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DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION : 15th January, 2018

15/01/2018 MNL-003-AWRG-1.0

15/01/2018 MNL-003-AWRG-1.0


1. Under rule 18 of the Civil Aviation Rules 1994 (CARs 1994), a Certificate of Type Approval (CTA)
(hereafter referred as ‘Type Certificate’ (TC) as defined in latest issue of ANO-006-AWRG) maybe issued
to an applicant who satisfies all the requirements laid down by PCAA. This manual establishes procedures
for evaluating and approving aircraft type design data and changes to approved type design data. The
procedures apply to all engineering, design, and administrative personnel involved in the type certification
process. The manual also establishes the policies and procedures for the application, appointment,
renewal, termination, oversight and general conduct of a PCAA “Approved” Designated Engineering

2. The purpose of this manual is to familiarize the Airworthiness Directorate officials (PCAA) and
personnel/ organizations involved in type design certification, with the process of type certification (for
aircraft below 5700 KGs), Type Acceptance Certificate (TAC), Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) and
engineering change order (ECO) for civil aircraft.

3. Aircraft type certification is the process of evaluation and approval of aircraft type design data
against designated airworthiness standards. PCAA, after carrying out investigation against designated
certification standards, issues TC for aircraft designed in Pakistan whereas, TAC is issued for aircraft
designed in other contracting states. It is a prerequisite for the issuance of a Certificate of Airworthiness (C
of A) for an individual aircraft. Subsequently, the TC may be amended in case of modifications
incorporated by TC holder or STCs issued for modifications designed by an applicant other than CTA

4. Type certification (including supplemental type certification and other approval of major
modifications) of an aircraft involves:

a) Prescribing appropriate design standards and requirements.

b) Ensuring that the product design is proven to meet the design standards, through evaluation of
methods of compliance which may include ground tests, engineering analysis, flight tests,
equivalent level of safety findings etc. (Refer appendix D for details on Methods of
c) Checking that the test articles, when manufactured, conform to the design requirements.
d) Ensuring that the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) and associated operating aspects are
e) Accepting the maintenance manual and approving the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the
maintenance manual (if applicable).
f) Ensuring that the TC holder has satisfactory arrangements in place for continuing
airworthiness control, defect reporting and supply of service documents.

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Date Date Date of Date
No. Entered by No. Entered by
Applicable Entered Issue Entered

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1 Definitions and Acronyms

For detailed definitions, kindly refer to latest issue of ANO-006-AWRG.

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Process of Acceptance of the application

Acceptance or
Request for Refusal of
Acknowledge application
of receipt correction

PCAA Revision for correct Checking of

compliance Application


Submission of Received for
application correction

Step1 Submission of application.

Step 2 Acknowledge of receipt: The Airworthiness Engineering Division (AED) of HQs. Airworthiness
Directorate will receive the application and acknowledge within 10 working days.

Step 3 Review for correct compliance: The application is reviewed by the AED for any correction,
incomplete information or technical issues.

Step 4 Request for correction: The applicant will be communicated by the AED for any correction,
incomplete information or technical issues.

Step 5 Received for correction: The letter is received by the applicant for carrying out the correction,
providing incomplete information or resolving any technical issues.

Step 6 Checking application: The application is checked by the AED for the contents of the
application and eligibility of the applicant on legal basis such as, the organization holds a DOA or is
using alternative methods in case of small aircraft. This process is carried out within 01 month. It is at
this stage where it is decided whether to Accept or Reject the application.

Step 7 Acceptance or Refusal of application:

Acceptance - The acceptance of the application is notified to the applicant in written by the AED. This
information also includes the certification team selected (if selected) for carrying out the certification
process, project number and receipt of any fees associated with the application. This process is to be
carried out within 01 month.

Rejection - The rejection of the application is notified to the applicant in written by the AED with the
reasons, a reference for the possibility of a appeal and receipt of any fees associated with the
application. This process is to be carried out within 01 month.

2.1 Application for issuance of Type Certificate (TC) – A TC application is made on PCAA Form
CAAF-108-AWRG. For further details refer to the current ANO-006-AWRG. An aircraft TC application
must be accompanied by:

a) A three view drawing of the aircraft and

b) Basic data, including proposed operating characteristics and limitations.

2.2 Supplemental Type Certificate Application (STC) - An STC application is made on PCAA Form
CAAF-195-AWRG. An STC holder may submit an application for an amendment in STC to include

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additional product models to or to introduce significant changes in the modification or alteration in

previously approved STC.
Note: -The STC is the property of the applicant and will be kept confidential.
2.3 Engineering Change Order (ECO) - Any authorized person or organization desirous of
undertaking modifications (major/ minor) on an aircraft or aircraft component of approved type design for
which Pakistan is a State of Registry shall be required to obtain an "Engineering Change Order" (ECO)
approval from PCAA. For this purpose, the applicant shall submit application on latest issue of PCAA
CAAF-133-AWEG along-with (03) sets of ECO document, drawings and attachments, if any, to
Airworthiness Directorate.
2.3.1 ECO shall be applicable for all optional modifications to be accomplished on Pakistan registered
aircraft. For modifications based on AD or Mandatory/ recommended SB, ECO approval is not required.
2.3.2 The contents of ECO shall be in line with that as mentioned in Appendix I of this Manual.
2.4 Production Certificate Application (PC)- A production certificate application is made on PCAA
Form CAAF-108-AWRG. Application for a production certificate may be made at the same time
application is made for a TC, an amended TC, or an STC, however, a production certificate cannot be
obtained prior to issuance of the TC. For further details refer to the current ANO-002-AWRG.
2.5 Type Acceptance Certificate Application (TAC) –A type acceptance certificate application is
made on PCAA Form CAAF-194-AWRG. TAC is issued on the basis of accepting the certification
standards used for issuance of TC by another Contracting State.
Note – Refer to the Major and Minor list attached to this manual, however, to determine whether a new
modification is major, minor, etc, and whether it requires a TC amendment or STC, the ATCB may refer
to latest revision of ANO-006-AWRG.

3 Formation and Responsibilities of the Airworthiness Type Certification Board (ATCB)-

The following personnel will be nominated to form an Airworthiness Type Certification Board (ATCB)
when an application is accepted for the issuance of TCs, STCs, TACs or amendments to those
3.1 Head of Certification Standards (HCS) - The Head of Certification Standards is responsible for
the overall policy guidance and provision of resources to support type certification activity. The head of
certification standards will preferably be an Additional Director level officer nominated by the Director
Airworthiness (DAW). HCS is a person approved by PCAA to manage the certification / validation and
post certification activities of the project in accordance with the PCAA procedures. From the
organizational point of view, HCS deals with:

a) The team (i.e. Section Head, Project Manager & Inspectors/Specialists)

b) The applicant
c) The foreign authorities of the applicant
d) The PCAA management.
3.2 Section Head -The Section Head is responsible for the overall management of design
certification activities and determination of priorities for all certification programs associated with the
issue of TCs, STCs, TACs and amendments to those certificates and broad control of certification
programs through designated Project Manager. The Section head will be an officer of the designation of
Joint Director or above, based at the Airworthiness Directorate and nominated by the DAW.
3.3 Project Manager -Project Manager is responsible for the project management of specific
certification programs, including negotiation with the appropriate organizations. Project Managers are the
formal contact point for applicants throughout the project. The Project Manager will be Joint Director or
above (Aerospace or Avionics) officer based at the field office and nominated by the DAW.
3.4 Inspectors (Engineers) -Additional project support is provided by inspectors from the relevant
PCAA offices (AID & AED) and is utilized on a day-to-day basis, particularly for inspection of
manufacturing and airworthiness activities. The Inspectors will be nominated by the DAW and will be a
part of the working project team.
Note - The working project team will comprise of the inspectors/specialists of ATCB and applicant’s

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3.5 Specialist to cover the different disciplines - Panel of experts comprise of specialist with
extensive technical knowledge and experience in all technical disciplines necessary for the type
certification of an aviation product. Disciplines to be covered by specialist are:

a) Flight test
b) Performance
c) Structures
d) Powerplant installation
e) Fuel systems
f) Hydro-mechanical systems
g) Electrical systems
h) Avionics systems
i) Transmissions
j) Electronics Controls & software
k) Cabin safety
l) Environmental Control systems & Icing
m) Noise & Environmental protection
Note - If PCAA do not have the appropriate qualified / experienced members for a particular project, they
will hire appropriate personals from the aviation industry on contract basis, however, an alternate means
can also be adopted. The specialists are not nominated from the applicant’s organization.
3.6 Applicant’s representative (not a part of the ATCB).
Applicant’s team are not a part of the ATCB, but will coordinate and work closely with ATCB and ATCB’s
working team.

4 The Design Requirements for an Aircraft not exceeding 5,700 kg MTOW:

For design of aircraft below 5,700 kg, PCAA shall adopt the Airworthiness Requirements / Design
Standards as stated in the current ANO-006-AWRG.

