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Tree Terminology

In linear data structure, data is organized in sequential order and in non-linear d

ata structure; data is organized in random order. Tree is a very popular data stru
cture used in wide range of applications. Tree is a non-linear data structure whic
h organizes data in hierarchical structure and this is a recursive definition.

Tree data structure is a collection of data (Node) which is organized in hierarchi

cal structure. In this, every individual element is called as Node. Node in a tree
data structure, stores the actual data of that particular element and link to next el
e m e n t i n h i e r a r c h i c a l s t r u c t u r e .
In a tree data structure, if we have N number of nodes then we can have a maxi
mum of N-1 number of links.


Terminology In a tree data structure, we use the following terminology...

1. Root:- In a tree data structure, the first node is called as Root Node. Every
tree must have root node. We can say that root node is the origin of tree data str
ucture. In any tree, there must be only one root node. We never have multiple ro
ot nodes in a tree.
2. Edge:- In a tree data structure, the connecting link between any two nodes
is called as EDGE. In a tree with 'N' number of nodes there will be a maximum
of 'N-1' number of edges.

3. Parent:- In a tree data structure, the node which is predecessor of any nod
e is called as PARENT NODE. In simple words, the node which has branch fro
m it to any other node is called as parent node. Parent node can also be defined
as "The node which has child / children".

4. Child:- In a tree data structure, the node which is descendant of any node i
s called as CHILD Node. In simple words, the node which has a link from its p
arent node is called as child node. In a tree, any parent node can have any numb
er of child nodes. In a tree, all the nodes except root are child nodes.
5. Siblings:- In a tree data structure, nodes which belong to same Parent are
called as SIBLINGS. In simple words, the nodes with same parent are called as
Sibling nodes.

6. Leaf:- In a tree data structure, the node which does not have a child is called
as LEAF Node. In simple words, a leaf is a node with no child. In a tree data st
ructure, the leaf nodes are also called as External Nodes. External node is also
a node with no child. In a tree, leaf node is also called as 'Terminal' node.

7. Internal Nodes:- In a tree data structure, the node which has at least on
e child is called as INTERNAL Node. In simple words, an internal node is a no
de with at least one child. In a tree data structure, nodes other than leaf nodes ar
e called as Internal Nodes. The root node is also said to be Internal Node if the
tree has more than one node. Internal nodes are also called as 'Non-Terminal' no
8. Degree:- In a tree data structure, the total number of children of a node is
called as DEGREE of that Node. In simple words, the Degree of a node is total
number of children it has. The highest degree of a node among all the nodes in a
tree is called as 'Degree of Tree'

9. Level:- In a tree data structure, the root node is said to be at Level 0 and
the children of root node are at Level 1 and the children of the nodes which are
at Level 1 will be at Level 2 and so on... In simple words, in a tree each step fro
m top to bottom is called as a Level and the Level count starts with '0' and incre
mented by one at each level (Step).

10. Height:- In a tree data structure, the total number of egdes from leaf no
de to a particular node in the longest path is called as HEIGHT of that Node. In
a tree, height of the root node is said to be height of the tree. In a tree, height of
all leaf nodes is '0'.
11. Depth:- In a tree data structure, the total number of egdes from root nod
e to a particular node is called as DEPTH of that Node. In a tree, the total numb
er of edges from root node to a leaf node in the longest path is said to be Depth
of the tree. In simple words, the highest depth of any leaf node in a tree is said t
o be depth of that tree. In a tree, depth of the root node is '0'.

12. Path:- In a tree data structure, the sequence of Nodes and Edges from on
e node to another node is called as PATH between that two Nodes. Length of a
Path is total number of nodes in that path. In below example the path A - B - E -
J has length 4.

13. Sub Tree:- In a tree data structure, each child from a node forms a subt
ree recursively. Every child node will form a subtree on its parent node.
Types of Tree:
There are of following 6 types:

1. General Tree
2. Binary Tree
3. Binary Search Tree
4. Expression Tree
5. Tournament Tree

1. General Tree – these are the data structure that stores elements hierarchically
. A general tree is a data structure in that each node can have infinite number o
f children. In general tree, root has in-degree 0 and maximum out-degree n.

