Nace Standards Related To 571

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Std. MR 0103 Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining
RP 0169 Standard Recommended Practice: Control of External Corrosion on Underground or
Submerged Metallic Piping Systems
RP 0170 Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic
Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking during Shutdown of Refinery Equipment
RP 0198 The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation, and Fireproofing – A Systems
RP 0294 Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Concentrated
Sulfuric Acid and Oleum at Ambient Temperatures
RP 0296 Guidelines for Detection, Repair and Mitigation of Cracking of Existing Petroleum
Refinery Pressure Vessels in Wet H2S Environments
SP 0472 Methods and Controls to Prevent in-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel
Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments
SP0590 Prevention, Detection, and Correction of Deaerator Cracking
SP0403 Avoiding Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel Refinery Equipment
and Piping
Publ. 5A151 Materials of Construction for Handling Sulfuric Acid
Publ. 5A171 Materials for Receiving, Handling and Storing Hydrofluoric Acid
Publ. 8X194 Materials and Fabrication Practices for New Pressure Vessels used in Wet H2S
Refinery Service
Publ. 34108 Review and Survey of Alkaline Carbonate Stress Corrosion Cracking in Refinery
Sour Water
Publ.34105 Effect of Nonextractable Chlorides on Refinery Corrosion and Fouling

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