4.1 Other Standards -Other sets of standards may be accepted by PCAA, if the standards are
appropriate for the purpose for which the aircraft is to be used. To provide evidence that the standards
are appropriate, PCAA may require the applicant to provide any of the following:

(a) A copy of the set of standards and, if they are written in a foreign language, a certified
English translation.
(b) Safety records of the aircraft for which the certificate has been applied for or for other
aircraft of a similar type complying with the set of standards
(c) Certificate of Compliance by the TC holder, stating that the design of the manufactured
aircraft complies with the appropriate airworthiness requirements and approved
drawings / specifications.
(d) Operational limitations may also be applied by the PCAA to ensure an adequate level of
safety is maintained.

4.2 The certification process begins when the designer of a new product submits an application along
with the required drawings / specifications and documents to the Airworthiness Directorate. The product,
must meet the airworthiness standards acceptable to PCAA including the additional standards found to
be necessary for safety by PCAA. For issuance of a TC for an aircraft, PCAA should be satisfied on any
or all of the following points:
(a) The design conforms to approved airworthiness requirements or to design
standards acceptable to PCAA.
(b) The applicant for TC shall have appropriate facility or an agreement with approved
manufacturing organization for production of prototypes / serialized production of the type of
(c) The organization must have a setup to collect, analyze data related to in service
difficulties and defects on the aircraft and issue continuing airworthiness information on the

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4.3 The applicant for type certificate should have an appropriate setup comprising of qualified personnel
to carry out the design activities and demonstrate compliance against applicable design standards. The
applicant may subcontract specialized activities for demonstration of compliance (such as F.E. Analysis,
wind tunnel testing, etc), however it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the accuracy of
the results. Furthermore, the applicant may be required to arrange inspection of the facilities and
process, which have been subcontracted.
4.4 The applicant shall submit a copy of the following documents after issuance of the TC which shall
become the approved design. Any amendments to the following shall be considered a “design change”
and shall be processed in accordance with this manual:

(a) The drawing and specifications.

(b) Reports on aerodynamics and structural analysis and tests undertaken to substantiate
compliance with the applicable requirements.
(c) Information, materials and process used in the construction of the product.
(d) A master listing of those drawings and specifications necessary to define configuration
and design features of the product shown to comply the requirements applicable with
the product.
(e) Recommended Master MEL (MMEL), if applicable.
(f) An approved aircraft flight manual.
(g) The maintenance manual with details of the manufacturer's recommended scheduled
maintenance program.
(h) Structural repair manual.
(i) Weight & balance record.
(j) List of life-limited components.
(k) Any other data necessary to allow, by comparison, the determination of airworthiness.
(l) Compliance certificate (Refer to the current ANO-002-AWRG).
(m) Manufacturing License Agreement, if any.
(n) Foreign Type Certificates, if held for the product.
(o) Approval of DERs for structure, propulsion, systems, flight analyst and test pilot.
(p) List of applicable SBs / SILs.
4.5 In either case, it should be recognized that the type design records are permanent and may not be
destroyed as long as an aircraft, engine or propeller remains in service.
5 Type Certification Program:

Note - Refer flowchart attached to this manual. The following procedures will be followed as applicable
to the type of project. The ACTB may use alternate means of compliance or alter the procedures
depending upon the type of project.

5.1 Procedure for Type Certificate- An applicant for a TC submits to the PCAA the type design, test
reports, and computations necessary to show that the product to be certificated meets the applicable
airworthiness and noise requirements of the Civil Aviation Regulations and any special conditions
prescribed by the PCAA. The PCAA examines the data submitted by the applicant and determines if it
meets the airworthiness and noise requirements of the Civil Aviation Regulations. To be entitled to a TC,
for an aircraft, the PCAA must find that no feature or characteristic makes it unsafe for the category in
which certification is being requested. The following certification procedures will be followed:

(a) Applicant's formal application for a TC which includes (i) Covering letter; (ii) Application form;
(iii) Three view drawings.
(b) The information in the application is used by the Airworthiness Type Certification Board to
develop the Certification Program Notification to the Airworthiness Directorate. A file with a
specific number is opened on the subject for monitoring all correspondence with the
applicant. Section Head is responsible for the progress of the certification work. In this task
he is assisted by the Head of Certification Standards, Project Manager, and Inspectors.
Depending upon the complexity of the certification work, officers / experts from other
directorates of PCAA, such as Flight Standards Directorate, etc., are associated with the
certification process.

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(c) A familiarization meeting is held with the applicant. This is a meeting to establish partnership
with the applicant. It is an opportunity to develop mutual understanding of the type
certification process as it applies to the applicant's design. It is highly recommended as a
beginning point in the process, the applicant makes presentation to the Airworthiness Type
Certification Board on the design features of the product. In this meeting airworthiness
design standards to be followed, method of compliance, issues relating to type certification,
composition of PCAA team / applicant’s team / and specialist to cover the different
disciplines, time period for completion of the project are discussed. To establish the
certification basis it is necessary to determine a time frame for the completion of the project
which could be 03 years or 05 years depending complexity of design. All the certification
standards till the submission of the initial application will be applicable, however if the project
is not completed as per agreed time frame, the applicant will have to include all the new
designed standards. This includes the amendments that have been issued after the
submission of the applicant’s initial application up to the date the applicant applies for an
(d) The applicant is advised to develop an initial compliance document against the applicable
airworthiness design standards and submit the same to the Airworthiness Type Certification
Board, so as to arrive at proper understanding of the design standards and their method of

Note - Unless an applicant shows at the time of submission of the application that its product
requires a longer period for design, development and testing, the extra time may be approved by
the authority.

(e) A preliminary Airworthiness Type Certification Board meeting is held. At this initial formal
meeting, the project team collects data about the technical aspects of the project and the
applicant's proposed certification basis and identified other information. PCAA may reduce
its own participation in the project to the minimum necessary to substantiate compliance with
the airworthiness design standards. For example, instead of making a complete evaluation,
PCAA may make spot-check comparisons of the later applicant's data with the first
applicant's data.
Note: PCAA is only responsible for the review of the data submitted by the applicant, not for the
development of methods or calculations.
(f) The applicant is required to prepare design load and analysis reports and submit the same
to the ATCB for evaluation. The design load and analysis reports submitted by the applicant
are examined by the ATCB and comments, if any, are communicated to the applicant. If so
required, technical meetings are held by the ATCB with the applicant for clarification of
certain issues. The technical meetings may cover a variety of subjects. Team members
(i) Approve test plans and reports
(ii) Review engineering compliance findings
(iii) Close out issue papers
(iv) Review conformity inspections
(v) Review minutes of board meetings
(vi) Issue New PCAA policy guidance
(vii) Review airworthiness limitations
(viii) Review Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (arefer current AWNOT-033-AWXX)
(g) The manufacturing instructions including but not limited to drawings, process sheets,
fabrication methods, materials, and other instructions as applicable, shall be part of the
approved design. The TC holder shall maintain these records and provide the same to the
manufacturing facility for construction of prototypes. A conformity inspection is required to
ensure that the product being certificated complies with the type design of the prototypes. It
is the responsibility of Airworthiness Type Certification Board personnel to request required
conformity inspections. PCAA inspectors/specialists are to determine that the product
conforms to drawings, specifications, and special processes. A PCAA conformity inspection
should be successfully conducted before any official PCAA tests (ground or flight) are

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Note – To verify the compliance against each applicable design standard, the applicant will use the
Compliance of Design Standards Form as attached to this manual. A file will be made for each
applicable design certification standard which will be checked by PCAA inspectors/specialist.

(h) The applicant should prepare a test plan when testing is necessary to show compliance to
certification standards for design or modifications. The test plan should be prepared and
approved as early in the program as possible, but as a minimum, prior to the start of the test.
The test plan is used as documentation to assure that orderly and complete testing is
accomplished. As a minimum, the following items should be contained in the test plan:

(a) A description of the item(s) to be tested;

(b) A list of all test equipment necessary to conduct the test;
(c) A description of how the equipment will be calibrated (calibration is required) and
approved prior to the test;
(d) A description of how the compliance will be shown prior to the test; and
(e) A test procedure written in a step -by-step format.

(i) The conformity of the test article, test setup, test procedures used, and the validity of the test
results must be established for each test conducted to show compliance with a type
certification requirement. If the test is lengthy, at least the initial part of the testing should be
witnessed and a post-test examination conducted. If the cognizant PCAA engineer
(inspector(s)) is unable to witness the test, the engineer (inspector(s)) authorizes another
qualified engineer, Designated Engineering Representative(DER) to witness the test.

(j) Upon PCAA approval of the test plan, the cognizant engineer requests a PCAA conformity
inspection of the test specimen and test setup to assure conformance to the engineering
drawing and test plan. The minimum participants for witnessing the test are:

(a) A PCAA engineer(inspector/s), PCAA pilot, or authorized DER;

(b) Specialist to cover the different disciplines (depending on the type of test being carried
(c) An applicant's knowledgeable personnel capable of performing the test duly authorized
by the ATCB.

(k) After the PCAA engineer (inspector/s) witnesses the test, in coordination with the specialist,
he shall write a report for the PCAA files containing the following:

(a) A description of the test;

(b) A description of the results obtained;
(c) The decisions reached; and
(d) The recommendations which have been made to the applicant.

(l) The applicant should prepare a test report detailing the data for each test and an
explanation of the calculations necessary to evaluate the data. The report should include
conclusions and recommendations and be presented to the Airworthiness Type Certification
Board for approval, or DER approval, if delegated.

