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Pooja J.Chavhan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.377-381


To Study the Behaviour of Marble Powder as Supplementry

Cementitious Material in Concrete
Pooja J.Chavhan*, Prof. S. D. Bhole **
*(M. tech, structural engineering, Lecturer at Shree data meghe poly, Nagpur 9503576227)
**( Prof Civil Engineering Department, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur, INDIA, PH-+

Concrete is the most widely used construction material in civil engineering industry because of its high
structural strength and stability. Leaving the waste materials to the environment directly can cause
environmental problem. Hence the reuse of waste material has been emphasized. Waste can be used to produce
new products or can be used as admixtures so that natural resources are used more efficiently and the
environment is protected from waste deposits. Marble stone industry generates both solid waste and stone slurry.
The concrete industry is constantly looking for supplementary material with the objective of reducing the solid
waste disposal problem. In that paper marble powder is replace by sand the research is carried out by using
M25 grade concrete with replacement of 0%, 5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%,35%,40%,45%,50% marble powder
by sand and is carried out to determine the optimum percentage of replacement at which maximum compressive
strength and also split tensile strength is achieved There are several reuse and recycling solutions for this
industrial by-product, both at an experimental phase and in practical applications. These industrial wastes are
dumped in the nearby land and the natural fertility of the soil is spoiled. The physical, chemical and mechanical
properties of the waste are analyzed.
Keywords- Cement, Compressive Strength, Marble Powder, Sand, split tensile strength

I. INTRODUCTION the environmental problems around the world

Leaving these waste materials to the Concrete is a heterogeneous mix of cement,
environment directly can cause environmental aggregates and water. The global consumption of
problem. Hence the reuse of waste material has been natural sand is too high due to its extensive use in
emphasized. Waste can be used to produce new concrete. The demand for natural sand is quite
products or can be used as admixtures so that natural high in developing countries owing to rapid
resources are used more efficiently and the infrastructural growth which results supply
environment is protected from waste deposits.. This scarcity. To overcome from this crisis, partial
is relevant because the stone industry presents an replacement of natural sand with marble powder sand
annual output of 68 million tonnes of processed is economic alternative. The concrete industry is
products. Therefore the scientific and industrial constantly looking for supplementary material with
community must commit towards more sustainable the objective of reducing the solid waste disposal
practices. There are several reuse and recycling problem .marble powder are among the solid wastes
solutions for this industrial by-product, both at an generated by industry. In this research we prepared
experimental phase and in practical applications. three specimen for each sample of cubes for
Marble is a metamorphic rock resulting from compressive strength test, cylinder for split tensile
the transformation of a pure limestone. The purity of strength test,The test on hardened concrete are
the marble is responsible for its colour and destructive test while the destructive test includes
appearance: it is white if the limestone is composed compressive strength test as per IS: 516-1959, split
solely of calcite (100% CaCO3). Marble is used for tensile strength test as per IS: 5816-1999
construction and decoration; marble is durable, has a The objectives and scope of present study
noble appearance, and is consequently in great are: –
demand. A large quantity of powder is generated 1. To find the optimum percentage of replacement
during the cutting process. The result is that the mass of natural sand with marble powder at which
of marble waste which is 20% of total maximum strength is obtained.
marble quarried has reached as high as millions of 2. To find the optimum mix design with regards to
tons. This huge unattended mass of marble waste the amount of water, Marble powder and
consisting of very fine particles is today one of cement ratio. 377 | P a g e
Pooja J.Chavhan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.377-381

