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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in Management and


Stress Management and

Prevention Program
Resource Guide

Stress Management and Prevention
Program Resource Guide


Sierra Halstead

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

March 5, 2019
Table of Contents

Information to Remember ....................................................................................................5

Assignment........................................................................................................................... 5-6
Journal Writing ........................................................................................................................6


Information to Remember ....................................................................................................7

Journal Writing .................................................................................................................... 7-8


Information to Remember ....................................................................................................9

Assignment......................................................................................................................... 9-10
Journal Writing ..................................................................................................................... 10


Information to Remember ................................................................................................. 11

Assignment....................................................................................................................... 11-13
Journal Writing ................................................................................................................ 13-15


Information to Remember ................................................................................................. 16

Journal Writing ................................................................................................................ 16-17



Information to Remember ................................................................................................. 18

Assignment....................................................................................................................... 18-19
Journal Writing ............................................................................................................... 19-20


Information to Remember ................................................................................................. 21

Journal Writing ................................................................................................................ 21-22

Information to Remember ................................................................................................. 23

Assignment............................................................................................................................ 23
Journal Writing ................................................................................................................ 23-24



Information to Remember ................................................................................................. 25


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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: General Adaption Syndrome is your bodies response to stress. While you can’t
remove every single stressor from your life, it’s possible to manage stress and maintain your
health. This is important because stress can cause mental fatigue, irritability, and insomnia
(Higuera, 2017).
Key Learning Point: There are multiple forms of stress, all not negative. These include physical stress,
thermal stress, emotional stress, physical stress, biological stress, radiation stress, and climatic
stress Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Chronic stress is one of the leading causes to issues such as heart disease, anger
issues, depression, anxiety and chronic pain. By recognizing the signs of chronic stress and
understanding how to combat it, many of these issues can be controlled or even reversed. (Seaward,

Sierra's Mandala




Spiritual Emotional Physical Mental

This is my mandala and it represents the four components of the wellness paradigm in order of
importance to me. First we have spiritual well-being, which is described as the state of mature higher
consciousness deriving from insightful relationships with oneself and others. It also represents personal
values and a meaningful purpose in life (Seaward, 2018). The second slice of my mandala is the emotional
piece. Emotional well-being is defined as the ability to feel and express the full range of human emotions and
to control them rather than them control you (Seaward, 2018). The third slice of my mandala is the physical
piece. Physical well-being in a nutshell is keeping your body healthy. This is done through healthy eating,
exercise, sleep hygiene, and by managing stress. Lastly, the fourth part to my mandala is the mental aspect.
The mental or intellectual well-being is the ability to gather, process, recall and exchange information.
(Seaward, 2018). My mandala is broken up in a pretty even manner, giving a little more focus to my spiritual
component and a little less to my mental component.

Journal Writing:
“How stressed are you? My stress levels from the start of class to the end”

Situation Start Midway End

Going to the gym and the weight room is packed 6 6 6
Testing for promotion 5 4 7
Not being able to be there for my mom while she undergoes 7 7 8
cancer treatment
Preparing to move to Germany 5 6 0
Preparing to start working with a new group of people in 6 5 0
Trying to get pregnant 7 0 0
Taking two college classes 6 8 2
Insomnia 8 6 3
Paying off debt 7 8 6
Not living close to my family 8 6 4


Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: The Chakra system is a sublet energy that spans from our head (crown) to our
tailbone root). It consists of 7 points that run up and down the spine. It is sometimes referred to as
the “human aura”. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: The immune system is significantly affected by stress and can be compromised
when subjected to too much of it. Too much stress can cause the body to attack itself and you can
end up with things like ulcers, bowel issues, etc. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Many common everyday issues can be caused by stress without us even realizing
it. Tension headaches, migraine headaches, depression, heart disease, and asthma are only a ew
examples. By working on our stress leels we can greatly increase our ability to live more
comfortably each day. (Seawrd, 2018).

Neurosciences is a multidisciplinary science that is concerned with the study of the structure
and function of the nervous system. Neuroplasticity is the brains ability to reorganize itself by
forming neural connections throughout one’s life (Medicine Net, n.d.). Five diseases in the nervous
system that are induced by stress are migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), coronary
heart disease, bronchial asthma, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).

Journal Writing:
How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?
We just found out that my Mom has stage four small cell carcinoma in her lungs, brain and
stomach. This is currently my biggest stressor when it comes to people in my life. I stress over it
because I am living so far away and I can’t be there to take her to appointments and help her while
she goes through the treatment. What stresses me out the most is that I feel like I have not spent
enough time with her in the past few years because I am always away. I lost my father suddenly in
2015 and now I worry I will lose her too.
How is stress or anxiety about work affecting your life?