(m) Based on the tests on test articles, design changes / modifications may be required to be
carried out, these changes are reflected in the prototype to be test flown.

(n) The applicant is required to submit the required design reports compliance statements
against airworthiness requirement, drawings, Chief designer’s statement, constructor’s
certificate, etc.

(o) Flight Operations Evaluation Board is a group of specialists responsible for matters related
to a type of aircraft. The board's main responsibilities are developing an MMEL and
accomplishing an operational evaluation of the aircraft. Board membership typically includes
flight standard inspector(s)airworthiness inspector(s),a flight test pilot, an Airworthiness Type
Certification Board representative. The Flight Operations Evaluation Board will be chaired by
an inspector from the Flight Standard Directorate.

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(p) In case of complex aircraft, Maintenance Review Board may be constituted to approve initial
maintenance/ inspection requirements for new type design aircraft. Board membership
includes an ATCB representative, airworthiness inspectors (AID) and specialists.

(q) After the prototype is ready, conformity inspection is carried out by the officers of the ATCB.

(r) A Pre-Flight ATCB meeting is conducted in which discussions center on the applicant's flight
test program, including conformity inspections and engineering compliance determinations.
After satisfactory clearance by the Airworthiness Type Certification Board and the Director of
Airworthiness, permission is granted to the applicant for carrying out flight trials. For
conducting flight tests, applicant is required to use the services of test pilots who are
approved from the Flight Standard Directorate, PCAA. The applicant is required to conduct
flight tests on the prototype as per the flight test schedule approved by the ATCB. He is
required to submit the detailed flight test report to the ATCB for scrutiny. The Flight
Standard Directorate officers, generally, participate in the applicant’s flight tests.

(s) On successful completion of flights of the prototype, the applicant is required to prepare and
submit to the ATCB, the Aircraft Flight Manual, Maintenance Manual, MMEL, Structures
Repairs Manual, revisions to design documents, revised compliance statements, continued
airworthiness documents, etc.

(t) Based on the flight tests, a draft Type Certification Data Sheet on PCAA CAAF-012-AWRG
is prepared by the applicant giving operating limitation. This is examined by the ATCB and
by the Flight Standard Directorate. The document is approved by the ATCB, if found

(u) In accordance with sub-paras (2)(a)(b) of Rule 18B of CARs-1994, on completion of the
certification programme, the applicant shall provide a DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE
that the design of the product to be type certificated complies with the Type Certification
Basis. The TC is issued when the applicant:

a) Has demonstrated its capability for design

b) Has submitted the Declaration of Compliance
c) Has shown compliance with the certification basis and environmental protection
d) No feature or characteristic makes the products unsafe
e) If the product is an aircraft, the engine, propeller or both have a type certificate issued.

(v) The team members (specialist) issue statement of satisfaction to the ATCB with the
applicant’s compliance declaration. Based upon that statement and other relevant
documents, the Airworthiness Type Certification Board issues a compliance statement to the
Director Airworthiness confirming that the type design of the product complies with the Type
Certification Basis. A type certificate on PCAA form CAAF-011-AWRG with a specific
number along with the TCDS on PCAA form CAAF-012-AWRG is than issued by the
Director Airworthiness.

5.2 Procedure for Type Acceptance Certificate (TAC) Approval– Director Airworthiness may accept
the type certificate in respect of any aircraft (below and above 5,700 kg) that may be imported provided

(a) The airworthiness authority of the country in which it is designed has issued the
certificate of airworthiness, type certificate or similar document, in respect of that aircraft
/ helicopter or components;
(b) It meets the airworthiness requirements laid down by the PCAA. The applicant shall
furnish the documents as per latest revision of ANO-006-AWRG:

(c) The design documents submitted by the applicant are scrutinized by the ATCB. The
Head of Certification Standards will select the members/participants of the ATCB (i.e.
Project Manager, Section Head and/or Inspectors (Engineers).

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(d) In order to familiarize with the design and certification procedures, design representative
of the TC holder may be required to visit Pakistan to acquaint PCAA officials with the
system and design of the product. Alternately, representatives of PCAA may visit the
design/ manufacturing site(s) to discuss specific design / manufacturing queries with
designer and / or Airworthiness Authority of the State of Design.
(e) Special conditions may be imposed on foreign Type Certificate and Type Data sheet by
PCAA in specific cases for safe operation of the aircraft in Pakistan. The special
conditions so imposed, will be communicated to the manufacturer and the respective
Airworthiness Authorities by the Airworthiness Type Certification Board.
(f) On being satisfied that the basis of Type certification of aircraft / helicopter / aircraft
engine / propeller is satisfactory, on the recommendations of the ATCB, Director
Airworthiness may accept the Type certificate (with such exception as may be permitted)
issued by Airworthiness Authority of the country in which the product has been
designed. Additional conditions, operating limitations may be imposed by PCAA.

5.3 Procedure for Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) – Rule 19 of CARs-1994 prescribes
conditions for validity of Certificate of Airworthiness. Sub para (e) of rule 19 requires that the C of A will
not remain valid if any modification is carried out, or equipment installed other than approved by the
Director General. For aircraft designed in Pakistan, the same procedures apply for approval and
issuance of an STC as those for a TC. PCAA may issue STC to an applicant (other than TC holder) on
CAAF-046-AWRG in respect of an aircraft (for which PCAA is state of design) involving major changes /
modifications to its type design.

5.3.1 The applicant for shall have an appropriate setup comprising of qualified personnel to carry out
the design activities and demonstrate compliance against applicable design standards. The applicant
may subcontract specialized activities for demonstration of compliance (such as F.E. Analysis, wind
tunnel testing, etc), however it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the accuracy of the

5.3.2 When an applicant has received approval from a regulatory body to modify an aircraft from its
original design, a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) is issued by the regulatory body, which
incorporates by reference the related TC approves not only the modification, but how the modification
affects the original design.

5.3.3 A TC holder may apply for an amendment to the TC rather than apply for an STC. An applicant
may apply for STC if the modification to type design is considered as Major change. Major changes are
classified in Appendix ‘A’.

5.3.4 An STC will not be issued to:

(a) approve minor changes, or for approval of identical replacement parts (unless the
installation of such parts constitutes a major change to the type design);
(b) approve design changes to TSO approved articles unless the TSO is invalidated for the
modified article. An STC which modifies a TSO article must provide for installation;
(c) combine two or more STC's without additional showing of compliance;
Note: - The STC is the property of the applicant and will be kept confidential.
5.4 Amendments to TC – For products designed in Pakistan, the same procedures apply for
approval and issuance of an amended TC as those for a TC. The ATCB’s design evaluation and level of
interaction with the applicant is dependent upon the complexity of design changes / modifications. On
satisfactory compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirements, amendments to TC are issued
by the Director Airworthiness on the recommendation of the ATCB.

5.5 Procedure for Production Certificates (PC) - A Production Certificate is an authorization by the
PCAA for a manufacturer to manufacture a product in compliance with the Civil Aviation Regulations. A
PC may be issued to either the holder of a TC or to a licensee of a TC holder who meets the

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requirements of rule 23 of CARs 1994. A production certificate application is made on PCAA form CAAF-

Application for a production certificate may be made at the same time application is made for a TC or an
amended TC, however, a production certificate cannot be obtained prior to issuance of the TC. A
production certificate will be issued to the approved organization stating the type of product to be

6 Cancellation/ Suspension Certificates

As per sub-rule(4) of rule 18B, Civil Aviation Rules (CARs 1994), if the holder of a certificate fails to
comply with any of the requirements of 18B sub-rule(2) or the Director-General is satisfied that there is
evidence to show that there is a defect in the design of the aircraft component of the aircraft or to make
such aircraft a danger to person or property, the Director-General may, subject to rule 341, by order in
writing suspend the certificate of type approval or cancel the aforesaid certificate with the prior approval
of the Federal Government.

7 Responsibility of the Applicant.

An applicant is responsible for showing compliance to the Civil Aviation Regulations applicable to the
specific product or operation. These requirements are as follows:

7.1 An applicant submits the type design and substantiating data necessary to show that the product
to be certificated meets the applicable airworthiness and aircraft noise requirements of the Civil Aviation
Regulations and any special conditions prescribed by the PCAA.

7.2 The type design consists of drawings and specifications; information on dimensions, materials,
and processes; airworthiness limitations; and any other data necessary to describe the design of the
product. Type design data may allow by comparison the determination of the airworthiness and noise
characteristics (where applicable) of a later product of the same type (Refer the current ANO-006-

7.3 Substantiating data is additional data which is necessary to show compliance with the certification
basis, e.g., test and analysis reports, ground and flight test reports, etc.

7.4 It is strongly recommended that an applicant make and submit to the PCAA a compliance checklist
which addresses each section of the current ANO-006-AWRG applicable to her/his product. In this
manner, an applicant can identify certification basis problem areas early in the type certification program.

7.5 An applicant must allow PCAA to make any inspection and any flight or ground test necessary to
determine compliance with the applicable requirements of the Civil Aviation Regulations. However, the
applicant makes all inspections and tests necessary to show compliance prior to presenting the product
to the PCAA for testing.

