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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3

I. Learning Objective
Identifies ordinal numbers from 1st to 100th object in a given set from a given point
of reference. M3NS-Ic-16.3

II. Learning Content

Skill: Identifies ordinal numbers from 1st to 100th object in a given set from a given
point of reference
Reference: Curriculum Guide in Mathematics
Materials: ordinal numbers chart, pictures, worksheets
Value: cooperation, strive to attain goal

III. Learning Activities:

A. Drill

I Went To The Store

You can start by saying “I went to the store and bought one cat.” for
instance, have the next pupil repeat your sentence and then add “and two
~.” and continue on until everyone has contributed. If you have a very large
class, you may just want students to say a number and an item instead of
repeating everything each time but this will give them less number practice.

B. Motivation

Show a picture of running competition. Who is leading? If you’re one of the

contestant or competitors, what place you might be? Why is being almost
everybody wants to be the first and hates to be the last?

C. Presentation
Show alphabet to the class. How many letters are there? What is
the first letter?second?and so on. What is the arrangement of the
alphabet indicate? The arrangement indicates the position or
order of the letters.

Things are easier when thing are in order. Today we will learn
about order. Present the ordinal numbers both symbols and
words. Explain that to write ordinal numbers in symbols, connect
the letters st with 1 (1st or first), nd for 2 (2nd, second), rd for 3
(3rd, third) and th for numerals with number 4 and above (4th,
fourth). Except eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth (11th, 12th, 13th),
all other numbers take the th.
D. Guided Practice (stress that here the need for active participation in group

Do the game Basketball.

Each group will have a ball. On person will be in front to be a ring. They will
then follow what the teacher told them. For example, the teacher will say
“1st person dribble the ball, then pass it to 4th person. 4th person pass it to
7th, 7th dunk the ball.” The group who will able to follow correctly will have
the point for each round.

E. Generalization

What are ordinal numbers? What do they tell? How they are written?
Lead the pupils that ordinal numbers are numbers that indicate the position
or order of an object or number in relation to other objects or numbers.

F. Application
IV. Evaluation

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