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July 5, 2017

G.R. No. 202308





G.R. No. 202357






Assailed in these consolidated Petitions for Review on Certiorari is the Decision1 dated
September 21, 2011 of the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. SP. No. 115493. The CA Decision
affirmed in part the National Labor Relations Commission's (NLRC) March 30, 2010 Resolution,2
which in turn affirmed the Labor Arbiter's (LA) June 30, 2009 Decision3 finding that the
Philippine National Bank (PNB) effected a valid redundancy program.

The case stemmed from a complaint for illegal dismissal, underpayment of separation pay and
retirement benefits, illegal deduction, nonpayment of provident fund with prayer for damages
and attorney's fees filed by Jumelito T. Dalmacio (Dalmacio) and Emma R. Martinez (Martinez)4
as a result of their separation from PNB way back September 15, 2005 due to PNB's
implemention of its redundancy program. Dalmacio and · Martinez were hired as utility worker
and communication equipment operator, respectively, by the National Service Corporation, a
subsidiary of PNB. Years later, Dalmacio became an Information Technology (IT) officer of PNB,
while Martinez became a Junior IT Field Analyst.

In her June 30, 2009 Decision,5 LA Romelita N. Rioflorido ruled that PNB complied with the law
and jurisprudence in terminating the services of the complainants on the ground of redundancy.

On appeal, the NLRC, in its March 30, 2010 Resolution,6 affirmed the LA's Decision, and ruled
that there is no showing of bad faith on PNB's part in undertaking the redundancy program.

Dalmacio and Martinez's Motion for Reconsideration having been denied by the NLRC,
Dalmacio filed a Petition for Certiorari with the CA.

In its September 21, 2011 Decision,7 the CA affirmed in part the · March 30, 2010 Resolution of
the NLRC, and ruled, among others, that, "principles of justice and fair play call for the
modification of the separation package already received by herein petitioner. x x x the
subtraction of the GSIS Gratuity Pay is inappropriate, therefore the same should be returned to
the petitioner."

Aggrieved, both parties appealed the Decision of the CA.

In his appeal,8 Dalmacio argues that: the CA erred in (1) upholding the validity of PNB's
redundancy program; (2) failing to rule that PNB's computation of his separation pay is
erroneous; and, (3) ruling that the Deed of Quitclaim and Release which he signed militates
against his reinstatement.

For its part, PNB argues that:9 (1) The CA. erred in the exercise of its equity jurisdiction despite
the clear and limited scope of its jurisdiction in a special civil action of certiorari; and, (2) it was
baseless for the CA to order the return to Dalmacio of his GSIS Gratuity Pay.

Both Petitions are denied.

Essentially, the issues to be resolved in this case are: (1) Whether or not PNB validly
implemented its redundancy program; and, (2) Whether or not the CA correctly ordered PNB to
return Dalmacio's GSIS Gratuity Pay.

This Court resolves only questions of law; it does not try facts or examine testimonial or
documentary evidence on record.10 We may have at times opted for the relaxation of the
application of procedural rules, but we have resorted to this option only under exceptional
circumstances.11 This Court, however, finds no justification to warrant the application of any
exception to the general rule in this case.
It bears stressing that the LA, the NLRC, and the CA, all ruled that PNB validly effected its
redundancy program. The CA held that:

[A]s aptly found by the labor tribunals, the redundancy program was an exercise of a sound
business judgment which We ought to respect and is beyond the ambit of Our review powers
absent any showing that it is violative of the Labor Code provisions or the general principles of
fair play andjustice.12

Such being the case, factual findings of quasi-judicial bodies like the NLRC, particularly when
they coincide with those of the LA and, if supported by substantial evidence, are accorded
respect and even finality by this Court.13 Thus, absent a showing of an error of law committed
by the court or tribunal below, or of a whimsical or capricious exercise of judgment, or a
demonstrable lack of basis for its conclusions, this Court may not disturb its factual findings.

However, at the risk of being repetitive, We make short shrift of Dalmacio's insistence that
PNB's redundancy program was not valid. We cannot subscribe to his claim that PNB did not
apply fair and reasonable criteria in concluding that Dalmacio's position had become redundant.

One of the authorized causes14 for the dismissal of an employee is redundancy.15 It exists
when the service capability of the workforce is in excess of what is reasonably needed to meet
the demands of the business enterprise.16 A position is redundant when it is superfluous, and
superfluity of a position or positions could be the result of a number of factors, such as the
overhiring of workers, a decrease in the volume of business or the dropping of a particular line
or service previously manufactured or undertaken by the enterprise.17 Time and again, it has
been ruled that an employer has no legal obligation to keep more employees than are
necessary for the operation of its business.18 For the implementation of a redundancy program
to be valid, however, the employer must comply with the following requisites: (1) written
notice served on both the employees and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) at
least one month prior to the intended date of termination of employment; (2) payment of
separation pay equivalent to at least one month pay for every year of service; (3) good faith in
abolishing the redundant positions; and (4) fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining what
positions are to be declared redundant and accordingly abolished,19 taking into consideration
such factors as (a) preferred status; (b) efficiency; and (c) seniority, among others.20

In the case at bar, PNB was upfront with its employees about its plan to implement its
redundancy program. The LA correctly observed that:

[I]t is undisputed that the outsourcing of the service and maintenance of the Bank's computer
hardware and equipment to Technopaq, Inc. was devised and/or implemented after
consultation with the affected employees in the presence of their union officers between July
29 and August 5, 2005.21
This was echoed by the NLRC, thus:

