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List of Tables:-















List of Figures











The personnel department at Amul Dairy is always concerned with

various aspects, which are directly or indirectly affect the employee’s
Health, Safety, wellbeing & their satisfaction, which smooth the
progress of employee’s loyalty toward company, performance
improvement & competency building through development of
employee. It is always necessary to check the employee’s satisfaction
regarding Health, Safety & Welfare to fine tune the facilities
provided by the company.
In this project, descriptive research design has been used because it
describes the phenomena under study and recommendations;
findings are specific under this study. Through structured
questionnaire I have taken answer from the workers.
Sampling Design: Non probability convenience sampling

In this study, non-probability convenient sampling design has been

used & the sampling method employed is judgmental sampling.
Primary data is collected with specific objective, especially to
address the research problem. The data is gathered by distributing a
questionnaire to the employee and through personal interview.
Secondary data includes books, journals, magazines, newsletters of
the Amul Dairy and internet. Sampling Unit: Employees of Amul
Dairy. Sample Size: 100 respondents. The data tools is used in this
research includes MS –Excel & Mean Value - mean value is
obtained by adding together all the items and by dividing by this
total by number of items.The tools used for analyzing data are rating
method; graphs, pie charts etc. Questionnaire is distributed to the
individual respondents and special care has been taken to make
him/her feel comfortable so that, he/she could answer all the
questions. This method is followed to get unbiased answers. Major

findings/ outcome of the study are employees are highly satisfied
with drinking water facility and maintenance of urinal and lavatories,
employees are satisfied with existing working condition, most of the
employees satisfied with the existing health and safety facilities in he
organization, most of the employees are dissatisfied with health and
safety gadgets provided by Amul dairy, ambulance facility is not
provided by Amul dairy Employees are strongly satisfied with
Employee State Insurance benefit provided in Amul dairy. Company
must provide smoking zone for the employee regarding safety in
organization. Organization should provide separate rest rooms and
wash rooms for each department for both male and female
employees. The company should provide “AMBULANCE
FACILITY”. Organization should improve medical facilities
regarding services and treatment.




Human Resource Management is considered to be the most valuable asset in any

organization. It is the sum-total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills
represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise of
executives, supervisors, and the rank and file employees. It may be noted here that human
resources should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, in order to achieve individual
and organizational goals. It is thus the employee’s performance which ultimately decides
and attainment of goals. However, the employee performance is to a large extent,
influenced by motivation and Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at
Amul Dairy.
Human resource management is a specialized functional area of business that
attempts to develop programmes, policies, and activities to promote the Workers
Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy of both individual and
organizational needs, goods and objectives.
People join organizations with certain motives like security of income and job, better
prospects in future, and satisfaction of social and psychological needs. Every person has
different sets of needs at different times. It is the responsibility of management to recognize
this basic fact and provide appropriate opportunities and environments to people at work to
satisfy their needs.In this chapter the researcher wants to explain about Workers Satisfaction
Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy, nursing and nursing Workers
Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy.

Human Resource Management is considered to be the most valuable asset in any

organization. It is the sum-total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills
represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise of
executives, supervisors, and the rank and file employees. It may be noted here that human
resources should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, in order to achieve individual
and organizational goals. It is thus the employee’s performance which ultimately decides
and attainment of goals. However, the employee performance is to a large extent,
influenced by motivation and Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at
Amul Dairy

Human resource management is a specialized functional area of business that

attempts to develop programmes, policies, and activities to promote the Workers Satisfaction


Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy of both individual and organizational
needs, goods and objectives.

1.2 Need for the Study and its Significance:

Safety and Welfare is the main concern for the employees in the Amul Diary. Minor
neglects may also cause irreversible hazards. Hence, the malfunctions in day to day activities
should be checked in every function. An environment should be created such that the
employees work fearlessly, focusing on their work rather than safety issues. Welfare
measures should be adopted by the organizations in a way to take utmost care of the
employee and its family, in case anything happens. Organization should make an attempt to
make its associates aware of all the related issues. This in turn will improve the employee
productivity and efficiency. Organizational focus on employee safety can provide for higher
morale and productivity in the workplace. This is due to the satisfaction that the company
truly cares about the health and wellbeing of its employees, thus creating a sense of pride for
the organization. Increased productivity as it correlates to safety and morale is a difficult
metric to measure, but forward-thinking organizations realize that it does exist and can
therefore justify the costs of their safety programs as compared to the productivity benefits
that they provide. In contrast to measuring productivity as it relates to safety, the indirect
costs of employee injuries are much more measurable. For example, a death or severe injury
on the job site can shut down a project for extended periods of time while it is under
investigation, and lost time equals lost money. Additionally, there is the cost of lost
productivity of the affected employee, increased insurance premiums, cost of replacing the
injured worker, cost of training the new worker and potential fines. These costs can be so
severe that they may make it difficult to run a profitable organization. The above mentioned
points stand as motivation factors to undertake the present study. Accordingly appropriate
objectives are framed and studied using primary and secondary data.
1.3 Problem Statement:

The personnel department at Amul Dairy is always concerned with various aspects, which are
directly or indirectly affect the employee’s Health, Safety, wellbeing & their satisfaction,
which smooth the progress of employee’s loyalty toward company, performance improvement
& competency building through development of employee. It is always necessary to check the
employee’s satisfaction regarding Health, Safety & Welfare to fine tune the facilities provided
by the company.

1.4 Objectives

Primary objectives:

“To study the Health, Safety & Welfare measures at Amul Dairy.”

Secondary objectives:

 To Study the various criteria which are consider for providing Health and
 To Study the various measures provided by the Company is sufficient or not.
 To know the employee’s satisfaction regarding satisfaction & dissatisfaction
criteria of Health, Safety and Welfare measures.

1.5 Research Design: Descriptive Research Design

In this project, descriptive research design has been used because it describes the phenomena
under study and recommendations; findings are specific under this study. Through structured
questionnaire I have taken answer from the workers.
1.6 Sampling Design: Non probability convenience sampling
In this study, non-probability convenient sampling design has been used and the sampling
method employed is judgmental sampling.
1.7 Data collection Method: Primary& Secondary
Primary data is collected with specific objective, especially to address the research
problem. The data is gathered by distributing a questionnaire to the employee and
through personal interview.
Secondary data includes books, journals, magazines, newsletters of the Amul Dairy and
1.8 Sampling Unit: Employees of Amul Dairy.
1.9 Sample Size: 100 respondents

1.10 Tools & Techniques to be used for data analysis:

The data tools is used in this research includes MS –Excel & Mean Value - mean value is
obtained by adding together all the items and by dividing by this total by number of
items.The tools used for analyzing data are rating method; graphs, pie charts etc.
Questionnaire is distributed to the individual respondents and special care has been taken to
make him/her feel comfortable so that, he/she could answer all the questions. This method is
followed to get unbiased answers

1.11 Limitations of the Study

The study was faced with a problem of not finding all respondents in the study area especially the Company
employees who go to field as a group. The researcher however would arrange with them to fix for her an
appropriate time in order to collect reliable and valid information from them for the study.
The researcher further faced a problem of some respondents not providing information for the study as
information relating to the study variables, however to this, researcher would explain to them that the
information was only for the academic purpose while making them to understand the study variables.
The study also was expensive in terms of stationary. However the researcher would mobilize funds from her
friends and family members for the study to be completed successfully in time with the help of her supervisor.

