Server to Primary • 150
134 Protecting Networks from Bots • 77
member • 106 Protecting Networks from Viruses • 78
memberof template • 111 PsswdDateAttr • 117
Microsoft Active Directory • 124 PsswdDateFormat • 116
Modifying the Key Size for User Certificates • Publishing • 27
Modifying the LDAP Server • 132 Q
Modifying User Directory Profiles • 113 Querying Multiple LDAP Servers • 127
Monitoring Bot Activity • 88
Monitoring High Availability • 145
Page 173
R TemplateObjectClass • 116
The Check Point Solution for Internet Browsing
RADIUS • 94 • 62
Recovery By Creating a New Primary Server • The Columns of the Access Control Rule Base •
149 55
Removing Activation Overrides • 76 The High Availability Environment • 144
Removing and Revoking Certificates and The ICA Management Tool • 156
Sending Email Notifications • 162 The ICA Management Tool GUI • 158
Restoring Window Defaults • 142 The Need for Threat Emulation • 80
Retrieving Information from a User Directory The Search Results • 162
Server • 126 The Security Management Server CLI • 151
Retrieving the ICA Certificate • 160 The User Directory Schema • 104
Revoking Administrator Certificate • 23 Threat Emulation • 80
Revoking Certificates • 140 Threat Prevention Components • 71
Rule Base • 9 Threat Prevention Profiles • 86
Running User Directory Queries • 127 ThreatCloud Emulation • 81
S ThreatSpect Engine and ThreatCloud Repository
• 72
Sample Anti-Bot and Anti-Virus Rule Base • 80 To get quickly up and running with a Threat
Sample Configuration • 93 Prevention policy: • 83
Sample Firewall Rule Base • 59 Tour of SmartConsole • 12
Sample URL Filtering and Application Control Troubleshooting SIC • 36
Rules • 66 Trust State • 35
Scheduling Updates • 92 Types of Rules in the Rule Base • 55
Schema Checking • 104
Search Engine • 15 U
Searching for a Certificate • 161 uid • 106
Secure Internal Communication (SIC) • 34 Understanding SmartConsole • 12
SecurID • 95 Understanding the Check Point Internal
Security Gateway • 9 Certificate Authority (ICA) • 36
Security Management Server • 9 Unified Policy • 54
Security Policy • 9 Uninstalling a Policy Package • 51
Services & Applications • 63 Updating IPS Protections • 91
Setting High Availability Priority • 133 Updating the Gateway Topology • 34
Setting IP Address Versions of the Environment Updating the IPS and Malware Databases • 91
• 142 Updating the Registry Settings • 125
Setting SmartConsole Timeout • 142 User > Authentication • 100
Setting Up for Security Management • 18 User > General Properties • 100
Setting up for Team Work • 18 User > Time • 100
Setting User-to-Group Membership Mode • 114 User Certificate Management • 158
Shared Policies • 16 User Database • 10, 99
SIC • 9 User Directory and Identity Awareness • 103
SIC Certificate Management • 37 User Directory Considerations • 103
SIC Status • 35 User Directory Profiles • 112
SmartConsole • 10 User Directory Schema Attributes • 105
SmartConsole Toolbars • 12 User Groups • 10
SmartDashboard • 10 User Template • 10
Software Blade • 10 UserCheck • 62
Special URL Filtering and Application Control UserCheck Actions • 65
Fields • 63 UserLoginAttr • 115
Submitting a Certificate Request to the CA • 163 UserMembershipAttr • 120
Synchronization Status • 147 UserObjectClass • 119, 123
Synchronizing Active and Standby Servers • 146 UserOCOperator • 120
T userPassword • 106
UserPasswordAttr • 116
TACACS • 95 UserRDN • 122
TemplateMembership • 121 Users • 10
TemplateMembershipAttr • 121 UserTemplateMembershipAttr • 121
Page 174
Using Cloud Emulation • 82
Using the ICA Management Tool • 157

Validation Errors • 51
Viewing and Saving Certificate Details • 162
Viewing Licenses • 41
Viewing Rule Logs • 51
Visual Division of the Rule Base with Sections •
VoIP Domains • 45

Welcome • 11
Working with Database Revisions • 28
Working with LDAP Account Units • 129
Working with Policy Packages • 47
Working with Sessions • 28

Page 175

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