7.6 The applicant should demonstrate compliance with the applicable requirements of the Civil
Aviation Regulations prior to making flight tests, and upon showing compliance, perform all flight tests
that the PCAA finds necessary. Test flights shall only be carried out by duly authorized personnel.

7.7 TC holder/ applicant shall have satisfactory arrangements in place for continuing airworthiness
control, defect reporting and supply of service documents.

8 Responsibility of PCAA–PCAA is responsible for:

8.1 Providing guidance to an applicant in the certification process;
8.2 Establishing the certification basis;
8.3 Establishing special conditions;
8.4 Processing petitions for exemptions;
8.5 Determination of Equivalent Levels of Safety;
8.6 Approving drawings, reports, data, and flight manuals;
8.7 Performing type inspection authorization (TIA), inspections and tests needed to verify
compliance with the Civil Aviation Regulations and conformity with the type design;
8.8 Preparing the type inspection report (TIR) and the TCDS;

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8.9 Issuing certificates.

9 Flight Manual - A flight manual for each new aircraft is required.

9.1 Flight Manual Approvals–The Flight Standards, PCAA is responsible for the approving the flight
manuals, including revisions and supplements. The flight manual should not be approved until:
(a) PCAA project flight test pilot and/or flight test engineer, the operations specialist, and
appropriate PCAA airworthiness inspectors concur with the operational limitations and
normal and emergency procedures;
(b) PCAA flight test engineer recommends approval of the performance section of the flight
manual; and
9.2 Flight Manual Revisions or Supplements – Changes to flight manuals submitted by the CTA holder
will be handled by PCAA in the same manner as original manuals. Each revised page should bear a
revision date or symbol so that required revisions may be properly identified. Changes to flight manuals
submitted by other than the CTA holder should be accomplished by the use of a flight manual
10 Documents required of the TC/STC Holder and Licensee of a TC Holder-
The holder of a TC, STC, or the licensee of a TC must supply the following documents to PCAA at the
time of aircraft delivery:
a) A current approved aircraft flight manual;
b) A current weight and balance statement;
c) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (also refer current AWNOTs)
d) Compliance status of AD’s; and
e) Other appropriate documents as necessary.

Note1: All the records of Type Certificates, Type Certificate Data Sheets, Type Approvals, type design
documents, compliance checklists, calculations and test reports, etc. should be preserved.
Note2: For new aircraft the TC holder will furnish complete information regarding its actual weight and
balance, which shall also include sketches and other data that will assist the applicant in checking the
balance after alterations, together with weight and balance control manual or loading instructions.

11 Monitoring the lead aircraft–

The five initial aircraft that are manufactured under the TC issued by PCAA will be the lead aircraft. It
will be the responsibility of the applicant to monitor the aircraft.
11.1 A structural fatigue inspection program for the fleet lead aircraft is to be developed by the
applicant. This program is to be approved by the Airworthiness Directorate. The structural fatigue
inspection program will comprise of complete disassembly; fatigue checks of critical parts through NDT,
visual inspection, replacement of all electrical looms / cables and repair of repairable structure. The
detailed report is to be submitted to PCAA, which should contain fatigue inspection analysis, additional
inspections carried out, parts replaced, modification accomplished and aircraft weight and balance
12 Designated Engineering Representative (DERs) Requirement –

12.1 PCAA Policies - The following policy statements list the PCAA airworthiness policies associated
with the DER program:

a) DERs are appointed and approved by PCAA only when there is a justified need for
engineering delegation;
b) The DERs are delegated to make findings of compliance to airworthiness requirements on
behalf of the PCAA in support of major alteration and repair only for aircraft manufactured
or registered in Pakistan;
c) A database containing names, categories, designations, validity period and contact
information of valid DERs shall be maintained by the PCAA so that interested parties
engaged in the operation and maintenance of aircraft registered in Pakistan may contact
these DERs;

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d) DERs (Foreign and Domestic) must be employed or hired by an organization. Application

for DER should be submitted through an organization planning to use the DER services;
e) Applications shall not be accepted from foreign applicants for DER in the candidate
f) Any application for a DER Certificate of Authority shall be assessed against the
requirements of current FAR 183.29, the supporting procedures contained in the current
FAAO 8110.37E and FAAO 8100.8D or subsequent, and the specified policies and
procedures contained in this document. In case of conflict between this document and the
FAAOs, the former would prevail;
g) The validity period for a DER (Domestic) shall be one calendar year from date of
h) The validity period for a DER (Foreign) shall not exceed the validity period on the foreign
DER authorization on which the DER authority is based and in no case shall it exceed 2
i) DERs performance shall be evaluated by the PCAA Airworthiness Directorate on an
ongoing basis and corrective actions taken to correct identified deficiencies in

12.2 DER Categories, Designations, Privileges and Limitations - Designation of a person as a DER is
a privilege granted by PCAA. It is not a right of every qualified applicant to be granted a DER
designation. A DER finds compliance or recommends PCAA findings of compliance with appropriate
airworthiness requirements.

12.2.1 DERs shall be appointed with specific categories, designations, privileges (authorized scope of
authority, functions, areas) and limitations. Each DER appointment will list the specific categories,
designations, privileges and limitations in the Certificate of Authority which is issued to the DER.

12.2.2 Categories - DERs shall be appointed in one of the following categories.

a) Company DER
b) Consultant DER
c) Dual Appointment
d) Candidate DER Company DER - An individual may be approved as a Company DER for their employer and
may only approve or recommend approval of technical data to PCAA for their sponsoring company.
DERs approved in the Company DER category may only perform DER activities while employed by the
sponsoring company.

Note: A Company DER cannot be employed by an Organization unless an officer of the company within
which the DER can exercise his/her delegation has recommended it in writing on PCAA form ‘CAAF-
165-AWEG, block 10. Consultant DER - An individual may be approved as an independent (self-employed)

Consultant DER to approve, or recommend approval of technical data to the PCAA for a client. Dual Appointment - PCAA presently does not issue Dual Appointments. Candidate DER - If an applicant meets all the requirements for a DER designation except for
significant experience in a direct working relationship with PCAA, the applicant may be identified as a
DER candidate. Candidates do not have the authority to make findings of compliance or approve data,
but must review and make recommendations of compliance to the PCAA to demonstrate their ability to
function as a DER. After demonstrating this capability, the DER candidate will be delegated authority as
a DER provided PCAA has a need and the ability to manage the DER.

12.2.3 Designations - DERs may be appointed in one or more of the following designations subject
to their qualifications and experience and requested designations.

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PROCESS FOR AIRCRAFT DESIGN CERTIFICATION Structural DER - Structural DERs may prepare and/or approve, within the limits of their
appointment, the following items that comply with pertinent regulation(s):

a) Engineering reports,
b) Drawings,
c) Material and process specifications used in structural applications, and
d) Other data relating to structural considerations. Powerplant Installation DER - Powerplant Installation DERs may prepare and/or
approve, within the limits of their appointment, the following items that comply with pertinent
a) Engineering reports,
b) Drawings, and
c) Other data relating to powerplant installations, including all systems and equipment
necessary for the proper operation of the powerplant. Systems and Equipment DER - Systems and Equipment DERs may prepare and/or
approve, within the limits of their appointment, the following items that comply with pertinent

a) Engineering reports,
b) Drawings, and
c) Other data relating to aircraft systems and equipment design not covered by structural
or powerplant representatives. Radio DER – PCAA Radio DERs may prepare and/or approve, within the limits of their
appointment, the following items that comply with pertinent regulation(s):
a) Engineering reports,
b) Drawings,
c) Tests, and
d) Other data relating to the design and operating characteristics of radio equipment being
manufactured and/or modified. Engine DER - Engine DERs may prepare and/or approve, within the limits of their
appointment, the following items that comply with pertinent regulation(s):
a) Engineering reports,
b) Drawings, and
c) Other data relating to durability, materials, and processes employed in engine design,
operation, and maintenance. Propeller DER - Propeller DERs may prepare and/or approve, within the limits of their
appointment, the following items that comply with pertinent regulation(s):
a) Engineering reports,
b) Drawings, and
c) Other data relating to propeller blade and hub design, pitch control, propeller governing,
and maintenance, provided these items comply with the pertinent regulation(s). Flight Analyst DER - Flight Analyst DERs may prepare and/or approve, within the limits
of their appointment, the following items that comply with pertinent regulation(s):
a) Aircraft performance flight test data,
b) Aircraft quantitative operating data, and
c) Flight characteristics data. Flight Test Pilot DER - Flight Test Pilot DERs may conduct and approve, within the limits
of their appointment, flight tests of new or modified aircraft. Acoustical DER- Acoustical DERs may witness and approve or recommend approval of
tests/data, remaining within the limits of their appointment.

