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Group 5
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Materials
3. Design Loading
4. Load Combinations
5. Design Parameters
6. Vertical Gradient
7. Cross-Slope
8. Deck Drainage
9. Detailing
10. Codes, Specifications and Standards
11. Software for analysis and Design
12. Description of proposed structural system in flyover

List of Tables

1. Concrete Compressive Strength specifications

2. Loads considered for analysis
3. Material Dead Loads
4. Basic Lap Lengths for concrete
5. List of Codes and specifications
1) Introduction
This report consists of the design basis of a bridge to be constructed across a dry riverbed in New
Delhi along NH-1.

The report strictly adheres to the following documents, as they may apply.

a) MORTH specifications, 2014

b) Relevant IRC codes
c) Relevant IS codes

Further, the report lays out the structural system, materials, design loads and load combinations, soil
conditions, durability considerations and a list of all documents applicable to the design of such
structures as agreed upon by subject experts.

2) Materials

2.1 Concrete

All material properties shall be as per IRC: 112 specifications including relevant amendments.

Concrete grades are specified as the 28-day characteristic cube compressive strength. The preferred
nominal aggregate size used for RCC applications is 20mm.

The proposed minimum strength for various components of the structure are specified below:

PCC levelling course M15

Substructure and foundation (all components except PCC levelling course M40
and the superstructure) *
Table 1: Concrete Compressive Strength Specifications

(* These components include and are restricted to the truss girder system, cast-in-situ crash barrier
and kerb, bearing pedestals and seismic block)

Modulus of Elasticity of concrete will be taken as per Table 6.5 of IRC:112. The Poisson’s ratio of
uncracked concrete is taken as 0.2 and that of cracked concrete as 0.

2.2 Reinforcing Steel

Fe500 (HYSD bars) will be used as the reinforcing bars wherever they may be used. These conform to
IS:1786 and Table 18.1 of IRC:112. The characteristic strength of reinforcing bars is 500 MPa and
their modulus of elasticity 200 GPa.

2.3 Structural Steel

Structural steel grade E275: A type conforming to IS2062:2011 is used for the truss girder. The
minimum yield strength as specified is 255 MPa and the tensile strength is 410 MPa. The Elastic
modulus of the same is 200 GPa.

2.4 Expansion Joints

Modular Strip Seal Joints are provided in the structure. The anticipated movement of the structure
decided the number of modules to be used in the structure. The fabrication and installation of the
expansion joints will be as per IRC(SP): 69.
2.6 Bearings

UHMWPE bearings conforming to MORTH & IRC 83 Part IV specifications will be provided.

2.7 Soil Specifications

Reasonably stiff and strong soil with no possibility of liquefaction.

i. Ø = 30⁰, c= 0
ii. SBC = 250 kPa
iii. k (modulus of subgrade reaction) = 60,000 kN/m3

3. Design Loading

3.1 General

The design loading for the structure has been arrived at by considering the provisions of IRC: 6
(2017). The same has been tabulated below:

Elementary Load Notation

Dead Loads Dead Weight G
Shrinkage and Creep Fs
Super-Imposed Dead Loads – Fixed SIDL-F
Super-Imposed Dead Loads - Variable SIDL-V
Live Load Vehicle Load Q
LL Impact Factor Qim
Tractive/Braking Effort Fb
Live Load on Footpath Qfp
Frictional Resistance/Braking Forces Ff
Temperature Effects Fte
Wind Pressure Effects Longitudinal Direction Wx
W Transverse Direction Wz
Vertical Direction Wy
Earthquake Effects Longitudinal Direction Feqx
Feq Transverse Direction Feqz
Vertical Direction Feqy
Differential Settlements (For continual/integral units only) DS
Vehicle Collision Loads VC
Table 2: Loads considered for analysis

3.2 Dead Load (G)

The unit weights of the materials used for construction are tabulated below:

Material Unit Weight (kN/m2)

Reinforcing Steel 78.5
Structural Steel 78.5
Soil 20
Water 10
Table 3: Material Dead Loads
3.3 Super-Imposed Dead Loads (SIDL)

These are of two types: Fixed SD due to installation of crash barrier and other utilities & Variable SD
due to the wearing coat.

3.3.1 Fixed Superimposed Dead Loads (SIDL-F)

New-Jersey Type Crash barriers designed as per Table 10, IRC:6 are provided. The cross-sectional
area of the barriers is 0.61 m2. Street lighting will go through the crash barrier. The weight of steel
railing over the barrier is taken as 1.5 kN/m. An additional load of 1 kN/m for utilities (cables, rain
water runner pipes etc.) is assumed.