1.12 Chapter Plan

The dissertation is done in a systematic and logical manner following a sequential process. At the outset a
general introduction is given about the education industry along with the need and requirement of human
resources along with the scope and rationale of carrying out the research. Then a note on the overall
organization profile is presented. Then the various literature reviews pertaining to the theoretical
perspectives of the study are discussed succeeded by the most critical part of research design and
methodology. Thereafter conclusion arrives with suggestion and personal recommendations followed by
annexure and bibliography.

Thus the dissertation contents can be jotted down as follows:

1. Introduction

2. Organizational profile

3. Literature review

4. Research Design And Methodology

5. Conclusion And Suggestions

6. Annexure

7. Bibliography



Company Profile

Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.

(GCMMF), is India's largest food productmarketing organisation with annual turnover (2011-

US$ 2.5 billion. Its daily milk procurement isapprox 13 million lit (peak period) per day from
16,117 village milk cooperative societies, 17 memberunions covering 24 districts, and 3.18
million milk producer members.

It is the Apex organisation of the Dairy Cooperatives of Gujarat, popularly known as

'AMUL', whichaims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest
of consumers byproviding quality products which are good value for money. Its success has
not only been emulatedin India but serves as a model for rest of the World. It is exclusive
marketing organisationof 'Amul' and 'Sagar' branded products. It operates through 47 Sales
Offices and has a dealernetwork of 5000 dealers and 10 lakh retailers, one of the largest such
networks in India. Its product range comprises milk, milk powder, health beverages, ghee,
butter, cheese, Pizza cheese, Ice-cream, Paneer, chocolates, and traditional Indian sweets, etc.
GCMMF is India's largest exporter of Dairy Products. It has been accorded a "Trading
House" status. Many of our products are available in USA, Gulf Countries, Singapore, The
Philippines, Japan, Chinaand Australia. GCMMF has received the APEDA Award from
Government of India for Excellence inDairy Product Exports for the last 13 years. For the
year 2009-10, GCMMF has beenawarded

"Golden Trophy'

for its outstanding export performance and contribution in dairy productssector by

APEDA.For its consistent adherence to quality, customer focus and dependability, GCMMF

has receivednumerous awards and accolades over the years. It received the Rajiv Gandhi
National Quality Awardin1999 in Best of All Category. In 2002 GCMMF bagged India's
Most Respected Company Awardinstituted by Business World. In 2003, it was awarded the
The IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National QualityAward - 2003 for adopting noteworthy quality
management practices for logistics and procurement.GCMMF is the first and only Indian
organisation to win topmost International Dairy Federation Marketing Award for probiotic
ice cream launch in 2007.The Amul brand is not only a product, but also a movement. It is in
one way, the representation of the economic freedom of farmers. It has given farmers the
courage to dream. To hope. To live. Besides India, Amul has entered overseas markets such
as Mauritius, UAE, USA, Oman, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and a
few South

African countries. Its bid to enter Japanese market in 1994 did not succeed, but it plans to
ventureagain.Milestones of GCMMF:

• 2.8 million milk producer member families

• 13,759 village societies

• 13 District Unions

• 8.5 million liters of milk procured per day

• Rs. 150 million disbursed in cash daily


The GCMMF is the largest food products marketing organization of India. It is the apex
organization of the dairy cooperatives of Gujarat. It is the exclusive marketing organization
for products under the brand name of Amul and Sagar. Over the last five and a half decades,
dairy cooperatives in Gujarat have created an economic network that links more than 3.1
million village milk products with millions of consumers in India. Gujarat Cooperative Milk
Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), is India's largest food product marketing organisation
with annual turnover (2014–15) US$3.4 billion. Its daily milk procurement is approx 14.85
million lit per day from 18,536 village milk cooperative societies, 17 member unions
covering 33 districts, and 3.37 million milk producer members. More than 70% of the
members are small or marginal farmers and landless labourers including a sizeable population
of tribal folk and people belonging to the scheduled castes.

The Amul Model is a three-tier cooperative structure. This structure consists of a

dairy cooperative society at the village level affiliated to a milk union at the district level
which in turn is federated into a milk federation at the state level. Milk collection is done at
the village dairy society, milk procurement and processing at the District Milk Union and
milk products marketing at the state milk federation. The structure was evolved at Amul in
Gujarat and thereafter replicated all over the country under the Operation Flood programme.
It is known as the 'Amul Model' or 'Anand Pattern' of dairy cooperatives.

The three-tier "Amul Model"

The Amul Model is a three-tier cooperative structure. This structure consists of a dairy
cooperative society at the village level affiliated to a milk union at the district level which in
turn is federated into a milk federation at the state level. Milk collection is done at the village
dairy society, milk procurement and processing at the District Milk Union and milk products
marketing at the state milk federation. The structure was evolved at Amul in Gujarat and
thereafter replicated all over the country under the Operation Flood programme. It is known
as the 'Amul Model' or 'Anand Pattern' of dairy cooperatives.

Amul's product range includes milk powders, milk, butter, ghee, cheese, dahi, yoghurt,
buttermilk, chocolate, ice cream, cream, shrikhand, paneer, gulab jamuns, flavoured milk,
basundi and others. Amul PRO is a recently launched brown beverage just like bournvita and
horlicks offering whith protein, DHA and essential nutrients. In January 2006, Amul
launched India's first sports drink, Stamina, which competes with Coca-Cola's Powerade and
PepsiCo's Gatorade.

Amul offers Mithai Mate which competes with Milkmaid by Nestle by offering more fat at
lower price.

In August 2007, Amul introduced Kool Koko, a chocolate milk brand extending its product
offering in the milk products segment. Other Amul brands are Amul Kool, a low-calorie thirst
quenching drink; Masti Butter Milk; and Kool Cafe, ready to drink coffee.

Amul's icecreams are made from milk fat and thus are ice creams in real sense of the word,
while many brands in India sell frozen desserts made from vegetable fat.[citation needed]

Amul's sugar-free Pro-Biotic Ice-cream won The International Dairy Federation Marketing
Award for 2007.

Over the years Amul has been witnessing strong growth in this portfolio,with the segment
growing at 53%, as a result of growing consumer awareness and demand for good quality
milk,the urban population has especially been showing great interest in long life UHT
products like Amul Taaza,which are packed in Tetra Pak cartons,which undergoes UHT
treatment to remove all harmful micro-organisms while retaining the nutrition in the
milk.Today Amul sells around 4-500,000 litres of UHT milk and other value added products
per day and forecast this demand to continue growing at 25%.The UHT products have
enabled Amul to position itself as the market leader in packaged milk segment by penetrating

the deeper and vast markets by maintaining long shelf life of milk,without the need of
maintaining cold supply chains.

Amul has installed a "Any Time Milk" machine which dispenses a 300-ml pouch of fresh
milk for Rs 10, at Anand's Amul Dairy. As a first step, Amul plans to install six such ATMss
in Anand itself. According to Dr. K Rathnam, MD of Amul Dairy, Amul wants to add a
whole range of dairy products, which could be dispensed through these machines

Advertising –

In 1966, Amul hired Sylvester, then managing director of the advertising agency AS to
design an ad campaign for Amul Butter. daCunha designed a campaign as series of hoardings
with topical ads, relating to day-to-day issues.It was popular and earned a Guinness world
record for the longest running ad campaign in the world. In the 1980s, cartoon artist Kumar
Morey and script writer Bharat Dabholkar had been involved with sketching the Amul ads;
the latter rejected the trend of using celebrities in advertisement campaigns. Dabholkar
credited chairman Verghese Kurien with creating a free atmosphere that fostered the
development of the ads.