I let work wear me out. I am very by the book when it comes to doing things in the office and
when something is done incorrectly, I sometimes let it make me really angry. I tend to take on tasks
so that I know they are done correctly instead of allowing my co-workers to do the tasks because of
my lack of trust in them. As I write this down, I realize how absurd that is to do and it also makes me
sound a bit pretentious. I need to dig deeper into this habit and figure out a way to better deal.
How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?
I have had to take a break from social media and the news lately because I get so aggravated at
seeing so much hate and stupidity over politics. I am very emotional and sensitive so when I see
horrible things posted online I let it affect me like it’s happening directly to me.
How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your life?
Food and eating habits are running through my mind almost constantly. I am very self-
conscious and I let myself feel really awful whenever I fall off of the healthy train. I am also in a
location that does not offer many healthy options and I am at the mercy of whatever the military
dining facility has to offer each day. This makes it hard to plan ahead and some days I go in and only
come out with a pear.
How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your life?
I am actually not sleepy often. Recently I have not been sleeping well because my husband
had to move to Germany without me so I am learning to sleep alone again. I always sleep so soundly
when we are together. Right now, Unisom tablets are helping and in a few weeks, I will be back with
my husband again and all will be good in the sleep department.
How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity affecting your life?
I actually do not have stress about this particular area. I work out regularly and have a job that
forces me to move about all of the time.
I wrote my responses two days ago and while I sit here at this moment, re-reading my thoughts
it is clear that I am stressed to the max and maybe I need to lighten up a bit. I actually just took a short
class today at work that was part of our resiliency training. In the training they spoke about gratitude
and how being appreciative of even the small accomplishments and happy moment during the day can
really help with stress levels. We did an exercise that required us to think of the past 24 hours and
write down three things that we are grateful for. Taking the time to reflect on my day made me realize
I have so much good in my life and stressing takes away from that. I am really looking forward to
really digging deep into our workbook for this class and in doing more journal entries like this that
make me really take a look at myself.


Unit 3: Psychology of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: “Emotional literacy: A term used in reference to one’s ability to express oneself
in an emotionally healthy way” (Seaward, 2018). By being conscious of how we handle out
emotions we can better deal with the issue at hand and not let our emotions be in total control.

Key Learning Point: Five ways in which you can improve your communication style are to pay
attention to nonverbal cues, be an active listener, speak with precision, keep the dialogue open, and
use language that is appropriate for your listening audience (Atchison, 2018).
Key Learning Point: The views that espoused theorists have in common when it comes to the mind
and human spirituality are practicing self-awareness and self-acceptance. There also seems to
be a common thought that there is a connection of body and soul as well as a connection of
humans to humans. It seems to me that the key is to live in harmony with oneself as well as in
harmony with each other and the planet. Mindfulness is very important as well as trying to
keep a positive outlook and attitude and to just treat everyone and everything with kindness
and love (Seaward, 2018).

-What can be learned from the Tibetan culture about the mind and stress?
Based on the concept of the four noble truths, suffering (stress) is believed to be a
consequence of desires with strong attachments (Seaward, 2018). According to Tibetan beliefs, we
can reduce and even eliminate stress by detaching ourselves from desire, by taming our mind, and by
letting go of expectations through meditation and mindfulness.
-Describe one or more ways to cope with manage and/or resolve fear.
Some techniques that can help us cope with fear are part of behavioral therapy. They include
systematic desensitization, which is a process of learning to destress in small, manageable stages
(Seaward, 2018), exposure desensitization, in which you are repeatedly exposed to your stressor in a
safe manner while under the care of a therapist, assertiveness training in which you work to build self-
-Describe a minimum of five ways in which you can improve your communication style.

Five ways in which you can improve your communication style are to pay attention to
nonverbal cues, be an active listener, speak with precision, keep the dialogue open, and use language
that is appropriate for your listening audience (Atchison, 2018).

Journal Writing:
During this journal assignment I set my timer for 5 minutes and followed the written
meditation in the book. The first thing I realized was that I had a hard time with my breath. The
meditation in our book said “Just ride the waves of the breath, moment by moment, breathing in and
breathing out” (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Using this guidance, I began to say over and over in my
head “I am breathing in, I am breathing out” and this helped me a lot. I noticed my mind would try to
wander off about random things. “I should make more coffee. I should get a massage because my
back hurts. I don’t want to spend money for a massage. I should drink more water. I should be at the
gym. I should be packing.” I imagined myself literally grabbing an imagine of me wandering off and
pulling her back to a chair. In doing this I was able to clear my mind again. This lasted a few
moments and then I began to think about math. That was really weird. Why on earth would I be
thinking about math? It is funny where our mind goes sometimes. Once I grabbed myself back from
my math thoughts, I started to feel a tingling sensation come over my body and I felt my lingering
back pain start to ease up. That is when the timer when off and it startled me. The tingling sensation
lasted a few more minute after I opened my eyes and I am just now feeling my back pain again. I
wonder if my back hurts because I am so tense?
Circling back to where my mind was wandering in the beginning of this practice. I said the
words “I should” a lot. When I think about it more, I tend to say this to myself all of the time. I should
do this, or I should do that. In a way, it seems like I am telling myself that what I am already doing
isn’t good enough. I give myself a really hard time all of the time and have made it a habit to talk
down to myself. If I said to other people what I say to myself on a daily basis, I would really hurt their
feelings and they would probably never speak to me again. Why do I allow myself to be so mean to
me? Maybe I am looking at all of this too deeply. I do plan to do this more often and for longer. I felt
a really great sense of relaxation after only 5 minutes.


Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Self-esteem is defined as the send of underpinning self-values, self-acceptance,
and self-love and it is thought to be a powerful buffer against perceived threats (Seaward, 2018).
Basically, our level of self-esteem is a reflection of how we feel and how comfortable we are
about who we are.
Key Learning Point: Attitude takes into account the way we treat others and approach situations and
are often formed by our own personal beliefs and values. An example would be if you value loyalty
and honesty and then your friend comes to you and says they have been cheating on their spouse.
The way you approach and respond to this situation is a reflection of your attitude. (Seaward, 2018)
Key Learning Point: Beliefs are assumptions we hold to be true and are often based more so on
ideas than facts. While we generally trust our beliefs and they usually serve us well, they can
be very vulnerable to error and distortion (Alcock, 2018). Often we get our beliefs from our
culture, upbringing and religion.

1. Describe self-esteem and explain what role it plays in promoting and resolving issues.
Self-esteem can reflect in how well we take care of our bodies, how well we take care of our
minds, how we dress, how we carry ourselves, how we interact with other people. Possessing little
self-esteem or self-regard can lead people to become depressed, to fall short of their potential, or to
tolerate abusive situations and relationships (Psychology Today, n.d.)
When someone has low self-esteem they are much more prone to the effects of stress and they
lack the ability to cope with it as well as someone with higher self-esteem. A person with low self-
esteem may find it difficult resolving issues because they feel that they are unworthy or powerless. A
person with high self-esteem can resolve issues more easily because they tend to approach new
challenges with enthusiasm, are proud of their accomplishments and are able to tolerate frustrations
well (Seaward, 2018).

2. Explain how relationships, values, and meaningful purpose in life are affected by stress.
Stress doesn’t just affect the body, it affects all aspect of our being to include mind, body,
spirit and emotions (Seaward, 2009). When it comes to relationship, our values and feeling as if our
life has purpose, stress can place blinders on us that make us feel like things are not as they seem.
Stress effects not only our relationship with others but also our relationship with ourselves. It does
this by causing us to be more withdrawn, distracted and less affectionate. Stress can also bring out our
worst traits, which may lead to friends, family and partners to withdraw as well (Gordon, 2017).
Stress affects our values by hindering our ability to make decisions and by fogging up our
concentration. When we are not focused on our goals and values and are worried about what is
stressing us out, then sometimes these things get pushed to the side. This is also true for our purpose
in life. When we are stressed often that is all we can focus on. Anxiety and frustration take over and
depression can set in. When we feel this way it is hard to see the bigger picture and we can lose sight
of our meaning.
3. Explain your perspective on the difference between values, attitudes, and beliefs.
A value is something that we feel holds great importance and often determine our priorities.
Values become standards by which people order their lives and make their choices (Mind Tools, n.d.).
Most of has have multiple values that we rank in order of importance. For example, if someone values
both family and their career, but family is ranked higher then they will always ensure that their family
is taken care of, that they are making time to spend with their family before they focus on work.
When the things we do and the way we behave match our values, life is usually more satisfying.
Values also decide what we think is right, wrong, good or unjust.
Attitude takes into account the way we treat others and approach situations and are often
formed by our own personal beliefs and values. An example would be if you value loyalty and
honesty and then your friend comes to you and says they have been cheating on their spouse. The way
you approach and respond to this situation is a reflection of your attitude. We have the ability to
choose how we respond to others and must always take into account that not everyone has the same
values and beliefs as us. Our friend may be coming to use for advice and in order to help them
through the situation, it is important to try and not judge them for doing something we wouldn’t but
rather try and see their perspective.
Beliefs are assumptions we hold to be true and are often based more so on ideas than facts.
While we generally trust our beliefs and they usually serve us well, they can be very vulnerable to
error and distortion (Alcock, 2018). Often we get our beliefs from our culture, upbringing and
4. Take one lifestyle activity through Prochaska’s Stages of Change Model.
Making a lifestyle choice is a choice that we all face at some point in our lives. Be it to cut out
an addiction to a substance, stop eating unhealthy food, or to start up a workout routine. Prochaska’s
Stages of Change Model has six steps that can help individuals make these lifestyle changes. These
steps include the pre-contemplation stage, contemplative stage, determination stage, action stage,
maintenance stage, and the relapse stage. What makes Prochaska’s approach unique is that he
acknowledges the aspect of relapse as a common part of the process and not failure unto itself
(Seaward, 2018).
Something important to me is fitness and I am in need of a fitness lifestyle makeover. I was in
the pre-contemplative stage of change for quite some time as I set my fitness goals to the side and
believed that I did not actually need to make a change. I have recently moved into the contemplative
stage where I am choosing to make a positive change and do something about my habit of laziness.

