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Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Development Control Rules 2014

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

The Statutory Regional Plan (RP) for the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar
Haveli was prepared for a horizon period of 2000- 2020 and sanctioned by the
Administrator, and the same had come into effect from July 2001. Later the Regional
Plan was revised for the horizon period of 2007 – 2021 and the same come into
effect from 11th July, 2007 for the period of 2007 – 2021.

The Regional Plan for the Dadra and Nagar Haveli addresses all the issues for
the urban growth as well as the landuse / landcover at a broader level. To implement
the Regional Plan in its right spirit, the Act envisages to prepare a detail micro plan
called as the “Outline Development Plan” for the prescribed Planning Area. The
Outline Development Plan addresses specifically the major physical, infrastructural,
socio-economic and development issues of the Planning area, providing solutions
akin to the relevant context. The Planning Area was accordingly notified vide dated
7th December 2006.

Further to achieve the above objective within the prescribed Planning Area,
the Planning & Development Authority was constituted vide Notification dated 30th
July 2009. The Dadra and Nagar Haveli Planning and Development Authority
(DNHPDA) thereafter prepared the Outline Development Plan for 2031 under Section
29 of Town and Country Planning Act of U.T of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and the
same was deliberated in the meeting held on 14th July 2010 and recommended for
the approval of the Town and Country Planning Board. The Town and Country
Planning Board in its meeting held on 30th April 2011 recommended the Draft ODP
for approval of Hon’ble Administrator under Section 33 of TCP Act. The Hon’ble
Administrator approved the Draft ODP under Section 34(2) of TCP Act and was
Notified under Section 35 (1) vide Notification No.
DNHPDA/ODP/107(1)/2008/Pt.IV/22 Dtd. 09.01.2012 for inviting objection and

The Committee constituted for examining the objection and suggestions

prepared the report after giving personal hearing to all the applicants who attended
and based on which the report was prepared alongwith the recommendations of the

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Committee and was placed before the Governing Body Meeting held on 4th
December 2012 who recommended the Draft Outline Development Plan with
modification to the Town & Country Planning Board. Thereafter, the Town & Country
Planning board examined the Draft Outline Development Plan along with the
recommendation of the PDA and made certain modifications and recommended the
draft Outline Development Plan in its meeting held on 22nd February 2013 to the
Administrator for approval.

This is the first ODP which is prepared based on a vision for an horizon upto
2031 and later reduced upto 2021 to be in commensurate with the term of the
Regional Plan. The ODP details the land uses upto the micro level and has also
identified several infrastructures required for the same. The ODP has also prepared
several new roads which shall be coherent with the future development t of the
territory. The Plan also visualizes several institutional developments etc. thereby
making the small UT as a Model Place for better living.

I have the pleasure in preparing this document and making it public.

Silvassa Sd/-
28.01.2014 (K.S.Chandrashekar)
Member Secretary,

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

PART I - ADMINISTRATION......................................................................................................... 10
1. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT ........................................................................... 10
2. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS............................................................... 10
3. MEANING AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 10
4. APPLICABILITY ..................................................................................................................... 31
CERTIFICATE ......................................................................................................................... 33
8. PROCEDURE DURING CONSTRUCTION WORK ........................................................... 43
9. NOTICE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF WORK .................................................................. 43
10. DOCUMENTS AT SITE .......................................................................................................... 43
11. INTIMATION REGARDING FOUNDATION ..................................................................... 43
12. CHECKING OF PLINTH COLUMNS UPTO PLINTH LEVEL ........................................ 44
13. DEVIATION DURING CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................... 44
14. COMPLETION CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................ 44
15. OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE .............................................................................................. 44
16. PART OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE ................................................................................... 45
17. AMENDMENTS /MODIFICATIONS .................................................................................... 46
18. INSPECTION ............................................................................................................................ 46
19. UNSAFE BUILDING ............................................................................................................... 46
20. UNAUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................... 46
21. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL ............................................................................................ 47
22. ADDITION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES: ........................................................................ 48
PART II - ZONING & PLANNING REGULATIONS .................................................................... 49
23. LAND USE ZONES .................................................................................................................. 49
24. PERMISSIBLE USES/ACTIVITIES IN VARIOUS ZONES ............................................... 49
RATIO (VPR) ............................................................................................................................ 56
26. DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS (DR) ............................................................................................ 61
28. LAYOUT OR SUB-DIVISION OF LAND ............................................................................. 71
29. SITE REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL BUILDINGS ....................................................... 77

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

30. PROVISION FOR LIG/EWS HOUSING ............................................................................... 77

31. PARKING .................................................................................................................................. 78
32. DISTANCES FROM ELECTRIC LINES .............................................................................. 81
33. HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF AERODROMES............................... 81
34. STRUCTURES VIOLATING THE RULES .......................................................................... 83
35. RULES REGARDING GREEN BUILDINGS ....................................................................... 84
36. REGULATIONS FOR BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENT ............................................... 88
SAFETY NORMS ..................................................................................................................... 91
PART III: GENERAL BUILDING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 93
39. SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF VARIOUS PARTS OF BUILDING ................................... 93
40. FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 108
PART IV - STRUCTURAL SAFETY AND SERVICES .............................................................. 115
41. STRUCTURAL DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 115
PART V – ANNEXURES .................................................................................................................. 124
ANNEXURE 2 .................................................................................................................................... 126
ANNEXURE 3 .................................................................................................................................... 127
ANNEXURE 4 .................................................................................................................................... 128
ANNEXURE 5 .................................................................................................................................... 129
ANNEXURE 6 .................................................................................................................................... 130
ANNEXURE 7 .................................................................................................................................... 132
ANNEXURE 8 .................................................................................................................................... 133
ANNEXURE 9 .................................................................................................................................... 134
ANNEXURE 10 .................................................................................................................................. 135
ANNEXURE 11 .................................................................................................................................. 136
ANNEXURE 12 .................................................................................................................................. 137
ANNEXURE 13 .................................................................................................................................. 138
ANNEXURE 14 .................................................................................................................................. 139
ANNEXURE 15 .................................................................................................................................. 140
ANNEXURE 16 .................................................................................................................................. 141
ANNEXURE 17 .................................................................................................................................. 142
ANNEXURE 18 .................................................................................................................................. 143
ANNEXURE 19 .................................................................................................................................. 145

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

ANNEXURE 20 .................................................................................................................................. 150

ANNEXURE 21 .................................................................................................................................. 152
ANNEXURE 22 .................................................................................................................................. 153
ANNEXURE 23 .................................................................................................................................. 154
ANNEXURE 24 .................................................................................................................................. 155

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


TABLE 1 : COLORING OF PLANS: ............................................................................................................................ 35

TABLE 2 : CHARGES FOR STACKING BUILDING MATERIALS ON PUBLIC ROADS ....................................................... 39
TABLE 3: LANDUSE ZONES AS PER OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2021 ............................................................... 49
TABLE 4 : PARAMETERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FARM BUILDINGS ....................................................................... 53
TABLE 5 : PERMISSIBLE FLOOR SPACE INDEX (FSI) .......................................................................................... 56
RESIDENTIAL ................................................................................................................................................ 62
RESIDENTIAL CUM COMMERCIAL ................................................................................................................. 63
COMMERCIAL ............................................................................................................................................... 65
GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE (I1) ................................................................................................................. 67
INDUSTRIAL ZONE (I2) ................................................................................................................................. 69
TABLE 13: MINIMUM PLOT SIZES FOR RESIDENTIAL USERS IN A LAYOUT .............................................................. 72
TABLE 15: MINIMUM PLOT SIZES FOR COMMERCIAL USERS IN A LAYOUT ............................................................. 73
TABLE 17: MINIMUM PLOT SIZES FOR INDUSTRIAL USERS IN A LAYOUT................................................................ 74
COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/OTHER THAN RESIDENTIAL PURPOSE ................................................................. 74
TABLE 22: SIZE OF PARKING FOR DIFFERENT VEHICULAR MODES ........................................................................ 78
TABLE 23: PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR VARIOUS LAND-USES/BUILDINGS ........................................................... 78
TABLE 25: BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF AERODROMES ............................................... 81
TABLE 26 : OCCUPANT LOAD ................................................................................................................................. 93
TABLE 27 : MINIMUM SIZE AND WIDTH OF HABITABLE ROOMS ............................................................................ 94
TABLE 28 : MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF HABITABLE ROOMS ................................................................. 95
TABLE 29 : AREA AND FLOOR DIMENSION OF BATHROOM AND WATER CLOSET................................................... 96
TABLE 30 : PERMISSIBLE AREA OF LOFT ................................................................................................................ 98
TABLE 32 : SIZE OF VENTILATION SHAFTS ........................................................................................................... 107
TABLE 33 : WIDTH AND NUMBER OF EXITS FOR VARIOUS OCCUPANCIES ........................................................... 110

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014




In exercise of the powers conferred in Section 140 of Goa, Daman and Diu Town and Country
Planning Act, 1974 (Act 21 of 1975) as extended to the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar
Haveli vide Notification NO.GSR-749 (E) dated 30.10.84 by Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India and made applicable from 01-12-1990 vide Notification
NO.ADM/LAW/ATP/108(7)/90 dated 29-11-90, the Administrator, Dadra and Nagar Haveli
is hereby pleased to make the following Development Control (Revised) Rules for the
Planning Area of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.


1.1. These rules shall be called the Dadra and Nagar Haveli Development Control Rules
1.2. These rules shall apply to the building activity and development work in the planning
area of the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli as per the Zoning provisions in
the Outline Development Plan 2021 of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. If there is conflict
between the requirements of these rules and those of any other rules or bye-laws of
any local authority, these rules shall prevail.
1.3. These rules shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official gazette
and shall replace all other existing Building Regulations /Development Control Rules
under any Act.


2.1. General – in these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms and
expressions shall have the same meaning indicated against each of them

2.2. The terms and expressions not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as in
the Goa, Daman and Diu Town and Country Planning Act, 1974 (Act 21 of 1975) as
extended to the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.


3.1. Accessory Building

Means a building separated from the main building on a plot, and to put to use one
or more accessory uses.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.2. Accessory Use

Means use of building subordinate and customarily incidental to the principal use.

3.3. Act
Means the Goa, Daman and Diu Town and Country Planning Act,1974 (Act 21 of
1975) as extended to the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli vide
Notification No.GSR-749(E) dated 30-10-84 by Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India and made applicable from 01-12-1990 vide Notification
No.ADM/LA/W/ATP/108(7)/90 dated 29-11-90.

3.4. Advertising Plan

Means any surface or structure with Characters, letter of illustrations applied thereto
and displayed in any manner whatsoever out of doors for the purpose of advertising
or giving information regarding or to attract the public to any place, person, public
performance, article or merchandise, and which surface or structure is attached to,
forms part of or is connected with any building, or is fixed to a tree or to the ground
or to any pole, screen, fence or hoarding or displayed in space; or in or over any
water body in the entire Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

3.5. Air-Conditioning
Means the process of treating air to control simultaneously its temperature,
humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the requirement of an enclosed space

3.6. Addition and/or alteration

Means change from one occupancy to another, or a structure change, such as
addition to the area or height, or the removal of part of a building or a change to the
structure, such as the construction or cutting into or removal of any wall or part of a
wall, partition, column, beam, joist, floor including a mezzanine floor or other
support, or a change to or closing of any required means of ingress or egress, or a
change to mixtures or equipment, as provided in these Regulations.

3.7. Amenity
Means roads, streets, open spaces, parks, recreational grounds, play grounds,
gardens, sports complex, parade ground, markets, primary schools, secondary
schools, colleges, polytechnics, Clinics, dispensaries, hospitals, parking lots, water
supply, electric supply, street lighting, sewerage, drainage, public works and
includes other utilities, services and conveniences.

3.8. Architect
Means an architect who is an associate or corporate member of the Indian Institute
of Architects or who holds a degree or diploma which makes him eligible for such

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

membership for such qualifications listed in Schedule XIV of the Architects Act,
1972 and being duly registered with the Council of Architecture under that Act.

3.9. Atrium
Means a sky lighted naturally/ artificially ventilated area in buildings, with no
intermediate floors, often containing plants and used as circulation space or an
entrance foyer.

3.10. Automatic sprinkler system

Means an arrangement of pipes and sprinklers, automatically operated by heat and
discharging water on fire, simultaneously setting an audible alarm

3.11. Balcony
Means a horizontal projection, including a parapet, hand-rail balustrade, to serve as a
passage or sitting out place

3.12. Basement or cellar

Means the lower storey of a building below the ground level

3.13. Building
Means a structure, constructed with any materials whatsoever for any purpose,
whether used for human habitation or not, and includes excavation except for the
purpose of digging for foundation bore well and or compound wall, foundation
plinth, wall, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing, and building services, fixed
platforms; verandahs, balconies, cornices, projections; part of a building or any
things affixed thereto; any wall enclosing or intended to enclose land or space, signs
and outdoor display structures; tanks constructed for storage of chemicals or
chemicals in liquid form; and all types of buildings defined in 3.13 below, except
tents, shamianas and tarpaulin shelters erected for temporary purposes for
ceremonial occasions, with the permission of the Authority/PDA or any other officer
empowered by him /her in this behalf.

3.13.1. Assembly Buildings means a building or part thereof where groups of people
congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, patriotic, civil,
travel and similar purposes, and include buildings of drama and cinema theatres,
drive-in-theatres, assembly halls, city halls, town halls, auditoria, exhibition
halls, museums, ‘mangal karyalayas’, skating rinks, gymnasia, stadia, hotels,
restaurants, eating of boarding houses, places of worship, dance halls, clubs,
gymkhanas, road, air, sea or other public transportation stations, and recreation

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.13.2. Biotechnology Building (BT) Includes any building which is used as Bio-
technology Unit, as certified by the Development Commissioner (Industries) or
any other officer authorized by him in this behalf.

3.13.3. Business building means any building or part thereof used for transaction of
business and/or keeping of accounts and record therefore, offices, banks,
professional establishments, court houses being classified as business buildings
if their principal function is transaction of business and/or keeping of books and

3.13.4. Detached building means a building with walls and roofs independent of any
other building and with open spaces on all sides.

3.13.5. Educational building means a building exclusively used for a school or college
or educational institution recognized by the appropriate Board or University, or
any other competent authority involving assembly for instruction, education or
recreation incidental to educational use, and including a building for such other
users incidental thereto such as library or a research institution. It shall also
include quarters for essential staff required to reside in the premises, and a
building used as a hosted captive to an educational institution whether situated in
its campus or not.

3.13.6. Farm building means a structure erected on land assessed or held for the
purpose of agriculture for all or any of the following purposes connected with
such land or any other and belonging to or cultivated by the holder thereof,
• for the storage of agricultural implements, manure or fodder;
• for the storage of agricultural produce
• For sheltering cattle
• For the residence of members of the family, servants or tenants of the
holder, or
• For any other purpose which is an integral part of his cultivating

3.13.7. Floriculture Land-use includes any land used for farming of flowers, treatment,
storage, packaging, and preservation of flowers.

3.13.8. Hazardous building means a building or part thereof used for storage,
handling, manufacture or processing of radioactive substances or highly
combustible or explosive materials or products which are liable to burn with
extreme rapidity and/or producing poisonous fumes or explosive emanations;
and a building or part thereof used for storage, handling, manufacture or

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

processing of which involves highly corrosive, toxic or noxious alkalis, acids, or

other liquids, gases or chemicals producing flame, fumes and explosive mixtures
or which result in division of matter into fine particles capable of spontaneous

3.13.9. Information Technology Building (IT) includes any building used primarily
for the development of computer software and hardware; IT enabled services
(ITeS) and equipment relating to earth station, V-SAT, routers, transponders,
covered and dish antenna, transmission towers and other similar I.T. related uses.

3.13.10. Industrial building means a building or part thereof wherein products or

material are manufactures and/or fabricated, assembled or processed, such as
assembly plants, laboratories, power plans, refineries, gas plants, mills, diaries
and factories.
A.) Service Industry Class-A means any industry which is engaged in producing,
servicing or repairing goods or articles for consumption by persons residing in
the neighborhood and which fulfills the following three conditions:
i. The number of persons employed in any establishment does not exceed 9,
ii. The maximum power requirement of such establishment does not exceed
10H.P and
iii. The floor area occupied by such establishment does not exceed 50 Sq.m and
shall include particularly any industry mentioned in Annexure 19.

B.) Service Industry Class-B means any industry which is engaged in producing,
servicing or repairing goods or articles for consumption in the neighborhood
and which fulfills the following three conditions:
i. The number of persons employed in any establishment does not exceed 20,
ii. The maximum power requirement of such establishment does not exceed 20
H.P., and
iii. The floor area occupied by such establishment does not exceed 250 Sq.m and
shall include particularly and industry mentioned in Annexure 19.

3.13.11. Institutional building means a building constructed by Government, Semi-

Government organizations or registered Trusts / societies, individuals etc, and
used for medical or other treatment, a hostel for working women or for an
auditorium or complex for cultural and allied activities or for an hospice, care
of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, handicap, disease or
infirmity care of orphans, abandoned women, children and infants,
convalescents, destitute or aged persons and for penal or correctional detention
with restricted liberty of the inmates ordinarily providing sleeping

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

accommodation, and includes dharamshalas, hospitals, sanatoria, custodial and

penal institutions such as jails, prison, mental hospitals, houses of correction,
detention and reformatories.

3.13.12. Mercantile building means a building or part thereof used as shops, stores or
markets for display and sale of wholesale or retail goods or merchandise,
including office, storage and service facilities incidental thereto located in the
same building.

3.13.13. Multi-storey building or “High-rise building” means a building of height of

15 meters or more above the ground level / stilt level whichever is applicable

3.13.14. Nanotechnology Building (NT) includes a building which is used for

development of nanotechnology unit, as certified by the Development
Commissioner (Industries) or any other officer authorized by him in this

3.13.15. Office building & (premises) means a building or premises or part thereof
whose principal use is for an office or for office purposes or clerical work.
“Office purposes” includes the purpose of administration, clerical work,
handling money, telephone, telegraph and computer operation; and “clerical
work” includes writing, book-keeping, sorting papers, typing, filling,
duplicating, punching cards or tapes machines calculations, drawing of matter
for publication and editorial preparation of matter for publication.

3.13.16. Residential building means a building in which sleeping accommodation is

provided for normal residential purposes, with cooking or dining facilities, and
includes one or more family dwellings, lodging or rooming houses, hostels,
dormitories apartment houses, flats, & private garages of such buildings.

3.13.17. Semi-detached building means a building detached on three sides with open
spaces as specified in these rules.

3.13.18. Special building means a building solely used for the purpose of a drama or
cinema theatre, a drive-in-theatre, an assembly hall or auditorium, an
Exhibition hall, theatre museum, a stadium, a “mangal karyalaya’ or where the
built-up area of such a user exceeds 600 sq.mts. in the case of mixed
occupants; or an industrial building; a hazardous building; a building of a
wholesale establishment; residential hotel building or centrally air-conditioned
building / Shopping Malls/ Multiplexes etc which exceeds 15 m in height
and/or a total built-up area of 600

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.13.19. Storage building: means a building or part thereof used primarily for storage
or shelter or goods, wares, merchandise and includes a building used as a
warehouse, cold storage, foreign depot, transit shed, store house, public
garages, hangar, truck terminal, grain elevator, barn and stable.

3.13.20. Unsafe building: means a building which is structurally unsafe, is insanitary,

is not provided with adequate means of egress, constitutes a fire hazard, is
dangerous to human life in relating to its existing use constitutes a hazard to
safety or half or public welfare by reasons of inadequate maintenance,
dilapidation or abandonment.

3.13.21. Wholesale establishment: means an establishment wholly or partly engaged

in wholesale trade and manufacturer, wholesale outlets, including related
storage facilities, warehouses and establishments engaged in truck transport,
including truck transport booking agencies.

3.14. Building Control Line

Means the distance of the building ie plinth, from the centre of the road as per the
Right of Way prescribed in the Outline Development Plan. In corner plots, the
building control line shall be as per the size of the next hierarchy road.

3.15. Building line

Means the line upon which the plinth or building adjoining a street or an extension
of a street on or a future street may lawfully extent and includes the lines prescribed,
if any.

3.16. Built up area

Means the area covered by a building on all floors including cantilevered portion, if
any, excepting the areas excluded specifically in these Regulations.

3.17. Cabin
Means a non-residential enclosure constructed of non load bearing partitions.

3.18. Canopy
Means Cantilevered projection at Lintel level over any entrance.

3.19. Carpet area

Means the net usable floor area within a building excluding the walls or any other
areas specifically exempted from floor space index computation in these

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.20. Chief Officer:

Means the Chief Officer appointed by the Govt. under the Municipal Regulation for
any Municipal Council to whom the duties and functions of the Chief Officer may
be assigned within the territory.

3.21. Chimney
Means a construction by means of which a flute is formed for the purpose of
carrying products of combustion to the open air and includes a chimney stack and
the flute pipe;

3.22. Chajja
Means a structural overhang provided over opening on external walls for protection
from the weather.

3.23. Chowk
Means a fully or partially enclosed space permanently open to the sky within a
building at any level; an “Inner chowk” being enclosed on all sides and an “Outer
chowk” having one unclosed side.

3.24. Authority
Means the Authority appointed by the Government for the UT of Dadra & Nagar
Haveli and shall include any other office or officers to whom the duties and
functions of the Authority may be assigned.

3.25. Combustible
Means that material which when burnt adds heat to a fire when tested for
combustibility in accordance with the IS: 3808 1979 method of Test for
Combustibility of Building Materials and/or as per National Building Code of India
2005 (Latest additions of such standard as applicable from time to time.

3.26. Construction Engineer

Means a person holding a Degree in Civil Engineering or Construction Management
recognized by AICTE with three years experience in construction or Diploma in
Civil Engineering with 7 years experience in construction.

3.27. Convenient shopping

Means shops, each with a carpet area not exceeding 35sq.m except where otherwise
indicated and comprising those dealing with day to day requirements

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.28. Contiguous holding

Means a continuous piece of land in single ownership irrespective of separate
property register cards/possession receipts of plots.

3.29. Compliance
Means the verification of properties of construction materials based on test data and
verification of the strength and structural adequacy for various components of
building and structures

3.30. Corridor
Means a common passage of circulation space including a common entrance hall

3.31. Courtyard
Means a space permanently open to the sky within the site around a structure.

3.32. Dharamshalas
Means a building used as a space or religious assembly, a rest house, a place in
which charity is exercised with religious or social motive or a lace wherein a certain
sanction of people have right or are granted residence without payment or on
nominal payment.

3.33. Damp proof course

Means course consisting of some appropriate water proofing material provided to
prevent penetration of dampness of moisture.

3.34. Detached Building

Means a building whose walls and roofs are independent of any other building with
open spaces on all sides.

3.35. Drain
Means a system or a line of pipes, with their fittings and accessories which are
manholes, inspection chambers, traps, gullies, and floor traps used for drainage of
buildings or yards, appurtenant to the buildings within the same cartilage. A drain
includes an open channel or conveying surface water or a system for the removal of
any liquid.

3.36. Developers
Person(s) who develops agricultural/ Non agricultural land for the purpose of
establishing an industrial /Residential /Commercial complexes etc.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.37. Enclosed staircase

Means a staircase separated by fire resistant walls and doors from the rest of the

3.38. Escape route

Means any well ventilated corridor, staircase or other circulation space, or any
combination of the same, by means of which a safe place in the open air at ground
level can be reached.

3.39. Existing building

Means the use of a building or a structure existing before the commencement of
these Regulations

3.40. Existing use

Means use of a building or structure existing before the commencement of these

3.41. Exit
Means a passage, channel or means of egress from any building, storey of floor area
to a street or other open space of safety; horizontal, outside and vertical having
meanings at (i), (ii) & (iii) respectively as under:

i. Horizontal exit means an exit which is a protected opening through or around

a fire wall or a bridge connecting two or more buildings.

ii. Outside exit means an exit from a building to a public way, to an open area
leading to a public way or to an enclosed fire resistant passage leading to a
public way.

iii. Vertical exit means an exit used for ascending or descending between two or
more levels, including stairways, smoke-proof towers ramps, escalators and
fire escapes.

3.42. External wall

Means an outer wall of a building not being a partition wall, even though adjoining a
wall of another building; and also means a wall abutting on an interior open space of
any building

3.43. Fire and/or emergency alarm system

Means an arrangement of call points or detectors, sounders and other equipment for
the transmission and indication of alarm signals working automatically or manually
in the case of fire or other emergency

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.44. Fire lift

Means a special lift designed for the use of fire service personnel in the event of fire
or other emergency.

3.45. Fire proof door

Means a door or shutter fitted to a wall opening, and constructed and erected with
the requirement to check the transmission of heat and fire for a specified period.

3.46. Fire Pump

Means a machine, driven by external power for transmitting energy to fluids by
coupling the pump to a suitable engine or motor, which may have varying
outputs/capacity but shall be capable of having a pressure of 3.2 kg/cm2 at the
topmost level of a multi-storied or high rise building

3.47. Booster fire pump

Means a mechanical/electrical device which boost up the water pressure at the top
level of a multistory high rise building and which is capable of a pressure of 3.2
kg/cm2 at the nearest point

3.48. Fire resistance

Means the time during which a fire resistant material i.e. material having a certain
degree of fire resistance, fulfills its function of contributing to the fire safety of a
building when subjected to prescribed conditions of heat and load or restraint. The
fire resistance test of structure shall be done in accordance with IS: 3809-1979 (or
last edition as applicable from time to time) Fire Resistance Test for Structure.

3.49. Fire separation

Means the distance in meter measured from any other building on the site from
another site, or from the opposite side of a street or other public space to the building

3.50. Fire service inlet

Means a connection provided at the base of a building for pumping up water
through-in-built fire fighting arrangements by fire service pumps in accordance with
the recommendations of the Chief Fire Officer or any authorized officer.

3.51. Fire tower

Means an enclosed staircase which can only be approached from the various floors
through landings or lobbies separated from both the floor area and the staircase by
fire-resistant doors and open to the outer air

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.52. Floor
Means the lower surface in a storey on which, one normally walks in a building and
does not include mezzanine floor. The floor at ground level with a direct access to a
street or open space shall be called the ground floor; the floor above it shall be
termed as floor 1, with the next higher floor being as floor 2, and so on upwards.

3.53. Floor space index (FSI)

or Floor Area Ratio (FAR) means the quotient of the ratio of the combined gross
covered area (plinth area) on all floors, excepting areas specifically exempted under
these Regulations, to the total area of the plot viz;
Total Built up area on all floors /Total Plot area

3.54. Footing
Means a foundation unit constructed in brick work or stone masonry or concrete
under the base of a wall or column for the purpose of distributing the load over a
large area

3.55. Foundation
Means that part of the structure which is in direct contact with and transmitting loads
to the ground

3.56. Gallery
Means an intermediate floor or platform projecting from wall of an auditorium or a
hall, providing extra floor area, and/or additional seating accommodations. It also
includes the structures provided for seating in stadia.

3.57. Garage –Private

Means a building or a portion thereof designed and used for the parking of vehicles.

3.58. Garage –Public

Means a building or a portion thereof designed other than as a private garage,
operated for gain, designed and/or used for repairing, servicing, hiring, selling or
storing or parking motor-driven or other vehicles.

3.59. Gaunthan or Village Site

Means the lands included within the site of a village at the commencement of the
Dadra and Nagar Haveli Land revenue Regulation in accordance with any survey,
custom or usage or which may be declared as included within the site of village in
accordance with the provisions of the said Regulation.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.60. Geo-Technical Engineer

Means a person holding BE Civil Engineering in Soil mechanics or Geo technical
engineering with 3 years experience.

