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Dr. PVNR. Prasad 2Dr. Swati Patil
Asso. Prof. Dept of Rasashastra & BK, Dr. N. R. S. Govt. Ayurvedic College, Vijaywada
Andhra Pradesh 2Asso. Prof. Dept of Rasashastra & BK, Yashwant Ayurvedic College
Shodhana, which literally means purification and converting drug fit for further
procedure. Shodhana is procedure necessary for every drug before taking it for adding in
any compound or subjecting it for further processes. In Ayurvedic system the name
shodhana occurs in different contexts. In Kayachikitsa the word shodhana signifies the
treatment aspect by which doshas are eliminated from the body. In Rasa Shastra, it is
purification or washing out the unwanted or undesired impurities of the substance and is
the basic procedure. Shodhana is a swatantravidhi and also is the very first step of
aushadha samskara. Shodhana in Ayurvedic Rasashastra plays a major and powerful role
through which increases the therapeutic efficacy of a drug. Though the concept of
shodhana is in practice since ancient times, its importance has enhanced after the
development and incorporation of Rasa Shastra in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The
process of shodhana to be adopted depends upon the material for which shodhana to be
done. This depends upon the source of material, its chemical composition, impurities and
its physical properties. By shodhana process many material changes are elicited both
physically and chemically.
KEYWORDS: Shodhana, Samskara, Rasa-dravya, Purification, Detoxification
Shodhana is an essential may contain other particles also. Most of
intermediary pharmaceutical process used the raw materials used in Rasa Shastra are
for purification of metals and minerals obtained from earth and hence there is every
during their conversion and usage into chance of impurities, toxicities,
different dosage forms and purposes. It is heterogeneous qualities due to mixing with
processes of detoxification by which different substances is a common factor.
physical and chemical blemishes and toxic When the drugs are used by the humans then
materials are eliminated thus making the they are subjected to shodhana process to
material suitable for further processing. eliminate their doshas and also to increase
Purified drug in the lines of modern science the potency. Thus shodhana is a process
is different from that of Ayurveda as the where the toxic or unwanted properties of a
former is absolutely the main drug and latter drug are removed and additional properties

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Swati et al; Concept of Shodhana - A Review With Reference to Rasashastra

or alteration in the properties is seen along meaning the process through which
with changes in Physical, Chemical or Bio- unwanted or toxic properties are removed1.
logical properties. The same concept has been adopted by
In Ayurvedic Medicine the concept of Acharyas of Rasashastra from 8th century
shodhana treatment was in practice since the A.D., onwards for drugs of herbal, animal,
times of Charaka Samhita and it also metal or mineral origin. The texts also
included the measures claimed to be explained separate shodhana process for
responsible for the alteration or addition of individual drugs along with certain common
the properties of the drugs while subjected to procedures for group of drugs2.
various pharmaceutical operations and According to texts of Rasashastra, Shodhana
treatments. Though references regarding the process is carried out by subjecting a drug to
shodhana treatment are available since the different procedures like Bhavana,
time of Ayurvedic classics but the details Nirvapana, Dhalana and Swedana etc3. The
about procedure could be traced only after process by which purification is done is
the development of Rasashastra/ called as Shodhana. Pearls and other Ratnas
Rasachikitsa (Mineral therapy) in Ayurvedic are purified not for actual detoxification or
medicine during medieval period in which to remove impurities, to intensify the
mineral/ poisonous and sub poisonous drugs potency of them4.
acquired prominence over other types of In case of mercury also it has been
drugs in the therapy. These drugs acquired mentioned that when it is mixed with doshas
prominence because of many superior like Kanchuka, Naisargika, Yougika,
qualities these possess, than their Prayogika it is not used in rasa preparations.
counterparts. In this stage it is said to be poison or Visha.
It is with this view mind the shodhana If it is processed with herbal decoctions or
method of Ayurvedic pharmaceutical subjected to Ashtadasha or Ashtavidha
science has been developed to the extent samskara it is ready to use in any rasayoga
that, when applied properly render these and is considered to be nectar.
drugs either completely free from Though the literal meaning of word
toxic/undesired side effects or minimize shodhana is purification, it has wider
them to the desired extent. Scholars of Rasa implications. The collective definition of
shastra developed shodhana treatment not shodhana is that Shodhana is a process
only to remove their toxic materials where it removes unwanted part from the
completely or minimize them to the least drug or its ill effects, which enhances the
possible level, but to convert them to the properties of the drug suitable for desired
pharmaceutically suitable forms in which actions.
these may be absorbed into the system if OBJECTIVES OF SHODHANA:
used internally or may be treated further. 1. Removal of impurities
DEFINITION 2. Elimination of harmful material
Charaka Samhita has mentioned Shodhana 3. Modification of un-desired properties
as Shauchakarana (Shuddhikarana) 4. Augment the qualities

