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Student A Student B

A Ask your partner these questions. A Answer your partner’s questions.

1. What news sections are you most interested in?
Why? Are there any news sections that don’t
B Now ask your partner these questions.
interest you? 1. What news sections is your best friend most
interested in? Why? What news sections don’t
2. What do you think is the best way to improve interest him / her?
your listening skills? What methods have you
tried? Which would you recommend? 2. What do you think is the best way to improve your
writing skills? What methods have you tried?
3. What is one of the best dishes you have ever Which would you recommend?
eaten? What is it made with? How does it taste?
How is it prepared? 3. What is one of the most popular dishes in your
country? What is it made with? How does it
4. What would you do or say if someone dropped taste? How is it prepared?
litter in front of you?
4. What would you do or say if a stranger were
5. Name two places in your country that overseas talking loudly in public?
visitors should see. If they had to choose one
place, which would you recommend? Why? 5. Name two places you have visited and you think
other people should see. If they had to choose
6. Do you think you are idealistic? Why or why not? one, which would you recommend? Why?
7. What kind of people do you like best as 6. Do you think you are imaginative? Why or why not?
friends? Why?
7. What kind of people do you dislike? Why?
8. What do you wish were different in your life right
now? Why? 8. What do you wish were different at school or
at work right now? Why?
B Now answer your partner’s questions.

Student A and Student B

C Student A: Choose one of the situations below. Tell your partner your answer to each question.
• Jane was late for work three times in one week. Her boss was very upset because she didn’t finish her
reports on time, and she missed an important meeting. What should Jane have done differently? What
could she do now?
• Tony has been working very hard recently. He’s been working late every day, and he’s always tired and
stressed. Last week, he promised to take his wife out to dinner for her birthday, but he forgot about it and
got home late. What should he have done differently? What could he do to manage his time better?
• Kathy went on vacation. She stayed at a hotel near the beach. The hotel wasn’t expensive, but it was
packed with tourists and was very noisy at night. Kathy didn’t like her room because it was too dark. What
should she have done? What should she do next time she goes to a hotel?

Student B: Listen to your partner’s answers. Do you agree with them? If not, tell your partner how
you would answer the questions.

D Student B: Choose one of the other situations in C. Tell your partner your answer to each question.
Student A: Listen to your partner’s answers. Do you agree with them? If not, tell your partner
how you would answer the questions.

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Units 1–6 Oral Test

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