3.61. Group Housing Society:

Means in a building/ plot where more than 11 houses are constructed and are having
a common road with common spaces, open areas and have formed a society or
association and are maintaining the common amenities together by contributing a
sum as decided by the governing body of the society

3.62. Habitable room

Means an occupied room, but excluding a bath-room, water closet, compartment,
laundry, serving and storing pantry, corridor, cellar, attic, store-room, pooja-room
and space not frequently used.

3.63. Hazardous material

Means –
i. Radioactive substances
ii. which is highly combustible or explosive and /or which may produce fume or
explosive emanations or storage, handling, processing or manufacturing of
which may involve highly corrosive, toxic or noxius alkalis or acids or other
iii. other liquids or chemicals producing flame, fumes, explosive, poisonous,
irritant or corrosive gases or which may produce explosive mixture of dust or
fine particles capable of spontaneous ignition.

3.64. Height of a building

Means the vertical distance measured, in the case of flat roofs, from the average
level of the ground excluding stilt height to the terrace of last livable floor of the
building adjacent to the external walls. Excluding the height of parapet wall,
headroom, lift room, water tank and architectural features. And in the case of
pitched roofs, up to the point where the external surface of the outer wall intersects
the finished surface of the sloping roof, and, in the case of gables facing the road, the
mid-point between the eaves level and the ridge. Architectural features serving on
other functions except that of the decorations shall be excluded for the purpose of
taking heights. If the building does not abut a street, the height shall be measured
above the average level of the ground around and contiguous to the building.
Height in the above regulation, shall be measured from the road level/plot level whichever is
higher, to the highest point in the building, excluding the parapet height not exceeding 1.5m.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.65. Height of a room

Means the vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the finished
ceiling /slab surface. The height of a room with a pitched roof means the average
height between the finished floor surface and the bottom of the eaves and the bottom
of the ridge.

3.66. High Rise Building:

Means all the buildings which are 15 metres and above in height excluding the
height of the stilt as already specified in Clause 3.13.13.

3.67. Hearing Disabilities:

Deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual insecure in public

areas because he/she is unable to communicate or hear warning signals.

3.68. Home occupation

Means customary home occupation other than the conduct of an eating or a drinking
place offering services to the general public, customarily carried out by a member of
the family residing on the premises without employing hired labour, and for which
there is no display to indicate from the exterior of the building that it is being
utilized in whole or in part for any purpose other than a residential or dwelling use,
and in connection with no article or service is solid or exhibited for sale except that
which is produced therein, which shall be non-hazardous and not affecting the safety
of the inhabitants of the building and the neighborhood, and provided that no
mechanical equipment is used except that as is customarily used for purely domestic
or household purposes and/or employing licensable goods. If motive power is used,
the total electricity load should not exceed 0.75KW. “Home Occupation” may also
include such similar occupations as may be specified by the Authority and subject to
such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.

3.69. Integrated Township

Means development of land admeasuring minimum 20 Ha at one place, contiguous,
unbroken and uninterrupted for predominantly residential purpose with adequate
provision for physical and social infrastructure as prescribed under these rules.

3.70. Ledge or “Tand”

Means a shelf-like projection supported in any manner, except by vertical supports,
within a room itself but with a projection of more than half a meter.

3.71. Licensed Builder /Contractor

Means who is registered with the Authority to build in the limits of the Authority

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.72. Licensed Surveyor /Engineering /Structural Engineer /Supervisor

Means a qualified surveyor or engineer, or supervisor, licensed by any planning
authority or any State Government or by the Administration of Daman, Diu and
Dadra & Nagar Haveli

3.73. Lift
Means a mechanically guided car, platform, or transport for persons and materials
between two or more levels in a vertical or substantially vertical direction

3.74. Loft
Means an intermediate floor between two floors or a residual space in a pitched roof
above normal level constructed for storage

3.75. Masonry
Means an assemblage of masonry units properly bound together by mortar.

3.76. Masonry unit

Means a unit whose net cross-sectional areas in very plane parallel to the bearing
surface is 75 per cent or more of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same
plane. It may be clay, brick, stone, concrete block or sand-lime brick.

3.77. Mezzanine floor

Means an intermediate floor not being a loft, between the floor and ceiling of any

3.78. Municipal Council:

Any Urban Local Body formulated under the DNH Municipal Regulations.

3.79. Natural Hazard

The probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a
potentially damaging natural phenomenon

3.80. Natural Hazard Prone Areas:

Areas likely to have moderate to high intensity of earthquake, or cyclonic storm, or
significant flood flow or inundation, or landslides /mud flows /avalanches, or one or
more of these hazards.
Note: Moderate to very high damage risk zones of earthquakes are as shown in
Seismic Zones III, IV and V specified in IS: 1893; moderate to very high damage
risk zones of cyclones are those areas along the sea coast of India prone to having
wind velocities of 30 m/s or more as specified in IS875 (Part 3 and flood prone

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

areas in river plains (unprotected and protected) are indicated in the Flood Atlas of
India prepared by the Central Water Commission.

3.81. Non-ambulatory Disabilities:

Impairments that, regardless of cause or manifestation, for all practical purposes,

confine individuals to wheel chairs.

3.82. Non-combustible
Means not liable to burn or add heat to a fire when tested for combustibility in
accordance with the IS3808-1979 (or latest edition) Method of Test for Non-
Combustibility of Building Materials

3.83. Occupancy or Use

Means the principal occupancy or use for which a building or a part of it is used or
intended to be used, including contingent subsidiary occupancies; mixed occupancy
buildings being those in which more than one occupancy are present-in-different
portions of the buildings.

3.84. Open Space

Means an area forming an integral part of a land left permanently open to the sky

3.85. Planning and Development Authority

Means the Authority formed under Section 18 of the T&CP Act of DNH.

3.86. Lessee:
In respect of any area/ plot/building where a lease deed has been executed in favor
of its allottee.

3.87. Grantor:
Means in respect of “Industrial Area” means where Administration of Dadra and
Nagar Haveli has executed the Agreement to Lease or License in favor of its

3.88. Licensee:
In respect of “Industrial Area” means the allottee in favour of whom Administration
of Dadra and Nagar Haveli has executed Agreement to Lease.

3.89. N.A Permission

Means permission granted under Land Revenue Regulation by the Authority to use
any agricultural land for non-agricultural purpose.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.90. Organized Development

Means development of land admeasuring 2.5ha or more carried out by or under the
overall control of a single agency in accordance with a proper sub-division plan or
layout of buildings with adequate provision of infrastructural facilities, such as,
roads, storm water drainage, sewerage, water supply, power supply, etc. as specified
by these Rules, and may involve consolidation of adjoining land parcel into a large

3.91. Owner
Means a person who receives rent for the use of the land or building or would be
entitled to do so if it were let, and includes:-
i. an authorized agent or trustee who receives such rent on behalf of the owner;
ii. a receiver, executor or administrator, or a manager appointed by any court of
competent jurisdiction to have the charge of or to exercise the rights of the
iii. an agent or trustee who receives the rent of or is entrusted with or is entrusted
with or is concerned with any building devoted to religious or charitable
purposes; and
iv. A mortgage in possession.

3.92. Parapet
Means a low wall or railing built along with edge of roof or a floor.

3.93. Parking space

Means an enclosed or unenclosed, covered or open area sufficient in size to park
vehicles. Parking spaces shall be served by a driveway connecting them with a
street or alley and permitting ingress or egress of vehicles.

3.94. Partition
Means an interior non-load bearing divider one storey or part storey in height

3.95. Permission
Means a valid permission or authorization in writing by the competent authority to
carry out development or a work regulated by the Regulations

3.96. Plinth
Means the portion of a structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and
surface of the floor immediately above the ground

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.97. Plinth area

Means the built-up covered area measured at the floor level of the basement or of
any storey whichever is larger.

3.98. Plot
Means a contiguous parcel or piece of land enclosed by definite boundaries

3.99. Plot - Corner

Means a plot at the junction of and fronting on two or more roads or streets

3.100. Plot Depth

Means the mean horizontal distance between the front and rear plot boundaries

3.101. Plot with double frontage

Means a plot having a frontage on two streets other than a corner plot

3.102. Porch
Means a covered surface supported on pillars or otherwise for the purpose of a
pedestrian or whether approach to a building.

3.103. Planning Brief

Means a statement by the Planning Authority specifying mandatory and optional
planning requirements relating to the land for which Organized Development is

3.104. Retrofitting
Means upgrading the strength of an unsafe building by using suitable engineering

3.105. Road /Street

Means any highway, street, lane, pathway, alley, stairway, passageway, carriageway,
footway, square, place or bridge over which the public have a right of passage,
whether existing or proposed and includes all bunds channels, ditches, storm water
drains, service corridors for sewage lines, /electric lines, culverts, sidewalks, traffic
islands ,road side trees and hedges, retaining walls, fences, barriers and railings.

3.106. Road /Street –level or grade

Means the officially established elevation or grade of the centre line of the street
upon which a plot fronts, and if there is no officially established grade, the existing
grade of the street at its mid-point.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.107. Road /Street line

Means the line defining the side limits of a road /street

3.108. Road width or “Width of road /street”

Means the whole extent of space within the boundaries of a road measured at right
angles to the course or intended course of direction of such road.

3.109. Row housing

Means a row of houses with only front, rear and interior open spaces

3.110. Semi-ambulatory Disabilities

Impairments that cause individuals to walk with difficulty or insecurity. Individuals
using braces or crutches, amputees, arthritis, spastics, and those with pulmonary and
cardiac ills may be semi-ambulatory.

3.111. Service road

Means a road/lane provided at the front, rear or side of a plot for service purpose.

3.112. SEZ Act

Means the Special Economic Zone Act, 2005, enacted by the Central Government
and its revisions from time to time

3.113. Sight Disabilities

Total blindness or impairments affecting sight to the extent that the individual,
functioning in public areas, is the insecure or exposed to danger

3.114. Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

Means geographical area notified as Special Economic Zone by Govt. of India under
the SEZ Act, 2005.

3.115. Special Building

Means buildings housing large gathering at a time such as cinemas, theaters,
meeting halls, assembly halls, lecture halls, town hall and the like.

3.116. Smoke-stop door

Means a door for preventing or checking the spread of smoke from one area to

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.117. Stair-cover
Means a structure with a covering roof over a staircase and its landing built to
enclose only the stairs for the purpose of providing protection from the weather, and
not used for human habitants

3.118. Storey
Means the portions of a building included between the surface of any floor and the
surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it then the space
between any floor and the ceiling next above it.

3.119. Structural Engineer

Means a person holding BE Civil Engineering with minimum 10 years experience in
structural design work or ME structural engineering / earthquake or Ph.D in
Structural Engineering with 3 years experience.

3.120. Structural Safety

Means structural safety provision as contained in these bye-laws or in NBC – 2005
(or latest) and relevant BIS standards related to safety.

3.121. Chief/Superintending Engineer, Chief/Senior/Associate Town Planner,

Executive Engineer, Deputy Engineer
Means respectively the Chief/Superintending Engineer, Chief/Senior/Associate
Town Planner, Executive Engineer and Deputy Engineer, appointed by the
Administration and shall include any other officer or officers to whom the duties or
functions of the Chief/Superintending Engineer, Chief/Senior/Associate Town
Planner; the Executive Engineer or the Deputy Engineer, may, for the time being be

3.122. Tenement
Means an independent dwelling unit with a kitchen or a cooking alcove

3.123. Theatre
Means a place of public entertainment for the purpose of exhibition of motion
pictures and or dramas and other social or cultural programmes

3.124. Tower-like-structure
Means a structure in which the height or the tower-like-portion is at least twice that
of the broader base.

3.125. Town Planner

Means a person who is a member of the Institute of Town Planners, India (ITPI)

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

3.126. Travel distance

Means the distance from the remotest points on a floor of a building to a place of
safety be it a vertical exit or a horizontal exit or an outside exit measured along the
line of travel.

3.127. “Volume to plot area ratio (VPR)”

Means the ratio of volume of building measured in cubic metres to the area of plot
measured in square metres and therefore expressed in metres (which means length x
breadth x height (in mts) of the building / Area of the Plot(in sq.mts))

3.128. Water closet (W.C)

Means a privy with an arrangement for flushing the pan with water, but does not
include a bathroom.

3.129. Water course

Means a natural channel or an artificial channel formed by training or diversion of a
natural channel meant for carrying storm and waste water.

3.130. Water Course, Major

Means a water course which carries storm water discharging from a contributing
area of not less than 100 hectares, the decision of the PDA/ Authority on the extent
of the contributing area being final. A minor water course is one which is not a
major one.

3.131. Wheel Chair

Chair used by disabled people for mobility. The standard size at wheel chair shall be
taken as
a. Small Wheel Chair: 750 mm. X 1050 mm as per ISI.
b. Large Wheel Chair: 800 mm. X 1500 mm

3.132. Window
Means an opening, other than a door, to the outside of a building, which provides all
or part of the required natural light, ventilation or both to an interior space
Note: Wherever there is conflict between definitions given in these Rules above and
the definition given by National Building Code 2005, the definition given in the
National Building Code’ 2005 shall prevail. Further where any definition not
mentioned above, the meaning as mentioned in the National building Code shall
only be applicable

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


4.1. Development and Construction:

Except and as hereinafter otherwise provided, these rules shall apply to all
development, redevelopment, erection and/or re-erection, structural changes of a
building, change of user (subject to the condition that there is a deviation from the
original approved plan) etc., as well as to the design, construction or reconstruction
of, and additions & alterations to a building.

4.2. Part construction:

Where the occupancy of a building is changed except where otherwise specifically
stipulated, these rules apply to all parts of the building affected by the change.

4.3. Change of Occupancy:

Where the occupancy of the building is changed except where otherwise specifically
stipulated, these rules shall apply to all parts of the building affected the change.

4.4. Reconstruction:
The reconstruction in whole or part of a building which has ceased to exist due to an
accidental fire, earth quake, natural collapse or demolition, having been declared
unsafe, or which is likely to be demolished.

4.5. Exclusion:
Nothing in these rules shall require the removal, alteration or abandonment or
prevent the continuance of the lawfully established use or occupancy of an existing
building or its use unless, in the opinion of the Authority, such a building is unsafe
or constitutes a hazard to the safety of adjacent property.



5.1. No person shall, on or after these Rules come into force, carry out any development
of any land without obtaining permission under these rules. Such permission will
not absolve the applicant of his obligation to obtain permissions for development
under other applicable laws.

5.2. No authority shall grant a permission or No Objection Certificate (NOC) for any
development otherwise than in conformity with these Rules.

5.3. No development of any land shall be permitted unless the owner undertakes to
provide at his own cost infrastructure facilities, such as, roads, water supply, sewage

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

disposal system, solid waste collection and disposal system, electricity, recreational
open space, playground, etc. as, in the opinion of Government, may be reasonably
required for the development proposed, and also provide for land required for
educational, health and other civic facilities as may be specified by Government.

5.4. Where the Administration decides to provide and/or maintain any of the aforesaid
infrastructure facilities and/or for the purpose of widening of roads, laying of sewer
lines, drainage lines etc. the owner shall surrender to the Government or any other
agency nominated by it, free of cost the land required for such facilities as per the
procedure laid in Annexure 1.

5.5. No development which is not in conformity with these rules shall be permitted in
spite of the fact that, on or prior to coming into force of these Rules, the land was
converted (in Revenue records) as non-agricultural land, but in respect of which no
valid development permission existed or where no development specified in the
N.A. permission was carried out.

5.6. All existing authorized developments which are not in conformity with the use
provisions of the Outline Development Plan shall be allowed to continue subject to
the condition mention in Clause 5.5 and an authorized permission has been obtained
and the construction activity has been undertaken as per the approved plan.

5.7. However, no permission shall be necessary for the following works:

a) The carryout out of works in compliance with any order or direction made by
any authority under any law for the time being in force.
b) The carrying out of works by any authority in exercise of its powers under any
law for the time being in force.
c) The following operation of government whether temporary or permanent
which is necessary for the operation, maintenance, development or execution
of any of the following services may be exempted from the purview of the bye
i. Railways
ii. National Highways;
iii. National Waterways;
iv. Major ports;
v. Airways and aerodromes;
vi. Posts and telegraphs, telephones, Wireless, broadcasting etc.
vii. Regional grid for electricity;
viii. Any other service which the administration may, if it is of opinion that
the operation, maintenance, development or execution of such work is

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

essential to the life of the community, by notification declare to be a

service for the purpose of this clause.

5.8. Necessity of obtaining permission: No person shall erect or re-erect a building or

alter any building or carry out any development or redevelopment, on any plot or
land or cause the same to be done without first obtaining separate development
permission and a commencement certificate from the Authority or any authorized
officer for the said purpose.

5.9. Permission for temporary construction:

No temporary construction shall be permitted, without obtaining prior approval of
the Authority or any authorized officer for the said purpose who may grant such
permissions subject to such conditions as may be deemed necessary.

5.10. Pre-Code Building Permit:

If any building permit which has been issued before commencement of the code is
not wholly completed within a period of three years from the date of such permit
subject to the conditions stipulated at clause 5.5 and 5.6 above, the said permission
shall be deemed to have lapsed and fresh permit shall be necessary which shall be in
accordance to the land use stipulated in ODP 2031 and in accordance with the
provision of this code .

5.11. Applicability to partially completed works:

In case of partially completed works, which were started with due permission before
the date of enforcement of these rules, the Authority may not necessarily insist on
compliance with the provisions of these rules for extending the period of the
development permissions, which shall not exceed three years.



6.1. No Application for Building permit shall be necessary for the following alterations
provided they do not violate any of the provisions regarding general building
requirements, structural stability and fire safety requirements specified in these
i. providing or closing of a window, door or ventilator not opening towards
other’s property;
ii. Providing of intercommunication doors; construction of parapet walls between
1.05m to 1.2m. Height; and boundary walls in accordance with these

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

iii. While washing and painting; replacing fallen bricks, stones, pillars and beams
iv. Re-tiling and re-terracing; plastering and patch work; flooring:
v. Construction of chajjas;
vi. Renewal of roof at the same height;
vii. Re-construction of portions of buildings damaged by any natural calamity to
the same extent as previously approved; and
viii. Erection and re-erection of internal partitions.

6.2. Notice to erect, re erect or Alter

Every person who intends to carry out any development work, erect, re-erect, or
make material alteration in any place in a building shall give notice in writing to the
Authority of said intention in the prescribed form through Building Permission
Application Management System (BPAMS) and such notice shall be accompanied
by plans and statements as per the checklist along with Form of Supervision as per
the format at Annexure 3 along with Undertaking from the Architect and Structural
Engineer in the prescribed format at Annexure 4 and 5 and an form of compliance of
this regulations in Annexure 6. One set of such plans shall be retained in the office
of the authority granting such permission, for record after the issue of permit of
refusal and other documents as listed below.

6.3. Copies Plans and Statements:

Normally, three copies of plans and estimates shall be submitted with the notice. In
case of building/schemes, where the clearance is required from agencies like Fire
Service etc. additional number of copies of plans as may be required shall be
decided by the Authority.

6.4. Information Accompanying Notice:

The notice shall be accompanied by “the documents” as may be prescribed by the
Authority in form of a check list [Refer Annexure 7]

6.5. Coloring notations for plans:

The plans shall be colored as specified in Error! Reference source not found., and
further, the prints of the plans shall be on one side of the paper only.

6.6. Dimensions: All dimensions shall be indicated in metric units.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 1 : Coloring of Plans:

S. Item Site Plan Building Plan
White Blue Ammoni White Blue Ammonia
Plan Print a Plan Print Print
1 Plot lines Thick Thick Thick Thick Thick Thick
Black Black Black Black Black Black
2 Existing Street Green Green Green - - -
3 Future Street if Green Green Green - - -
any Dotted Dotted Dotted
4 Permissible Thick Thick Thick - - -
Bldg. Line dotted dotted dotted
black black black
5 Open spaces No colour No No No No No colour
colour colour colour colour
6 Existing Work Black White Blue Black White Blue
7 Work proposed Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
to be hatched hatched hatched hatched hatched hatched
8 Proposed work* Red filled Red Red Red Red Red
9 Drainage & Red Red Red Red Red Red dotted
Sewerage dotted dotted dotted dotted dotted
10 Water Supply Black Black Black Black Black
work dotted dotted dotted dotted dotted thin
thin thin thin thin
* Note 1: For entirely new construction this need not be done; for extension of an existing
work this will apply.

6.7. Key plan (or Location Plan):

A key plan drawn to scale of not less than 1:4000, shall be submitted along with the
applications for a Building Permit and Commencement Certificate showing the
boundary locations of the site with respect to neighborhood landmarks.

6.8. Site Plan:

The site plan sent with an application for permit shall be drawn to a scale of not less
than 1:1000 and shall show:

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

a) The boundaries, giving the dimensions of the site and of any contiguous land;
b) The position of the site in relation to neighboring street;
c) The name of the streets(s) in which the building is proposed to be situated, if
d) All existing buildings standing on, over or under the site;
e) The position of the buildings, and of all other buildings (if any) which the
applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred to in (a) in relation
to the boundaries of the site and (b) in case where the site has been partitioned
the boundaries of the portion in possession of the applicant and also of the
portions in possession of others, all adjacent street/s, building (with number of
storey and height) and premises within a distance of 30 m. of the site and of the
contiguous land (if any) referred to in (a);
f) The means of access from the street to the building and to all other buildings
(if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred
to in (a);
g) Space to be left about the building to secure a free circulation of air, admission
of light and access for scavenging purposes;
h) The width of the street (if any) in front of the building, at the side or rear of the
building (if any).
i) The direction of north point relative to the plan of the building(s);
j) Any existing physical features, such as wells, drains, trees etc.
k) The ground area of the whole property and the break-up of covered area on
each floor with the calculations for percentage covered in each floor in terms
of the total area of the plot as required under bye-laws governing the coverage
of the area;
l) Overhead electric supply line, drainage and water supply line;
m) Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Authority.

6.9. Building Plan:

The plans of the buildings, elevations and sections accompanying the notice shall be
drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100. The building plan shall:-

a) Include floor plans of all floors together with the covered area clearly
indicating the sizes of rooms and the position and width of staircases, ramps
and other exit ways, lift wells, lift machine room and lift pit details. It shall
also include ground floor plan as well as basement plans and shall indicate the
details of parking space provided around and/or within building also the access
ways and the appurtenant open spaces with projections in dotted lines, distance
from any building existing on the plot in figured dimensions along with
accessory building.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

b) Show the use or occupancy of all parts of the building.

c) Show exact location of essential services, for example, WC, sink, bath and the
d) Include sectional drawings showing clearly the sizes of the footings, thickness
of basement wall, wall construction, size and spacing of framing members,
floor slabs and roof slabs with their materials. The section shall indicate the
heights of buildings and rooms and also the height of the parapet; and the
drainage and the slope of the roof. At least one section should be taken
through the staircase provided further that the structural plan giving details of
all structural elements and materials used along with structural calculations
could be submitted separately but in any circumstances before the issue of the
building permit/commencement certificate.
e) Give dimensions of all doors, windows and ventilators; and calculation at
percentage ventilation on each floor.
f) Show all street elevations;
g) Give dimensions of the projected portions beyond the permissible building
lines, if any.
h) Include terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slope of the roof.
i) Give indications of the north point relative to the plan and
j) Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Authority.

6.10. Building plans for multi-storey /special buildings:

For multi-storey buildings which are more than 15m in height and for special
buildings like assembly, Institutional, industrial, storage and hazardous and mixed
occupancies with any one of the aforesaid occupancies having area more than 500
sq. metres, the following additional information shall be furnished & indicated in the
Building Plan in addition to the items (a) to (j) of regulation 6.10

a) access to fire appliances /vehicles with details of vehicular turning radius and
clear motor able access way around the building:
b) Size/width of main and alternative staircases along with balcony approach,
corridor ventilated lobby approach.
c) Location and detail of lift enclosures;
d) Location and size of fire lift;
e) Smoke stop lobby/door, where provided;
f) Refuse chutes, refuse chamber, service duct etc.
g) Vehicular parking spaces;
h) Refuse area, if any.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

i) Details of Building Services such as Air conditioning system with position of

fire dampers, mechanical ventilation system, electrical services, boilers, gas
pipes etc.
j) Details of exits including provisions of ramps etc. for hospitals and special risks;
k) Location of generator, transformer and switch gear room;
l) Smoke exhauster system, if any;
m) Details of fire alarm system net work;
n) Location of centralized control, connecting all fire alarm system built in fire
protection arrangements and public address system etc;
o) Location and dimensions of static water storage tank and pump room along with
fire service inlet or wet-riser and water storage tank.
p) Location and details of fixed fire protection installations such as sprinklers, wet-
risers, hose reels, drenchers, Carbon-dioxide (CO2) installation etc. and
q) Location and details of first aid & fire fighting equipments /installations.

6.11. Service Plan

Plans, elevations and sections of water supply, sewage and effluent disposal system
and details of building services, where required by the Authority, shall be made
available on a scale not less than 1:100

6.12. Signing the Plans

a) All the plans and statements regarding the proposed work shall be prepared by
licensed Architect /Engineer /Structural Engineer /Supervisor as the case may be
and shall be signed by the owner/applicant and licensed technical personnel who
shall indicate the name, address and license number allotted by the Authority
with whom he is registered.

b) The layout plans or sub-division schemes, shall be prepared and duly signed by a
qualified Town Planner who shall be a Member of the Institute of Town Planner,
India (ITPI).However this clause may not be applied to manufacturing industrial

6.13. Charges for Stacking of Building Materials on Public Roads

The stacking of building materials, sand debris on public roads, highways shall be
prohibited except with special permission of the Authority. Where such permission
has been granted, the license fee for depositing building materials and debris on
public roads, highways etc. shall be as follows:-

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 2 : Charges for stacking building materials on public roads

(a) For construction of residential Rs.5/- per Sq.m of plot size per week.
Detached building
(b) For construction of housing Rs.10/- per Sq.m of plot size per Week.
(c) For construction of non-residential Rs.10/- per Sq.m of plot size per week
(d) For Government /Semi-govt Special rates as notified by the Authority with the
/Public Sector undertakings. approval of the Administrator.

Note: The stacking of materials would be permitted till the completion of the building. If
after completion of the building, in the opinion of the Authority certain material have not been
cleared or left in stage of causing annoyance or inconvenience, the Authority shall take
necessary actions against the owner/applicant and any cost incurred in the removal of such
material, which has been carried out by the Authority, shall be recovered from the owner



7.1. Scrutiny Fee:

Every application submitted for scrutiny of development proposals submitted by the
owner/submission of building plans for approval, scrutiny fee shall be paid by the
owner/applicant as indicated below:
a) For the first submission of building plans/Layout Plans etc. within a period of
one year i.e., without extension of time limit, and/or within the extended
period, duly granted by the Authority the scrutiny fee payable shall be as
i) Upto - `500/-
ii) to - `1000/-
iii) > - `1/ (Rs.One per
b) Any request /application for re-validation, revision of development proposals,
revised building plans/Layout plans etc for approval shall be accompanied by
payment of scrutiny fee at the rate of Rs.2/- per Sq.m of proposed built up area
and/or total area if it is a layout approval subject to minimum of Rs. 500/- or
Rs.1 per whichever is higher. Further, if the built up area is more than
100 Sq.m. the amount so calculated of the built up area shall be rounded to
next Rs.10/-.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

7.2. Grant of permission of refusal:

The Authority may either sanction or refuse to sanction the plans and specifications
or may sanction them with such modifications or directions as he may deem
necessary and thereupon, he shall communicate his decisions to the person giving
the notice accordingly in the form as per the Annexure 8 & 9.
On receipt of the application for Development Permission, the Competent Authority
after making such inquiry and clearance from such an expert or a panel of experts
whenever considered necessary for the safety of building, as it thinks fit may
communicate its decisions granting with or without condition or refusing permission
to the applicant as per the provision of the Act.