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Swati et al; Concept of Shodhana - A Review With Reference to Rasashastra

5. Potentiate therapeutic efficacy the materials and thus exposing maximum

6. Conversion of some of the portion of the drug to the purifying
characteristics of the drug material. By subjecting to different
7. Render the drug fit for further / processes, the drugs are made homologous
subsequent processing. to the cells, their toxicity gets reduced and
CLASSIFICATION: acceptability by the cells is increased.
a) Samanya Shodhana: The media used in the process of shodhana
It is a common procedure used for drugs has an important role in breaking down or
of a particular group where the drugs of a altering the chemical constituent that is not
particular group are subjected to the required. It is very interesting that specific
similar procedure though individually5. media is used for specific substance. The
b) Vishesha Shodhana: media acts like a solvent to dissolve the
It a specialized technique or procedure material for easy separation from the
employed for a single particular drug insoluble impurities to eradicate toxic
individually6. chemical substances from the drugs and
Both the above procedures are further also helps in physical transformation of
classified into Saagni and Niragni. some of metals and minerals
i) Saagni: Nirvapa, Dhalana, Bharjana, Various physico‐chemical changes occur
Puta, Swedana, Patana depending upon the selection of the media
ii) Niragni: Bhavana, Prakshalana, during the shodhana such as reduction in
Shoshana, Sinchana, Nimajjana, particle size, variation in density and
Gharshana granular size, variation in elemental
ROLE OF MEDIA (SHODHANA composition of major elements and
VARGA) IN SHODHANA7: addition as well as deletion of minor
In the course of Shodhana method the elements from the raw material.
drugs of mineral origin are subjected to Various techniques along with different
various grinding, heating, fomenting, media are referred in Ayurvedic texts for
subliming, and distilling etc. processes the shodhana, knowing different nature of
which in turn remove soluble, evaporable impurities; ancient scholars have
and washable impurities from these drugs. suggested different types of media for
For this purpose these drugs are either their purification as were considered
treated with acidic, alkaline and neutral necessary. There are abundant examples
types of vegetables extractives/ liquids or of ancient scholars of Rasa Shastra using
with oily materials in the presence or different media and material of different
absence of heat for specified period. In sources in the process of shodhana
some cases only heat treatment is given in a depending on the Drug and purpose.
specified apparatus so as to remove their SOURCE:
volatile or thermo-stable impurities. i) Plant Origin- Swarasa, Kashaya,
Grinding in hot & cold condition is also Kshira, Taila, Sukta, Kanji, Arka,
done to reduce and disperse the particles of Madya, Drava kalpa

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Swati et al; Concept of Shodhana - A Review With Reference to Rasashastra

ii) Animal Origin - Ksheera, iii) Minaral origin - Jala, Drava,

Madhu, Mutra, Rakta, Artava, Dadhi, Churnodaka, Nimbukamla
Takra, Dadhimastu, Mamsa Rasa,
Kukkutanda Taila, Hastidanta kwatha.
1. Sneha Varga Taila, Ghrita, Dugdha Softening of Hard material8
2. Amla Varga Takra, Kanji, Nimbu, Amalaki Mass breaking and dis-
3. KsharaVarga Mutra, Kulattha Kwatha, Makes the material soft
Kadali Kanda and brittle10
4. KatuVarga Nirgundi, Hariraki, Bhringaraja Disintegration and
breaking the cohesion
5. TiktaVarga Vasa, Swarna Ksheeri, Absorption of Moisture12
6. Kashaya Varga Kanchanara, Haritaki, Vibhitaki Eliminates external
7. Visha Varga Shringataka, Kalakuta, Removes inertia in the
Vtsanabha, Saktuka, Peeta substance14
8. Vitgana / varga Paravata, Chasha, Kapota, Sarva Loha shodhana15
Kalapina, Gridhra, Kukkuta
9. MridukaraVarga Mahishasringi, Indrayava Softening of hard metals16
10. DravakaVarga Guda, Guggulu, Gunja, Ghrita, Soften and liquefies metals17
Madhu, Tankana,
11. Lavana Varga Samudra, Saindhava, Kacha, SarvalohaDravana And
Bida, Sauvarchala, Romaka, Shodhana
Chullika, Audbhida Lavana
SHODHANA GANA: It has been mentioned in Rasarnava that the
a) Kacha Lavana b)Tankana drugs of Ksharavarga eradicate all mala
c) Shipra (Mukta Shukti / Navasadara / Doshas. Amla Varga drugs are useful in
19 Shodhana and Jarana where as Visha Varga
Mahisha Mutra)
According to Rasarnava: removes inertia from the drugs and Sneha
i) Kacha Lavana ii) Tankana iii) varga impart softness and remove roughness
Sauveera20 in the drugs21.
Useful in extracting sattva from Maharasa DIFFERENT TYPES OF SHODHANA
and also in removing dosha from Baddha PROCEDURES:
Parada, Loha and also Kapalika doshas from In Rasashastra literature, varieties of
Parada. Shodhana methods for substances are

