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Theoretical framework

When consumer buying behavior there are things that are consider. The internal behavior where
perception and motivation is consider perception which costumer will collect information about to a
certain product through television, internet and other based form of communication and advertisement
that is used. It will give consumers basis on what kind of product they will purchase and used. When a
consumer buy it consider the motivation where physical aspect of a product is consider, the experience
of the consumer in the product or in a brand this way It affects the buying behavior of a consumer. In
external factors consider price ,place and promotion when consumer purchase other consumer consider
price as there basis of purchasing a product. The place where the marketers put there product to
become acessible to the consumer because consumer want acessible to purchase. Promotion an
influence the consumer buying behavior.

Consumer behavior is the study of the processes involved when individual or groups select, purchase,
use, or dispose of the product, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires . The expand
view of consumer embrace much more than the study of why and what consumer buy, but also focuses
on how marketer influence consumers and how consumers use the products and services. ( Michael
R.Solomon, 1998, p. 31). r the interpretation and decision making is different among individuals and also
influenced by internal consumer behavior (perception, altitude, and motivation) and external factors
(family roles, peer influence and group influence)by (thu HA, nyugen & adya gizaw2019). Needs
theories attempt to identify internal factors that motivate an individual's behavior and are based on
the premise that people are motivated by unfulfilled needs. Needs are psychological or physiological
insufficiencies that provoke some type of behavioral response. The needs a person has can range
from weak to strong and can vary based on environmental factors, time and place by Abraham
maslow theory(study.com2019).

References: (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2019, from

Four Consumer Behavior Theories Marketers Should Know. (2019, August 8). Retrieved November 29,
2019, from
should-know/.,nguyen&gizaw)Factors influence consumer purchase decision.(2014,January


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