Weight of crash barriers = .28 x 25 = 7 kN/m on each side

3.3.2 Variable Superimposed Dead Loads (SIDL-V)

Surface loading due to wearing coat shall be taken as 2 kN/m2.

3.4 Live Load due to Vehicles (Q)

The carriageway load combination will be as per Table 6, IRC: 6. The carriageway is designed to carry
2 lanes of traffic and possible load positions and combinations for “70R” and “Class A” vehicles will
be used at the detailed design stage.

3.5 Impact Factor (Qim)

Impact factor will be considered for the longitudinal and transverse design of the superstructure as
per Clause 208, IRC: 6. Full impact of live loads will be considered till the top of the pier caps only.

For design of piers and foundations, impact factors will be multiplied by appropriate factors given in
clause 208.7 of IRC: 6.

3.6 Reduction in Longitudinal Effect

Reduction in Longitudinal effects as per clause 205, IRC: 6 will be considered.

3.7 Congestion Factor

Congestion factor, as per clause 204.4 of IRC: 6 will not be considered as the structure is not in the
vicinity of areas such as ports, heavy industries or mines where such congestion occurs frequently.

3.8 Special Vehicle

Any special vehicle as given in clause 204.5, IRC: 6, will not be considered for the design since there
are alternate pass-ways available for these vehicle types in the city.

3.9 Longitudinal Forces

As per clause 211, IRC: 6, the bridge superstructure will be designed for longitudinal forces arising
due to tractive effort, braking effort and deformation force on elastomeric bearings/friction in case
of POT/PTFE or spherical bearings.

3.10 Braking Force (Fb)

Braking force is derived as per clause 211.2 of IRC: 6.

3.11 Frictional Resistance (Ffr)

As applicable to piers with POT/PTFE or spherical bearings (if any)

3.12 Wind Load (W)

Wind loads acting on a structure are a characteristic of the local topography, aspect ratios of the
structure concerned, height of the structure above the ground level and the location of the
structure. These will be calculated as per clause 209, IRC: 6. As per this clause,

Basic Wind Speed, Vb = 41 m/s (Figure 10, IRC: 6)

Scaling factor to be used for calculation of Hourly mean wind speed = 1.424 (Notes, Table 12, IRC: 6)

Assumed height of structure above the ground level = 14m (deck elevation) + 6 m (truss elevation,
assuming an economical height of truss for a two-lane bridge = span/7 = 5.143 m) = 20m.

 Hourly mean wind speed = 43.14 ~ 43.5 m/s

 Horizontal wind pressure Pz = 1.17 kN/m2 (1.116 kN/m2)
 Hourly mean wind speed at construction stage = 30.45 kN/m2

Design transverse wind force on structural elements, FT = Pz x A1 x Cd x G


Pz = Horizontal Wind Pressure (kN/m2) = 1.17 kN/m2

A1 = Solid Projection Area (m2, to be calculated as per Annex C, IRC: 6)

Cd = To be taken as per Annex C, IRC: 6

G = Gust Factor = 2.0 (For bridges of spans < 150m, clause 209.3.3, IRC: 6)

Longitudinal wind force on structural elements = 50% of Design transverse wind loads on structural
elements. (As per clause 209.3.4, IRC: 6)

Horizontal wind speed at the level of the deck = 28.92*1.424 = 41.2 m/s.

Since the horizontal wind speed at the level of the deck exceeds 36 m/s, no live load is assumed to
be acting on the structure.

For Live load on structure, the drag coefficient shall be taken as 1.2 as per clause 209.3.6 of IRC: 6

Design Vertical Wind load(upwards/downwards) on structure = Pz x A3 x CL x G


CL = Lift coefficient

A3 = Plan area of Structure (m2)

Wind load on substructure shall be accounted for in accordance with clause 209.4 of IRC: 6

3.13 Seismic Loading

The Seismic load calculation on the structure shall be as per the provisions of IRC(SP): 114. The
seismic zone map for the site is Zone 4.

3.13.1 Fundamental Period of Vibration

The fundamental natural period of the structure T(s) in the transverse direction may be estimated by
the following expression:

T(s) = 2 x (D/F)0.5


D = Total dead load of the superstructure and live load in N

F = Horizontal force in kN to be applied at the centre of mass of the superstructure to

produce 1 mm deflection at the level of the top of pier/bearing.

