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Factors Affecting Investment in Mutual Funds

Varun Sagar Singal1 and Dr. Rishi Manrai2 Abstract

Mutual funds act as a medium for retail investors
1 UG Student, Symbiosis Center for Management to invest their savings in the professional funds
  Studies, NOIDA
2 Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Center for management system, irrespective of the sum
  Management Studies, NOIDA invested. It enables masses to enter the Indian
E-mail: [email protected] Financial Market with much more ease. Indian
[email protected] Mutual Funds industry is growing rapidly
which is reflected with the growth in assets under
management under various AMC’s year on year.
Investment in mutual funds is less risky when
compared to investment in equities market.
Less risk combined with moderate returns and
professional management act as a magnet for the
risk averse investors to invest their savings in the
financial markets.
This project aims at finding out the factors
affecting investment decision on mutual funds and
the impact of behavioral factors on an investor.
This project also aims at finding about the factors
that prevent the people to invest in mutual funds.
The findings will help mutual fund companies
to identify the areas required for improvement
and can also improve their marketing strategies.
It will help the MF companies to create new and
innovative product according to the orientation
of investors.
ISSN 2348-2869 Print
Investor perception cites a significant impact
© 2018 Symbiosis Centre for Management
Studies, NOIDA on the investment decision making process. It is
Journal of General Management Research, Vol. 5, important to understand few basic factors such as
Issue 2, July 2018, pp. 96–107 level of awareness and impact of date of inception

of the fund which play a significant role in Mutual funds issue units (securities) to unit
guiding the investment decision making process holders (investors) in accordance with the
of a retail investor. amount of money invested by them. The
Keywords: Mutual Fund Performance, Invest-
distribution of profit/loss among unit holders
ment, Risk-returns, Factors Affecting, Behavior takes place in proportion to their investments.
The setup of mutual funds is of a “trust”
consisting of
• Trustees: The trustees of a mutual fund

C apital markets have arisen to be at the

Centre stage of the Indian financial
hold its property for the benefit of the
unit holders.
system from a miniscule impact it had • Sponsor: The trust is established by a
upon the financial markets a decade earlier. sponsor who is like the promoter of a
Capital market in India has also witnessed company.
a significant increase in institutional setup • Asset management company: The asset
and development. Institutions have evolved management company is responsible for
and developed in the form of a diversified making investment into securities.
structure of mutual funds. • Custodian: The custodian is responsible for
A mutual fund is a special purpose institutional holding the securities of various schemes
setup established specifically for investment of the fund in its supreme custody.
purposes and it acts as an investment conduit. The trustees are persons usually holding
Its primary function is to pool and gather the general power of superintendence
resources (savings) from small investors, build and direction over the asset management
a bigger corpus of large resources and invest company. They are vested with the powers
them into a well-diversified portfolio of sound to oversee the compliance and performance
investments. It aims to maximize returns as of all guidelines, rules and regulations laid
much as possible while keeping the quantum down by SEBI (securities exchange board of
of risk associated with equities low. India) by the mutual fund. Mutual funds as
Despite being available in the market less an investment vehicle offers a variety/range
than 10% of Indian households have invested of services to marginal/small investors who
in mutual funds. A recent report on Mutual are limited by their resources and are unable
Fund Investments in India published by to manage and build a vibrant investment
research and analytics firm, Boston Analytics, portfolio caused by mainly due to miniscule
suggests investors are holding back from funds, lack of professional experience and
putting their money into mutual funds due expertise, etc. Mutual funds have many
to their perceived high risk and a lack of advantages for marginal investors which
information on how mutual funds work. include convenience, lower risk, expert
Close to 40% of those who live in metros and management, economies of scale.
Tier I cities considered such investments to
be very risky, whereas 33% of those in Tier II Lower Risk
cities said they did not know how or where to Investments in mutual funds are expose
invest in such assets. investors to a much less risk than they will