Something that prompted me to make this change was noticing that my clothes have begun to fit
tighter and that I cannot run as fast as I used to. Also, I become winded when I take the stairs.
The next step is the determination stage. This is a period where willpower is called into play to
put the thought process of behavior change into action (Seaward, 2018). During this stage I will set a
realistic goal, put together a fitness routine, set a schedule, get whatever equipment and supplements I
may need, and plan a diet. Once I am comfortable with my plan, I can then move on to the action
stage. The action stage is in my opinion the hardest. It is the first step of actually following through
with the plan and it is not uncommon to have to start over multiple times before we can move on to
the next stage. Maybe I will go to the gym steady for three days and then have a rest day that turns
into five rest days. At this point we would need to go back and have a redo.
Once a flow has been established we will move on to the maintenance stage. At this point
hopefully the new change feels more normal and routine. Going to the gym will become a habit as
will be eating the correct foods and drinking enough water. Before I know it, everything will be like a
second nature. It is important still to understand relapse can happen which is why it is included as
stage 6 of the change model. The relapse stage is a period where the old behavior is resumed for a
while, until the newer behavior is readopted (Seaward, 2018). The key to pulling out of a relapse is to
first acknowledge that it has happened, not beating yourself up over it, and then picking up and
starting back on the right path.

Journal Writing:
FEAR: apprehension, anxiety, distress, edginess, jumpiness, nervousness, panic, tenseness,
uneasiness, worry, fright, feeling overwhelmed.
When looking at these words I feel them in my stomach and my heart and then I just begin to
think about the reasons behind why I often experience the highlighted emotions. Sometimes, I feel all
of the emotions listed but the ones that I highlighted seem to visit me the most. I have come to
describe myself as just an anxious person. When situations arise that cause anxiety or panic, they hit
me hard and sometimes It’s like my entire body goes numb and have to remind myself to breathe.
Tenseness is a word that I feel in my shoulders and jaw. I hold my stress in these places and
often find then tight and achy. So much so that sometimes I get a headache. I have been trying to be
mindful of this tenseness and when I feel it I try and relax by taking deep breaths, doing stretched and
by taking a walk.
CONFUSION: bewildered, uncertain, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, chaotic, foggy, or unaware.
I often have brain fog. It is like I am thinking but cannot grasp ideas or concentrate on the task
at hand. Sometimes it gets so bad that I just sit and stare off into outer space. This only happens at
work very occasionally, but it happens when I’m home all of the time especially when it comes to
doing school work. I attribute this brain fog to not drinking enough water, not eating enough food and
stress. Lately I have been practicing mindfulness and trying to live in the current moment. This has
really been helping me regain focus though I still have a long way to go. I have found that while I am
walking to and from work that taking deep breaths and walking with the mind of meditation allows
me to really notice things that I would otherwise just pass by. I have been doing this a few days now
and have really noticed positive changes within myself.
ANGER: aggravation, agitation, annoyance, destructiveness, disgust, envy, frustration, irritation,
grouchiness, grumpiness, rage.

My feelings of frustration and irritation mostly happen when something isn’t going right at
work. I am easily annoyed especially when I am tired or hungry. Envy is something that I have been
trying to overcome for a while. I think a lot of it comes from social media and that feeling that we
always need more and better everything. I also feel envy when I see Mothers with their babies. This is
more of a longing feeling though and isn’t out of ill intention.
SADNESS: alienation, anguish, despair, disappointment, gloom, grief, hopelessness, insecurity,
loneliness, misery, unhappiness, rejection.
I feel these emotions in my heart. A lot has happened recently to make me feel disappointment
and gloom. Mostly being away from family while my Mom is sick. I took this job in South Korea
with the hopes that I would get a follow on base that was near home so that I could be there with them
but, we are at the mercy of the military’s needs and low and behold I am being sent to Germany next.
This came a huge disappointment to me which is crazy considering most people would kill for a tour
in Europe. I have had to go through all of the stages of grief and have finally accepted that I will be
far from home once again for three more years.
When I am feeling emotions of sadness I tend to alienate myself from everyone. I go into a
shell and seek comfort in my home where I feel safe and at peace. I also do this when I feel insecure
which is an emotion I have dealt with my entire life.
SHAME: guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, invalidation, regret, remorse, mortification.
I feel guilty over things I should never feel guilty over. For example, when someone wants to
go do something that I don’t really want to do, I feel guilty for saying no or feel like in order to not do
the thing I need a good excuse. I also feel guilty when I leave my dog home alone for too long or
when I eat too much candy. I think this guilt has a lot to do with my constant anxiety. I have a very
hard time saying no to people and sometimes I wear myself thin.
LOVE: affection, arousal, attraction, caring, compassion, desire, fondness, infatuation, kindness,
liking, longing, warmth, sympathy, sentimentality.
When I love someone I love them very hard. These words currently make me think of my
husband. He and I have been separated due to military duty for 30 days now and it is our first time
being apart. I care a lot about many things and am very empathetic to other people’s emotions which
can sometimes be a burden but in many cases has allowed me to connected with folks on a deeper
level. I am also very compassionate which goes along with being empathetic. I try to always be kind
and when someone is kind to me, it really makes the day better.
JOY: amusement, bliss, contentment, eagerness, elation, enjoyment, enthusiasm, excitement,
exhilaration, hope, optimism, pleasure, satisfaction.
I get emotions of joy from so many aspects of my life. My husband, my friends, my dog, my
family and from doing things that I love like getting new books from a thrift store or working or going
on a hike somewhere I’ve never been before. These are the most important things to me and being
with them brings me to most satisfaction in life.
Most of my amusement comes from my husband, he is so funny and can make me laugh even
when I am in the worst mood. My dog is this way too, she is always doing goofy things to make me
This journal entry allowed me to really take a deeper look at how and why I feel the way I do
sometimes. These are all emotions that every human has felt and will continue to feel until the end, or
even after who knows. Breaking my own emotions down like this made me realize that so much good
is happening my life even in the midst of the frustration and stress of moving and being away from
those I love. Being mindful has allowed me to feel these things on an even deeper level and for that I

am thankful. I plan to continue this journey and to do everything I can to always live in the moment
and ride whatever emotional wave is coming my way at the time.


Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: “Laughter is a universal language, breaking through cultural barriers when
words cannot” (Seaward, 2015). By using humor as therapy it is possible to promote better
health and wellness. This works by using the physiological process of laughter to help relieve
physical and emotional stress.
Key Learning Point: Managing time and money. Time and money can be two of the biggest stressors
in life. They both matter and no one wants to run out of either. By practicing positive money and
time management skills it will make things much less stressful. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Reframing is a type of cognitive restructuring that helps someone discover,
challenge and then modify their negative and irrational thoughts (Positive Psychology Program,
2018). By practicing this technique, it become easier to reduce stress that is caused by these
thoughts and then helps create a more positive outlook.

Journal Writing:
I chose to do the formal practice of walking meditation. I walk all of the time to and from
work but I never really take the time to pay attention to what is going on around me because I am so
focused on getting to where I need to go. Instead of walking back and forth I chose to take the same
walk I normally do to get to work. I live in a tiny dorm room so pacing back and forth would have
probably aggravated me. I could only take about 4 steps before I would have to turn around again. I
also couldn’t walk the hallway without looking like a crazy person.
During this walk, I started by standing still and closing my eyes while taking a few deep
breaths. This allowed me to clear my mind a bit. I did not use headphones like I usually do so that I
could listen to the sounds around me. I followed along with the written guidance on page 59 and 60 of
our book. I swung my arms back and forth as I walked. It was pretty cold out but not unbearable so I
was not too distracted by that. After a few moments of walking and taking time to quiet my mind I
began to feel my feet hitting the ground in a way I have always ignored before. I noticed how my left
boot rubbed my heel and how my multi-tool felt moving around in my cargo pocket. I could hear my
feet moving the rocks on the ground and I could feel how uneven the sidewalk was. I said to myself

over and over “I am breathing in, I am breathing out” and this helped me stay focused. I did find my
mind wandering a few times but I just pulled it back and then went on with my meditation.
I was able to notice things that I had never noticed before. The trees had branches that hung
down and some leaves still clung to them. There were a group of birds In a bush paying around
chasing each other and picking up seeds from the ground. I was mindful of the way the air felt and I
could feel my hair blowing on my cheek. The air smelled like chicken from the Popeye’s chicken
restaurant across the street mixed with jet fuel from the flight line. As I passed by people I just gave
them a smile and kept moving. I could hear car horns honking and the motor of mope heads cruising
down the road. I passed a bowling alley and I could actually hear the pins being hit. I felt very
connected to everything around me.
I began to pay more attention to myself and how I was feeling. I felt thirsty and remembered I
had water on my desk so there was no need to stop and buy a new one. I started to get anxious about
all of the things I needed to get done once I arrived at work so I began my “I am breathing in; I am
breathing out” mantra again until that feeling subsided. I only had a few minutes of my walk left at
this point as I passed the gym and started telling myself I needed to go more and the negative self-talk
started to creep in. At this point I realized why it was important to do the walking meditation in a
controlled area. I had to slowly calm myself again and get my mind back to peaceful state.
Once I reached my destination I found that I was more relaxed and at peace. My co-worker
was not there yet so I had some more time to be alone and reflect. I sat down to start my work and
was just really calm and energized. I felt I was able to tackle a few easy tasks without my normal
anxiety that tells me I have a huge list of things to get done and that I should not be doing the little
stuff until the big stuff was done. I plan to do the same walking meditation on the way home and for
the next few days to see if it improves my overall mood each day.


Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing,

Meditation, and Mental Imagery
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, is a technique that can
greatly enhance relaxation of the whole body and is thought to be one of the easiest ways to relax.
It can reduce chronic pain, help with concentration and can be done anywhere at any time.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Meditation and mindfulness are both ways to dive deep into the soul and to rise
out of the depths of emotion with a sense of peace and calm. If practiced regularly, both of these
techniques can significantly reduce stress and anxiety as well as help with insomnia and chronic
pain. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Mental imagery and visualization are like daydreaming. These are techniques that
can be used in order to regain peace of mind in situations of despair. They are ways to allow the
mind to escape reality for a bit and to wander into a space that is safe and joyful. (Seaward, 2015).

