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Submitted to

Devi Ahilya University, Indore

For partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of

Master of Business Administration (Full-Time)

Batch 2018-20

Guided by: Submitted by:

Dr. Mansi Kukreja Ms. Kritika Gangwani


Rajendra Nagar, A.B. Road, Indore – 452012 (MP)


 is an Indian fashion and lifestyle e-commerce portal founded
by Praveen Sinha , Lakshmi Potluri , Arun Chandra Mohan and Manu Kumar Jain.

 The portal sells apparel, footwear, fashion accessories, beauty products, fragrances,
home accessories and other fashion and lifestyle products. The company's
headquarter is in Gurugram, NCR, India.

 In July, 2016 Flipkart acquired Jabong through its unit Myntra for about $70


Job satisfaction is the employees’ perception towards his or her job regarding happiness
and satisfaction in the work. It is being driven by many factors in the organization like
policies, work environment, conditions, facilities and how management is concern towards
the employees. There are two different types of satisfactions in an employee.

• Affective satisfaction: emotional state of mind of the employee on the entire job.
• Cognitive satisfaction: satisfaction towards some of the factors like rewards,
salary, working hours and others.

It is a very critical task for every organization to develop the metrics for measuring the job
satisfaction levels of the employees and these levels vary from one person to other. There
are many studies which revealed that the best performers will never get satisfied. Hence to
identify the job satisfaction levels of the employees the factors selected in this study are
pay structure, career opportunities, job specifications, communication system and
interpersonal relations.

Organization is a place where the group of the people come together to work for a common
purpose. Hence the employees have to enjoy the work place and should develop a loyal
mind towards the organization. Work culture is a very important concept in bringing out
the best from the employees and making them to develop sense of organization

Work culture is a concept which deals with the thought process, beliefs and attitudes of the
human resources. When the employees follow the rules and regulations of the organization
and stick to the guidelines of the organization, then the organization is said to have well-
built work culture.


Teleperformance is a customer service, technical support, and sales call center outsourcing
company. Teleperformance conducts programs in more than 66 different languages and
dialects on behalf of major international companies operating in various industries.

Teleperformance operates 147,000 computerized workstations, with more than 190,000

employees across 311 contact centers in 65 countries and serves over 160 markets.
Countries in which Teleperformance operates include the UK, Brazil, Chile, India,
Philippines, China, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Norway, Italy and Australia.
Teleperformance conducts programs in more than 66 different languages and dialects on
behalf of major international companies operating in various industries.

Daniel Julien created SR.Teleperformance in Paris in 1978 with co-founder Jacques



JABONG is an Indian fashion and lifestyle e-commerce portal founded by Praveen

Sinha, Lakshmi Potluri, Arun Chandra Mohan and Manu Kumar Jain. The portal
sells apparel, footwear, fashion accessories, beauty products, fragrances, home accessories
and other fashion and lifestyle products.The company's headquarter is in Gurugram, NCR,

In July, 2016 Flipkart acquired Jabong through its unit Myntra for about $70 million.


Myntra is an Indian fashion e-commerce company headquartered in Bengaluru, Karnataka,

India. The company was founded in 2007 to sell personalized gift items.

In May 2014, was acquired by Flipkart.



It was co-founded by Arun Chandra Mohan, Praveen Sinha, Lakshmi Potluri and Manu
Kumar Jain. All co-founders have left the company.

In March 2013, Jabong was dispatching over 6,000 orders a day. According to The
Economist, Jabong clocked gross sales of around US $100–150 mn in 2012.

As per a Rocket Internet investor presentation, Jabong had a net revenue of 32.6 million
euros in Q1 2016, up 14% from 28.6 million euros in the year-ago period. For FY2015, its
revenues were at 122.1 million euros. In September 2017, It was reported that Jabong is
the 3rd largest global e-commerce partner for Dorothy Perkins.

Established by Mukesh Bansal along with Ashutosh Lawania and Vineet Saxena; Myntra
sold on-demand personalized gift items. It mainly operated on the B2B (business-to-
business) model during its initial years. Between 2007 and 2010, the site allowed customers
to personalize products such as T-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, and others.