Factors Affecting Investment in Mutual Funds 97

face while investing individually in securities complexities involved in the selection and
market. Lower risk is mainly because of supervision of securities such as specialized
diversification of investment portfolio. knowledge, training, ability, aptitude, time
Diversification of portfolio significantly and inclination.
reduces the risk of poor returns/dividends and
depreciation of capital. Since diversification is Economies of Scale
a function of the size of investible funds as
Mutual funds are able to achieve economies
well as market information and supervision
of scale as they are continually engaged in the
facilities available to the investors, relatively
business of buying and selling securities and
small investors with limited capital can obtain
this phenomenon has a great impact upon the
better diversification by purchasing units of
performance of the fund with respect to risk
mutual funds than what they could do by
and returns. They are able to transfer funds
direct purchase of securities in the securities
from lenders to borrowers at a lowest cost.
There are also some disadvantages of mutual
Convenience funds.
Mutual funds make it convenient for small
No Guarantees
savers to mobilize their savings and convert
them into securities. It has two broad No investment is risk free. If the entire
dimensions divisibility and maturity. Mutual stock market declines in value, the value of
funds are able to offer securities in varying mutual fund shares will go down as well, no
sizes after adjusting their denominations matter how balanced the portfolio. Investors
that suit the individual saver. Primary encounter fewer risks when they invest in
securities of higher denominations are mutual funds than when they buy and sell
converted into indirect securities of lower stocks on their own. However, anyone who
amounts/denominations. Minimum required invests through a mutual fund runs the risk of
investment in mutual funds can be as low as losing money.
thousand rupees as compared to individual
securities exchange wherein a minimum of six Fees and Commissions
to seven thousand are required. Flexibility is
All funds charge administrative fees to cover
easier to achieve. Mutual funds on the other their day-to-day expenses. Some funds
hand are the manufacturers of liquidity in the
also charge sales commissions or “loads” to
financial market. compensate brokers, financial consultants,
or financial planners. Even if you don’t use
Expert Management a broker or other financial adviser, you will
Mutual funds have an aforesaid benefit of pay a sales commission if you buy shares in a
specialized and experienced management Load Fund.
combined with ever continuing supervision.
These features are not present at the end of Taxes
any individual investor. The importance During a typical year, most actively managed
of this service provided by the mutual mutual funds sell anywhere from 20 to 70
funds should be viewed in the context of

98 Journal of General Management Research

percent of the securities in their portfolios. If Equity funds are funds that specifically and
your fund makes a profit on its sales, you will only invest into equity shares of a company.
pay taxes on the income you receive, even if It can be further classified into 8 categories
you reinvest the money you made. growth funds, mid-cap funds, value funds,
income funds, index funds, exchange traded
Management Risk funds [ETF], sector funds, equity linked savings
scheme [ELSS]. Growth funds main objective
When you invest in a mutual fund, you
is capital appreciation and they invest in
depend on the fund’s manager to make the
shares of a company which is expected to
right decisions regarding the fund’s portfolio.
fare better than the market. Mid-cap funds
If the manager does not perform as well as
are also known as value-oriented funds
you had hoped, you might not make as much
and they only invest in shares of mid-sized
money on your investment as you expected.
companies as they give higher returns than
Of course, if you invest in Index Funds, you
large cap companies. Value funds invest with
forego management risk, because these funds
the motive of value investing and they seek
do not employ managers
securities with the most promising potential
As per guidelines laid down by SEBI, an for growth. Equity income funds objective is
asset management company is free to design to provide a major portion of the return as
various schemes to best suit the needs of income. Index funds represent attributes of
investors. Mutual fund companies operating a chosen target index. ETFs are a fund that
in India currently offer more than 400 closely tracks the performance of an index and
different options for investors to choose from. can be bought and sold directly on the stock
Structurally mutual funds consist of open exchanges. It is usually a passively managed
ended and close ended schemes. An open- fund. Sector specific funds are those funds
ended scheme has perpetual existence and that invest only in shares if a specific sector.
investors are free to buy and sell units at any ELSS alike schemes invest in equity for long individual investor can buy and sell term capital gains with a three-year minimum
units on daily basis. All the prices are linked lock in period and tax benefit under section
to NAV [Net Asset Value]. The process of 88 if income tax act.
dis-investment can be initiated after a short Debt funds concentrate their investments
lock in period. Liquidity is instant as the in debt securities. Interest earned as returns
fund announces sale and purchase daily. from investment is the principal source of
However, they are not listed on the exchange. income. The net asset value of these funds
A close-ended scheme is the one in which is directly influenced by changes in interest
the subscription remains only for a specified rates. Further debt funds can be categorized
period. After the end of the specified period into corporate bond funds, gilt schemes, floating
the entire fund is dis-invested and the corpusrate scheme, bond index funds. Corporate bond
is distributed to the unit holders. After thisfunds invest in bonds issued by companies so
process the scheme doesn’t exist. as to earn high income. Corporate bond funds
From the point of view of product mutual can further be classified into high grade bond
funds can be classified as equity funds, bond funds and high yield bond funds. Funds which
funds, hybrid funds, money market funds. invest in only AAA rated bonds are known as