The fundamental natural period of vibration of the structure along the vertical direction may be
estimated by using the following expression:

T(s) = 2 x (span)2/π x (m/EI)0.5


span = total bridge span in meters

m = mass/length of bridge

EI = flexural rigidity of bridge and may be obtained by an equivalent simply-supported case. Masses

i. Permanent Masses (Self-weight + SIDL)

 Full span for longitudinal seismic between expansion joints. The two piers act to
resist the forces in the bridge due to the seismic actions.
 Half span on either side of the pier for transverse seismic
 Masses of pier cap and top half of pier.
ii. For the transverse effect, effects from 20% live load excluding impact are considered. The
direction of seismic action is considered perpendicular to the direction of traffic motion as
per clause 4.6 of IRC: 114. Stiffness

Stiffness shall be calculated using the uncracked section properties and the instantaneous elastic
modulus of concrete as isolation bearings are being used.

Stiffness effects of foundation, piers and bearings shall be combined assuming them to be a series of

 1/K = 1/Kbr + 1/Kmat + 1/Kpier

Further, the pier is assumed to be fixed at the level of the mat, giving it a stiffness of 6EI/L3. This is
assuming an infinite stiffness for the bearing (this is a valid assumption for spherical bearings).

3.13.2 Response Spectrum Definition

(Sa/g) will be calculated as per the estimated time period of the structure assuming 5% damping as
per clause 5.2.2 IRC: 6.

a) Basic Design Response Spectrum

The spectrum given in figure 5.1(b), IRC: 114 corresponding to hard soil will be used for the
b) Seismic Acceleration (horizontal seismic coefficient)
Ah = (Sa/g) x (Z/2) x (I/R)
Z = zone factor = 0.24 (transverse motions, Table 4.2, IRC(SP): 114)
= 0.16(vertical motions, clause 4.2.3, IRC(SP) :114)
I = 1.2 (Table 4.3, IRC(SP): 114 corresponding to “Important Bridges” part (b) “Bridges on
State/National Highways”)
R = 1 (Corresponding to Substructure (ii), Table 4, IRC(SP): 114)

3.13.3 Seismic Combinations

As per Clause 4.2.2 of IRC: SP: 114, the following combinations shall be taken.

a. ± r1 ± 0.3 r2 ± 0.3 r3
b. ± 0.3 r1 ± r2 ± 0.3 r3
c. ± 0.3 r1 ± 0.3 r2 ± r3

Where, r1, r2 and r3 force resultant due to full design seismic force along x, z and vertical

direction respectively.

3.13.4 Ductile Detailing

Ductile detailing as per provisions of IS800: 2007 and IS13920: 2016 will be carried out using R=1 for
the superstructure and substructure respectively.

3.14 Temperature Effects (Fte)

3.14.1 Overall Temperature

The temperature range for the construction is:

 Highest Maximum Temperature = 46⁰ C
 Lowest Minimum Temperature = 4⁰ C

Mean of maximum and minimum temperature = (46 + 4) / 2 = 25⁰ C

Thus, as per Clause 215.2 of IRC: 6, the temperature when the structure is effectively
restrained shall be designed for a temperature range:

 Mean of minimum or maximum air shade temperature ± 10° C, whichever is

So, the range of temperature in which the structure is integrated is 15° C to 35° C.
Temperature fall = 46-15 = 31°C
Temperature rise = 35-4 = 31°C

The temperature has influence on the movement of expansion joints as well as on bearings.
The temperature effect of rise and fall takes place over a season and hence the long-term value
of Modulus of Elasticity is considered in the analysis, and it is estimated considering creep
coefficient of 1 as per IRC: 112 Clause (3) and Table 6.9.

3.14.2 Differential Temperature

Temperature gradient within the superstructure shall be derived from two cases,
a) Positive temperature difference due to solar radiation and other effects causes
gain in heat through top surface of superstructure.
b) Negative temperature differences due to re-radiation and other effect causes loss
of heat from top surface of bridge deck.

The temperature differences shall be assumed as shown in Fig. 17(a) of IRC: 6 for 50mm thick
wearing course.

Instantaneous modulus of elasticity of concrete shall be used for calculation of forces under
temperature gradient (diurnal variation). Coefficient of thermal expansion for concrete is
taken as 12 x 10-6/⁰C as per Clause 215.4 of IRC: 6.

3.15 Creep and Shrinkage (Fs)

Creep and Shrinkage strain shall be as calculated per Clause and of IRC:
112. This strain has influence on stresses for indeterminate structures or composite members,
movement of expansion joints and bearing movement.

Creep and shrinkage calculation shall be done considering relative humidity of 66% As per
Table A-7 of Amendment No 5/ IRC 112/November 2017.