7.2.1. Obtaining a Deemed Building Permit

For all residential buildings with a plot area of less than 500 Sq.mtrs., which
shall be used for his/her bonafide Residential use only, a certificate issued by
an “Architect /Civil Engineer on Record” of the Town & Country Planning
Department/Planning & Development Authority certifying that the proposed
building complies with the Building Byelaws shall be deemed to be a Building
Permit granted by the Authority or any authorized officer for the said purpose
and shall be referred to in these Building Byelaws as a “Deemed Building
Permit (DBP)”. The Architect /Civil Engineer shall submit the copy of the
Building Plans etc. and other documents specified in this Rules within a period
of seven days a copy to the PDA for record.

7.2.2. Building Permit to Lapse with Change of Ownership

If the ownership of a plot changes after the applicant has obtained a Deemed
Building Permit (DBP) as per Clause 7.2.1, before the completion of building
such a Building Permit shall lapse, regardless of whether building construction
has commenced or not. A Revalidated Building Permit shall be obtained as
per the procedure specified in Section 7.2.1 above.

7.2.3. Listing of Architects / Civil Engineers / Town Planners as Architect / Civil

Engineer / Town Planner on Record
The Town & Country Planning Department shall list Architects, Civil
Engineers and Town Planners on Record. The applications for listing should
be made in the format prescribed in Annexure 22. The Minimum Qualification
and Competence of the Architect, Civil Engineers and Town Planners on
Record shall be as specified in Annexure 23.

7.2.4. Responsibilities of Persons on Record

The responsibilities of Persons on Record shall be as follows:
i. Verify ownership records of the plot on which building is proposed.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

ii. Certify that the applicant for the Building Permit is the Owner of the plot
for which the Building Permit is applied.
iii. Be the Person on Record responsible for ensuring compliance with all
procedural requirements specified in these Building Byelaws.
iv. Scrutinize and verify the architectural design and specifications of the
proposed building
v. Certify that the architectural design and specification of the proposed
building comply with these Building Byelaws.
vi. Immediately inform the Authority or any authorized officer in writing, if
in his opinion, the construction of the building is not being undertaken in
accordance with the sanctioned design and specifications.
vii. Inform the Authority or any authorized officer in writing, within 7
working days, if for any reason he is relieved of his responsibilities as the
Architect on Record for the building.
viii. The Person on Record shall ensure that there is adequate accessibility
available to the proposed site and a certificate regarding the same shall be
submitted at the time of submitting the records to the competent
ix. The Person on record shall ensure that the 7/12 extract obtained by the
applicant from the Revenue Department shall not be older than thirty
days from the date of him/her issuing the Deemed Building Permit.

7.2.5. Building Permit to Lapse with Change in Persons on Record

The Architect/Civil Engineer on Record based on whose respective
certifications the Building Permit had been issued or granted under Clause
7.2.1, are respectively responsible for ensuring that the construction of the
building is in compliance with these Building Byelaws. After the Building
Permit is issued or granted and before the completion of building, If any of the
Persons on Record is relieved of his responsibility by the Owner, or, relieves
himself of responsibility of the building, the Building Permit shall lapse
regardless of whether the construction of the building has commenced or not.
In such an event a Revalidated Building Permit shall have to be obtained.

7.2.6. Revocation of Building Permit in case of Misrepresentation and Delisting

of Person on Record
The Authority or any authorized officer may revoke a Building Permit if:
i. he determines that false statements were made or material facts were

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

ii. The Person on Record, based on whose certification the Building Permit
has been granted is de-listed by the Town & Country Planning
Department/ Planning and Development Authority.

7.3. In the case of proposals for development work, if in the opinion of the Authority, the
layout of plots, or alignment of the street or access way is not adapted to or would
detrimentally affect the layout of development of adjoining lands, the Authority
shall require the applicant to alter the layout as deemed necessary.

7.4. If within ninety days of the receipt of the notice, complete in all respect the
Authority fails to intimate in writing to the person who has given the notice his
refusal or sanction with or without modifications or direction, the notice with its
plans and statements shall be deemed to have been sanctioned, provided that this
shall not be construed to authorize any person to do anything on the site of the work
in contravention of or against the terms of lease or titles of the land, or against these
or any other rules, Bye-laws or ordinance operating on the site of the work.

7.5. Once the plans have been scrutinized and objections have been pointed out, the
applicant giving notice shall modify the plans to comply with the objections raised
and resubmit it. No new objections shall generally be raised when they are
resubmitted after compliance of earlier objections. The Authority shall scrutinize
the resubmitted plan and if there be further objections, the plan shall be rejected.

7.6. Duration of Sanction

The construction permission at the initial stage will be valid for three years from the
date of granting the same. The Authority may grant further extension if in his/her
opinion it is required. The same extension can be given imposing a fine as
prescribed from time to time. The Authority may also revoke any building permit
issued under the provisions of the rules, wherever there has been any false statement
or any misrepresentation of material fact in the application on which the building
permit was based. In the case of revocation of permit based on false statements,
misrepresentation of material fact in the application, no compensation would be

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


8.1. Neither the grant of permission nor approval of the drawing and specifications nor
inspection by the Authority or Officers authorized by him during erection of the
building, shall in any way relieve the applicants of such binding from full
responsibility for carrying out the work in accordance with the requirements of these

8.2. The Authority/authorized officers shall have the power to carry out inspection of the
work at various stages to ascertain whether the work is proceeding as per the
provision of sanctioned plan.

9.1. Within one year from the date of sanction for building permit, the applicant /owner
shall commence the work for which the building permit has been awarded. The
owner/applicant shall give notice to the Authority of the intention to start work on the
building site in the Proforma given in Annexure 10. The applicant/owner shall
commence the work within seven days from the date of receipt of such notice by the

9.2. One copy of the detailed working drawing including structural details based on the
approved building plan shall be submitted before 7 days of commencement of the
construction work at site for information and record. The applicant will inform the
authority the date for commencement of work.

10.1. Where tests of any material are made to ensure conformity with the requirements of
these rules, record of the test data shall be kept available for inspection during the
construction of the building and for such period thereafter as required by the

10.2. The person to whom development permission is issued shall during construction keep
at site a certified copy of approved drawings and specifications.

11.1. The owner/Applicant shall intimate in prescribed format given in Annexure 11 duly
certified by the Registered Architect and the Structural Engineer to the Authority
regarding the depth and level of foundation and the capacity to which the foundation
can take the building load. This will be applicable only for High rise and Special

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


12.1. The owner/applicant shall give notice in prescribed format given in Annexure 12 to
the Authority after the completion of work up to plinth level with a view to enable the
Authority to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the sanctioned
plans. The Authority or any officer authorized by him shall carry out inspection if
required within seven days from the receipt of such notice and give them permission,
for carrying out further construction work as per sanctioned plans in prescribed format
given in Annexure 13. However, if the applicant fails to obtain the plinth certificate
and if it is found at a later stage that the construction undertaken is in violation of the
plans approved or in total contravention to the DC Rules, it shall be the sole
responsibility of the owner/applicant who has undertaken the work for any
consequential events in this regard.

12.2. In case the building is constructed on stilt, it shall have enough shear walls of
required dimensions and strength in the stilted storey so as to ensure almost equal
(with variation between + or – 10%) lateral stiffness along both axes to that of the
upper floor (including the stiffness contributed by in-fill walls).

13.1. If during the construction of building, any departure of substantial nature from the
sanctioned plans is intended by way of internal or external additions, which violate
any provisions regarding general building requirements, structural stability and fire
safety requirements of the bye-laws, revised sanction of the Authority shall be
obtained. A revised plan showing the deviations shall be submitted and the procedure
laid down for the original plans hereto before shall apply to all such amended plans.

14.1. The owner/applicant, through his licensed architect, engineer, supervisor, as the case
may be who has supervised the construction, shall give notice to the Authority,
regarding completion of work described in the building permit. The completion
certificate shall be submitted in the Format given in Annexure 14 along with the
documents required as per the checklist mentioned in Annexure 7. The application
should also be accompanied by a Structural Stability Certificate from the licensed
Structural Engineer as per the format at Annexure 15.


15.1. On receipt of the acceptance of the Architect’s Completion Certificate, the Authority
or his authorized officer shall inspect the work and sanction or refuse the occupancy
certificate, in the Proforma given in Annexure 16, within thirty (30) days from the

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

date of receipt of completion certificate after which period it shall be deemed to have
been granted by the Authority for occupation, provided the building has been
constructed as per sanctioned plans and it is ensured that temporary structures erected
during construction stages are removed. Where the occupancy certificate is refused,
the various reasons shall be quoted for rejecting at the first instance itself. The
Occupancy will be granted only if the applicant satisfies the following criteria.
i. All temporary structures erected at the time of construction have been
ii. The debris such as sand, stones, bricks, other materials etc. are removed
completely and there is a free movement space particularly on the marginal
open spaces;
iii. A box culvert at the entry and exit is provided adequately, thereby there is no
obstruction to the road side drainage;

The above criteria are over and above those conditions imposed in the NA order and the
Construction Permission order which also has to be complied before Occupancy Certificate
(OC) is granted.


16.1. Upon the request of the owner/applicant of the building permit, the Authority may
issue a part-occupancy certificate for a building or part thereof, before completion of
the entire work as per building permit provided sufficient precautionary measures are
taken by the owner/applicant of the building permit to ensure public and health safety.
Further the part of the building for which part–occupancy certificate is applied for
shall be complete and conform to all requirements of the Regulations provided the
following conditions are fulfilled:
i. There should not be any deviation from the approved plan on the other
buildings that are under construction;
ii. The portion where Part – OC (Occupancy Certificate) is being obtained must
be free from any obstructions etc. which may be a hindrance to the use of the
said part –building and would also pose a danger to the occupants of the part –
The part occupancy certificate shall be given by Authority subject to the
owner/applicant indemnifying the Authority on stamp paper of Rs 20/- as per the
Performa given in Annexure 17. The competent authority can at any time withdraw
the Occupancy /Part-Occupancy if any deviation is found and /or any unauthorized
construction has been carried out without a valid permission to do so.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


17.1. Except where same are prescribed in these Rules, the Authority may from time to
time add it alter or amend appendices with the approval of the Administrator.

18.1. Inspection at various stage- The Authority or the officer authorized may at any time
during erection of building or execution of any work or development, make an
inspection there of without giving previous notice of his intention to do so.


19.1. All unsafe buildings shall be considered to constitute a danger to public safety,
hygiene and sanitation and shall be restored by repairs or demolished or dealt with
as otherwise directed by the Authority.

19.2. Dangerous Structures:

If it shall at any time appears to the Authority that any structure (including under this
expression any building, wall or other structure and anything affixed to or
projecting from any building, wall or other structure) is in a various condition, or
likely to fall, or in any way dangerous to any person occupying resorting to or
passing by such structure or any other structure or place in the neighbourhood
thereof, the Authority may by written notice, require the owner or occupier of such
structure to pull down, secure or repair such structure, and to prevent all cause of
danger there from. The Authority may also if he thinks fit, require the said owner or
occupier, by the said notice, either forthwith or before proceeding to pull down,
secure or repair the said structure, to set up a proper and sufficient hoard or fence for
the protection of passers-by and other persons, with a convenient platform and hand-
rail, if there be room enough for the same and the Authority shall think the same
desirable, to serve as a footway for passengers outside of such hoard of fence.


20.1. In case of works unlawfully carried out and if the Authority and / or his authorized
officer is fully satisfied that the erection of any building or the execution of any such
work is unlawful and/or unauthorized without a valid permission or is in violation of
the sanctioned plan, from the Competent Authority may by written notice require the
person erecting such building or executing such work to stop such erection or work
within the period not exceeding three days from the date of receipt of such notice.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(Receipt means dispatch of notice either by person or through post or pasting at the
site of the construction.)

20.2. If the erection of work is not stopped within the period specified in the notice given
under section 20.1, the Authority and / or his authorized officer may direct that any
person directing or carrying on such erection or work shall be removed by any
officer of Authority or by police officer or any officer authorized by the Authority
from that place where the work is being carried out.

20.3. After the notice under the section 20.1 is issued for unauthorized construction, the
Authority and / or his authorized officer may take suitable action which may
include sealing of the unauthorized buildings, demolition of unauthorized buildings
or suitably fine as prescribed in Annexure 18.

20.4. Power to seal / demolition unauthorized constructions:

(1) It shall be lawful for the Authority and / or his authorized officer, at any time, before
or after issuing notice under Section 20.1 above, to make an order of sealing /
demolition of the unauthorized building in the manner prescribed by the Authority.
(2) No person shall remove such seal except –
(a) Under an order made by the Chairman, DNHPDA under sub-section (1); or
(b) Under an order of an Appellate Tribunal or the Administrator, made in an appeal
as per the provisions of Section 51 to Section 54 of the Town and Country
Planning Act of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.


For the buildings coming up in the important areas or fronting on major roads more
than 30m in width or streets or in the case of important monumental buildings or in
the proximity to buildings of historical importance; the building schemes may be
cleared from the architectural aesthetics point of view. The Authority shall have
powers to frame suitable rules for ensuring the above with the approval of the
Administrator. For this the Authority may seek the following information through
detailed drawings or models showing the exterior of the building indicating the
details on the following:-
i. Projections, architraves on windows, doors and other openings, weather
frames, sub-breakers; galleries, balconies, porches;
ii. Exterior material/finishes used with texture;
iii. Stair rooms and such other constructions on the top of the building which
affect the sky line; and

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

iv. Details of gates and boundary walls.


22.1. The addition to any existing building or structure shall satisfy the following
provision. An addition that is not structurally independent from an existing structure
shall be designed and constructed such that the entire structure conforms to the
seismic force resistance requirement for new structures unless the following three
conditions are complied with:
1. The addition shall comply with the requirements for new structures;
2. The addition shall not increase the seismic forces in any structural element of the
existing structure by more than 5% unless the capacity of the element subject to
the increased force is still in compliance with IS:1893, and
3. The addition shall not decrease the seismic resistance of any structural element
of the existing structure unless reduced resistance is equal to or greater than that
required for new structure.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014



23.1. The District of Dadra & Nagar Haveli has been divided into the following land use
zones as defined in the Outline Development Plan for Dadra & Nagar Haveli 2021.
Table 3: Landuse Zones as per Outline Development Plan 2021
1 Residential Zone R
2. Residential - cum – Commercial Zone R/C
3. Commercial Zone C
4. Public & Semi Public Zone PSP
5. General Industries Zone I1
6. Special Industries Zone I2
7. Recreation & Tourism Zone RTZ
8. Recreation & Tourism Zone - Playgrounds RTZ / PD
9. Green Zone - 1 G1
10. Green Zone - 2 G2
11 Forest Zone F


24.1. Residential Zones (R)

24.1.1. The following uses only shall be permitted in the R Zone abutting on a
Road which is 12mts and below and in accordance with rules prescribed
in Clause 25
(i) Residences and Customary home occupation i.e. occupations carried out
by the members of the family without employing any other person
whatsoever which shall be allowed only in one room of the apartment
subject to the condition that it is not a nuisance to any neighbors
(ii) Public Parks or Private Parks which are not utilized for business
(iii) Bus shelters, trolley bus shelters, Railway Station and Taxi stands.
(iv) Club Houses/ Marriage Halls/ Temple shall be permitted only in group
housing societies which is not conducted as a business and is restricted to
5% of the total Built Up area which should be a separate designated
space within the layout.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

24.1.1A Any schools, dispensaries, Hospitals, Service Stations and Petrol Pump can be
allowed subject to those land abutting 18mts road and above. the height of
such institutions shall be governed as if it is as commercial building except for
Service Stations and Petrol Pumps.

24.2. Residential cum Commercial Zones (R+C)

24.2.1. The following uses shall be permitted in the Residential cum Commercial
Zone abutting on a Road which is more than 12mts and in accordance to
the Clause 25
(i) Residences and Customary home occupation i.e. occupations carried out
by the members of the family without employing any other person
whatsoever which shall be allowed only in one room of the apartment
subject to the condition that it is not a nuisance to any neighbors
(ii) Public Parks or Private Parks which are not utilized for business
(iii) Bus shelters, trolley bus shelters, Railway Station and Taxi stands.
(iv) All retail commercial activity shall be allowed on the ground floor and
first floor only on those structures which are abutting the public road
subject to the condition that the entrance to the residential users is
separately provided and without any conflict to the commercial use on
the ground and first floor
(v) Club Houses/ Marriage Halls/ Temple shall be permitted only in group
housing societies which is not conducted as a business and is restricted to
5% of the total Built Up area which should be a separate designated
space within the layout.
24.2.1A Any schools, dispensaries, Hospitals, Service Stations and Petrol Pump can be
allowed subject to those land abutting 18mts road and above. the height of
such institutions shall be governed as if it is as commercial building except for
Service Stations and Petrol Pumps.

24.3. Commercial Zones (C)

24.3.1. The following uses shall be permitted in Commercial Zone (C) abutting on
a Road which is 18mts and above in accordance to the Clause 25.1
(i) Assembly buildings
(ii) Business buildings
(iii) Mercantile (Retail/Wholesale) buildings
(iv) Service Industry Class “A” as secondary land use to business and/or
Mercantile land use

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(v) Service Industry Class “B” in an exclusive area developed or proposed to

be developed for this purpose
(vi) Information Technology building
(vii) Bio Technology building
(viii) Nano Technology building
(ix) Institutional Buildings

24.4. Public Semi Public Zones (PSP)

24.4.1. The following uses shall be permitted in Public/Semi Public Zone (PSP)
abutting on a Road which is 18mts and above in accordance to the Clause
(i) Offices of Government, Semi Government and Public sector
undertakings (can also be allowed in 12mts Road)
(ii) Institutional Buildings such as Educational, Health, Social facilities,
Community facilities etc.(Undertaken by the Government only shall be
allowed in 12mts Road)
(iii) Professional Offices,
(iv) Restaurants/Eating houses/Cafeteria, Retail stores/shops like stationery,
communication centre like cyber café, photocopying, scanning shops etc
shall be allowed as part of any buildings mentioned above subject to only
15% of the total built up area is allowed for such purpose.
(v) Public amenities like Bus Terminus, Police stations, Fire station, Post
Office, Public Toilets and other utility buildings and structures such as
ETP, CETP, Power Substations etc.

24.5. Industry Zone (I1)

24.5.1. General Industries Zone (I1) abutting on a Road which is 18mts and
above in accordance to the Clause 25

The following uses shall be permitted in General Industries Zone

(i) All industries which are permitted by the prescribed rules of DNH PCC.
(ii) Service Industry class ‘A’ and class ‘B’
(iii) Information Technology
(iv) Bio Technology
(v) Nano Technology
(vi) Storage facilities. Storage for Hazardous/ Toxic/ Non Obnoxious etc shall
be permitted only after the NOC from the DNH PCC
(vii) Business & Mercantile use as ancillary use subject to other restrictions as
can be imposed by the Authority from time to time

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

24.5.2. Special Industries Zone (I2) abutting on a Road which is 18mts and above
in accordance to the Clause 25.1

The following activities shall be permitted in Special Industries Zone

(i) Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
(ii) Software Technology Park (STP)
(iii) Biotechnology Park
(iv) Apparel and Textile parks
(v) Free Trade and Warehousing Zone (FTWZ)
(vi) Media Park
The minimum area for such uses shall be prescribed or shall be as per the
direction guidelines issued by the Govt. of India in this regard.

24.6. Recreation Tourism Zone (RTZ) and Recreation Tourism- Play Ground
(RTZ-PD) zone

24.6.1. The Activities which shall be permitted in Recreational & Tourism

Development Zone (RTZ) and RTZ-PD shall be as follows and in
accordance to the Clause 25
In Places of recreational and tourism value as shall be specifically prescribed by
the UT Administration such as:
(i) Forts;
(ii) Archaeological and historical monuments;
(iii) Major religious places;
(iv) Objects, features, structures and places of architectural, natural and
scientific interest, and educational value;
a. There shall be a belt of 100 meters around the places mentioned above (i) to
(iv) but excluding existing Gaothan
b. The following developments shall be permitted in the lands situated in RTZ
and RTZ-PD Zone.
(i) Hotel, holiday resorts, holiday homes, club houses; (As per Annexure 24)
(ii) Religious places and allied activities;
(iii) Parks, gardens, playfields, golf course, camping grounds, and swimming
pools, facilities related to water sports, racecourses, amusement parks,
and theme parks;
(iv) Botanical and zoological gardens;
(v) Temporary constructions for limited period, such as, during fairs,
ceremonies, etc.;
c. The following developments shall also be permitted in the lands situated in
RTZ – PD zone.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(i) Playfields, golf course, stadiums, swimming pools, facilities related to

water sports,
(ii) Structures for Pavilions, Gymnasium, club houses and other structures
for the purpose of sports and recreation activities with built up area not
exceeding 15% of the total plot area and plinth area not exceeding 10%
of the total plot area

24.7. Green Zone (G1 and G2)

24.7.1. Green Zone (G1 and G2) in accordance to the Clause 25

24.7.2. Use provisions in G1 Zone

In the lands designated as G-1 zone, the following uses may be permitted
(except the areas declared as “Prohibited Areas” as per the notification
no.ADM/LAW/DMG/387 (13)/78 dated June 18, 1980);.and subject to specific
conditions mentioned
(i) All the uses permissible in RTZ and RTZ-PD Zone
(ii) Agriculture and allied activities such as, poultry farms, dairies;
(iii) Farm Building or Houses as defined in Section 3.13.6 for bonafide use as
per the details in Table 4.
(iv) Facilities for processing and disposal of dead bodies;
(v) Fish farms, fish drying, storage of boats servicing and repair of boats;
(vi) Educational, research institutions and specialized medical facilities with a
minimum area of 3 Ha or more shall be allowed subject to submission of
a detail project report indicating the following;
a) Details of structures to be constructed;
b) Infrastructures provisions such as water supply,
sewerage, garbage disposal, rain water harvesting,
power etc.
c) Time frame for completing the project which shall
however not exceed more than 5 years
(vii) Public amenities like Bus Terminus, Police Stations, Fire Stations, Post
Office, Public Toilets and other utility buildings and structures such as
ETP, CETP, Substations etc.

Table 4 : Parameters for construction of Farm Buildings

Holding size (Sq M) Built up area in% No. of Storey
4400 10 not exceeding G+1
4400 to 10,000 7.5 subject to a maximum of 540 sq mtrs . G+1
>10,000 5 subject to a maximum of 640 sq.mtrs. G+1

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Note: The built up area at no time should reduce the minimum economic holding size

24.7.3. Use provisions in G2 zone

The G2 zone is being developed for tourism value specifically for the well being
of the local tribal population. For promotion of tourism in this zone particularly in
areas of Amboli, Dudhni, Kilwani, Mandoni, and Randha Patelads the uses
permissible in this zone shall be allowed in a road which is 12mt and above also
with a minimum area of 1.00 Ha . Thus the following use may be permissible in
G2 zone:
a. All the uses permissible in RTZ and RTZ-PD Zone
b. Swimming pools, facilities related to water sports & Water based recreation;
c. Nurseries and green houses;
d. Temples
e. Social Forestry

24.8. FOREST ZONE (F-Zone)

Any development within the Forest Zone shall be governed by the concerned Forest
Acts and subject to the permission granted by the concerned authority/ Govt. of
India. This ODP 2021 and the DC Rules thereof shall not be applicable for area
within the forest zone.


No direct access from the Express/ National/ State Highways shall be permitted
except for petrol pump, truck terminals; police check post and toll station. The
access control for all other uses shall be governed by an appropriate service road of
not less than of 9 m for the State Highway and as per any rules governed by IRC
guidelines. The service roads can become part of the 45mts ROW in highways. As
far as National highways and Express way is concerned, it shall be governed by the
rules prescribed by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)


24.10.1. No development whatsoever, whether by filling or otherwise shall be carried

out within 15 m on either side of the bank of river, its tributary/distributary or
as prescribed by any other order/modification of any authority board
/government under this jurisdiction, whichever is higher. Where there is no
river /distributary /tributary, a distance of minimum 6.0 m or as prescribed in
the marginal open space and/or any other order/notification of any authority
/board /government under this jurisdiction, whichever is higher has to be

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

maintained from the bank of canals, rivulet natural course of water, kotar
(Perennial or Non-perennial), nallahs, etc.

24.10.2. Provided that where a water course passes through a low lying land without
any well defined bank, the applicant may be permitted by the Authority to
restrict or direct the water courses to an alignment and cross section
determined by the Authority.


In Natural Hazard prone areas namely the earthquake prone zones as per IS: 1893,
the cyclone prone areas as per IS: 875 (Part-3-1987) (or latest edition as applicable
from time to time) and flood prone areas as per the Flood Atlas prepared by the
Central Water Commission and/or the flood departments of the State/UT, the
development shall be regulated to ensure special protection from hazards for any
type of development irrespective of use zone. Whereas the hazard prone areas
identified as per the Vulnerability Atlas of India-1997 prepared by Govt. of India
or as may be prepared by UT Administration from time to time shall be used for
such regulations.


The proposals for change in landuse pertaining to non-conflicting uses with

particular reference to Commercial to Industrial and Industrial to Commercial
only. The proposal for change in landuse shall be allowed by the Authority only
under exceptional circumstances on case to case basis subject to the following
a) The land for which the change is proposed should be ensconced by the propose
landuse on at least three sides;
b) The proposed land of an applicant shall be contiguous to the existing land of the
applicant and the use of the existing land should not conflict to the proposed
c) The applicant shall pay double the amount of the development charges on the land
proposed for such change.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


25.1. The maximum permissible Floor Space Index and Volume to Plot Area ratio shall be
in relation to land-use zone/activity; as stipulated below in Table no 5. Uniform
FAR shall be allowed as per existing DCR following conditions:
Table 5 : Permissible Floor Space Index (FSI)

Maximum Permissible FSI

Road Road Remarks
more 18mts
Road than &
12mts 12mts to more
Sr Land-use & less than
. Zone Activity below 18mts
1. High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts
1. Residential (R shall be applicable only in SMC,
Zone) Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads
1.2 2.0 and Narloi and Athal villages.
2. In all other areas irrespective of the
road width, FSI shall be 1.2 only with
a height not exceeding 15mts.
2. Residential 2.0 1. High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts
Cum NA shall be applicable only in SMC,
Commercial Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads
and Narloi and Athal villages.
2. In all other areas irrespective of the
1.2 road width, FSI shall be 1.2 only with
a height not exceeding 15mts.

3. Public & Semi 2.0 1. High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts

Public 1.2 shall be applicable only in SMC,
Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads
and Narloi and Athal villages.
1.2 2. In all other areas irrespective of the
road width, FSI shall be 1.2 only with
a height not exceeding 15mts

4. Commercial 2.0 1. High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts

Zone shall be applicable only in SMC,

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Maximum Permissible FSI

Road Road Remarks
more 18mts
Road than &
12mts 12mts to more
Sr Land-use & less than
. Zone Activity below 18mts
a. Assembly NA NA Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra
b. Business & Patelads and Narloi and Athal villages.
Mercantile 2. In all other areas irrespective of the
c. IT/BT/NT 1.2 road width, FSI shall be 1.2 only with
a height not exceeding 15mts

d. Service
Class ‘A’
& Class
5. General 1.0
a. Industrial

b. Service 0.5
Class ‘A’ &
c. Storage 1.0
d. IT/BT/NT 2.0 High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts
shall be applicable only in SMC,
e. Business & 2.0
Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra
Mercantile Patelads and Narloi and Athal villages.