2. Binary Tree - In a normal tree, every node can have any number of children.
Binary tree is a special type of tree data structure in which every node can
have a maximum of 2 children. One is known as left child and the other is
known as right child. A tree in which every node can have a maximum of
two children is called as Binary Tree. In short, every node can have either 0
children or 1 child or 2 children but not more than 2 children.
There are different types of binary trees and they are...

1). Strictly Binary Tree - In a binary tree, every node can have a maximum of t
wo children. But in strictly binary tree, every node should have exactly two chil
dren or none. That means every internal node must have exactly two children. A
strictly Binary Tree can be defined as follows...

Strictly binary tree is also called as Full Binary Tree or Proper Binary Tree or 2

2). Complete Binary Tree – In a binary tree, every node can have a maximum
of two children. But in strictly binary tree, every node should have exactly two c
hildren or none and in complete binary tree all the nodes must have exactly two
children and at every level of complete binary tree there must be 2level number of
nodes. For example at level 2 there must be 22 = 4 nodes and at level 3 there m
ust be 23 = 8 nodes.

A binary tree in which every internal node has exactly two children and all leaf
nodes are at same level is called Complete Binary Tree. Complete binary tree is
also called as Perfect Binary Tree.

3). Extended Binary Tree -

A binary tree can be converted into Full Binary tree by adding dummy nodes to
existing nodes wherever required. The full binary tree obtained by adding dum
my nodes to a binary tree is called as Extended Binary Tree.

In above figure, a normal binary tree is converted into full binary tree by adding
dummy nodes (In pink colour). The original nodes in tree are internal node and
the new nodes are added called external nodes.

3. Binary Search Tree (BST) – binary search tree is also ordered binary tree or
sorted binary tree. BST has a property that, each internal node, say X store an
element such that the element stored in left subtree of X are less than or equal to
X and element of right subtree of X are greater than X.

Binary Search Tree is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the foll
owing properties:

 The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the
node’s key.
 The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the
node’s key.
 There must be no duplicate nodes.
The above properties of Binary Search Tree provide an ordering among keys so
that the operations like search, minimum and maximum can be done fast.

4. Expression Tree – Binary tree has an application to store algebraic expression

in it.

5. Tournament Tree – Tournament tree also called a selection tree where each
external node is a player and each internal node represents the winner of the
match played between the players represented by its children. These
tournament trees also called as winner trees because they are being used to
record the winner at each level.

The above tree contains 4 leaf nodes that represent players and have 3 levels
0, 1 and 2. Initially 2 games are conducted at level 2, one between 5 and 3 a
nd another one between 7 and 8. In the next move, one more game is conduc
ted between 5 and 8 to conclude the final winner.

Tree Representations
A tree data structure can be represented in two methods. Those methods are as f

1. List Representation
2. Left Child - Right Sibling Representation
Consider the following tree...

1. List Representation

In this representation, we use two types of nodes one for representing the node
with data and another for representing only references. We start with a node wit
h data from root node in the tree. Then it is linked to an internal node through a
reference node and is linked to any other node directly. This process repeats for
all the nodes in the tree.

The above tree example can be represented using List representation as follows.

2. Left Child - Right Sibling Representation

In this representation, we use list with one type of node which consists of three f
ields namely Data field, Left child reference field and Right sibling reference fie
ld. Data field stores the actual value of a node, left reference field stores the add
ress of the left child and right reference field stores the address of the right sibli
ng node. Graphical representation of that node is as follows...
In this representation, every node's data field stores the actual value of that node
. If that node has left child, then left reference field stores the address of that left
child node otherwise that field stores NULL. If that node has right sibling then
right reference field stores the address of right sibling node otherwise that field
stores NULL. The above tree example can be represented using Left Child - Rig
ht Sibling representation as follows...

Binary Search Tree

In a binary tree, every node can have maximum of two children but there is no o
rder of nodes based on their values. In binary tree, the elements are arranged as t
hey arrive to the tree, from top to bottom and left to right.

To enhance the performance of binary tree, we use special type of binary tree kn
own as Binary Search Tree. Binary search tree mainly focus on the search oper
ation in binary tree. Binary search tree can be defined as follows...

Binary Search Tree is a binary tree in which every node contains only smaller v
alues in its left subtree and only larger values in its right subtree. In a binary sea
rch tree, all the nodes in left subtree of any node contains smaller values and all
the nodes in right subtree of that contains larger values as shown in following fi

The following tree is a Binary Search Tree. In this tree, left subtree of every nod
e contains nodes with smaller values and right subtree of every node contains la
rger values.