Factors Affecting Investment in Mutual Funds 99

high grade bond funds and funds which invest option and gifts.
in high yield instruments are known as high
Under the growth option the dividend and
yield bond funds. Gilt funds are those schemes
income are not declared. These parameters
which only invest in government securities
are ascertained through appreciation or
(G-sec). an investment in gilt schemes is
depreciation in the NAV of the investment.
usually free of credit risk but interest rate
Number of units remain constant and their
risk prevails. G-sec funds also offer capital
value varies with the value of the portfolio
appreciation to some extent. Floating rate
of the scheme. Under the dividend option
funds are schemes which primarily invest in
investors are bound to receive a dividend on
floating rate debt instruments. These schemes
their investment. Investors/unit holders also
facilitate a hedge against volatile interest
have an underlying option to reinvest their
rates. Bond index funds primarily invests in
earnings/dividends from investment without
instruments comprising of the underlying
any load charge. SIP is a plan in which
bond index in the same proportion so as to
investors can choose to invest a fixed amount
replicate the return on the same.
after a fixed interval for a pre-fixed period at
Hybrid funds have a dual categoric the prevailing price of the asset/NAV. It helps
composition of shares and bond funds. Hybrid investors to average out the cost of investment
funds can be sub classified into balanced funds over the period and making it possible for
and asset allocation fund. Balanced funds investors to overcome short term fluctuations
invest in a portfolio of securities consisting of in the market.
both shares and bonds. They offer investors
Moreover, there are two strategies to
with present income combined with constant
accomplish it, i.e. dollar cost method and value
returns and moderate growth with a much
averaging. Dollar cost averaging eliminates
lower interest. NAV of balanced funds move
the market timing decision that is get in at
in a narrow range and are less volatile. They
the bottom and get out at the top for a fat
are bound to perform better in bearish market
profit. Value averaging is an aggressive form
but give lesser returns in a bullish market.
of dollar cost of averaging suitable to investors
Asset allocation fund invest their corpus
with high risk appetite. Under the systematic
into different asset classes to diversify their
withdrawal plan an individual investor
holdings and give consistent returns. Both
can withdraw a pre-fixed amount at fixed
conservative and aggressive funds can be seen
intervals. Switch is a facility provided to the
in securities market.
unit holders under the scheme which allows
Money market mutual or liquid schemes are them to transit between plans applicable
those funds which invest in short term highly on NAV based prices. Gift is also a facility
liquid instruments. They offer investors provided to the unit holders of a certain fund
stability, liquidity and a short investment as provided by the mutual fund regulation.
Based on options and plans mutual funds MUTUAL FUNDS IN INDIA
can be classified into growth/ dividend/ The concept of mutual funds in India dates
reinvestment plan, systematic investment plan to the year 1963. The era between 1963
(SIP), systematic withdrawal plan, switching and 1987 marked the existence of only one