6. Special NA 1
Industrial NA
a. All users

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Maximum Permissible FSI

Road Road Remarks
more 18mts
Road than &
12mts 12mts to more
Sr Land-use & less than
. Zone Activity below 18mts
in these
b. Storage
7. Recreational 0.5
& Tourism NA
a. All
8. Green Zone – 0.5
G1 & G2
a. All
i For the purpose of computation of FSI the net plot area shall be considered for all
land-uses (The area under road widening shall be deducted from the total plot area and
the FSI shall be considered only for the net area as indicated above. The applicant can
claim for additional FSI/ Compensation/ DR as per his choice at the time of actual
ii The Development Right can be availed by any person if any of his land is required for
public purpose, the applicant shall surrender the land to the Government and in lieu of
which the Authority may grant additional FSI. This additional FSI shall be to the total
Net Area and the owner of the land can utilize the same in his own adjacent land.
iii Further if the owner does not have sufficient land adjoining, then he is at liberty to
utilize the FSI in any of his own land within the same village only.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

25.2. Exemption from computations of FSI/FAR

25.2.1. The following shall not be counted towards computation of FSI

a) All covered areas used as stilt parking without servicing and repairing
b) Facilities required for fire and life safety, as under
i. Fire escape staircase
ii. Fire lifts excluding lobbies
iii. Lift lobbies in case of fire tower (fire tower as per NBC 2005)
iv. Refuge areas
v. Fire escape passages/ Fire balconies
vi. Fire control rooms

25.2.2. In additions to above the following shall be exempted from the computation of
i. A two level basement or cellar used as a parking space or AC Plant room
ii. An area under a building constructed on a stilt which is used as parking
space or recreational space with a maximum height not exceeding 2.7
metres from finished floor level to bottom of the beam provided where
there are no side walls on three or more sides of such a space.
iii. An area of upto 5% of the floor area of the said building shall be allowed
for drivers rest room in the stilt portion in high rise residential buildings;
iv. Any floor area of a building which is used as parking space at one or more
v. Electric cabin or sub-stations, Watchmen’s Booth, Pump House.
vi. Staircase room and/or lift rooms above the top-most storey or in the
basement, architectural feature like dome etc.
vii. Chimneys and elevated tanks of dimensions as permissible under these
viii. Service Passages/corridors along the external face of the industrial and
service industrial building to the extent of 10% of built up area of the
respective floor.
ix. Cut off floor
x. Lifts and lobbies in front of lifts to the extent of 1.5 times the depth of lift
well and width equal to the width of lift well

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

xi. Association/Society office-cum-letter box room in Residential, Shopping-

cum Residential, Business, Mercantile & Flatted factories shall be as per
the following norms :
xii. Areas covered by service duct, pump rooms, electric substations, niches
upto 1m depth below window sill, staircase, passage, balcony 1.20mt

Table 6 : Built-up Area for Association/ Society-cum-letter box room/Watchman Cabin

Sr. No. Details Area

i Up to 16 units 20 Sq.m
ii 17 to 150 units 25 Sq.m
iii More than150 units 30 Sq.m

Note: The built-up areas mentioned above are inclusive of Toilet facility.
xiii. Watchman cabin / Booth and watch towers
xiv. Any covered antenna/dish antenna/communication tower used for telecom
or IT purposes.
xv. Any semi-permanent structure up to 20 Sq.m of built up area for
installation of telephone connectors/concentrators in case of applicants
who would provide suitable proof of being authorized by the Department
of Telecommunications, Govt. of India, for setting up of cellular mobile
telecommunication system.
xvi. Refuge Area as stipulated under Fire Protection Regulations in Part III,
Regulation .No. 40.8
xvii. Refuse Chute.
xviii. One service floor (except in residential buildings), with height below the
soffit of a beam not exceeding 1.5m Special permission of PDA is
required for more than one service floor.
xix. Area used for installations of Air Handling Unit (AHU).
xx. Fitness Centre : as per following norms:
In every residential building constructed or proposed to be constructed for
quarters for industrial workers or for the use of a Co-operative Housing
Society or an Apartment Owners Association; a fitness centre will be permitted
subject to following conditions:

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

a. The area of such centre shall be equivalent to 2 (two) percent of the total
area of the building, However it shall not be less than 20 Sq.m and more
than 200 Sq.m
b. The centre shall not be used for any purpose other than for fitness centre
c. The fitness centre activities shall be confined only to the members of the
concerned housing society specified above.
d. The ownership of the structure for fitness centre shall vest with the
concerned society or association.
xxi. Other ancillary structures/activities permitted in marginal open spaces, as
specified in Clause No. 28.3 of these Regulations.


26.1. The Authority may permit development potential of land, reserved for road widening or
for construction of new road in the ODP of DNH area, to be separated from the land
itself and to be made available to the owner of land as Development Rights (DR) in the
form of Floor Space Index (FSI), provided the owner is prepared to surrender such area
for road widening / new road/ any other infrastructure need for the Government without
claiming any compensation for the land. The owner may use the said DR / FSI himself
for use on any other land within the same village / town, subject to maximum 40%
additional FSI over and above the base FSI as prescribed in this regulations.
• Development Rights (DR) shall apply to cases, where a private land is required for any
road widening/ new road formation as proposed in the ODP/ Regional Plan,
• Any traffic and transport infrastructure development such as bus stops/stands etc.
• Any urban infrastructure development such as water supply, sewerage, drainage,
electricity, education, health, notified by the Administration of DNH or Government
Agency or any local body.
• These rights may be made available and be subject to the regulations given in
Annexure 1.



27.1. The minimum front side and rear open spaces along with ground coverage, building
height shall be as per Table 7 to Table 12 below

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 7: Marginal Open Spaces along with Ground Coverage, FSI and Building Height for Residential
Land Use Minimum Set Backs Maximum Maximum
Minimum Plot Maximum Minimum width
Sr. Zone (in Meters) Permissible Number of
Area in Height (in of Plot
No. Ground Stories
Sq.m meters) (in Mt.)
Front Rear Side Coverage (%)
1. Residentia Up to 50 1.00 1.50 NIL 10.00 70 G+2 3.00
l Zone – R
2. 51 to 100 1.25 2.25 Nil 10.00 65 G+2 5.00
3. 100 to 200 2.50 3.00 Nil 10.00 60 G+2 7.00
4. 200 to 400 3.00 3.00 1.50 10.00 50 G+2 10.00
5. 400 to 600 4.00 3.00 2.25 13.50 40 G+2 12.00
6. 600 to 1000 6.00 3.00 4.00 15.00 33 G+3 15.00
Above 1000 6.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 33 G+3 20.00
7 Group Above 2000
Housing/ 9.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 33 G+3 20.00
8 High Rise All Plots/S.Nos 27mt without
Building abutting 18mt stilt but with
and above 9.00 8.00 8.00 mandatory 33 G+9 20.00
Public Road basement or
30mt with stilt
Note: 1. High Rise Building shall be allowed only in those plots which are abutting a Right of way of 18mtrs or more with a maximum height
upto 27mts without stilts but with mandatory basement, or 30mts with stilts and upto a maximum nine floors.
2. High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts shall be applicable only in SMC, Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads and Naroli and Athal villages.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 8: Marginal Open Spaces along with Ground Coverage, FSI and Building Height for Residential cum Commercial
Land Use Tenement Minimum Set Backs Maximum Maximu Minimum
Minimum Plot Area Maximum
Sr. Zone Density (in Meters) Permissible m width of Plot
in Height (in
No. Ground Number (in Mt.)
Sq.m meters)
Front Rear Side Coverage (%) of Stories
1. (a) 500 to 1000 6.00 4.00 4.00 15.00 33 G+3 15.00
Business and
Residentia Mercantile
2. Above1000 to 2000 6.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 33 G+3 20.00
3. Commerci Above2000 to 4000 9.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 33 G+3 25.00
4. al Above 4000 9.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 33 G+3 30.00
5. High Rise All Plots/S.Nos 9.00 8.00 8.00 27mt without
Building abutting 18mt and stilt but with
above Public Road mandatory 33 G+9 30
basement or
30mt with stilt
Note: High Rise Building shall be allowed only in those plots which are abutting a Right of way of 18mtrs or more with a maximum height upto
27mts without stilts but with mandatory basement, or 30mts with stilts and upto a maximum nine floors.
2.High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts shall be applicable only in SMC, Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads and Naroli and Athal villages.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 9: Marginal Open Spaces along with Ground Coverage, FSI and Building Height for PSP

Land Use Minimum Set Backs Maximum

Zone Minimum (in Meters) Maximum Number of Minimum
Sr. Permissible
Plot Area in Height (in Stories width of Plot
No. Ground
Sq.m Front meters) (in Mt.)
Rear Side Coverage (%)

1. Public and Upto 2000 6 G+3

5.00 5.00 15.00 33 20.00
Semi public
2. Above 2000 to 9 G+3
6.00 6.00 15.00 33 25.00
3. above 4000 9 7.00 7.00 15.00 33 G+3 30.00
4. High Rise 9.00 8.00 8.00 27mt
Building- All without stilt
Plots/S.Nos but with
abutting 18mt mandatory 33 G+9 30
and above basement
Public Road or 30mt
with stilt
Note: High Rise Building shall be allowed only in those plots which are abutting a Right of way of 18mtrs or more with a maximum height upto
27mts without stilts but with mandatory basement, or 30mts with stilts and upto a maximum nine floors.
2.High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts shall be applicable only in SMC, Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads and Naroli and Athal villages.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 10: Marginal Open Spaces along with Ground Coverage, FSI and Building Height for Commercial
Land Use Landuse Zone Minimum Minimum Set Backs Maximum Maximum
Zone Activity Plot Area in (in Meters) Maximum Permissible Number of Minimum
Sq.m Height (in Ground Stories width of Plot
meters) Coverage (in Mt.)
Front Rear Side
1. Commerc (a) Assembly 1000 to 2000 9 G+3
5.00 5.00 15.00 33 20.00
ial Zone.
2. All Above 2000 9 G+3
6.00 6.00 15.00 33 25.00
Commerc to 4000
3. ial lands above 4000 9 7.00 7.00 15.00 33 G+3 30.00
4. shall be High Rise 9 8.00 8.00
allowed 27mt without
abutting stilt but with
18mt and mandatory
33 G+9 30
above basement or
road 30mt with

5 (b) Business 1000 to 2000 9

Mercantile 5.00 5.00 15.00 33 G+3 20.00

6 Above 2000 9 25.00

to 4000 6.00 6.00 15.00 33 G+3

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

7 above 4000 9 7.00 7.00 15.00 33 G+3 30.00

8 High Rise 9 27mt without
Building stilt but with
8.00 8.00 33 G+9 30
basement or
30mt with
Note: 1.High Rise Building shall be allowed only in those plots which are abutting a Right of way of 18mtrs or more with a maximum height
upto 27mts without stilts but with mandatory basement, or 30mts with stilts and upto a maximum nine floors.
2.High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts shall be applicable only in SMC, Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads and Naroli and Athal villages.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 11: Marginal Open Spaces along with Ground Coverage, FSI and Building Height for General Industrial Zone (I1)
Land Use Landuse Zone Minimum Set Backs Maximu Maximum Maximum
Minimum Plot Minimum
Sr. Zone Activity (in Meters) m Height Permissible Number of
Area in Stories width of Plot
No. (in Ground
Sq.m (in Mt.)
Front Rear Side meters) Coverage (%)
1 General (a) Individual 200-400 G+2
3.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 33 9.00
Industrial Shops for
2 Zone. All industrial Above 400- 600 G+2
3.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 33 12.00
Plots/S.Nos goods and
3 abutting services Above 600- 800 G+3
4.00 3.00 3.00 13.50 40 15.00
18mt and
1. above (b) Industrial 800 to 2000 G+2
3.00 3.00 3.00 15.00 50 25.00
Public Road
2. 2001 to 5000 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 50 G+2 35.00
3. 5001 to 10000 9.00 9.00 9.00 15.00 50 G+2 50.00
4. Above 10000 12.00
12.00 12.00 15.00 40 G+2 50.00

5 1000 to 2000 9 5.00 5.00 15.00 33 G+3 20.00

6 2001 to 4000 9 6.00 6.00 15.00 33 G+3 25.00
7 (c ) IT/BT/NT above 4001 9 7.00 7.00 15.00 33 G+3 30.00
8 High Rise 9 9.00 9.00 27mt 33 G+9 30.00
Building without
stilt but

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

or 30mt
with stilt
9 200 to 400 3 3.00 3.00 10.00 25 G+1 9.0
10 (d) Service 401 to 600 3 G+1
Industry Class
3.00 3.00 10.00 25 12.00
‘A’ & Class
11 601 to 800 4 3.00 3.00 10.00 25 G+1 15.00
12 801 to 2000 4 3.00 3.00 10.00 25 G+1 25.00
13 Above 2001 5 5.00 5.00 10.00 25 G+1 35.00
14 (e) Storage 1000 to 5000 6 6.00 6.00 10.00 50.00 G 30.00
15 Above 5000 9 9.00 9.00 15.00 50.00 G 50.00
Note: 1.High Rise Building shall be allowed only in those plots which are abutting a Right of way of 18mtrs or more with a maximum height
upto 27mts without stilts but with mandatory basement, or 30mts with stilts and upto a maximum nine floors.
2. High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts shall be applicable only in SMC, Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads and Naroli and Athal villages.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 12: Marginal Open Spaces along with Ground Coverage, FSI and Building Height for Special Industrial Zone (I2)
Land Landuse Zone Minimum Set Backs Maximum
Use Activity Maximum Number of
Minimum Plot (in Meters) Maximum Minimum
Sr. Zone Permissible Stories
Area in Height (in width of Plot
No. Ground
Sq.m meters) (in Mt.)
Front Rear Side Coverage (%)

1. (a) All users 800 to 2000 4 G+2

3.00 3.00 15.00 50 25.00
Special except
2. Industri otherwise 2001 to 5000 5 5.00 5.00 15.00 50 G+2 35.00
3. al Zone specified 5001 to 9 G+2
9.00 9.00 15.00 50 50.00
elsewhere in 10000
4. these Above 10000 12
regulations 12.00 12.00 15.00 40 G+2 50.00

5 (b) Storage 1000 to 5000 6 6.00 6.00 10.00 50.00 G 30.00

Above 5000 9 9.00 9.00 15.00 50.00 G 50.00

Note: High Rise Buildings beyond 15mts shall be applicable only in SMC, Samrvarni, Rakholi and Dadra Patelads and Naroli and Athal villages.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

27.2. Projections in marginal open spaces

27.2.1. In the case of plots up to 500 sqm in area, balconies, chajjas, weather sheds,
canopies and such other features shall be permitted to project in the minimum
marginal open space from building line as stipulated in Table 10 to the extent
of 0.6m provided the clear height below such projections from ground level is
minimum 2.1 m

27.2.2. For plots above 500 sqm in area Balconies, Chajjas, Weather Sheds, Canopies
and such other features shall be permitted to project in the open space from
building line to the extent of 1.5 m but the clear width of the open space shall
in no case be less than 3 m for buildings up to 15 m in height, and 4.5 m for
buildings above 15 m height.

27.3. Structures Permissible in Marginal Open Spaces

The following structures may be permitted in marginal open space provided that
the clear width of open spaces shall in no case be less than as indicated below.
Further the open spaces should not under any circumstances obstruct the free flow
of vehicles around the building on all four sides.
a) For industrial sheds / buildings up to 6 m height: 4.5m
b) For all other occupancies: 4.5 m up to 15m height & 6.0m for heights more
than 15m
i. Porch : 1 Number
ii. Open steps for plinth
iii. Suction tank & pump room of maximum 2 sqm area : 1 Number
iv. Generator Set : 1 Number
v. Garbage chamber: 1 Number
vi. Vehicular ramp: 2 Numbers
vii. Open gantry for loading/ unloading in case of Engineering industry : 1
viii. Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
ix. Open Ramps up to Plinth
x. Meter Room / Electric Sub-station as per requirement of power supply
company with not more than 5 sq m carpet area
xi. Open Transformers
xii. Landscaping features

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

xiii. Water bodies as landscape features

xiv. Swimming Pool and Filtration Plant in only residential use
xv. Telephone distribution equipments
xvi. Fire Hydrants
xvii. Platform around tree up to max 2.0 m dia.
xviii. Fire Escape Staircase as per NBC 2005 as amended from time to time
xix. Cooling Tower
xx. Loading/unloading Platform
xxi. Fork lift
1. In case of industrial sheds up to 6m height where the depth of plot is not more than
30 m. the structures/activities permissible in marginal open spaces would be
allowed only on one side which does not derive entry to the plot or building and in
rear margins provided that a clear width of 1 m is maintained between such
structures and the plot boundary.
2. A cantilevered, unsupported canopy not exceeding 5.5 m in length may be
permitted in minimum marginal open space provided that the clear height below
such canopy from ground level is minimum 5.5 m
3. All the structures which are permissible in marginal open spaces shall be subject to
clear movement of emergency vehicles on all sides of the plot without any
hindrances or obstructions.
4. Storage of hazardous materials shall not be permissible in the marginal open
spaces. Storage of hazardous material in the open area of plot (excluding marginal
open spaces) shall be subject to approval of Pollution Control Board of DNH.


Development of land in the form of sub-division or layout of more than one building
(excluding ancillary building) shall be governed by the following regulations:

28.1. Requirement of Layout

28.1.1. Residential, Residential cum Commercial & Commercial Zone: Where the
land is proposed to be used for land use or activities stated in the Rule 24.1 to
24.3, a sub division plan or layout of buildings shall be submitted
a) If the area of the plot is 0.2 ha or more

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(For such use, sub-division plan or layout of buildings has to be

compulsorily submitted whenever the area of the plot is 0.2Ha or more)

28.1.2. Industrial Zone: Where the land is proposed to be used for land use or
activities stated in Rule 24.5 a subdivision plan shall be submitted
a) If the area of the plot is 0.4 ha or more
(For such use, sub-division plan or layout of buildings has to be
compulsorily submitted whenever the area of the plot is 0.4Ha or more)

28.1.3. Such sub division plan or layout shall be in accordance with the relevant
provisions specified in rule 28.2 to 28.6. The sub division plan or layout of
land shall also incorporate the proposals of the Comprehensive Development
Plan, town Planning Schemes etc. in respect of main roads, social facilities,
amenities, public utilities, services, as specified by the Government from time
to time

28.1.4. Proximity to Quarries and Crushers:

a. No subdivision or layout shall be laid out or building for Residential,
Commercial, Industrial or Health & Educational Institutional or any structure
for occupation shall be constructed within 500m from an existing live quarry in
case where explosive is used for blasting and 200meters in other cases where
blasting is not required . (If a quarry is claimed as abandoned, then a certificate
from the local body or the licensing authority concerned to that effect shall be
produced when necessary).
b. No subdivision or layout shall be laid out or residential or commercial or
institutional building shall be constructed within the radius of 500m from an
existing crusher.
c. No crusher is permissible within a distance of 500m. from an existing
residential area.

28.2. Minimum Plot Sizes: The minimum Plot sizes various users/activities in a layout
should be laid with the following criteria

28.2.1. Residential Uses

Table 13: Minimum Plot sizes for Residential Users in a layout
Minimum Plot area Minimum Width of plot
S. No. Types of Development in Sq.m in m
(i) Low income group and EWS 25 4

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(ii) Row Housing 50 to 100 8
(iii) Semi-detached housing 150 to 200 10
(iv) Detached type housing 200 10
(v) Group Housing Societies 1500 15
(vi) Residential + Commercial 500 15
Table 14: Width of Access pathways& Roads for subdivision or layout for Residential
Type of Length in Width of access in meters Width of access in meters for
Access meters for Low Rise Buildings. High Rise Buildings
Pathway Upto 50 3.0 -
Road Upto 75 6.0 9.0
Road 76 to 150 10.0 12.0
Road 151 to 300 12.0 15.0
Road Above 300 15.0 or more as required by 20.0 or more as required by
projected traffic projected traffic
The above table shall also be applicable for the individual layout of residential building.

28.2.2. Commercial Users

Table 15: Minimum Plot sizes for Commercial Users in a layout
Minimum Plot area Minimum Width of plot
S. No. Types of Development in Sq.m. in m
(i) Mercantile 1000 15
(ii) Multiplexes/Shopping Mall 4000 20
(iii) Petrol Filling station without 600 20
Service Bay
(iv) Petrol filling station with 1200 20
Service Bay
(v) Service station 1200 20
(v) Weigh Bridge 1200 25
(vi) Sports stadium/Sports Complex 15000 30
(vii) Cinema, Theatres & 3 sq m per seat or 1200 20
Auditoriums sq m whichever is higher
Table 16: Width of Access pathways and roads for subdivision or layout for Residential
cum Commercial/Commercial/Industrial(other than residential purpose)
Sr. No Length of Roads (m) Width (m)
1 Upto 100 12.0
2 100 to 300 15.0

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Sr. No Length of Roads (m) Width (m)

3 Above 300 20.0 & above as per projected traffic
The above table shall also be applicable for the individual layout of commercial/industrial/other than residential

28.2.3. Industrial Users

Table 17: Minimum Plot sizes for Industrial Users in a layout
Minimum Plot area Minimum Width of plot
S. No. Types of Development in Sq. m. in m
(i) Individual shops for Industrial 200 15
goods or service
(ii) Manufacturing Industry 800 20
(iii) Heavy Industries 1000 20

28.3. Means of Access: The provision of Road/access in any layout shall be as under

28.3.1. Residential Purpose

Table 18 : Width of Access pathways& Roads for subdivision or layout for Residential
Type of Length in meters Width of access in Width of access in
Access meters meters
Low Rise Buildings. High Rise Buildings
Pathway Upto 50 3.0 -
Road Upto 75 6.0 9.0
Road 76 to 150 10.0 12.0
Road 151 to 300 12.0 15.0
Road Above 300 15.0 or more as required 20.0 or more as required
by projected traffic by projected traffic
subject to road connecting
from a 18mt or above
The above table shall also be applicable for the individual layout of residential building.

28.3.2. Commercial/Industrial/other Purposes

Table 19 : Width of Access pathways and roads for subdivision or layout for
Commercial/Industrial/other than residential purpose

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Sr. No Length of Roads (m) Width (m)

1 Upto 100 12.0
2 100 to 300 15.0
3 Above 300 20.0 & above as per projected traffic
The above table shall also be applicable for the individual layout of commercial/industrial/other than
residential building.

28.4. Recreational Open Space

28.4.1. In the sub-division or layout of land for residential, retail shopping banks,
hotels and offices, personnel services or repair establishments, an area not less
than percentage stated in Table 20 shall be provided as recreational open

Table 20 : Minimum Recreational Open Space to be provided in the sub-division or in

the Layouts
S. No. Sub-Division or Layout area in sq.mtrs. Minimum %age of Recreation
Open Space
1 Less than 5,000 5
2 5001to 10,000 10
3 10001 to 25,000 15
4 25,001 to 50,000 20
5 above 50001 25

28.4.2. In the sub-division or layout of land for industrial purpose an area of 10% shall
be provided as recreational open space. In addition, where such land adjoins
any existing or proposed residential development / any conflicting
development such as school, Institutional & Hospital permitted by the
Government, a belt of open land not less than 10 m. in width shall be provided
within the plot along its boundary to segregate the industrial development to
any conflicting development. Trees at the rate of 50 trees per 1000 sqm of land
area shall be planted in this belt.

28.4.3. For multi-storied group of residential blocks in a single plot, the minimum
distance between each block should not be less than 4.5mts width. However,
for high rise buildings as defined under Rule 3.66, the distance between two
buildings shall be 1/3rd of the height of the tallest building and any building
under this category provision for lift shall be compulsory. In the case of
Industrial building, the distance between each block should not be less than
6.00 mts width or 1/3rd of the height of tallest building whichever is more. In

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

the case of sub-division or layout area exceeding 10.00Hectares or more the

government shall be entitled to take over 50% of the open space free of cost
for catering to public purpose.

28.5. Space for Public Amenities

28.5.1. In the sub-division or layout of land admeasuring 2.5 ha or more, certain

proportion of the gross plot area shall be provided for public facilities as
specified in table below. The actual use, location and plot sizes of public
facility areas shall be as specified by Government in the Planning Brief. The
land so reserved shall be handed over to Government or any agency specified
by it free of cost.
Table 21 : Minimum Area for Public Amenities to be provided in the sub-division or
Sr. Area of Sub-division / Minimum %age of area
No. Layout in sq.m For Public Facility
1 25,000 and more but less than 50,000 5.00
2 50,000 and more but less than 100,000 7.50
3 100,000 and more 10.00

28.5.2. Where the area of land under the sub-division or layout for Residential Purpose
exceeds 10 ha, 10% of the land shall be reserved for plots admeasuring upto 40
sq.m. in area.

28.6. FSI, Marginal Open Spaces, Ground Coverage and Height

28.6.1. The maximum floor space index (FSI) applicable shall be as per Rule 25.1.

28.6.2. The minimum marginal open spaces with ground coverage and height
restrictions applicable to each building shall be as per Rule 28.

28.6.3. If any interior or exterior open space is intended to be used for the purpose of
light and ventilation by more than one building in a layout, then the width of
such open space shall be the one required for the tallest building as specified in
Table 10 & 18 above in Rule 28. However, this distance shall be the clear
distance without any projections like balcony etc.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

28.7. The Completion Certificate for approved layout plans shall be granted only after
completion of the basic minimum works as mentioned below.
a. Leveling of all the Plots with proper demarcation;
b. Asphalt road with Storm Water drainage on both sides
c. Appropriate Street lighting;
d. Development of all designated Open Spaces and Parking areas.


29.1. For educational Buildings, Institutional Buildings, Hospital, Maternity Homes,

Health Centres, the plots shall not be located within a distance of 60 m. from the
plot of cinema theater or assembly hall.

29.2. The IRC guidelines as notified vide No.IRC 12 shall be applicable for location of
sites for Petrol filling stations with or without service bays. Further they shall not be
sited on the convex side of a road curve and shall not be permitted within a distance
of 91.5 m from the nearest boundary of a school, hospital, theatre cinema hall, place
of assembly or stadium.

29.3. In the case of kiosks and such other structures, for sales office, snacks, bars etc.
within the plot for petrol filling station, the set backs from the boundaries shall be 6
m. Further, the other clearances for installations shall be as per the Petroleum Rules,


30.1. In the sub-division scheme (Plotted development) on layout of land for group
housing admeasuring 4000 sq m or more, 10% of the land or permissible built up
area, as the case may be, shall be developed for EWS/LIG housing

30.2. In the subdivision scheme or layout of group housing admeasuring 1.0 ha or more,
15% of the land or permissible built up area, as the case may be, shall be developed
for EWS/LIG housing.