3.16 Differential Settlement of Supports (DS)

Differential settlement between two adjacent piers shall be

 12mm (min.) of settlement is considered if the foundation rest on compressible
stratum with long term modulus of concrete (half the instantaneous modulus of
concrete) shall be taken.
 No differential settlement will be considered if the foundation rest on any
uncompressible stratum such as hard stratum and any type of rock.
 Differential settlement is to be considered only in the design of continuous
structures, or indeterminate structures if any.

3.17 Jacking up Condition

This check is carried out for the condition of superstructure during replacement of bearings.
It is assumed that superstructure shall be lifted by 10 mm, with all bearings on a pier/or a
continuous unit may be considered to be jacked up. This will be taken in lieu of differential
settlement effects and will be further elaborated in the specific designs.

During the replacement of bearing, no vehicular traffic shall be permitted.

3.18 Collision Load (Vc)

Vehicle collision load shall be considered as per Clause 222 in IRC: 6. As per Clause 222.1.2,
the vehicle collision load shall not be considered for abutments or on the structures separated
by a minimum distance of 4.5m from the edge of the carriageway.
All piers shall be designed separately for loads acting normal and parallel to carriageway at
the most severe points as specified in table 22 of IRC: 6.

4 Load Combinations

All combination of loads shall be as per Annexure B of IRC: 6.

Loads shall be combined to check equilibrium and structural strength under ultimate
limit state. The equilibrium of the structure shall be checked against overturning, sliding and
uplift. It shall be ensured that ratio of stabilizing to restoring forces is more than unity. The
equilibrium and structural strength shall be checked under basic, accidental and seismic
combinations of loads.

4.1 Load Combination for checking the Equilibrium

For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads are taken from
Table B.1 of IRC: 6.

4.2 Load Combination for Checking the Structural Strength (ULS)

For checking the Structural strength of the structure. the partial safety factor for loads are
taken from Table B.2 of IRC: 6.

4.3 Load Combinations for Verification of Serviceability Limits State

The serviceability limit state check shall be carried out to keep the stress, deflections, crack
width within the permissible limits as per relevant IS codes. (IS 800:2007 & IS 456:2000)

As per IRC: 6 the rare combination of loads shall be used for checking the stress limit with
partial safety factor loads given in column No. 2 of table B.3 of IRC: 6.

The frequent combinations shall be used for checking the deflection and crack width in
prestress concrete structures, the partial safety factor for loads are given in column no.3 under
table B.3 of IRC: 6.
Quasi permanent Combination for checking the crack width in RCC structures, settlement,
creep effects and to estimate the permanent stress in the structure, a partial safety factor for
loads shown in column 4 under table B.3 of IRC: 6.

4.4 Load Combinations for Base Pressure

Load combinations for checking the base pressure in open foundations/pile capacity are as per
Clause 706 of IRC: 78.

4.5 Load Combinations for Structural Design of Foundation

The partial load factors for the structural design of foundations are taken from Table B.4 of
IRC: 6.

5 Design Parameters

5.1 Durability

Design Life of the structure shall be 100 years as per cl. 5.8.1 of IRC: 112. Durability
parameters for flyover structure shall be as follows:

5.1.1 Exposure Condition

Exposure conditions will be ‘Severe condition of Exposure’ as per Table 14.1, IRC: 112. The
exposure condition is decided as per the ambient maximum relative humidity (>75%). This applies
both to the substructure and the foundation.
All the exposed concrete surfaces shall be provided with 2 coats of Anti-carbonation paint
and one coat of compatible primer as per technical specifications.

5.1.2 Minimum Concrete Cover

Cover to the reinforcement shall be the minimum clear distance measured from the inside
edge of form finish surface of the concrete to the closest reinforcing bars. Minimum concrete
cover is decided based on durability provisions as per Table 14.2, IRC: 112, in this case being 45mm.

The clear concrete cover to reinforcement shall not be less than the following:

 Wall piers and Abutments: 50 mm

 MAT foundation: 75mm

5.1.3 Minimum Reinforcement for Temperature and Shrinkage Effects

If the reinforcement required as per structural design is nominal, a minimum

reinforcement (as per IRC: 112 Clause 12.3.3) shall be provided in structural elements
to control the cracks due to internal deformation such as shrinkage and temperature

5.2 Permissible Stresses

5.2.1 Permissible Stresses in RCC Members Permissible Stresses in Concrete

As per Clause 12.2.1 of IRC: 112, maximum allowable compressive stress in concrete under
rare combination of loads is 0.48 fck and the same under quasi-permanent loads is 0.36 fck. Permissible stresses in reinforcing steel