100 Journal of General Management Research

mutual fund company in India with Rs. 67 (2014) which examined the performance
bn assets under management (AUM), by the of 49 selected tax saving ELSS schemes by
end of its monopoly era, the Unit Trust of applying Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Sortino
India (UTI). By the end of the 80s decade, ratio and Jensen’s alpha measure and found
few other mutual fund companies in India out LIC NOMURA MF GROWTH and
took their position in mutual fund market. dividend schemes has the highest return
The new entries of mutual fund companies and are risk borne when compared to other
in India were SBI Mutual Fund, canara bank schemes. Lonnie L. Bryant, Hao-Chen liu
Mutual Fund, Punjab National Bank Mutual published a research paper “Mutual fund
Fund, Indian Bank Mutual Fund, Bank of industry management structure, risk and the
India Mutual Fund. The succeeding decade impacts to shareholders” published on Global
showed a new horizon in Indian mutual fund finance journal (2011) investigates the effects
industry. By the end of 1993, the total AUM of a multiple fund management structure on
of the industry was Rs. 470.04 bn. The private the risk volatility of the funds managed with
sector funds started penetrating the fund the help of Sharpe ratio. They found out
families. In the same year the first Mutual the impacts that mutual fund management
Fund Regulations came into existence with re- structure has in fund risk volatility using
registering all mutual funds except UTI. The a sample of 1480 funds managed by 407
regulations were further given a revised shape managers. They also found out that the
in 1996.Kothari Pioneer was the first private multiple fund management structure appears
sector mutual fund company in India which to be motivated by the need to achieve
has now merged with Franklin Templeton. economies of scale and reduce cost of the
Just after ten years with private sector player’s shareholders, fund managers which are driven
penetration, the total assets rose up to Rs. by strategic reason.
1218.05 bn. Today there are 33 mutual fund
companies in India. Factors Affecting Investment in
Mutual Funds
Shanmugham (2000) conducted a survey
of individual investors with the objective to
The purpose of this literature survey is to find out what information source investor
identify the factors that previous research has depends on. The results explained that they
found to be important in the performance of are economical, sociological and psychological
mutual funds. These factors are then used in factors which control investment decisions.
the design of the questionnaire used for data Madhusudhan V Jambodekar (1996)
collection. conducted his study to size-up the direction
Many studies have been conducted in India of mutual funds in investors and to identify
and abroad covering different aspects of factors that influence mutual fund investment
Mutual fund. J. Lilly and Dr. Anasuya decision. The study tells that open-ended
published a research paper “An empirical scheme is most favored among other things
study of performance evaluation of selected and that income schemes and open-ended
ELSS mutual fund schemes” published on schemes are preferred over closed-ended
International journal of scientific research and growth schemes. Newspapers are used

Factors Affecting Investment in Mutual Funds 101

as information source; safety of principal METHODOLOGY
amount and investor services are priority
points for investing in mutual funds. Some Research Design and Research Method
literature seems to find that there is only a
Both exploratory as well as descriptive research
slight positive relationship or no relationship
designs were used in the study. Literature
at all between previous performance and
review, interview and focus group discussion
current returns (Blake et al., 1993; Bogle,
methods of exploratory research design
1992; Brown and Goetzman, 1995; Brown et
are used to generate and purify the pool of
al., 1992). Others seem to be more conclusive
adoption items. Survey method of descriptive
about the relationship (Grin blatt and Titman,
design is used to obtain the primary data
1992; Hendricks et al., 1993). Goetzman
with respect to investment in mutual funds.
and Ibbotson (1994) go as far as to show
A self-administered structured questionnaire
that a two- year performance is predictive of
is used as survey instrument for primary data
performance over the successive two years. It
is no surprise then that prior returns are the
most important source of new money flows
Survey Location and Target Population
into mutual funds (Carhart, 1997; Gruber,
1996; Ippolito, 1992). Even though funds The survey has been carried out in the SDMC
are supposed to warn customers that previous region of Delhi. Individuals both males and
returns do not guarantee future performance, females who have invested once in their life in
a survey of 298 affluent investors found mutual funds market are considered as target
performance track record to be one of the respondents for the survey.
four most important criteria for mutual fund
selection (Capon et al., 1994). Sampling Technique and Sampling
On the question of why poorly performing
funds still survive, Harless and Peterson Proportionate quota sampling technique is
(1998) explain that investors tend to choose used for the study. There are 104 wards under
funds based on previous performance but SDMC. For each of the 104 wards quotas
stick to these funds despite their poor returns. are decided based on wards population in
proportion to the total population of SDMC.
Research Hypothesis A sample consisting of 226 citizens is used for
the study.
Based on extensive literature review the
following hypotheses have been framed:
Questionnaire Design
• H01: There is a significant relationship
A two-stage research was designed to develop
between investment behaviour of an
the questionnaire. Initially, a pool of attributes
investor and fundamental factors affecting
in probable seven factors influencing adoption
investment in mutual funds.
of e-government services was formed based
• H02: There is a significant relationship
on the literature review. In the second stage,
between investment behavior of an
the initial pool of items was refined using the
investor and investor perception about
qualitative techniques of focus groups and in-
the fund.
depth interviews with investors.

