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--------------ENTRANCE OF ALL MANAGERS-----------------

Kelly: May I welcome Mr. Raymart Flores, the CEO of La Fondant Company.

(Gestures showing respect to the CEO)

Raymart: The meeting is now call to order!

May I request Ms. Pino, to lead the prayer?

Janlie: (Prayer)

Raymart: Thank you! Please take your seat.

Mr. Secretary, please check the attendance.

Kelly: (Checking the attendance)

Sir, everybody is present.

Raymart: Thank you!

A pleasant morning to everyone. I am happy and thrilled to see you all here tod
ay. I am glad that you spare your time for our monthly meeting. May all our ideas collide
as we aspire to grow, expand and continue our services to the mass and our business, as


Raymart: Mr. Secretary, can you please read the minutes of the previous meeting.

Kelly: (Reads the minutes of the previous meeting)

Raymart: Thank you! Are there any corrections anyone? If none, may someone put into
motion the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.

Emma: Raising of hand

Raymart: Yes, Ms. Gaitera

Emma: I move to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

Devorah: Raising of hand

Raymart: Yes, Ms Malazarte

Devorah: I second the motion.

Raymart: It has been moved by Ms Gaitera and seconded by Ms Devorah that the minut
es of the previous meeting be approved.

Mr. Secretary, please read the prepared agendas for today.


Kelly: Reads the Agendas

Raymart: Now that the previous minutes of meeting have been approved and the agend
as have been presented, may I ask our Marketing Manager, Ms Gaitera, to present her re

Emma: Reports

(Performance) (Proposals)

Emma: Now, the floor is open for comments and suggestions.

Raymart: Ms Gaitera, one of your proposal is to have more strategies, can you tell of give
us a specific strait that can really help us in increasing our sales.

Emma: Online

Raymart: Thank you!

Janlie: Regarding the feedbacks of our customers, what were the complains and were we
able to solve it?

Emma: The main complain is just our selling price. That's why we prepared of having a le
sser selling price. To make up for such complain, we willingly explained and introduced o
ur product especially it's ingredients. With that, they were able to understand how or selli
ng price is like that.

Janlie: Thank you!

Emma: Any more concerns? Questions?

Raymart: I guess all our concerns have been addressed and the report of our marketing
manager is clear. Thank you Ms Gaitera

Now, may we proceed to our second manager, may I request Ms Pino, our Productio
n Manager for get report.

Secretary: (will distribute the food as soon as the production manager start her report)

Janlie: Report

(Performance) (Proposals)

Janlie: Now, the floor is open for comments or suggestions.

Are there questions?

Joann: Regarding our production of 250 pieces every week, were they Ali sold out? Was t
here over production? Under production?

Janlie: Yes, that is our aim 250 pieces every week. Every week we coordinated with the M
arketing Department is the products were sold out. For the first week production, it was s
old out. For the second week Marketing department told us to produce more because th
ere was a demand for the product. There was under production, during the third week th
at resulted into over production in the 4th week.

Emma: We encountered problem during the third week, and that was very crucial for our
company. Isn't it okay if we look for new supplier.

Janlie: We have already coordinated and talked with our supplier and they assured to us
that such incident won't happen again. My department have also talked about it and deci
ded to talked to other supplier. We will make sure that such incident will not happen agai

Emma: Thank you!

Raymart: I think everything has been addressed. Thank you Ms. Pino.

Now, may I ask our finance manager, Ms Joann Cañete for her report.

Joann: Report

Joann: Now, the floor is open for comments or suggestions. Are there any questions ever

Raymart: I think this is everyone's concern, where can we find new source of income?

Joann: We can find for new investors, or a business partner. It well be a good move and i
t can also promote our product if we do partnership. And both parties can benefit from it

Devorah: It's a good choice, but we need to look for someone that had credibility and ca
n really contribute to our company.

Joann: Yes, we will not just randomly choose but we will also be considering the state of t
heir business.

Devorah: That’s good!


Raymart: Any more question, anyone?

Thank you Ms Cañete.

And now may I ask our Human Resource Manager, Ms Malazarte for her report.

Devorah: Report

Devorah: To hear the side of our workers, With me is the head of the Mixing section, Ms
Vaniza Llorando.

Vaniza: Good morning everyone! I am Vaniza Llorando, the head of Mixing Section. The
workers don’t have any complaints regarding the treatment and with the salaries and wa
ges. The work is easy to learn and it’s not hard to do. In behalf ofall sections I would like t
o ask more workers and recruits and for additional benefits. Thank you.

Devorah: Thank you Ms Llorando

(continue reporting)

Devorah: the floor is open for comments and suggestions. Are there any questions?

Raymart: (comments)

Any more concerns guys?

Thank you Ms Malazarte.

Raymart: Finale

Secretary: Recap

Raymart: The meeting is adjourned!

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