Ieltsfever Speaking Practice Test 3 PDF

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Section 1

* Tell me about the job or studies that you are doing.

* Why did you choose this field?
* Do you think you will ever change this job or study? (Why/Why not?)

Topic 1 Schooldays

* What were the good parts and the bad parts about your schooldays?
* What was your favourite subject at school? (Why?)
* How did your school teach sports?
* How would you improve the school that you went to?

Topic 2 Rivers

* Describe a river in your country.

* What kinds of things are rivers used for in your country?
* Are there any pollution problems with rivers in your country? (What?)
* What kind of problems do people face if they live near a big river?

Section 2

Describe your favourite restaurant

You should say:
where the restaurant is and how you found it
what type of food it serves
how often you go there
and explain exactly why you like this restaurant so much.

Section 3

Topic 1 Fast Food

* Is fast food popular in your country? (Why?)

* Why has fast food become so popular over the last 30 years?
* Could you compare fast food with traditional meals?
* How can we stop young people eating so much fast food?

Topic 2 Food Problems

* What are some of the problems that some countries have with food production?
* Could you suggest any ways to solve these problems?
* What other problems can you predict happening in terms of food in the next 50
* Could you compare methods of food production and distribution today with that of 50
years ago?


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