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12.2.4 Privileges- Specifically, DERs shall be granted privileges for categories of products,
functions and areas for which PCAA has found that they are qualified and their appointment would be in
the interest of PCAA. Specifically, each DER shall be granted privileges in the following manner. Scope of Authority - Scope of Authority shall list aircraft categories as per FAR design
requirements (i.e. Part 23 in this case);

Note: The identification of a specific FAR Part also implies any predecessor regulations (i.e., Part 23
includes CAR 3). Delegated Functions - Delegated functions shall be established and specified as per
charts found in (Appendix H) Authorized Areas - Authorized Areas shall be established and specified as per charts
found in (Appendix H) Special Delegations/Authorizations - DERs may be authorized special delegations or

functions as determined on a case-to-case basis. Special authorizations and limitations for DERs will be
established in accordance with FAAO 8110.37E as amended, with the exception that Administrative
DERs, PMA Identically and Major Repair and Major Alteration special authorizations will not be granted
by the PCAA.

12.2.5 Limitations - DERs shall be limited in their authorized activities to those functions and activities
which they are qualified. DERs shall be limited in their activities in accordance with individual limitations
established on a case-by-case basis and General Limitations (as per Section General Limitations - All DERs shall be limited in their authorized activities in accordance
with general limitations as noted below.
a) DER activities shall be carried out in accordance with FAR Part 183.29, PCAA CTA
process manual, and FAA Order 8110.37E- Designated Engineering Representative
(DER) Guidance Handbook (or subsequent), unless otherwise stated by PCAA. In case
of conflict between CTA process manual and the FAAO, the former is to prevail.
b) Statements of Compliance shall be made using PCAA form ‘CAAF-166-AWEG’
c) DER authorized activities may only be carried out while a DER is employed by an
d) The PCAA project numbers are required to be quoted by the DER on the PCAA form
‘CAAF-166-AWEG in the “Purpose of Data” block. (PCAA project numbers would
be PCAA file number)
e) Should the scope of a project (for which a project number has already been issued)
change to the extent that the DER authorized activities are exceeded then the DER
must report the situation to PCAA and await for PCAA determination before the DER
completes the project activities.
f) The DER may use as many experienced engineers as needed to completely evaluate
engineering technical data; however, the DER accepts the responsibility for approving
the technical data when signing the PCAA form ‘CAAF-166-AWEG. A DER may decline
to approve any or all portions of the technical data, and may forward such data to PCAA
for approval. In such instances, the DER must specify reasons for not approving the
technical data.
g) PCAA does not authorize any DER to infer that he or she is a PCAA employee or to use
the PCAA logo on things such as: business cards, letterheads, facsimile covers,
document covers, or any other business forms.
h) DERs may not use their DER identification number when signing company or personal
reports, drawings, service documents, or letters. This ensures that the DERs signature
on such documents does not constitute PCAA approval.
i) Any other specific limitation listed on the DER Certificate of Authority. Items Requiring PCAA Approval - PCAA retains authority and responsibility for examining
and approving certain items, e.g., the certification basis, any special conditions, exemptions, equivalent

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safety findings, type inspection authorizations, and the issuance of PCAA STCs and PCAA RDAs. This
limits the data that the DER can approve. Appendix G of this process manual provides a listing of
limitations on DER functions which would more than likely be reserved for PCAA approval but could be
delegated to a DER. In addition, the following items are required to be approved by the PCAA:
a) Interpretation of PCAR/FARs. Whenever any question arises regarding interpretation of a
PCAA /FAR regulation or the use of new or unconventional materials and processes, the
DER shall consult with PCAA personnel. The DER shall not make an interpretation of a
regulation. In general, the DER should be guided by existing policies, procedures,
specifications, processes, standards, etc. The DER must consult with the PCAA prior to
departure from existing procedures in making findings of compliance.
b) Test Plans. A DER cannot approve test plans unless specifically delegated to do so by
the PCAA on a case-by-case basis. However, the DER should normally recommend
approval in the submittal to the PCAA. Acoustical DERs may only recommend approval
of test plans and final noise certification compliance reports.
c) AFM Data. Specific authorization is required to examine and approve related or special
data on reports such as loading schedules or devices, weight and balance reports,
equipment lists, and/or certain airplane flight manual revisions, etc.
d) Classification of Major/Minor Modifications. The decision as to whether a change to a
type design is major or minor, as defined in FAR part 21, section, 21.93.The classification
of a modification as Major or Minor can be proposed by the DER, however it shall be
PCAA that shall approve the classification. Major and minor design changes to TSO
articles are defined in FAR part 21, section 21.611.
e) Impact of Major Modifications on Certification Programs. The extent and effect of a major
modification shall be discussed with the PCAA to determine if original design
requirements (airworthiness regulations, basic load criteria, and test results) still apply, if
the original application for type certificate will be affected, and if additional analyses, flight
tests, ground tests, or ground inspections are necessary.
f) Airworthiness Directives. Prior to the establishment of an unsafe condition by the PCAA,
a DER may approve a service bulletin. After establishment of an unsafe condition by the
PCAA, a service bulletin related to the unsafe condition and alternate means of
compliance must be approved by the PCAA.
g) Software Plans. Normally, the plan for software aspects of certification and
accomplishment summary should be reserved for approval by the PCAA.
12.3 DER Application Procedures - This paragraph addresses application procedures for both DER
(Domestic) and (Foreign).

12.3.1 DER (Domestic) - This section addresses DER application procedures from qualified individuals
who are residents of Pakistan. Eligibility Requirements - Eligibility requirements for foreign DER are mentioned in following
paragraphs; Residency Status - Applicants for DER (Domestic) must be either:

a) a Pakistani national possessing a Nationality Identification document, or

b) a non-Pakistani national possessing a valid Resident Permit and Passport. General - Applicants for DER (Domestic) must:

a) be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language;
b) be permitted by the laws of Pakistan Engineering Council to practice engineering in
c) hold an engineering degree granted by a college or university of recognized standing;
d) have at least eight years of progressively more responsible aeronautical, mechanical,
electrical or general engineering experience, or satisfactory combinations thereof as

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appropriate to the designations sought. An applicant may apply for credit of up to four
years maximum for the successful completion of his engineering degree to meet the
eight-year experience requirement;
e) have at least one year of experience in a direct working relationship with the PCAA in
which the applicant was continuously and actively engaged in the processing of
engineering work for PCAA approval of the type in which the applicant is seeking
appointment. The experience in direct contact with the PCAA, which may be part of the
eight year experience requirement, must have occurred during the last three years prior
to the application for DER appointment.
f) have a thorough working knowledge of the pertinent regulations (e.g. FAR Parts 1, 21,
g) have been in a responsible position in connection with the type of work for which the
applicant is to be designated and be entirely cognizant of related technical requirements
and problems related to civil aircraft approval, or have otherwise demonstrated suitability
for the designation; and
h) possess integrity, sound judgment and a cooperative attitude. Structural DER - An applicant for a Structural DER with a delegated function of fatigue
analysis shall, in addition to the general eligibility requirements, possess the following:

a) As education:
I. a degree in Engineering Mechanics, Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering; and
II. Specialized training in fatigue analysis.
b) As experience:
I. more than two years experience in airframe stress analysis performing as
the principal investigator and responsible for results and conclusions within
the last ten years prior to appointment. An applicant for a Structural DER with a delegated function of damage tolerance evaluation
shall, in addition to the general eligibility requirements, possess the following:

a) As education:
I. a degree in Engineering Mechanics, Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering; and
II. a specialized course in fracture mechanics, damage tolerance assessment
and fatigue analysis.

b) As experience:
I. more than two years experience in damage tolerance analysis performing
as the principal investigator and responsible for results and conclusions
within the last ten years prior to appointment. Flight Test Pilot DER - Flight test pilot DERs shall, in addition to the general eligibility
requirements, possess the following:
a) Hold a commercial pilot's certificate with an instrument rating, and be qualified in aircraft of the
same category and class and similar in design to that in which the applicant will be conducting
b) Have logged a minimum of 2,000 pilot-in-command (PIC) flying hours (1,000 hours for
helicopters) of which at least 100 hours have been logged within the past 12 months; and
c) Have logged a minimum of 100 hours of appropriate experimental flight testing experience in the
same certification category and in a similar type of aircraft for which the DER appointment is
requested. Application for initial appointment and renewal - All the steps in the procedure described
herein are to be followed in the sequence presented, unless otherwise indicated by the PCAA. The
procedure may be terminated at any step in the process. The following steps apply:
a) the Organization determines the need for DER involvement;

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b) the Organization nominates the appropriate person for PCAA consideration, after
ensuring that the person meets the PCAA eligibility requirements;
c) the nominated person ensures that he/she has access to the necessary facilities, data,
documentation, and resources to perform the activities sought;
d) the Organization submits to PCAA,
I. a completed PCAA form ‘CAAF-165-AWEG, Statement of Qualifications signed by
the applicant, along with supporting documentation (including an accurate record of
the applicant’s relevant qualifications and experience); and,
12.3.2 DER (Foreign) - This section addresses application procedures for DER from individuals who
hold an engineering delegation from the FAA or other PCAA recognized CAA and who are not residents
of Pakistan. Eligibility Requirements – Eligibility requirements for foreign DER are mentioned in following
paragraphs; General - The PCAA will only accept applications for a DER (Foreign) from persons holding a
current FAA DER Certificate of Authority (or an equivalent authority issued by a PCAA recognized CAA
considered by PCAA as equivalent to FAA). An FAA DER Candidate is not eligible to apply for a DER
Certificate of Authority. Other Requirements - The applicant's DER Certificate of Authority issued by the FAA or a
PCAA recognized CAA must be relevant to the activities sought. A DER Certificate of Authority will not
be endorsed with categories, designations, authorized areas and delegated functions which exceed
those shown on their current FAA DER Certificate of Authority and related letter of authorization.