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Swati et al; Concept of Shodhana - A Review With Reference to Rasashastra

described. There are variations in medicinal source of material, its chemical composition,
substances, instruments and also duration. impurities and its physical properties. By
The process of shodhana to be adopted shodhana process many material changes are
depends upon the material for which elicited both physically and chemically.
shodhana to be done. This depends upon the
1. Abhisheka Not in Common Practice Removal of external impurities22
2. Bharjana Gairika Shodhana Removal of Moisture content23
3. Bhavana Sasyaka Shodhana Reduction of particle size and
also transfer of impurities from
material to liquid media24
4. Dhalana Gandhaka Shodhana Separation of fat soluble
5. Gaalana Gandhaka Shodhana Separation of adulterants and
heterogeneous substances26
6. Gharshana Bhallataka Shodhana Brings down the toxicity and
also separation of outer
7. Mardana Kaseesa Shodhana Reduction in particle size28
8. Murcchana Parada Shodhana Reduction in particle size29
9. Nimajjana / Stapana Vatsanabha Shodhana Brings down the toxicity and
Removal of outer covering30
10. Nirjalikarana Kankshi Shodhana Evaporation of water
11. Nirvapa / Nisheka / Abhraka Shodhana To brittleness & softness32
12. Pachana Guggulu Shodhana Reduction of stickiness &
Softening the material33
13. Patana Parada Shodhana Removal of Lead & Tin34
14. Prakshalana Shilajith Shodhana Removal of dust & Spurious
15. Pruthakikarana Guggulu Shodhana Removal of adulterants and
external impurities36
16. Puta Swarna Shodhana To bring brittleness & softness37
17. Shoshana Karpasa Beeja Shodhana Removal of Moisture content38
18. Sinchana Tamra Shodhana To make the substance brittle39
19. Swedana Haratala Shodhana Reduction of Toxicity, Removal
of impurities and to soften40
20. Vilayana Shilajith Shodhana Removal of physical impurities41

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EFFECTS: which is being mentioned in Indian

a) Removal of Physical and Chemical alchemy. Certainly, one can understand that
Impurities there is a strong rationality between the
b) Separation of undesired substances method, duration, instruments and the drugs
c) Detoxification which are being used in the process of
d) Reduction of hardness Shodhana.
e) Reduction in particle size Eventually the scholars of Rasashastra gave
f) Increased brittleness, softness and immense contribution to Indian
malleability Pharmaceutics, in the form of various
g) Material turns from heterogeneous to processes, use of different drugs, different
homogenous equipments, duration of each processes etc.
h) Transformation of certain properties and This shows that the seers of Alchemy had
qualities immense knowledge about the purification
i) Augment the qualities and their mode of administration and the
j) Potentiate therapeutic efficacy scholars have heavily emphasized on the
k) Render the substance fit for further process of shodhana.
processing CONCLUSION
DISCUSSION It is a matter of fact that our ancient scholars
Minerals basically are impure i.e., not fit for of Alchemy were much aware of impurities
internal administration in crude form. They and their adverse effects on their
contain many impurities, toxins which may administration. In fact, while explaining the
cause many untoward side effects in the Metals & Minerals in classic literature, they
body. In order to neutralize these toxins, the have given a lot of importance on unpurified
minerals are subjected to many purification drugs and their side effects. Hence, the
measures in which physical & chemical science of Alchemy strictly recommends
impurities are removed and the drug is made that these drugs should be administered in
safe for further processing to make it purified form.
therapeutically fit. Shodhana is the first Shodhana is a prerequisite for all Rasa
samskara and it is necessary to understand dravyas. It is not only to remove the
the concept of shodhana properly. The literal Physical or chemical impurities but also to
meaning of Shodhana may signify imbibe the properties of herbal drugs used in
purification. But when we analyze from the the process thereby increasing the potency
point of alchemy it carries some scientific of the drug. It also helps in the further
meaning. The term Purification indicates the processing of the drug i.e. marana. The
state of purity. May be the drug is free from shodhana process plays an important vital
spurious substance, but as far as Alchemy is role in Ayurveda Rasa Shastra. It is not only
concerned, it cannot be used as a therapeutic a simple physical / chemical purification. It
agent. Because the concept of Purification is a process of both addition and separation.
and the concept of Shodhana are entirely Shodhana is a samskara visesha. It helps in
different and there is a huge difference sanghatabheda of a drug, removing dravya

