Etp Operation Mannual

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xyz DOC. NO.

: SI/ETP/01

ETP operation Manual ISSUE NO : 01

: 00

DATE : 12.11.2019

Standard operating procedure for effluent treatment plant to treat the waste water in
electroplating industry.
To provide guidelines for the operation of the effluent treatment plant

Applicable for effluent treatment plant of utility block.


ETPoperator/Electric In charge

GM ( HR & Opers)

 Collect wastewater effluent separately in the basement tank from electroplating
area and cleaning and washing water and respectively .
 Pump the process effluent from equalization tank into the reaction tank mixer.
 Add alum solution in flash mixer.
 Allow effluent to flow from flash mixer 1 to flash mixer 2. In flash mixer 2 adjust pH
up to 8.0 to 8.5 by using lime.
xyz DOC. NO. : SI/ETP/01

ETP operation Manual ISSUE NO : 01

: 00

DATE : 12.11.2019

 Add polyelectrolyte into the effluent after alum is added. Polyelectrolyte work as
a flocculent. Allow effluent to pass into the primary settling tank from flash mixer.
 Allow settling sludge by means of gravity in the primary clarifier mechanism in the
primary settling tank. Drain the settled sludge in sludge drying tanks from the
bottom sludge drain line.
 Allow treated effluent from the primary settling tank to PCF and MGF filters.
 The secondary settling tank is provided with a clarifier mechanism for settling and
removal of sludge.
 Allow supernatant to flow from the secondary settling tank by gravity into the filter
feed tank
 Pass effluent through pressure sand filter and activated carbon filter.
 Pressure sand filter help to remove suspended solids present in the treated
 Activated carbon filter help in reducing odor and color of effluent.
 The effluent from the collection tank should be directly fed in tank fro using treated
water into toilet flushing.
 Effluent treatment plant operation and maintenance to be carried out by
external agencies.
 Testing of the parameters like pH, COD, BOD, Suspended Solids (SS), Oil and
grease of untreated and treated effluent by external agency once in six months.
xyz DOC. NO. : SI/ETP/01

ETP operation Manual ISSUE NO : 01

: 00

DATE : 12.11.2019

ETP in charge /Utility head GM-HR & OPERS

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