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Biosafety Guidelines for Recombinant DNA Research


During early era of life sciences, biosafety principles and guidelines were mostly applied in the field of
microbiology and medical practices. In recent time, biosafety guidelines are designed and applied to
research involving recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques. Handling, production, storing and
transportation of genetically modified organism (GMOs) involve different biosafety issues under
different category. Biosafety practices deal with the application of standard safety principles handling
hazardous material/agents to minimize potential harmful effect on human health and environment.

The definition of biosafety corresponds to recombinant DNA technology can be described as:
“Application of safety principles to laboratory practices in which potentially hazardous materials or
organism are manipulated or handled.”

National Institutes of Health (NIH) developed certain guidelines on rDNA research in May, 1976.
Similarly, Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of India) has also come out with its set of guidelines
which is available at . Scope of the guidelines suggested by DBT
encompasses research, large scale operations and environmental risks. The guidelines prescribe
specific actions that include establishing safety procedures for rDNA research, production and release
to the environment and setting up containment conditions for certain experiments.

Biosafety regulatory principles and protocols regulates the potential risk and allow access to the
benefits of rDNA technology. Risk assessment and risk management are two important component of

Biosafety Levels (BSL):

All the facilities handling microorganisms and materials containing recombinant DNA molecules have
risk assessment program. Depending on the risk possessed by the samples, four biosafety levels have
been assigned to rDNA research facilities. Each BSL facility has requirement of unique design features
and safety equipments.

Biosafety level-I (BSL-I):

• Agents: Characterized strains of microorganisms known to cause no disease in healthy adults. eg. E.
coli, S. cerevesiae, B. subtilis etc.

• Recombinant DNA based research activities involving non-pathogenic micro-organisms for

expression of genes using plasmid vectors or low risk viral vectors.

• Work practice: Standard aseptic microbiological techniques.

• Safety equipment requirement: Lab coats and eye protection recommended.

• Facilities: Bench top, sink etc.

Biosafety level-II (BSL-II):

• Agents: Handling of micro-organisms which possess moderate hazard to personal and environment.

• rDNA based research activities in micro-organisms using non-viral or viral vectors.

• Work practice: Standard BSL-I practices with addition of limited access, biohazard sign, defined
procedure for disposal of “Regulated Medical Waste”, proper training to lab personal and medical

• Safety equipment: Class-II biological safety cabinet, lab coats, gloves, eye/face protection, physical
containment equipment to reduce infectious aerosol exposure or splashes.

• Facility: BSL-I facility with addition of autoclave, decontamination facility and proper airflow.

Biosafety level-III (BSL-III):

• Agents: Handling of micro-organisms which are designated as hazardous or potentially lethal agents
to personal and environment.

• Laboratory personnel must have specific training in handling infectious micro-organisms and should
be supervised by scientist competent in handling infectious agents.

• Work practices: BSL-2 practices, with the addition of: controlled access, on-site decontamination of
all waste and lab clothing and medical surveillance.

• Safety equipment: Class-III biological safety cabinet, lab coats, gloves, eye/face protection,
respiratory protection, physical containment equipment to reduce infectious aerosol exposure or

• Facility: BSL-III facility has specific criteria to meet. Lab should have double door entry with physical
separation of working area from the access corridors, directional airflow in lab, and no recirculation
of exhaust air in the lab, sufficient decontamination facility, in lab autoclave etc.

Biosafety level-IV (BSL-IV):

• Agents: Hazardous and potentially lethal organisms that posses high individual risk of laboratory
transmitted disease for which there is no vaccine or treatment, or a related agent with unknown risk
of transmission.

• Laboratory personnel must have specialized training in handling BSL-IV agents and should be
supervised by scientist competent in handling infectious agents.

• Safety equipment: Class-IV biological safety cabinet, lab coats, gloves, eye/face protection,
respiratory protection, physical and containment equipment to reduce infectious aerosol exposure or

• Facility: BSL-IV facility requires specialized design to minimize the exposure to risk and only the
authorized entry should be permitted in laboratory area in BSL-IV labs.

Risk Analysis:

The foundation of any safety program is the use of control measures appropriate for the risk posed by
the activities and the agents in use. The process of analyzing and determining the risk associated with
recombinant DNA work is called as Risk analysis. The principle behind biosafety regulations is to
minimize the risk to human health and safety, and the conservation of environment including safe
handling of hazardous material. Risk analysis consists of three components: risk assessment, risk
management and risk communication.

Risk Assessment: Estimation and determination of risk associated with the handling and production
of a recombinant DNA molecule.

Risk Management: The process of analyzing possible prevention measures to minimize the risk and
designing policies accordingly including implementation of them.

Risk Communication: The exchange of information and opinions on risk management between
academic parties, industry, consumers and policy makers.

Risk Assessment:

The biosafety level is determined based on the risk associated with the work. The principle investigator
is responsible for implementing the necessary safety requirements in his/her laboratory. Risk
assessment process accounts the following criteria to determine biosafety level:

i. Pathogenicity – The ability of an organism to cause disease in human system.

ii. Virulence – The severity of the disease (lethal/non lethal, availability of cure etc) in a healthy adult.

iii. Proliferation – the subsequent multiplication, genetic reconstruction, growth, transport,

modification and die-off of these micro-organisms in the environment, including possible transfer of
genetic material to other micro-organisms.

iv. Transmission route – The possible route of transmission (mucous membrane, inhalation etc) to
establish the disease in human or other organism.

v. Infectious dose (ID) – The amount of infectious agent required to cause disease in healthy human.

vi. Antibiotic/disinfectant resistance – The resistance acquired by the infectious agent to available

The risk associated with recombinant DNA technology can be categorized under different headings
based on their implication on different platforms.

