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Improving the Pharmacy Experience

Yao Fun Small Town Pharmacy is the only location one can obtain prescription drugs from. With
the limited options of where one can buy the prescribed drugs the pharmacy is a very busy place.
The local technical university sent its operations management class to observe the average
customer experience and record it according to the specific steps an average customer
The following was the final class listing:
1. Customer arrives
2. Customer takes the ticket
3. Customer waits at a comfortable chair location
4. Customer is called to the pharmacy window
5. Customer hands the pharmacist the prescription
6. Customer returns to the waiting area until his/her prescription is called
7. Customer’s number is called
8. Pharmacist hands the prescription over and provides guidance and advice on how to
take the drugs
9. Customer travels to the cashier line
10. Customer waits in line to pay for the prescription
11. Customer pays for the prescription
12. Customer leaves

a. Create a process flow chart.

b. Identify opportunities for improving the overall process

To improve this existing process, I would suggest the use of technology. An app where we can
upload the prescription and on the next day, we can collect the prescribed drugs and as soon as
the customer collects the drug, he is made aware of the dosage and how to take the drugs and
a cash payment can be given. The process can be as follows:

1. Customer opens the app.

2. Customer uploads the prescription.
3. Customer receives a message the next day to collect the medicines/drugs on a
prescribed time.
4. Customer arrives and shows the message.
5. The pharmacist brings in the medicine with the bill.
6. The pharmacist explains the dosage.
7. Customer pays the bill, collects medicine.
8. Customer leaves.

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