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AC 6148 January 22, 2013

FLORENCE MACARUBBO, Complainant, vs.


Nature of the Case: Petition (For Extraordinary Mercy) filed by respondent Edmundo L. Macarubbo (respondent) who seeks
to be reinstated in the Roll of Attorneys

SC Decision: Edmundo L. Macarubbo is found guilty of gross immorality and is hereby DISBARRED from the practice of law.
He is likewise ORDERED to show satisfactory evidence to the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline and to this Court that he is
supporting or has made provisions for the regular support of his two children by complainant.

Legal Doctrine: DISBARMENT

Facts: Florence Teves Macarrubo filed on June 6, 2000 a verified complaint for disbarment against Atty. Macarrubo with the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines, alleging that respondent deceived her into marrying him despite his prior subsisting
marriage with a certain Helen Esparza.

Detailing the circumstances surrounding respondents complained act, averred that he started courting her in April 1991.
Representing himself as a bachelor, that they eventually contracted marriage which was celebrated on two occasions, the
first on December 18, 1991, and the second on December 28, 1991, and that although respondent admitted that he was
married to Esparza on June 16, 1982, he succeeded convincing complainant, her family and friends that his previous marriage
was void.

Complainant further averred that respondent entered into a third marriage with one Josephine T. Constantino, and that he
abandoned complainant and their children without providing them any regular support up to the present time, leaving them
in precarious living conditions.

Complainant submitted documentary evidence consisting of the marriage contract between respondent and Helen Esparza
and that between her and respondent, and photographs of their nuptials and of captured moments in their life as a couple
and a family.

Issue: Whether or not the respondent should be Disbarred.

While the marriage between complainant and respondent has been annulled by final judgment, this does not cleanse his
conduct of every tinge of impropriety. He and complainant started living as husband and wife in December 1991 when his
first marriage was still subsisting, as it was only on August 21, 1998 that such first marriage was annulled, rendering him liable
for concubinage. Such conduct is inconsistent with the good moral character that is required for the continued right to
practice law as a member of the Philippine Bar. Even assuming that respondent was coerced by complainant to marry her,
the duress, by his own admission as the following transcript of his testimony reflects, ceased after their wedding day,
respondent having freely cohabited with her and even begot a second child by her. Thus, respondent Edmundo L. Macarubbo
is found guilty of gross immorality and is hereby disbarred from the practice of law.

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