30.3. The developed plots/dwelling units for EWS/LIG categories shall be sold at the rates
prescribed by the DNH – PDA

30.4. For the development of EWS/LIG housing under rule 30.1 and 30.2 above, an
incentive FSI of 10% and 15% respectively shall be granted over and above the
permissible base FSI

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

30.5. The minimum and maximum carpet area for EWS/LIG units shall be 25 sq m and 50
sq m respectively

30.6. In the case of plotted development, the minimum and maximum plot size shall be 50
sq m and 100 sq m


31.1. Parking area for different vehicular modes and number of car spaces to be provided
for various land-uses shall be governed by the following tables.
Table 22: Size of Parking for different Vehicular Modes
Sr. No Type of Mode Size of parking bay
1 Car/Jeep 2.50 m x 5.00m
2 Scooter/Motorcycle 2.50 m x 1.20m
3 Bicycle 2.00 m x 0.70m
4 Truck 3.75 m x 10.00m
5 Trailer Truck 5.00 m x 20.00m
Table 23: Parking requirement for various Land-uses/Buildings
No. Land-Use Car Spaces
1. Residential a. 2 car spaces for every one tenement above of built up area
b. One space for every one tenement of built-up
area more than 75 Sq.m and up to 100
c. One space for every two tenements of built-up
area more than 50 Sq.m up to 75 Sq.m
d. One space for every four tenements of built-up
area up to 50 Sq.m.
2. a. Star Hotels a. One space for every 60 Sq.m of total floor area
or part thereof.
b. Hotels b. One space for every 75 Sq.m. of floor area or
part thereof
c. Lodging c. One space for every 100 Sq.m. of floor area or
part thereof.
d. Restaurants. d. One space for every 50 Sq.m. of floor area or
part thereof.
3. Educational One space for 100 Sq.m. of floor area or part

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

No. Land-Use Car Spaces
4. Institutional One space for every 250 Sq.m. of floor area or part
5. Office (Govt. & Pvt.) One space for every 60 Sq.m. of floor area up to
1500 Sq.m. and one space for every 150 Sq.m. or
part thereof for areas exceeding 1500 Sq.m
6. Information Technology, One space for every 50 Sq.m. of floor area or part
Biotechnology & thereof.
7. Assembly One space for every 60 Sq.m. of floor area or part
8. Business One space for every 100 Sq.m. of floor area or part
thereof or two cars per shops whichever is more.
9. Mercantile One space for every 80 Sq.m of floor area up to
800 and one space for every 160 Sq.m.
10. Industrial One space for every 200 Sq.m.of floor area or part
thereof subject to minimum of two spaces. In case
of plots of 1.0 Ha. and above, minimum parking
space shall be 10% of the plot area.
11. Storage One space for every 200 Sq.m. of floor area or part
thereof subject to minimum of two spaces.
12. Hospitals One space for every 150 Sq.m. of total floor area.
13. Cinemas, Theatres and One space for every 4 seats or part thereof.
14. Shopping / Malls One space for 50 Sq.m. of total floor area or part
15. Stadiums One space for every 100 seats plus additional as per
the rules for restaurants etc.

31.2. The parking can be provided with a provision for Level 1 and Level 2 parking below
ground level for High Rise Building which shall be free of FSI.

31.3. The above parking may be provided in the open area of a plot or in the basement or
in the stilted area of a building or on the podium of a building. In case of multi –

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

level parking, ramps shall be provided and mechanized methods (car lifts) may also
be permitted for maneuvering purpose.

31.4. Car parking spaces shall be clearly shown on the site plan along with the
maneuvering space to the satisfaction of PDA.

31.5. In case of residential land-use 25% of the open space around the building may be
used for parking. In case of other land-uses 50% of the open space around the
building may be used for parking and loading, unloading provided that a minimum
distance of 3.0 m around the building shall be kept free from any parking and
loading, unloading spaces.

31.6. Not withstanding the above, entire marginal open space around the building incase
of residential plot up to 500 Sq.m may be utilized for parking with adequate
maneuvering spaces.

31.7. In addition to the above table, loading and unloading spaces with suitable ramp
access shall be provided for mercantile, industrial and storage land-uses as one space
for every 100 Sq.m. of floor area or part thereof up to 500 Sq.m and one for every
500 sq.m or part thereof thereafter. The loading space shall be 3.75 m x 10.0 m

31.8. For parking of vehicles of handicapped people the following provisions shall be
a. Surface parking for two Equivalent Car Spaces (ECS) shall be provided near
entrance for the physically handicapped persons with maximum travel distance
of 30 m from building entrance.
b. The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.6 m
c. The information stating that the space is reserved for wheel chair users shall be
conspicuously displayed.
d. Guiding floor materials shall be provided or a device which guides visually
impaired persons with audible signal or other devices which serves the same
purpose shall be provided.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


32.1. No verandah, balcony or the like shall be allowed to be erected or any additions of
alterations made to a building on site within the distance quoted below in accordance
with the current Indian Electricity Rules and its amendments from time to time.

32.2. The minimum clearance specified in the Indian Electrical Rules shall be measured
from maximum sag for vertical clearance and from maximum deflection due to wind
pressure for horizontal clearance.
Table 24 : Minimum clear distance required from Electric lines
Particular of Electric Line Vertical distance Horizontal distance
(a) Low and medium voltage 2.5 m 1.2 m
line and service lines.
(b) High voltage lines upto & 3.7 m 2.0 m
including 33,000 V.
(c) Extra high voltage lines 3.0 (plus 0.3 m for every 2.0 m
beyond 33,000 V additional 33,000 V or (plus 0.3 m for every
part thereof). additional 33,000 V or part


33.1. This rules shall be applicable only after the finalization of the site for development
of Airport.

33.2. For structures, and installations of buildings in the vicinity of aerodromes,

the height shall be as shown in Table 25 below or such greater height as may be
permitted by the Civil Aviation Authorities.
Table 25: Building Height Restrictions in the Vicinity of Aerodromes
Distance of buildings, structures or installations, Permissible height of
measured horizontally, (as crow flies) from structures or
aerodrome reference point. installation/ buildings above
Sr. International civil airports Other Civil airports mean sea level/ Aerodrome
No. and their alternate. and Civil Aerodromes Reference Point
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1) Between 8535 m and Between 7925 m 152 m
22000 m and 22000 m
2) Between 7315 m and Between 6706 m 122m
8535 m and 7925 m

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Distance of buildings, structures or installations, Permissible height of

measured horizontally, (as crow flies) from structures or
aerodrome reference point. installation/ buildings above
Sr. International civil airports Other Civil airports mean sea level/ Aerodrome
No. and their alternate. and Civil Aerodromes Reference Point
3) Between 6096 m and Between 5486 m 91 m
7315m and 6706 m
4) Between 4877 m and Between 4267 m 61 m
6096 m and 5486 m
5) Between 4267 m and Between 3658 m 45m*
4877 m and 4267 m
6) Between 5658 m and Between 3048 m 36 m*
4267 m and 3658 m
7) Between 3048 m and Between 2438 m 24m/
3658 m and 3948 m
8) Between 2438 m and Between 1829 m 12 m*
3048 m and 2438 m
9) Less than 2438 m Less than 1829 m Nil except with the concurrence
of the Civil Aviation Authorities.
Note: Height limits shall also be applicable for tree heights

33.3. Explanations:
33.3.1. Irrespective of their distance from the aerodrome, even beyond the 22 km limit
from the aerodrome reference point, no radio masts or similar installation
exceeding 152 m in height shall be erected without the permission of the Civil
Aviation Authorities.

33.3.2. The location of a slaughter house/ abattoir/ butcher house or other areas for
activities like depositing of garbage which may encourage the collection of
high flying birds, like eagle and hawks, shall not be permitted within 10 km
from the aerodrome reference point.

33.3.3. Within a 5 km radius of the aerodrome reference point, every structure/

installation/ building shall be so designed as to meet the pigeon/bird-proofing
requirements of the Civil Aviation Authorities. Such requirements may
stipulate the prohibition of any cavity, niche, or other opening on the exterior
of such building/ installation/ structure so as to prevent the nesting and
habitation of pigeons or other birds.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

33.3.4. Other restrictions in height: For the purpose of operational requirements of

buildings structures or installations or for the purpose of telecommunications
or other forms of communications of the departments of the Government of
India or the State Government or Public Sector Undertakings, MIDC may for
reasons to be recorded in writing restrict the height of any building in the
vicinity of such buildings, structures or installation, and may also permit the
prescribed heights to be exceeded for such buildings, structures or installations
themselves or for any other statutory communication requirement.

33.3.5. Structures not relevant to height: The following appurtenant structures shall
not be included in reckoning the height of a building except while
considering the requirement of Civil Aviation Authorities and other statutory
communications requirements :- Roof tanks and their supports, ventilation/air-
conditioning shafts, lift-rooms and similar service equipment, stair covers,
chimneys and parapet walls, architectural features not exceeding 1.5 m in
height, television antenna, booster antenna and wireless transmitting and
receiving towers.


34.1. If any structure found to be violating the rules prescribed herein by means of
marginal encroachment etc. it can be regularized by the Authority as specifically
mentioned in Annexure 18

34.2. For any temporary Construction, the Authority may grant permission for a period
not exceeding 6 months at a time in aggregate, for the type of construction as
indicated below:
a. Structures for protection from this rain or covering of the terraces during the
monsoon only i.e., between 15th May to 15th September.
b. Pandals for ceremonies, religious functions etc., subject to the condition that for
such temporary construction fees should be recovered at the rate of Rs.50/- per
sq.m of such covered area of temporary construction. Equal amounts of fees shall
be payable as deposit, which will be refundable provided by end of the stipulated
period of 15th September, such temporary structures are removed without fail by
the owner /applicant.
C. Failure to remove such temporary sheds will be liable for forfeiture of the deposit
and any such failure continuing beyond 15th September shall be liable for
imposition of penalty which will be three times the rate of RS.50/- pr sq.m

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014


35.1. All public buildings shall be environment friendly and shall install all such
mechanisms/ instruments which shall help in preserving water, recharging of
underground water aquifer, optimum utilization of power etc, as specifically
prescribed below,

35.2. Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems (SAWHS): “Buildings of the following
categories shall provide the system or the installation having an auxiliary Solar
Assisted Water Heating System (SAWHS).
a. Hospitals and Nursing Homes.
b. Hotels, Lodges and Guesthouses.
c. Hostels of Schools, Colleges, Training Centres.
d. Barracks of armed forces, paramilitary forces and police.
e. Individual residential buildings having more than 150 sq.m plinth area.
f. Functional Building of Railway Stations and Airports like waiting rooms,
retiring rooms, rest rooms, inspection bungalows and catering units.
g. Community Centres, Banquet Halls, Barat Ghars, Kalyan Mandaps (Marriage
Halls) and Buildings for similar use”

35.3. Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems (SAWHS): The following
provisions shall be applicable for all the new buildings of categories mentioned in
Regulation No. 36.2 for installation of Solar Energy Assisted Systems.

35.3.1. Adequate provisions shall be made for installation of SAWHS in the building
design itself for an insulated pipeline from the rooftop to various distribution
points, within the aforesaid occupancies. The building must have a provision
for continuous water supply to the solar water heating system.

35.3.2. In case of hot water requirement, the building should also have open space on
the rooftop, which receives direct sunlight. Wherever hot water requirement is
continuous, auxiliary heating arrangement either with electric elements or oil
of adequate capacity can be provided.

35.3.3. The load bearing capacity of the roof should at least be 50 kg. Per Sqm All
new buildings of above said categories must complete installation of solar
water heating systems before obtaining necessary permissions to commence
their activities.

35.3.4. The capacity of solar water heating system to be installed on the building
different categories shall be decided in consultation with the Planning / Local

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Authority concerned. The recommended minimum capacity shall not be less

than 25 litres per day for each bathroom and kitchen subject to the condition
that maximum of 50% of the total roof area is provided with the system.

35.3.5. Installation of SAWHS shall conform to BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards)

specifications IS 12933. The solar connectors used in the system shall have the
BIS certification mark.

35.3.6. Building permissions for all the new constructions / buildings of the aforesaid
categories shall be granted only if they have been complied with these

35.3.7. In case of existing building, the above provisions shall be mandatory at the
time of change of use / expansion of use to any of the categories specified in
36.2 above, provided there is already a system or installation for supplying hot

35.4. Solar Assisted Electric Equipment (Photo Voltaic Equipment): In addition to the
above provisions, buildings of all categories, especially public buildings, large
holdings of commercial and residential complexes may provide an auxiliary system
of solar electricity for staircase lighting, garden area lighting or any other places
wherever feasible within the premises. The installations shall conform to the
specifications, to be certified by the registered practitioner in this field or the norms
stipulated by the PDA or any other authority designated for this purpose such as
BIS, etc., from time to time.

35.5. Rain Water Harvesting

35.5.1. The following Provisions shall be applicable for Installation of Rain Water Harvesting
Structures (RWHS).

a) All the layout open spaces / amenity spaces of housing societies and new
constructions /.reconstructions / additions on plots having area not less than 300
Sq.m in non Gaothan areas of all towns shall have 5% of the total plot area to be
kept uncovered & unpaved to enable the percolation of rain water for plots up to
less than 4 ha & 10% for plot area of 4 ha and above and shall have one or more
rain water Harvesting structures having a minimum total capacity as given here

b) Provided that the PDA may approve the Rain Water Harvesting Structures of
specifications different from those specified here below, subject to the minimum
capacity of rain water harvesting being ensured in each case.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

c) The owner / society of every building mentioned in (a) above shall ensure that
the Rain Water Harvesting structure is maintained in good condition for storage of
water for non potable purposes or recharge of groundwater, at all times.

d) The Authority may impose a levy of not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- per annum for
every 100 Sq.m of built up area for the failure of the owner of any building
mentioned in the 36.5.1 above to provide or to maintain Rain Water Harvesting
structures as required under these byelaws.

e) Rain water harvesting in a building site includes storage or recharging into

ground of rain water falling on the terrace or on any paved or unpaved surface
within the building site.

35.5.2. The following systems may be adopted for harvesting the rain water drawn from
terrace and the paved surface.

a) Open well of a minimum of 1 m dia. and 6 m depth into which rain water may be
channeled and allowed after filtration for removing silt and floating material. The
well shall be provided with ventilating covers. The water from the open well may
be used for non-potable domestic purposes such as washing, flushing and for
watering the garden etc.

b) Rain water harvesting for recharge of ground water may be done through a bore
well around which a pit of one metre width may be excavated upto a depth of at
lease 3 m and refilled with stone aggregate and sand. The filtered rain water may
be channeled to the refilled pit for recharging the borewell.

c) An impervious surface / underground storage tank of required capacity may be

constructed in the setback or other open space and the rain water may be channeled
to the storage tank. The storage tank shall always be provided with ventilating
covers and shall have draw-off taps suitably placed so that the rain water may be
drawn off for domestic, washing, gardening and such other purposes. The storage
tanks shall be provided with an overflow.

d) The surplus rain water after storage may be recharged into ground through
percolation pits or trenches or combination of pits and trenches. Depending on the
geomorphological and topographical condition, the pits may be of the size of 1.20
m width x 1.20 m length x 2.00 m to 2.50 m depth. The trenches can be or 0.60 m
width x 2.00 to 6.00 m length x 1.50 to 2.00 m depth. Terrace water shall be
channeled to pits or trenches. Such pits or trenches shall be back filled with filter
media comprising the following materials:
a. 40 mm stone aggregate as bottom layer upto 50% of the depth;

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

b. 20 mm stone aggregate as lower middle layer upto 20% of the depth;

c. Coarse sand as upper middle layer upto 20% of the depth ;
d. A thin layer of fine sand as top layer

35.5.3. Top 10% of the pits / trenches will be empty and a splash is to be provided in
this portion in such a way that roof top water falls on the splash pad.

35.5.4. Brick masonry wall is to be constructed on the exposed surface of pits /

trenches and the cement mortar plastered.

35.5.5. The depth of wall below ground shall be such that the wall prevents lose soil
entering into pits / trenches. The projection of the wall above ground shall at
least be 15 cms.

35.5.6. Perforated concrete slabs shall be provided on the pits / trenches.

35.5.7. If the open space surrounding the building is not paved, the top layer upto a
sufficient depth shall be removed and refilled with course sand to allow
percolation of rain water into ground.

35.5.8. In case of the plots where the water table is high i.e. 10 feet or less, it is not
mandatory to follow the above provisions.

35.5.9. The terrace shall be connected to the open well / bore well / storage tank /
recharge pit / by means of HDPE / PVC pipes through filter media. A valve
system shall be provided to enable the first washings from roof or terrace
catchment, as they would contain undesirable dirt. The mouths of all pipes and
opening shall be covered with mosquito (insects) proof wire net. For the
efficient discharge of rain water, there shall be at least two rain water pipes of
100mm dia. for a roof area of 100 sq.m

35.6. Rain water harvesting structures shall be sited as not to endanger the stability of
building or earthwork. The structures shall be designed such that no dampness is
caused in any part of the walls or foundation of the building or those of an adjacent

35.7. The water so collected / recharged shall as far as possible be used for non-drinking
and non-cooking purpose.

35.7.1. Provided that when the rain water in exceptional circumstances will be utilised
for drinking and / or cooking purpose, it shall be ensured that proper filter
arrangement and the separate outlet for by passing the first rain-water has been

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

35.7.2. Provided further that it will be ensured that for such use, proper disinfectants
and the water purification arrangements have been made.


The provisions for Barrier Free Environment shall be governed by the special Regulations as
given below:
They shall apply to development on any land in the Planning area of Dadra & Nagar Haveli In
particular, they shall apply to all buildings and facilities used by the public and to all layout
plans or subdivision schemes requiring traffic and transportation planning. This regulation is
applicable to all building, recreation areas and facilities used by public. It does not apply to
private domestic residences.

36.1. Site Planning: Level of roads, access paths and parking areas shall be described in
the plan along with specification of materials. Every building should have atleast
one access to main entrance/exit for the disabled which shall be indicated by the
proper signage. This entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with
stepped entry. The ramp should have a landing after every 9 meter run and in front
of the doorway. Minimum size of landing shall be 1000mm X 2000mm.

36.2. Access path/Walk way: Access path from plot entry and surface parking to building
entrance shall be of minimum of 1800 mm while having even surface without any
step . Slope if any shall not have gradient greater than 5%. Selection of floor
material shall be made suitably to attract or to guide visually impaired persons
(Limited to floor materials whose color texture is conspicuously different from that
of the surrounding floor materials or the material that emit different sound to guide
visually impaired persons. Finishes shall have a non slip surface with texture
traversable by a wheel chair. Curbs wherever provided should blend to a common

36.3. Building Requirements: The specified facilities for the buildings for disabled
persons shall be as follows:
1) Approach to the plinth level
2) Corridor connecting the entrance/exit for the handicapped
3) Stairways
4) Lift
5) Toilet
6) Drinking water facility
Braille signages shall be provided at the above specified facilities

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

36.3.1. Approach to Plinth Level: Every building should have at least one entrance
accessible to the handicapped and shall be indicated by proper signage. This
entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with the stepped entry.

a. Ramped Approach: Ramp shall be provided with non slip material to enter the
building. Minimum width of ramp shall be 1800 mm with maximum gradient
1:12 between top and bottom of the ramp. Length of ramp shall not exceed 9.0
m having 800 mm high handrail on both sides extending 300 mm beyond the
ramp. Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to the hand rail shall be 50 mm.

b. Stepped Approach: For stepped approach size of tread shall not be less than
300 mm and maximum riser shall be 150 mm. Provision of 800-mm high
handrails on both sides of the stepped approach similar to the ramped approach
shall be made.

c. Exit/Entrance Door: Minimum clear opening of the entrance door shall be

1000 mm. Threshold shall not be raised more than 12 mm.

36.3.2. Corridor Connecting the Entrance/Exit for the Handicapped: The corridor
connecting the entrance\exit for handicapped leading directly outdoors to a
place where information concerning the overall use of the specified building
can be provided to visually impaired persons either by a person or by signs,
shall be provided as follows:
a. Guiding floor materials shall be provided or devices that emit sound to guide
visually impaired persons.
b. The minimum width shall be 1500 mm.
c. In case there is a difference of level, slope ways shall be provided with a slope
of 1:12.
d. Hand rails shall be provided for ramps / slope ways.

36.3.3. Stair Ways: Stairways with open riser and provision of noshing are not
permitted in such building

36.3.4. Lifts: Whenever lift is required as per bye-laws, provision of at least one lift
shall be made for the wheel chair user with the following car dimensions of lift
recommended for passenger lift of 13 persons capacity by Bureau of Indian
Clear internal depth: 1100 mm;
Clear internal width: 2000 mm.
Entrance door width: 900 mm

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

a. A hand rail not less than 600 mm long at 900 mm. above floor level shall be
fixed adjacent to the control panel.
b. The lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1800 x 2000 mm or more
c. Information in Braille signage will be posted outside the lifts.
d. Operational details/specifications of lifts shall confirm to the National Building
Code of India, 2005, and its adherence will be the responsibility of the designer
as well as the manufacturer

36.3.5. Toilets: One special W.C. in a set of toilet shall be provided for the use of
handicapped with essential provision of wash basin near the entrance for the
a. The minimum size shall be 1500 mm x 1750 mm.
b. Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900 mm and the door shall be of
swing out/sliding type.
c. Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50 mm. clearance
from wall shall be made in the toilet.
d. The W.C. seat top shall be 500 mm from the floor.

36.3.6. Drinking water: Suitable provision of drinking water shall be made for the
handicapped near the special toilet provided for them.

36.3.7. Refuge: An alternative arrangement to immediate evacuation of a building via

staircase and/or lift is the movement of disabled persons to areas of safety
within a building. If possible they could remain there until the fire is controlled
and extinguished or until rescued by firefighters.
It is useful to have the provision for refuge area, usually at a fire protected stair
landing on each floor that can safely hold one or two wheel chairs.
a. Have a doorway with a clear opening width of 900mm and complying with
section 4.6
b. Have an alarm installed between 900 mm and 1200 mm from the floor level


Permission to install any mobile towers by any mobile phone service providers shall be
obtained. The rules pertaining to location of mobile towers shall be governed as follows,

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

37.1.1. No mobile phone service providers shall be allowed to install the base station
antenna within the premises of schools and hospitals, since the children and patients
are more susceptible to Electro Magnetic Field.

37.1.2. The installation of a mobile tower on roof of a building shall be allowed subject to
the structural safety duly certified by a structural engineer and a certificate of No
Objection obtained from the occupants/ residential association etc.
a. Installation of Base Station Antennas shall not be allowed on a road which is less than
12mts wide.
b. The Base Station Antennas should be at least 3 m away from the nearby building and
antennas should not directly face the building. Further, the lower end of the antenna
should be at least 3 meter above the ground or roof.
c. In case of multiple transmitter sites at a specific locality sharing of a common tower
infrastructure, should be explored, as far as possible.
d. Access to Base Station Antenna sites should be prohibited for general public by
suitable means such as wire fencing, locking of the door to the roof etc. Access to
tower site, even for the maintenance personnel, should be for a minimum period as far
as possible.
e. Sign boards/Warning Signs are to be provided at Base Station Antenna sites which
should be clearly visible and identifiable. A warning sign should be placed at the
entrance of such zone.
f. The “Warning Sign” should discourage longer stay in the zone, even for the
maintenance personnel. The sign board may contain the following text :
i. Danger ! RF radiations, Do not enter !
ii. Restricted Area.
The operators and maintenance personnel, who are dealing with radio frequency
devices, specially with Base Station Antennas installed on towers and at any other outdoor
sites, should be protected from electromagnetic radiations. It is required that operators and
maintenance personnel should be educated for possible hazards from these devices.



38.1.1. Bored Well Abandonment

• Remove all plumbing or piping along with any obstruction in the wells
• Remove as much of well casing as possible
• Fill the entire well upto land surface with cement grout, concrete grout,
bentonite grout and dry clay

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

38.1.2. Drilled Well Abandonment

• Any casing whether grouted or not grouted must be removed
• Entire depth of well is to be sounded to ensure freedom from obstructions that
may interfere with scaling operations
• The well should be disinfected using solution made from calcium hypochlorite
concentrations that must interface with scaling operations.
• Well constructed in consolidated hard rocks must be filled with cement grout,
bentonite grout, sand, gravel or drilling cuttings upto 3m below top of
consolidated rock or 2m below the bottom of casing. The remaining space be
filled with cement or bentonite grout to the top of well.

38.1.3. Safety Norms

• Construction of Cement/ Concrete platform measuring 0.50 X 0.50 X 0.6m
(0.3m above ground level and 0.3 below ground level) around the well casing.
• Capping of well assembly by welding steel plate
• Erecting a chain link fence of 3 X 3 m around the well
• Filling up of mud pits and channels after completion of drilling operations
• Filling up of abandoned bore wells by boulders / pebbles
• Erection of a sign-board near the well with detailed address at the time of
construction of well.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014



39.1. The standard space and service requirements of various parts of a building like light
and ventilation, fire safety etc. firstly depends on the number of persons who would
normally occupy the building. The occupant load therefore for any building should
be worked out from Table 26.

Table 26 : Occupant Load

Sr.No. Type of Occupancy Occupant load persons per 100 sq.m. of
plinth or covered area
1. Residential 6
2. Educational 2.5
3. Institutional 6.6
4. Assembly
(a) With fixed or loose seats and 166.6
dance floor.
(b) Without seating facilities 66.6
including dining rooms.
5. Mercantile:
(a) Street floor and sales basement 33.3
(b) Upper sale floors. 16.6
6. Business and industrial 10.0
7. Storage 3.3
8. Hazardous 10.0

39.2. The occupant load in dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages or
mental hospitals etc. where sleeping accommodation is provided shall be calculated
at not less than 13.3 persons per 100 sq.m.

39.3. Plinth
The plinth or any part of a building or outhouse shall be so located with respect to
the surrounding ground level that adequate drainage of the site is assured.

(i.) Main Building: The height of the plinth shall not be less than 30 cm above the
surrounding ground level and in areas subject to flooding; the height of the plinth
shall be at least 60 cm above the high flood level.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(ii.) Interior court-yards, covered parking spaces and garages shall be raised at least
1.5 cm above the surrounding ground level and shall be satisfactorily drained.

39.4. Habitable Rooms

(i.) Size & Width: The minimum size and width shall be as given in the
Table 27
(ii.) Height: The minimum and maximum height of a habitable room shall be as
specified in Table 28.
(iii.) In sites and services projects, a room of 5.6 sq.m with a toilet
arrangement may be allowed in the first phase, and in the second phase
another room of 9.3 sq.m may be added, provided further that an additional
bedroom for occupancy of a single person with a size of 5.5 sq.m with a
minimum width of 1.8 m may be permitted.

Table 27 : Minimum Size and Width of Habitable Rooms

Sr. Minimum size in Minimum length of
No. Occupancy Sq.M. one side in Metres
1. Any habitable rooms 9.5 2.4
2. In a two-room tenement:
(a) One of the room 9.6 2.4
(b) Other room 7.5 2.4

3. In a two-room tenement of site &

services project
(a) One of the room 9.3 2.4
(b) Other room 5.6 2.3
4. Single-bedded room in a Hostel of a 7.5 2.4
recognized Educational Institution
5. Shop 6.0 2.4
6. Class Room 38.0 5.5 Or area @0.8 sq.m.
per student
7. Hospital /Clinic building
(a) Special room 9.5 2.5
(b) General ward 40.0 5.0

(iv.) Provided that in pitched roof the minimum clear head-way under any team shall
be 2.4 m.
(v.) In all occupancies, except those included in Sr.No.1 (C) in Table No.28, any
height in excess of 4.3 m up to 6.00 shall be deemed to have consumed an
additional FSI of 25 per cent of the relevant floor area. The height in excess of

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

6.00 Metres shall deem to have consumed additional FSI of 50 per cent of
relevant floor area. This condition is exempted for those industries where the
machinery height requirement is more than 4.3 m Only in those areas where it is
installed, provided that they submit the machinery detail plan showing the height
etc. along with the relevant machinery brochures during the time of obtaining
construction permission.
(vi.) The total permissible industrial height is exempted for those industries portion
where the machinery is more than 15.00mtr only in those areas where it is
installed, provided that they submit the machinery detail plan showing the height
etc along with the relevant machinery brochures during the time of obtaining
construction permission

Table 28 : Minimum and Maximum Height of Habitable rooms

Sr. Occupancy Minimum Maximum height (in m.)
No. height (in m.)
1. Flat roof –
(a) Any habitable room 2.7 4.3
(b) Air-conditioned habitable room 4.3
(c) Assembly halls, residential hotel of 3 4.3
Star category and above; rooms in Subject to the written
institutional, educational, Industrial, permission of the
Hazardous or storage, department stores Authority, greater height
entrance halls and lobbies to departmental can be permitted after
stores and assembly hall. recording reasons as
2. Pitched roof-
(a) Any habitable room 2.7 4.3
(Average (average with 3.2 m. at
with 2.1 m at the lowest point)
the lowest

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.5. Kitchen:

39.5.1. The area of the Kitchen shall not be less than 5.5 sq.m with a minimum width
of 1.8 m but in a two room tenement the minimum area of the room to be used
as a Kitchen shall be 7.5 sq.m with minimum width of 2.1m. The height of a
kitchen shall be the same as that of a habitable room as stipulated in Table 28.

