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What is chemical engineering?


Chemical engineering is the study and practice of transforming substances at large scales for the tangible
improvement of the human condition. Such transformations are executed to produce other useful substances
or energy, and lie at the heart of vast segments of the chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical and electronic
Chemical engineering differs from chemistry mainly in the focus on large scales. The definition of "large" is a
bit arbitrary, of course, but is set mainly by the scale of useful commercial production. Typically, this scale
ranges from barrels to tank cars, whereas the chemist tends to be concerned about sizes ranging from vials
to beakers.


Chemical engineering has been practiced in rudimentary form since at least the great Roman road-building
projects that began about 300 B.C. The cement used for pavement was based on the contemporary
Hellenistic formula employing lime, a calcined (heated) form of calcium carbonate. However, academic
programs in the U.S. formally called "chemical engineering" — or something similar — originated only near
the start of the 20th Century.


For many years, most chemical engineers took jobs in the oil or petrochemical industry. Job functions
typically involved the development or operation of processes to convert oil-based feedstocks into energy or
other useful chemical products ranging from fibers for clothing to lubricants to fertilizers. In recent decades,
however, job descriptions have become far more diverse. Chemical engineers often develop or operate
processes to create products ranging from integrated circuits to disease-fighting drugs to fuel cells. Some
recent graduates use a chemical engineering bachelor's degree as a launching pad for careers as physicians
or patent attorneys.


Have you ever washed a load of your laundry with Tide detergent? Or enjoyed a slice of DiGiorno pizza? If
so, you have experienced the University of Illinois' Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering program
firsthand. These products and those listed below were developed by our graduates.
What will you create?
The world's smallest fuel cell, Foaming insulation, Tide®, DiGiorno® pizza, Wrigley® 5 gum, Pantene®
shampoo, Cottonelle® tissue, Kleenex®, Cascade®, Lays Stax®, Smirnoff Ice®, Budweiser®, Liquid Clorox
2®, Cheerios®, Chocolate Altoids®


The unique focus perspective of this discipline can be represented by an extension ladder, shown in the
figure. The two uprights of this very useful tool represent the two primary physical foundations upon which all
of chemical engineering rests: chemistry and transport. Here, "chemistry" refers to the rates and extents of
transformation among substances;"transport" refers to the movement of mass, energy or momentum.
The rungs of the ladder represent the mathematical balance equations that connect chemistry and transport.
The balance equations can be time-dependent or steady-state. Whatever their nature, however, these
balance equations are rarely written in their own right; they are almost always written to optimize or control
some variable within them. The rungs, therefore, also represent the use of balance equations for the
optimization and control of useful commercial processes.
Chemical engineering embraces an enormous range of size scales in a fully integrated way — ranging from
atoms to oil tankers. The figure represents this notion by three extension segments, representing length
scales corresponding to the microscopic, the bench scale (or "unit operation" in the lingo of the discipline)
and the factory. At the molecular level, the balance equations might incorporate variables like temperature or
pressure. At the unit operation level, the key variables might be flow rate or controller gain. At the factory
level, the variables might be operating cost or overall production rate.
An extension ladder can represent important aspects of how chemical engineers think.

The ladder idea provides more than a simple picture of the conceptual structure of chemical engineering,
however. The idea also illustrates an important point about the use of this structure. Consider how a house
painter uses a ladder. The skilled painter moves continually up and down the rungs as circumstances
dictate. When carrying materials and brushes to the third floor, the painter may climb rapidly, covering a
great deal of territory. When scraping the stubborn shavings from an old window, however, the painter may
need to stay on one particular rung for a long time. Good painting requires a constellation of climbing skills
integrated judiciously: knowing when to climb, when to descend, when to overlap ladder segments, how to
lean, how to reach. Although these skills can be described and listed, they cannot be used algorithmically.
Judicious ladder use requires judgment and experience (i.e., "ladder wisdom").
In a similar way, when we want to transform chemical substances, the "ladder" of chemistry/transport,
balances, and optimization offers a versatile tool. The skilled chemical engineer moves continually over the
span of length scales from atomic to factory-level as circumstances dictate. When designing or optimizing an
overall process flow, the chemical engineer may move rapidly up and down the span of length scales. When
troubleshooting a particular unit operation, however, the chemical engineer may need to stay at that level for
a long time with just a few balance equations. Good chemical engineering requires a constellation of
intellectual skills integrated judiciously: knowing what kind of balance equation to write, what control volume
to use, what terms to neglect, when to overlap tools from different length scales, what mathematics to use.
Although these skills can be described and listed, they cannot be employed algorithmically. Judicious
chemical engineering requires judgment and experience (i.e., "chemical engineering wisdom"). Thus,
chemical engineering has been aptly called the "liberal arts of engineering."
The ability to think quantitatively and integratively about chemistry and transport over many length scales,
with wise judgment born of experience, underpins the true value-added contribution of chemical engineering.
This ability probably forms part of the reason chemical engineers continue to enjoy high entry-level salaries.


