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If one were to ask my friends to describe me they would say that I am a very pleasant, diverse, active and
intelligent man. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristics is the diversity of knowledge I possess.
I am a science student with a flair for the arts. I am a man with scientific aptitude and an interest in nature. I
also have a passion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world. All these elements have
given me a very broad outlook, with varying degrees of knowledge in a range of topics. I strongly believe
that although some are not related directly, all these qualities will influence my graduate work.

My science degree in genetics has given strong foundation in biology of micro-organisms, plants, humans
and animals. Apart from my 3 years of education I have shown keen interest in animals and studied their
behaviour at Kamala Nehru Zoological Garden in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Research centre of the zoo helped
me learn more about the animals and its natural habitats, patterns of daily routine, likeness to certain kind of
environment and interaction with humans. I came to know many things about animals in last three years and
it created a certain curiosity in me to know more about them and help them give what they actually deserve
that is care.

My school life has been very eventful and played a significant role in moulding my personality. To
achieve high proficiencies a student needs schooling, which provides an instinct to blossom in life and for
me that was catered by “Navchetan Highschool", a school that has a good will and known for its quality
education. The motto of this school is “Knowledge imparted is knowledge gained”. I passed 10th in 2013.
After completing 10th, I took admission for Higher secondary education in “Navchetan Highschool” in
Science stream passed 12th in 2015.

With the privilege to select a government college of my choice for my under graduation, I choose Sardar
Patel University, inspired by its premier education and laboratory facilities in the vast developing field of
science and technology. I completed my Bachelor of Science in – Genetics with 62% in 2018. During the
final year, I have completed my project based on “Microbial Genetic Mutation”. Under-graduation studies
period was the most crucial period and the real turning point to my life. These three years of study really
helped me out in narrowing down my fields of interest and helped me for carving my career in the right
manner. Studies in Bachelor gave me a strong grasp of fundamental and basic concept of biology. I have
grown as an active personality during these three years of study. I was participating in various classroom
discussions and seminars.

The three years that I spent for my Bachelor Degree in Science has been one of the most exciting phases
of my life so far which provided me the opportunity of comprehensive exposure, strong conceptual
understanding to the core area of my interest in genetics and to learn a number of amazing subjects. I have
been introduced to multitude of topics ranging from the very basics fundamentals of genetics, Animal
Biotechnology, Biomedical Genetics, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Molecular and Microbial
Genetics, Plant Biotechnology, Human genetics and Immunogenetics. In addition to my coursework, I
also have practical experience that will aid in the development of future studies and career, with my own
initiative and zeal.

I have chosen Nottingham Trent University because of the presence of distinguished faculty and
stimulating academic atmosphere. Pursuing Master of Science in Endangered Species Recovery and
Conservation in your esteemed institution will give me the broad base education I need, to widen the
scope of my knowledge and skills. I am willing to learn. I am well aware that studies at Masters Level
demands hard work, punctuality and mentally equipped.

To conclude, I have a great desire to attend NTU as it has everything I wish for and it will be great honour
to enrol with the same. I am sure NTU will discover a valuable asset in me.

Your faithfully,

Jinesh Gandhi

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