EDOCS-Document Management System

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EDOCS Enterprise

A comprehensive document management system



1 Background of the product
2 Higher level details of the functionality of the product
3 Technical Architecture Highlights
4 Benefits of EDOCS Enterprise for an organization
5 System Requirements
6 Search Features

VEASNA IT SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD, a leading software services and products company has developed a
comprehensive Document Management System, “EDOCS” which provides distinct advantages for
organizations that deal with documents in paper as well as electronic formats.

The product is built on a web-based modular architecture, which combines technical robustness with
flexibility to adapt to business processes. Conforming to international standards like ODMA and XML,
EDOCS is also an immensely scalable solution primarily because of its distributed component based

Cataloging & Profile

EDOCS organizes all a firm's documents into an electronic library with instant search, retrieval and
archival abilities. To do this it profiles every document that is created by extracting all the text that is
there in the documents being scanned or dragged into EDOCS and indexing all of them. Further, it also
provides features for users to define their own properties (meta data and key words), which can be
used to retrieve documents. Similar to cards in a library catalogue, it creates a profile of each document
from which a logical index is built.

Search & Retrieval

EDOCS provides full text search to enable the user to access information within the body of the text
that is not easily categorized or described in the document profile. Apart from exact search, EDOCS also
supports Fuzzy Search (fetches even approximate matches!) and Thesaurus Search. It also facilitates
Boolean searches (where search criteria is specified through a combination of words and phrases). Full
text searches give users wide-open access to their documents and make it virtually impossible not to
find the specific document that the user is looking for.

Access & Security

In EDOCS , rights and restrictions may be assigned to specified documents based on individual users or
groups of users; enabling managers to grant fully configurable privileges (Read; Search; Write; Delete;
Full Access or a combination) on the firm's central document repository. The product also tracks the
version history of documents in case changes are made to the document. Further the product logs the
actions of the users for auditing.

EDOCS provides ‘easy to use’ options to add documents to specific folders within the Firm’s repository.
Paper documents can be added to the folders through scanning while existing electronic documents can
simply be dragged into the specific folders in the repository. Bar code mechanism provided in EDOCS
facilitates automatic routing of documents into specific folders thus making the scanning and routing
job delegable, automated and error-free.

Document Views

In a typical organization, information is likely to be stored in more than one type of file; ranging from
different word processing programs like Word and PDF, to power point slides, excel spreadsheets, and
html or image files in different graphic formats. EDOCS Enterprise indexes information stored in
different file formats so that the content is searchable. RDOCS Enterprise also provides a browser based
viewer for viewing scanned images as well as more than 150 computer file formats like MS WORD, MS
EXCEL, MS Powerpoint, PDF, DWG etc.. The viewer also allows users to edit the viewed documents
through annotations, notes etc..

Version Control

EDOCS has implemented a powerful version control system, which allows the users to create multiple
versions of the documents with Single CheckIn, CheckOut features. Apart from that the users can view
the Version History of any document, retrieve the latest version of the document, Undo CheckOut etc.,
user can enter his/her own version number along with the comments/remarks about the new version.

EDOCS has a flexible and powerful workflow module through which business processes of an
organization can be mapped very easily. The users or administrators can create custom workflow
templates and add documents to the workflow to be routed appropriately. Security can be assigned to
ensure that only specific users who are part of the workflow can actually work on that document and
not anybody and everybody. Multiple operations on the workflow and the job (a document which is
following a workflow) can be performed like holding a job, deleting a job etc.,

BackOffice Maintenance:

EDOCS provides various tools and web interfaces to perform multiple back office operations, few of
which are mentioned below.
Back Up and Restoration of the entire repository along with the database.
Text Rectification for better OCRing and indexing.
Audit Trails for tracking the user operations.
Report Generation for tracking the usage of the system.

The technical architecture of the product is as follows


EDOCS is based on a true-distributed architecture, which allows for immense scalability and flexibility.

EDOCS allows the OCR process, which is CPU-intensive to be distributed on multiple machines.

The browser-based applications and other client applications like Capture Client etc. can be installed
on any version of Windows.

The system uses a proprietary algorithm for storing the documents on the hard disk. EDOCS stores
the documents in such a manner that to access any document, there is a maximum of 2 subfolders.
Also, since the logical structure required by the user is not replicated on the hard disk, it becomes
very difficult for anyone to pull out a document from the hard disk directly.
The system allows for configuring multiple volumes of storage for storing the documents. These
additional volumes could come from other server machines or hard disks. And the most important
thing is that these new volumes can be added without stopping the EDOCS server. So, as the
number of documents keeps increasing additional volumes can be added and the size on the
volume to be used can also be set.