As per Clause 12.2.2 of IRC: 112, maximum allowable tensile stress in reinforcement shall be
limited to 0.8 fyk under rare combination of loads with due consideration to long term creep of

5.2.2 Permissible Stresses in Structural Steel

 Permissible stresses in welds will be as per clause 516.6, IRC: 24.
 Permissible stresses in steel members will be as per Table 6.2, IRC: 24.
 Decrease in permissible stresses in structural steel members will be as per Table 6.1, IRC: 24

5.2.3 Fatigue Design

As per Cl. of IRC: 112, Fatigue verification is not necessary for the following:
 For RCC structures when the stress in the tensile reinforcement is less that 300Mpa
under SLS Rare combination.

IRC: 6 Clause 204.6 defines the vehicle to be considered for fatigue analysis. Special
reference to Euro code EN-1992-1-1 & EN-1992-2, for permissible stresses shall be made in
case the above conditions are not satisfied and fatigue check is required

5.3 Limit State of Cracking

Crack width check shall be carried out as per Clause 12.3.4 of IRC: 112. Crack width shall
not exceed the admissible value defined in Table 12.1 of IRC: 112 for the load combinations
as given below:
For Severe Exposure conditions
 Under Quasi permanent load combination for RCC = 0.3 mm.
 Further minimum reinforcement for reinforced concrete members for crack control
shall be provided as per Clause 12.3.3 of IRC: 112
The clear cover, c shall be a maximum of 50mm as per Sl. No. 6 of Amendment No. 1/IRC:

5.4 Limit State of Deflection

The deflection limits for steel members shall be as per IS800:2007

6. Vertical Gradient
Vertical gradient is absent.

7. Cross-slope
A minimum cross slope of 2.5% is provided on superstructure for drainage.

8. Deck Drainage
Drainage spouts shall be provided on the bridge deck. These shall be connected to
longitudinal runner pipes and drained to ground level by down-take pipes at pier location
based on the drainage design. Drainage details along with details for lighting and electricals
will be provided by separate agencies and the necessary provisions will be incorporated in the

9. Detailing

General detailing aspects like lapping, anchorage lengths etc. shall be followed as per section
15 of IRC: 112.
The basic lap length of various bar diameter with various grade are as shown in the table

Dia (Ø Basic Lap Length (mm)

(mm) M25 M30 M35 M40 M45 M50 M60
10 660 560 510 480 450 410 350
12 790 680 610 580 540 490 420
16 1060 900 810 770 720 650 560
20 1320 1120 1010 960 900 820 700
25 1650 1400 1260 1190 1120 1020 875
32 2110 1800 1620 1530 1440 1300 1120
36* 2470 2100 1890 1790 1680 1530 1320
Table 4: Basic Lap Lengths for concrete
* - Considering 50% of bars lapped at a cross section as per Clause 15.2.5 of IRC: 112. For lapping in
unfavourable condition the above values should be multiplied by a factor of 1.43 as per Clause 15.2.3 of IRC:
- The values shown are considering the multiplying factor for > 32 mm as per Clause
15.2.3 of IRC: 112
10 Codes, Specifications and Standards

Standard specifications and codes of practice for road bridges of the IRC: wherever applicable
are followed. The following codes have been followed with their latest amendments:

S.No. Code of Practise Code Title

1 IRC: 5 (2015) General Features of Design (Eight revision)
2 IRC: 6 (2017) Loads and Stresses (Revised edition) with latest amendments
3 IRC: 22 (2015) Composite Construction (Limit States Design) (Third revision) with
latest amendments
4 IRC: 24 (2010) Steel Road Bridges (Limit State Method) (Third Revision) with latest
5 IRC: 78 (2014) Foundations and Substructures (Revised edition) with Latest
6 IRC:112 (2011) Code of practice for Concrete Road Bridges) with Latest
7 IRC(SP): 114 (2018) Guidelines for Seismic Design of Road bridges
8 IRC: 83-2018 Part 2 Elastomeric Bearings
9 IRC: 83-2018 Part 3 POT/PTFE Bearings
10 IRC: 83-2018 Part 4 Spherical Bearings
11 IRC(SP):69 (2011) Guidelines to Design and Construction of Expansion Joints
12 IRC(SP):73 (2015) Manual of Specifications & Standards for two laning of Highways
with paved shoulder
12 IS:2950.1 (1981) Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations,
Part 1: Design
13 MoRTH – Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Works (2013)
Table 5: List of Codes and Specifications to be used for the project

11 Software for Analysis

MIDAS Civil.

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