Good Citizenship Getting Along

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Subject: Social Studies

Grade Level: K

Course: Being a Good citizen

Unit: Being A Good Citizen


Created Date: 9/14/2019 3:21:11 PM

Last Modified: 9/14/2019 12:00:00 AM

Lesson Definition


Main Standard Code: K.R.I.2

Main Standard: Key Ideas and Details: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

Main Lesson Objective

Learner / Behavior: 1. Students will be able to identify ways to get along

Student will be able to... 2. Students will be able to describe the benefits of cooperating, taking turns, and sharing.

Mastery of Objective

Condition: 1. by pointing at the picture at the pictures that shows people get along
(Context of Mastery) 2. using complete sentences in interpreting pictures that shows cooperation, taking turns, and sharing.

Criteria: 1. with 75% of the class giving correct responses.

(Level of Accuracy) 2. with at least 75% student participation.

Lesson Detail

Instructional Modes

• Teacher - Directed Whole - Class Instruction

Behavior Check

Teacher will use "Simon says" game to check behavior

1. Sit Down
2. Quiet Mouth
3. Hands to yourself
4. Eyes on Teacher


Give children opportunities to share their experiences with groups they belong.

Think (stimulate interest)

Show video of different people in different groups.

Know (teach)

Remind children that people belong to many different groups. Have

them identify some of the groups shown on Magazine pp. 4–5. friends,
classmates, teammates Point to and read aloud the heading Getting
Along. Invite children to give examples of how they get along with
family members, such as brothers, sisters, or cousins.
Explain that these pages include both photographs and illustrations.
Explain the difference and ways to tell the two types of images apart.
Point to each image and have children identify it as a photograph or an
illustration. Remind children that the little sentence in black near the
picture is a caption. The caption tells us what the picture is about.
Main Idea
Remind children that the heading is usually a big clue to what the

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section will be about. Have a volunteer explain what getting along
means. Tell them that pictures on Magazine pp. 4–5 are all examples of
ways people can get along with one another.
• Explain Point to the picture that shows children cooperating.
How are these children cooperating? They are using blocks to build.
• Explain Point to the picture that shows children sharing. How are
these children sharing? The girl is letting another girl use her marker.
• Analyze Point to the picture that shows children taking turns.
When do we take turns? We take turns when everyone cannot do
something at the same time. What happens when people don’t take
turns? When we don’t take turns, someone gets left out.
• Use Visuals Point to the picture that shows children being good
sports. How can you tell that they are good sports? They are hitting
each other’s hands after the game and saying “good game.”

Show (check for understanding)

• Make Connections Point to the picture that shows a child doing

their part to help. What do you do to help around your house?
Responses will vary.

• Teacher - Directed Group

Have children analyze the photo of the football teams being good
sports on Magazine p. 5. Invite them to compare the football teams’
uniforms. How are they the same? Possible response: numbers on jerseys,
stripes on sleeves, helmets How are they different? Possible response:
different colors and types of stripes Why do the uniforms need to be
different? Possible response: to show they are different teams Why do they
wear pads and helmets? to stay safe

• Student - Directed Groups

Description: The class is divided into 5 groups.

The Activity is called "Show it to the class"
Teacher will instruct students to:
Group A: Show the class "sharing"
Group B: Show the class " taking turns" Teacher will assist students if they can't come up with the idea.
Ex. Lining Up
Group C: Show us how to be good sport.
Group D: Show us how to be Kind
Group E: Show us how to be courteous/honest.
Instructions to Students: 1. Behavior Check " Simon Says"
2. Group Students
3. You will show the class how to get along.
he Activity is called "Show it to the class"
Teacher will instruct students to:
Group A: Show the class "sharing"
Group B: Show the class " taking turns" Teacher will assist students if they can't come up with the idea.
Ex. Lining Up
Group C: Show us how to be good sport.
Group D: Show us how to be Kind
Group E: Show us how to be courteous/honest.

Group Goal (task/product): Students will present the roles assigned by the teacher/the idea the groups came up with.

• Guided Practice

Minutes: 0

USE the computer to show pictures that show cooperation:

Ex. Building Houses
Cleaning - up
Learn more about the importance of getting along with others.
Ways to Get Along
• Point to the picture that shows children cooperating. How are
these children cooperating? They are working together to plant
• Point to the picture that shows children sharing. How are these
children sharing? They are sharing paints.

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• Independent Practice (Teacher Assigned, with Student Option)

Target (Student chooses one)

Activity 1: Teacher ask students to draw their answer to the question:

What happens when people get along?

• Homework

Target Activity (instuctions to students)

In a piece of paper students will draw how they help at home being a part of a group called FAMILY.

 Includes an assignment that engages the family. (i.e., student interviews a parent, shares and discusses work or topic from the day, completes a
worksheet with a parent)

Resources / Materials and Technology

Resources / Materials: Being a good citizen magazine.

Computer and internet
Slide show
Technology Integration Technology will be used for the review and presenting
(what and how):

Accommodations and Modifications

Accommodations: Extend Think Time

Repeating questions/directions
Speaking slowing
Model instructions

Accelerated: Have children analyze the photo of the football teams being good
sports on Magazine p. 5. Invite them to compare the football teams’
uniforms. How are they the same? Possible response: numbers on jerseys,
stripes on sleeves, helmets How are they different? Possible response:
different colors and types of stripes Why do the uniforms need to be
different? Possible response: to show they are different teams Why do they
wear pads and helmets? to stay safe

Pre-requisite: Point to your list of classroom rules and connect them to the content
on Magazine pp. 4–5. If necessary, make a shortened list based on the
content: 1. Work together. 2. Share. 3. Take turns. 4. Help others. 5. Be a
good sport. Then point to each photo and connect it to a classroom rule.

Personalization Strategies

Strategy: Active Student Responding (e.g., choral response)

Describe the personalization strategy (including Instructional Modes where it is applied)

This is used as an informal assessment of students understanding and is used to assess the objective.

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