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Dashboard ► My courses ► CKAS ► Chapter 1: AML Regulations and Policy ► Chapter 1: AML Quiz

Started on Thursday, 21 February 2019, 4:28 PM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 21 February 2019, 4:55 PM
Time taken 27 mins 8 secs
Grade 28.00 out of 30.00 (93%)

Question 1
Under no circumstances business should enter into a relationship with any
Complete individual or organization or entity that is named under SDN/Black list. What
Mark 2.00 out of is the risk behind this?
Select one:
a. Credit Risk

b. Market Risk

c. Regulatory and reputational Risk

Question 2 Who advised through regulations the following statement, "Banks shall
Complete ensure in regard of AML/CFT that their business is conducted in conformity
with high ethical standards and that banking laws and regulations are
Mark 2.00 out of
adhered to"?

Select one:
a. FBR

b. Ministry of Finance

c. SBP

Question 3 As defined under AML/CFT regulations, Occasional/Walk-in Customer

Complete means?

Mark 2.00 out of

Select one:
a. Having no relationship with specific branch but bank

b. Having no relationship with bank

c. None of the given options

Question 4
In context with the AML/CFT guidelines of the regulator, the word CDD is
Complete defined as what?
Mark 2.00 out of
2.00 Select one:
a. Corporate Due diligence
b. Contract Due diligence

c. Customer Due diligence

Question 5 In context of AML/CFT regulations, why should bank pay special attention on
Complete large and complex transactions, which in fact may generate more revenue
for the bank as compare to small transactions?
Mark 2.00 out of
Select one:
a. Because these always pertains to Corporate Customers.

b. Large and complex transactions may be more risky than other


c. To ensure our customers shall not withdraw their deposit

Question 6 Employees who violate any of the AML/CFT regulations or the policies and
Complete procedures outlined in the KYC-AML Handbook will be subjected to?

Mark 2.00 out of

Select one:
a. Disciplinary action

b. Post-facto approval of respective business head for the said


c. propose change in relevant procedure in handbook

Question 7 Could MCB Islamic Bank provide about their customer information to our
Complete correspondent bank in London or Munich?

Mark 2.00 out of

Select one:
a. No, we cannot provide our customer info to our correspondent
bank as it is against the law.

Yes, we are bound to provide our customer info to our correspondent

c. We have to take advice from SBP before providing any info to

correspondent bank outside Pakistan.

Question 8 Copies of CNICs of prospective customers wherever required shall invariably

Complete be verified from NADRA within a week after opening the account. What do
you say?
Mark 2.00 out of
Select one:
a. False

within 5 days

c. within 3 days

Question 9
What is the first stage of Money laundering?

Mark 2.00 out of Select one:

2.00 a. Layering

b. Integration

c. None of a & b
Question 10
What are those individuals called in regulatory terms, who are or have been
Complete entrusted with prominent public functions, including head of states or
Mark 2.00 out of government, senior politicians, judicial or military officials, senior executives
2.00 of publicly owned corporations?

Select one:
a. Valuable Persons

b. High Net worth Persons

c. PEPs

Question 11
KYC / Customers due Diligence is one time exercise to be done strictly at the
Complete time of account opening. Is it TRUE?
Mark 2.00 out of
2.00 Select one:
a. TRUE- Only for Medium risk accounts


Question 12 At integration stage, the money launderers place/take the laundered funds
Complete back into the banking system / economy?

Mark 0.00 out of

Select one:

c. None of the given options

Question 13
As per AML/CFT Regulation R4 (STRs/CTRs), Banks are advised to implement
Complete systems which could flag out of what?
Mark 2.00 out of
2.00 Select one:
a. Pattern of transactions for reporting suspicious transactions

b. Any fraudulent activity in the bank

c. Any shortcomings in A/c Opening & KYC documentation
Question 14 What action can you take on a prospective business where all of the
Complete required information related to KYC/CDD/EDD cannot be obtained without a
justifiable reason?
Mark 2.00 out of
Select one:
a. Try to obtain the information within a week after A/C Opening
b. May decline the Relationship

c. Must get the information before issuance of cheque book

Question 15 In Money Laundering Process the source of funds will always be linked with
Complete a………………….

Mark 2.00 out of

Select one:
a. legitimate  source
b. Illegitimate source

c. May be both a & b

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