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This consignment agreement, referred to herein and hereafter as “this Agreement” states the terms of the
parties’ agreement with respect to personal property, herein and hereafter referred to as “the Property”,
consigned to Auctions Imperial, LLC, herein and hereafter referred to as “Auctions Imperial” by the seller
identified below, herein and hereafter referred to as “the Consignor”. The Property is listed on a Property
Inventory Form attached to this Agreement, executed separately or properly identified as being subject to
this Agreement. The Consignor agrees to offer the Property for sale at public auction, subject to the terms
set forth in this Agreement. While Auctions Imperial cannot guarantee any sale price in a public auction
format, it agrees to use its professional skill, knowledge and experience to the best advantage of both
parties in preparing for and conducting the sale of the Property. Auctions Imperial will act as sole agent in
any transaction between the Consignor and the eventual buyer.

1. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS OF SALE. By consigning the Property, the Consignor agrees to grant to
Auctions Imperial the exclusive right to market and sell the Property in accordance with the
following terms. The contract shall remain in effect until 60 days after the public auction
transpires. If the Property does not sell at auction, Auctions Imperial may sell the Property at the
low value estimate provided in the catalog for a period of 30 days following the public auction. If
the Property still has not sold upon the expiration of said 30-day period, Auctions Imperial will
accept offers on the Property for an additional 30-day period, during which these offers may then
be accepted or declined at the Consignor’s discretion. After 60 days have elapsed following the
public auction, if the Property has not sold, the Consignor may elect to, A) have the Property
returned at the Consignor’s expense, or B) re-consign the Property for the next auction to be held
by means of signing a new Agreement.

2. COMMISSIONS AND FEES. For Auctions Imperial’s services, which may include preparing the
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3. ADDITIONAL FEES. The Consignor will be held responsible for additional fees as set forth in
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4. INSURANCE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Auctions Imperial shall provide insurance

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responsibility of the buyer.


of the Property, the Consignor shall provide Auctions Imperial with any and all information
pertaining to the Property which shall include, but not be limited to, written descriptions,
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and saleable condition.

6. METHOD OF SALE. (A) Timing of auction. Auctions Imperial shall retain full control over the
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7. SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT. No later than 35 days after the net proceeds have been received
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8. SELLER’S WARRANTIES AND INDEMNITY. (A) Warranties. The Consignor represents and
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Imperial shall have the right to withdraw the Property at any time prior to the sale if, in its
judgment, (1) there is doubt as to the information provided by the Consignor, (2) the information
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11. RESERVES. A reserve is an agreed upon confidential price between Auctions Imperial and the
Consignor, below which the lot shall not be sold. Reserve prices are negotiated and agreed upon at
the time the Agreement is prepared, and must be noted on the attached Property Inventory Form at
the time of signing. Reserves may not be increased after the Agreement has been executed, but

they may be decreased by the Consignor at any time prior to the day of the auction, provided this
instruction is submitted in writing and properly signed by the Consignor.


a. Costs Paid by the Consignor

i. Seller’s commissions payable to Auctions Imperial in the percentage stipulated
on the Consignment Contract.
ii. Packing and shipping costs to Auctions Imperial or a receiving agent designated
by Auctions Imperial.
iii. Packing and shipping costs to the Consignor for return of any unsold lots.
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i. Insurance and/or storage costs from the date of receipt by Auctions Imperial
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iii. Merchant fees.
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c. Costs Paid by the Buyer

i. Buyer’s Premium due to Auctions Imperial.
ii. Shipping costs to the Buyer.
iii. Storage/insurance costs beyond prescribed removal period stipulated in the
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13. NO BIDDING BY CONSIGNOR. The Consignor is prohibited from bidding on his/her own
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14. PRESALE ESTIMATE. The presale estimate is not a guarantee but an educated judgment of what
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15. REMOVAL OF UNSOLD PROPERTY. Unsold Property must be removed or re-consigned by the
Consignor within a period of 14 days following the auction to which it was consigned. After 14
days, the Property will be stored and insured at the Consignor’s expense for an additional period,
not to exceed 45 days, following the 14th day after the date of the auction to which the Property
was consigned, at a cost of $15 per day. If the Property is not removed or re-consigned after
expiration of this period, in total 60 days following the date of the auction to which it was
consigned, the Property shall be considered abandoned by the consignor and full title to it will
pass to Auctions Imperial with no further conditions, and shall be disposed of at the sole discretion
of Auctions Imperial.

16. MISCELLANEOUS. (A) This Agreement and any and all signed schedules or attachments hereto,
including all information submitted by the Consignor, and other document(s) executed by the
parties concurrently herewith, along with the Conditions of Sale attached hereto, constitute the
entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Property and supersedes any and all prior
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construed as any agency, partnership or other joint enterprise between the parties. (F) For purposes
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agreed upon alternative electronic confirmation of agreement to any issue, change or addition shall
be binding as an original signature as provided by law. (G) The parties acknowledge that they have
carefully read this Agreement, understand the contents thereof, and sign this Agreement as their
own free act and deed. (H) This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced pursuant to the laws
of the State of Arizona.

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