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Trends and issues in nursing education such as scanner, new drugs, monitoring system in

field of health care all over the world. Modern health

 The nursing profession continues to evolve and care facility like ICU, ICCU, renal unit, organ
progress at a meteoric pace. Nursing profession transplant unit etc. super specialization has come.
emerged in late 19th century credit is given to  TYPES OF TRENDS IN NURSING. Nursing practice,
Florence Nightingale. Nursing education, Nursing service, Nursing
 NURSING AS A PROFESSION. Profession is an administration, Ethical views, Legal views, and
occupation based on specialized intellectual study Health care delivery system.
and training, the purpose of which is to supply skilled  ETHICAL TRENDS IN NURSING. Ethics compromises
service with ethical components to others, for distinction attitudes, cultural outlook of professional
definite fee or salary group. Ethics are distinction between right and
 KELLY’S CRITERIA OF PROFESSION. The services wrong based on a body of knowledge, not just
provided are vital to humanity and the welfare of the opinion.
society. There is a special body of knowledge which  TECHNOLOGY TRENDS. Robotics in Path-labs /
is continually enlarged through research. The Research, Laser Technology in surgery,
services involve intellectual activities; individual Instrumentation in medical and surgical practices,
responsibility (accountability) is a strong feature. Biotechnology, Genomics, Molecular Biology and
Practitioners are educated in institutions of higher Stem cell research.
learning.  Practitioners are relatively independent  TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION. Registered Nurse
and control their own policies and activities Midwife (RM), General Nursing and Midwifery
(autonomy). Practitioners are motivated by service (GNM), PhD in Nursing, Specialty care, Nurse
and consider that work on important component of Practioner, Expanded and extended education.
their lives. There is a “code of ethics” to guide the  TRENDS IN NURSING EDUCATION SPECIALIZATION.
decisions and conduct of practitioners. There is an Pediatric Nursing, Oncology Nursing, Thoracic
organization (association) which encourages and Nursing, Operation Theater Nurse, Certified
supports high standards of practice. Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Technology in
 TRENDS. It denotes changes taken place. education.
 Nursing trends refers to direction towards which the  ISSUES IN NURSING EDUCATION. Nursing Training
different nursing events have moved or are moving. schools multiplied, Lack of independent building for
These do not occur independently but each one has schools and colleges, Lack of independent principal
a basis of related changes in other fields. for schools and colleges, Inadequate hostel facilities
 Trends in nursing profession serve to meet the need for students, Shortage of qualified teachers in
of the society particularly the needs related to nursing, Inadequate library facilities.
health. The changes in society will influence to bring  ISSUES IN NURSING EDUCATION. Very less or no
about changes in nursing profession. At present, stipend for nursing students, Less supply of aids, Less
efforts are made by government of Philippines to promotional opportunities for teachers of both
deliver the health care to the community especially schools and colleges, Insufficient efforts to prepare
in rural area. Overall improvement in the education nurses for the job they are accepted to perform in
of people with ever growing awareness about their work field in terms of appropriate skills,
health, well-being and health need. knowledge and right attitude and the desired
 Trends after independence, government began to behavior patterns reflecting the values for caring
make serious efforts to meet health need of nation  OTHER ISSUES IN NURSING. Nursing Shortage,
by implementing recommendation of WHO. Patient Satisfaction, National Patient Safety
Advancement of technology e.g. Automatization, Initiatives, Evidence-Based Practice, Information
Industrialization, Urbanization etc. Age, Genetics, Globalization of Health, Aging
 TRENDS. Medical profession is fastly changing Population, Global burden of infectious diseases,
profession. Trends in nursing profession are closely Global burden of non-infectious diseases and
related to those in medical profession. The era of political will.
specialization & Biomedical science have far  PATIENTS SATISFACTION. Good customer service,
advanced resulting in newer diagnostic equipment Patient Bill of Rights, Treat patients like family and
Healthcare is a business.
 EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE. Goal is to achieve cost- nurses to be adaptable when it comes to learning new
effective, high quality patient care based on systems and equipment. In addition, electronic
scientific inquiry. Nurses need to understand communication through text apps and hospital-wide paging
communication tools enable nurses to respond more
research process involved. Nursing care should not
efficiently to patient needs. Apps that alert nurses when they
be based on opinions, past practices, but on the are running late to provide treatment allow for concurrent
results of scientific research. Clinical journals, quality management as well.
Practice guidelines and nursing research.
 INFORMATION AGE. Consumers today are more These innovative methods can improve life for nurses,
computers savvy regarding healthcare. More info on enabling team collaboration and providing immediate access