In 2011, Myntra began selling fashion and lifestyle products and moved away from
personalization. By 2012 Myntra offered products from 350 Indian and International
brands. The website launched the brands Fastrack Watches and Being Human.

In 2014 Myntra was acquired by Flipkart in a deal valued at ₹2,000

crore (US$290 million). The purchase was influenced by two large common shareholders
Tiger Global and Accel Partners. Myntra functions and operates independently. Myntra
continues to operate as a standalone brand under Flipkart ownership, focusing primarily on
"fashion-conscious" consumers.

On 10 May 2015, Myntra announced that it would shut down its website, and serve
customers exclusively through its mobile app beginning 15 May. Myntra justified its
decision by stating that 95% of traffic on its website came via mobile devices, and that
70% of its purchases were performed on smartphones. The move received mixed reception,
and resulted in a 10% decline in sales. In February 2016, acknowledging the failure of the
"app-only" model, Myntra announced that it would revive its website.

In September 2017, Myntra negotiated the rights to manage Esprit Holdings's 15 offline
stores in India. Myntra reported a net loss of ₹151.20 crore in the financial year 2017-18


1. First Author – June The employees of the
Mediation of Work
Joiceswarnalatha.R, 2017 companies selected for
Culture between the
Assistant Professor, the study were found to
Job Satisfaction and
Sree Vidyanikethan be pleased to work with
Institute of the organization. They
Management, Sree were also satisfied with
Sainath nagar, the work environment,
A.Rangampet, Tirupati. conditions and the
Second Author – facilities provided by
Dr.V.MuraliKrishna, the companies. But the
Assistant Professor, employees were
SITAMS, Chittoor partially satisfied with
the performance
appraisal and training
facilities of the
companies. It is
advised to the
companies that there is
need to motivate the
employees by
providing performance
based increments and
also to organize the
training programmes
which help the
employee to work more
efficiently. In order to
achieve higher targets it
is necessary for every
company to do a
continuous research
work on the level of
Job Satisfaction, work
culture and its impact
on organization
commitment in the
2. Today the study of
Wendrila Biswas Impact of
Assistant Professor organizational culture
Organization Culture
Department of August, and its impact on job
Management & Social on Job Satisfaction
Science 2015 satisfaction has become
and Corporate
an important issue in
global business scenario
and a sufficient amount
of time is invested in it.
There is a vital
correlation between
organizational culture
and job satisfaction
which has an immense
effect on corporate
performance. A
amalgamation of
attributes of culture
leads to employee
satisfaction which
actually reflects the
shared vision or
citizenship. A strongly
satisfying culture
initiates employee
satisfaction and
effective employee
performance. As stated
by Robbins and
Hutcheson that ‘job
satisfaction is an
evaluation of
organizational culture’,
it is very important to
create satisfactory
working conditions for
all employees, so that
they are highly
motivated to perform
well and become more
committed to their job.
3. Every employee
The Impact of 2014
Salman Habib, Saira working in the
Aslam, Amjad organization has its own
Culture on Job
Hussain, Sana norms and values and
Yasmeen, Muhammad Employees different belief towards
Ibrahim Commitment and organization where
Turn over Intention he/she works.
organizational culture
differs from employee
norms and values so
whenever any employee
join the organization,
he/she should allow
herself that either they
can come up with them
or not. Organizational
culture has strong and
deep impact on the
performance of the
employees, that help
employees to be
satisfied themselves
with organization and
that cause to improve in
the productivity of
employee’s. On the
basis of findings of this
research we conclude
that there is positive and
significant correlation
among Impact of
organizational culture
on employees
commitment, job
satisfaction and
employees retention.
From our study we
found that
Organizational culture
is important element
which highly influences
the employee
commitment, job
satisfaction and
employees retention. As
the organizational
culture impacts
positively or negatively
on these three variables
and considered as the
base for performance of
any organization. If the
organizational culture is
positive, it will enhance
commitment, job
satisfaction and
decrease employees’
retention, automatically
the performance will
increase. It is quite easy
to develop your
organization in a
positive way when any
employee is on the right
path. It is viewed in this
study that strong
organizational culture is
very helpful for the new
employees to adopt the
organizational culture
and to get the
competitive advantage.
4. Huma Abid Alvi, Impact of 2014 After data collection
Mehmood Hanif, Organizational different SPSS tests are
Muhammad Culture on applied on it. Applied
Shahnawaz Adil, Organizational reliability test to check
RizwanRaheem Commitment data reliability, factor
Ahmed, and Job Satisfaction analysis to check KMO
rizwanraheemahme (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin)
Jolita Vveinhardt, and applied multiple
linear regression test
and checked that which
type of organization
culture most effect on
employee commitment
and job satisfaction and
after complete
analysis I find that
supportive and
bureaucratic culture
have significant effect
on employee
commitment and job
satisfaction, whereas
innovative culture has a
significant effect on
commitment and job
The conclusions are
based on the
investigation how the
different types of
organization culture
effect employee
job satisfaction and
his/her commitment
with organization.
Innovative culture data
does not affect or have
relationship with
employee job
