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This Contract is made and entered into by and between:

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, a corporation duly organized and existing in accordance with laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with principal office at
_________________________ represented in this act by its ______________, MR. __________, hereinafter referred to as the EMPLOYER;

_____________________, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of ____________________________, herein referred to as the EMPLOYEE;


WHEREAS, the Employer is engaged in the manufacture of cost-effective electronic vehicle charging solutions;

WHEREAS, Employee manifests and guarantees that he possesses the requisite qualities and competencies needed by the Employer in the conduct and
course of its business;

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1. APPOINTMENT AND JOB STATUS. Employee is hereby appointed as _____________ with a REGULAR status reckoned from ____________.

2. COMPENSATION. Employee will receive a basic monthly pay of PHP ___________, subject to withholding tax, SSS premiums, Pag-ibig contributions,
Philhealth dues and other government-required deductions. In addition, EMPLOYER will pay the mandatory 13 th month salary at the end of each calendar year.

3. VACATION AND BENEFITS. Employee is entitled to the benefits accorded to regular employees of the Employer as mandated by the Labor Code and other
applicable laws.

4. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities that his position or job necessarily entails, as may be contained in
his job description or as may be reasonably assigned to him/her by the company from time to time.

Employee is obliged to perform his/her duties loyally, independently and industriously to help meet the goals and objectives of the Company and is expected to
carry out these responsibilities to the best of his knowledge and abilities in order to protect and advance the interests of the Company, its principals, and its

5. PLACE OF WORK. Employee’s primary place of work will be at the office of CRU International Corporation
______________________________________________. Employee agrees that Employer may transfer him to any other location as may be required by the
exigencies of the business, the organizational requirements of the company and the responsibilities of Employee’s position. Employee may be required to travel
from time to time.

6. HOURS OF WORK. The Employee shall engage himself/herself in work for _____ hours a day or ______ per week, from ________________ to
______________, with rest day every __________________, subject to adjustment which shall depend upon the available manpower in a particular day. The
Employee is entitled to meal breaks as per company policy and in accordance with law.

7. OVERTIME WORK. In case the demands of business or the company would require Employee to work more than his regular work schedule, he may be
required to render overtime work and shall be entitled to overtime pay as provided by law. Overtime work is not compensable for managerial employees unless
otherwise declared by management.

8. DECORUM. Employee shall observe and comply with all company rules and regulations written or otherwise. The Employee recognizes that by signing this
Contract, he/she shall be bound by all such rules and regulations which Employer may issue from time to time and it is his/her duty and responsibility to be aware
of the rules and regulations of the Employer regarding his/her employment and to fully comply with this in good faith.Employee shall devote his entire working
time to the Employer and shall have no direct or indirect interest in any firm or entity, whether for profit or not, directly in competition with or offering the same
services as Employer nor shall Employee take any interest that is conflicting or inimical to Employer.

9. LEAVES. Subject to the Employer’s standard policies and procedures on such matters which may be reviewed from time to time, the Employee shall be
granted Service Incentive Leave of 5 working days per year of service – provided, the employee has rendered service for at least one (1) year.

In case of inability to work due to sickness or accident, the Employee shall advise his/her superior, the Human Resource Department, or the Operations Head
immediately on the first working day of absence. In addition, if the incapacity exceeds two (2) days, the Employee shall be required to submit a medical
certificate, preferably from the physician designated by the Employer.

10. PRFORMANCE APPRAISAL. By signing this contract, the Employee accepts the policy of the Employer to review the performance of its employees regularly,
based on performance criteria dictated by performance targets set by top Management and the respective key result areas and performance objectives of the
division or department for the evaluation period. Such criteria shall be made known to the Employee at the beginning of the evaluation period, and the expected
outputs clearly spelled out by the superior of the Employee. The Employee further recognize that failure to achieve a minimum of satisfactory performance for
two (2) consecutive evaluation periods shall be a ground for termination.

11. DISCIPLINARY MEASURES. On signing this Contract, the Employee hereby recognizes the right of the Employer to impose disciplinary measures or
sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, termination of employment, suspensions, fines, salary deductions, withdrawal of benefits, loss of privileges,
for any and all infraction, act or omission, irrespective of whether such infraction, act or omission constitutes a ground for termination.