3. To conduct compression test on and control are more commonly used than 100 percent solid
concrete on standard IS specimen size marble objects.
(150x150x150) mm. 6. Marble dust is also used to make paint primer for
4. To study in detail about the presence marble canvas paintings, and as a paint filler.
powder in concrete. 7. Used as a component for manufacture of white
5. To conduct compressive strength test, split cement.
tensile strength test 8. The marble powder is also used to create
6. To provide economical construction material. carbonic acid gases which is used in the bottling
7. Provide safeguard to the environment by of beverages.
utilizing waste properly.
II. NECESSITY FOR THE USE OF 1. Only 20% of the final product is obtained from
MARBLE POWDER stone industry.
2. Marble powder is not available in all the places.
Marble stone industry generates both solid
waste and stone slurry. Whereas solid waste results
from the rejects at the mine sites or at the processing III. CHEMISTRY OF CONCRETE
units, stone slurry is a semi liquid substance The three basic ingredients of concrete are
consisting of particles originating from the sawing aggregate, cement and water. Aggregates are
and the polishing processes and water used to cool chemically inert and are bound together by the
and lubricate the sawing and polishing machines. cement. They are there to give bulk to the concrete
Stone slurry generated during processing corresponds and are not involved in the chemical processes.
Cement is made by mixing crushed clay and
to around 20% of the final product from stone
industry. Therefore the scientific and industrial limestone together and roasting it in a kiln. The
community must commit towards more sustainable resulting powder is a mixture of five chemicals.
practices. There are several reuse and recycling About 50% is Tricalcium silicate, 25% is dicalcium
solutions for this industrial by-product, both at an silicate, 10% Tricalcium aluminates, 10% tetra
experimental phase and in practical applications. calcium aluminoferrite and 5% gypsum or hydrated
calcium sulphate.
When cement is mixed with water, its
An additive for thermoplastic and as a constituents are hydrated. The calcium silicates form
hardening agent for rubber industry are as follows:- calcium silicate hydrate, calcium hydroxide and heat.
1. power coating, paints and ceramic industry These products contribute to the strength of the
2. reinforced polyester glass fiber
Tricalcium silicate reacts quickly producing a lot of
3. leather cloth and flooring applications
4. detergent applications heat.
5. glass industry (in manufacturing sheet & optical
glasses) 2(CaO) 3 (SiO2) + 7H2O → (CaO) 3 (SiO2)2. 4(H2O) +
Ca(OH)2 (1)
1. Marble powder can be used as a filler in concrete Dicalcium silicate reacts more slowly and produces
and paving materials and helps to reduce total less heat.
void content in concrete.
2. Marble powder can be used as an admixture in 2(CaO)2(SiO2) + 5H2O → (CaO) 3 (SiO2)2. 4(H2O) +
concrete ,so that strength of the concrete can be Ca(OH)2 (2)
3. We can reduce the environmental pollution by The chemistry of these reactions is complex.
utilizing this marble powder for producing the When the calcium silicates first come into contact
other products. with water, a reaction occurs in which calcium ions
4. Marble dust is mixed with concrete, cement or are formed and the water molecules are broken down
to form hydroxide ions. It is this bond breaking that
synthetic resins to make counters, building
produces heat. Calcium hydroxide is not very soluble
stones, sculptures, floors and many other objects.
5. Marble dust gives an iridescent feel to the object so it is soon saturated and forms a solid. At the same
because of the crystallized particles present in time, calcium silicate hydrate is formed which is also
the dust from the marble. These cultured marble a solid. As long as water is in contact with the
objects are often seen in luxury settings. cement, these reactions continue but they get slower
and slower, and can take several years to reach full
Synthetic marble objects made with marble dust
strength. 378 | P a g e
Pooja J.Chavhan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.377-381

Zooming out a level, the aggregate is not of marble waste which is 20% of total
involved in the reaction, but forms a surface for the marble quarried has reached as high as millions of
solids to form on. This will be easy at first, as there tons. This huge unattended mass of marble waste
are large areas of water and cement mixed together. consisting of very fine particles is today one of
As the solid is formed, however, there is less and less the environmental problems around the world.
space between the grains of aggregate and silicate
hydrate for the water to move around and reach un-
reacted cement. This means that the reaction will
slow down as the pores between the aggregate get


The materials used in experimental
investigation include:

Ordinary Portland cement of 43-grade was Fig.1: Sample of Marble powder
used in this study Conforming to IS:8112-1989 which
has Specific gravity 3.15, Normal consistency 32%. 4.3 AGGREGATE
Good quality river sand was used as a fine
4.2 MARBLE POWDER (MP) aggregate conforming to Zone- II of IS: 383- 1970
In that project the collection of marble have fineness modulus of 2.735, specific gravity of
powder from ghat road Nagpur The specific gravity 2.5 and water absorption 0.98%. The coarse
of Marble powder is 2.842gmm/cc, Fineness by aggregate passing through 20 mm and retained on 10
sieving 24.4%, Specific surface area(cm2/gm) mm sieve was used in research. Its specific gravity of
11.4*103 Marble is a metamorphic rock resulting 2.85 and water absorption 0.8%.
from the transformation of a pure limestone. The
purity of the marble is responsible for its color and 4.4 WATER
appearance: it is white if the limestone is composed In this research potable water free from
solely of calcite (100% CaCO3). Marble is used for organic substance was used for mixing as well as
construction and decoration; marble is durable, has a curing of concrete.
noble appearance, and is consequently in great
demand. A large quantity of powder is generated
during the cutting process. The result is that the mass