The applicant must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the current PCAA/FAR regulations and
related policies and procedures, and of their Organization’s policies and procedures relevant to design
change approval. Application for initial appointment and renewal - All the steps in the procedure described
herein are to be followed in the sequence presented, unless otherwise indicated by the PCAA. The
procedure may be terminated at any step in the process. The following steps apply:
a) the Organization determines the need for DER involvement;
b) the Organization nominates the appropriate person for PCAA consideration, after
ensuring that the person meets the PCAA eligibility requirements;
c) the nominated person ensures that he/she has access to the necessary facilities, data,
documentation, and resources to perform the activities sought;
d) the Organization submits the following documents to PCAA;
i. a completed PCAA form ‘CAAF-165-AWEG, Statement of Qualifications,
signed by the applicant, along with supporting documentation (including an
accurate record of the applicant’s relevant qualifications and experience) (In
the case of initial appointment) or a DER activity report for the last DER
validity period. and,
ii. evidence of the applicant’s current FAA DER delegation including copies of
the current FAA Certificate of Authorization

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12.4 DER Appointment And Renewal Procedures – Procedures mentioned in the following paragraphs
will be followed for DER appointment and renewals;

12.4.1 Application Evaluation -The PCAA receives and evaluates the applicant’s submission. First the
PCAA ensures if the need is genuine. Then the PCAA initiates administrative action which includes the
opening of a DER file and the assignment of a DER number from the DER number register in
accordance with paragraph 5.3. Evaluations of the applicant’s technical capability shall include
interviews, tests, portfolio reviews and any other means necessary to establish acceptability to be DER.
Appendix 1 of FAAO 8100.8, Designee Management Handbook, provides additional guidance in this

12.4.2 Interview - If required, the PCAA may interview DER applicants to assess his/her eligibility to be a
DER and also provide orientation on PCAA organizational structure, regulatory framework and
certification procedures.

12.4.3 DER Designation Numbers - Each DER shall be assigned a unique designation number at time of
their first and subsequent appointment as DER in the format PCAA/DER-yynnnx(-z) (e.g. PCAA/DER-
01025F-1) where:
a) yy=year (Gregorian) of first appointment
b) nnn=DER counter of first appointment beginning at 1 in each year, reset to 1 at beginning of
each year
c) x=F for foreign DER or D for domestic DER or C for Candidate DER
d) z=counter for each subsequent renewal
12.4.4 Certificate of Authority - The DER Certificate of Authority shall be prepared using PCAA Form
‘CAAF-044-AWEG. The Certificate of Authority shall state the DER category, designation number, the
privileges which the person concerned is authorized to perform, limitations of authority and an issue and
expiration date. The certificate may be reissued to correct administrative errors or to replace a lost or
destroyed original.

12.4.5 Letter of Appointment - The PCAA shall notify the DER applicant, in writing and with a copy to the
nominating Organization, of its decision regarding DER appointment within fifteen (15) working days
following the date of receipt from the applicant/Organization of all the information required as 12.4. The
letter of appointment is to include the DER Certificate of Authority.
A sample Letter of Appointment is found in Appendix E.

12.4.6 Letter of Renewal - The PCAA shall notify the DER applicant, in writing and with a copy to the
nominating Organization, of its decision regarding DER renewal within fifteen (15) working days following
the date of receipt from the Organization of all the information required as per 12.4. Note that a DER
may apply himself once for yearly renewal, in between two renewals through an Organization or project.
The notification is to include the DER renewal letter and DER Certificate of Authority.
A sample Letter of Renewal is found in Appendix F.

12.5 DER Responsibilities and Indemnification - Once appointed, each DER has the following
a) The DER may only perform those functions that are stated on his/her PCAA Certificate of
Authority and only while the certificate remains valid. The holder must comply with the
limitations of their appointment as specified in their Certificate of Authority and this process
b) A DER Certificate of Authority does not constitute an authorization for the DER to work on a
particular project. Each project must be authorized by PCAA on a case-to-case basis;
c) The DER must ensure that all documentation pertaining to a specific project (including PCAA
Compliance Checklists (CCL) given at Appendix D contains the PCAA project authorization
number and the DER designation number (For guidance regarding method of compliance in
the CCL, FAA AC 23-24 may be referred);
d) The DER must make findings of compliance against the PCAA/FARs orders and regulations,
using the associated policies, procedures guidance material;
e) For each project, the DER must supply the PCAA with a completed PCAA CCL (Appendix D)
and any other required reports and data in a form and manner acceptable to the PCAA;

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f) The DER must consult with PCAA prior to deviation from standard procedures in making
findings of compliance; and
g) The DER shall not make interpretations of a regulation without PCAA concurrence.

12.5.1 Indemnification - A DER, while acting pursuant to a DER appointment, is a representative of the
PCAA for specific functions. A DER is not an employee of the PCAA and is therefore fully liable for
his/her work performed and decisions made as a DER. The PCAA will not indemnify DERs against
personal civil liability incurred by reason of any act or omission within the scope of their employment or
duties as a DER.

12.6 Continued Validity of DER Certificate of Authority - Unless terminated by the PCAA, a DER
Certificate of Authority becomes invalid as a result of any of the following:
a) when the validation date expires.
b) Note: Notwithstanding, a DER authorization for a particular PCAA project remains valid
until the end of the project, even if the DER Certificate of Authority expires in the mean
time;upon the written request from the DER;upon a DER appointed in the Company
category ceasing to be employed by the company who sponsored their delegation;
orupon a non-Pakistani national DER no longer possessing a valid Work permit.

12.6.1 Certificate Validation Date - Unless terminated by the PCAA, a DER Certificate of Authority
remains valid for the period as stated thereon. The validity period shall be established based on the
following criteria: DER (Domestic) - Validity periods shall be one year from date of appointment. DER (Foreign) - Validity period shall not exceed validity period on the foreign DER authorization
on which the DER authority was based and in no case shall it exceed 2 years. DER Candidate - Validity periods shall be established on a case-to-case basis but shall not
exceed three calendar years from date of appointment.

12.6.2 Renewal Procedures - DER may apply for renewal of his/her DER Certificate of Authority within
15 days of its expiry date or when changes in scope of approval are sought. Applications for renewals
and changes in scope of approval must follow the same procedures as described in Chapter 4 for initial
DER appointment. DER renewal procedures are described in 12.4.

12.7 Termination of DER Certificate of Authority - The DER Certificate of Authority may be terminated
for any of the following reasons:

a) subsequent to a finding by the PCAA that the DER is not performing his/her duties in
accordance with their Certificate of Authority;
b) subsequent to a finding by the PCAA that the DER has not had sufficient activity to
warrant continuance of the designation; or
c) for any other reason that the PCAA considers appropriate.
12.8 DER Oversight - Every interaction between the DER and the PCAA constitutes oversight of the
DER by the PCAA. Interactions may be in the form of data review or may be in the form of personal
contact (e.g. telephone calls, visits, etc.). The PCAA in performing its regulatory obligations shall use the
interactions to evaluate the compliance of the DER with the PCAA/FAR requirements and this process
manual. The results of these interactions will determine the continued validity of those certificates

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Appendix ‘A’


1. Airframe Major Modifications: Major modifications include modifications to the

listed aircraft parts, or the listed types of modifications (when not included in the applicable
aircraft specifications):

1.1 Wings.
1.2 Tail surfaces.
1.3 Fuselage.
1.4 Engine mounts.
1.5 Control system.
1.6 Landing gear.
1.7 Hull or floats
1.8 Elements of an airframe including spars, ribs, fittings, shock absorbers,
bracing, cowlings, fairings, and balance weights.
1.9 Hydraulic and electrical actuating system of components.
1.10 Rotor blades.
1.11 Changes to the empty weight or empty balance which result in an increase in
the maximum
1.12 Certified weight or centre of gravity limits of the aircraft.
1.13 Changes to the basic design of the fuel, oil, cooling, heating, cabin
pressurization, electrical, hydraulic, de-icing, or exhaust systems.
1.14 Changes to the wing or to fixed or movable control surfaces which affect
flutter and vibration characteristics.

