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Literature Review:

A.M. Gurav and Pralhad Krishna Mudalkar(2011)

“This research paper highlights Human resource Practices is one of the essential factors of
organizations and also it examine the role of human resource workforce and its contribution to
the development of sugar factories”

Andries du Plessis, Andrew Hobbs, Rebecca Marshall and Sherrol Paalvast (June 2008)
“In 21st century it necessary for organization that they should develop their competitive
advantage and for this fulfillment of the this need HR functions and activities should assist the
organization. for surviving in global market and for meeting changing demand of customer HRM
should give stress on proper recruitment and selection, development of employees and their
career development opportunities ”

Arrey Mbongaya Ivo (2006)

“This study specially focus on the concepts of Hard and Soft approaches to Human Resource
Management, Hard HRM gives emphasis on employee‟s compliance, quantitative output,
managers, task and development of the organization on other hand Soft HRM emphasis on
flexibility , negotiation , performance quality recognition of environment and rights in
employment relation ”

Ashok Som (2008)

“Initially author give reference about liberalization period of India and then the direction of study
is to see significance of innovative HRM Practices and to see whether it is really effective for
enhancing performance of the organization ”
Basraj Benni, amardeep . Jadhav (2012)

“the objective behind this study is to evaluate performance of the depots and to prepare rank of
depots on the basis of performance, for such evaluation author has decided some indicators of
performance like no. of buses, no. of schedules, profit margin per bus etc and after analysis of
data author gave a rank of 12 depots and also suggest for deliberate policy action.”

Chatterjee, S. R. (2007)

“India is developing from economic point of view and it happening because of growth in iputs
specially in labor, but on other hand still training and development program in India is
undeveloped form skill and value development point of view ,career planning has limited scope
,another side of this aspect is some organizations are adopting effective policies regarding
employees like „Wings Within‟ in Wipro etc.”

Dana B. Minbaeva (2005)

“This research is aim at to determine the effect of Human Resource Practices on Knowledge
transfer. For study author take in consideration four functions of HRM like manpower planning,
performance appraisal, reward system and career management, and the effect of these factor on
knowledge transfer if positive ,it a conclusion of author”

Edel Conway , Dr. John McMackin (December 1997)

Competitive advantage in product could not sustain for long period but now a day it is important
that organizations should reinvent themselves and change itself according to changing
environment we can it as innovation and innovation has close relation with culture of
organization, employee behavior and all HR functions of the organization.

Mane Kiran Harish Chndra (2010)

“In this study An Author took Opinion of 200 employees about “Salary ” , and employees gave
information that they are not able to meet their expenses with the salary and that is why they are
not that satisfied ”

Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar(2012)

“This article presents differences and similarities between public and private sectors firms of
Bangladesh in the area of recruitment and selection Practices, sources of recruitment and
selection devices, and at the end it is suggested that, public sector should analyze job, there
should be farness in selection process, private sector should adopt formal recruitment policy.”


“The author has covered rural, urban and aggregate industries of India to examine linkage
between wage and Productivity, it concluded that in rural industry that there is strong association
of wage rate and labor productivity, in urban industries there is positive and statistically
significant association between wage rate and labor productivity ”

M. Srimannarayana(2011)

“This article aims to measure training and development at substantial level and it concludes that
if training Process needs to achieve its objectives then HR training professionals have to master
the training measurement methodologies using impact of measurement.”

Muhammad Maqsood Khalid, Muhammad Ashraf(2012)

“In this research paper author focus on evaluation strategy of training program in public
organization, for such evaluation one should answers of questions like how, what and when
about training, then training outcomes should evaluate through a process ”

Niraj Kishore Chimote (2010)

“This research article gives information about effectiveness of training program from trainees
prospective and its outcome of factor analysis indicate similarity with Kirkpatric‟s Model of
training evaluation and chi-square analysis tells that the demographic variable does not influence
the psyche of trainees for judging the efficiency of training program ”

P.Manikandan and R . Kalpna Sastry (2009)

“The author has used a case for analysis of topic and suggested that for managing Human
Resource effectively it is necessary to observe human resource management principles and
P.Purna Chandra Rao (2009)

“The research paper focus on welfare provision for workmen in milk factory, established under
the cooperative sector and at the end of study the author concluded that when employer expects
good performance from employees then she should provide welfare facilities to them and also
the author gave stress on Humanistic approach.”

Richard Saundry and Gemma Wibberley(2012)

“Author talk about actual meaning of Dispute, Grievance, Discipline, and traditional way of
handling dispute and new procedure of the same, there are sets of factors which shaped forms of
individual dispute, study shows how old long process of dispute resolution replaced by shorter

Scott Brum (2007)

“Training has significant impact on employees turnover and success of organization and success
of organization ids depend on Human Resource strategies and approaches and employee
commitment is part of it and with the help of training and development program organization can
develop such commitment of employees towards the organization and it will effect employee
turnover also. ”

Shashank Shah (2012)

“In this Research paper, an author propose a society and local community welfare Framework
for Indian corporate organizations based on the existing practices of eminent corporate
organization ”

Stefan Strohmeier (2007)

“In today‟s world we can see use of internet rapidly developed and those development has
effected human Resource Management Functions also. With the help if empirical study and
factors like actors , strategies , activities and technologies author tries to explain the concept of e-
Vimala Sanjeevkumar , Ms. Hu Yanan (2011)
“this research is combination of theoretical and empirical research, for studying factors which
affect training program. Training environment, work environment , employees characteristics
these factors effect on effectiveness of training. ”

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