39.5.2. Other Requirements : Every room to be used as a Kitchen shall have:-

(a) Unless separately provided in a pantry, means for the washing of Kitchen
utensils which shall lead directly or through a sink to a grated and trap
connection to the waste pipe.
(b) on an upper floor, an impermeable floor;
(c) At least a window not less than 1 sq.m. in area, opening directly on to an
interior or exterior open space, but not into a shaft.

39.6. Bathroom and Water closets

39.6.1. The area and floor dimension of a bathroom or water closet shall not be less
than the values given in Table 29.
Table 29 : Area and Floor Dimension of Bathroom and Water Closet

Type Area (in sq.m.) Minimum length of one side

(in m.)
Bathroom 1.5 1.1
Water closet (WC) 1.1 0.9
Combined bathroom & water closet 2.2 1.1

39.6.1. A sanitary block consisting of a bathroom and water closet for each wing of
each floor at each staircase level of the building for the use of domestic
servants engaged on the premises may be permitted by the Authority.

39.6.2. The minimum dimensions of an independent bathroom shall be 1.3 m. x 1.1 m.

and for combined bathroom and water closet (WC) the size shall be (2 sq.m.)
with minimum width of 1.1 m.

39.6.3. The height of a bathroom or a water closet measured from the surface of the
floor to the lowest point of the ceiling (bottom of slab) shall be not less than
2.2 m.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.6.4. Every bathroom or water closet shall be so situated that at least one of its walls
shall abut to an exterior open space or an interior /exterior chowk with opening
area not less than 0.3 sq.m in area or 0.3 m in width.

39.6.5. No bathroom or water closet shall be situated directly over any room other than
another water closet, washing place, bathroom or terrace unless the said floor
is made impervious with adequate water-proofing treatment. However, in no
case shall a water closet or bathroom be provided over a kitchen.

39.6.6. Every bathroom or water closet shall have the platform or seat or flooring
made of watertight non-absorbent material.

39.6.7. It shall be enclosed by walls or partitions and the surface of every such wall or
partition shall be finished with a smooth impervious material to a height of not
less than 1 m. above the floor of such a room.

39.6.8. It shall be provided with an impervious floor covering, sloping towards the
drain with a suitable grade and not towards a verandah or any other room.

39.6.9. No room containing water closets shall be used for any purpose except as a

39.6.10. Every water closet and/or a set of urinals shall have a flushing cistern of
adequate capacity attached to it. In High Density Housing, however no such
flushing cistern need be provided.

39.6.11. In High Density Housing, pour flush water seal latrines (NEERI type) may be
permitted when the sewerage system is not available and the water table in the
area is not high.

39.6.12. All the sewerage outlets shall be connected to the common sewerage system,
where no such system exists, a septic tank with soak pit shall be provided
within the plot.

39.7. Loft

39.7.1. Lofts may be provided over kitchens, habitable rooms, bathrooms, water
closets, and corridors within a tenement in residential buildings, over shops,
and in industrial buildings, subject to the restrictions imposed in Table 30.

39.7.2. Lofts in commercial or industrial buildings shall be located at least 3 m. away

from the entrance, and the area shall not be counted towards FSI subject to the
condition that the clear head-room under a loft shall not be less than 2.2 m and
that above it shall not be more than 1.5 m and if exceeded, it shall be counted
towards FSI.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Table 30 : Permissible area of Loft

Sr. Coverage
No. (%age to area of room below)
1. Kitchen /Habitable room 25
2. Bathroom, water closet, corridor 100
3. Shops with width upto 3 m 33.3
4. Shops with width exceeding 3 m 50
5. Shops with width exceeding 3 m. industrial 33.3

39.8. Mezzanine Floor

39.8.1. The aggregate area of a mezzanine floor in any room shall not exceed 50 per
cent of the built up area of that room. The size of a mezzanine floor shall not
be less than 9.5 sq.mtrs if it is used as a living room. The area of the
mezzanine floor shall be counted towards FSI.

39.8.2. The minimum height/head-room above a mezzanine floor shall be 2.2 m and
the Head-room under a mezzanine floor shall not be less than 2.2 m.

39.8.3. A mezzanine floor may be permitted over a room or a compartment, if

(i) It conforms to the standards of living rooms in regard to lighting and
ventilation in case its size is 9.5 m. or more;
(ii) It is so constructed as not to interfere under any circumstances with the
ventilation of the space over and under it;
(iii) No part of it is put to use as a kitchen;
(iv) It is not closed, so that it could be converted into an un-ventilated
(v) It is at least 1.8 m away from the front wall of such room;
(vi) Access to the mezzanine floor is from within the respective room below

39.9. Store Room

39.9.1. The area of a store room where provided in residential buildings shall not be
more than 3 sq.m.

39.9.2. The store room shall not be less than 2.2 m. high

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.10. Garage

39.10.1. The internal size of a private garage shall not be less than 2.5m x 5.5.m or
2.3m x 4.5m.

39.10.2. The garage may be located if not within the building either at its side or rear,
but atleast 7.5 m away from any access road. Any lock-up garages within the
building shall be of such construction as will give fire resistance of minimum
two hours.

39.11. Basement

39.11.1. The total area of any basement shall not exceed twice the plinth area of the
plot. It may be in one level or two and its length /width shall not extend
underneath the marginal open space/ setback limits.

39.11.2. The height of the basement from the floor to the underside of the roof-slab or
ceiling or under side of a beam when the basement has a beam shall not be less
than 2.4m.

39.11.3. The extent of ventilation shall be the same as required by the particular
occupancy for which the basement is used. Any deficiency must be made
good by resorting to a mechanical system viz. blowers, exhaust fans, air-
conditioning system, according to the standards in Part VIII, Building
Services- Section-I Lighting and Ventilation, National Building Code.

39.11.4. A basement may be put to the following uses only

a. Storage of household or other non-hazardous goods;
b. Store rooms, bank lockers or safe-deposit vaults;
c. air-conditioning equipment and other machine used for services and
utilities of the building;
d. parking spaces;
e. Electric sub-station (which will conform to required safety requirements);
f. Provided that use strictly ancillary to the principal uses may also be
permitted in a basement.

39.11.5. Every basement shall meet the following specifications:-

(a) The ceiling of an upper basement shall be at least 0.9 m & not more than
1.2 m. above the average surrounding ground level.
(b) Adequate arrangements shall be made to ensure that surface drainage does
not enter the basement.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(c) The walls and floors of the basement shall be water-tight and the effect of
the surrounding soil and moisture, if any, should be taken into account in
design and adequate damp proofing treatment shall be given.
(d) Any access to the basement through a staircase or pedestrian ramp shall
meet the normal requirements for such access. Open ramps may be
permitted in the open spaces except in the front open space subject to (b)
above and the fire protection requirements.
(e) Any access to the basement through vehicular ramps shall meet the normal
requirements of such access.

39.12. Cabin
Where cabins are provided, a clear passage not less than 0.9 m. wide will be
maintained. The size of a cabin shall not be less than 3 sq.m and the distance from
the farthest space of a cabin to the nearest exit shall not be more than 18.5 m. If the
cabin does not derive direct light and ventilation from any open spaces /mechanical
means, its maximum height shall be 2.2 m.

39.13. Office room:

In every residential building, constructed or proposed to be constructed for the use of
a co-operative housing society or an apartment owner’s association, an office room
will be permitted on the ground floor or first floor. In an already developed
property, it may be on an upper floor. The area of the room shall be limited to 12
sq.m if the number of tenements in the building does not exceed 20, and to 20 sq.m.

39.14. Letter Box

A letter box of appropriate dimensions shall be provided on the ground floor of
residence and commercial buildings to the satisfaction of the Authority.

39.15. Meter Room:

An independent and ventilated meter (service) room directly accessible from the
outside shall be provided on ground floor and/or on upper floors, according to the
requirements of the electric department. The door to the room shall have fire
resistance of not less than two hours.

39.16. Refuse Chute:

In all multi-storied residential and/or commercial buildings of more than Ground
plus two floors, a refuse chute shall be provided with openings on each floor.

39.17. Corridor
The minimum width of a common corridor shall be as shown in Table 28, provided
that any corridor identified as an exit shall also conform to the requirements therein.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.18. Doors:
Doors shall conform to the following provisions, in addition to satisfy the fire-
fighting requirements, any doorway identified as an exit shall conform to the
requirements therein.

39.19. Width
The minimum width of a staircase other than a fire escape shall be as given in Table

Table 31 : Minimum width of Common Stairways /Corridors for various Occupancies

Sr. Type of occupancy Minimum width of
No. staircase/stairway /corridor (in
1. Residential Buildings
(a) General 1.2
(b) Row Housing (2 storeys) 0.9
(c) Hotels 1.5

2. Educational Buildings
(a) Upto 24 m high 1.5
(b) Over 24 m high 2.0
3. Institutional buildings (i.e. hospitals)
(a) Upto 10 beds 1.5
(b) Over 10 beds 2.0
4. Assembly buildings 2.0
5. Other Public Semi Public buildings, Mercantile, 1.5
Business, Industrial, Storage and Hazardous

39.20. No flight shall contain more than 12 risers, but in residential buildings in narrow
plots and in High density Housing a single flight staircase may be permitted.

39.21. Risers:
The maximum height of a riser shall be 19 cm. in a residential building, and 16 cm
in any other occupancy. However, on an internal stairway within a dwelling unit, a
riser may be 25 cm. high.

39.22. Treads:
The minimum width of the tread without nosing shall be 25 cm for staircase of a
residential building, other than fire escapes. In other occupancies, the minimum

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

width of the tread shall be 30 cm. It shall have a non-slippery finish and shall be
maintained in that fashion.

39.23. Floor Indicator:

The number of each floor shall be conspicuously painted in figures at least 15 cm.
large on the wall facing the flights of a stairway or at such suitable place as is
distinctly visible from the flights.

39.24. Hand Rail

Handrails with a minimum height of 0.9 m from the centre of the treads shall be

39.25. Ramps:
(i) Ramps for pedestrians –
(a) General: The provision applicable to stairways shall generally apply to
ramps. A ramp in a hospital shall not be less than 2.25 m. wide and in
addition to satisfying the fire fighting requirements, a ramp shall conform
to the stipulations related to fire safety rules and GOI
(b) Slope: A ramp shall have a slope of not more than 1 in 10. It shall be of
non-slippery material.
(c) Handrail: A handrail shall be provided on both the sides of the ramp.
(ii) Ramps for basement of storied parking: - For parking spaces in a basement and
upper floors, at least two ramps of adequate width and slope shall be provided
preferably at the opposite ends. Such ramps may be permitted in the side and
rear marginal open spaces after leaving sufficient space for movement of fire-
fighting vehicles.

39.26. Lifts:
At least one lift shall be provided in every building more than 4 storey or 16 m. in
height (whichever is lesser). Wherever, it s not possible to provide ramps in public
buildings, a lift is compulsory, irrespective of the height of the building.

39.26.1. The number, type and capacity of lifts shall satisfy the requirement of Sec.5-
“Installation of Lifts and Escalators” National Building Code of India.

39.26.2. At ground floor level, a grounding switch shall be provided to enable

grounding lift cars in an emergency.

39.26.3. The lift machine room shall be separated and no other machinery shall be
installed therein.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.26.4. The number of each floor shall be conspicuously painted in figures at least 15
cm. large on the wall opposite the lift/lifts opening or on other suitable surface
so as to be distinctly visible from the lift cage.

39.27. Porch: A porch, if any, shall be at least 1.5 m. clear of the plot boundary; the area of
a porch upto 5.5 m in length (parallel to the main building) shall not be counted
towards FSI. A parapet wall 0.23 m. in height is permissible over a porch. The
Authority may permit larger porches for mercantile, hotel and public buildings.

39.28. Balcony:
No balcony shall reduce the minimum marginal open space to less than what is
prescribed in the relevant rules except otherwise mentioned in Rule 39.2 The width
of the balcony will be measured perpendicular to the building line and reckoned
from that line to the balcony’s outermost edge. Balconies may also be allowed to be
enclosed with written permission of the Authority. When balconies are enclosed,
one-third of the area of their faces shall have lower glass shutters or grills on the top
and the rest of the area except the parapet shall have glazed shutters.

39.29. Revas Projection:

39.29.1. A revas projection 1.20 m. in width may be permitted in the front open space
when it faces a street 12m. or more in width. To facilitate the construction of
staircase, such revas projection may be permitted in the side or rear open space
provided that such open space is at least 4.5m. and the revas projection is
limited to a width of 0.75 m. No revas projection shall be at a height less than
2.1 m. above the ground level.

39.29.2. A revas projection shall not be permissible in the side of rear open spaces of a
tower-like structure.

39.29.3. The areas of all revas projections shall be taken into account for the
computation of FSI.

39.30. Roofs:
The roof of a building shall be so constructed or framed as to permit effectual
drainage of the rain water there from by means of rain water pipes of the scale of at
least one pipe of 10 cm. diameter for every 40 Sq.m. of room area. Such pipes shall
be so arranged, jointed and fixed as to ensure that the rain water is carried away
from the building without causing dampness in any part of the walls or foundations
of the building or those of an adjacent building. Rain water pipes shall be affixed to
the outside of the walls of the building or in recesses or chutes or formed in such
walls or in such other manner as may be approved by the Authority.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.31. Terrace:
Terraces shall not be sub-divided and shall be accessible by common staircases.

39.32. Parapet:
Parapet walls and hand-rails provided on the edges of the roof terrace, balcony, etc.
shall not be less than 1.15 m. from the finished floor level and not more than 1.30 m.
in height above the unfinished floor level.

39.33. Boundary wall and Main Entrance:

39.33.1. Boundary wall: Except with the permission of the Authority, the maximum
height of a boundary wall shall be 2.0 m. above the level of the centre line of
the front street. A boundary wall upto 2.4 m. height may be permitted if the
top 0.9 m. is of open type construction, to facilitate through vision.

39.33.2. At a corner plot, the height of the boundary wall shall be restricted to 0.75 m.
for a length of 10 m. on the front and side of the inter-section and the balance
height of 0.75 m. if required in accordance with 39.33.1 above may be made
up of open type construction (through railings).

39.33.3. In electric sub-stations, transformer stations, institutional buildings like

sanitariums, hospitals, educational buildings like schools, colleges, including
hostels, industrial buildings and other uses of public utility undertakings, a
height upto 2.4 m. can be permitted.

39.33.4. The main entrance to a plot accommodating a multi-storey, high rise or a

special building shall be at least 4.5 M. wide and height shall be not less than
5.0 M from road or floor level and shall be so designed as not to obstruct easy
movement of a fire-engine or truck. The entrance gate to it shall open inside
and fold back against the compound wall.

39.34. Wells:

39.34.1. No wells shall be located less than 12 m. from any soak pit, refuse pit, subsoil
dispersion (soak pit) earth closet or privy; or under a tree, unless it has a
canopy over it so that leaves and twigs do not fall into it and rot.

39.34.2. Other Requirements: The wells should have a minimum internal diameter of 1
m and should be constructed to height not less than 1m. above the surrounding
ground level, to form a parapet or curb and to prevent surface water from
flowing into it and shall be surrounded with paving constructed of impervious
material which shall extend for a distance of not less than 1.8 m. in every
direction from the parapet or the curb forming the well head and the upper
surface of such a paving shall be sloped away from the well; the wells should

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

be of sound and permanent construction (pucca) throughout. A temporary or

exposed (kutcha) well shall be permitted only in fields or gardens for purposes
of irrigation; the wells should have the interior surface of its lining or walls
rendered impervious for a depth of not less than 1.8 m. measured from the
level of the ground immediately adjoining the well-head. The well should be
clearly visible, with a routes reaching them clearly marked and signs posted to
guide any person to the floor concerned.

39.35. Overhead Tank:

Every overhead water storage tank shall be maintained in a perfectly mosquito proof
condition by providing a properly fitted hinged cover and every tank more than 1.5
m in height shall be provided with a permanently fixed iron ladder to enable
inspection by anti –malaria staff.

39.36. Septic Tanks:

39.36.1. Location and Sub –Soil dispersion system shall not be closer than 12 m. to any
source of drinking water, such as well to mitigate the possibility of bacterial
pollution of water supply. It shall also be as far removed from the nearest
habitable building as economically feasible but not closer than 2 m to avoid
damage to the structure.

39.36.2. The dimensions shall have a minimum inner width of 75 cms, a minimum
depth of 1m below the water level and a per capita minimum liquid capacity of
85 litres. The length of the tanks shall be atleast twice the width.

39.36.3. The septic tanks may be constructed of brick work, stone masonry, concrete or
other suitable material as defined in the National Building Code.

39.36.4. Under no circumstances, should the effluent from the septic tank be allowed in
to an open channel drain or a body of water without adequate treatment.

39.36.5. The minimum diameter of the pipe shall be 100 mm. Further, at junctions of
pipes in man holes, the direction of flow from a branch, connection should not
make an angle exceeding 45 degrees with the direction of flow in the main

39.36.6. The gradient of land drains, under drainage as well as the bottom of dispersion
trenches and soak ways should be between 1:300 and 1:400.

39.36.7. Every septic tank shall be provided with a ventilating pipe of at least 50 mm
diameter. The top of the pipe shall be provided with a suitable cage of
mosquito proof wire mesh. The ventilating pipe shall be extended to a height
which would cause no small or nuisance to any building in the area.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Generally, the ventilating pipe should extend to a height of 2m, when the septic
tank is at least 15m away from the nearest building and to a height of 2m
above the top of the building when it is located closer than 15 m.

39.36.8. When the disposal of a septic tank effluent is to a seepage /soak pit, the
seepage pit may be of sectional dimension of 90 cm and not less than 100 cm,
in depth below the inner level of the inlet pipe. The pit may be lined with
stone, brick and concrete blocks with dry open joint which should be backed
with at least 7.5 cm of clean coarse aggregate. The lining above the inlet level
should be finished with mortar. In the case of pits of large dimensions, the top
portion can be narrowed to reduce the size of the RCC cover slabs. When no
lining is used, specially near trees, the entire pit should be filled with loose
stones. A masonry ring should be constructed at the top of the pit to prevent
damage by flooring of the pit by surface run off. The inlet pipe should be
taken down to a depth of 90 cm from the top as an anti-mosquito measure.

39.36.9. When the disposal of the septic tank effluent is to a dispersion trench, the
dispersion trench shall be 50 to 100 cm wide excavated to a slight gradient and
shall be provided with a layer of washed gravel or crushed stones 15 to 25 cm
deep. Open jointed pipes placed inside the trench shall be made of unglazed
earthen ware clay or concrete and shall have a minimum internal diameter of
75 to 100 mm. Each dispersion trench should not be longer than 30 m and
trenches should not be placed closer than 1.8 m of each other.

39.36.10. Common Antenna for Television Transmission /Reception: A common

conventional antenna for receipt of television transmission shall be provided
for every residential building with more than 10 tenements.

39.37. Requirement of Educational Buildings

39.37.1. In addition to the classrooms and other areas, every educational building shall
be provided with a tiffin room of minimum area of 18.0 sqm for every 800
students or part thereof.

39.37.2. A separate tiffin room for teachers where strength of students exceeds 1000
has to be provided.

39.37.3. A room with drinking water facilities for every 300 students or less on each of
the floors has to be provided.

39.38. Special Amenities for Physically Handicapped persons: All provisions mentioned in
the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Act 1995; has to be reached strictly. Over and above it, the following
provisions are compulsory in any public buildings;

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.39. A 90 cm hand-rail and an additional one at a height of 75 cms above the finished
level of the steps for staircases and for steps to the ground floor plinth even if they
have enclosed on their sides by walls. A ramp with a slope not exceeding 1:12 from
the ground level of open spaces or road level to the entrance door or the lift or the
staircases. One of the wash basins in the toilet block on each floor fixed at a height
of 80 cm with a tap at 10 cm above the finished floor level.

39.39.1. All parts of the room would be adequately lighted and ventilated. Every room
shall have one or more apertures, excluding doors with area not less than 1/6th
of the floor area of the room, with no part of any habitable room being more
than 7.5 m away from the source of light and ventilation. However a staircase
shall be deemed to be adequately lighted and ventilated, if it has one or more
openings, their area taken together measuring not less than 1 sqm per landing
on the external wall.

39.39.2. All rooms will have an opening with a minimum area of 1 sqm in any habitable
room including a kitchen, and 0.3 sqm with one dimension of 0.3 meter for any
bathroom, water closet or store.

39.39.3. All the walls containing the openings for light and ventilations fully exposed to
an exterior open space either directly or through a verandah not exceeding 2.4
m in width provided that a room meant for non-residential use shall be
considered as adequately lighted and ventilated if its depth from the side
abutting the required open space does not exceed 12 m.

39.39.4. If a bathroom, water closet, staircase or store may abut on the ventilation shaft,
the size of which then shall not be less than the values mentioned in Table 32
Table 32 : Size of Ventilation Shafts
Height of Building Cross Section of Ventilation Side of Shaft
(metres) Shaft (meters)
Upto 12 m 2.8 1.2
Upto 18 m 4.0 1.5
Upto 24 m 5.4 1.8
Upto 30 m 8.0 2.4
Above 30 m 9.0 3.0

In such ventilation shafts, mechanical ventilation system shall be installed.

Further such ventilation shaft shall be adequately accessible for maintenance.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

39.39.5. Where lighting and ventilation requirements are not met through day lighting
and natural ventilation, they shall be ensured through artificial lighting and
ventilation in accordance with the provisions of Part III, Building Service
Section I, Lighting and Ventilation, National Building Code.


The planning, design and construction of any building shall be such as to ensure safety from
the fire. For this purpose, unless otherwise specified in these rules, the provisions of Part IV,
Fire Protection Chapter, National Building Code of India - 2005 shall apply.

40.1. Any building for human occupancy shall be provided with exits sufficient to permit
safe escape for its occupants in case of fire or other emergencies the exits shall
conform to the following:
a. Exits should be horizontal or vertical. The horizontal exit may be a door way,
a corridor, a passage way to an internal or external stairway or to an adjoining
building, ramp, a verandah or terrace which has access to the street or to the
roof of a building. A vertical exit may be a staircase or a ramp, but not a lift.
b. Exit from all the parts form the building except those not accessible for general
public use shall provide continuous egress to the exterior of the building or to
an exterior open space leading to the street. The exits will be so arranged that,
except for a residential building, they can be reached without having to cross
another occupied unit. The exits should be free from any obstruction and
should be adequately illuminated. The exits should be clearly visible with the
routes reaching them clearly marked and signs posted to guide any person to
the floor concerned.
c. They should be fitted, if necessary, with fire fighting equipment suitably
locked but not as to obstruct the passage, clearly marked and with its location
clearly indicated on both sides of the exit way.
d. They should be fitted with a fire alarm device, if it is either a multi-storey, high
rise or a special building so as to ensure its prompt evacuations.
e. They shall remain unaffected by any alteration of any part of the building so
far as their number, width, capacity and protection thereof is concerned.
f. They should be so located that the travel distance on the floor does not exceed
the following limits:-
(i) Residential, educational, other institutional /PSP and hazardous
occupancies : 22.5 m
(ii) Assembly, business, mercantile, industrial and storage godowns : 30 m

Note: The travel distance to an exit from the dead end of a corridor shall not exceed half the
distance specified above.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

g. When more than one exit is required on a floor, the exits shall be as remote
from each other as possible.
h. The width of an exit, stairway /corridor and exit door to be provided at each
floor in occupancies of various types shall be as shown in Table 33. Their
number shall be calculated by applying to every 100 sq.m. of the plinth or
covered area of the occupancy, the relevant multiplier in Columns 4 and 6 of
the Table 26, fractions being rounded off upward to the nearest whole number.
Apart from fire fighting Equipments, the following devices shall be installed,
a. Indoor, Out Door Cameras (CCTV) with proper lighting, Monitors and data
recording facility covering all important points especially Entry/Exit, Parking,
litterbins and other critical areas
b. Door Frame Metal Detector (DFMD)
c. Hand Held Metal Detector (HHMD)
d. Search tool Kit (Torch, Extension Mirror, Prodder, Screw driver set, Nylon
Cord etc.)
e. Under vehicle search mirrors
f. Search Lights
g. X-ray Baggage Scanner
h. Automatic/Manual Barrier/Slide Gate
i. Emergency Public Address System
j. Intercom/Wireless facility at all important points

Apart from these equipments, the following features shall also be provided.
(a) Stand-off distance
Minimum stand-off of the mall buildings from the public roads should be
maintained to help in vehicle management during rush hours/any contingency.
(b) Security Control Room.
(c) Safe Room/Cloak Room near the entrance for the deposit of bags.
(d) Voice recording capability to monitor threat calls.
(e) Minimum litterbins to be kept and must be clearly covered and monitored by
CCTV systems.
(f) All the staffs should be provided with Bio-metric identity card to avoid
unauthorized access to critical areas.
(g) They should prepare Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and conduct periodic mock

40.2. Corridors
a. Exit corridors shall be of a width not less than the total required width of exit
doorways leading from them in the direction of travel to the exterior /stairway.
b. Where stairways discharge through corridors, the height of the corridors shall
not be less than 2.4 m.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

c. Where there is more than one staircase serving a building, there shall be at
least one smoke-stop door in the space between the staircases.

Table 33 : Width and Number of Exits for Various Occupancies

Sr. Type of Occupancy Stair /Corridor Door Min. Exit
No. Width in Multiplier
Minimum Multiplier
1. Residential Dwellings: 1.2 0.145 - 0.053
Row houses upto two 0.75 0.213 -
Hotels 1.5 0.107 -
2. Educational – upto 24 m high 1.5 0.333 - 0.667
3. Institutional i.e. –over 24. m 2.0 -
Upto 10 beds 1.5 0.083 - 0.044
Over 10 beds 2.0 0.67 -
4. Assembly :
Fixed or loose seats and dance 2.0 0.694 1.0 0.926
No sitting facilities and dining 2.0 0.278 0.370
5. Mercantile: -
Street Floor and Basement 1.5 0.222 - 0.222
Upper Sales floor 1.5 0.111 - 0.111

6. Business & Industrial 1.5 0.067 - 0.067

7. Storage 1.5 0.022 - 0.022
8. Hazardous 1.5 0.133 0.125

Note: for the dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages, mental hospitals etc.
these multipliers will be doubled.

40.3. Doorway
a. Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit or a
corridor or passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress:

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

b. An exit doorway shall open outwards i.e. away from the room, but shall not
obstruct the travel along any exit. No door, when opened, shall reduce the
required width of a stairway or landing to less than 90 cm.
c. An exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight or stairs; a landing equal
to at least the width or the door shall be provided in the stairway at each
doorway; the level of the landing shall be the same as that of the floor which it
d. Exit doorways shall be openable from the side which they serve, without the
use of a key.

40.4. Revolving doors

a. Revolving doors shall not be used as required exits except in residential,

business and mercantile occupancies; and they shall not constitute more than
half the total required door width.
b. When revolving doors are considered as required exit ways, then the multiplier
in Table 33 shall be increased by 33.33 percent, and the revolving doors shall
not be located at the foot of stairway. Any stairway served by a revolving door
shall discharge through a lobby or foyer.