Operations on a Binary Search Tree

The following operations are performed on a binary search tree...

1. Search
2. Insertion
3. Deletion

Search Operation in BST

In a binary search tree, the search operation is performed with O(log n) time co
mplexity. The search operation is performed as follows...
 Step 1: Read the search element from the user
 Step 2: Compare, the search element with the value of root node in the
 Step 3: If both are matching, then display "Given node found!!!" and
terminate the function
 Step 4: If both are not matching, then check whether search element is
smaller or larger than that node value.
 Step 5: If search element is smaller, then continue the search process in
left subtree.
 Step 6: If search element is larger, then continue the search process in
right subtree.
 Step 7: Repeat the same until we found exact element or we completed
with a leaf node
 Step 8: If we reach to the node with search value, then display "Element
is found" and terminate the function.
 Step 9: If we reach to a leaf node and it is also not matching, then display
"Element not found" and terminate the function.
bool BSTNode::search(int value)
if (value == this->value)
return true;
else if (value < this->value)
if (left == NULL)
return false;
return left->search(value);
else if (value > this->value)
if (right == NULL)
return false;
return right->search(value);
return false;

Insertion Operation in BST

In a binary search tree, the insertion operation is performed with O(log n) time
complexity. In binary search tree, new node is always inserted as a leaf node. T
he insertion operation is performed as follows...

 Step 1: Create a newNode with given value and set its left and right to
 Step 2: Check whether tree is Empty.
 Step 3: If the tree is Empty, then set set root to newNode.
 Step 4: If the tree is Not Empty, then check whether value of newNode
is smaller or larger than the node (here it is root node).
 Step 5: If newNode is smaller than or equal to the node, then move to its
left child. If newNode is larger than the node, then move to its right
 Step 6: Repeat the above step until we reach to a leaf node (i.e., reach to
 Step 7: After reaching a leaf node, then isert the newNode as left child if
newNode is smaller or equal to that leaf else insert it as right child.
bool BSTNode::add(int value) {
if (value == this->value)
return false;
else if (value < this->value) {
if (left == NULL) {
left = new BSTNode(value);
return true;
} else
return left->add(value);
} else if (value > this->value) {
if (right == NULL) {
right = new BSTNode(value);
return true;
} else
return right->add(value);
return false;

Deletion Operation in BST

In a binary search tree, the deletion operation is performed with O(log n) time c
omplexity. Deleting a node from Binary search tree has following three cases...
 Case 1: Deleting a Leaf node (A node with no children)
 Case 2: Deleting a node with one child
 Case 3: Deleting a node with two children

Case 1: Deleting a leaf node

We use the following steps to delete a leaf node from BST...

 Step 1: Find the node to be deleted using search operation

 Step 2: Delete the node using free function (If it is a leaf) and terminate
the function.

Case 2: Deleting a node with one child

We use the following steps to delete a node with one child from BST...

 Step 1: Find the node to be deleted using search operation

 Step 2: If it has only one child, then create a link between its parent and
child nodes.
 Step 3: Delete the node using free function and terminate the function.

Case 3: Deleting a node with two children

We use the following steps to delete a node with two children from BST...

 Step 1: Find the node to be deleted using search operation

 Step 2: If it has two children, then find the largest node in its left subtree
(OR) the smallest node in its right subtree.
 Step 3: Swap both deleting node and node which found in above step.
 Step 4: Then, check whether deleting node came to case 1 or case 2 else
goto steps 2
 Step 5: If it comes to case 1, then delete using case 1 logic.
 Step 6: If it comes to case 2, then delete using case 2 logic.
 Step 7: Repeat the same process until node is deleted from the tree.
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;

struct Node* Delete(struct Node *root, int data) {

if (root == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (data < root->data) { // data is in the left sub
root->left = Delete(root->left, data);
} else if (data > root->data) { // data is in the ri
ght sub tree.
root->right = Delete(root->right, data);
} else {
// case 1: no children
if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
delete(root); // wipe out the memory, in C, use
free function
root = NULL;
// case 2: one child (right)
else if (root->left == NULL) {
struct Node *temp = root; // save current node a
s a backup
root = root->right;
delete temp;
// case 3: one child (left)
else if (root->right == NULL) {
struct Node *temp = root; // save current node a
s a backup
root = root->left;
delete temp;
// case 4: two children
else {
struct Node *temp = FindMin(root->right); // fin
d minimal value of right sub tree
root->data = temp->data; // duplicate the node
root->right = Delete(root->right, temp->data); /
/ delete the duplicate node
return root; // parent node can update reference
The function returns the root node because the root may change after deletion. T
he FindMin function finds the minimal node of the given BST.

