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2 types of statistics

The Difference Between Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

The field of statistics is divided into two major divisions: descriptive and
inferential. Each of these segments is important, offering different techniques
that accomplish different objectives. Descriptive statistics describe what is going
on in a population or data set. Inferential statistics, by contrast, allow scientists
to take findings from a sample group and generalize them to a larger population.

The two types of statistics have some important differences.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics is the type of statistics that probably springs to most

people’s minds when they hear the word “statistics.” In this branch of statistics,
the goal is to describe. Numerical measures are used to tell about features of a set
of data. There are a number of items that belong in this portion of statistics, such

 The average, or measure of the center of a data set, consisting of the mean,
median, mode, or midrange
 The spread of a data set, which can be measured with the range or standard
 Overall descriptions of data such as the five number summary
 Measurements such as skewness and kurtosis
 The exploration of relationships and correlation between paired data
 The presentation of statistical results in graphical form
These measures are important and useful because they allow scientists to
see patterns among data, and thus to make sense of that data. Descriptive
statistics can only be used to describe the population or data set under
study: The results cannot be generalized to any other group or population.

Types of Descriptive Statistics

There are two kinds of descriptive statistics that social scientists use:

Measures of central tendency capture general trends within the data and are
calculated and expressed as the mean, median, and mode. A mean tells scientists
the mathematical average of all of a data set, such as the average age at first
marriage; the median represents the middle of the data distribution, like the age
that sits in the middle of the range of ages at which people first marry; and, the
mode might be the most common age at which people first marry.

Measures of spread describe how the data are distributed and relate to each
other, including:

 The range, the entire range of values present in a data set

 The frequency distribution, which defines how many times a
particular value occurs within a data set
 Quartiles, subgroups formed within a data set when all values are
divided into four equal parts across the range
 Mean absolute deviation, the average of how much each value
deviates from the mean
 Variance, which illustrates how much of a spread exists in the data
 Standard deviation, which illustrates the spread of data relative to the

Measures of spread are often visually represented in tables, pie and bar
charts, and histograms to aid in the understanding of the trends within the

Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistics are produced through complex mathematical

calculations that allow scientists to infer trends about a larger population
based on a study of a sample taken from it. Scientists use inferential
statistics to examine the relationships between variables within a sample
and then make generalizations or predictions about how those variables
will relate to a larger population.
It is usually impossible to examine each member of the population
individually. So scientists choose a representative subset of the population,
called a statistical sample, and from this analysis, they are able to say
something about the population from which the sample came. There are
two major divisions of inferential statistics:

 A confidence interval gives a range of values for an unknown

parameter of the population by measuring a statistical sample. This is
expressed in terms of an interval and the degree of confidence that
the parameter is within the interval.
 Tests of significance or hypothesis testing where scientists make a
claim about the population by analyzing a statistical sample. By
design, there is some uncertainty in this process. This can be
expressed in terms of a level of significance.

Techniques that social scientists use to examine the relationships between

variables, and thereby to create inferential statistics, include linear
regression analyses, logistic regression analyses, ANOVA, correlation
analyses, structural equation modeling, and survival analysis. When
conducting research using inferential statistics, scientists conduct a test of
significance to determine whether they can generalize their results to a
larger population. Common tests of significance include the chi-
square and t-test. These tell scientists the probability that the results of
their analysis of the sample are representative of the population as a whole.

Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics

Although descriptive statistics is helpful in learning things such as the

spread and center of the data, nothing in descriptive statistics can be used
to make any generalizations. In descriptive statistics, measurements such
as the mean and standard deviation are stated as exact numbers.

Even though inferential statistics uses some similar calculations — such as

the mean and standard deviation — the focus is different for inferential
statistics. Inferential statistics start with a sample and then generalizes to a
population. This information about a population is not stated as a number.
Instead, scientists express these parameters as a range of potential
numbers, along with a degree of confidence.

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