EDOCS uses XML for transferring data between the components. So, customizing
this doesn’t involve any amount of overhead. Also, this has interfaces, which allow
the administrator to perform a complete storage of the database in XML format so
that the entire database can be reconstructed even if the database crashes.
Similarly, if the index gets corrupted, the entire index can be rebuilt within no time.
Error logging is done allowing the administrator to understand the problem and fix
it in a very quick turnaround time.

4. Benefits of EDOCS Enterprise to an Organization

Organizations deal with a plethora of documents – be it specific Client/Vendor related

or specific department related. EDOCS helps users store all types of documents
(Paper as well as computer based documents) they deal with in Electronic File
Cabinets, which act as a single source for the Firm’s entire repository of documents.

It is very critical and important that users find the documents they need, when they
need it. Finding the specific document/file required becomes very easy since
EDOCS provides elaborate search facilities.

Organizations can effectively reuse the past work done in a similar area instead of
‘reinventing the wheel’ by creating the document all over again

Organizations can better utilize the volumes of knowledge that is available in the
firm by sharing the work done across the partners

Customizable Security Settings ensure only authorized access and protects the
Organization’s most valuable asset – Knowledge!

By supporting even paper documents (Journals, Articles, News Paper Items etc.),
EDOCS acts as a powerful Document based Knowledge Management System.

The electronic archival systems ensure longer life and lower archival costs for
documents that are required to be stored for statutory and/or commercial reasons.

Many times it is not possible to have software applications for all users in
organizations due to the steep cost involved. EDOCS Enterprise includes a viewer
which allows viewing of more than 150 popular file formats without the need for
native application being installed at the user’s machine

EDOCS Enterprise helps organizations in implementing workflow for documents

across the enterprise thus increasing productivity

EDOCS is a modular solution with a few key Server side components and a few Client
modules. The Server side components can be deployed on a single machine or on
multiple machines as per the specific requirements of the user. This is essentially a
function of the size of the repository and/or the specific configuration preferences the
Client may have. The hardware and software requirements will depend on that.

(i) Hardware Requirements: Server(s): Number of Server machines required

depends on the specific configuration the Organization chooses. Each Server has to be
an Intel Pentium–IV upwards with a suggested RAM of 512 MB; a minimum HDD of 40
GB and network card.

Client(s): The number of Client machines is a function of the Organization requirements and the
license granted. The Client machines can be any standard Celeron or Pentium Processor based
machines with a suggested RAM of 128 MB and network card. The Client Machine(s) that need to
be connected to the Scanner and run the RDOCS Capture Client are required to have provision
for USB or SCSI adaptor depending on the make of the scanner.

Scanner(s): The number of scanners required will depend on the Organization preferences. The
Scanner needs to be a Twain-Compatible scanner with the maximum dpi for better quality of the
images. The Speed of Scanner and other additional features like ADF can be as per the
Organization preferences.

(ii) Software Requirements:

Operating System: The Server machines require installations of Windows NT– Server
(with Option Pack) or Windows 2000 Server or Windows Advanced Server. The Client
machines can run on Windows 95/98/NT/2000. The search component itself is browser-
based and Client machines that are used only for Search can be any windows based
machines running Internet Explorer.

Database Server: A server installation ODBC-compliant EDBMS like MSSQL2000/Oracle etc. is

Web server: The server running the Search Component needs to have web server
like IIS 4.0 installed on it.
Web Browser: Internet Explorer 4.0 or above is required on the Client machines
where searching is required.
(iii) Other Dependencies: Apart from converting Paper documents to searchable digital documents,
EDOCS also supports more than 150 file formats along with most of the standard document
formats like MS-Word, RTF, PDF, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, HTML, Plain Text and TIFF images
where the existing softcopies of any of these document formats can be stored in EDOCS
repository. Users can view all these 150 formats with the Universal viewer that is integrated into

EDOCS Enterprise. However, to view any of these documents in the native applications or to edit
them, the native application installations are required on the Client machines.

For client machines connected to the Scanners, appropriate Scanner Drivers should have been
loaded onto the machine before using EDOCS. These drivers are normally given with the
Scanner itself and are also usually downloadable from the web sites of the manufacturer. The
Twain driver should also be pre installed for the scanner for EDOCS application to automatically
scans and store the documents in the repository.

EDOCS uses a third party OCR engine, for converting the graphical file formats to text data, from
Abby Software. One installation of the Run Time License of Abby comes with EDOCS software
and for additional licenses VEASNA IT SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD will purchase on the clients’ behalf.

EDOCS also uses a third party component for extracting the text out of the various electronic file
formats that are stored in the Repository. One Run Time License of this software is also provided
with the EDOCS installation.

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