102 Journal of General Management Research

Table 1: Constructs and Items of the Study and 15.2% were above 45 years. Majority
Constructs Items of the investors invest up-to Rs. 100000
Past Performance [PP] I consider before (68.6%). 23% investors invest between Rs.
investing 100000-Rs. 250000 annually. Only 8.4% of
Return [R] I consider before the investors invest more than Rs.250000 in
investing mutual funds.
Risk [RI] I consider before
investing Validity and Reliability
Systematic Investment Plan I will prefer The items of the questionnaire were developed
based on extant literature review, thus ensuring
Risk Diversification [RD] I consider before the content validity. The questionnaire was
also pilot tested with a panel of investors,
Liquidity [L] I consider before
after which necessary changes were made to
improve the content as well as clarity of the
Professional Management I consider before
questionnaire. Then, a sample of respondents
[PM] investing
distinct from those included in the pilot test
Volatility [V] I consider before
was asked to pre-test the questionnaire.
Experience of the fund I consider before Table 2: KMO and Bartlett’s Test
manager [EFM] investing Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of .915
Investment [I] I will continue Sampling Adequacy
Date of Inception [DOI] I consider before Bartlett’s Test Approx. Chi-Square 1269.776
investing of Sphericity
Type [T] It will impact df 78
Debt to Equity balance I consider before Sig. .000
[DE] investing
Awareness [AW] I am aware about
Here, KMO = 0.915 which indicates that
various schemes the sample is adequate, and we may proceed
and types with the Factor Analysis. Bartlett’s Test of
Sphericity Taking a 78% level of Significance,
Based on the respondents’ feedback, unclear = 0.05 The p-value (Sig.) of .000 < 0.05,
words and sentences were revised and the therefore the Factor Analysis is valid. As p
placements of certain questions were also < , we therefore reject the null hypothesis
changed. H0 and accept the alternate hypothesis (H1)
that there may be statistically significant
DATA ANALYSIS interrelationship between variable. The
Sample Profile Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s
Test measure of sampling adequacy was
Out of 226 respondents surveyed 50.9% were used to examine the appropriateness of
males and 48.7% were females. 42% of the Factor Analysis. The approximate of Chi-
respondents are up to 25 years old, 29.2% of square is 1269.776 with 0.915 degrees of
the population is between 26-35 years, 14.6% freedom, which is significant at 0.05 Level of
of the respondents were between 36-45 years significance.

Factors Affecting Investment in Mutual Funds 103

Model Testing Table 4: Factor Loadings
The hypothesis testing was concluded with Factor Loading
13 independent variables PP, R, RI, SIP, RD, 1 2
L, PM, V, EFM, DOI, T, DE, AW and 1 Professional mgmt. of fund .809
dependent variable I. (PM)
Experience of fund manager .807
Multiple regression analysis was used for
hypothesis testing. First, we tested for regression
Risk (RI) .700
assumptions. There was no autocorrelation as
Diversification (RD) .699
Past performance of fund (PP) .641
Table 3: Variance and Eigen Values
Return (R) .638
Factors Total % of Variance Cumulative %
Liquidity (L) .585
1 6.065 46.652 46.652
Volatility (V) .579
2 1.166 8.969 55.621
Sip (SIP) .559
3 .830 6.383 62.004
Type (T) .551
4 .778 5.982 67.986
Date of inception (DOI) .825
5 .678 5.212 73.198
Debt to equity balance (D/E) .763
6 .601 4.623 77.821
Awareness about various funds .613
7 .557 4.281 82.102 (AW)
8 .517 3.975 86.077
9 .462 3.556 89.632
Table 5: Regression Result
10 .392 3.018 92.651
Std. Error
11 .339 2.608 95.259 Model R
R Adjusted
of the
12 .333 2.561 97.820 Square R Square Watson
13 .283 2.180 100.000 1 .836a .704 .699 .79462 1.912

Table 6: Corellations
PP 1 .480 .450 .385 .473 .378 .505 .422 .526 .295 .435 .412 .379
R 1 .564 .494 .523 .494 .465 .512 .448 .407 .530 .378 .357
RI 1 .417 .646 .389 .512 .426 .462 .315 .481 .355 .301
SIP 1 .332 .381 .347 .464 .417 .244 .478 .309 .309
RD 1 .514 .544 .407 .519 .340 .540 .414 .379
L 1 .429 .473 .441 .312 .441 .408 .253
PM 1 .421 .647 .204 .495 .302 .330
V 1 .436 .342 .430 .333 .352
EFM 1 .189 .471 .349 .294
DOI 1 .439 .528 .319
T 1 .446 .502
DE 1 .444
AW 1

104 Journal of General Management Research

the Durbin Watson statistic was 1.912 which
is greater than 1. Correlation analysis was also
done with the model constructs. The results
reported in Table 6 show that correlation
between all constructs was below 0.90, which
is the threshold for significant correlation and
Figure 1
that multicollinearity is not present.