40.5. Internal Stairways

a. Stairways shall be constructed of non-combustible materials throughout.
b. Any interior staircase shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with atleast
one side adjacent to an external wall and shall be completely closed.
c. A stair cases shall not be arranged around a lift shaft unless the later is entirely
enclosed by a material of fire resistance rating as that for type of construction
itself. For multi-storeyed high rise and special buildings, the staircase location
shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Fire Officer.
d. In multi-storeyed, high rise and special buildings, access to main staircases
shall be gained through at least half –an-hour fire resisting automatic closing
doors, placed in the enclosing walls of the staircases. They shall be swing type
doors opening in the direction of the escape.
e. No living space, store or other space, involving fire risk shall open directly into
a staircase.
f. The external door of a staircase enclosure at ground level shall open directly to
the open space or should be accessible without passing through any door other
than a door provided to form a draught lobby.
g. In multi-storeyed high rise and special buildings, exit signs with arrows
indicating the escape route shall be provided at a height of 1.5 m. from the
floor level on the wall and shall be painted with fluorescent paint. All exit way

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

signs should be flush with the wall and so designed that no mechanical damage
to them can result from the moving of furniture or other heavy equipment.
h. Where a building has a single staircase, it shall terminate at the ground floor
level, and the access to the basement shall be by a separate staircase. Where
the building is served by more than one staircase, one of the staircases may
lead to the basement level, by either a ventilated lobby or a cut-off screen wall
without opening, having a fire resistance of not less than 2 hours with
discharge point at two different ends or through enclosures. It shall also be
out-off from the basement area at various basement levels by a protected and
ventilated lobby /lobbies.

40.6. Fire escape of external stairs: Multi-storeyed, high rise and special buildings shall
be provided with fire escape stair, which will be free of FSI, and they should
conform to the following:
a. They shall not be taken into account in calculating the evacuation time of a
b. All of them shall be separate and remote from the internal staircase.
c. Entrance to them shall be separate and remote from the internal staircase.
d. Routes to the fire escape shall be free of obstruction at all times, except for a
doorway leading to the fire escape, which shall have the required fire
e. They shall be constructed of non-combustible materials.
f. They shall have a straight flight not less than 75 cm. wide with 15 cm. treads
and risers not more than 19 cm. The number of risers shall be limited to 16 per
g. They shall be provided with handrails at a height not less than90 cm. above the

40.7. Ramp
a. All the requirements of this Regulation shall apply to any ramps which apply
to a staircase.
b. Ramps shall lead directly to outside open spaces at ground level or courtyards
of other safe place.
c. In a multi-storey high rise and special buildings, access to ramps from any
floor shall be through a smoke-stop door.

40.8. Refuge Area

a. In multi-storey and high rise buildings, at least one refuge area shall be
provided on the floor immediately above 24 m.
b. It shall be on the external walls as a cantilevered projection or in any other

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

c. It shall have a minimum area of 15sq.m and a minimum width of 3.0 m.

d. It shall not be counted in FAR.

40.9. Providing Basic security features pertaining to access controls and

In all commercial buildings such as Multiplex, Cinema Halls, shopping Malls etc
with a minimum carpet area of not less than 10,000 sq ft shall have all security
systems installed and in specific CCTV and camera surveillance at appropriate
places so that there is adequate monitoring of people visiting such places.

40.10. Security Features, Access Control and Surveillance to Buildings vulnerable to

manmade disaster like terrorist attack.
This shall be applicable to all such buildings as listed below:
(a) All buildings that have been specifically identified by the Appropriate
Authority of the UT Administration.
(b) All Assembly Buildings.
(c) Institutional Buildings of Govt., Semi Govt. Organizations, Prisons, Courts
(having built up area exceeding 10,000 or occupancy over 1,000).
(d) Institutional Buildings of Registered Trusts which are used for Medical or
other treatments, Hospitals. (having built up area exceeding 10,000
or occupancy over 1,000).
(e) Educational Buildings of Schools/Colleges (having built up areas
exceeding 10,000 or occupancy over 1,000).
(f) Buildings which attract or are likely to attract large number of
people/public, such as Shopping Malls, Markets, Religious Buildings,
Large Intercontinental Hotels, Monuments, Places of Tourist importance,
Exclusive Business Buildings (like World Trade Center, Stock Exchange)
(g) Hazardous Buildings as defined in National Building Code.
(h) Any other Building specifically categorized by UT Administration

40.10.1. The following provisions shall be made in such buildings:

i. Electronic Surveillance Systems shall be installed at various locations in and out of the
building as may be required and with previous approval of the Police Department
having regard to the degree of perceived risk. A suitable control room shall be
provided within the premises for monitoring, as mentioned earlier in 47.12 above.
ii. CCTV coverage of all important locations and vital installations shall be done
including main gate, reception, utility areas, and common open areas on floors, lifts,
lobbies, and the compound. Perimeter lighting outside the building shall be adequate
with focus at critical areas and movable search lights at corners.
iii. All electronic systems, electrical systems, security systems and minimum services to
the Control Room shall be provided with three tier system arrangement consisting of
(1) main supply, (2) standby generating system, (3) inverter or UPS system, so as to

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

have continuous and uninterrupted supply and shall comply with the provisions of IS
codes, Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 and National Building Code.
iv. All provisions of National Building Code in respect of electrification shall be
v. In addition to the provision in the National Building Code and the Existing
Development Control Rules, the following additional requirements has to be provided.
(a) Provisions of automatic dampers to the main fresh air duct at individual floors.
(b) Protection of entire area with sprinkler system.
(c) Provision of micro processor based wireless addressable detector system with
connectivity to the nearest Police Station and Fire Station including basements
and mezzanine floors.
(d) Florescent signage showing directions of escape routes/staircases.
(e) Wet risers and sprinkler systems shall always be kept on automation mode.
(f) Provisions of 10/15 Kg. capacity water based mist system 300 bar operating
pressure portable extinguisher near the staircase or lift lobby on every alternate
(g) Cooking below or within the building shall be disallowed and provision only
made for heating with oven, hotplate, tea/coffee machine, etc in the pantry.
However, this restriction shall not apply to star hotels, hospitals and other
buildings with core functions requiring food service, in which case the kitchen
shall be provided with adequate precautions as directed by the Fire officer and
designed for 4 hour fire resistance. It is preferable to carry out cooking in a
detached building.
(h) Fire retardant coat shall be applied to all combustible partitions.
(i) Provisions of minimum two openable windows shall be made on each face of
the building.
(j) All windows and glazing on outer walls shall be provided with shatter proof
protection film.
(k) In addition any more stringent provisions in existing Development Control
Regulations and the guidelines issued in National Building Code Part 4 Fire
and Life Safety shall be followed.
vi. For quick Evacuation during emergencies Adequate provision within the building for
quick and safe evacuation shall be made in accordance with the standards of National
Building Code including number and width of exit doors, passages to be used as
escape routes, staircases, longitudinal and cross-aisle and passages in the offices with
built up furniture.
vii. All external cladding shall be provided with shatter proof membranes to the glass
walls and openable shutters at intervals for access to rescue teams and to release air
pressure due to any blast.
viii. Maps of exit routes shall be displayed at various spots within the building.
ix. A separate entry and separate exit are to be provided for each wing of a building
having different activities i.e. Malls, Multiplexes, Offices, etc.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014



41.1. The structural design of foundations, elements made of masonry, timber, plain
concrete, pre-stressed concrete and structural steel shall be carried out in accordance
with Part IV, structural Design, Section 1- Loads, Section 2- Foundation, Concrete,
Section -3 Wood, Section 4 – Masonry, Section 5 – Concrete, Section 6 – Steel, of
National Building Code of India, 2005 taking into consideration the Indian
Standards and Guidelines for hazard safety a given below:
a. For Earthquake Protection
(i) IS:1893 -1984, ‘Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
(Fourth Revision)
(ii) IS: 13920-1993, “Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures
subjected to Seismic Forces –Code of Practice”.
(iii) IS: 4326-1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of
Buildings – Code of Practice (Second Revision).
(iv) IS:13828 -1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength
Masonry Buildings Guideline”
(v) IS: 13827 -1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen
Buildings –Guideline”.
(vi) IS:13935-1993, “Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings –
(vii) “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Housing Guidelines”, by Expert
Group, Government of India, Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment,
published by Building Material and Technology Promotion Council,

b. For Cyclone /Wind Storm Protection:

(i) IS: 875 Part (3) -1987 “Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than
Earthquake) for Building and Structures. Part 3: Wind Loads”.
(ii) “Improving Wind /Cyclone Resistance Housing Guideline“ by Expert
Group, Government of India, Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment,
published by Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council,

Note: Wherever an Indian Standard including those referred in the National Building Code is
referred, the latest version of the same shall be followed.
In pursuance of the above a certificate as indicated below shall be submitted along with
building plans/drawings and building information schedule annexed thereto.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

41.2. Structural Stability and Fire Safety of Existing Buildings

a. The Competent Authority on its own or otherwise may have the assessment of
structural and/or fire safety of an existing building/structure damaged/
undamaged carried out through expert(s) chosen from a panel of experts
identified by the Competent Authority in this behalf, at the cost of the
owner/developer/occupants of the building.
b. The Competent Authority on advice of such expert(s) shall direct the owner
/developer /occupants of the building to carry out such repair/restoration and
strengthening /retrofitting of the building found necessary so as to comply with
the safety standards laid down in the National Building Code and the Indian
Standards specified under Regulation.
c. The Competent Authority shall specify the period within which such
compliance is to be carried out.
d. The Competent Authority may also direct the owner/developer /occupants
whether the building could be occupied or not during the period of compliance.

41.3. Quality Control Requirement

The following quality control system shall be adopted for all buildings except those
up to 3 storied residential buildings having less than 1000 sqm in built up area.

The testing of the material as per Indian Standards shall be carried out by
laboratory(s) approved by the competent authority in this behalf. The laboratory(s)
shall work out in consultation with the construction agency a testing programme of
materials such as cement, steel and quality of concrete including its mixing, laying
and strength at site as well as in the laboratory. This should cover various stages of
construction from foundation to completion as per Regulations. The laboratory(s)
shall maintain a duly authenticated report in a bound register, copy of which will be
submitted to the construction agency, which will in turn forwards the testing report
to the competent authority.

41.4. Quality of Materials & Workmanship

41.4.1. All materials and workmanship shall be of good quality conforming generally
to accepted standards of Public Works Department of Administration and
Indian Standard Specifications and Codes as included in Part-V - Building
Materials and Part VII – Constructional Practices and Safety of National
Building Code of India, 2005.

41.4.2. All borrow pits dug in the course of construction and repair of buildings, roads,
embankments, etc. shall be deep and connected with each other in the
formation of a drain directed towards the lowest level and properly stopped for

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

discharge into a river stream, channel or drain and no person shall create any
isolated borrow pit which is likely to cause accumulation of water which may
breed mosquitoes.

41.5. Alternative Materials, Methods of Design and Construction & Tests. The
provision of the rules are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method
of design or intended to prevent the use of any material or method of design or
construction not specifically prescribed by the rules provided any such alternative
has been approved.

41.6. The provisions of the rules are not intended to prevent the adopting of architectural
planning and layout conceived as an integrated development scheme.

41.7. The Authority may approve any such alternative, provided it is found that the
proposed alternative is satisfactory and conforms to the provisions of relevant parts
regarding material, design and construction and that material, method or work
offered is for the purpose intended, atleast equivalent to that prescribed in the rules
in quality, strength, compatibility, effectiveness, fire and resistance, durability and

41.8. Tests

41.8.1. Whenever there is sufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of the
rules of evidence that material or method of design or construction does not
conform to the requirements of the rules or in order to substantiate claims of
alternative materials, design or methods of construction, the Authority may
require tests sufficiently in advance as proof of compliance. These tests shall
be made by an approved agency at the expenses of the owner/applicant.

41.8.2. Test methods shall be as specified by the rules for the materials or design or
construction in question. If there are no appropriate test methods specified in
the rules, the Authority shall determine the test procedure. For methods of tests
for building materials, reference may be made to relevant Indian Standards as
given in the National Building Code of India, published by the Indian Standard
Institution. The Latest version of the National Building Code of India shall be
taken into account at the time of enforcement of these rules.

41.9. Building Services

41.9.1. The planning, design and installation of electrical installations, air-

conditioning and hearting work shall be carried out in accordance with Part
VIII Building Services, Section 2-Electrical installations, Section 3- Air
Conditioning and Heating of National Building Code of India, 2005.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

41.9.2. The planning, design including the number of lifts, type of lifts, capacity of
lifts depending on occupancy of building, population on each floor based on
occupant load, height of buildings shall be in accordance with Section -5-
Installation of Lifts and Escalators of National Building Code of India, 2005 in
existing buildings, in case of proposal for one additional floor, existing lift may
not be raised to the additional floor.

41.10. Requirement of Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation:

The requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation would as per the norms
provided in Part IX Plumbing Services, Section 1 – Water Supply; and Section 2 –
Drainage and Sanitation of the National Building Code of India, 2005, Bureau of
Indian Standards.

41.10.1. Septic Tanks: Where septic tank is used for sewage disposal, the location,
design and construction of the septic tank shall conform to requirements as
a. Location of Septic Tanks and sub-surface absorption systems: A subsoil
dispersion system shall not be closer than 18 m. from any source of drinking
water, such as well, to mitigate the possibility of bacterial pollution of water
supply. It shall also be as far removed from the nearest habitable building as
economically feasible but not closer than 6 m. to avoid damage to the
structures. The dimensions of Septic Tanks shall have minimum width of 75
cm. minimum depth of one metre below water level and a minimum liquid
capacity of one cubic metre.
b. Septic tanks may be constructed of brickwork, stone masonry concrete or other
suitable materials as approved by the Authority.
c. Under no circumstances should effluent from a septic tank be allowed into an
open channel, drain or body of water without adequate anaerobic treatment
through soak pit.
d. Minimum nominal diameter of pipe shall be 100 mm. Further, at junctions of
pipes in manholes, direction of flow from a branch connection should not take
an angle exceeding 45 degrees with the direction of flow in the main pipe.
e. The gradients of land drains, under-drainage as well as the bottom of
dispersion trenches and soak ways should be between 1:300 and 1:400.
f. Every septic tank shall be provided with ventilating pipe of atleast 50 mm
diameter. The top of the pipe shall be provided with a suitable cage of
mosquito-proof wire mesh.
g. When the disposal of septic tanks effluent is to seepage pit, the seepage pit
may be of any suitable shape with the least cross-sectional dimension of 90
cm. And not less than 100 cm in depth below the invert level of the inlet pipe.
The pit may be lined with stone, brick or concrete blocks with dry open joints
which should be backed with at least 7.5 cm. of clean coarse aggregate. The

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

lining above the inlet level should be finished with mortar. In the case of pits
of large dimensions, the top portion may be narrowed to reduce the size of the
RCC cover slabs. Where no lining is used specially near trees, the entire pit
should be filled with loose stones. A masonry ring may be constructed at the
top of the pit to prevent damage by flooding of the pit by surface run off. The
inlet pipe may be taken down a depth of 90 cm. from top as an anti-mosquito
h. When the disposal of septic tank effluent is to a dispersion trench, the
dispersion trench shall be 50 to 100 cm. wide excavated to a slight gradient and
shall be provided with 15 to 25 cm. of washed gravel or crushed stoners. Open
jointed pipes placed inside the trench shall be made of unglazed earthenware
clay or concrete and shall have minimum internal diameter of 75 to 100 mm.
Each dispersion trench should not be longer than 30 m. and trenches should not
be placed closer than 1.8 m.

41.11. Signs and Outdoor display structure

The display of advertising signs on building and land shall be in accordance with
Part (c), Signs and Outdoor Display Structures of National Buildings Code of India,
2005 and the provisions detailed below.

41.11.1. Prohibition of erection, fixation, retention of display of advertisements: No

person shall erect, exhibit, fix or retain upon or over any land, building, wall,
hoarding, frame, post, kiosk /Bill Board (to be displayed on electric pole) or
structure or upon or in any vehicle, any advertisement or display any
advertisement to public view in any manner whatsoever in any place within the
jurisdiction of the Administration without the prior written permission of the
Authority and/or any other authorized person(s) for the purpose.

41.11.2. Prohibition of erection, exhibition, fixation, retention or display of

advertisements in historic public buildings etc.: No person shall erect,
exhibit, fix, retain or display or case to be erected, exhibited, fixed, retained or
displayed any advertisement so as to injuriously affect the amenities or
obstruct the view of any historic public building or buildings of national
importance or monument of any public park or pleasure promenade or public

41.11.3. Prohibition of advertisements by balloons or banners: No balloons or

banners shall be allowed for advertisement except after the prior approval of
the Authority.

41.11.4. Advertisement on un-authorized building: The permission granted for

display of an advertisement on an unauthorized building, structure, wall, etc.
shall not amount to regularization of the said unauthorized building, structure,

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

wall, etc. and such permission shall not be a ground for regularization of the

41.11.5. Manner of display of advertisement on vehicles: No vehicle used for the

purpose of advertisement shall display any advertisement in a manner, from or
method different from that approved by the Authority.

41.11.6. Defacement of any sign or make or letter on advertisement prohibited: No

person shall deface or cause to be defaced any sign or mark or letter or words
that shall have been put by the Authority on the advertisements erected,
exhibited, fixed, retained or displayed in token of their having been permitted
or approved by him/her and of the tax having been collected thereon.

41.11.7. Advertisement hoarding:

a. Shall not be more than 9.144 meters (30’) high from the ground level. No
hoarding shall be permitted on roof-tops or terraces;
b. Shall not project, or be on or over the public way beyond the general line of
buildings in the street for which a regular line of street has been prescribed;
c. Shall not exceed the size approved by the Authority;
d. Shall not be put up or erected in the right of way of any road;

Provided that advertisement hoarding may be put up or erected adjacent to, or near
the foot-paths of the roads if such hoardings run parallel to the road and/or otherwise
permitted by the Authority. The base or the bottom of the hoarding shall be at a
height of 2.133 meters (7”) above the ground level and shall be in proper alignment,
height to conform with other hoardings and at a distance of minimum of 0.61 meters
(2”) from any other hoardings.

41.11.8. Procedure for grant of permission for erection, exhibition, fixation,

retention or display of advertisements:
a. Every person desiring to erect, exhibit, fix, retain or display an advertisement
shall send or cause to be sent to the Authority an application for permission in
the prescribed format as per Annexure 20 against payment of fees as
prescribed by the Authority. The said application form duly completed in all
respects shall be submitted or cause to be submitted by the applicant against a
proper receipt. The Authority may after making such inspection as may be
necessary and within thirty days after the receipt of the application, grant,
refuse, renew or cancel the permission, as the case may be, in accordance with
the provisions of the Act and the by-laws made hereunder.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

b. The Authority may disapprove an advertisement on, among others, the ground
that its contents or the manner of its display is indecent or otherwise offensive
to good taste or public sentiments.

c. No application shall be valid until and unless it is submitted in the manner

determined by the Authority from time to time on the prescribed format along
with all the documents as are required by the Authority from time to time and
fee of Rupees One Hundred against proper receipt obtained from the
Administration. Any application submitted in any other manner shall be
deemed to be rejected without any notice and no person shall exhibit, erect, fix
or retain upon or over any land, building, wall etc. any advertisement and
display any advertisement to public view on the basis of the same.

d. If any tax on advertisements and penalty is not paid within stipulated time after
the demand notice, the same shall be recoverable as arrears of tax and the
permission shall be deemed to be terminated. The Authority shall be at liberty
to remove the hoardings, etc.

e. If any advertisement erected, exhibited, fixed or retained on any land and

building unauthorisedly and in contravention of provisions of the Act and the
bye-laws framed hereunder, such advertisements or hoardings shall be
removed by the Authority without any notice whatsoever and expenses
regarding removal of such unauthorized advertisement or hoardings shall be
recovered from the concerned advertiser or exhibitor or client at the rate of
Rupees Five Thousand per advertisement or hoarding for sizes upto 18.580
Sq.Meters (200 Sq.Feet) and Rupees Ten Thousand for sizes larger than
18.580 Sq.Meters (200 Sq.Feet).

41.11.9. Tax to be paid in advance: The tax on each advertisement shall be payable in
advance for the concerned financial year. All dues shall be payable in cash or
by pay order or by demand draft.

41.11.10. Licensed or registered advertisers: No person except licensed or registered

advertisers or agencies shall be allowed to undertake the display of
advertisements on behalf of others. Persons or agencies who undertake the
display of advertisement, shall enroll themselves as licensed or registered
advertisers with the Administration and furnish in this regard the required
information, documents, surety, as may be determined by the Authority. They
shall pay license or registration fee and security deposit as may be determined
by the Authority from time to time in respect of registration as advertiser.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

a. Persons intending to entrust the work of displaying advertisement on their

behalf to other party shall not entrust it to any party other than a licensed or
registered advertiser.
b. A licensed or registered advertiser shall before displaying or causing the
display of advertisement, satisfy himself that the tax due thereon has been paid
and the Authority’s approval obtained there for.
c. A licensed or registered advertiser shall maintain proper record of
advertisements displayed by him and produce the same whenever required for
inspection by the Authority.

41.11.11. Penalty: Whoever contravenes any provision of the Act, the Bye-laws and the
terms and conditions on the subject or fails to comply with the order or
directions lawfully given, shall be punishable with a fine which may extend to
Rupees Ten Thousand and in case of a continuing contravention with a further
fine which may extend to Rupees Five Hundred for every day during which
such contravention is continued after conviction for the first such
If the contravention still continues, the Authority shall require the owner or
occupier of the land, wall, hoarding, frame, post or vehicle upon or over or in
which the same is erected, exhibited, fixed or retained to take down or remove
such advertisements or enter any land, building, property or vehicle and have
the advertisement dismantled, taken down or removed or spoiled, defaced or
The authority may, also take any other action including blacklisting of the
defaulting agency of advertise as the Authority may decide.

41.11.12. The following additional provisions shall be complied with for permitting
advertising signs.
a. In Residential Zone the following non-flashing and non-neon signs with
illumination not exceeding 10 Ft. candles
(i) One name plate with an area not exceeding 0.1 sq.m for each dwelling
(ii) For other users permissible in the zone one identification sign or
bulleting board with an area not exceeding 1.6 Sq.m.
(iii) ‘For Sale’ or ‘For Rent’ signs for real estate not exceeding 2 sq.m. in area
provided they are located on the premises offered for sale or rent.
b. In Commercial Zones, flashing or non-flashing business signs place flat against
the wall, not exceeding 5 sq.m. in area and covering not more than 15 percent
of the area of such wall including doors and windows and overhanging signs
which project not more than 0.9 m. from the wall, provided that such
overhanging signs shall be in conformity with the following and provided that
such signs do not face resident buildings.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

c. Not more than one overhanging sign may be permitted for each 4.5 m. of plot
frontage and the area of such overhanging signs shall not be more than 1 sq.m
except that for each 9.0 m. of plot frontage above the first 4.5 m. an increase in
area of 0.2 sq.m shall be permitted.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 1

Procedure for availing the benefit of Additional FSI / DR for the area acquired by the
government for any public purpose

The Authority shall permit on the same plot, additional FAR exceeding max permissible FAR, as the
case may be in respect of such part of land that is required from the land area, for the purposes of road
widening, laying of service lines and such other public utility services, owner/applicant releases such
land required by the Authority for such public utilities, without claiming any compensation thereof.
1. The owner or lessee of a land who has right to transfer the land (a part or whole), which is,
required for-
I. any road widening/new road formation as proposed in the Regional Plan or ODP,
II. any traffic and transport infrastructure development such as bus stops/stands etc., and
III. any urban infrastructure development such as water supply, sewerage, drainage,
electricity, education, health, notified by the Administration or Government Agency or
any local body, is eligible for the award of Development Rights [DR] in the form of
FSI [in lieu of monetary compensation] to the extent and on the conditions set out
2. The award will entitle the owner of the land to FSI in the form of Development Rights,
which he may use himself in any of his own land within the same village.
3. The land required for the project/scheme shall be surrendered before getting the DR,
through a registered gift deed in favour of Member Secretary, PDA, after removal of
structures if any in the land gifted, and, shall be free from any encumbrance.
4. In case of road widening, after leaving the road widening space surrendered, the
compound wall and gates shall be reconstructed at the cost of the owner or lessee before
getting the DR.
5. If the holder of DR intends to transfer it to any other person, it shall be done with the
clearance of the Member Secretary, PDA, by obtaining due endorsement on the DRC after
submitting a formal application in the prescribed format. If this procedure is not followed
then the transfer will not be valid, and the certificate will be available for use only by the
original/earlier holder.
6. The holder of DR who desires to utilize the FSI while making development in a site shall
attach in his PPA a copy of the valid DR.
7. Any DR obtained by misrepresentation of facts shall be liable for cancellation and PDA
shall take further action as per Law against the act.
8. DR may be used in one or more sites within the same village only whether vacant or
developed or by making additional constructions, in consistence with the Development
Regulations. Further the FSI of plots shall not exceed 0.5 over and above the normally
permissible FSI for that use in those receiving sites.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

9. Before granting Planning Permission for development in the receiving plot, the
endorsement on the valid original DR shall be made by Member Secretary, PDA
regarding the extent of utilization of FSI credit, the balance credit of unutilized credit of
FSI, if any.
10. DR shall be issued on Rs.100/- stamp paper in an appropriate form prescribed and duly
signed by Member Secretary, PDA. Such a certificate will be a transferable negotiable
instrument only after due endorsement by Member Secretary, PDA as provided in
regulation (8) above.
11. The Member Secretary, PDA shall maintain a register in an appropriate form with regard
to all transactions regarding grant and utilization of Development Rights.
12. The lands so surrendered for obtaining DR shall become the public property for the
purpose and PDA may transfer these lands to the Departments/Government agency
concerned on 'as- is- where- is' condition for taking further action on the execution of the
project/scheme and maintenance.
13. The loss of DR by the holder will not entitle for availing the FSI credit. It shall be the
responsibility of the DR holder to keep it safe and secure. No duplicate DR will be issued.
14. In all cases of sites wherein road widening, or link road/new road alignment is proposed in
the Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan, Planning Permission for developments
within the site shall be considered only if the land affected by the road widening/link
road/is transferred to Member Secretary, PDA through a registered Gift Deed. If the FSI
eligible for above said land transferred is availed/received in the remaining part of the
available site itself, then the issue of DR separately does not arise.
15. Further these provisions of grant of DR will not arise in cases of sub divisions/ Layout
developments where as part of the road network within the site, road widening or link
road or new roads have to be provided.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 2

Form for application for development work, to erect, re-erect or to make alteration in
any place in a building and for Layouts/Subdivision of Land (On Rs.1.00 stamp Paper)

The Authority,
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


I hereby give notice that I intend to carry out development/to erect, re-erect or to make alteration in the
building No.__________________ or to __________________ on/in Plot No. ___________________
Revenue No. /CTS No._____________ situated in Road /Street __________________ Town
_____________ and in accordance with the Rules of Dadra & Nagar Haveli Development Control
Regulation 2009/Outline Development Plan 2031, I forward herewith all the documents as per the
checklist required along with the following plans and specifications in triplet duly signed by me. I
also certify that Shri.___________, Architect and Shri. ___________, Structural Engineer who have
been appointed by me will supervise its erection.

1. Ownership title
2. Location plan
3. Site plan
4. Sub-division /layout plan
5. Building plan
6. Specifications - general and detailed

I also certify that I will intimate the authority in writing if I terminate any of the Architect /Structural
Engineer before the construction is complete.

I request that the construction may be approved and permission accorded to me to execute the work.