Despite encountering political pressure on several occasions, daCunha's agency has made it a
policy of not backing down. Some of the more controversial Amul ads include one
commenting on the Naxalite uprising in West Bengal, on the Indian Airlines employees
strike, and one depicting the Amul butter girl wearing a Gandhi cap.

In 2013, Amul tweeted a picture featuring the Amul butter girl, implying that 'freedom of
choice' died in '2013', in opposition to the Supreme Court of India overruling the judgment of
Delhi High Court and criminalising homosexuality again.In popular culture

The establishment of Amul is known as White Revolution.The White Revolution inspired the
notable Indian film-maker Shyam Benegal to base his film Manthan (1976) on it. It starred
Smita Patil, Girish Karnad, Naseeruddin Shah and Amrish Puri. The film was financed by
over five lakh rural farmers in Gujarat who contributed Rs 2 each to its budget. Upon its
release, these farmers went in truckloads to watch 'their' film, making it a commercial
success.Manthan was chosen for the 1977 National Film Award for Best Feature Film in

(1) To providing guaranteed remunerative milk market round the year for all the
marketable surplus of number producers in their villages.
(2) To procure milk, process it in to good quality milk/milk product and market it
most economically and efficiently to give maximum overall net returns to the producers and
general satisfaction to the consumers.
(3) To provide essential technical inputs and service to the producers at their step in
an economic and efficient manner and also in a way most to them to increase milk production
and to reduce the cost of production.
(4) To provides maximum return to producers.


Co-operative Focus : Village level development, Clean Milk Production &
Veterinary Services
Customer & market focus : Relationship, Awareness & Product availability as per their
need and time competitors Watch, Own agents relationship, market research.
Quality Focus: Continuous Improvement in Quality defined according to Customers.
Organization Focus: Think globally and act locally.

We are socially responsible Organization with commitment to Milk Producer's by
providing good returns and services, to consumer's safety and delight through implementation
of Food Safety and Quality management System. We believe in growth and continual
improvement through team work, trust and excellence, without compromising Food Safety,
Quality, Honesty, Honesty and Integrity.

AMUL’S Mission Statement-:

Amul is the market legend capturing 78 % of market in Surat and want to be the most
believable Organization going towards Total Customer Satisfaction up to the Customer door.


Employe Distance
Unit Place Capacity
es From Sura

AMUL DAIRY Surat 5 Lakh 591 0 km


Navi Pardi Chilling NavPardi 2 Lakh 66 25 km

Centre (N.P.C.C.) LTPD

Uchchhal Chilling Uchchhal 1 Lakh 49 105 km

Centre (U.C.C). LTPD

Bajipura Chilling Centre Bajipura (B.C.C.) 3 Lakh 113 50 km


Amuldan Factory Chalthan (S.D.F.) 300 MT 96 18 km


Nasik Plant Nasik --- --- 330 km

Nizer Chilling Centre Nizer 63.000 16 175 km


Table 1 Work Area Map



Officers 44
Managers 17
Assistance 44

Spinning 251
Weaving 128
Dye & Warp 80
Finishing 39


Engineers 36

Junior Engineers 20

Quality Assurances 01

Inspection & Packing 16



List of Department:-
1) Production Department:
Spinning Department
Dyeing & Warping Department
Weaving Department
Finishing Department
Inspection & Packing Department
Quality Assurance Department

2) Finance Department:
Accounting Department
Audit & Costing Department

3) Personnel Department:
Personnel Department
Security Department

4) Others Department:
Research & Develop Department


Production planning & Control (PPC)

Management Information System (MIS)

Material Department

Marketing Department


Product Mix of AMUL Dairy-:

Products Mix: “the set of all products and items that a particular seller offers for sales to

Liquid Milk Self Developed

Milk Products Products

Whole Milk Butter Milk Paneer

Pasteurized Ghee Flavors Milk

Standard Milk

White Butter Sweets

Toned Milk

Skimmed Milk Shrikhand


Skimmed Milk
Sumul Sugar

Cow Milk
Sumul Tea

Table 5 Flow diagram for Product Mix

Milk Products:

Milk is the mail product that is produced by the Amul. Milk acts as a raw material for
the other products of Amul like curd, butter milk, paneer, etc. Amul processes variety of
milks such as whole milk, toned milk, cow milk, etc because the demands of milk are
different from customer to customer Amul tries to fulfill all the demands, e.g. people who
want ‘Malai’ purchases whole milk standardize milk is used for tea. A white or yellowish
fluid secreted by the mammary gland of animals. It consists of emulsion of fat in water with
casein and other proteins, milk sugar and inorganic salts. The solids other that fat include
protein, carbohydrates, water-soluble, vitamins and minerals.
According to the prevention of food adulteration rules 1995,the percentage of milk,
fat and SNF in different classes and designation of milk specified respectively are as follow:
Buffalo milk (5%-6% and 9%), cow milk (3%-4% and 8.5%) recombined milk (3% and
8.5%) double toned milk (1.5%-9%) and skimmed milk (not more than 0.5% and 8.7%) the
fat percentage for the milk of Cow and Buffalo varies from state to state and is detailed is
DFA rules.


NAME FAT(%) Solid Not Fat(%)
Whole milk 6 9
Toned milk 3 9
Cow milk 3.5 8.8
Skim milk 0.07 9.3
Extended Self Milk ----- -----
Standardize milk 4.5 9
Buffalo milk 5.5 9
Amulya 6.2 9.1
Table 6 Types of milks

Pasteurized standardized milk:

Milk Ghee

A Product obtained from milk, cream or butter from various animal species by means of
processes, which result in the total removal of moisture and SNF contents, with an developed
physical structure. Clarified butter fat with a strong flavor is prepared by heating makhan.


Milk is heating to boiling temperature and limejuice, citric acid, or sour whey. Paneer contain
70% moisture. The whole milk paneer should contain 50%, milk fat on dry matter basic. In
skimmed milk paneer the fat on dry matter basic should not exceed 13%.

Butter Milk






SWOT analysis of The Surat District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd.

 Strengths

 Strong brand image

 Old established company
 High brand equity
 High awareness of the company
 Strong financial backing

 Weaknesses

 Demand of products exceeds supply

 Weak grievance handling system

 Opportunities
 Continuous demand of dairy products and other products by Amul Dairy
 Open more number of Amul Dairy outlets
 Market and advertise the products
 Increase its market share by expansion in untapped markets

 Threats

 Technological advancement with huge man-power and large capital investment, it will be
impossible for a company to opt for technological advancement.
 If there are sudden changes in government regulations it will directly affect the co-operative
 If privatization increases it will be a great threat for a co-operative society.



The term Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy
figures prominently in any discussions on management of human resources. Workers
Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy refers to a person’s
feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self-
satisfaction, happiness or self- contentment but the satisfaction on the job

Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is an

individual’s felling regarding his or her work. It can be influenced by a multitude of factors
.The term relates to the total relationship between an individual and the employer for which
he is paid. Satisfaction does mean the simple feeling state accompanying the attainment of
any goal, the end state is feeling accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its
objective. The term Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul
Dairy was brought to limelight by Hoppock (1935).Hoppock describes Workers Satisfaction
Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy as, “any combination of
psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause and person
truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job.”

Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy has many
dimensions. Commonly noted facets are satisfaction with the work itself, wages, and
recognition, rapport with supervisors and co-workers , and chance for advancement.

Each dimension contributes to an individual’s overall feeling of satisfaction with the

job itself, but different people define the “job” differently. There are three important
dimensions to job- satisfaction:

1) Job- satisfaction refers to one’s feeling towards one’s job. It can only
be inferred but not seen.
2) Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul
Dairy is often determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed
expectations. Satisfaction in one’s job means increased commitment in
the fulfillment of formal requirements. There is greater willingness to
invest personal energy and time in job performance.
3) The terms job-satisfaction and job attitudes are typically used
interchangeably. Both refer to effective orientations on the part of
individuals towards their work roles, which they are presently
Though the terms job-satisfaction and attitudes are used interchangeably, there are
differences between the two. Attitude refers to predisposition to respond. Job-satisfaction,
on the other hand, relates to performance factors. Attitudes reflect one’s feelings towards
individuals, organizations, and objects. But satisfaction refers to one’s attitude to a job.
Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is, therefore, a
specific subset of attitudes.
Attitudes endure generally. But Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and
Welfare at Amul Dairy is dynamic; it can decline even more quickly than it developed.
Managers, therefore, cannot establish the conditions leading to high satisfaction now
and then neglect it, for employee needs may change suddenly. Managers need to pay
attention to Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy
Now the researcher quotes a few definitions of job-satisfaction:

1) According to E.A. Locke: Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety

and Welfare at Amul Dairy is as a pleasurable or positive emotional state
resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience.
2) As defined by Feldman and Arnold Workers Satisfaction Regarding
Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy as the amount of overall
positive affect (or feelings) that individuals have towards their jobs.
3) Kreitner and Kinicki described, Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health,
Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is an affective or emotional response
toward various facets of one‟s job. This definition means Workers
Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is not a
unitary concept.
4) Davis and Newstrom explained Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health,
Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is a set of favorable or unfavorable
feelings with which employees view their work.”
Andrew stated that Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at
Amul Dairy is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job


The study of Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul
Dairy enriches management with a range of information pertaining to job, employee,
environment etc. which facilitated it in decision making and correcting the path of
organizational policies and behavior. It indicates the general level of satisfaction in the
organization about its programmes, policies etc. Secondly, it is a diagnostic instrument for
knowing employees’ problems, effecting changes and correcting with least resistance.

Thirdly, it strengthens the communication system of the organization and

management can discuss the re2sult for shaping the future course of action. Fourthly, it
helps in improving the attitudes of employees towards the job and facilitates integration of
employee with the organization. It inspires sense of belongingness and sense of participation
leading to the overall increase in the productivity of the organization. Fifthly, it helps unions
to know exactly what employees want and what management is doing. Thus, it facilitates
mutual settlement of grievances and other unwanted situations. Lastly, it facilitates in
determining the training and development needs of the both, employees and the
If we can improve Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at
Amul Dairy and morale, we can improve job performance as well. Soon the management set
about to take advantage of this newly found insight and they took action on two fronts. First,
they initiated attempts to measure the state of employee- feeling in order to know where to
concentrate their efforts in improving employee- satisfaction. Secondly, they set about to
train their managers, especially first-level supervisors, to pay attention to the attitudes and
feelings of their subordinates so that performance could there by be improved.

The topic of Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul
Dairy at work is getting wider attention at this time. Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health,
Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is the satisfaction one feels while doing the job. Workers
Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is one of the important
factors, which affect not only the efficiency of the labourers but also such job behavior as
absenteeism, accidents, etc. Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at
Amul Dairy is the result of employee satisfaction of how well the job provides those things
that are viewed important. For the success of any organization, Workers Satisfaction

Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy has vital importance. The employees
who are satisfied are the biggest assets to an organization whereas the dissatisfied
employees are the biggest liabilities.

In fact no organization can successfully achieve its goal and mission unless and until
those who constitute the organization are satisfied in their jobs. Dissatisfaction leads to
frustration and frustration leads to aggression. It is believed that employees dissatisfied with
their job may be militant in their attitude towards the management. Dissatisfaction is
infectious and quickly spreads to other employees and is likely to affect the morale and
working of other employees and image of organization. A dissatisfied worker may seriously
cause damage to the reputation and property of the organization and harm its business
Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul
Dairy/dissatisfaction is the result of various factors which are related to the present job
situations. These various factors are opportunities for career advancement, amount of
tension at work, work involvement, relations with colleagues and supervisors, due
recognition of merit, sufficient emoluments and good working conditions, grievances
removal, feeling of fatigue and loneliness and prestige of the organization
Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is a
complex and important concept for human resource managers to understand most
employees do not believe their work is being properly rewarded. Nor do they believe that
their companies are doing enough to attract high quality performers, train them, or manage
them effectively.
Since Herzberg‟s 1959 work on satisfiers and dissatisfiers in the work place, Workers
Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy has frequently been held
up as means of improving employee motivation. With the improvement come increasing
individual productivity, job longevity and organizational efficiency. The salience of the
concept of Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy has
become so ingrained in thinking about jobs and employees that its importance is now taken
for granted, as though it is a tenant of managerial faith. Today human resource managers
want to know how to have satisfied employees, not why employees should be satisfied. In
truth, employees and managers may have different reasons for wanting organizational
conditions that foster Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul
Dairy. Employees spend most working hours at work, thinking about work, resting up for
work, or preparing for work, because work provides “daily meaning as well as daily bread.”
Yet work is not always a place where workers feel satisfied.
Human resource manager may be concerned about employees‟ Workers Satisfaction
Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy for different reasons than their
employees. Altruistic managers want satisfied employees because they care about their
employees. Result-oriented managers want satisfied employees because satisfied employees
may perform better and have less absenteeism and greater longevity. Satisfied
employees also tend to produce higher-quality work than their dissatisfied cohorts. In fact,
studies on humanizing the workplace indicate that satisfied employees are more productive
and that organizations with satisfied employees are more efficient. Satisfied employees are
more likely to experience high internal work motivation, to give high quality work
performance and to have less absenteeism and turnover.


A survey tells how employees feel about their jobs, what parts of their jobs their
feelings are focused on, which departments are particularly affected and whose feelings are
involved (for example, supervisors employees, or staff specialist). The survey is a powerful
diagnostic instrument for assessing broad employee problems. If Workers Satisfaction
Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy studies are properly planned and
administered, they will usually produce a number of important benefits, both general and
The following are the benefits:

1) One benefit of Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at

Amul Dairy surveys is that they give management an indication of general levels
of satisfaction in a company. Surveys also indicate specific areas of satisfaction or
dissatisfaction (as with employee services) and particular group of employees (as
in the tool department or among those over the age of forty).

2) Improved communication is another benefit of the surveys. Communication flows

in all directions as people plan the survey, talk, and discuss its results. Particularly
beneficial to the company is the upward communication when the employees are
encouraged to comment about what they really have in their minds. An
unexpected benefit from a job-satisfaction survey is improved attitudes. For some
employees, the survey is a safety valve, an emotional release, a chance to get
things off their chest. For others, the survey is a tangible expression of
management’s interest in employee welfare, which gives employee a reason to
feel better towards management.