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Swati et al; Concept of Shodhana - A Review With Reference to Rasashastra

gata and aushadhagata doshas and makes it 7. P.C. Ray, Rasarnava, English Translation,
more marana upayogi and also helps in New Bharateeya Book Corporation, 1st
achieving guna vriddhi of the drug. Apart Edition, 2007.
from removing the impurities shodhana 8. Ibid
treatments of Rasa Shastra also impregnate 9. Ibid
organic materials and their properties in the 10. Ibid
inorganic drugs/ products to facilitate their 11. Ibid
utilization by the body tissue and organs. 12. Ibid
Hence, the concept of Shodhana (processing 13. Ibid
or purification) in Rasashastra is not merely 14. Acharya Somadeva, Rasendra
a process of purification/detoxification but Chudamani with Siddhi Priya Hindi
also a process resorted to enhance the Commentary, Varanasi, Chaukhambha
potency and efficacy of the drug. That’s why Orientalia, 3 Edition, 2004.
the shodhana plays an important role in
Rasashastra. 15. Ibid
16. Ibid
1. Sharma, R.K & Bhagawan Das, Charaka 17. Ibid
Samhita, Varanasi, Chaukhambha 18. Ibid
Sanskrit Series office, Edition 2001. 19. Ibid
2. A.D. Satpute, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya 20. P.C. Ray, Rasarnava, English
English Translation, new Delhi, Translation, New Bharatiya Book
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtan, Corporation, 1 Edition, 2007.
Reprint Edition, 2014 21. Ibid
3. Pandit Kashinath Shastry, Rasa 22. A.D. Satpute, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya
Tarangini, New Delhi, Motilal English Translation, New Delhi,
Banarsidas, Reprint Edition, 2014. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtan, Reprint
4. Acharya Siddhinandan Mishra, Rasendra Edition, 2014.
Chinamani Hindi Commentary, Varanasi, 23. Gulraj Sharma Mishra, Ayurveda
Chowkhambha Orientalia, Reprint Prakasha Hindi Commentary, Varanasi,
Edition, 2011. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Reprint
5. A.D. Satpute, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya Edition, 2012.
English Translation, New Delhi, 24. Pandit Kashinath Shastry, Rasa
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtan, Tarangini, New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidas,
Reprint Edition, 2014. Reprint Edition 2014.
6. Dr. Vilas Dole and Dr. Prakash 25. Ibid
Paranjape, Text Book of Rasashastra, 26. Ibid
New Delhi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit 27. Ibid
Pratishthan, 2nd Edition, 2010. 28. A.D. Satpute, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya
English Translation, New Delhi,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtan, Reprint
Edition, 2014.

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Swati et al; Concept of Shodhana - A Review With Reference to Rasashastra

29. Pandit Kashinath Shastry, Rasa 41. A.D. Satpute, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya,
Tarangini, New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidas, English Translation, New Delhi,
Reprint Edition, 2014. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtan, Reprint
30. Ibid Edition 2014.
31. Gulraj Sharma Mishra, Ayurveda
Prakasha Hindi Commentary, Varanasi, CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Reprint Dr. Swati Patil
Edition, 2012. Asso. Prof. Dept of Rasashastra & BK,
32. Pandit Kashinath Shastry, Rasa Yashwant Ayurvedic College, Kodoli-
Tarangini, New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidas, Maharashtra-India
Reprint Edition, 2014 E-mail: [email protected]
33. Vd. Bhudev Mukharji, Rasa Jalanidhi,
Varanasi, Sri Gokul Mudranalaya, Reprint Source of support: Nil,
Edition 1984. Conflict of interest: None Declared
34. Acharya Somadeva, Rasendra Cite this article as
Chudamani with Siddhi Priya Hindi Dr. Swati patil: Concept of Shodhana - A
Review With Reference to Rasashastra.
Commentary, Varanasi, Chaukhambha
Orientalia, 3rd Edition 2004.
35. A.D. Satpute, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya
English Translation, New Delhi,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtan, Reprint
Edition, 2014.
36.Vd. Bhudev Mukharji, Rasa Jalanidhi,
Varanasi, Sri Gokul Mudranalaya, Reprint
Edition 1984.
37. A.D. Satpute, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya
English Translation, New Delhi,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtan, Reprint
Edition 2014.
38. Prof. K.C. Chunekar, Bhavaprakasha
Nighantu, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharati
Academy, Reprint Edition 2013.
39. Pandit Kashinath Shastry, Rasa
Tarangini, New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidas,
Reprint Edition, 2014.
40. Gulraj Sharma Mishra, Ayurveda
Prakasha, Hindi Commentary, Varanasi,
Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Reprint
Edition 2012.

639 Nov-Dec 2017 Vol II, Issue 5

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