Efi Reggiani Unica BR

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Rotary Printer

Technology and
tradition for the
best quality
UNICA. Analogical excellence.

REGGIANI’s success is largely due to UNICA, the rotary screen printing machine. More and more customers
worldwide are printing woven and knitted fabrics, wide and narrow width, for household and fashion — with
great satisfaction and profitability.

The new printing units highlight the typical features and advantages that, for more than 60 years, have made
REGGIANI the manufacturer of reference for top-quality printing machines:

• Closed bearing printing heads • Individual screen drive with one or two brushless
servomotors in closed loop
• Multi-repeat printing heads (from 25 to 40 in/
640 to 1018 mm, no tools needed) • Uniflux linear magnetic system

• Totally sealed and lubricated printing heads (no • Easy and simple machine operation, with touch
maintenance required) screen interfaces

• Stepless adjustment of printing height according • High reliability-efficiency electronics.

to the thickness of fabric

• Stepless adjustment of printing width (any screen

cutting length accepted)

Dust and lint removal device
Reggiani’s know-how led to the creation of
a system to remove dust and lint from the
fabric to be printed. The new inverter allows
the reduction of torque and modulation of the
suction required.

The new pneumatic glue application

Allows for perfect and continuous adjustment of the
thickness of the glue on the fabric, reducing maintenance.

Rapid pump washing (optional)
This system was introduced on Reggiani machines to
dramatically reduce the waste of time and water, allowing
the rapid washing of the color-feeding circuit (ducts,
suction, delivery, color pump) by means of established
sequences of pressurized water ejections. The standard
time execution is 30 seconds; the maximum water
consumption is 70 gal/color (30 lt/color).

The new blanket washing system

Considerably reduces water consumption. Two brushes,
one for each tank, work with variable speed to optimize
blanket cleaning. Four rubber squeegees (the last one
adjustable as well) clean and dry the blanket perfectly. The
two brushes are equipped with inverters that allow the
reduction of torque and the adjustment of the brushes’
rotation speeds according to the printing speed.

Pneumatic stainless steel pumps with different deliveries.
The high quality components allow the use of color
pastes with different viscosities, always assuring a perfect
printing evenness.

Closed-bearing printing heads Uniflux linear magnetic system
• High precision and accuracy • Perfect evenness and uniformity, even with wide
width fabrics
• Self-aligning screen holders
• No center-right, center-left effect
• Evenness in screen tension
• High flexibility
• Perfect driving of the screen
• Digital printing pressure stepless adjustment, from
• No risk of damaging the screens, no
ultra-low to very high pressure
mechanical wearing
• High efficiency and very low energy consumption
• Totally sealed and lubricated printing heads (no
maintenance required) • No pole-to-pole overpressure (typical in multi-beam
magnet systems)
• Easy screen installation (with one operator only)

• Optimum control/access to the printing, even with

big repeats, thanks to the large distance between the
printing heads

Multi-repeat printing heads

Totally pneumatic and electronically controlled between 25 and 40 in
(640 and 1018 mm), and no tools are needed to change the repeat.
The operator sets the repeat value on the main touch screen, and all
the printing heads raise up so the screens can be easily installed on
the machine without any extra mechanical parts to save time.

Individual screen drive

With one brushless servomotor With two brushless servomotors

Easy and friendly machine operations, high efficiency and low consumption
All the electronic components are the most updated and highest performing available on the market: the
standard of Siemens (PLC, motion controls, inverters, control panels, and touch screens).

The interfaces are simple to understand and easy to use:

• One touch screen at the front of the machine • One main control board with a 15” TFT touch screen

• One touch screen on each printing unit (optionally • One touch screen at the exit of the dryer
available on both sides)

The printing and design parameters can be easily adjusted, saved, and automatically reproduced. High reliability and
very low energy consumption are the results of REGGIANI’s continuous efforts and investments in R & D.

Energy consumption is becoming more and more important in an industrial budget.

Reggiani, which has always been concerned about environmental issues, has equipped its UNICA rotary printing
machines with inverters on the dust and lint removal device, on the blanket washing, on the dryer fans, and on
the dryer exhaustion to guarantee a 25% savings on energy consumption.

Blade squeegee 71 in (180 cm), repeat 640

Squeegee blade isoform print height 1800, repeat 640. Each situation requires a
diverse setup; with available adjustments of the printing squeegee system/color/
cylinder the squeegee isoform can be used for any type of printing on any article.
The operations of introduction/extraction is facilitated by the new swivel releasing
completely in the introduction section.

Washing-on-line system (optional)

The washing-on-line (WOL) system patented by
Reggiani (patent N.1.271.128) is more and more
appreciated by customers worldwide.

With no operator required, in 10­‑12 minutes, it is

possible to wash and dry all the screens, the pumps,
the color pipes, and the blanket on the machine. During printing

The length and amount of washing and drying cycles

can be determined by the operator (and then saved
and automatically reproduced).

After the washing/drying cycles, the machine is ready

to re-start printing without any extra time to register
the screens.

Conceived mainly for the colorways, the WOL washes

so fast and well that it is typically used for printing new
designs, too. During washing

Models 71, 95, 126 in (180, 240, 320 cm)
Number of colors up to 24
Speed up to 295 ft/minute (90 m/minute)
Printing heads closed bearing, self-aligning, lubricated
Multi-repeat printing heads from 25 to 40 in (640 to 1018 mm), stepless adjustment, electronically controlled
Screen drive with one or two brushless motors
Printing width stepless adjustment
Squeegee system with Uniflux linear magnetic system
Operating and color side right or left
Gluing system water soluble glue as well as thermoplast

Blanket washing system two variable speed brushes, four rubber squeegees (the last one adjustable)

touch screens on each printing unit, touch screens at the entry/exit of the
machine, one control board with a 15” TFT touch screen; all with colors
Electrical cabinet conditioned
Tele Assistance built-in modem for troubleshooting and telediagnosis

REGGIANI reserves the right to modify, at any moment and without prior notice, the data and technical specifications
published herein.

EFI fuels success.

We develop breakthrough technologies for the manufacturing of signage, packaging,
textiles, ceramic tiles, and personalized documents, with a wide range of printers, inks, digital
front ends, and a comprehensive business and production workflow suite that transforms
and streamlines the entire production process, increasing your competitiveness and boosting
productivity. Visit www.efi.com or call 650-357-3500 for more information.

Nothing herein should be construed as a warranty in addition to the express warranty statement provided with EFI products and services.

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