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Bhrigu Chakra

Paddhati & Longevity

Part 1
Sampath Kumar Medavarapu
Ahmadabad, India
Editor: M Imran, Pakistan

raise to all knowing Bhrigu
who is the mentor of Saturn
Sampath Kumar Medavarapu is a and other asura grahas. Thus,
practioner of astrology since 35 years. He who can best guide the secrets of
has written 6 books on astrology in Saturn’s portfolio (karma, longevity etc.)
Telugu language. He is an M A in Sanskrit
except revered Bhrigu. However, a great
and has translated 64 Tantras from
sanskrit to Telugu language. He has part of Bhrigu’s instructions and
submitted several research papers in prophecies are lost. Fragments of some
national and international conferences. Nadi readings, few unpublished
His email id is manuscript, oral teachings of family
[email protected]
astrologers, and scattered references in
astrological discourses form what is
known as Bhrigu’s teachings and
techniques. Fortunately, Saptarishis
Astrology magazine has been
endeavored to unfold the mystery of
Bhrigu’s techniques. Bhrigu Chakra
Paddhati (BCP) is one of best known techniques, decoded and popularized by Editor and
volunteers of Saptarishis Astrology magazine.

Longevity is the most difficult area of forecasting. In olden days, first and foremost job of
astrologer was to guess the expected life of native. Different schools of Jyotish have
produced different methodologies for finding longevity. Today, all these techniques are part
and parcel of astrological literature. However, their laws and limits are confined to
experienced practitioners.

This research article is the extension of Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati (BCP) and advocates a
novel method of finding longevity. Before presenting the method, let’s understand BCP
rudimentary. According to BCP: 1 year = 1 house. That is, from natal ascendant, 1st house
and planets occupying and aspecting it signify 1st year good or bad events; 2nd house
foretells 2nd year; 3rd house prophesizes 3rd year; and so forth until 12th house foreshadows
12th year happenings. This cycle restarts from age 13 that corresponds to 1st house until age
24 that lies in 12th house.

Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati (BCP)

House from Ascendant Age of Native
1st House age 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97, 109
2nd House age 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98, 110
3rd House age 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, 99, 111
4th House age 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 100, 112
5th House age 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89, 101, 113
6th House age 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90, 102, 114
7th House age 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79, 91, 103, 115
8th House age 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80, 92, 104, 116
9th House age 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81, 93, 105, 117
10th House age 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94, 106, 118
11th House age 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95, 107, 119
12th House age 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120
In order to avoid the repetitive outcome, the concept of Cycle Ruler (Chakra Swami) is
sometime incorporated . It assigns lordship of every 12-year cycle to a certain planet. BCP
with Cycle Rulers methodology says the first 12-year cycle is ruled by Moon, second 12-year
cycle is ruled by Mercury, third by Venus, fourth by Sun, fifth by Mars, sixth by Jupiter,
seventh by Saturn, eighth by Rahu and ninth by Ketu. It also follows BCP progression in
slightly different fashion. Instead of taking natal ascendant (janma lagna), planets are used
as starting points of every new 12-year cycle.

Therefore, the first 12-year cycle starts from the house occupied by Moon and progress year-
by-year until end of age 12 that corresponds to the 12th house from the Moon. Then, second
12-year cycle starts from house occupied by Mercury and covers age 13 to age 24. Then 3rd
cycle starts from house occupied by Venus and covers age 25 to age 36. Then 4th cycle starts
from house occupied by Sun and covers age 36 to age 48. Then 5th cycle starts from house
occupied by Mars and covers age 48 to age 60. Then 6th cycle starts from house occupied by
Jupiter and covers age 60 to age 72. Then 7th cycle starts from house occupied by Saturn and
covers age 72 to age 84. Then 8th cycle starts from house occupied by Rahu and covers age 84
to age 96; and finally 9th cycle starts from house occupied by Ketu and covers age 96 to age
108. The following table explains the complete scheme.