Date: ________________

Signature of the Owner _____________________

Name of the Owner _______________________
Address of the Owner ______________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 3
Form of Supervision

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


I hereby certify that the development work/erection re-erection /demolition or material alteration in/of
building for ____________________________________ use in Plot
No._________________________________________ situated at Street/Road
_________________________________ section ___________________________ Zone of
____________________________________ Area at ________________________ City/Town shall
be carried out under my supervision and I certify that all the material (type & grade) and the
workmanship of the work shall be generally in accordance with the general specifications submitted
along with and that work shall be carried out according to the sanctioned plans. I shall be responsible
for execution of work in all respect.

Name & Signature of Licensed Architect _______________________________

License No. of Architect & Validity ________________________________
Address of Licensed Architect ________________________________________

Name & Signature of Licensed Structural Engineer _______________________

License No. of Structural Engineer & Validity ___________________________
Address of Licensed Structural Engineer ________________________________

Date: _________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 4

Certificate of Undertaking of Registered Architect

The Authority
UT Administration Office
Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Ref: Proposed work of _______________________ at Plot No. Survey No./

______________________ in Village ____________________ for (Name of Owner /Organizer /
Developers /Builder) ____________________________ resident /office at

I hereby certify that I am a Member of Council of Architecture and my License number is

_____________ and is valid up to _____________

I hereby certify that I am appointed as the Registered Architect to prepare the plans, section and details
as required under the provisions of the applicable Act/Development Control Regulation /Bye-laws for
the above mentioned project and that I have prepared and signed the same and that the execution of the
project shall be carried out under my direction and supervision as per the approved drawings. I am
fully conversant with the provisions of the applicable Regulations/Bye-laws which are in force and
about my duties and responsibilities under the same and I undertake to fulfill them in all respect. I
also undertake to plan, design & provide adequate measures for installation of plumbing, drainage,
sanitation and water supply. The appointment of site supervisor, clerk of works, building contractor,
plumbing contractor and electrical contractor as required under these regulations shall be made at
appropriate stage and shall be communicated to the Authority before the relevant work commences.

I also undertake to intimate the authority in writing if my services are terminated before the work is
completed or during the process of construction.

Signature of Owner ____________________ Signature of the Architect_______________

Name in Block Letters _________________ Date ________________________________
Address _____________________________ Name in Block Letters _________________
______________________________ Address_____________________________
_____________________________ Registration No & Validity______________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 5

Certificate of Undertaking of Registered Structural Engineer

The Authority
UT Administration Office
Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Ref: Proposed work of _____________________________________ at Plot No. /Survey

No./__________________ in Village _______________________ for (Name of Owner /Organiser
/Developers /Developers /Builder) _____________________________ residence / office at

I hereby certify that I possess a valid Registration to act as a Structural Engineer. I also certify that I
am appointed as the registered structural Engineer to prepare the structural report, structural details
and structural drawings for the above mentioned project. I am fully conversant of my duties and
responsibilities under the applicable Regulation /Bye-laws and assure that I shall fulfill them in all

I also certify that the building plans submitted for approval satisfies the safety requirements as
stipulated under Regulation No.___________and the information given therein is factually correct to
the best of my knowledge and understanding.

It is also certified that the structural design including safety from hazards based on soil conditions
shall be duly incorporated in the design of the building and these provisions shall be adhered to during
the construction

I also undertake to intimate the authority in writing if my services are terminated before the work is
completed or during the process of construction.

I undertake to supply the owner and supervisor the detailed drawings.

Signature of Owner with date _________ Signature of the ___________________

Name in Block Letters________________ Structural Engineer with date________
Address____________________________ Name in Block Letters ______________
_____________________________ Address__________________________
_____________________________ Registration No. & Validity_________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 6
Form of Compliance to Development Control Regulations for erect, re-erect or to make
alteration in any place in a building and for organized development (On Rs.20.00 stamp

The Authority,
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


I/We hereby give notice that I intend to carry out development/to erect, re-erect or to make alteration
in the building No.__________________ or to __________________ on/in Plot No.
___________________ Revenue No./CTS/No._____________ situated in Road /Street
__________________ Town /Village._____________ in accordance with the Rules of Dadra & Nagar
Haveli Outline Development Plan 2031/Development Control Regulations 2009. In support of the
application I/we wish to make the following statement.

A.) Land/Location Details

(i) Plot No/CTS No/Revenue Number:______________________
(ii) Road Street Name:___________________________________
(iii) ROW of abutting Road/Street:__________________________
(iv) Plot Area(in Sqm):___________________________________
(v) Ground Coverage (in Sqm):____________________________
(vi) Percentage covered Area:______________________________
(vii) Land use Zone: ______________________________________
(viii) Land Use Mix of proposed Development/building (In Sqm)

Residential Business Mercantile Retail Educational Institutional Assembly

B.) Building Details

(i) Total Built Up Area (For FAR):_________________________
(ii) FAR Permissible:_____________________________________
(iii) FAR Consumed:______________________________________
(iv) Total Number of Parking:_______________________________
(v) No. of Covered Parking:________________________________
(vi) No of Open Parking:___________________________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

(vii) Means of Access (In Metres):____________________________

(viii) Height of Building:____________________________________
(ix) Number of Storeys:____________________________________
(x) Front Open space (In Metres):____________________________
(xi) Rear Open space (In Metres): ____________________________
(xii) Side Open Space 1 (In Metres): ___________________________
(xiii) Side Open space 2 ( In Metres):___________________________
(xiv) Inter space of Buildings: _________________________________
(xv) Ventilation shaft (In Metres):_____________________________

I/We hereby certify that all the information provided in this statement is true to the best of my

Date: ________________

Signature of the Owner _____________________

Name of the Owner _______________________
Address of the Owner _______________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 7

Check list of Documents to be submitted while making application for grant of

Construction permission and Occupancy Certificate

Check List for New Construction Permission

1) Application in the form Annexure -2 along with the form of Annexure 3 to 6

2) Copy of N.A. Order
3) 7/12 extract (Original plus one copy) along with Sales /Lease deed.
4) If land is part of a Private Industrial Estate, true copy of approved lay out Plan or a signed
statement on company’s letterhead that it is not applicable.
5) If part of a Private Industrial Estate, a certificate of completion of Development work as per
approved layout plan or signed statement on company’s letter head that it is not applicable.
6) Copy of the Amalgamation Order in original, if relevant or signed statement on company’s
letter heads that it is not applicable and that NA is for the entire survey no.
7) Original Certified Map of Survey /Plot No. issued by Survey and Settlement Officer, Silvassa.
8) Key Plan (Location Plan) as required under Clause 6.8 (Three copies).
9) Site Plan with details as per Rule 6.9. (Three copies).
10) Building Plan giving details as per Rule 6.10 and 6.11 of D.C. Rules (Three copies)
11) Service Plan giving details as per Rule 6.12 of D.C.Rules. (Three copies)
12) Copy of challan of payment for scrutiny charges as per Rule 7.1a and b of D.C.Rules.
13) If revised Plan, Copy of the original Construction Permission and Completion Certificate.
14) Certificate or Order of the Land Acquisition Officer if claiming benefit of additional FSI in
lieu of compensation.

Check List for Occupancy /Part Occupancy Certificate

1) Application form of Completion Certificate for issue of Occupancy /Part Occupancy

Certificate as per Annexure 13.
2) True copy of Construction Permission order.
3) True copy of Approved building plan (Two copies)
4) Existing Building Plan (three copies) as per the actual construction carried out if there is minor
deviation from the Approved Plan.
5) Structural Stability Certificate from Licensed Architect and/or Structural Engineer as per the
format in Annexure 14.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 8

Form of sanction of development permission and commencement certificate



With reference to your application No.____________ dated ____________ for development

permission and grant of commencement certificate to carry out development /to erect, re-erect or to
make alteration in the building No._________ or to _____________ on/in Plot
No._________________ Revenue NO./CTS.No.______________ situated in Road /Street
___________ Town __________________ the commencement certificate is granted under the
following conditions:

1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. _______________________________________

Yours faithfully,

The Authority,
Department of Town and Country Planning
UT Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 9

Form of Refusal of sanction



With reference to your application No.____________________ dated __________________________

for the grant of sanction for the development work/the erection of a building /execution of work in
Building ________________
_______________________ Plot No. ___________________ in ____________ Zone situated at
_______________________________________________ Road ______________________________
of ___________________________ Indl./Commercial /Residential Area of village

I have to inform you that the sanction has been refused on the following grounds:

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________

Office No. ____________________________

Office Stamp __________________________
Date : ____________________

Yours faithfully,

The Authority,
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli,

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 10

Form for Notice for Commencement of Work

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


I hereby certify that the development work/erection/re-erection /demolition or material alteration in/of
building ______________ on/in plot No _____________ revenue/CTS No in
________________zone_____________________ Area /Road ______________________ of
______________________ Village will be commenced on ___________________ as per your
permission vide office communication No._______________ dated __________ under the supervision
of __________________ Licensed Architect /Engineer /Structural Engineer / Supervisor, License
No.______________ and in accordance with the plans sanctioned.

Signature of Owner /Licensee /Lessee _____________

Name of owner _______________________________
(In block letters)

Address of owner ____________________________


Date: ____________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 11

Intimation regarding Foundation and Footing

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


We hereby inform that the work upto footing is complete and the foundation work upto plinth is to be
started. I certify that I have personally supervised the work and the depth of foundation is
__________ meters which will allow the building construction upto ________ floors. The structure of
the building accordingly will be safe as per the standards of the National Building Code and the ISI
codes for various hazards.

Name & Signature of Licensed Architect ________________________________

License No. of Architect & Validity ___________________________________
Address of Licensed Architect _________________________________________

Name & Signature of Licensed Structural Engineer ________________________

License No. of Structural Engineer & Validity ____________________________
Address of Licensed Structural Engineer _________________________________

Date : __________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 12

Form for informing completion of work upto Plinth Level

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


I hereby inform that the construction up to plinth/column has been completed for the Building
___________________________ on/in Plot No.________________ in _____________ Zone situated
at ___________________________________ Road /Street
___________________________________________ of ____________________ Village as your
permission vide office Communication No. _________________ dated _______________ under my
supervision and in accordance with the sanctioned plan.

The completed work may be checked and permission be given to proceed with further work.

Name & Signature of Licensed Architect _______________________________

License No. of Architect & Validity ___________________________________
Address of Licensed Architect ________________________________________

Name & Signature of Licensed Structural Engineer ______________________

License No. of Structural Engineer & Validity __________________________
Address of Licensed Structural Engineer ______________________________

Date :________________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 13

Form for Approval of Work up to Plinth Level



With reference to your intimation No._____________________ dated ________________________

regarding the completion of construction work upto plinth/columns for Building for Industrial
/Residential /Commercial purpose on/Plot No.__________________________ of
_________________ zone situated at Road /Street _________________ in _______________,I have
to inform that further work may be proceeded with as per sanctioned plans/shall not be proceeded
with as the construction up to plinth level is not as per sanctioned plans.

Office No._________________________
Office Stamp ______________________
Date: ____________________________

Yours faithfully,

The Authority,
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli,

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 14

Form of Completion Certificate

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


I hereby certify that the erection/re-erection of development work of building/part building in plot
No._________ of ______________________ zone situated at ________________________ has been
supervised by me and has been completed on ________________________________________
according to the Plan sanctioned vide office Order No.________________ dated _____________.

The work has been completed to my full satisfaction. The workmanship and all materials (type and
grade) have been used strictly in accordance with general and detailed specifications as specified in the
Development Control Regulations 2009. No provisions of the Act or the Building Bye-laws, no
requisitions made, conditions prescribed or orders issued there under have been transgressed in the
course of the work. I am enclosing three copies of the completion plans, one of which is cloth
mounted. The building is now fit for occupancy, for which it has been erected/re-erected or altered,
constructed and enlarged.

I have to request you to arrange for the inspection and give permission for occupation of the said

Name & Signature of Licensed Architect ______________________________

License No. of Architect & Validity __________________________________
Address of Licensed Architect _______________________________________

Name & Signature of Licensed Structural Engineer______________________

License No. of Structural Engineer & Validity _________________________
Address of Licensed Structural Engineer ______________________________

Dated: __________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 15

Form of Structural Stability Certificate (In letter head)

This is to certify that, I had been appointed as the Structural Engineer for the building located at
__________________ village, Survey /Plot No.__________ admeasuring a plot area of
_________________ sqm. The said building had the plan approved from the competent authority vide
order No.____________ dated ____________ and I have examined the various parts including the
building foundation and I am of the opinion that the building has been constructed in accordance with
the plan approved by the authority and I further certify that the building can withstand any natural
hazard since the ISI guidelines and the NBC guidelines have been strictly followed while the
construction of the building. Its stability will not be endangered by its use for which the permission
has been granted.

Name & Signature of Licensed Structural Engineer _________________________

License No. of Structural Engineer & Validity _____________________________
Address of Licensed Structural Engineer _________________________________

Dated: ________________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 16
Occupancy Certificate


This is to certify that the construction work of Residential/ Residential Cum-Commercial/ Commercial
/Factory Building Ground Floor ___________________ sq.m; First floor _________________ Sq.m.;
Second Floor _______________ Sq.m. of M/S.__________________________ on Survey
No.________________________________ village __________________, of village
______________ the construction permission of which was granted vide order _________________
Dtd……../……./…… has been inspected by me and found to be completed with a built area on the
Ground Floor of __________________ Sqm ; First floor of _______________ sqm ; Second Floor of
______________ sqm ; Third Floor of ______________________ sq.m; as per the approved plan
with/without modifications. This was completed under the supervision of __________________
Licensed Architect /Structural Engineer having License No._____________ presently valid upto
__________________ and certified that the said Residential, Residential –Cum –Commercial
/Commercial /Factory Building admeasuring a built area on the Ground Floor with
__________________ sqm; Third Floor with constructed as per the approved plan is now fit for
occupation. This occupancy certificate is issued after No Objection Certificate from Station Fire
Officer Silvassa, vide his letter _________________ dated _____________, subject to condition that
the firm is required to obtain the certificate in regard to the satisfactory maintenance of all the First
Aid Fire fighting arrangements being made in the premises Annually.
Verified & Inspected,

Junior Engineer,

TCPD, Dadra and Nagar Haveli,

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 17

Form of Indemnity for Part –Occupancy Certificate

(In Stamp Paper of Value of Rs.20/- only)

The Authority,
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli


While thanking you to allow me to occupy a portion of the above building before acceptance of the
Completion Certificate of the whole building for the plans approved under Office Order
No._______________________ Dated: __________________ I hereby indemnify the Administration
of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, against any risk, damage and danger such may occur to occupants and
users of the said portion of the building and also undertake to take necessary security measures for
their safety. We say that this undertaking will be binding on me/us, our heirs, and administrator and to
our assignees.

Yours faithfully,


Witness: _________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 18

Penalty rates for regularizing various deviations during construction from the approved
building plans
S. Type Penalty (in Rs) per Sq.ft. Remarks
For Residential For all other
Building where Buildings
Deemed Bldg.,
Permission has
been obtained
1. Construction started
/completed before applying Applicable to the total built
for permission. For -- 30/- area within the plot
-- 60/-
For Others including Mixed
2. Construction started
/completed before granting
permission but had applied Applicable to the total built
for permission. -- 20/- area within the plot.
For Industrial
-- 40/-
For Others including Mixed
3. Minor Deviation from the Approvable Approvable Deviation in this respect
approved construction plan, without penalty without penalty would be only for minor
but within the D.C.Rules. while issuing while issuing alteration/minor Deviation
occupancy occupancy means, change in location
certificate. certificate. of Kitchen, Toilet,
Staircase, Height of the
floor and dimensions of the
Rooms provided the
overall built-up area is not
exceeding the approved
building plan & internal
changes only.

4. Deviation in Ground
Coverage/ F.S.I.
Up to 15% of the Applicable to the portion

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

permissible Ground which is Observed as

Coverage on all floors. -- 100/- deviation from the
For Industrial Approved Plan.
-- 300/-
For Other uses
500/- --
Building for Deemed
5. Deviation in Setbacks
a. Front Setback Not allowed Not allowed Total Demolition
b. Setback in all other sides
For Industrial -- 120/- Up to 5%of the permissible
set back
For Other uses -- 300/-
Up to 5% of the
Building for Deemed 500/- -- permissible set back
Up to 5% of the
permissible set back

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 19

Service /Light Industries which can be allowed as per the uses in Rule 24.1.6 & 24.1.8
and conditions governing such uses.

Sr. Category of Service Industry permitted subject to

No. Industry
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Permissible Permissible Permissible Special conditions,
Power employment Floor If any.
(in KW.) Area
1 2 3 4 5 6
I Food Product:-
Groundnut 7.5 9 50
Grain mill for 7.5 9 50 - Fuel used shall be
production of flour electricity, gas or
Manufacture of 7.5 9 50 smokeless fuel.
supari and masala - No floor above the
grinding furnace portion.
Manufacture of 10 25 250 - Where only electric
bakery products over is used, an
additional heating load
Coffee curing, 7.5 9 50
of 24 KVA permitted
roasting and
per establishment.
Manufacture of ice 75.0 9 250

Manufacture of milk 7.5 9 50

and dairy products.

Manufacture of ice- 7.5 9 50

cream and ice-candy
II Tobacco:- No power to No limit 250
Manufacture of bidis be used
III Textile and Textile
Embroidery and 3.75 9 50
making of crepe
laces and fringes.

Manufacture of

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Sr. Category of Service Industry permitted subject to

No. Industry
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Permissible Permissible Permissible Special conditions,
Power employment Floor If any.
(in KW.) Area
1 2 3 4 5 6
textile goods, such as 2.35 9 50
wearing apparel,,
curtains, mosquito-
net, mattresses,
bedding material,
pillow cases, textile 2.25
9 50

Mattress making and

cotton cleaning
IV Wood Product and
Manufacture of 2.75 9 50
wooden furniture and
Manufacture of 2.25 9 50 Not permitted under or
wooden furniture and adjoining a dwelling
fixtures unit.
V Printing and Not permitted under of
Publishing 7.5 9 120 adjoining a dwelling
Periodicals, books, unit.
journals at lasses,
maps, envelopes,
picture post-cards
and embossing.
Engraving etching, 7.5 9 120 Manufacture with paper
block-making etc. pulp not permitted.
No restrictions on
power, number of
employees, area or
hours of operation shall
apply, if located in a
building on a separate
plot not less than 500 in area and if
special permission of
the Authority is

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Sr. Category of Service Industry permitted subject to

No. Industry
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Permissible Permissible Permissible Special conditions,
Power employment Floor If any.
(in KW.) Area
1 2 3 4 5 6
Block binding 7.5 9 120
VI Leather Products
excluding Tanning
Manufacture of 3.75 9 50
leather footwear
Manufacture of 3.75 9 50
wearing apparel like
coat, gloves. Manufacture of leather
Manufacture of 3.75 9 50 of leather processing
leather consumer not permitted.
goods, such as
upholstery, suitcases,
pocket books,
cigarette and key
cases, purses.
Repair of footwear 3.75 9 50
and other leather
Manufacture of 1.5 9 50
rubber balloons,
hand-gloves and
allied products
VIII Metal Products :- 0.75 9 25
Tool Sharpening and
razor sharpening
Umbrella 0.75 9 50
Assembly works
IX Electrical Goods:- 2.25 9 50
Repairs of household
electrical appliances,
such as radio and TV
sets, tape-recorders,
video, heaters, irons,
shavers, vacuum

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Sr. Category of Service Industry permitted subject to

No. Industry
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Permissible Permissible Permissible Special conditions,
Power employment Floor If any.
(in KW.) Area
1 2 3 4 5 6
cleaner, Fridge, air-
washing machines,
electric cooking
ranges, motor
rewinding works.
Electronic industry 3.75 9 50 No spray painting
of assembly type permitted.
X Transport Equipment 3.75 9 100 Only permitted on
– Servicing of motor ground floor.
vehicles & cycles.
Repair of motor 3.75 9 100 No spray painting
vehicles & cycles permitted. No floor
Battery charging and 5.0 6 25 No spray painting
repairs permitted. No floor
XI Manufacture of
jewelry and related 2.25 9 50
Repairs of watches, 2.25 9 50
clocks and jewelry
Manufacture of 2.25 9 50
musical instruments
and their repairs
Repairs of locks, 2.25 9 50
stoves, umbrellas,
sewing machines,
gas-burners, & other
Sunday equipment.
Optical glass 2.25 9 50
grinding and repairs
Audio taping, 4.0 9 50
recording &
manufacture of
equipment for the

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Sr. Category of Service Industry permitted subject to

No. Industry
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Permissible Permissible Permissible Special conditions,
Power employment Floor If any.
(in KW.) Area
1 2 3 4 5 6
same and recording
Photo-processing 3.75 9 50
labs Xeroxing,
videotaping and their
Re-packing and 2.25 9 50
mixing of liquids,
powder, pastes, etc.
not involving any
chemical reaction,
which is non-
hazardous in nature.
Diamond cutting and 15.0 30 120

Note: The hours of operation for the concerned industry shall be from 10:00 to 20:00 hours only. The Authority
may from time to time add to alter or amend the above Table with the approval of Administrator.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 20

Application Form for Permit to erect, re-erect or alter in Advertising Sign (in Rs. two
stamp paper)

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Sub:Notice for permission to display advertisement as required under Advertisement Bye-laws.


I/WE intend to display advertisement on behalf of ___________________________________ in

Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Union Territory as per description /matter enclosed. My/our particulars are as

1. Name of the Applicant


2. Name of the Company /Firm

3. Status/Designation of Applicant
(In the Firm /Company)

4. Permanent Address

5. Present Address

6. Telephone No. (If any):


(In case of Company /Firm authority letter in favour of the applicant may also be enclosed)

7. Description of site at which the Advertisement is intended to be displaced along with a site

8. Size of the Advertisement to be displayed.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

9. Date from which the advertisement is intended to be displayed.

10. Documents enclosed as per checklist detailed below.

(i) Copy of allotment letter (from allotting authority)

(ii) Copy of matter / advertisement to be displayed
(iii) Details of Materials used for different parts.
(iv) Electrical & lighting details if any
(v) Structural details showing also supporting frame and anchorage
(vi) Mode of operation if applicable
(vii) Copy of license or registration to undertake display of advertisements with the
Corporation or any other competent authority.

11. I/We Certify that:

(i) I/We are registered as licensed advertiser with the Administration and our license is
valid up to _____________________

(ii) The display of advertisement does not contravene any of the provision of the law and
the bye-laws made thereunder. The relevant provision of the Bye-laws have been read and understood
and I/We will abide by the same.

(iii) I/We undertake to pay all the taxes, charges, rates etc. as per the provision of the Act.

12. I/We undertake the responsibility for any injury or damage caused to or suffered by any
person or property arising out of or relating to the display of advertisement and the consequential
claim or claims shall be borne by me/us and I/We will also indemnify and safeguard the
Administration and keep Administration indemnified for the losses, damages, claims etc. in respect of
aforesaid claim(s).

Name and address of the applicant Name and address of the owner
of the building /premises
_____________________________ _______________________________
_____________________________ _______________________________

Place: ___________________
Date: ___________________

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 21

Application for Registering Issue of Deemed Building Permit

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Proposed building: (Time of the work)

Plot No.:
Area of the Plot:
Address and location of proposed building:


I am currently listed as Architect on Record with the Town & Country Planning Department and I am
fully conversant with the Building Byelaws of Dadra & Nagar Haveli U.T. I have been appointed as
the Architect on Record of the proposed building. I hereby certify that I have verified the design and
specifications of the proposed building and certify that they comply with the Building Byelaws of
Dadra & Nagar Haveli U.T.

I have issued a Deemed Building Permit for construction of the proposed building and hereby apply
for registration of the same on the records of the Town & Country Planning Department. I fully
understand that in case my certificate is found to be false, or if it is found that the Deemed Building
Permit issued by me is inconsistent with the Building Byelaws of Dadra & Nagar Haveli UT, the
Town & Country Planning Department shall be at liberty to penalize me as deemed fit.

Name of the AOR: _____________________________

TCPD Listing No.: _____________________________
Address: _____________________________
Tel.No. _____________________________

Signature : Date:

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 22
Application for Listing as Person on Record

The Authority
UT Administration of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli

1. Name
2. Local Address:
3. Permanent Address:
4. Telephone / Fax No.:
5. Membership of Professional: Associations __________________________
(Indicate appropriate professional affiliations)

6. Experience (No. of years):

7. Previous year’s Listing No.:


Kindly list me as _________ Architect /Civil Engineer on Record of the Town Planning
Department. I meet with the minimum qualifications and competence requirements and the relevant
documents as attested by a Gazetted officer are attached herewith.

I hereby undertake to abide by all rules, regulations, standing orders, requisitions and
instructions given by the Town & Country Planning Department and shall carry out my
responsibilities as prescribed in the Building Byelaws of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. I also understand
that if I fail to perform my responsibilities as above, the Town & Country Planning Department
reserves the right to de-list me, and take other appropriate action as deemed fit.

Signature: Date:

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 23
Minimum Qualification and Experience Requirements for Being Considered for Listing
with the Town & Country Planning Department & Planning Development Authority as
Persons on Record

The following procedure for listing persons with Town & Country Planning Department & Planning &
Development Authority has to be followed. The listing shall be valid for one calendar year after
which it shall be renewed annually. The following are the minimum qualifications and experience
requirements for all persons to be considered for listing with Town & Country Planning Department &
Planning & Development Authority as Persons on Record, in order to determine their competence to
fulfill their responsibilities.

1. Architect on Record (AOR)

Minimum qualifications and experience requirements for architects for being considered for
listing with the Town & Country Planning Department & Planning & Development Authority as
Architects on Record shall be as follows:

(i) The Architect must hold a valid registration with the Council of Architecture,
India, issued as per the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972, and

(ii) The Architect must have a minimum of two years of experience in practice of
architecture, after having held a valid registration with the Council of
Architecture, India.

2. Civil Engineer on Record (CEOR)

Minimum qualifications and experience requirements for civil engineers, for being considered
for listing with the Town & Country Planning Department and Planning & Development Authority as
Civil Engineer on Record shall be as follows:

(i) A Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering or a Masters Degree in Civil

Engineering or a qualification recognized to be their equivalent by the All India
Council for Technical Education, and

(ii) 2 years of experience of preparing building designs and detailed drawings and
also having a valid registration with the Institute of Engineers.

Development Control Rules for DNH, 2014

Annexure 24
(Refer Rule 24.1.11.b(i) and 24.1.12)

1. The minimum area of the land for Holiday resorts or holiday homes shall not be less than
1.00Ha and for Education or Medical Department shall not be less than 3.00Ha.
2. The entire shall vest in single ownership. It shall not be sub-divided at any time, the individual
structures or building shall not be sold to different persons.
3. The facilities provided shall be used by the purpose it has been allotted. The structures shall
not be used for regular and permanent residence.
4. The adequate infrastructure facilities such as access road, water supply, liquid and solid waste
collection and disposal facilities shall be provided by the owner at his own cost. So as to keep
the entire area clean and hygienic.
5. The structures shall not be more than Ground + 2 upper floor. However, ground storied
structures with sloping roofs constructed as far as possible out of local material, compatible
with the surrounding environment would be preferred.
6. Existing trees shall be preserved and if any trees are cut, five times the number shall be
planted and grown to their full height. In addition 15 trees per of open land shall
be planted as a part of the landscaping of the area.
7. the owner of the land shall be submit to Government a suitable layout of the site, landscape
plan, building plans and a project report along with the recommendation from the Tourism
Development Department, Dadra and Nagar Haveli if it is from the use specified in Section
24.6.1b(i) and from the Education or Medical Department if it is the use specified in Section
8. The entire construction/ development programme shall be completed within a period of 3years
from the date of grant of development permission failing which the development permission
shall automatically lapse.
9. Necessary setbacks shall be provided from the classified roads.
10. The total built up area of all types of structures shall not exceed 50% of the total area i.e, (FSI
0.5) of the land under development. The coverage area shall be 15% of the Gross area of the


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