3) The job-satisfaction survey can help discover the causes of indirect productivity
problems, such as absenteeism, turnover and poor quality of work. If an
organization is disturbed by a high rate of absenteeism or turnover, it might
appropriately turn to job-satisfaction surveys to diagnose the cause. The causes
could be low pay, lack of promotional opportunities, unchallenging jobs, unjust
treatment, and the like. Without proper surveys there could be random guessing
on the part of management. A job-satisfaction survey helps management both to
get a better handle on why employees are lagging to plan better solutions to
4) Another benefit of satisfaction surveys is that they help management assess
training needs. Usually employees are given an opportunity to report how they
feel this supervisor performs certain parts of the jobs such as delegating work and
giving adequate job instructions. Since employees experience these supervisory
acts, their satisfactions may provide useful data about the training of their

5) A job-satisfaction survey is an indicator of the effectiveness of organizational

reward systems. There is a positive relationship between performance and
satisfaction. This relationship will be strong when rewards (intrinsic and extrinsic)
are distributed equitably contingent upon performance. Now, job- satisfaction
surveys can provide some clues as to the effectiveness of the organizational
rewards system. They help managers judge whether the best performers are
receiving the most rewards and the most satisfaction from their jobs. The best
performers are likely to quit if they are not suitably rewarded.

6) One of the best uses of job-satisfaction surveys is in the evaluation of

the impact of organizational changes on employee attitudes. For example, the
management wants to know whether the job redesign programme recently
implemented in the organization has resulted in increased satisfaction to the
employees. By comparing pre-change data, and post change data, it is easy to
determine what impact the redesigned work has on employee attitudes But the
benefits discussed above would be realized subject to certain prerequisites.

Following are the conditions:

 Top management actively supports the survey.
 Employees are fully involved in planning the survey.
 A clear objective exists for conducting the survey.
 The study is designed and administered consistent with
standards of sound research.
Management is capable and willing to take follow up action. Both the results and
action plans are communicated to employees


After explaining the theories and benefits of Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health,
Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy surveys the researcher now wants to turn his attention to
another important point of his study namely factors of Workers Satisfaction Regarding
Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy. Most research on Workers Satisfaction
Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy has focused on the effects of job
enrichment and job design, or the quality of work life. As a human resource manager is
concerned about balancing Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at
Amul Dairy with performance, he needs to know how to foster an organizational climate
that contains these elements.

1) Job enrichment:
An “enriched” job is one in which an employee has opportunities for achievement,
recognition, advancement, responsibility, and growth. Enriched jobs are those in which
employees can be involved in the production of goods or services from beginning to end.
They are not a series of limited, specialized activities, repeated over and over. Rather,
enriched jobs are those in which the workers have the opportunity to see processes or tasks
through from start to finish. Enriched jobs contain five core work dimensions: task
identity, task significance skill variety, autonomy, and feedback. The presence of these
components within the job will then lead to critical psychological states of meaningfulness
of work, responsibility for work outcomes, and knowledge of work outcomes. The presence
of these psychological states leads ultimately, to motivation, high quality performance, low
absenteeism and turnover and high Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and
Welfare at Amul Dairy.
An employee who can point to a product and brag, “I made that” or “my efforts
produced that” is expecting task identity. If employees also consider the fruit of their labours
to be important, then task significance is part of their job. A task is significant when
employees believe that what they have they have done makes a real difference to someone
or to society. Autonomy is experienced by those who are encouraged to the work without
close supervision; skill variety means they do a lot of different things on the regular basis;
and feedback presupposes regular and accurate information on how work is perceived by
those for whom it is done.
An example of an enriched job is that of a small city municipal employee who has
responsibility for the general operations of government.

The municipal employee’s job requires the traditional duties of a manager; planning;
organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting (POSDCORB). Job
enrichment among managerial and professional employees is often inherent in the nature of
their work. Those who perform support functions and operate the organization’s technology
are those for whom job enrichment is difficult, though not always impossible.
Hospital employees are examples of those for whom reutilized, specialized job
requirements are being changed. Today, in many medical facilities, a patient is assigned a
“Nurse Coordinator” who is involved from the beginning to end of treatment and is thus
able to derive satisfaction from seeing a patient improve as a result of his or her
ministrations. Responsibility for a maternity patient used to move from labour room staff to
delivery room to recovery room to maternity ward, with no one knowing what happened
after she left their case. In a situation in which employee jobs are enriched, the pregnant
woman comes to a birthing area where the same staffs provide continuity of service and see
the results of their labours. This atmosphere enriches both the lives of the employees and the
situation of the woman.

2) Quality of work life:

Another way to increase Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at
Amul Dairy among employees is to provide a high quality of work-life (QWL) environment,
in which employees may be productive because their work situations is one in which they
find satisfaction. A QWL environment may contain either routinized jobs or enriched jobs.
The key to QWL is the institutionalization of the following components, all within the
employer’s preview:

1. Fair and adequate compensation;

2. Safe and healthy work environment;

3. Opportunities to develop human capacities by performing meaningful work and

suggesting new ways of doing job tasks;
4. Growth and security, which includes opportunities to improve knowledge, skills,
and abilities, and a sense of job security;
5. Social integration, which includes the opportunity to interact favourably with
both co-workers and manager;
6. Constitutionalism, which includes personal policies that are administered fairly,
a work environment free of harassment, and equal opportunities for employees to

7. Total life space, which includes the ability to balance the demands of home and
work; and
8. Social relevance, which includes pride in both the job and the employer.
A high quality of work life can result from a determined effort on the part of a human
resource manager. It may also exist simply as a result of concerned executives and skilled
managers who display “good management”. The presence of QWL factors in an
organization sets the stage for Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare
at Amul Dairy to occur. The factors are a backdrop against which the activities of both
employees and supervisors take place. Without them the work environment can be
uncomfortable, even hostile. With QWL factors in place, the real business of balancing
Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy and performance
can begin. If quality working conditions are not present, people will become dissatisfied.
They may look for other jobs. They may simply perform at a minimal level. In either event,
the organization will lose. What employees at all levels of the organization want is “good
work” is not only a job, but also a source of financial support; that is:
 Work that allows people to use the skills that are unique and
special to them;
 Work that allows people to be in relationships with one
another at the work place; and
 Work that allows people to produce something that is “good”
something to which they can look with pride, something that
has social relevance.
Quality of work life is a multi-faceted concept and its premise is having a work
environment where an employee’s activities become more important. Alert and
conscientious human resource managers, reviewing the working environment in their
organizations, can discover and prevent uncomfortable conditions. This means
implementing procedures or policies that make the work less routine and more rewarding for
the employee. These procedures or policies include autonomy, recognition, belonging,
progress and development, and external rewards. Elements of QWL that can influence
directly are total life space, good managerial relations, fair and adequate compensation, and
safe and healthy work environment.

3) Total Life Space:

The idea of “total life space” is a new concept for human resource managers,
growing in importance as the number of employees grow. Employees want to be able to

balance the demands of work and home. To do this, they want their managers to expect a
reasonable amount of work, but not so much that the job interferes with personal life.

4 ) Good Managerial Relations:

The second most important factor in fostering Workers Satisfaction Regarding

Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy is “good managerial relations”. Those who act to
maintain good relations with their employees exhibit the following behaviours: help with
job related problems, awareness of employee difficulties, good communication, and regular
feed-back about the performance so that employees always know where they stand.
Employees want to have input into decisions that affect them and to feel important. They
want to be informed and involved. When a job brings recognition and respect, employees
experience satisfaction with it. This is an easy condition to create with feedback.