Bhrigu Chakra with Cycle Rulers (Chakra Swamis)

Chakra Age Group Corresponding Houses
Swami or
Cycle Ruler
1- Moon birth to age 12 From natal Moon: 1H (age 1), 2H (age 2),
3H (age 3), 4H (age 4), 5H (age 5), 6H (age
6), 7H (age 7), 8H (age 8), 9H (age 9), 10H
(age 10), 11H (age 11), and 12H (age 12)
2- Mercury age 13 to 24 From natal Mercury: 1H (age 13), 2H (age
14), 3H (age 15), 4H (age 16), 5H (age 17),
6H (age 18), 7H (age 19), 8H (age 20), 9H
(age 21), 10H (age 22), 11H (age 23), and
12H (age 24)
3- Venus age 25 to 36 From natal Venus: 1H (age 25), 2H (age
26), 3H (age 27), 4H (age 28), 5H (age 29),

1 For details, please see “Bhrigu Chakra with Cycle Rulers” by M. Imran, Saptarishis Astrology magazine volume #.
6H (age 30), 7H (age 31), 8H (age 32), 9H
(age 33), 10H (age 34), 11H (age 35), and
12H (age 36)
4- Sun age 37 to 48 From natal Sun: 1H (age 37), 2H (age 38),
3H (age 39), 4H (age 40), 5H (age 41), 6H
(age 42), 7H (age 43), 8H (age 44), 9H (age
45), 10H (age 46), 11H (age 47), and 12H
(age 48)
5- Mars age 49 to 60 From natal Mars: 1H (age 49), 2H (age 50),
3H (age 51), 4H (age 52), 5H (age 53), 6H
(age 54), 7H (age 55), 8H (age 56), 9H (age
57), 10H (age 58), 11H (age 59), and 12H
(age 60)
6- Jupiter age 61 to 72 From natal Jupiter: 1H (age 61), 2H (age
62), 3H (age 63), 4H (age 64), 5H (age 65),
6H (age 66), 7H (age 67), 8H (age 68), 9H
(age 69), 10H (age 70), 11H (age 71), and
12H (age 72)
7- Saturn age 73 to 84 From natal Saturn: 1H (age 73), 2H (age
74), 3H (age 75), 4H (age 76), 5H (age 77),
6H (age 78), 7H (age 79), 8H (age 80), 9H
(age 81), 10H (age 82), 11H (age 83) and
12H (age 84)
8- Rahu age 85 to 96 From natal Rahu: 1H (age 85), 2H (age 86),
3H (age 87), 4H (age 88), 5H (age 89), 6H
(age 90), 7H (age 91), 8H (age 92), 9H (age
93), 10H (age 94), 11H (age 95), and 12H
(age 96)
9- Ketu age 97 to 108 From natal Ketu: 1H (age 97), 2H (age 98),
3H (age 99), 4H (age 100), 5H (age 101), 6H
(age 102), 7H (age 103), 8H (age 104), 9H
(age 105), 10H (age 106), 11H (age 107), and
12H (age 108)

BCP Rule for Finding Longevity

Rule 1: If ascendant is occupied by ANY planet then death may take place in the year
of BCP corresponding to the house occupied by Saturn.
Rule 2: If ascendant is NOT occupied by any planet then death may take place in the
year of BCP corresponding to the house occupied by Moon or 5th/6th/8th house from the


Case 1 – N.T. Rama Rao

May 28, 1923, at 4:43:00 pm (+5:30 GMT) Gudivada (80E 59, 16N27), India

Ascendant is Libra, and it is occupied by two planets (Jupiter and Moon). Therefore
according to mentioned rule 1, native’s death may take place in the year of BCP where
Saturn is domiciled. N.T. Rama Rao died on January 18, 1996 when age 72 was running. As
per BCP, age 72 lies in 12th house from ascendant. As per BCP with Cycle Rulers, age 72
corresponds to 12th house from Jupiter. From both perspectives, it becomes Virgo. N.T.
Rama Rao exact age at the time of death was 71 years, 7 months and 20 days (72 years
running). Notice that natal Saturn’s longitude is 20058’ Virgo while 12th house cusp falls at
21042’ Virgo.