investor duly considers the date of inception

RESULTS of the fund and takes note of the time span
The model explains 55.6% variance in and investor confidence to ensure security of
factors affecting investment in mutual its investment in mutual funds.
funds. Fundamental factors such as past The investor can perceive extreme exposure
performance, experience of the fund manager, of the fund to debt or equity according to
risk, return, diversification play a vey vital role its own personal bias and without proper
in the decision-making process of an investor. knowledge and experience this can lead them
Liquidity and volatility have a very minuscule to buy lesser performing funds. Mutual funds
impact on the investment in mutual funds by are gaining popularity. Even though the total
in large considering retail investors. Investors money invested is small, but the number
seek to take investment advice as they are risk of investors is large, and they would like to
averse and lack in depth knowledge about invest more in these in future. Most of the
funds and its management. investors invest once in a year, some invest
Investors analyze past performing (NAV) of once in six months and some on monthly
the fund before purchasing units in the fund. basis investors with investment pattern as
Retail investors’ gathers information about very rare are least. This infers that almost
the performance of various mutual funds all investors follow a regular investment
mainly from brokers, financial consultants, pattern. The level of satisfaction of investors
financial institutions, internet, TV channels regarding mutual fund based on risk exposure
and magazines/newspapers respectively. The is average and that of overall experience is
primary source of knowledge about mutual also average. Most of the investors accept the
funds as an investment option is from sales fact that investing in mutual fund will lead to
representatives to most of the retail investor economic development.
followed by internet, newspaper/journals, Factors which prevent investors from investing
television and from friends /relatives. in mutual fund is mostly bitter experience
Table 7 and difficulty in selection of schemes to
Variables Beta t Sig. some extent is another preventing factor. Tax
F1 .142 2.227 .027
benefit, return potential, liquidity, low cost
and transparency are the major factors that
F2 .543 8.532 .000
motivate a retail investor to invest in mutual
Perception about certain factors lead the fund. Economies of scale are also a motivating
investor to invest into certain fund. The factor to a certain extent.

Factors Affecting Investment in Mutual Funds 105

CONCLUSION Mutual funds should carry out confidence
The study integrates constructs from the building measures to convince investors to
factors affecting investment in mutual funds invest in mutual funds.
into an insightful investment model [IM] The retail investors may be divided into various
for adoption. The results indicate that the groups so that right product shall be served
fundamental factors and investor perception to the right customer the investors ae divided
play a very vital role in the investment decision into various categories. Not all investors like
making process. to take risk and there are some retail investors
who prefer to take risk while some investors
Research Implications want security or post-retirement benefits, etc.
This project is limited to the study of certain The funds should make schemes which could
selected factors and its effect on retail suit to investor needs. The right product
investors in their investment on mutual should be able to reach the right investor.
funds, analyzing retail investor’s perception To increase the loyalty and trust among the
towards the mutual fund industry and the investors, proper information and knowledge
study is limited to New Delhi. Sample size of should be provided to them.
the study was limited to 226 only which may
Proper information dissemination should take
not represent the whole market. The study has
place from the funds so as to build confidence
not been conducted over an extended period
among investors and build loyalty. Financial
considering both market ups and downs. The
consultants must ensure transparency and
market state has a significant influence on the
responsibility and they should be capable of
buying patterns and preferences of investors.
catering the needs of the retail investors as
The study cannot capture such situations.
well as marketing the mutual fund products
The study is limited to the investors of New
the financial consultants should give more
Delhi only. Therefore, the inferences cannot
weightage to customer needs and emotions
be generalized.
rather than convince investors to invest
in a scheme which offers them a higher
Implications for Practice commission.
The mutual fund product designers should Proper investor education should be
craft strategies to introduce innovative undertaken. Mutual fund companies as well
products to improve the scope of the mutual as mutual fund authority of India should
funds market the makers of the fund who ramp up its efforts to educate the investor and
decide the various aspects of the scheme undertake measures on war footing to increase
should innovate products in order to make a financial literacy among citizens. Government
scheme that suits the investor need the most. should also promote and encourage
The mutual funds should disclose the names investments in mutual funds as they stabilize
of fund managers on the fund document itself. the securities market Government should also
The scope of the mutual funds needs to be increase tax deductions in order to increase
increased and more and more people should investment from people.
be able to enroll themselves in the schemes.

106 Journal of General Management Research

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