5) Fair and Adequate Compensation:

Adequate compensation is another important influence on employee Workers

Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy. Employees do expect fair
and adequate compensation- a day’s pay for a day’s work. The component of compensation
that influences satisfaction appears to be “equity” rather than amount however. Satisfaction
with wages is more dependent on relative than on absolute pay, on comparison with others,
and on satisfactions of fairness. While within organizations there is a correlation between
Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy and pay, it is
very small. Employees are consistently more satisfied because of equity than they are
because of high wages. Employees at work have a clear idea of what they ought to be paid
in comparison with others, and in relation to their skill, and experience, and so fourth. They
want their performance, seniority, age, and education to be recognized and rewarded.

6) Work Environment:

Employee Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul

Dairy is also influenced by the quality of the working environment both its physical
attributes and the degree to which it provides meaningful work. While a comfortable
physical environment is correlated with Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and
Welfare at Amul Dairy, the relationship is not merely as strong as the relationship between
satisfaction and managerial behaviour.
Employees want certain conditions in their work they want to believe that what they
do will ultimately make a difference to someone in some way. They want to participate in

decision making, opportunities to grow and develop, and same opportunities for their co-
workers regardless of race, sex, or age.

7) The Role of Managers:

The evidence that “good management” plays a part in affecting employee Workers
Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy puts a responsibility on
both the managers and the supervisors in the organization. Management needs information
on employee Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy in
order to make sound decision, both in preventing and solving employee problems. A typical
method used is a Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy
surveys, also known as a morale, opinion, attitude, or quality-of-work-life survey. A
Workers Satisfaction Regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at Amul Dairy survey is
procedure by which employees report their feelings towards their jobs and work
environment. Individual responses are then combined and analyzed.


Sr. No Statements Mean

1 Drinking water 4.44

2 Temperature, Ventilation, lighting facility 3.49

3 prevention of dust frames and smoke in the work spot 3.13

4 Maintenance of urinals and lavatories 3.68


4.44 3.49 3.13 3.68

Figure 1


From the above chart we can analyze that workers are satisfied with the working condition in
terms of drinking water and maintenance of urinals and lavatories but workers are
dissatisfied with temperature, ventilation, lighting facilities and prevention of dust frames and
smoke in the work spot.
Sr. no Statements Mean

5 Health and safety gadgets 3.92

6 Medical facilities 4.12

7 First aid facilities 4.25

8 Opinion about workers health before joining 4.15

9 Ambulance facilities 1


3.92 4.12 4.25 4.15 1

Figure 2


According to above chart we can interpret that workers are highly satisfied with medical
facilities, first aid facilities and opinion about workers health before joining as compare to
health and safety gadgets provided by Amul dairy. As ambulance facility is not provided in
Amul dairy workers are strongly dissatisfied.


Sr. No Statements Mean

10 Sickness benefit and extended sickness benefit 4.08

11 Medical benefit reimbursement 4.16

12 Maternity benefit 4.07

13 Depended and funeral benefit 4.08


4.08 4.16 4.07 4.08

Figure 3


According to above chart workers are strongly or highly satisfied with ESI. As Employee
state insurance scheme is applicable in Amul dairy, workers are satisfied and get enough
benefits like sickness benefit, medical benefit reimbursement, maternity benefit and depended
and funeral benefit.


Sr. No Statements Mean

14 Gratuity 4.86

15 Provident fund 4.85

16 Pension 3.81

17 Gift and others 1

Table 10 Retirement Benefit

4.86 4.85 3.81 1

Figure 4


According to above chart we can interpret that workers are more satisfied with gratuity and
provident fund as compare to pension provided by Amul dairy. Workers are strongly
dissatisfied with retirement benefit like gift and others.

Sr. No Statements Mean

18 Canteen facilities 4.01

19 Bonus given during Diwali 4.92

20 Uniform facilities 4.5

21 Welfare facilities 1

22 Schooling facilities 1

23 Death relief fund 3.99

24 Employee co-operative store and credit society 1

25 Training on health and safety measures 4.29

Table 11 Other Benefits

canteen bonus uniform welfare schooling death employee training on
facilities given facilities facilities facilities relief fund co health and
during operative safety
diwali store and

Figure 5


According to above chart we can interpret that workers are strongly satisfied with the canteen
facilities, bonus given during diwali and training on health and safety measures. Workers are
not satisfied with the death relief fund provided by Amul dairy. Workers are Strongly
satisfied with uniform Facilities. As Amul dairy is not provide schooling facilities workers
are strongly dissatisfied. Workers are also highly dissatisfied with employee co-operative
store and credit society.


The management has provided various facilities in Amul complying with the recommendations of
Factories Act, 1948.
Following are the various welfare facilities in the Amul:
1) Drinking water facility:
These are water coolers fitted with Aqua Guard for the management
and administrative staff member and one water cooler is fitted in the shop floor
where it is convenient for workers.

2) Rest room:
Rest rooms have been provided for the workers during lunchtime.

3) Canteen:
The company is providing canteen facility to its employees. Company
not provides subsidies food. The canteen is manages by the management on
the basis of no loss no profit. Company provides building, fuel, furniture,
electricity and water.

4) Ventilation:
Management has provides fans in the building and there is also
Exhaust fans on the shop floor.

5) Dress:
Company does not provide any type of dress. They provide locker to
each and every worker. They provide eat plugs and mask for protection
against noise of machines. They provide gloves to Electrical Engineers.
Company provides ESIC facility where majority employees are covered under
this scheme. It is the medical scheme.

6) Employee state Insurance Scheme:

Every employee of the company can become a member of the scheme.
Benefits given under ESIC scheme are as follows:
i. Medical benefits
ii. Sickness benefits
iii. Temporary or permanent disablement benefits
iv. Dependent benefits
v. Funeral benefits
Man power scheduling : FOR WORKER

First shift : 07:00 am to 03:00pm

Second shift : 03:00 pm to 11:00pm

Third shift : 11:00 pm to 07:00am

General shift : 08: 00 am to 05:00pm


Office timing for staffs is 09:00 am to 06:00 pm. There is one hour break for
lunch. The weekly off is provided to office staff.


Organization must need security. The company has various type of security. They
are the company has their own security, they hire security or they make contract for security.
They have some duty. There is responsibility for security officer in Amul. They generally do
not allow anybody in the company. They allow to truck, do not permit visitors, keeps record
of labor, safety. If truck go empty, security check it because somebody does not make
mischief activity.
In Amul they have 12 guards for security officer. They have to check
company’s property material. They have three shifts. These shifts timing are
First shift: 07:00am to 03:00pm
Second shift: 03:00pm to 11:00pm
Third shift: 11:00pm to 07:00am

In Amul the responsibility is allocated between the security officers. These responsibilities
are related to accident, security, safety & other problems. In safety, the responsibility of the
company towards the employee is to provide ear plug, safety shoes, shock proof gloves,
mask, etc. to engineering department. In this way the Amul takes care about the safety of the
employees. While coming or going from the company any accident take place it can also be
registered. The company does not provide any dress to the employees but they provide safety
tools to the employees. Shift wise registered record is maintained so in which sift more
accident take place can be known.

