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Style Changeover Process Plan

Days prior to Start

S.No Task

1 Plan Production Schedule prior to two Weeks 7

2 Update production schedule for new style 4

3 PP meeting meeting with related department, Customer QA/Merch/Pattern Master/PM/Line QC/IE and FM 4

4 Process analysis with IE team. IE Team analysis and time checks the process for simulation purposes 4

5 Supervisor makes sample to understand the process deeply 4

6 IE and supervisor create layout simulation 3

7 Production head Checks for Machine and number of operators usage 3

8 Give printed layout to mechanic 3

9 Layout is given to mechanic for machine preparation, mechanics prepare machines for layout ready to use. 3

10 I E Checks cutting panels for Component details and trims 2

11 Cutting status are updated to production status board for Feeding Plan 2

12 Meeting before Style change over 1

13 Task distribution one day before layout change 1

14 Layout change by the Supervisor, Mechanic and Head 0

15 Last piece to first good piece within half an hour. 0

16 Line balancing by supervisor and helped by mechanic and I E 0

17 Supervisor continuously improve the quality and balancing efficiency 0

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