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A. Background

Health is important to suport daily activitis and make life

quality.Therefore,various methods are used to obtain health,through supplements
or health drink.Health drinks in this case can be a complement to efforts to
maintain the health and stamina of the human body.

Healthy water product contain many content vitamin one vitamin

C.Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins that the body can not produce by it
self, so it must be obtained from outside by body.Doses of vitamin C that required
for antioxidant was 500 mg.Vitamin C is absorbed into body by intestinal wall
and the rest is excreated through thr urine.One of the laboratory testing with urine
with benedict methods.Beenedict reagent will be reduce the stuctural group of
vitamin C in the urine, causing false-positive results.

Based on the background described above, the researcher want to know

the urine glucose examination before and after consumption of health drink.

B. Statement of the problem

Based on the background of the problem the for,ulation of the problem in this
research is:

What is the difference betweeen urine glucose test results before and after
consumption of health drink?

C. Reasons

The author chose this topic because vitamin C products are well known among
young people, so the writer wants to know the relationship of consuming vitamin
c products to blood sugar levels.

D. Benefits of the study

Analyzing the results of urine glucose examination before and after comsumption
of health drinks using the benedict method.

E. Outline of paper


A. Backgrounds
B. Statement of the problem
C. Reasons
D. Benefits of the study
E. Outline of paper


A. Journal
B. Summarize
C. Review of journal


A. Discussion
B. Result


A. Conclusion
B. Implication
C. Recommendation
A. Journal

1. Journal 1
Based on research results states that there is a difference between vitamin C
group and control group with p value <α (p = 0.004). Average change in blood
sugar levels at control group of 181 mg / dl, while the mean changes in sugar
levels in the vitamin C group is 118.75 mg / dl. This illustrates that vitamin C has
an effect or there is a difference against blood sugar levels. Vitamin C is an
antioxidant which has an important role inside cells and plasma as effective
eradicators for various types of free radicals. Vitamin C functions as a reducing
agent (donor electron) free radicals and deactivate it, while vitamin C itself
becomes radical ascorbil. Radical this is then recycled again become ascorbate
using glutathione without causing oxidative damage 18. Vitamin C is an
antioxidant which protects cells from stress extracellular, with an increase
endothelial cell proliferation, stimulation of synthesis type IV collagen, LDL
oxidation degradation, "Scientific Medicine" Journal Volume 4 Number 1
September 2015 Edition, p. 39 - 50 Page 47
Inhibits atherosclerosis and intracellular stress by maintaining αtocopherol
levels in erythrocytes and neurons 19. Providing vitamin C that works as
antioxidants can inhibit free radical formation and damage cells in the body, so as
to repair pancreatic β cell damage which is cause by the induction of alloxan
which makes the condition of blood sugar become increased.
2. Journal 2

Frequency of blood glucose total

Vitamin C
under control uncontrollable Jumlah %
jumlah % jumlah %
>1 kali / day 15 21,43 55 78,57 70 100 0,316
<1kali/ day 0 0 2 100 2 100

In the table above, the intake of vitamin C in the adequate category but has a
high blood glucose level of 78.87%, this is inversely proportional to the principle
of vitamin C as an antioxidant that should be able to reduce blood glucose levels.
This is due to several factors that cause blood glucose levels to remain high even
though vitamin C intake is sufficient to meet the needs. According to Sherlat and
Luh (1976) explain that, the content of vitamin C decreases with the higher
temperature used in the heating process. This occurs in the oxidation and
degradation of vitamin C at high temperatures. Winarno (1989), that the damage
of vitamin C is caused by the oxidation of vitamin C to L-dehydroascorbic acid
and changes to L-dicogulonate which does not have the activity of vitamin C, so
how much food source of vitamin C is consumed but with the wrong cooking the
vitamin C will not function as an antioxidant.

B. Summarize
The relationship of vitamin C intake with blood glucose levels

From the discussion of the 2 journals above it can be concluded that

consuming vitamin c products can increase glucose levels in the blood. This is
contrary to the nature of vitamin C as an antioxidant that can reduce blood glucose
levels. the deviation is because in the manufacturing process through the heating
process so that the process can reduce the function of antioxidants.


A. Discussion

Health drink is anything that can eliminate thirst,also has beneficial effexts on
health and important substance in nutrient.Health drinks found today contain
vitamin C in high doses of 500 mg to 1000 mg.

Normal urine in general has the characteristic of a clear yellow color,not

concentraed,the odor is not pungent.Urine can change color and concentrated due
to the influence of food,drugs and drinks,one of which is a drink that contain
vitamin C.Vitamin C after consumption will be excreted in the urine,sweat,and
kidney.Cause urine to become dark and pungent odor.

The results of the study carried out macroscopic examination rin first before
examining urine glocose and the results of urine examination before consuming a
health drink have a clear yellow urine and characteristic odor of
ammonia.Macroscopic result of urine after consuminf a health drink has a dark
yellow urine characteristic and a pungent odor.The cause of this difference is due
to the body is metabolic processes by health drink factors.

The whole sample before consuming the results obtainednegative urine

glucose,this shoes that it has normal kidney function.After consuming the results
obtained 1+,so these results showed a false positive because of the overall renal
function of the sample before tratment under normal condition.

B. Result

The results of urine glucose testing before consuming health drinks are
negative,whereas after consuming health drinks is positive.


A. Conclusion

After a study of urine samples,conclusion can be drawn:

1. Urine glucose test result before consuming health drinks is negative with a
precentage of 100 %
2. Urine glucose test result after consuming health drinks is negative with a
precentage of 100 %
3. There is a difference in urine glucose before and after consuming health drink

B. Implication
The result of urine glucose testing before and after consuming the health drink
have different results.Before consuming a health drink the result is positive it does
not contain glucose.Whereas after consuming health drinks the results is negative
so urine contains glucose.

C. Recommendation

1. Health analyst pay more attention to factors that influence the results of
examinations,especially in the pre-analytic stage
2. When going to do a urine glucose check the patient avoids or does not consume
drinks that contain vitamin C
3. This ressarch can be continued with other objects such as fruits.

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