Respondents were able to show substantial proof that it underwent redundancy program and
that complainants herein voluntarily accepted the Special Redundancy Package offered by
respondent bank to its employees. In fact, they were officially notified of the management's
decision to terminate their employment as early as August 15, 2005 x x x; and Complainants
and their union officers were even consulted of the respondent's decision to terminate its
employees on [the] ground of redundancy between July 29 and August 5, 2005. Complainants
agreed and accepted the decision. x x x.22

Even the CA intoned that:

Even after he ceased working with private respondent PNB, petitioner was not left jobless as he
readily accepted a job offer with Technopaq who employed him for three years. Only after he
ceased working with Technopaq that he conveniently filed a case for illegal dismissal against
PNB claiming other monetary benefits allegedly due him and after receiving substantial amount
of separation pay. Hence this Court suspects the timing and intention of petitioner in filing the
complaint for illegal dismissal.23

Likewise, PNB's redundancy program was neither unfair nor unreasonable considering that it
was within the ambit of its management prerogative. As the CA observed:

PNB's action is within the ambit of "management prerogative" to upgrade and enhance the
computer system of the bank. Petitioner, being an IT officer whose job is to maintain the
computer system of PNB, his position has become patently redundant upon PNB's engagement
of the contract service with Technopaq. x x x he was appositely informed of PNB's move to
contract the services of Technopaq and as a result thereof, there were positions that were
declared redundant including that of herein petitioner. x x x PNB conducted series of meetings
with herein petitioner and other affected employees to purposely look for placement of the
displaced employees to other positions suited for them. Finding no other alternative, PNB was
constrained to terminate herein petitioner who thereafter posed no objection thereto,
consented to and willingly received the hefty separation pay given to him. Moreover, records
have it that PNB faithfully complied with the legal procedures provided under Article 283 of the
Labor Code as evidenced by the individual notices of termination served and received by the
petitioner as well as the Establishment Termination Report filed by PNB with the Department of
Labor.x x x.24

These factual findings evidently rule out Dalmacio's claim that PNB's redundancy program was
unfair and unreasonable and that PNB acted in bad faith in the implementation of the same.
Likewise, records show that PNB complied with the procedural requirements. PNB served
Dalmacio and Martinez Notices of Termination dated August 15, 2005, informing them that
their termination due to redundancy shall be effective September 15, 2005. PNB also filed an
Establishment Termination Report dated August 16, 2005 with the Regional Office of the DOLE,
in order to report complainants' termination.

Contrary to Dalmacio's claim, the CA did not err in ruling that the Deed of Quitclaim and
Release he signed militates against his reinstatement.1âwphi1

Generally, deeds of release, waiver or· quitclaims cannot bar employees from demanding
benefits to which they are legally entitled or from contesting the legality of their dismissal since
quitclaims are looked upon with disfavor and are frowned upon as contrary to public policy.25
Where, however, the person making the waiver has done so voluntarily, with a full
understanding thereof, and the consideration for the quitclaim is credible and reasonable, the
transaction must be recognized as being a valid and binding undertaking.26

The requisites for a valid quitclaim are: (1) that there was no fraud or deceit on the part of any
of the parties; (2) that the consideration for the quitclaim is credible and reasonable; and (3)
that the contract is not contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals or good customs or
prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law.27

Not having sufficiently proved that he was forced to sign said Deed of Quitclaim and Release,
Dalmacio cannot expediently argue that quitclaims are looked upon with disfavor and
considered ineffective to bar claims for the full measure of a worker's legal rights. Indeed, it
cannot even be said that Dalmacio did not fully understand the consequences of signing the
Deed of Quitclaim and Release. He is not an illiterate person who needs special protection. He
held a responsible position at PNB as an IT officer. It is thus safe to say that he understood the
contents of the Deed of Quitclaim and Release. There is also no showing that the execution
thereof was tainted with deceit or coercion. Although he claims that he was "forced to sign"28
the quitclaim, he nonetheless signed it. In doing so, Dalmacio was compelled by his own
personal circumstances, not by an act attributable to PNB.

Having settled the foregoing, this Court shall now address the issue on Dalmacio's GSIS Gratuity

A cursory reading of PNB's computation as regards Dalmacio's separation package appearing in

its Petition would clearly show that, indeed, his GSIS Gratuity Pay has been deducted from· his
separation pay. This should not be countenanced.

As correctly pointed out by the CA:

[U]nder the GSIS law, a government employee is required to take off a small part of his income
and remit the same to the GSIS as his monthly contributions. Considering such mandatory
deductions, it is but fitting that such gratuity pay is deemed separate and distinct from his
separation package and should not be deducted therefrom. x x x.29

Clearly, Dalmacio is entitled to his GSIS ·Gratuity Pay. Contrary to PNB's assertion, giving
Dalmacio what is due him under the law is not unjust enrichment.30

The inflexible rule in our jurisdiction is that social legislation must be liberally construed in favor
of the beneficiaries.31 Retirement laws, in particular, are liberally construed in favor of the
retiree because their objective is to provide for the retiree's sustenance and, hopefully, even
comfort, when he no longer has the capability to earn a livelihood.32 The liberal approach aims
to achieve the humanitarian purposes of the law in order that efficiency, security, and well-
being of government employees may be enhanced.33 Indeed, retirement laws are liberally
construed and administered in favor of the persons intended to be benefited, and all doubts
are resolved in favor of the retiree to achieve their humanitarian purpose.34

WHEREFORE, the petitions are DENIED. The September 21, 2011 Decision of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP. No. 115493, is AFFIRMED in toto.


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