In Amul small health policy is facilitated for the employees of the organization. They
have their doctor, the doctor every quarterly examine health of the employees & doctor
issuing certificates regarding health. Expense of check up & company gave this expense. The
health policy is for work manager & above, wife, children. This policy includes Divisionary
treatment, dental, hospitalization per person, etc.


In AMUL the environment is kept in mind while making any production activity
which is related to the environment. They have production process through which the air &
water pollution may be made but the AMUL do air pollution control by boiler exist & they do
also the water pollution control. They filter the smoke generated by the production process. In
this smoke, carbon dioxide also entered, they filter the carbon dioxide. It wills the result in
the reduction of air pollution. The company has its own environmental policies which are
described as below.

Environmental policy:
We, at AMUL, unit, manufacture fabric & stand committed to work for cleaner environment
i. Meeting the environment legislation requirement & industry codes
ii.Minimizing the optimizing if resources by optimizing the consumption & by whenever
iii.Training, developing & involving tours employees in all facts of environment
This will be accomplished by continual improvement of environment performance

Figure 6 Organisation Structure

Utility services:
The AMUL provides utility services to their employee. These include water facility.The
company has affluent frequent plan for water facility. Water is useful for dye & colour. They
do some treatment & than they purify water for drinking water facility.

Drinking water facility at:

1. Canteen
2. Production
3. Packing
4. Administration
5. Gate

This is provide at washing department in which a sample of material is tested
before pack it. Shift manager look after the recreational facilities.

These are the Pioneers and Visionaries who have laid the foundation of India’s
Industrialization and have always upheld national interest above all else. They have
accomplished deeds that enhanced and enriched not just the development of Business but the
country as well.

The company organizes various recreational activities for healthy leaving life of the
employees. For recreational, on festival annual get-to-gather of all the employees are
arranged at company. The celebration of certain festivals is done at company. On 3rd march
company, conduct the program of long-term service award at company.

This club arranges the drama, cultural programme, sports activity etc. The family of
the employee is also invited to these programs. This organization is formal organization
between Mafatlal staff & officers.

The company’s sports club is comprises of all Mafatlal employee including staff,
officers, workers. The club organizes the interplant competition for the indoor & outdoor

The company has provided the facility of library for which employees which they can
use during recess time for their knowledge upgrading well equipped library for business,
engineering & management related books.



The personnel department at the Amul Dairy Limited is known as HR/IR &
ADMINSTRATION DEPARTMENT. This department is concerned with various aspects,
which are directly or indirectly affected to the employee well being & their satisfaction which
smooth the progress of employee’s loyalty toward company, performance improvement &
competency building through development of employee.

These aspects could be:

 Work design
 Compensation
 Employees education, training & development
 Work environment
 Work climate


Time keeping
Wage & Salary Administration
Disciplinary Action
Man power planning
Recruitment, Selection, Transfer & Promotion
Training, Development & Education
Contract Employee Regulation
Human Resource Planning
House keeping
Health Insurance
100% Compliance to rules & regulation


For smooth functioning of an organization, the employer has to ensure safety and security of
his employees. Health and safety form an integral part of work environment. A work
environment should enhance the well-being of employees and thus should be accident free.


The terms health, safety and security are closely related to each other.
Health is the general state of well-being. It not only includes physical well being, but also
emotional and mental well being. Safety refers to the act of protecting the physical well being
of an employee. It will include the risk of accidents caused due to machinery, fire or diseases.
Security refers to protecting facilities and equipment’s from unauthorized access and
protecting. In organizations the responsibility of employee health and safety falls on the
supervisors or HR manager. An HR manager can help in coordinating safety programs,
making employees aware about the health and safety policy of the company, conduct formal
safety training, etc. The supervisors and departmental heads are responsible for maintaining
safe working conditions. Responsibilities of managers:

 Monitor health and safety of employees

 Coach employees to be safety conscious
 Investigate accidents
 Communicate about safety policy to employees

Responsibilities of supervisors/departmental heads:

 Provide technical training regarding prevention of accidents

 Coordinate health and safety programs
 Train employees on handling facilities an equipment’s
 Develop safety reporting systems
 Maintaining safe working conditions


 Human Resource policy :

The company recognizes that its people are the primary source of its competitiveness.
It is committed to equal employment opportunities for attracting the best available
talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan workforce.
It will pursue management practices designed to enrich the quality of life of its
employees, develop their potential and maximize their productivity.
It will aim at ensuring transparency, fairness and equity in all its dealings with its
The company will strive continuously to foster a climate of openness, mutual trust and

 Alcohol and Drug Policy :

The company believes that the loyalty and commitment of its employees depend upon
the quality of life they are offered at work and at home.
We recognize that indiscriminate use of alcohol and drugs is injurious to the well
being of individuals, their families and the community as a whole. We acknowledge that the
misuse of these psychoactive substances is a major health and safety hazard.
The company is therefore committed to creating an alcohol and drug-free environment
at the work place. This would be achieved through the involvement of all employees and the
Joint Departmental Councils in spearheading appropriate initiatives.

The initiatives would include:

1. Raising awareness, through the dissemination of information, education and training

and by promoting healthy life styles among our employees and their families.
2. Motivating those employees who have an alcohol/drug problem, to seek assistance,
while maintaining confidentiality about such cases.

 Corporate Social Responsibility Policy:

The company believes that the primary purpose of a business is to improve the quality
of life of people.
The company will volunteer its resources, to the extent it can reasonably afford, to
sustain and improve healthy and prosperous environment and to improve the quality of life of
the people of the areas in which it operates.

 Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety Policy:

The company reaffirms its commitment to provide safe working place and clean
environment to its employees and other stakeholders as an integral part of its Business
philosophy and values. We will continually enhance our Environmental, Occupational Health
& Safety (EHS) performance in our activities, products and services through a structured
EHS management framework.

Towards this commitment, we shall;

1. Establish and achieve EHS objectives and targets.

2. Ensure compliance with applicable EHS legislation and other requirement and go
3. Conserve natural resources and energy by constantly seeking to reduce consumption
and promoting waste avoidance and recycling measures.

4. Eliminate, minimize and/or control adverse environmental impacts and occupational

health and safety risks by adopting appropriate "state-of-the-art" technology and best
EHS management practices at all levels sand functions.
Enhance awareness, skill and competence of our employees and contractors so as to
enable them to demonstrate their involvement, responsibility and accountability for
sound EHS performance.

 Social Accountability Policy :

The company, in accordance with its founding principles, will continue to improve the
quality of life of its employees and the communities it serves.
The company will conduct its business ever mindful of its social accountability,
respecting applicable laws and with regard for human dignity.
The company will positively impact and influence its partners in fostering a sense of
social commitment for their stakeholders.