2. Powerplant Major Modifications: Major powerplant modifications, even when not

listed in the applicable engine specifications, include:

1.1 Conversion of an aircraft engine from one approved model to another,

involving any changes in compression ratio, propeller reduction gear, impeller
gear ratios or the substitution of major engine parts which requires extensive
rework and testing of the engine.
1.2 Changes to the engine by replacing aircraft engine structural parts with parts
not supplied by the original manufacturer or parts not specifically approved
by the Authority.
1.3 Installation of an accessory which is not approved for the engine.
1.4 Removal of accessories that are listed as required equipment on the aircraft
or engine specification.
1.5 Installation of structural parts other than the type of parts approved for the
1.6 Conversions of any sort for the purpose of using fuel of a rating or grace
other than that listed in the engine specifications.
3. Propeller Major Modifications: Major propeller modifications, when not authorized
in the applicable propeller specifications, include:
1.1 Changes in blade design.
1.2 Changes in hub design.
1.3 Changes in the governor or control design.
1.4 Installation of a propeller governor or feathering system.
1.5 Installation of propeller de-icing system.
1.6 Installation of parts not approved for the propeller

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Appendix ‘A’

4. Appliance Major Modifications: Modifications of the basic design not made in

accordance with recommendations of the appliance manufacturer or in accordance with
applicable Airworthiness Directive are appliance major modifications. In addition, changes in
the basic design of radio communication and navigation equipment approved under type
certification or other authorization that have an effect on frequency stability, noise level,
sensitivity, selectivity, distortion, spurious radiation, AVC characteristics, or ability to meet
environmental test conditions and other changes that have an effect on the performance of
the equipment are also major modifications.

Note –For further details, to determine whether a new modification is major, minor, etc, and
whether it requires a TC amendment or STC, the ATCB may refer to FAA or EASA

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Appendix ‘B’


(For practical purposes, the ATCB may deviate from this flowchart)

Applicant submits

PCAA constitutes Airworthiness Type Certification

Board (ATCB) consisting of PCAA officials in
accordance with the PCAA’s approved MNL-003-

ATCB will check

the application

ATCB inform the Application
Applicant of the “Accepted”
shortcomings Yes

ATCB will inform the application that the

application has been “ACCEPTED”

ATCB and Applicant to hold FIRST Meeting

FIRST Meeting –
• The applicant will give a presentation of the new product.
• According to the project it will be decided as to in which discipline with
the specialist be hire for (if necessary).
• ATCB and applicant will also decide the certification basis of FAR

ATCB will start the process As an ALTERNATE, the applicant may

for hiring on contract the hire the specialist and obtain ATCB’s
specialist in different Approval. These specialists will then

Applicant will hire DER(s) as ATCB scrutinize the

per PCAA requirements and application as per
submit their application for requirements and grant
“Approval”. “Approval” if found “SAT”


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Appendix ‘B’

Approved DER will submit a Compliance Plan

which will show the compliance of the product
against the certification basis of the FARs (i.e.
Applicable or Not Applicable).

ATCB specialist /
inspectors will check the
Compliance Plan
submitted by the DER


ATCB will inform the Applicant and ask them

to submit a Compliance Matrix Plan.

1 - The DER/s will submit the Compliance Matrix Plan to the ATCB in which it
will be decided by the DER and inspector / specialist as to how will the
applicant demonstrate the compliance of the product against the FARs, that is
by calculations, flight test, ground test, analysis, design, similarity, equivalent
level of safety finding, petition for exemption, or only by reviewing of
documents / reports, etc – refer AC 23-24 Appendix I.

Compliance Matrix Plan will be discussed and “Approved” by

the ATCB on the recommendations of the specialist/inspectors


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Appendix ‘B’

The DER will physically show or demonstrate the

Compliance of the new product against the FARs to the
inspectors / specialist (refer to the compliance form).



A “Service Bulletin” will also be prepared (if necessary

for TC amendment or STC) by the DER showing as to
how to apply the changes on the product and will also
cover the “Continuing Airworthiness”.

Test Flight will be carried out and the report will be

reviewed by the specialist/inspector

Test Flight
changes carried “Satisfactory

After completing the compliance process and test

flight, the inspectors / specialist will submit their
“Final Report” along with all documentations to the
ATCB for “Approval”.

Final Report

Inspector / Specialist will draft a TC
or Amended Type Certificate or STC


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Appendix ‘B’

Final TC or Amended Type Certificate or STC

will be ‘Approved’ by the ATCB

On the recommendation of the ATCB, the

final TC or Amended Type Certificate or STC
will be submitted to DAW for “Approval” and

Airworthiness Directorate will then issue

the TC or Amended Type Certificate or
STC to the applicant.

Note – The Compliance Plan Checklist and Compliance Matrix Plan Checklist
maybe covered in one form as deemed appropriate by the ATCB.

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Appendix ‘C’

Design Standards Compliance Form

(To be filled only for applicable regulations)

Project No. / File No. Date: TCDS No.(if any):

Originator: Original Certification Basis: Product Name:

Applicable Design Standard Regulation Number and Description (ie FAR, CS, or another design acceptable to PCAA,):

Method of Compliance:

□ Calculations □ Flight test □Ground test □ Analysis □Design

□Similarity □Equivalent level of safety finding □Petition for exemption (give details below)
□Other Method acceptable to PCAA .

Details of Compliance (How did the applicant demonstrate the compliance with the regulation – Please provide references such as plan,
drawing report number, design reference number, compliance findings after tests, etc):

Inspectors / Specialist Remarks:

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory (Please state reason if not satisfactory)

Name and Signatures/Stamps:

Inspector: Specialist (If any): DER:

Note – Use additional sheets if necessary. This form may be altered as deemed suitable.

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Appendix ‘D’

Compliance Plan Checklist

Note – This form may be altered as deemed suitable.

Project No. / File No. Date:


Regulations Regulations Applicable or Remarks

FARs Number and FARs Not
Title and date Amendments Applicable
and date


Signatures and stamp:

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Appendix ‘D’

Compliance Matrix Plan Checklist

Note – This form may be altered as deemed suitable.

Project No._____________________________ Date__________________

Applicant______________________________ Revision_______________

Type Certificate Amended Type Certificate Supplemental Type Certificate

(a) Make: (b) Description of Product or

(c) Model: Modification/ Amendment:
(d) TCDS No. (For ATC/STC only):
(e) Original Certification Basis (For ATC/
STC only):

(f) Agreed Certification Basis:

FAR Applicable Applicability Method Of Plan/ Person Applicable Verification Initials of Remarks
Part 23 Amendment on proposed Compliance Drawing/ finding Guidance/ by PCAA verifying
Regulation (As per Agreed design/ Report compliance Reference (sat/ unsat) PCAA
Certification change (Yes/ No. (Initials of Doc (PCAA/ inspector
Basis) No) concerned FAA ANO/
AO etc.)

*Methods of Compliance:
FT = Flight Test, GT = Ground Test, AN = Analysis, DE = Design, SI = Similarity, ELOS
= Equivalent Level of Safety Finding,PExmpt = Petition for Exemption, N/A = Not

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Appendix ‘E’

Sample Letter of Appointment (DER)

Mr. Idrees Ahmed

123 Anytown Lane

Subject: DER Appointment

Dear Mr. IA,

This letter is to serve as notice of your appointment as PCAA Designated Engineering

Representative (DER) by the PCAA in response to an application received from VIP Aviation
Incorporated dated February 4, 2001.

Your DER designation number is CAAP /DER-01099F.

Details of your appointment including privileges (scope of authority, authorized areas, delegated
functions), limitations and validity date are found on the attached Certificate of Authorization.
Applications for renewal must be made in accordance with PCAA DER process manual, as
Please contact your PCAA advisor, Mr. Ali Ahmad at Tel. xxxxx should you have questions
pertaining to this appointment.


Original Signed By
HQ Airworthiness, PCAA

cc: Mohammad Taha, Quality Assurance Manager, VIP Aviation Incorporated

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Appendix ‘F’

Sample Letter of Renewal (PCAA -DER)

Mr. Idrees Ahmed

123 Anytown Lane



Subject: DER Renewal

Dear Mr. IA,

This letter is to serve as notice of your renewal as PCAA Designated Engineering Representative
(DER) by the PCAA in response to an application received from VIP Aviation Incorporated dated
February 1, 2002.

Your new DERdesignation number is PCAA /DER-01099F-1.

Details of your appointment including privileges (scope of authority, authorized areas, delegated
functions), limitations and validity date are found on the attached Certificate of Authorization.
Applications for renewal must be made in accordance with PCAA DER process manual, as

Please contact your PCAA advisor, Mr. Ali Ahmad at Tel. xxxxxxx should you have questions
pertaining to this appointment.


Original Signed By

HQ Airworthiness, PCAA

cc: Mohammad Taha, Quality Assurance Manager, VIP Aviation Incorporated

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Appendix ‘G’

Limitations on DER Functions


The following are inherently governmental functions and are to be referred to the PCAA for
approval. DERs may only RECOMMEND these data for approval:

a) Departures from specific policy and guidance.

b) New/Unproven technologies.
c) Equivalent level of safety findings.
d) Special Conditions.
e) Exemptions.
f) Alternate Means of Compliance (AOM)
g) Life Limited Components and Certificate Maintenance requirements (CMR’s)
h) System Safety Analyses

The PCAA may delegate any examination, inspection, and test necessary to the issuance of a
certificate. The decision to delegate is influenced by many factors. Some critical factors include
the knowledge and expertise of the PCAA personnel and the potential delegated personnel; the
impact of the delegated task on safety; and the political sensitivity of the task. With this in mind,
for any given certification program, the PCAA would more than likely reserve for itself, the
approval of the following items.


a) Approval of test plans.

b) Basic load reports.
c) Material and fastener allowables, including fatigue allowables.
d) Approval of life limits.
e) Previously unapproved crashworthiness matters.
f) Emergency evacuation test plans and analysis.
g) Damage tolerance evaluation methodologies.
h) Airworthiness limitations section of the instructions for continued airworthiness.
i) Approval of probability conclusions.
j) Interior Compliance Inspection.

a) Approval of test plans.

b) Flight Test results.
c) Operational procedures and limitations.
d) System Safety Analyses for New Engine Installations.
e) Rotorburst Analyses for New Engine Installations
f) Operational procedures and limitations.
g) Fire safety hazard analyses.
h) Powerplant drainage test witnessing.
i) Induction system ice protection and installed engine characteristics in icing conditions for
new engine installations.

