3Rd Sem Os

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l0'h Stqndqrd Mid Term Exqminqtion - S"p/Oct - 2019

Time : 3.00 hrs. Subject - SOCIAL SCIENCB Marks:80

I Four alternatives are given below statements select the correct one. 8xl =8
1. French's capital in lndia.
a) Goa b)Mumbai c) Pandichery d) Kolkotta
2. ln lndia the report submitted by him helped fpr the universalization of education in lndia.
a) Charles wood b)Macaulay c) Warrean Hastings d) Dunkan

3. The countries which signed Panchasheels principles

a) Bharatha - china b) Bharath - Pakistana c) Bharatha - sriranka d) Bharatha - America
4. "Untouchability is a heinous expression of caste system" said by
a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar b) Mahathma Gandhiji c) Dayananda Saraswathi d) Jyothi ba pule
5. An artist who engages himself painting for his own satisfactions. This is belongs to which type of labour.
a) Labour with pay b) Labour without pay o) Division ol Labour C) organized labour

6. lndia's Standard Time indicates longitude

a) 82%o East Longitude b) Greenwich longitude c) 1800 Longitude d) lropic of cancer
7. ln lndain administrative.system 73rd constitutionalAmendment is an important milestone because
a) Existence of Civil Service system b) Uniform system of Panchayat Raj
c) Reservation system d) Reformation of Parliament system
8. Vipro : Azeem Premji : : lnfosis :............
a) Dr. Prathap Reddy b) Kiran Mazumdar o) Dr. Narayanamurthy d) Varghese Kurien

Answer the followinq questions in a sentence. 8x1 =8
9. what is speciat ot ffi,Tffrests.
10. What is division of Labour
Y. Every country needs disarmament why?
12. ln winter season south lndia has warm climate - Why?
13. \ffhat is gender inequality?
14. An entrepreneur tried to improve the standard of life. How
15. why did Lord wellesley resigned from his post & returned to England.
16. Why did lndian soldier refused to use Royal lnfield guns.
lll. Answer the following questions in Zto 4 sentences. gx2=16
17. what are the factors that helped discover of new sea route to lndia.
18. lndian kings who signed the subsidiary alliance were popet in the hands of East lndia Comp any.
19. What are the principles of Panchasheela?

20. '
What are the !!;^Lt$""m"r1y,ny?% /"fu
t* /'^/'b "4-/
How is Labour without pay for different from labour with pay?

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21. State the importance of Northern plan.

22. Listout the methods of conservation of soil.
29. Why do national income indicator is not suitable for measure the development of a nation?
24. What are the advantages of opening a bank account?

lV Answer the following question is 6 sentences. 9a$,=27

25. What were the effects of British land taxes?
What are the reasons for rebellion of Dondiya wagh against British.

Why do Narayana Guru recognize as Social reformed.
What were the Economic & Military reasons for 1857 revolt.
28. What are the measure taken to curb terrorism.
|z9. What are the legal measures to eradicate untouchability.
,86. How do Arabian Sea branch different from Bay of Bengalbranch?
How do evergreen forest different from Monsoon forest?
31. What are aims of multipurpose river valley project?
32. Explain the role of Panchayat Raj institutions in rural development.
Explain the significance of women self help groups in rural development.
at: What are the procedures to open a Bank account.

_ What are the characteristics of Entrepreneurship?

V. Answer the foltowing questions in 8 sentences. 4x4=16

U. List out the reasons that led to the failure the mutiny.
How did Arya Samajtried to bring reformation in Hindu Society?
35. Explain the causes & effects of 4th Anglo-Mysore war
W Whatare the measures taken to curb communalism?
37. What is meant by Land use pattern & mention classification of land use pattern in lndia.

Vl 38. Draw an outline map of lndia & Mark these. 1 +4=5

c) Hirakud d) Sorrow of river Bengal

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