General Scientific Considerations-

A. Characteristics of Donor and Recipient Organisms

• Taxonomy, identification, source and culture

• Genetic characteristics of donor and recipient organisms

• Pathogenic and physiological traits of donor and recipient organisms


B. Properties of the modified/engineered organism

C. Description of (a) modification, (b) nature, function and source of the insert, (c) vector construction,
(d) transfer into host, (e) stability of insert, (f) frequency of mobilization, (g) rate and level of
expression, and (h) Influence of the recipient organism on the activity of the foreign protein.

Human Health Considerations:

A. Characteristics of the modified/engineered organism.

• Comparison of the recombinant organism to the wildtype organism regarding pathogenicity.

• Transmission route to human.

• Pathogenicity to humans (or to animals if appropriate).

B. Health considerations generally associated with the presence of non-viable organisms or with the
products of rDNA processes.

C. Management of personnel exposure, including biological measures and physical and organizational

Environmental and Agricultural Considerations:

A. Ecological traits relating to the donor and recipient environment.

B. Properties of environment where the engineered organism are being applied.

C. Survival, multiplication and dissemination of the engineered organism in the environment.

D. Interactions of engineered organism(s) with biological systems (target and non-target populations,
stability, and routes of dissemination).

E. Potential environmental impacts (Effect on target and non-target organisms and ecosystems).

Risk Management:

Risk management in biosafety issues is related to the target site where the practice is conducting
(laboratory, industry, agriculture field etc.).

Recommendations: General

i. Harmonization of approaches to rDNA techniques can be facilitated by exchanging principles or

guidelines for national regulations; developments in risk analysis; and practical experience in risk
management. Therefore, information should be shared as freely as possible.

ii. There is no scientific basis for specific legislation for the implementation of rDNA techniques and
applications. Member countries should examine their existing oversight and review mechanisms to
ensure that adequate review and control may be applied while avoiding any undue burdens that may
hamper technological developments in this field.

iii. Any approach to implement guidelines should not impede future developments in rDNA
techniques. International harmonization should recognize this need.

iv. To facilitate data exchange and minimize trade barriers between countries, further developments
such as testing methods, equipment design, and knowledge of microbial taxonomy should be
considered at both national and international levels. Due account should be taken of ongoing work on
standards within international organizations.

v. Special efforts should be made to improve public understanding of the various aspects of rDNA

vi. For rDNA applications in industry, agriculture and the environment, it will be important for member
countries to watch the development of these techniques. For certain industrial applications and for
environmental and agricultural applications of rDNA organisms, some countries may wish to have a
notification scheme.

vii. Recognizing the need for innovation, it is important to consider appropriate means to protect
intellectual property and confidentiality interests while assuring safety.

Recommendations: Specific for Industry

i. The large-scale industrial application of rDNA techniques wherever possible should utilize
microorganisms that are intrinsically of low risk. Such microorganisms can be handled under
conditions of Good Industrial Large-Scale Practice (GILSP).

ii. If a recombinant microorganism cannot be handled merely by GILSP, measures of containment

corresponding to the risk assessment should be used in addition to GILSP.

iii. Further, research to improve techniques for monitoring and controlling non-intentional release of
rDNA organisms should be encouraged in large-scale industrial applications requiring physical

Containment levels:

Biosafety containment levels have to be designated for a facility depending on the level of risk
associated with the biological and chemical agents used and released from it. Following NIH (National
Institute of Health, USA) and DBT (Department of Biotechnology, India) guidelines, different facilities
for biological research have been classified under three containment levels.

Containment Category 1:

• Viable organisms should be handled in a production system which physically separates the process
from the environment;

• Exhaust gases should be treated to minimize (i.e. to reduce to the lowest practicable level consistent
with safety) the release of viable organisms;

• Sample collection, addition of materials to the system and the transfer of viable organisms to
another system should be done in a manner which minimizes release;

• Bulk quantities of culture fluids should not be removed from the system unless the viable organisms
have been inactivated by validated means;

• Effluent from the production facility should be inactivated by validated means prior to discharge.

Containment Category 2:

• Viable organisms should be handled in a production system which physically separates the process
from the environment;

• Exhaust gases should be treated to prevent the release of viable organisms;

• Sample collection, addition of materials to a closed system and the transfer of viable organisms to
another closed system should be done in a manner which prevents release;

• Culture fluids should not be removed from the closed system unless the viable organisms have been
inactivated by validated chemical or physical means;

• Seals should be designed to prevent leakage or should be fully enclosed in ventilated housings;

• Closed systems should be located in an area controlled according to the requirements;

• Effluent from the production facility should be inactivated by validated chemical or physical means
prior to discharge.

Containment Category 3:

• Viable organisms should be handled in a production system which physically separates the process
from the environment;

• Exhaust gases should be treated to prevent the release of viable organisms;

• Sample collection, addition of materials to a closed system and the transfer of viable organisms to
another closed system should be done in a manner which prevents release;

• Culture fluids should not be removed from the closed system unless the viable organisms have been
inactivated by validated chemical or physical means;

• Seals should be designed to prevent leakage or should be fully enclosed in ventilated housings;

• Production systems should be located within a purpose built controlled area according to the

• Entry should be restricted in the laboratory area and only persons with appropriate authority should
be allowed access to the working area.

Effluent from the production facility should be inactivated by validated chemical or physical means
prior to discharge.

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