Badminton Basics - 1

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Badminton Budget 2019-20

Sr. no. Item name Quantity(Q) Cost per unit (C) Sum = (Q*C) Description/Reason Brand/source name


1 Racquet Gutting 31 450 13950 13 for Inter IIT Camp Players (8 boys + 5 girls), 8 for Inter IIT Team
Yonexand 10 for Institute Owned Racquets used in b
2 Racquet Grips 42 100 4200 13 for Inter IIT Camp Players and 8 for Inter IIT Team - 2 sets Yonex,Decathlon
3 Racquets 4 5000 20000 4 high end racquets for Inter IIT team Yonex,Li-Ning
4 Training Related Equipments For Inter IIT Team and Camp Players
a Resistance Bands 8 650 5200 2+2+2+2 (4 Levels of resistance bands for Inter IIT Team) Decathlon
b Thera/ Body Stretch Bands 8 450 3600 For Inter IIT Team (5 boys + 3 girls) Decathlon
c Agility Hurdles with adjustable Heights 1 2500 2500 1 pack of 6 pieces each for Inter IIT Training Om Sports
d Gym Balls 10 600 6000 Inter IIT Camp Amazon
e Plyometric Box / Jump Box 2 16000 32000 Greatly increases leg and core strength Amazon
f Kettlebells ( 3-5 Kg ) 4 900 3600 2 pcs for each 3 and 5 kg ( Inter IIT Camp ) Amazon
g Foam Rollers 2 1600 3200 Helps in releasing muscle fatigue and self massage Nivea
h Medicine Balls 4 1250 5000 2 pcs for each 3 and 5 kg ( Inter IIT Camp ) Amazon
i Training Racquets 4 3000 12000 120 and 150 gm racquets for Inter IIT Camp Training which enhances
Amazondoubles play
j Exercise Rope ( Battle Rope ) 1 3500 3500 Inter IIT Practice Amazon
k Weighted Vest / Weighted Jacket 4 5000 20000 Enhances Speed and Agility ( Inter IIT Team ) Decathlon
Total 134750

Tournament participation & Outside instituteTraining

1 Out of Station Tournaments

a Travel Allowance 8 3000 24000 Train Tickets costing 1500 for one way (5 boys + 3 girls)
b Registration and Accomodation 8 1500 12000 Registration and Accomodation cost of Rs.1500 per person (5 boys + 3 girls)
c Daily Allowance 24 100 2400 Daily Allowance for 3 days for 8 players

2 Local Tournaments
a Travel Allowance 5 1200 6000 Travel Allowance of Rs.150 for 5 boys and 3 girls for 5 tournaments over the year
b Registration 5 1600 8000 Participation in 5 tournaments for 8 players with an average reg fee of Rs.200
c Daily Allowance 5 800 4000 An allowance of Rs.100 for 5 boys and 3 girls for 5 tournaments over the year

3 Away Club Matches Necessary to gain in-match experience and handle pressure situations
a Travel Allowance 5 1200 6000 Travel cost of Rs.150 for 8 players for 5 Away Club Matches
b Daily Allowance 5 800 4000 An allowance of Rs.100 for 8 players for 5 Away Club Matches
Total 66400

Institute Badminton League - The most loved event

1 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 12 850 10200 among badminton community with over 100 participants Yonex
Advance Training Summer Camp Trials - Trials to be
conducted before endsems for a place
2 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 5 850 4250 in Summer Camp Yonex
SSOS - 45 day programme for beginners and
3 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 6 850 5100 intermediates in Summers Yonex
Advance Training Summer Camp - An exclusive camp of
4 Yonex AS2 (Shuttles) 40 1700 68000 45 days for nurturing players for Inter IIT Yonex
NSO Trials - 2 day trials for getting selected in the year long
5 Yonex AS2 (Shuttles) 10 1700 17000 NSO programme Yonex
Inter Hostel GC - Boys and Girls - To ensure smooth
6 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 25 850 21250 conduction of Inter Hostel General Championships Yonex
Inter IIT Camp Trials - Trials to get selected in the
7 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 5 850 4250 in semester Inter IIT Camp Yonex
8 Yonex AS2 (Shuttles) 125 1700 212500 In Semester Inter IIT Camp - To nurture players for Inter IIT Yonex
Institute Singles Open- expected participation of over
9 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 10 850 8500 64 players Yonex
Institute Doubles Open - Proposed event with participation
10 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 8 850 6800 of 32 teams Yonex
11 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 15 850 12750 PG GC - General Championships for PG's Yonex
Institute Freshmen Open , Freshiesta - Exclusive
12 Yonex Mavis 350 (Shuttles) 5 850 4250 Tournaments for freshmen Yonex
Home and Away Club Matches - In Semester Matches
13 Yonex AS2 (Shuttles) 20 1700 34000 against professional teams and players Yonex
Total 408850

Medical Aid

1 First Aid Kit Box 2 500 1000 2 first aid kit boxes (1 on court and 1 for the team to carry in outstation
Any general
brand would do
Total 1000


1 Gum Resin Powder 4 700 2800 To avoid slipping on the courts Om Sports
Total 2800


1 Lighting 36 7000 252000 To match the lighting standards for 6 courts

2 Exhaust Fans 8 5000 40000 To vent out the heated air in the indoor badminton courts
3 Wifi Routers 2 12000 24000 To bring centralized wifi coverage on courts TP-Link
4 0
Total 316000

Miscellaneous Expenses

1 Notice Boards 2 1200 2400 To provide important information on the courts itself
2 Refreshments 10 500 5000 Fresh Juice, Healthy Nutrition
Total 7400
NSO requirements

1 Yonex AS2 (Shuttles) 90 1700 153000 NSO Yonex

2 Skipping Ropes 10 200 2000 NSO Any brand would do
3 Agility Ladder 10 1100 11000 Increases agility on the courts Pep-up Sports
Total 166000

Total Sum 1103200

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