4. Why is diaphragmatic breathing thought to be an effective relaxation technique?
Diaphragmatic breathing is thought to be an effective relaxation technique because it comes
from the bodies dominant breathing muscle, the diaphragm. This type of breathing is more efficient
than regular breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing extends beyond the in-the-moment stress relief and
many studies have found that this deep, yogic breathing helps balance autonomic nervous systems
which regulates involuntary bodily functions like temperature and bladder control (Peterson, n.d.). It
works well for relaxation because when it is practices the person needs to pull their full focus in on
the breath.
5. What three steps are important to engage in this technique?
The three steps that are important to engage in diaphragmatic breathing are to assume a
comfortable position, concentration and visualization. This technique can be done anywhere and the
first step is to find a spot that you can get comfortable. This can be done either sitting or lying down
on your back. Any clothing that feels constrictive should be loosened. It is suggested that you place

your hands over your stomach and feel the rise and fall of your abdomen with each breath (Seaward,
2018). The next step is to concentrate. Try to minimize any external interruptions such as noise and
internal thoughts. It is common for the mind to start to wander when first learning this technique so if
this happens just pull your concentration back to your breath. Take a deep breath that comes through
the nose and fills the lungs while the stomach naturally rises and then exhale the air feeling it leave
the stomach lungs, throat and nostrils. While your breath it is important to visualize. Breathing and
imagery are dynamic partners in the art of relaxation (Seaward, 2018). You can visualize things that
are calming for you like clouds, blades of grass or a stream of water. You can also visualize the air
flowing in and out of your body like energy.
6. What effects does meditation have on the mind and the body?
Meditation has many positive effects on the mind and body. It has properties that naturally
relax tense muscles, calm an anxious mind and relieves stress being held in the body. Meditation
helps decrease heart rate which is helpful in relieving high blood pressure and other heart related
issues. It also aids the immune system, aids in the relief of premenstrual syndrome, infertility
problems and can even help women breastfeed who are struggling. All of this is due to meditations
ability to lower stress. Stress is something that causes a multitude of issues in the human body to flare
up so by lowering it you can prevent many issues. People also use the practice to develop other
beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep
patterns and even increased pain tolerance (Thrope, 2017).
4. List three ways that imagery and visualization can be useful for relaxation. Explain why.
Everyone has an imagination and it is a powerful gift. As kids, the imagination is used daily
and without trying but as adults it can seem harder to do. The rewards produces through positive
imagery range from slain metaphorical dragons, to attained goals and answered dreams, to an
improved overall state of health (Seaward, 2018). The technique of using imagination or imagery in
psychology is called mental imagery. Mental imagery can be used in a multitude of ways to help
reduce stress and induce relaxation. The most common technique of mental imagery to aid in
relaxation is daydreaming. Sometime we do this without even realizing it. In fact, many people are
aware that they daydream, yet when asked to recall the images they are hard-pressed to give an
answer (Seaward, 2018). Daydreaming allows the body to recharge and reboot. Allowing the body to
reboot is a good way to refocus energy, calm nerves, and to just give some space to mentally chill.

Journal Writing:
Mindful of how you interact with yourself?
Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of being really mean to myself in a way that I would never
be toward another human being. I often catch myself focused on my body and weight I have done this
for as long as I can remember, even back when I was a teen at only a size 0 in pants. I get really sad
when I actually take the time to recognize the way I talk to myself in my head and even though I
know it is awful, for some reason it keeps happening. I can be doing really good and being really
positive for a few days and then all of a sudden have something happen and bam I am right back at
belittling myself. We are our own worst critics I suppose. When I read the messages in our book and
think about how they make me feel, I really feel nothing and I think it is because I am so used to
hearing them in my head all of the time.
Seeds of suffering?

Oh the idea of not watering my seeds of suffering seems so amazing and I really want to stop
doing this. I think that by taking the time to be more positive and by not watering these seeds that so
many great things could start happening in my life. I could be so much more confident. I could have a
better relationship with the people around me because I wouldn’t be so worried about myself all of the
time. I could enjoy life to the fullest instead of always hiding behind my own self-doubt. I am going
to try my best to get this under control. I have to treat myself as kind as I do others or I am just never
going to have the confidence I need.

Day-to-day life feelings of resentment?

I have been dealing with a difficult person in my life lately. My grandmother. She is a very
negative and sometimes mean spirited person. I am home on leave right now visiting with her and my
mother and I have been trying my best to understand why she does and says that things she does
instead of getting mad and annoyed like I have in the past. It is really thanks to this class that I have
decided to do this. She is very critical of me and might be one of the reason I have such self-esteem
issues. For example, I just had my hair done and it is darker than normal but I like it a lot. She saw it
and immediately said “I hate it, you need to get it lighter, you look bad”. For some reason my whole
life I have always done things to impress my grandmother or to make her proud of me so anything she
is critical I really take it to heart. This time, instead of getting hurt and/or giving in to her criticism
and going to get it re-done even though I love it and everyone else says they like it, I have just tried to
understand why she is like that toward me. I have not figured it out yet, but by trying to understand It
has helped me be less hurt and angry. Only time will tell with this but I am going to continue to keep
an open mind with hopes that I can discover things I have never seen before.
Reflection on writing?
This exercise has really helped me dig deeper into the way I treat myself and also the way I
perceive others. I do wish to really take hold of my self-talk and to do better so that I can improve my
overall self-esteem. This way, I can not only be a better person to myself but also to those around me
because sometimes when I am feeling self-conscious I take it out on people who are closet to me like
my husband or friends. I am also going to take more time to observe the actions of others and instead
of reacting, I am going to take it in and try to understand what they are doing what they do. Maybe
they are insecure like me and handle it in a way that I can’t quite grasp. Everyone is different and not
everyone does things the way we do.


Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Music therapy is an ancient wisdom. Music has been used in every culture to
help people relax. Anything from singing yourself or listening to a chant of “OM” can be
beneficial when it has been a rough day. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Reflexology is a for of massage where pressure is put on parts of the feet in order
to promote relaxation and healing in the rest of the body. It is beneficial in bringing balance and
harmony to the body. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Nutrition is one of the most important factors to ensuring you are thriving.
Because of the modern diet, many people are not getting the proper nutrients and mineral they need
each day so the immune system is compromised causing stress on the body, mind and organs.
(Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
For this week’s journal I chose to do the mindful lying yoga. Because I have not been very
active lately and am quite stiff, I did the 15-minute version of this practice in order to not overdo it. I
first read through all of the poses so that I would have a good understanding of each one and that there
would be no surprises. I am familiar with yoga and have done it many times before but I have never
actually done it with mindfulness in mind. As I started in the supine pose, I took a moment to center
my mind on my breath as well as on what I was about to do. My cat kept crawling on my stomach, so
I had to get up and put him in the bedroom. I came back and started the though over. When I entered
into the supine twist my back cracked and I felt a release of pressure. I noticed that while doing the
leg stretch that I couldn’t full extend my leg due to the hamstrings being so tight. I felt myself get a
little frustrated but then took a few deep breaths and reminded myself that I have been very sedentary
and with practice could get my flexibility back. My left hip popped when I pulled my leg in for the
single knee to chest pose and it was really weird, I am not sure if I have ever had my hip pop.
I had a bit of a struggle with the bridge pose when it came to sweeping my hands behind my
head. It was not a difficult movement but the bones at the base of my neck dug into the floor and I
couldn’t hold it long. I didn’t have a yoga mat with me and was on the hard wood so that probably
explains it. I do not remember that ever happening before. At this point my cat had escaped the

bedroom and was walking under my bridged legs. He won and I let him stay. The rocking back and
forth pose was nice and allowed me to circle back in to relaxation. I love the pose where you open
your legs and grab the feet. I have always heard this pose called “happy baby”. From rocking back
and forth we went into leg side stretch and then back to rocking then over to the prone leg stretch. The
prone leg stretch lets you know how weak your lower back is. Doing this movement often would
really strengthen those lower back muscles and at this point I could really feel my body heating up.
Modified cobra and full cobra were a good release of tension after the prone leg stretch as were cat
and cow pose.
Once I got to the supine full body pose I felt very relaxed. In the pose of openness, I was able
to really reflect on life. A lot have been going on and the question asked was “Are you living the life
you want to be living?” (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). This made me think and sort of get emotional.
Things lately have been rough and I have had to make decisions quickly about things that I felt I
needed more time on. One of which is moving to Germany instead of moving closer to my hometown.
I chose being with my husband over being close to family and sometimes I feel guilty about that even
though I know it was the right decision. I thought about the past month that I have been visiting with
my Mother and siblings and the longer I stay here the harder it is to leave even though I know I have
to. So am I living the life I want to live? The answer is a bittersweet yes with a hint of guilt because I
feel I am being selfish. Some tears began to bubble up but I pushed them back down.
I began to take some deeper breaths and to practice diaphragmatic breathing as I entered the
corpse pose also known as Savasana. With my mind sort of on the anxious side at this point due to the
life questions, I had to really fight with myself to chill out. I practiced my mantra “I am breathing in, I
am breathing out” and after a little while could feel myself slowly calming down. I felt at peace at this
point with a lot of things that had been recently taxing my mind. Cat was back on my belly but it was
ok and he seemed pretty relaxed too.
Overall this practice was very beneficial and I would like to implement into my day as often as
I can. It would be something really good to do at night before bed I think. If I do it enough I could get
back to being pretty flexible and maybe even have a lower level of stress. We will see.


Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Cortisol is considered to be the stress hormone. Scientists have known for
years that elevated cortisol levels: interfere with learning and memory, lower immune
function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease
(Bergland, 2013). By working to reduce cortisol levels with things like exercise, mindfulness,
and proper nutrition we can lower the effects of stress.

Key Learning Point: Hatha yoga is one of five yogic paths. This style focuses on physical postures and
breathing control. Regular practice of hatha yoga can lower stress levels and help you become
much more mindful in your day to day life. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Physical exercise is a type of stress but its benefits outweigh any negatives it
may have. When the body stays still, various organ tissues go into metabolic overdrive.
When the body is active, it keeps things flowing and loose which reduces inflammation,
emotional stress and can help prevent diseases such as heart failure, high blood pressure,
diabetes and stroke. (Seaward, 2015)

Unit 8 consisted of a teamwork based exercise where we came up with a proposal for a health and
wellness program to incorporate at a business. My partner and I proposed a program that consisted of daily
walking/seated/laying mediation, yoga, monthly educational briefings, and a possible therapist. The overall
goal of the program was to promote mindfulness and to educate employees on the importance of trying
to keep unnecessary stress as low as possible in order to live a more fulfilling life. The program would
give the employees the tools they need to decompress, be more open about emotions, and to be more mindful
and to improve their overall wellbeing.