int FindMin(Node *root) {

if (root == NULL) {
1 return INT_MAX; // or undefined.
3 }
if (root->left != NULL) {
6 return FindMin(root->left); // left
7 tree is smaller
9 }
return root->data;

Binary Tree Traversals

When we wanted to display a binary tree, we need to follow some order in whic
h all the nodes of that binary tree must be displayed. In any binary tree displayin
g order of nodes depends on the traversal method. Displaying (or) visiting order
of nodes in a binary tree is called as Binary Tree Traversal. There are three type
s of binary tree traversals.

1. In - Order Traversal
2. Pre - Order Traversal
3. Post - Order Traversal

Consider the following binary tree...

1. In - Order Traversal ( leftChild - root - rightChild )

In In-Order traversal, the root node is visited between left child and right child. I
n this traversal, the left child node is visited first, then the root node is visited an
d later we go for visiting right child node. This in-order traversal is applicable f
or every root node of all subtrees in the tree. This is performed recursively for al
l n o d e s i n t h e t r e e .

In the above example of binary tree, first we try to visit left child of root node 'A
', but A's left child is a root node for left subtree. so we try to visit its (B's) left c
hild 'D' and again D is a root for subtree with nodes D, I and J. So we try to visit
its left child 'I' and it is the left most child. So first we visit 'I' then go for its ro
ot node 'D' and later we visit D's right child 'J'. With this we have completed th
e left part of node B. Then visit 'B' and next B's right child 'F' is visited. With t
his we have completed left part of node A. Then visit root node 'A'. With this w
e have completed left and root parts of node A. Then we go for right part of the
node A. In right of A again there is a subtree with root C. So go for left child of
C and again it is a subtree with root G. But G does not have left part so we visit
'G' and then visit G's right child K. With this we have completed the left part of
node C. Then visit root node 'C' and next visit C's right child 'H' which is the ri
ght most child in the tree so we stop the process.

That means here we have visited in the order of I - D - J - B - F - A - G - K - C

- H using In-Order Traversal.

Algorithm Inorder(tree)
1. Traverse the left subtree, i.e., call Inorder(l
2. Visit the root.
3. Traverse the right subtree, i.e., call Inorder(

2. Pre - Order Traversal ( root - leftChild - rightChild )

In Pre-Order traversal, the root node is visited before left child and right child n
odes. In this traversal, the root node is visited first, then its left child and later its
right child. This pre-order traversal is applicable for every root node of all subtr
e e s i n t h e t r e e .

In the above example of binary tree, first we visit root node 'A' then visit its left
child 'B' which is a root for D and F. So we visit B's left child 'D' and again D i
s a root for I and J. So we visit D's left child 'I' which is the left most child. So n
ext we go for visiting D's right child 'J'. With this we have completed root, left
and right parts of node D and root, left parts of node B. Next visit B's right child
'F'. With this we have completed root and left parts of node A. So we go for A'
s right child 'C' which is a root node for G and H. After visiting C, we go for its
left child 'G' which is a root for node K. So next we visit left of G, but it does n
ot have left child so we go for G's right child 'K'. With this we have completed
node C's root and left parts. Next visit C's right child 'H' which is the right most
child in the tree. So we stop the process.

That means here we have visited in the order of A-B-D-I-J-F-C-G-K-H using P

re-Order Traversal.

Algorithm Preorder(tree)
1. Visit the root.
2. Traverse the left subtree, i.e., call Preorder(
3. Traverse the right subtree, i.e., call Preorder

3. Post - Order Traversal ( leftChild - rightChild - root )

In Post-Order traversal, the root node is visited after left child and right child. In
this traversal, left child node is visited first, then its right child and then its root
node. This is recursively performed until the right most node is visited.

Here we have visited in the order of I - J - D - F - B - K - G - H - C - A using P

ost-Order Traversal.

Algorithm Postorder(tree)
1. Traverse the left subtree, i.e., call Postorder
2. Traverse the right subtree, i.e., call Postorde
3. Visit the root.

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