12. TERMINATION. Aside from the just and authorized causes for the termination of employment enumerated in Arts. 282 to 284 of the Labor Code, the following
acts and/or omissions shall, without limitation, similarly constitute just and authorized grounds for the termination of employment by the Employer and/or grounds
for the Employer to impose disciplinary measures:

a) Intentional or unintentional violation of the Employer’s policies, rules, and regulations as embodied in the Code of Discipline;
b) Unauthorized and unexplained absences / late;
c) Commission of an act which effects a loss of confidence on the part of the Employer with regard to the Employee’s ability to satisfactory perform the
duties and requirements of his/her employment;
d) In the event of the Employee being incapacitated by ill health, accident or physical or mental incapacity from fully performing his/her duties with the
Employer for an aggregate period of ninety (90) days in any one calendar year, such incapacity being duly certified as such by the Employer’s
appointed doctor;
e) Failure of the Employee to pass two (2) consecutive evaluations of his/her work performance; and
f) Other similar acts, omissions, and/or event.

The Contract of employment may be terminated by the Employer for any of the foregoing grounds and by observing the due process requirements of the law. In
the event that the Employees wish to terminate this Contract of Employment for any reason, he/she must give thirty (30) days written notice to Employer prior to
the effective date of termination. Upon termination of this employment, the Employee shall promptly account for, return, and deliver to the Employer at the
Employer’s main office, his/her I.D. Cards, Code of Discipline manual, Employee Handbook and all the Employer’s property, which may have been assigned or
entrusted to his/her care or custody.

12. NON-COMPETITION AFTER EMPLOYMENT. In the event Employee is separated or terminated from employment for whatever reason, he shall not seek
employment in a local or foreign firm doing business in the Philippines nor establish or set up a business offering similar services for a period of one (1) year from
date of separation or termination, without the prior notice to Employer.

13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The Company shall be entitled to sole ownership of any intellectual property rights including but not limited to software
programs, hardware specifications and other property rights created, developed and discovered by Employee while in the course of his employment with the
Company, including all registrations for the same.

13. NON-DISCLOSURE. Employee acknowledges and confirms that this contract must remain confidential. Except as may be legally required by competent
authority or applicable statutes, the parties hereto shall not make any unauthorized disclosures of the terms and conditions embodied in this contract.

14. CONFIDENTIALITY. In order to safeguard the Company’s interest and the confidentiality of its business and affairs, Employee agrees that during the term of
his employment and from and after the actual cessation of his employment he shall maintain strict confidentiality and shall not disclose any technical, business,
financial or commercial information, methods, processes, inventions (whether covered by intellectual property protection or not or whether marked confidential or
not) including but not limited to: customers. customer lists or requirements, price lists, pricing structures, marketing and sales information, business plans or
dealings, employees or officers, financial information, product lines, research activities, plans, designs and formula, whether authored by employee or otherwise.

Failure to comply with this confidentiality undertaking shall be construed and considered as Gross Misconduct and shall be deemed a ground for the termination
of his employment.

15. UNDERTAKING. Emlpoyee shall work exclusively for the benefit of the company. Employee warrants that he shall comply with all his undertakings and
obligations set forth in this Contract and shall indemnify Employer of any actual losses, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees incurred as a
result of the breach of this Agreement or his willful act, omission, fraud or negligence.

16. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. If any provisions of this document shall be construed to be illegal or invalid, they shall not affect the legality, validity, and
enforceability of the other provisions of this document; the illegal or invalid provision shall be deleted from this document and no longer incorporated herein but all
other provisions of this document shall continue.

17. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. Employee’s affixing of his signature on the herein Employment contract means that:

a) Employee has read and fully understood the terms and conditions hereof and accepts the same;
b) The terms and conditions for the regularization of his employment have been clearly communicated to and accepted by him/her at the time of his

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto affix our signatures on the date and at the place first above written.

______________________________ ______________________
Employer Employee


Human Resource Manager
Signed in the presence of:

_______________________ _______________________


Republic of the Philippines )

_____________________ ) SS.

a Notary Public for and in ___________________________ this ______________________
personally appeared the following persons whose identities I have confirmed through
competent evidence of identity bearing their pictures and signatures as described below:

all known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument consisting of ____ pages including this page where the Acknowledgment is
written and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed as well as that of the entities that they respectively represent.

WITHNESS MY HAND AND SEAL at the place and on the date first-above written.

Doc. No. ______;

Page No. ______;
Book No. ______;
Series of 2018.

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