Table1:Following are the chemical property of Marble powder

LOI SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 K2O Na2O
powder 40.63 4.99 1.09% 1.09% 32.23% 18.94 0.02 0.91 0.63

V. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME percentage of replacement at which maximum

5.1 MIXTURE PROPORTIONING compressive strength is achieved. In second phase,
The M25 mix proportioning is designed as cylinder moulds were used for casting. The total
per guidelines, according to the Indian Standard mixing time was 5 minutes; Compaction of concrete
Recommended Method IS 10262- 2009. The total in three layers with 25 strokes of 16mm rod was
binder content was 422.77 kg/m³, fine aggregate is carried out for each layer is done. The concrete was
taken 632.95 kg/m³ , coarse aggregate is taken left in the mould and allowed to set for 24 hrs before
1198.525 kg/m³. This research is carried out in two the cubes were demoulded and placed in curing tank
phase, in first phase mix of M25 grade concrete until the day of testing.The three specimens of each
with replacement of 0%,10%,15%,20%,25%, 30%, mix was prepared and left for curing in the curing
35%,40%,45%,50% of natural sand with Marble tank for 7,14 and 28 days.
powder is carried out to determine the optimum 379 | P a g e
Pooja J.Chavhan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.377-381

Table 2: Mix proportion for every mix marble powder by sand

Sr. Noof Grade of concrete Mix proportion w/c
1 M25- ( 5% MP) 1 : (1.09/0.0575) : 2.814 0.45
2 M25- ( 10% MP) 1: (1.035/0.115) : 2.814 0.45

3 M25- ( 15% MP) 1 : (0.97/0.173) : 2.814 0.45

4 M25- ( 20% MP) 1 : (0.92/0.23) : 2.814 0.45
5 M25- ( 25% MP) 1 : (0.863/0.288) : 2.814 0.45
6 M25- ( 30% MP) 1 : (0.805/0.345) : 2.814 0.45
7 M25- ( 35% MP) 1 : (0.748/0.403) : 2.814 0.45
8 M25- (40% MP) 1 : (0.69/0.46) : 2.814 0.45
9 M25- ( 45% MP) 1 : (0.632/0.518) : 2.814 0.45
10 M25- ( 50% MP) 1 : (0.575/0.575) : 2.814 0.45

Table 3: Details Of Replacement Of Marble Powder By Fine Aggregate

Sr No Cement Sand Marble Powder Aggregate
1 100% 100% 0% 100%
2 100% 95% 5% 100%
3 100% 90% 10% 100%
4 100% 85% 15% 100%
5 100% 80% 20% 100%
6 100% 75% 25% 100%
7 100% 70% 30% 100%
8 100% 65% 35% 100%
9 100% 60% 40% 100%
10 100% 55% 45% 100%
11 100% 50% 50% 100%


Testing is done as per following IS code. The testing is carried out for compressive strength on cubes
as per IS : 516 – 1959, split tensile strength on cylinder as per IS : 5816 – 1999, flexural strength on beam of as
per IS: 516 – 1959. Permeable voids tests is carried out as per ASTM C642-97.

Table No. 4: Compressive strength, Flexural strength, Split tensile strength

Sr. No % Replacement 7 Days Strength 14 Days 28 Days Split Tensile
N/Mm2 Strength Strength Strength 28
N/Mm2 N/Mm2 Days N/Mm2
1 0% 26.51 30.14 28.26 4.65
2 5% 21.07 24.48 26.22 4.36
3 10% 28.82 32.55 30.25 4.89
4 15% 22.23 24.53 27.22 3.93
5 20% 19.24 21.92 23.12 2.53
6 25% 23.63 25.56 26.96 2.81
7 30% 26.81 30.22 28.99 4.20
8 35% 21.58 24.19 26.20 4.62
9 40% 21.72 27.1 30.44 3.51
10 45% 28.99 32.17 34.08 5.86
11 50% 27.1 33.13 35.67 5.72

From testing results graph for compressive strength of marble powder with replacement of fine
aggregate is shown are as follows :- 380 | P a g e
Pooja J.Chavhan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.377-381


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