satisfaction and his/her
commitment. Because
in chemical sector they
working in pre define
manners where
innovation in not
allowed, every
chemical sector
manufacture its specific
product or products and
they did not innovate
any new product, not
even encourage their
employees for
innovation. Result
shows when employee
highly satisfied with
his/her job, he/she less
committed with the
organization, because in
this sector employee
only concern about
his/her job satisfaction
more than the loyalty
with the organization.
5. Ibrahim Bin Zahari1 & The Effect of 2012 Previous studies have
Adel Mohamed Ali Organizational examined the link
Shurbagi Culture and the between leadership
Relationship paradigms and
between behaviors (Al-Omari,
Transformational 2004; Al-Sharifi & Al-
Leadership and Job Tanah, 2010) and the
Satisfaction in results of these studies
Petroleum Sector of differ. The current
Libya paper concluded that
the leaders of NOC
follow transformational
leadership style when
they manage their
organization while the
dominant culture is
Hierarchy culture and
the respondents were
satisfied with all the
facets of job
satisfaction. Thus, the
results suggest that
there is a relationship
leadership, job
satisfaction, and the
effects of organizational
culture on the
relationship between
leadership and job
satisfaction in National
Oil Corporation of
Libya. The concept of
leadership is a very
important topic for
research in National Oil
Corporation of Libya in
particular and the
petroleum sector in
general. The study,
further conclude that
the relationship
organizational culture
and job satisfaction is
significant positive
relationship. The study
may draw attention on
the need to strengthen
the leadership style,
model, approaches and
direction for petroleum
sector for future
development. Certainly
business leaders in
petroleum sector should
play a dominant role in
industrial development
in Libya. Finally, the
study stress the
important of human
capital development in
petroleum sector in
particular the
development of
leadership to spearhead
the economic
development of Libya.
The scope of the study
is limited to the
employees of NOC
based at the
Headquarter in Tripoli,
Libya only due to
political uncertainty.
6. Tawfik El-Nahas, The impact of April The main aim of the
Eman Mohamed Abd- leadership behaviour 2013 research is to fill the
El-Salam and Ayman and organisational preceding gap in the
Yehia Shawky culture on job literature by introducing
satisfaction and its the first empirical
relationship among investigation of the
organisational impact of leadership
commitment and behaviour style and
turnover intentions. organisational culture
A case study on an on employees’ job
Egyptian company satisfaction and the
relationship between
employees’ job
commitment and
turnover intentions.
Using Pearson
correlation and multiple
linear regressions
provide unique insight
results as illustrated into
number of areas that
will be illustrated. The
unique quality of this
study lies in providing
evidence to make
recommendations for
future practices.
7. Abdhullah The influence of 2013 His findings revealed
organizational that all culture types
culture on job were positively
satisfaction, associated to job
organizational satisfaction and
commitment and organizational
turnover intention: a commitment. The
study on the banking variables job
sector in the kingdom satisfaction and
of Saudi Arabia. organization
commitment mediated
the relationship
between organization
culture and turnover
8. Jack et al The Influence of 2012 The objective was to
Organizational find the influence of
Culture, organization culture and
Organizational commitment on
Commitment to Job employee performance.
Satisfaction and The results revealed
Employee that organization
Performance (Study culture does not directly
at Municipal influence the employee
Waterworks of performance. When job
Jayapura, Papua satisfaction mediated
Indonesia) the organization culture
influenced the
employee performance.
9. Aripin et al The Implications of 2013 The aim of the research
Organizational was to find the
Culture and influence of
Leadership Styles organization culture,
The Effects on Job leadership styles and
Satisfaction and job satisfaction on
Organizational organization
Performance Of performance. The
Police Sector In results showed that
Bandung, Cimahi, there was significant
Garut- West Java. effect of organization
culture on job
satisfaction and
insignificant effect on
Leadership style also
had significant effect on
job satisfaction and
insignificant effect on
performance. Job
satisfaction was
mediating the
relationship of
organization culture and
performance and also
the relationship of
leadership styles and
Organization culture
influenced the
10. Maruf Ahamed Impact of 2015 Analysis of this study
,Rezwan Mahmood Organizational supports to conclude
Culture on Job that organizational
Satisfaction: A Study culture really affects
on Banglalion employee job
Communication Ltd, satisfaction. This has
Bangladesh placed a high value on
Communication Ltd.
The research has found
strong correlation
between Organizational
Culture and Job
Satisfaction in this
company. The effect of
components of culture
and culture type is
positive and significant
on job satisfaction of
employees of
Communication Ltd.
They should retain it on
the passage of time. The
company tends to focus
less on creativity,
flexibility, innovation
and growth but more on
Order, Rules,
Regulation and Stability
very largely. The study
reveals that
organizational culture
affect employee
performance in jobs. All
corporate bodies and
public and private
agencies should try to
induce better
organizational culture
and its fabrics to
encourage higher rate of
employee morale and
retention. In order to
receive greater
responses, authority
should focus on
mutually agreed upon
and congenial
environment. They
should establish a close
link and ask continuous
feedback from
employees about
different issues of