Journal Writing:
With this assignment I chose to imagine I was talking to my Grandmother.
OPENNESS: With openness I am able to see my Grandmother as she and I are not the same person.
We both have different views and beliefs when it comes to certain things. Instead of looking at her

with judgment, I look at her as a person who just has a different perspective. We can both have
different views and still be good.
EMPATHY: My Grandmother is sad a lot of the time. I am a very empathetic person and tend to take
on others emotions as my own without realizing it until I am too caught up. Thinking about my
Grandmother makes me sad because I know she is sad.
COMPASSION: I want to do what I can to make her happy and often I will go out of my way to do
that even at the expense of my own sanity. I could better serve my Grandmother by taking my own
emotions out of the equation and allowing myself to fully understand her and to ask how I can help.
LOVING-KINDNESS: I of course always wish my Grandmother to be well. I never want anything to
happen to her and sometimes I pressure her a lot to take better care of herself. Instead of doing that, I
should step back and understand she is her own person and all I can do it wish her well and hope she
does what she needs to instead of always trying to force her.
SYMPATHETIC JOY: Nothing makes me happier than knowing my Grandmother is happy.
EQUANIMITY: I normally always treat people the same. I try to always be kind, even when they are
not kind to me. I have learned this after years of my Grandmother being unkind to me. I used to be
mean back, but now I just keep my heart open and I try to understand that her being that way toward
me is not my fault and that she is dealing with demons I really know nothing about.
These interpersonal qualities are all ways to positively influence how I think and interact with people
each day. I will continue to practice these qualities with everyone I meet, especially those who are
closest to me and need the most love.


Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for

Management and Prevention to your
Professional Life
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Additional coping techniques include things like information seeking, which
helps the person feel better by being more in the know, social orchestration which is done by
changing the stress-producing factors in the environment (Seaward, 2015), and by finding friends
or social support groups that can help coach you through rough times.

Key Learning Point: Progressive Muscular Relaxation is a relaxation technique that involves tensing
and then relaxing muscle groups one at a time in a particular order. This technique has been
effectively used to control stress and anxiety, relieve insomnia, and reduce symptoms of certain
types of chronic pain. (WebMD, n.d.)

Key Learning Point: Mindful eating. Food provides the body with the fuel and nutrients it needs to
thrive each day. When we are not thinking about what we are eating and do it out of habit we may
not always opt for the healthiest selection. By practicing mindful eating, it may become evident
that you may feel worse after eating and have uncomfortable symptoms. Once you are aware then
it will become easier to choose what is better for you. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010)

Additional Information
The Noticer by Andy Andrews- A self-help book that follows a young man through trials and
tribulations of being homeless and how gaining perspective on life can help anyone pull out of
even the darkest spaces.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown- A self-help book on shame and vulnerability and how
“Whole heart” living can open your life up to countless possibilities. This book allos the
reader to let go of what “should be” and to grasp on to what is and love doing it.

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem- An article outlining practices that are necessary to truly feel good
about yourself. It can be found here:

Pacifica- A smartphone app that is used to help people manage their daily stress by tracking moods,
offering guided meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy. It can be found here:

TED Talks:
How to Make Stress Your Friend-
How to Stay Calm When you know you’ll be stressed
Nutrition and Mental Health-

Cortisol --- Its Role in Stress, Inflammation and Indications for Diet Therapy_

Alcock, J. E. (2018, Feb 14). We Are Our Beliefs. Retrieved Jan 26, 2019, from Psychology Today:

Atchison, J. (2018, Sep 24). Four Way To Improve You Communication Skills and Why It Matters.

Retrieved from Forbes:


Bergland, C. (2013, Jan 22). Cortisol: Why the "Stress Hormone” Is Public Enemy No. 1. Retrieved

from Psychology Today:


Gordon, A. M. (2017, Sep 29). Is Stress Killing Your Relationship? Why You're Not Alone. Retrieved

Jan 26, 2019, from Psychology Today:


Higuera, V. (2017, May 1). What Is General Adaptation Syndrome? Retrieved from Healthline:

Medicine Net. (n.d.). Medical Definition of Neuroplasticity. Retrieved Jan 15, 2019, from


Mind Tools. (n.d.). What Are Your Values. Retrieved Jan 26, 2019, from Mind Tools:

Peterson, L. (n.d.). Decrease stress by using your breath. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic:


Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (8th ed.).

Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Psychology Today. (n.d.). Self-Esteem. Retrieved Jan 26, 2019, from Psychology Today:

Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New

Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Thorpe, M. (2017, Jul 05). 12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation. Retrieved from Health Line:

WebMD. (n.d.). Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Stress and Insomnia. Retrieved from WebMD:


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