The face of chemical engineering is changing, and we seek to mold that change for the common good. The
department is building new efforts in areas of crucial societal need such as energy and sustainability,
bioprocessing and nanotechnology.
One particularly fast-growing and important area is biotechnology. Biomolecular engineering can be
considered to be a subset of chemical engineering. Biomolecular engineering narrows the focus primarily to
the bottom (molecular) length scale of the ladder, and to applications drawn specifically from biological and
health-oriented fields. By contrast, bioengineering — a distinct discipline — currently focuses primarily on the
non-molecular aspects of the nexus between biology and engineering. Example applications include human
and animal imaging, the development of medical devices, and the mechanical — as opposed to chemical —
aspects of human tissue engineering.
texto descriptive


1. Definiciones : definiciones de lo que es la ingenieria quimia,definicion de lo que

es ingenieria biomolecular y conceptos Chemical engineering is the study and practice
of transforming substances at large scales for the tangible improvement of the human
condition Such transformations are executed to produce other useful substances or energy,
and lie at the heart of vast segments of the chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical and
electronic industries..

The ability to think quantitatively and integratively about chemistry and transport over many
length scales, with wise judgment born of experience, underpins the true value-added
contribution of chemical engineering. This ability probably forms part of the reason chemical
engineers continue to enjoy high entry-level salaries

"chemistry" refers to the rates and extents of transformation among substances;"transport" refers to the
movement of mass, energy or momentum.


2. Variaciones de los tiempos verbales: cambios a participio pasado y a pasado

algunas palabras Chemical engineering has been practiced;
chemical engineering has been aptly called;
formally called

3. Ejemplos y comparaciones: ejemplos de la vida diaria de productos realizados

por la ingenieria quimica, metodos utilizados por ingenieros quimicos y
comparciones de otras ramas de la ingenieriaa estan subjetas a con ingenieria
quimica como biotecnolgia,nanotecnologia e ingenieria biomolecula The world's
smallest fuel cell, Foaming insulation, Tide®, DiGiorno® pizza, Wrigley® 5 gum, Pantene®
shampoo, Cottonelle® tissue, Kleenex®, Cascade®, Lays Stax®, Smirnoff Ice®,
Budweiser®, Liquid Clorox 2®, Cheerios®, Chocolate Altoids®

The ladder idea provides more than a simple picture of the conceptual structure of chemical engineering,

. The rungs of the ladder represent the mathematical balance equations that connect chemistry and
transport. The balance equations can be time-dependent or steady-state. Whatever their nature, however,
these balance equations are rarely written in their own right; they are almost always written to optimize or
control some variable within them. The rungs, therefore, also represent the use of balance equations for the
optimization and control of useful commercial processes.

Biomolecular engineering can be considered to be a subset of chemical engineering

4. Analogias: entre la vida real de lo que la ingenieria quimica puede llegar a
hacer, como trabaja y en que puede llegar a ser util… . The department is
building new efforts in areas of crucial societal need such as energy and
sustainability, bioprocessing and nanotechnology.;
chemistry" refers to the rates and extents of transformation among
substances;"transport" refers to the movement of mass, energy or



most chemical engineers took jobs in the oil or petrochemical industry. Job functions typically involved the
development or operation of processes to convert oil-based feedstocks into energy or other useful chemical
products ranging from fibers for clothing to lubricants to fertilizers. In recent decades, however, job
descriptions have become far more diverse

5. Sintagmas nominales: adjetivos y sustantivos en algunos parrafos al

finalizar los parrafos y antes de un punto y seguido

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