The employees were asked to rate their awareness about the facilities provided by the Amul
dairy plant and the following gives the details

Ratings for Awareness about Facilities

Table 12

In the analysis as shown in the table above, it came out that only 2% were
unaware of the facilities provided by the Amul dairy plant and 8% were excellently aware of
the facilities. 90% of the employees sated that they were clear on the facilities. Using this we
have constructed a 95% confidence interval, (0.8412, 0.9588), which shows that in future the
proportion of employees who will be aware of the facilities provided by the Amul dairy plant
will increase to 95% or decrease to 84% based on the training programmes conducted by the
We next examine whether the training programmes have any relation with
the employee awareness. For this we have used Chi-Square test for independence of
attributes. The hypothesis tested is the employee awareness depends on number of training
programmes attended by the employees. Since the p-value >0.05, we do not reject the null
hypothesis and conclude that the employee awareness is independent of the number of
training programmes attended.
Similar hypotheses are studied on employee awareness of hazards, handling
emergency situation at work place, use of first-aid treatment and the number of training
programmes. The hypotheses that handling emergency, aware of using first aid, and aware of
hazards at work place is independent of number of training programmes is rejected (p-
value<0.05) and hence employees are advised to attend the training programme as many
times as possible so that theygain necessary expertise to handle emergency situations,
awareness of the first aid facilities at work place and hazards at work place. At the same time

the Amul dairy plant is also advised to arrange as many training programmes as possible to
the employees to ensure safety of the employees.

To Find Out the Level of Satisfaction of Employees with Regard to Labour Welfare

Under this we consider leave policy, advances/ loans provided by the plant, grievance
redresses, and sharing of new ideas with the management.

Rating for Satisfaction on Leave Policy

Frequency Percent
Very high 10 10.1
High 77 77.8
Low 10 10.1
Not at all 2 2.0
Total 99

Table 13

It is interesting and has to be noted that 87% of the employees are happy with respect to the
leave policy adopted by the management.
Ratings on Advances/ Loans

VERY DOOD 15 15.2
GOOD 60 60.6
POOR 18 18.2
NO IDEA 6 6.1
TOTAL 99 100.0

Table 14

From the above Table- it is evident that management has to take appropriate measures to help
employees get advances/ loans so that it improves their personal life.

New Ideas
Frequency Valid percent

Very high 3 3.2

Moderate 65 68.4

Low 21 22.1

Very low 6 6.3

Total 95 100

Table 15

The above table reveals that employees are not completely encouraged in sharing new ideas.
It may not be possible to involve employees as the Plant is only for dairy product.

Results and Discussion:

 Employees are highly satisfied with drinking water facility and

maintenance of urinals and lavatories.
 Employees are satisfied with existing working condition.
 Most of the employees satisfied with the existing health and safety
facilities in the organization

 Most of the employees are dissatisfied with health and safety gadgets
provided by Amul dairy.
 Ambulance facility is not provided by Amul dairy Employees are strongly
satisfied with Employee State Instuance benefit provided in Amul dairy
 Employees are satisfied with retirement benefit like gratuity and provident
fund excluding gift and others.
 Uniform is provided in the Amul dairy.
 Employees are strongly satisfied with canteen facility provided by Amul

 Most of the employees are highly satisfied with bonus given during diwali.
 Employees are dissatisfied with schooling facility, employee co-operative
store and credit society.

Employees are satisfied with training on health and safety measures provided in Amul dairy.

Recommendations :

The study reveals that there is a positive relationship between the levels of satisfaction and
the implementation of various employee safety and welfare measures, which should be
properly implemented to improve so that it might increase employee satisfaction, which in
turn may help increase productivity. An employee can feel safe in the organization to be
happy with his employment. Employee welfare ensures health and safety, comfort and
efficiency of the workers, in turn to have a positive impact on employee productivity in the

Company must provide smoking zone for the employee regarding safety in
Organization needs to conduct more safety training programs for the employees. Need
to supply safety equipment wherever required and supervising to follow safety
measures by the employees.
Organization should implement safety in entrance gates with CC cameras installation,
bomb detector equipment and electricity fencing around water canals.
Organization should provide separate rest rooms and wash rooms for each department
for both male and female employees.
The company should provide “AMBULANCE FACILITY”.
Promotions and allowances should be provided to the employees based on their
performance rather than their experience.
Organization should improve medical facilities regarding services and treatment.
Organization should provide liveries and PPEs for working employee and employee
where ever it is required.
Organization should facilitate basic safety and welfare measures for contract working
The company should provide latest and new health & safety gadgets to the employee.

The company should arrange welfare programme at regular time interval for the

The company should make “Assembly point” with enough space within the company.
The company should take international certificate of occupational safety and hazards
like OSHA.

Every Industry sector is dynamic and different from each other therefore people
policies and practices are different for the industries. When considering the Dairy Industry, it
is asset intensive and engineering driven. Interestingly, people in the Dairy Industry generally
have a long term commitment towards the organization and this commitment goes on for
Precision is one of the most crucial skills in the Dairy Industry, where the work
performed has to be virtually error-free with a zero margin error. Consequently, roles take
longer to mature as an employee needs to spend three to four years in a particular job profile
to become an expert in a particular domain. Normally, it takes four to five years to build a
Dairy Plant.
At present the safety condition in work place is satisfactory. Welfare facilities rendered to the
employees are of good quality but there is a scope for improving safety & welfare measures
for the employees to provide full range of amenities that may improve living standards of the
employees in the organization. The effective and efficient safety policies and welfare
facilities make the employee to perform the job better, which leads to effectiveness of the
Finally it can be said that when employees perceive that safety is not a priority of the
company, their behaviours and attitudes are adversely affected. This can be a recipe for
disaster leading to increased workplace injuries, lower morale and decreased profitability. An
investment in a safety program that focuses on hazard identification, training, prevention and
assessment will not only help reduce losses and increase overall safety compliance records,
but it could be the difference between being an industry leader or just another run-of-the-mill

Limitations of the study:

There are certain limitations attached to every activity taken up by human being. I
have done my best in preparing this report; still there are many obstacles that come in the
way. These limitations sometimes are unavoidable which I faced in preparing this project.

1. The sample may not exactly represent the population.

2. It is purely based on responses of employees which may be biased.
3. Time could be a major limitation.
4. It was assumed that the information given by the respondents is authentic
and best of their knowledge.

Scope of future research:-

The study is conducted only for Amul dairy. Health, Safety and welfare study data’s of
various other dairy industries can be collected and from that comparatives study on health,
safety and welfare of different dairies can be carried out.



Date :

Day :



UNIT. The information provided by you will be purely be used for academic purpose and
will be kept confidential in all circumstances.






Sr. Strongly Strongly

Statement Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied
no. Dissatisfied Satisfied

Working Condition

1 Drinking water

Temperature, ventilation
and lighting facility
Prevention of dust
3 frames and smoke in the
work spot
Maintenance of urinals
and lavatories

Health And Safety

Health and safety

6 Medical facilities

7 First aid facilities

Opinion about workers

health before joining

9 Ambulance facilities

Employee State
Insurance Benefit
Sickness and extended
sickness benefits
Medical benefit

12 Maternity benefit

Dependent and funeral


Retirement Benefit

14 Gratuity

15 Provident fund

16 Pension

17 Gift and others

Other Benefits

18 Canteen facilities

19 Bonus during Diwali

20 Uniform availability

21 Welfare facilities

22 Schooling facilities

23 Death relief fund

Employee co-operative
store and credit society
Training on health and
safety measures


Magazines Reference-:

Robbins S.P.,Organizational Behavior,12th edition,Pearson, Education, (Pg 175)

Beri G.C., Marketing Research, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, (Pg 138)
BARRETT, B. (2009) The Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008: the cost of behaving
dangerously in the workplace. Industrial Law Journal. Vol 38, No 1, (March. pp73-79.)
Safety Culture: A review of the literature HSL/2002/25 Human Factors Group, A M Collins
Bsc, Msc, Project Leader: S Gadd.



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