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Appendix ‘G’

j) Flammable fluid fire protection compliance inspection..

k) Fire detector and extinguishing systems and installations.
Software Verification and Validation.
l) Engine Performance Methodology.


a) Approval of test plans.

b) New Concepts of System/Equipment Design.
c) Software:
i. Plan for Software Aspects of Certification
ii. Configuration Index.
iii. Accomplishment Summary
d) Plan for Software Aspects of Certification.
e) Configuration Index.
f) Accomplishment Summary.
g) Unconventional Applications of Systems/Equipment.
h) Schematic Diagram, and Probability/Criticality analysis approvals.
i) Control systems compliance inspection.
j) Previously unapproved crashworthiness matters.
k) Interior Compliance Inspection.
l) Emergency evacuation test plans and analyses.


a) Approval of test plans.

b) New Concepts of System/Equipment Design.
c) Schematic Diagram and Probability/Criticality analysis approvals.


a) Approval of test plans.

b) Operational procedures and limitations.
c) Critical rotating parts lifing methodologies.
d) Installation instructions.
e) Airworthiness limitation sections.
f) Repairs to critical engine parts.
g) Software Verification and Validation.
h) Engine Noise and Emissions.


a) Approval of test plans.

b) Operational limits.
c) Vibration analysis methods.

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Appendix ‘G’

d) Airworthiness limitation sections.

e) Fatigue allowables and fatigue life.
f) Loads Reports, particularly vehicle usage spectra.


a) Approval of test plans.

b) Overall flight and ground test plans limitations, operating procedures, or sequences.
c) New methods or principles of testing or presentation of results.
d) Unusual aircraft flying qualities and aircraft performance.
e) Aircraft Flight Manuals or revisions, and Flight Manual Supplements
f) Flight advances technical design features.
g) New operational procedures.
h) Evaluation of Several STCs on one aircraft
i) Spot check certification flight test results.

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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas

The charts below show the authorized areas and delegated function for each category of DERs.
The delegated functions are indicated by white squares which are automatically included in the
authorized areas. If any special delegations are to made, they must be mentioned separately on
the DER Certificate.
When authorizing a DER, a selection shall be made from the following authorized areas. Each
delegated function, highlighted in the authorized area shall be automatically included in the scope
of authority. If required, a specific function may be included in the limitations section of the
Figure 1. Chart A, DER Structural

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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 2. Chart B, DER Powerplant Installations

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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 3. Chart C1, DER Systems and Equipment (Mechanical Equipment)


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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 4. Chart C2, DER Systems and Equipment (Electrical Equipment)


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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 5. Chart D, DER Radio


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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 6. Chart E, DER Engines


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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 7. Chart F, DER Propellers


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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)



Note: Although the chart authority limits a DER to recommending approval, the PCAA may authorize a DER
with this delegated function to approve AFM revisions or supplements. DERs should recommend approval,
unless specifically authorized to approve AFM revisions or supplements.

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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 9. Chart H, DER Flight Test Pilot

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Appendix ‘H’

Delegated Functions and Authorized Areas (Continued)

Figure 10. Chart I, DER Acoustical

Note: Acoustical DERs may only recommend
approvalof test plans and final noise certification
compliance reports. Acoustical DERs may also
recommend approval for AFM/AFMS/SFM pages
or other media related to compliance with PCAA

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Appendix ‘I’


A1. The contents of application and ECO shall contain following items:

A2. THE TITLE PAGE of application shall be properly filled and signed by Chief Engineer /
Engineer In Charge of the operator / MRO. All the pages of the ECO must have page no. and
ECO number in the top right hand column as:

a. ECO Number
b. Issue number
c. Date
d. Page Number as "------of------"

A3. SUBJECT: This item in the ECO shall have the title of the ECO, indicating Type of the
aircraft and /or ATA Chapter

A4. BACKGROUND: Under this heading background details pertaining to this request for ECO
are to be presented briefly that why operator is raising this ECO.

A5. ACTION: The actions, which are required to be taken by the operator for incorporation of this
ECO, are to be given under this heading.

A6. EFFECTIVTY: The Registration Numbers of the affected aircraft by the ECO are to be given
under this heading as, AP-XXX and /or MSN (Manufacturer Serial Number)

A7. REASON: Reason for the ECO, which may be either of these:

a. Airworthiness/ safety requirement

b. Standardization
c. Improvement in reliability
d. Operator's internal requirement/retrofit
e. Improvement in Economics
f. Obsolete Equipment

A8. DESCRIPTION: Under this heading, brief description of what is to be accomplished on the

A9. DEVIATION IN APPROVED TYPE DESIGN: If there is any deviation in approved Type
Design the applicant shall seek approval of State of Design and/ or TC Holder (e.g. availability
of AD/ SB/ STC etc.).

A10. NO TECHNICAL OBJECTION (NTO): For critical modifications, NTO from the manufacturer
might be required before commencing modification. It shall be ensured that the (NTO)
certificate or equivalent is issued from the organization responsible for Type Design (TC
Holder) of the equipment. The conditions /limitations in the NTO must also be taken into

A11. MANPOWER: This item presents details of the Manpower required to accomplish ECO on
aircraft such as Number of Engineers, Number of Technicians etc. Total man-hours and
elapsed time is also given under this heading.

A12. SPECIAL TOOLS: Details of Special Tools required for accomplishment of this ECO are to
be given in the ECO (as applicable).

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Appendix ‘I’

A13. WEIGHT & BALANCE: ECO should also reflect the changes in Weight and Balance due to
accomplishment of this ECO are to be given. If change in weight or Mean Aerodynamic Chord
(MAC) is anticipated beyond limit defined in current AWNOT-11, reweighing of the aircraft
shall be performed.


modification on the noise levels are to be provided and if there is any change in noise
certification it should be addressed accordingly.

A15. ELECTRICAL LOAD CHANGES: Electrical Loads increase or a decrease is to be given in

Watts or Kilowatts for DC and KVA for AC. While submitting the Electrical Load Analysis
following must be catered.

a. The increase in load does not increase maximum load limit of the Bus/ power source in
any phase of flight (as mentioned in electrical load sheet of the aircraft)

b. Phase imbalance must also be avoided in case of three phase generators.

c. Emergency /essential buses are critical therefore, new load should not be connected with
buses unless the designed data is approved from manufacturer/state of design.

d. The type of wires and circuit breakers must be capable to handle the loads in the extreme

A16. STRUCTURE STRESS ANALYSIS (SSA): Structure Stress Analysis is to be given, (if
applicable). Following must be considered while submitting SSA.

a. The strength of the doublers/fasteners must be evaluated against the design standards
as applicable.

b. If holes are required to be drilled in the skin for installation of antennas , the diameter of
hole should be checked and TC holder’s consent might be required.

c. Moreover consideration must also be given to the place where the hole is to be drilled,
whether it is in pressurized or un-pressurized area. If the hole is in pressurized area TC
Holder’s consent is to be taken.

d. If new LRUs are to be installed, the strength of the racks/supporting equipment may also
be calculated in accordance with the standards.

e. Effects of air on the antenna will add stresses, therefore Effect of these stresses should
also be considered.

A17. REFERENCES: Listing of references related to ECO is to be given under this item.


a. Listing of all affected pages, figures, drawings (WDM, IPC etc)
b. Part number or quantity changes if any
c. Configuration drawing changes, if any
d. Procedural changes or amendments in Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM), if any
e. Amendments in MEL (as applicable)
f. Amendments in AMP (If any)
A19. MATERIAL INFORMATION: All kits, material required are to be tabulated along-with part no.
and quantity required per aircraft. Details of TSO’s for the avionics components must also be
presented. Any disposition of old parts such as re-work, modification or discard are to be
mentioned as well.

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Appendix ‘I’

A20. ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Step by step procedures for accomplishment of the

engineering changes are to be given under this heading. Proper references of attached ECO
Drawings and Figures must be given. Two columns for signatures of technician and AME
shall substantiate step by step installations.

A21. ENGINEERING DRAWINGS: Number of the Engineering drawings required under this ECO
are to be given. The drawings are to be prepared by authorized/ qualified person or
organization. The master data package mentioned in STC shall also be attached if the
incorporation of the ECO requires STC as supporting document.

A22. The applicant shall also clarify compatibility between proposed design changes and existing

A23. The design standards applicable to the modification, shall be the design standards accepted
at the time of its registration.

A24. PCAA may seek any additional documents/information from the applicant.

A25. The Airworthiness Inspectors can inspect applicant’s facilities at any time before, during or
after the accomplishment of the ECO.

A26. The applicant shall inform PCAA and the respective airworthiness field office before and after
the accomplishment of the ECO.

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