One of the reasons of this study is to help the teleperformance to create a high degree of
culture which helps in high performance. In the past 25 years, the concept of work culture
has gained wide acceptance for it focuses attention on the human side of organizational
life, and finds significance and learning in even its most ordinary aspects. It clarifies the
importance of creating appropriate impact of work culture on the job satisfaction.

Work culture is possibly the most critical factor determining an organization’s capacity,
effectiveness, and longevity. It also contributes significantly to the employees of the
teleperformance on their level of job satisfaction. It encourages the view that the perceived
relationship between an organization and its environment is also affected by the
organization’s basic assumptions. Work culture creates energy and momentum

Thus this study is going to give importance to sense of pride, self satisfaction, stability,
social recognition, standard of performance, discipline which will be developed among the
employees through work culture. Thus increased competition, mergers, acquisitions,
alliances, and various workforce departments have created a greater need for work culture
and has become an important pattern for the organization’s development.


The objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To study the level of work culture on the job satisfaction of the employees in the

2. To identify the impact of work culture on the job satisfaction of the employees in
the teleperformance.

3. To know the effect of work culture on the job satisfaction of the employees in the


H1: There is significant impact of work culture on job satisfaction levels of the employees.
H0: There is no significant impact of work culture on job satisfaction levels of the



1. Research design – Research design is the blue print for empirical research work that
guides this study, exploratory research is used to describe characteristics of a population or
phenomenon being studied.
2. Sample Technique-

(A) Sample design- We have been used convenient sampling method.

(B) Sample size- 50 employees of Teleperformance Jabong & Myntra.

3. Tool for data collection-

(A) Primary Data: Primary data have been collected through questionnaire.

(B) Secondary Data: Data is collected from newspaper, books, magazines, Previous
research paper, journal and internet etc.

4. Tool for data analysis- Percentage analysis tools is used to analyze the data.

5. Hypothesis Testing- H1: There is significant impact of work culture on job satisfaction
levels of the employees.

H0: There is no significant impact of work culture on job satisfaction levels of the


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