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Acids, Bases, and Salts

 Acid: Turns blue litmus colour to red

 Base: Turns red litmus colour to blue
 Turmeric is a natural indicator
 Reaction with metals
 In most cases, metals replace hydrogen from acids
Zn  H 2SO4 
 ZnSO4  H 2
 Acids with metal carbonate and hydrogen carbonate
 Carbonate + Acid → Salt + Water + CO2
Na 2CO3  2HCl 
 2NaCl  H 2O  CO2
 Acid–Base reaction
 Acid + Base → Salt + Water
NaOH  HCl 
 NaCl  H 2O
 Metal oxide + Acid
 Metal oxide + Acid → Salt + Water
 In water solution
 Acid → H+ ion ; H+ + H2O → H3O+
 Base → OH– ion
 H3O   Cl
HCl  H 2 O 
NaOH 
H 2O
 Na   OH 
 Higher H+ concentration → Strong acid
 Lower H+ concentration → Weak acid
 Higher the OH– concentration → Stronger the acid
 pH Measure
 pH → Measure of acidity → Measure H+ concentration on the scale (0 – 14)
 pH 7 → Neutral solution
 pH < 7 → Acidic solution
 pH > 7 → Basic solution
 Human body pH = 7.0 – 7.8
 Change in pH in body causes → Tooth decay, stomach pain, burning pain
(Honey bee sting)

Salts’ pH = 7
 Common salt  NaCl

NaCl + H2O

Electric current (Electrolysis)

H2 (Cathode) Cl2 (Anode) NaOH (solution)

(Fuel, margarine, ammonia Water treatment, swimming De-greasing, soaps
pools, PVC, Disinfectants, & detergents,
CFC, pesticides paper-making,
artificial fibres

HCl Bleach
For cleaning steel, production of
ammonium chloride, medicines, cosmetics

 Bleaching powder → CaOCl2

 Preparation–
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 → CaOCl2 + H2O
 Use –
 cotton in textile industry

o Bleaching of  wood pulp
 clothes in laundry

o Oxidising agent
o Disinfecting material
 Baking soda – (NaHCO3) Sodium hydrogen carbonate
 Preparation–
NaCl  H 2O  CO2  NH3 
 NH 4Cl  NaHCO3 (Mild, non-corrosive base)
 Use –
o Making baking powder (Baking soda + Mild acid, like tartaric acid)
o Ingredient for antacids
o Soda–acid fire extinguisher
 Washing soda – Na 2CO3.10H2O
 Preparation–
Na 2CO3  10H 2O 
 Na 2CO3 .10H 2O
 Use –
o In glass, soap, paper industries
o Making sodium compounds such as borax
o As domestic cleaning agent
o Removing permanent hardness of water
 Plaster of Paris –
1 1
CaSO 4  H 2O  1 H 2O 
 CaSO 4  2H 2O (solid)
2 2

Gypsum 


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