internet. Consumers could possibly be more to critical patient information. Nurses are able to provide a
informed than health care worker. rapid response to changing physiological parameters using
 GLOBALIZATION OF HEALTH. Healthcare has evidence-based protocols to improve patient outcomes.
More nurses than ever are participating in decisions about
become a global issue. People are mobile, diseases
facility technology purchases, due to an increased recognition
can travel. Nurses need to have an understanding of of the vital role direct access plays in improved care quality.
the issues pertaining to global health.
 IMPACT Improve the accuracy of patient An overall increase in access to technology is one of the most
identification, Improve the effectiveness of important trends nurses can already see in their practice.
There is increased use of portable and mobile technology, as
communication among caregivers, Improve the
well as an emphasis on telemedicine in rural or underserved
safety of using medications, Reduce the risk of
areas. With the rise of electronic health records, hospitals
health care-associated infections Accurately and and physicians’ offices are keeping track of patient
completely reconcile medications. information digitally. While this can make patient data easier
to share and improve outcomes, it can also put private
information at risk. Nurses have a responsibility to stay
“By demonstrating their knowledge in nursing vigilant, in order to ensure the safety and security of patient
practice, education and administration nurses can
demonstrate their expert power. This knowledge
may increase the amount of respect that they are Care Delivery
Where nurses practice is changing as well. Facilities like
given by physicians and the society as such along
ambulatory surgery centers and retail clinics are serving
with personal professional satisfaction. patients outside of the hospital setting, so nurses have job
“Today’s issues are tomorrow’s trends” opportunities in more places than in the past. With
healthcare moving out into the community, nurses have the
opportunity to use their skills in new ways. Data from the RN
Trends and issues in Health care policy formation Work Project indicates that more newly licensed nurses are
accepting first jobs in ambulatory care, home health and
nursing homes. This trend may be due in part to economic
changes or movement toward a more holistic care approach.
Overall, the healthcare system in the Philippines is of a high
standard. Filipino medical staffs are expertly trained, but the Many believe that the future of nursing is heading back to
facilities may not be as impressive as those found in high-end where it started, with nurses frequently visiting patients in
US or European hospitals. their homes and interacting with the community as a whole.
We are already seeing a shift toward community clinics and
The quality of the Philippines’ state-subsidized public home-based services.
healthcare, although good, varies widely between rural and
Preventive care is another trend. Both the medical
urban areas. Private healthcare in the Philippines provides
community and insurance providers (Phil health) are
much more consistent care and facilities tend to be better
interested in encouraging patients to live healthier lifestyles
equipped than public ones. that prevent health issues from arising. This means that
Technology nurses will see an increase in demand for “well care” and
Advancements in healthcare technology move at a rapid coordination with other healthcare professionals like
nutritionists, physical therapists and psychologists.
pace, so nurses have to stay sharp to keep up. Innovations
like remote monitoring devices and high-tech patient Collaboration has become the preferred style of care delivery,
simulators are becoming common in hospitals, as are with a strong focus on interdisciplinary care. This is a good
electronic health record systems. Since each facility has change for nurses. It allows them to own the decision-making
different types and levels of technology, it’s important for
Along with the adoption of new technologies, nurses will
increasingly collaborate with colleagues and non-nursing
professionals on a regular basis. This can mean a large care
delivery team that includes caseworkers, social workers,
pharmacists and more.

The Push for Continued Education

With all of these new trends, it’s no surprise that many
nurses are choosing to continue their education by earning
different tittles. “Quality patient care hinges on having a well-
educated nursing workforce. Research has shown that lower
mortality rates, fewer medication errors, and positive
outcomes are all linked to nurses prepared at the
baccalaureate and graduate level “To respond to the
demands of an evolving health care system and meet the
changing needs of patients, nurses must achieve higher levels
of education,” the report said.

As the healthcare system continues to change, nurses may

find they need more knowledge to lead effectively. The
advent of online nursing degree programs is providing nurses
with more access to education than ever before. The Bureau
of Labor Statistics reports that the ongoing nursing shortage
will require 525,000 replacement nurses in the workforce.
This brings the total number of job openings for nurses due to
growth and replacements to 1.05 million by 2022 and is
causing high-quality institutions with a long history of nursing
education to add online offerings.

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