8th Class Biology Paper MCQS Type

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Class 8th Paper

1. Ahmad was busy in dissecting and analyzing the kidney of rabbit. Probably he is a,
a. Histologist
b. Cell biologist
c. Taxonomist
d. Palaeontologist
2. A person who study the defense system of the body against disease causing
microbes is called
a. Microbiologist
b. Immunologist
c. Cell biologist
d. Pathologist
3. Which of the following cellular organization represent volvox
a. Unicellular
b. Multicellular
c. Bicellular
d. Colonial
4. The first step of biological methods is
a. Deduction
b. Observation
c. Hypothesis
d. Experiment
5. What is the best way to analyze the data collected from experiments
a. Reading the data and drawing conclusion
b. Discussion with scientist
c. Simple calculation on calculator
d. Application of statistical formulae
6. Deductions are made from
a. Observations
b. Hypothesis
c. Experiment result
d. Solution of biological problem
7. Which mosquito can transmit plasmodium in human beings
a. Anopheles
b. Culex
c. Aedes
d. All of these
8. Which character of virus makes their resemblance with living organisms
a. They cn be crystallized
b. They can’t live outside host body
c. They contain DNA or RNA
d. All of the above
9. The kingdom which contain eukaryotic, autotrophic organisms
a. Protista
b. Monera
c. Fungi
d. None of these
10. Which of the following kingdoms possesses the simplest organism?
a. Fungi
b. Monera
c. Protista
d. Plantae
11. Cell cycle consist of ______ main stages
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
12. Replication of DNA take place in which stage of cell cycle
a. G1 Phase
b. S - Phase
c. G2 Phase
d. All of these
13. Meiosis take place in which cells
a. Somatic cells
b. Vegetative cell
c. Germ cells
d. All of these
14. Mitosis take place in which cells type
a. Germ cells
b. Reproductive cells
c. Vegetative cells
d. In sperm cell
15. In meiosis cell division, how many daughter cells are formed
a. Two daughter cells
b. Three daughter cells
c. Four daughter cells
d. Five daughter cells
16. The two non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes become zipped
together forming a complex known as
a. Synapse
b. Chiasmata
c. Crossing over
d. All of these
17. Enzymes are protein in nature and are secreted by
a. Glands
b. Organ
c. Tissue
d. Cells
18. The organic molecules, which are not permanently attached to the enzyme called
a. Prosthetic
b. Co-factor
c. Activator
d. Coenzymes
19. Loss of hydrogen or electron is called
a. Oxidation
b. Reduction
c. Oxidation-reduction process
d. hydrogenation
20. In living system, the universal currency of energy is called
a. Adenosine Mono phosphate
b. Adenosine Di phosphate
c. Adenosine tri phosphate
d. All of these
21. The main photosynthetic pigment is
a. Chlorophyll-a
b. Chlorophyll b
c. Chlorophyll a & b
d. Chloroplast
22. Glycolysis take place in
a. Cell membrane
b. Cytoplasm
c. Nucleus
d. All of these
23. The site of the cell for the dark reaction is
a. Mitochondria
b. Ribosome
c. Granum of chloroplast
d. Stroma of chloroplast
24. Photosynthesis of take place in
a. Mesophyll cells
b. Guard cells
c. Phloem cells
d. All of the above
25. In the structure of ATP, the three-phosphate group are linked to
a. Ribose
b. Glucose
c. H2O
d. Adenine

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