Case 2 – Sri Satya Sai Baba (Puttaparthy)

November 23, 1926; at 6:23:00 am (+5:30 GMT), Puttaparthy (77E45, 14N15), India

Ascendant is occupied. In fact, it is occupied by four planets (Sun, Venus, Saturn, and
Mercury). So the death may take place in the BCP year corresponding to the house where
Saturn is placed as per Rule 1 . Sri Satya Sai Baba breathed his last on April 24, 2011 when he
was running age 85 (to be exact, 84 years, 3 months). As per BCP, age 85 is equal to 1st
house. In Sri Satya Sai Baba chart Saturn is sitting in 1st house. As per BCP with Cycle
Rulers, age 85 corresponds to 1st house from Rahu which is in the 8th of death from
Case 3 – M.S. Savithri
November 21, 1927, at 9:30:00 pm (+5:30 GMT), Guduru (80E59, 16N27), India

Gemini is ascendant. Since no planet occupying the ascendant therefore death may take
place in the BCP year corresponding to the house where Moon is placed or 5th/6th/8th from
Moon. She died on January 25, 1993, when age 66 was running (65 years, 2 months, 3 days).
According to BCP, age 66 falls into 6th house. In this horoscope, 6th house is Scorpio,
which is neither occupied by Moon, nor be 5th/6th/8th from Moon. Despite the vacant
ascendant, 6th house (Scorpio) is occupied by Saturn . Since the age at the time of death is
66 therefore Cycle Ruler is Jupiter that lords the age-group 61 to 72 in all charts. Here
Jupiter is very powerful in rashi and navamsa, but it is simultaneously a maraka for Gemini

2 John F. Kennedy died on 22-Nov-1963 when his age was 47. As per BCP, it makes 11th house. Kennedy has Saturn in
11th house (Cancer) while no planet occupying his Virgo ascendant.
Case 4 – M.P.S. Sastry
January 20, 1888, at 8:27:00 pm (+5:30 GMT), Bhatlapalika (82E04, 16N48) A.P. India

No planet is in the ascendant. Hence, as per given rule, the death may take place in the year
of BCP corresponding to the house where Moon is placed or 5th/6th/8th from Moon. Sastry
passed away on November 3, 1969, at the age of 81 (to be exact 80 years, 9 months, 13 days).
According to BCP, age 81 falls into 9th house. In Sastry’s horoscope, 9th house (Aries) is
occupied by Moon. The Cycle Ruler at the time of death is Saturn. It is relegated in 12th
house Cancer (enemy sign) with Rahu.

Case 5 – K.S. Krishnamurhty (Astrologer)

November 1, 1908, at 12:11:00 pm (+5:30 GMT), Thirivaiyyur (79E06, 10N53), T.N., India
Since ascendant is occupied therefore death may take place in the BCP year corresponding
to the house where Saturn is placed. Krishnamurhty passed away on March 30, 1972 when
he was under currency of age 64 (to be exact, at 63 years, 3 months and 29 days). As per
BCP, age 64 equals to 4th house. However, 4th house (Aries) in Krishnamurhty’s chart is
not occupied by Saturn. Actually, Saturn is placed in 3rd house (Pisces). Hence advocated
longevity rule does not fit here.

Now looking longevity from BCP with Cycle Ruler. Jupiter is the cycle ruler (chakra
swami) for 12-year cycle that starts from age 61 and ends at 71 (see the table above). Cycle
Ruler Jupiter occupies the 8th house-Leo, and aspecting 4th house-Aries (age 64).

Here one point is noteworthy. Age 64 as per BCP falls in Aries ruled by Mars. While age 64
as per BCP with Cycle Ruler falls in Scorpio (4th from Jupiter) also ruled by Mars. Note
Mars is in debilitation in navamsa (D9).
Case 6 – Rajiv Gandhi
August 20, 1944, at 7:11:00 am (+5:30 GMT), Mumbai (72E50, 18N58), India

Ascendant is occupied therefore it is feared that death may occur in BCP year where Saturn
is occupied. Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on May 21, 1991 at the age of 47. According to
BCP, age 47 falls into 11th house from lagna. In this chart, 11th house (Gemini) is domiciled
by Saturn.


wo simple rules, presented in this research article, cannot supersede fundamental
longevity approach and time-tested aphorisms of sages. Before applying scribe’s
rules, astrologers should first determine whether native is destined to lead a
short, middle or long life.
Finally, readers are requested to scrutinize these rules rationally, so that we can collectively
establish well-defined longevity principles based on Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati (BCP).

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